#ifndef ROOT_TVectorT
#define ROOT_TVectorT
#ifndef ROOT_TMatrixT
#include "TMatrixT.h"
#ifndef ROOT_TMatrixTSym
#include "TMatrixTSym.h"
#ifndef ROOT_TMatrixTSparse
#include "TMatrixTSparse.h"
template<class Element> class TVectorT : public TObject {
Int_t fNrows;
Int_t fRowLwb;
Element *fElements;
enum {kSizeMax = 5};
enum {kWorkMax = 100};
Element fDataStack[kSizeMax];
Bool_t fIsOwner;
Element* New_m (Int_t size);
void Delete_m(Int_t size,Element*&);
Int_t Memcpy_m(Element *newp,const Element *oldp,Int_t copySize,
Int_t newSize,Int_t oldSize);
void Allocate(Int_t nrows,Int_t row_lwb = 0,Int_t init = 0);
enum EVectorStatusBits {
kStatus = BIT(14)
TVectorT() : fNrows(0), fRowLwb(0), fElements(0), fIsOwner(kTRUE) { }
explicit TVectorT(Int_t n);
TVectorT(Int_t lwb,Int_t upb);
TVectorT(Int_t n,const Element *elements);
TVectorT(Int_t lwb,Int_t upb,const Element *elements);
TVectorT(const TVectorT <Element> &another);
TVectorT(const TMatrixTRow_const <Element> &mr);
TVectorT(const TMatrixTColumn_const<Element> &mc);
TVectorT(const TMatrixTDiag_const <Element> &md);
template <class Element2> TVectorT(const TVectorT<Element2> &another)
*this = another;
#ifndef __CINT__
TVectorT(Int_t lwb,Int_t upb,Element iv1, ...);
virtual ~TVectorT() { Clear(); }
inline Int_t GetLwb () const { return fRowLwb; }
inline Int_t GetUpb () const { return fNrows+fRowLwb-1; }
inline Int_t GetNrows () const { return fNrows; }
inline Int_t GetNoElements() const { return fNrows; }
inline Element *GetMatrixArray () { return fElements; }
inline const Element *GetMatrixArray () const { return fElements; }
inline void Invalidate () { SetBit(kStatus); }
inline void MakeValid () { ResetBit(kStatus); }
inline Bool_t IsValid () const { return !TestBit(kStatus); }
inline Bool_t IsOwner () const { return fIsOwner; }
inline void SetElements(const Element *elements) { R__ASSERT(IsValid());
memcpy(fElements,elements,fNrows*sizeof(Element)); }
inline TVectorT<Element> &Shift (Int_t row_shift) { fRowLwb += row_shift; return *this; }
TVectorT<Element> &ResizeTo (Int_t lwb,Int_t upb);
inline TVectorT<Element> &ResizeTo (Int_t n) { return ResizeTo(0,n-1); }
inline TVectorT<Element> &ResizeTo (const TVectorT<Element> &v) { return ResizeTo(v.GetLwb(),v.GetUpb()); }
TVectorT<Element> &Use (Int_t n,Element *data);
TVectorT<Element> &Use (Int_t lwb,Int_t upb,Element *data);
TVectorT<Element> &Use (TVectorT<Element> &v);
TVectorT<Element> &GetSub (Int_t row_lwb,Int_t row_upb,TVectorT<Element> &target,Option_t *option="S") const;
TVectorT<Element> GetSub (Int_t row_lwb,Int_t row_upb,Option_t *option="S") const;
TVectorT<Element> &SetSub (Int_t row_lwb,const TVectorT<Element> &source);
TVectorT<Element> &Zero();
TVectorT<Element> &Abs ();
TVectorT<Element> &Sqr ();
TVectorT<Element> &Sqrt();
TVectorT<Element> &Invert();
TVectorT<Element> &SelectNonZeros(const TVectorT<Element> &select);
Element Norm1 () const;
Element Norm2Sqr() const;
Element NormInf () const;
Int_t NonZeros() const;
Element Sum () const;
Element Min () const;
Element Max () const;
inline const Element &operator()(Int_t index) const;
inline Element &operator()(Int_t index) { return (Element&)((*(const TVectorT<Element> *)this)(index)); }
inline const Element &operator[](Int_t index) const { return (Element&)((*(const TVectorT<Element> *)this)(index)); }
inline Element &operator[](Int_t index) { return (Element&)((*(const TVectorT<Element> *)this)(index)); }
TVectorT<Element> &operator= (const TVectorT <Element> &source);
TVectorT<Element> &operator= (const TMatrixTRow_const <Element> &mr);
TVectorT<Element> &operator= (const TMatrixTColumn_const <Element> &mc);
TVectorT<Element> &operator= (const TMatrixTDiag_const <Element> &md);
TVectorT<Element> &operator= (const TMatrixTSparseRow_const <Element> &md);
TVectorT<Element> &operator= (const TMatrixTSparseDiag_const<Element> &md);
template <class Element2> TVectorT<Element> &operator= (const TVectorT<Element2> &source)
if (!AreCompatible(*this,source)) {
Error("operator=(const TVectorT2 &)","vectors not compatible");
return *this;
const Element2 * const ps = source.GetMatrixArray();
Element * const pt = GetMatrixArray();
for (Int_t i = 0; i < this->fNrows; i++)
pt[i] = ps[i];
return *this;
TVectorT<Element> &operator= (Element val);
TVectorT<Element> &operator+=(Element val);
TVectorT<Element> &operator-=(Element val);
TVectorT<Element> &operator*=(Element val);
TVectorT<Element> &operator+=(const TVectorT <Element> &source);
TVectorT<Element> &operator-=(const TVectorT <Element> &source);
TVectorT<Element> &operator*=(const TMatrixT <Element> &a);
TVectorT<Element> &operator*=(const TMatrixTSym <Element> &a);
TVectorT<Element> &operator*=(const TMatrixTSparse<Element> &a);
Bool_t operator==(Element val) const;
Bool_t operator!=(Element val) const;
Bool_t operator< (Element val) const;
Bool_t operator<=(Element val) const;
Bool_t operator> (Element val) const;
Bool_t operator>=(Element val) const;
Bool_t MatchesNonZeroPattern(const TVectorT<Element> &select);
Bool_t SomePositive (const TVectorT<Element> &select);
void AddSomeConstant (Element val,const TVectorT<Element> &select);
void Randomize (Element alpha,Element beta,Double_t &seed);
TVectorT<Element> &Apply(const TElementActionT <Element> &action);
TVectorT<Element> &Apply(const TElementPosActionT<Element> &action);
void Add(const TVectorT<Element> &v);
void Add(const TVectorT<Element> &v1, const TVectorT<Element> &v2);
void Clear(Option_t * ="") { if (fIsOwner) Delete_m(fNrows,fElements);
else fElements = 0; fNrows = 0; }
void Draw (Option_t *option="");
void Print(Option_t *option="") const;
template<class Element> inline TVectorT<Element> &TVectorT<Element>::Use (Int_t n,Element *data) { return Use(0,n-1,data); }
template<class Element> inline TVectorT<Element> &TVectorT<Element>::Use (TVectorT &v)
return Use(v.GetLwb(),v.GetUpb(),v.GetMatrixArray());
template<class Element> inline TVectorT<Element> TVectorT<Element>::GetSub (Int_t row_lwb,Int_t row_upb,Option_t *option) const
TVectorT tmp;
return tmp;
template<class Element> inline const Element &TVectorT<Element>::operator()(Int_t ind) const
const Int_t aind = ind-fRowLwb;
if (aind >= fNrows || aind < 0) {
Error("operator()","Request index(%d) outside vector range of %d - %d",ind,fRowLwb,fRowLwb+fNrows);
return fElements[0];
return fElements[aind];
template<class Element1,class Element2>
Bool_t AreCompatible(const TVectorT <Element1> &source1,const TVectorT <Element2> &source2, Int_t verbose=0);
template<class Element> Bool_t operator== (const TVectorT <Element> &source1,const TVectorT <Element> &source2);
template<class Element> TVectorT<Element> operator+ (const TVectorT <Element> &source1,const TVectorT <Element> &source2);
template<class Element> TVectorT<Element> operator- (const TVectorT <Element> &source1,const TVectorT <Element> &source2);
template<class Element> Element operator* (const TVectorT <Element> &source1,const TVectorT <Element> &source2);
template<class Element> TVectorT<Element> operator* (const TMatrixT <Element> &a, const TVectorT <Element> &source);
template<class Element> TVectorT<Element> operator* (const TMatrixTSym <Element> &a, const TVectorT <Element> &source);
template<class Element> TVectorT<Element> operator* (const TMatrixTSparse<Element> &a, const TVectorT <Element> &source);
template<class Element> TVectorT<Element> operator* ( Element val, const TVectorT <Element> &source);
template<class Element> Element Dot (const TVectorT <Element> &source1,const TVectorT <Element> &source2);
template<class Element> TVectorT<Element> &Add ( TVectorT <Element> &target, Element scalar, const TVectorT<Element> &source);
template<class Element> TVectorT<Element> &Add ( TVectorT <Element> &target, Element , const TMatrixT <Element> &a,
const TVectorT<Element> &source);
template<class Element> TVectorT<Element> &Add ( TVectorT <Element> &target, Element , const TMatrixTSym <Element> &a,
const TVectorT<Element> &source);
template<class Element> TVectorT<Element> &Add ( TVectorT <Element> &target, Element , const TMatrixTSparse<Element> &a,
const TVectorT<Element> &source);
template<class Element> TVectorT<Element> &AddElemMult ( TVectorT <Element> &target, Element scalar, const TVectorT<Element> &source1,
const TVectorT <Element> &source2);
template<class Element> TVectorT<Element> &AddElemMult ( TVectorT <Element> &target, Element scalar, const TVectorT<Element> &source1,
const TVectorT <Element> &source2,const TVectorT <Element> &select);
template<class Element> TVectorT<Element> &AddElemDiv ( TVectorT <Element> &target, Element scalar, const TVectorT<Element> &source1,
const TVectorT <Element> &source2);
template<class Element> TVectorT<Element> &AddElemDiv ( TVectorT <Element> &target, Element scalar, const TVectorT<Element> &source1,
const TVectorT <Element> &source2,const TVectorT <Element> &select);
template<class Element> TVectorT<Element> &ElementMult ( TVectorT <Element> &target, const TVectorT <Element> &source);
template<class Element> TVectorT<Element> &ElementMult ( TVectorT <Element> &target, const TVectorT <Element> &source, const TVectorT<Element> &select);
template<class Element> TVectorT<Element> &ElementDiv ( TVectorT <Element> &target, const TVectorT <Element> &source);
template<class Element> TVectorT<Element> &ElementDiv ( TVectorT <Element> &target, const TVectorT <Element> &source, const TVectorT<Element> &select);
template<class Element> void Compare (const TVectorT <Element> &source1,const TVectorT <Element> &source2);
template<class Element> Bool_t VerifyVectorValue
(const TVectorT <Element> &m, Element val, Int_t verbose,
Element maxDevAllow);
template<class Element> Bool_t VerifyVectorValue
(const TVectorT <Element> &m, Element val, Int_t verbose)
{ return VerifyVectorValue(m,val,verbose,Element(0.0)); }
template<class Element> Bool_t VerifyVectorValue
(const TVectorT <Element> &m, Element val)
{ return VerifyVectorValue(m,val,1,Element(0.0)); }
template<class Element> Bool_t VerifyVectorIdentity
(const TVectorT <Element> &m1, const TVectorT <Element> &m2, Int_t verbose,
Element maxDevAllow);
template<class Element> Bool_t VerifyVectorIdentity
(const TVectorT <Element> &m1, const TVectorT <Element> &m2, Int_t verbose)
{ return VerifyVectorIdentity(m1,m2,verbose,Element(0.0)); }
template<class Element> Bool_t VerifyVectorIdentity
(const TVectorT <Element> &m1, const TVectorT <Element> &m2)
{ return VerifyVectorIdentity(m1,m2,1,Element(0.0)); }
Last update: Thu Jan 17 09:04:57 2008
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