#ifndef ROOT_TSelector
#define ROOT_TSelector
#ifndef ROOT_TObject
#include "TObject.h"
#ifndef ROOT_TString
#include "TString.h"
#ifndef ROOT_TSelectorList
#include "TSelectorList.h"
class TTree;
class TSelector : public TObject {
enum EAbort { kContinue, kAbortProcess, kAbortFile };
Long64_t fStatus;
EAbort fAbort;
TString fOption;
TObject *fObject;
TList *fInput;
TSelectorList *fOutput;
TSelector(const TSelector&);
TSelector& operator=(const TSelector&);
virtual ~TSelector();
virtual int Version() const { return 0; }
virtual void Init(TTree *) { }
virtual void Begin(TTree *) { }
virtual void SlaveBegin(TTree *) { }
virtual Bool_t Notify() { return kTRUE; }
virtual const char *GetOption() const { return fOption; }
virtual Long64_t GetStatus() const { return fStatus; }
virtual Int_t GetEntry(Long64_t , Int_t = 0) { return 0; }
virtual Bool_t ProcessCut(Long64_t ) { return kTRUE; }
virtual void ProcessFill(Long64_t ) { }
virtual Bool_t Process(Long64_t ) { return kFALSE; }
virtual void SetOption(const char *option) { fOption = option; }
virtual void SetObject(TObject *obj) { fObject = obj; }
virtual void SetInputList(TList *input) { fInput = input; }
virtual void SetStatus(Long64_t status) { fStatus = status; }
virtual TList *GetOutputList() const { return fOutput; }
virtual void SlaveTerminate() { }
virtual void Terminate() { }
virtual void Abort(const char *why, EAbort what = kAbortProcess);
virtual EAbort GetAbort() const { return fAbort; }
static TSelector *GetSelector(const char *filename);
static Bool_t IsStandardDraw(const char *selec);
Last update: Thu Jan 17 09:03:14 2008
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