// @(#)root/oracle:$Id: TOracleResult.cxx 20882 2007-11-19 11:31:26Z rdm $
// Author: Yan Liu and Shaowen Wang   23/11/04

 * Copyright (C) 1995-2005, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
 * All rights reserved.                                                  *
 *                                                                       *
 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *

#include "TOracleResult.h"
#include "TOracleRow.h"
#include "TList.h"

using namespace std;


void TOracleResult::initResultSet(Statement *stmt)
   // Oracle query result.

   if (!stmt) {
      Error("initResultSet()", "construction: empty statement");
   } else {
      try {
         fStmt = stmt;
         if (stmt->status() == Statement::RESULT_SET_AVAILABLE) {
            fResultType  = 1;
            fResult      = stmt->getResultSet();
            fFieldInfo   = (fResult==0) ? 0 : new vector<MetaData>(fResult->getColumnListMetaData());
            fFieldCount  = (fFieldInfo==0) ? 0 : fFieldInfo->size();
         } else if (stmt->status() == Statement::UPDATE_COUNT_AVAILABLE) {
            fResultType  = 3; // this is update_count_available
            fResult      = 0;
            fFieldInfo   = 0;
            fFieldCount  = 0;
            fUpdateCount = stmt->getUpdateCount();
      } catch (SQLException &oraex) {
         Error("initResultSet()", (oraex.getMessage()).c_str());

TOracleResult::TOracleResult(Connection *conn, Statement *stmt)
   fConn        = conn;
   fResult      = 0;
   fStmt        = 0;
   fPool        = 0;
   fRowCount    = 0;
   fFieldInfo   = 0;
   fResultType  = 0;
   fUpdateCount = 0;
   if (fResult) ProducePool();

TOracleResult::TOracleResult(Connection *conn, const char *tableName)
   // This construction func is only used to get table metainfo.

   fResult      = 0;
   fStmt        = 0;
   fConn        = 0;
   fPool        = 0;
   fRowCount    = 0;
   fFieldInfo   = 0;
   fResultType  = 0;
   fUpdateCount = 0;
   if (!tableName || !conn) {
      Error("TOracleResult", "construction: empty input parameter");
   } else {
      MetaData connMD = conn->getMetaData(tableName, MetaData::PTYPE_TABLE);
      fFieldInfo   = new vector<MetaData>(connMD.getVector(MetaData::ATTR_LIST_COLUMNS));
      fFieldCount  = fFieldInfo->size();
      fResultType  = 2; // indicates that this is just an table metainfo

   // Cleanup Oracle query result.


void TOracleResult::Close(Option_t *)
   // Close query result.

   if (fConn && fStmt) {
      if (fResult) fStmt->closeResultSet(fResult);
   if (fPool) {
      delete fPool;   

   if (fFieldInfo)
      delete fFieldInfo;

   fResultType = 0;
   fStmt = 0;
   fResult = 0;
   fFieldInfo = 0;
   fPool = 0;

Bool_t TOracleResult::IsValid(Int_t field)
   // Check if result set is open and field index within range.

   if (field < 0 || field >= fFieldCount) {
      Error("IsValid", "field index out of bounds");
      return kFALSE;
   return kTRUE;

Int_t TOracleResult::GetFieldCount()
   // Get number of fields in result.

   return fFieldCount;

const char *TOracleResult::GetFieldName(Int_t field)
   // Get name of specified field.

   if (!IsValid(field))
      return 0;
   fNameBuffer = (*fFieldInfo)[field].getString(MetaData::ATTR_NAME);
   return fNameBuffer.c_str();

TSQLRow *TOracleResult::Next()
   // Get next query result row. The returned object must be
   // deleted by the user.

   if (!fResult || (fResultType!=1)) return 0;
   if (fPool!=0) {
      TSQLRow* row = (TSQLRow*) fPool->First();
      if (row!=0) fPool->Remove(row);
      return row;

   // if select query,
   try {
      if (fResult->next()) {
         return new TOracleRow(fResult, fFieldInfo);
      } else
         return 0;
   } catch (SQLException &oraex) {
      Error("Next()", (oraex.getMessage()).c_str());
   return 0;

Int_t TOracleResult::GetRowCount() const
   if (!fResult) return 0;
   if (fPool==0) ((TOracleResult*) this)->ProducePool();
   return fRowCount; 

void TOracleResult::ProducePool()
   if (fPool!=0) return;
   TList* pool = new TList;
   TSQLRow* res = 0;
   while ((res = Next()) !=0) {
   fPool = pool;

Last update: Thu Jan 17 09:00:37 2008

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