#ifndef ROOT_TMonitor
#define ROOT_TMonitor
#ifndef ROOT_TObject
#include "TObject.h"
#ifndef ROOT_TQObject
#include "TQObject.h"
class TList;
class TSocket;
class TMonitor : public TObject , public TQObject {
friend class TSocketHandler;
friend class TTimeOutTimer;
friend class TXSlave;
friend class TXSocket;
TList *fActive;
TList *fDeActive;
TSocket *fReady;
Bool_t fMainLoop;
Bool_t fInterrupt;
void SetReady(TSocket *sock);
void *GetSender() { return this; }
enum EInterest { kRead = 1, kWrite = 2 };
TMonitor(Bool_t mainloop = kTRUE);
virtual ~TMonitor();
virtual void Add(TSocket *sock, Int_t interest = kRead);
virtual void SetInterest(TSocket *sock, Int_t interest = kRead);
virtual void Remove(TSocket *sock);
virtual void RemoveAll();
virtual void Activate(TSocket *sock);
virtual void ActivateAll();
virtual void DeActivate(TSocket *sock);
virtual void DeActivateAll();
virtual void Ready(TSocket *sock);
void Interrupt() { fInterrupt = kTRUE; }
TSocket *Select();
TSocket *Select(Long_t timeout);
Int_t Select(TList *rdready, TList *wrready, Long_t timeout);
Int_t GetActive() const;
Int_t GetDeActive() const;
TList *GetListOfActives() const;
TList *GetListOfDeActives() const;
Bool_t IsActive(TSocket *s) const;
Last update: Thu Jan 17 09:00:15 2008
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