// @(#)root/proof:$Id: TProofServ.h 20882 2007-11-19 11:31:26Z rdm $
// Author: Fons Rademakers   16/02/97

 * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
 * All rights reserved.                                                  *
 *                                                                       *
 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *

#ifndef ROOT_TProofServ
#define ROOT_TProofServ

//                                                                      //
// TProofServ                                                           //
//                                                                      //
// TProofServ is the PROOF server. It can act either as the master      //
// server or as a slave server, depending on its startup arguments. It  //
// receives and handles message coming from the client or from the      //
// master server.                                                       //
//                                                                      //

#ifndef ROOT_TApplication
#include "TApplication.h"
#ifndef ROOT_TString
#include "TString.h"
#ifndef ROOT_TSysEvtHandler
#include "TSysEvtHandler.h"
#ifndef ROOT_TStopwatch
#include "TStopwatch.h"
#ifndef ROOT_TTimer
#include "TTimer.h"
#ifndef ROOT_TProofQueryResult
#include "TProofQueryResult.h"

class TDSet;
class TProof;
class TVirtualProofPlayer;
class TProofLockPath;
class TSocket;
class THashList;
class TList;
class TDSetElement;
class TMessage;
class TTimer;
class TMutex;

// Hook to external function setting up authentication related stuff
// for old versions.
// For backward compatibility
typedef Int_t (*OldProofServAuthSetup_t)(TSocket *, Bool_t, Int_t,
                                         TString &, TString &, TString &);

class TProofServ : public TApplication {

friend class TXProofServ;

   enum EQueryAction { kQueryOK, kQueryModify, kQueryStop };

   TString       fService;          //service we are running, either "proofserv" or "proofslave"
   TString       fUser;             //user as which we run
   TString       fGroup;            //group the user belongs to
   TString       fConfDir;          //directory containing cluster config information
   TString       fConfFile;         //file containing config information
   TString       fWorkDir;          //directory containing all proof related info
   TString       fImage;            //image name of the session
   TString       fSessionTag;       //tag for the session
   TString       fSessionDir;       //directory containing session dependent files
   TString       fPackageDir;       //directory containing packages and user libs
   THashList    *fGlobalPackageDirList;  //list of directories containing global packages libs
   TString       fCacheDir;         //directory containing cache of user files
   TString       fQueryDir;         //directory containing query results and status
   TString       fDataSetDir;       //directory containing info about known data sets
   TProofLockPath *fPackageLock;    //package dir locker
   TProofLockPath *fCacheLock;      //cache dir locker
   TProofLockPath *fQueryLock;      //query dir locker
   TProofLockPath *fDataSetLock;    //dataset dir locker
   TString       fArchivePath;      //default archive path
   TSocket      *fSocket;           //socket connection to client
   TProof       *fProof;            //PROOF talking to slave servers
   TVirtualProofPlayer *fPlayer;    //actual player
   FILE         *fLogFile;          //log file
   Int_t         fLogFileDes;       //log file descriptor
   TList        *fEnabledPackages;  //list of enabled packages
   Int_t         fProtocol;         //protocol version number
   TString       fOrdinal;          //slave ordinal number
   Int_t         fGroupId;          //slave unique id in the active slave group
   Int_t         fGroupSize;        //size of the active slave group
   Int_t         fLogLevel;         //debug logging level
   Int_t         fNcmd;             //command history number
   Int_t         fGroupPriority;    //priority of group the user belongs to (0 - 100)
   Bool_t        fEndMaster;        //true for a master in direct contact only with workers
   Bool_t        fMasterServ;       //true if we are a master server
   Bool_t        fInterrupt;        //if true macro execution will be stopped
   Float_t       fRealTime;         //real time spent executing commands
   Float_t       fCpuTime;          //CPU time spent executing commands
   TStopwatch    fLatency;          //measures latency of packet requests
   TStopwatch    fCompute;          //measures time spend processing a packet

   Int_t         fSeqNum;           //sequential number of last processed query
   Int_t         fDrawQueries;      //number of draw queries processed
   Int_t         fKeptQueries;      //number of queries fully in memory and in dir
   TList        *fQueries;          //list of TProofQueryResult objects
   TList        *fPreviousQueries;  //list of TProofQueryResult objects from previous sections
   TList        *fWaitingQueries;   //list of TProofQueryResult wating to be processed
   Bool_t        fIdle;             //TRUE if idle

   TString       fPrefix;           //Prefix identifying the node

   Bool_t        fRealTimeLog;      //TRUE if log messages should be send back in real-time

   Bool_t        fShutdownWhenIdle; // If TRUE, start shutdown delay countdown when idle
   TTimer       *fShutdownTimer;    // Timer used for delayed session shutdown
   TMutex       *fShutdownTimerMtx; // Actions on the timer must be atomic

   Int_t         fInflateFactor;    // Factor in 1/1000 to inflate the CPU time

   // Quotas (-1 to disable)
   Int_t         fMaxQueries;       //Max number of queries fully kept
   Long64_t      fMaxBoxSize;       //Max size of the sandbox
   Long64_t      fHWMBoxSize;       //High-Water-Mark on the sandbox size

   void          RedirectOutput();
   Int_t         CatMotd();
   Int_t         UnloadPackage(const char *package);
   Int_t         UnloadPackages();
   Int_t         OldAuthSetup(TString &wconf);
   Int_t         GetPriority();

   // Query handlers
   void          AddLogFile(TProofQueryResult *pq);
   Int_t         ApplyMaxQueries();
   Int_t         CleanupQueriesDir();
   void          FinalizeQuery(TProofQueryResult *pq);
   TList        *GetDataSet(const char *name);

   TProofQueryResult *MakeQueryResult(Long64_t nentries, const char *opt,
                                      TList *inl, Long64_t first, TDSet *dset,
                                      const char *selec, TObject *elist);
   TProofQueryResult *LocateQuery(TString queryref, Int_t &qry, TString &qdir);
   void          RemoveQuery(TQueryResult *qr, Bool_t soft = kFALSE);
   void          RemoveQuery(const char *queryref);
   void          SaveQuery(TQueryResult *qr, const char *fout = 0);
   void          SetQueryRunning(TProofQueryResult *pq);

   Int_t         LockSession(const char *sessiontag, TProofLockPath **lck);
   Int_t         CleanupSession(const char *sessiontag);
   void          ScanPreviousQueries(const char *dir);

   virtual void  HandleArchive(TMessage *mess);
   virtual Int_t HandleCache(TMessage *mess);
   virtual Int_t HandleDataSets(TMessage *mess);
   virtual void  HandleCheckFile(TMessage *mess);
   virtual void  HandleLibIncPath(TMessage *mess);
   virtual void  HandleProcess(TMessage *mess);
   virtual void  HandleQueryList(TMessage *mess);
   virtual void  HandleRemove(TMessage *mess);
   virtual void  HandleRetrieve(TMessage *mess);
   virtual void  HandleWorkerLists(TMessage *mess);

   virtual void  HandleSocketInputDuringProcess();
   virtual Int_t Setup();
   Int_t         SetupCommon();
   virtual void  MakePlayer();
   virtual void  DeletePlayer();

   virtual void  SetShutdownTimer(Bool_t, Int_t) { }

   static void   ErrorHandler(Int_t level, Bool_t abort, const char *location,
                              const char *msg);

   TProofServ(Int_t *argc, char **argv, FILE *flog = 0);
   virtual ~TProofServ();

   virtual Int_t  CreateServer();

   TProof        *GetProof()      const { return fProof; }
   const char    *GetService()    const { return fService; }
   const char    *GetConfDir()    const { return fConfDir; }
   const char    *GetConfFile()   const { return fConfFile; }
   const char    *GetUser()       const { return fUser; }
   const char    *GetGroup()      const { return fGroup; }
   const char    *GetWorkDir()    const { return fWorkDir; }
   const char    *GetImage()      const { return fImage; }
   const char    *GetSessionTag() const { return fSessionTag; }
   const char    *GetSessionDir() const { return fSessionDir; }
   Int_t          GetProtocol()   const { return fProtocol; }
   const char    *GetOrdinal()    const { return fOrdinal; }
   Int_t          GetGroupId()    const { return fGroupId; }
   Int_t          GetGroupSize()  const { return fGroupSize; }
   Int_t          GetLogLevel()   const { return fLogLevel; }
   TSocket       *GetSocket()     const { return fSocket; }
   Float_t        GetRealTime()   const { return fRealTime; }
   Float_t        GetCpuTime()    const { return fCpuTime; }
   void           GetOptions(Int_t *argc, char **argv);

   Int_t          GetInflateFactor() const { return fInflateFactor; }

   const char    *GetPrefix()     const { return fPrefix; }

   void           FlushLogFile();

   Int_t          CopyFromCache(const char *name);
   Int_t          CopyToCache(const char *name, Int_t opt = 0);

   virtual EQueryAction GetWorkers(TList *workers, Int_t &prioritychange);

   virtual void   HandleException(Int_t sig);
   virtual void   HandleSocketInput();
   virtual void   HandleUrgentData();
   virtual void   HandleSigPipe();
   virtual void   HandleTermination() { Terminate(0); }
   void           Interrupt() { fInterrupt = kTRUE; }
   Bool_t         IsEndMaster() const { return fEndMaster; }
   Bool_t         IsMaster() const { return fMasterServ; }
   Bool_t         IsParallel() const;
   Bool_t         IsTopMaster() const { return fOrdinal == "0"; }

   void           Run(Bool_t retrn = kFALSE);

   void           Print(Option_t *option="") const;

   TObject       *Get(const char *namecycle);
   TDSetElement  *GetNextPacket(Long64_t totalEntries = -1);
   void           Reset(const char *dir);
   Int_t          ReceiveFile(const char *file, Bool_t bin, Long64_t size);
   virtual Int_t  SendAsynMessage(const char *msg, Bool_t lf = kTRUE);
   virtual void   SendLogFile(Int_t status = 0, Int_t start = -1, Int_t end = -1);
   void           SendStatistics();
   void           SendParallel();

   // Disable / Enable read timeout
   virtual void   DisableTimeout() { }
   virtual void   EnableTimeout() { }

   virtual void   Terminate(Int_t status);

   static Bool_t      IsActive();
   static TProofServ *This();

   ClassDef(TProofServ,0)  //PROOF Server Application Interface

R__EXTERN TProofServ *gProofServ;

class TProofLockPath : public TNamed {
   Int_t         fLockId;        //file id of dir lock

   TProofLockPath(const char *path) : TNamed(path,path), fLockId(-1) { }
   ~TProofLockPath() { if (IsLocked()) Unlock(); }

   Int_t         Lock();
   Int_t         Unlock();

   Bool_t        IsLocked() const { return (fLockId > -1); }

class TProofLockPathGuard {
   TProofLockPath  *fLocker; //locker instance

   TProofLockPathGuard(TProofLockPath *l) { fLocker = l; if (fLocker) fLocker->Lock(); }
   ~TProofLockPathGuard() { if (fLocker) fLocker->Unlock(); }

//----- Handles output from commands executed externally via a pipe. ---------//
//----- The output is redirected one level up (i.e., to master or client). ---//
class TProofServLogHandler : public TFileHandler {
   TSocket     *fSocket; // Socket where to redirect the message
   FILE        *fFile;   // File connected with the open pipe
   TString      fPfx;    // Prefix to be prepended to messages

   static TString fgPfx; // Default prefix to be prepended to messages
   enum EStatusBits { kFileIsPipe = BIT(23) };
   TProofServLogHandler(const char *cmd, TSocket *s, const char *pfx = "");
   TProofServLogHandler(FILE *f, TSocket *s, const char *pfx = "");
   virtual ~TProofServLogHandler();

   Bool_t IsValid() { return ((fFile && fSocket) ? kTRUE : kFALSE); }

   Bool_t Notify();
   Bool_t ReadNotify() { return Notify(); }

   static void SetDefaultPrefix(const char *pfx);

//--- Guard class: close pipe, deactivatethe related descriptor --------------//
class TProofServLogHandlerGuard {

   TProofServLogHandler   *fExecHandler;

   TProofServLogHandlerGuard(const char *cmd, TSocket *s,
                             const char *pfx = "", Bool_t on = kTRUE);
   TProofServLogHandlerGuard(FILE *f, TSocket *s,
                             const char *pfx = "", Bool_t on = kTRUE);
   virtual ~TProofServLogHandlerGuard();

//--- Special timer to constrol delayed shutdowns
class TShutdownTimer : public TTimer {
   TProofServ    *fProofServ;

   TShutdownTimer(TProofServ *p, Int_t delay) : TTimer(delay, kFALSE), fProofServ(p) { }

   Bool_t Notify();


Last update: Thu Jan 17 09:02:00 2008

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