 * Project: RooFit                                                           *
 * Package: RooFitCore                                                       *
 * @(#)root/roofitcore:$Id: RooSimWSTool.cxx 24280 2008-06-15 20:57:45Z wouter $
 * Authors:                                                                  *
 *   WV, Wouter Verkerke, UC Santa Barbara, verkerke@slac.stanford.edu       *
 *   DK, David Kirkby,    UC Irvine,         dkirkby@uci.edu                 *
 *                                                                           *
 * Copyright (c) 2000-2005, Regents of the University of California          *
 *                          and Stanford University. All rights reserved.    *
 *                                                                           *
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms,                        *
 * with or without modification, are permitted according to the terms        *
 * listed in LICENSE (http://roofit.sourceforge.net/license.txt)             *

// Class RooSimWSTool is a tool operating on RooWorkspace objects that
// can clone p.d.f.s into a series of variations that are joined together
// into a RooSimultanous p.d.f.
// The simplest use case to to take a workspace p.d.f as prototype and
// 'split' a parameter of that p.d.f into two specialized parameters
// depending on a category in the dataset. 
// For example, given a Gaussian
// p.d.f G(x,m,s) we want to construct a G_a(x,m_a,s) and a G_b(x,m_b,s)
// with different mean parameters to be fit to a dataset with observables
// (x,c) where c is a category with states 'a' and 'b'
// Using RooSimWSTool one can create a simultaneous p.d.f from G_a and G_b
// from G with the following command
//   RooSimWSTool wst(wspace) ;
//   wst.build("G_sim","G",SplitParam("m","c")) ;
// From this simple example one can go to builds of arbitrary complexity
// by specifying multiple SplitParam arguments on multiple parameters
// involving multiple splitting categories. Splits can also be performed
// in the product multiple categories, e.g. 
//      SplitParam("m","c,d")) ;
// splits parameter m in the product of states of c and d. Another possibility
// is the 'constrained' split which clones the parameter for all but one state
// and insert a formula specialization in a chosen state that evaluates
// to 1 - sum_i(a_i) where a_i are all other specializations. For example,
// given a category c with state "A","B","C","D" the specification
//     SplitParamConstrained("m","c","D")
// will result in parameters m_A,m_B,m_C and a formula expression m_D
// that evaluates to (1-(m_A+m_B+m_C)). Constrained split can also be
// specified in product of categories. In that case the name of the
// remainder state follows the syntax "{State1;State2}" where State1 and
// State2 are the state names of the two spitting categories.
// The examples so far deal with a single prototype p.d.f. It is also
// possible to build with multiple prototype p.d.fs by specifying a 
// mapping between the prototype to use and the names of states of
// a 'master' splitting category. To specify these configurations
// an intermediate MultiBuildConfig must be composed with all
// the necessary specifications. For example, this code
//  RooSimWSTool::MultiBuildConfig mbc("mc") ;
//  mbc.addPdf("I","G",SplitParam("m,s","c")) ;
//  mbc.addPdf("II,III","F",SplitParam("a","c,d")) ;
// configures a build with two prototype p.d.f.s G and F.
// Prototype G is used for state "I" of master split category
// mc and prototype F is used for states "II" and "III" of
// master split category mc. Furthermore parameters m,s of prototype G are split
// in category c while parameter a of prototype F is split in
// the product of categories c and d. The actual build is then
// performed by passing the build configuration to RooSimWSTool, e.g.
//  wst.build("MASTER",mbc) ;
// By default, a specialization is built for each permutation of
// states of the spitting categories that are used. It is possible
// to restrict the building of specialized p.d.f to a subset of states
// by adding a restriction on the number of states to build as follows
//  mbc.restrictBuild("c","A,B") ;  
// The restrictBuild method can be called multiple times, but at most
// once for each used splitting category. For simple builds with a single
// prototype, restriction can be specified with a Restrict() argument
// on the build command line

#include "RooFit.h"
#include "RooSimWSTool.h"
#include "RooMsgService.h"
#include "RooCategory.h"
#include "RooRealVar.h"
#include "RooAbsPdf.h"
#include "RooStringVar.h"
#include "RooSuperCategory.h"
#include "RooCatType.h"
#include "RooCustomizer.h"
#include "RooMultiCategory.h"
#include "RooSimultaneous.h"
#include "RooGlobalFunc.h"
#include "RooFracRemainder.h"


using namespace std ;

RooSimWSTool::RooSimWSTool(RooWorkspace& ws) : _ws(&ws) 
  // Constructor of SimWSTool on given workspace. All input is taken from the workspace
  // All output is stored in the workspace

  // Destructor

RooSimultaneous* RooSimWSTool::build(const char* simPdfName, const char* protoPdfName, const RooCmdArg& arg1,const RooCmdArg& arg2,
					const RooCmdArg& arg3,const RooCmdArg& arg4, const RooCmdArg& arg5,const RooCmdArg& arg6)
  // Build a RooSimultaneous p.d.f with name simPdfName from cloning specializations of protytpe p.d.f protoPdfName.
  // The following named arguments are supported
  // SplitParam(varname, catname)                   -- Split parameter(s) with given name(s) in category(s) with given names
  // SplitParam(var, cat)                           -- Split given parameter(s) in givem category(s) 
  // SplitParamConstrained(vname, cname, remainder) -- Make constrained split in parameter(s) with given name(s) in category(s) with given names
  //                                                   putting remainder fraction formula in state with name "remainder"
  // SplitParamConstrained(var,cat,remainder)       -- Make constrained split in parameter(s) with given name(s) in category(s) with given names
  //                                                   putting remainder fraction formula in state with name "remainder"
  // Restrict(catName,stateNameList)                -- Restrict build by only considered listed state names of category with given name

  BuildConfig bc(protoPdfName,arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6) ;
  return build(simPdfName,bc) ;

RooSimultaneous* RooSimWSTool::build(const char* simPdfName,BuildConfig& bc) 
  // Build a RooSimultaneous p.d.f with name simPdfName from cloning specializations of protytpe p.d.f protoPdfName.
  // Use the provided BuildConfig or MultiBuildConfig object to configure the build

  ObjBuildConfig* obc = validateConfig(bc) ;
  if (!obc) return 0 ;
  obc->print() ;
  RooSimultaneous* ret =  executeBuild(simPdfName,*obc) ;

  delete obc ;
  return ret ;

RooSimWSTool::ObjBuildConfig* RooSimWSTool::validateConfig(BuildConfig& bc)
  // Validate build configuration. If not syntax errors or missing objects are found,
  // return an ObjBuildConfig in which all names are replaced with object pointers.

  // Create empty object version of build config
  ObjBuildConfig* obc = new ObjBuildConfig ;

  if (bc._masterCatName.length()>0) {
    obc->_masterCat = _ws->cat(bc._masterCatName.c_str()) ;
    if (!obc->_masterCat) {
      coutE(ObjectHandling) << "RooSimWSTool::build(" << GetName() << ") ERROR: associated workspace " << _ws->GetName() 
			    << " does not contain a category named " << bc._masterCatName 
			    << " that was designated as master index category in the build configuration" << endl ;
      delete obc ;
      return 0 ;
  } else {
    obc->_masterCat = 0 ;
  map<string,SplitRule>::iterator pdfiter ;
  // Check that we have the p.d.f.s
  for (pdfiter = bc._pdfmap.begin() ; pdfiter != bc._pdfmap.end() ; ++pdfiter) {    

    // Check that p.d.f exists
    RooAbsPdf* pdf = _ws->pdf(pdfiter->second.GetName()) ;
    if (!pdf) {
      coutE(ObjectHandling) << "RooSimWSTool::build(" << GetName() << ") ERROR: associated workspace " << _ws->GetName() 
			    << " does not contain a pdf named " << pdfiter->second.GetName() << endl ;
      delete obc ;
      return 0 ;

    // Create empty object version of split rule set
    ObjSplitRule osr ;

    // Convert names of parameters and splitting categories to objects in workspace, fill object split rule
    SplitRule& sr = pdfiter->second ;

    map<string, pair<list<string>,string> >::iterator pariter ;
    for (pariter=sr._paramSplitMap.begin() ; pariter!=sr._paramSplitMap.end() ; ++pariter) {

      // Check that variable with given name exists in workspace
      RooAbsArg* farg = _ws->fundArg(pariter->first.c_str()) ;
      if (!farg) {
	coutE(ObjectHandling) << "RooSimWSTool::build(" << GetName() << ") ERROR: associated workspace " << _ws->GetName() 
			      << " does not contain a variable named " << pariter->first.c_str() 
			      << " as specified in splitting rule of parameter " << pariter->first << " of p.d.f " << pdf << endl ;
	delete obc ;
	return 0 ;

      // Check that given variable is indeed related to given p.d.f
      if (!pdf->dependsOn(*farg)) {
	coutE(ObjectHandling) << "RooSimWSTool::build(" << GetName() << ") ERROR: specified parameter " << pariter->first 
			      << " in split is not function of p.d.f " << pdf->GetName() << endl ;
	delete obc ;
	return 0 ;
      RooArgSet splitCatSet ;
      list<string>::iterator catiter ;
      for (catiter = pariter->second.first.begin() ; catiter!=pariter->second.first.end() ; ++catiter) {
	RooAbsCategory* cat = _ws->catfunc(catiter->c_str()) ;
	if (!cat) {
	  coutE(ObjectHandling) << "RooSimWSTool::build(" << GetName() << ") ERROR: associated workspace " << _ws->GetName() 
				<< " does not contain a category named " << catiter->c_str() 
				<< " as specified in splitting rule of parameter " << pariter->first << " of p.d.f " << pdf << endl ;
	  delete obc ;
	  return 0 ;
	splitCatSet.add(*cat) ;

      // Check if composite splitCatSet does not contain category functions that depend on other categories used in the same split
      TIterator* iter = splitCatSet.createIterator() ;
      RooAbsArg* arg ;
      while((arg=(RooAbsArg*)iter->Next())) {
	RooArgSet tmp(splitCatSet) ;
	tmp.remove(*arg) ;
	if (arg->dependsOnValue(tmp)) {
	  coutE(InputArguments) << "RooSimWSTool::build(" << GetName() << ") ERROR: Ill defined split: splitting category function " << arg->GetName() 
				<< " used in composite split " << splitCatSet << " of parameter " << farg->GetName() << " of pdf " << pdf->GetName() 
				<< " depends on one or more of the other splitting categories in the composite split" << endl ;
	  delete obc ;
	  delete iter ;
	  return 0 ;
      delete iter ;

      // If a constrained split is specified, check that split parameter is a real-valued type
      if (pariter->second.second.size()>0) {
	if (!dynamic_cast<RooAbsReal*>(farg)) {
	  coutE(InputArguments) << "RooSimWSTool::build(" << GetName() << ") ERROR: Constrained split specified in non real-valued parameter " << farg->GetName() << endl ;
	  delete obc ;
	  return 0 ;

      // Fill object build config with object split rule
      osr._paramSplitMap[farg].first.add(splitCatSet) ;
      osr._paramSplitMap[farg].second = pariter->second.second ;

      // For multi-pdf configurations, check that the master index state name associated with this p.d.f exists as a state in the master category
      if (obc->_masterCat) {
	list<string>::iterator misi ;
	for (misi=sr._miStateNameList.begin() ; misi!=sr._miStateNameList.end() ; ++misi) {
	  const RooCatType* ctype = obc->_masterCat->lookupType(misi->c_str(),kFALSE) ;
	  if (ctype==0) {	  
	    coutE(ObjectHandling) << "RooSimWSTool::build(" << GetName() << ") ERROR: master index category " << obc->_masterCat->GetName() 
				  << " does not have a state named " << *misi << " which was specified as state associated with p.d.f " 
				  << sr.GetName() << endl ;
	    delete obc ;
	    return 0 ;	    
	  osr._miStateList.push_back(ctype) ;

      // Add specified split cats to global list of all splitting categories
      obc->_usedSplitCats.add(splitCatSet,kTRUE) ;

    obc->_pdfmap[pdf] = osr ;


  // Check validity of build restriction specifications, if any
  map<string,string>::iterator riter ;
  for (riter=bc._restr.begin() ; riter!=bc._restr.end() ; ++riter) {
    RooCategory* cat = _ws->cat(riter->first.c_str()) ;
    if (!cat) {
      coutE(ObjectHandling) << "RooSimWSTool::build(" << GetName() << ") ERROR: associated workspace " << _ws->GetName() 
			    << " does not contain a category named " << riter->first
			    << " for which build was requested to be restricted to states " << riter->second << endl ;
      delete obc ;
      return 0 ;

    char buf[4096] ;
    list<const RooCatType*> rlist ;
    strcpy(buf,riter->second.c_str()) ;
    char* tok = strtok(buf,",") ;
    while(tok) {
      const RooCatType* ctype = cat->lookupType(tok,kFALSE) ;
      if (!ctype) {
	coutE(ObjectHandling) << "RooSimWSTool::build(" << GetName() << ") ERROR: restricted build category " << cat->GetName() 
			      << " does not have state " << tok << " as specified in restriction list" << endl ;	
	delete obc ;
	return 0 ;
      rlist.push_back(ctype) ;
      tok = strtok(0,",") ;
    obc->_restr[cat] = rlist ;
  return obc ;

RooSimultaneous* RooSimWSTool::executeBuild(const char* simPdfName, ObjBuildConfig& obc)
  // Internal build driver from validation ObjBuildConfig.

  RooArgSet cleanupList ;

  RooAbsCategoryLValue* physCat = obc._masterCat ;

  RooArgSet physModelSet ;
  map<string,RooAbsPdf*> stateMap ;

  map<RooAbsPdf*,ObjSplitRule>::iterator physIter = obc._pdfmap.begin() ;
  while(physIter!=obc._pdfmap.end()) {
    RooAbsPdf* physModel = physIter->first ;
    physModelSet.add(*physModel,kTRUE) ; // silence duplicate insertion warnings
    list<const RooCatType*>::iterator stiter ;
    for (stiter=physIter->second._miStateList.begin() ; stiter!=physIter->second._miStateList.end() ; ++stiter) {
      stateMap[(*stiter)->GetName()] = physModel ;

    // Continue with next mapping
    ++physIter ;
  coutI(ObjectHandling) << "RooSimWSTool::executeBuild: list of prototype pdfs " << physModelSet << endl ;

  RooArgSet splitCatSet(obc._usedSplitCats) ;
  if (physCat) splitCatSet.add(*physCat) ;
  RooSuperCategory masterSplitCat("masterSplitCat","Master splitting category",splitCatSet) ;
    coutI(ObjectHandling) << "RooSimWSTool::executeBuild: list of splitting categories " << splitCatSet << endl ;

  RooArgSet splitNodeListOwned ; // owns all newly created components
  RooArgSet splitNodeListAll ; // all leaf nodes, preload with ws contents to auto-connect existing specializations
  TList* customizerList = new TList ;

  // Loop over requested physics models and build components
  TIterator* physMIter = physModelSet.createIterator() ;
  RooAbsPdf* physModel ;
  while((physModel=(RooAbsPdf*)physMIter->Next())) {
    coutI(ObjectHandling) << "RooSimPdfBuilder::executeBuild: processing prototype pdf " << physModel->GetName() << endl ;

    RooCustomizer* physCustomizer = new RooCustomizer(*physModel,masterSplitCat,splitNodeListOwned,&splitNodeListAll) ;
    customizerList->Add(physCustomizer) ;

    map<RooAbsArg*, pair<RooArgSet,string> >::iterator splitIter ;
    for (splitIter = obc._pdfmap[physModel]._paramSplitMap.begin() ; splitIter != obc._pdfmap[physModel]._paramSplitMap.end() ; ++splitIter) {

      // If split is composite, first make multicategory with name 'A,B,C' and insert in WS
      // Construct name of (composite) split category (function)
      RooArgSet& splitCatSetTmp = splitIter->second.first ;
      string splitName = makeSplitName(splitCatSetTmp) ;

      // If composite split object does not exist yet, create it now
      RooAbsCategory* splitCat = _ws->catfunc(splitName.c_str()) ;
      if (!splitCat) {
	splitCat = new RooMultiCategory(splitName.c_str(),splitName.c_str(),splitCatSetTmp) ;
	cleanupList.addOwned(*splitCat) ;
	_ws->import(*splitCat) ;
      // If remainder category needs to be made, create RFV of appropriate for that and insert in WS
      if(splitIter->second.second.size()>0) {
	// Check that specified split name is in fact valid
	if (!splitCat->lookupType(splitIter->second.second.c_str())) {
	  coutE(InputArguments) << "RooSimWSTool::executeBuild(" << GetName() << ") ERROR: name of remainder state for constrained split, '" 
				<< splitIter->second.second << "' , does not match any state name of (composite) split category " << splitCat->GetName() << endl ;
	  return 0 ;

	// First build manually the specializations of all non-remainder states, as the remainder state depends on these
	RooArgSet fracLeafList ;
	TIterator* sctiter = splitCat->typeIterator() ;
	RooCatType* type ;
	while((type=(RooCatType*)sctiter->Next())) {
	  // Skip remainder state
	  if (splitIter->second.second == type->GetName()) continue ;
	  // Construct name of split leaf
	  TString splitLeafName(splitIter->first->GetName()) ;
	  splitLeafName.Append("_") ;
	  splitLeafName.Append(type->GetName()) ;
	  // Check if split leaf already exists	  
	  RooAbsArg* splitLeaf = _ws->fundArg(splitLeafName) ;
	  if (!splitLeaf) {
	    // If not create it now
	    splitLeaf = (RooAbsArg*) splitIter->first->clone(splitLeafName) ;
	    _ws->import(*splitLeaf) ;
	  fracLeafList.add(*splitLeaf) ;
	delete sctiter ;		

	// Build specialization for remainder state and insert in workspace 
	RooFracRemainder* fracRem = new RooFracRemainder(Form("%s_%s",splitIter->first->GetName(),splitIter->second.second.c_str()),"Remainder fraction",fracLeafList) ;
	cleanupList.addOwned(*fracRem) ;
	_ws->import(*fracRem) ;


      // Add split definition to customizer
      physCustomizer->splitArgs(*splitIter->first,*splitCat) ;
  delete physMIter ;

  // List all existing workspace components as prebuilt items for the customizers at this point
  splitNodeListAll.add(_ws->components()) ;

  coutI(ObjectHandling)  << "RooSimWSTool::executeBuild: configured customizers for all prototype pdfs" << endl ;

  // Create fit category from physCat and splitCatList ;
  RooArgSet fitCatList ;
  if (physCat) fitCatList.add(*physCat) ;
  fitCatList.add(splitCatSet) ;
  TIterator* fclIter = fitCatList.createIterator() ;
  string mcatname = string(simPdfName) + "_index" ;
  RooSuperCategory *fitCat = new RooSuperCategory(mcatname.c_str(),mcatname.c_str(),fitCatList) ;
  cleanupList.addOwned(*fitCat) ;

  // Create master PDF 
  RooSimultaneous* simPdf = new RooSimultaneous(simPdfName,simPdfName,*fitCat) ;
  cleanupList.addOwned(*simPdf) ;
  // Add component PDFs to master PDF
  TIterator* fcIter = fitCat->typeIterator() ;

  RooCatType* fcState ;  
  while((fcState=(RooCatType*)fcIter->Next())) {
    // Select fitCat state
    fitCat->setLabel(fcState->GetName()) ;

    // Check if this fitCat state is selected
    fclIter->Reset() ;
    RooAbsCategory* splitCat ;
    Bool_t select(kFALSE) ;
    if (obc._restr.size()>0) {
      while((splitCat=(RooAbsCategory*)fclIter->Next())) {
	// Find selected state list 
	list<const RooCatType*> slist = obc._restr[splitCat] ;    
	if (slist.size()==0) {
	  continue ;
	list<const RooCatType*>::iterator sli ;
	for (sli=slist.begin() ; sli!=slist.end() ; ++sli) {
	  if (string(splitCat->getLabel())==(*sli)->GetName()) {
	    select=kTRUE ;
      if (!select) continue ;
    } else {
      select = kTRUE ;
    // Select appropriate PDF for this physCat state
    RooCustomizer* physCustomizer ;
    if (physCat) {      
      RooAbsPdf* pdf = stateMap[physCat->getLabel()] ;
      if (pdf==0) continue ;
      physCustomizer = (RooCustomizer*) customizerList->FindObject(pdf->GetName());  
    } else {
      physCustomizer = (RooCustomizer*) customizerList->First() ;

    coutI(ObjectHandling) << "RooSimWSTool::executeBuild: Customizing prototype pdf " << physCustomizer->GetName() 
			  << " for mode " << fcState->GetName() << endl ;    

    // Customizer PDF for current state and add to master simPdf
    RooAbsPdf* fcPdf = (RooAbsPdf*) physCustomizer->build(masterSplitCat.getLabel(),kFALSE) ;
    simPdf->addPdf(*fcPdf,fcState->GetName()) ;
  delete fcIter ;

  _ws->import(*simPdf,obc._conflProtocol) ;

  // Delete customizers
  customizerList->Delete() ;
  delete customizerList ;

  return (RooSimultaneous*) _ws->pdf(simPdf->GetName()) ;

std::string RooSimWSTool::makeSplitName(const RooArgSet& splitCatSet) 
  // Construct name of composite split
  string name ;

  TIterator* iter = splitCatSet.createIterator() ;
  RooAbsArg* arg ;
  Bool_t first=kTRUE ;
  while((arg=(RooAbsArg*)iter->Next())) {
    if (first) {
    } else {
      name += "," ;
    name += arg->GetName() ;
  delete iter ;

  return name ;

void RooSimWSTool::SplitRule::splitParameter(const char* paramNameList, const char* categoryNameList) 
  // Specify that parameters names listed in paramNameList be splitted in (product of) category(s)
  // listed in categoryNameList

  char paramBuf[4096] ;
  char catBuf[4096] ;
  strcpy(paramBuf,paramNameList) ;
  strcpy(catBuf,categoryNameList) ;

  // First parse category list
  list<string> catList ;
  char* cat = strtok(catBuf,",") ;
  while(cat) {
    catList.push_back(cat) ;
    cat = strtok(0,",") ;

  // Now parse parameter list
  char* param = strtok(paramBuf,",") ;
  while(param) {
    _paramSplitMap[param] = pair<list<string>,string>(catList,"") ;
    param = strtok(0,",") ;

void RooSimWSTool::SplitRule::splitParameterConstrained(const char* paramNameList, const char* categoryNameList, const char* remainderStateName) 
  // Specify that parameters names listed in paramNameList be splitted in constrained way in (product of) category(s)
  // listed in categoryNameList and that remainder fraction formula be put in state with name remainderStateName

  char paramBuf[4096] ;
  char catBuf[4096] ;
  strcpy(paramBuf,paramNameList) ;
  strcpy(catBuf,categoryNameList) ;

  // First parse category list
  list<string> catList ;
  char* cat = strtok(catBuf,",") ;
  while(cat) {
    catList.push_back(cat) ;
    cat = strtok(0,",") ;

  // Now parse parameter list
  char* param = strtok(paramBuf,",") ;
  while(param) {
    _paramSplitMap[param] = pair<list<string>,string>(catList,remainderStateName) ;
    param = strtok(0,",") ;

void RooSimWSTool::SplitRule::configure(const RooCmdArg& arg1,const RooCmdArg& arg2,const RooCmdArg& arg3,
					   const RooCmdArg& arg4, const RooCmdArg& arg5,const RooCmdArg& arg6)
  // Construct the SplitRule object from a list of named arguments past to RooSimWSTool::build
  // This method parses any SplitParam and SplitParamComstrained argument in the list

  list<const RooCmdArg*> cmdList ;  
  cmdList.push_back(&arg1) ;  cmdList.push_back(&arg2) ;
  cmdList.push_back(&arg3) ;  cmdList.push_back(&arg4) ;
  cmdList.push_back(&arg5) ;  cmdList.push_back(&arg6) ;

  list<const RooCmdArg*>::iterator iter ;
  for (iter=cmdList.begin() ; iter!=cmdList.end() ; ++iter) {

    if ((*iter)->opcode()==0) continue ;

    string name = (*iter)->opcode() ;

    if (name=="SplitParam") {
      splitParameter((*iter)->getString(0),(*iter)->getString(1)) ;
    } else if (name=="SplitParamConstrained") {
      splitParameterConstrained((*iter)->getString(0),(*iter)->getString(1),(*iter)->getString(2)) ;

RooSimWSTool::BuildConfig::BuildConfig(const char* pdfName, SplitRule& sr)
  // Add prototype p.d.f pdfName to build configuration with associated split rules 'sr'

  internalAddPdf(pdfName,"",sr) ;

RooSimWSTool::BuildConfig::BuildConfig(const char* pdfName, const RooCmdArg& arg1,const RooCmdArg& arg2,
					  const RooCmdArg& arg3,const RooCmdArg& arg4, const RooCmdArg& arg5,const RooCmdArg& arg6)
  // Construct build configuration from single prototype 'pdfName' and list of arguments
  // that can be passed to RooSimWSTool::build() method. This routine parses SplitParam()
  // SplitParamConstrained() and Restrict() arguments.

  SplitRule sr(pdfName) ;
  sr.configure(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6) ;
  internalAddPdf(pdfName,"",sr) ;
  _conflProtocol = RooFit::RenameConflictNodes(pdfName) ;

  list<const RooCmdArg*> cmdList ;  
  cmdList.push_back(&arg1) ;  cmdList.push_back(&arg2) ;
  cmdList.push_back(&arg3) ;  cmdList.push_back(&arg4) ;
  cmdList.push_back(&arg5) ;  cmdList.push_back(&arg6) ;

  list<const RooCmdArg*>::iterator iter ;
  for (iter=cmdList.begin() ; iter!=cmdList.end() ; ++iter) {
    if ((*iter)->opcode()==0) continue ;
    string name = (*iter)->opcode() ;
    if (name=="Restrict") {
      restrictBuild((*iter)->getString(0),(*iter)->getString(1)) ;
    if (name=="RenameConflictNodes") {
      _conflProtocol = *(*iter) ;

RooSimWSTool::BuildConfig::BuildConfig(const RooArgSet& /*legacyBuildConfig*/) 
  // Constructor to make BuildConfig from legacy RooSimPdfBuilder configuration
  // Empty for now

void RooSimWSTool::BuildConfig::internalAddPdf(const char* pdfName, const char* miStateNameList,SplitRule& sr) 
  // Internal routine to add prototype pdf 'pdfName' with list of associated master states 'miStateNameList
  // and split rules 'sr' to configuration

  char buf[4096] ;
  strcpy(buf,miStateNameList) ;
  char* tok = strtok(buf,",") ;
  while(tok) {
    sr._miStateNameList.push_back(tok) ;
    tok = strtok(0,",") ;
  _pdfmap[pdfName] = sr ;  

void RooSimWSTool::BuildConfig::restrictBuild(const char* catName, const char* stateList) 
  // Restrict build by only considering state names in stateList for split in category catName
  _restr[catName] = stateList ;

RooSimWSTool::MultiBuildConfig::MultiBuildConfig(const char* masterIndexCat)  
  // Construct MultiBuildConfig for build configuration with multiple prototype p.d.f.s
  // masterIndexCat is the name of the master index category that decides which
  // prototype is used.

  _masterCatName = masterIndexCat ;

void RooSimWSTool::MultiBuildConfig::addPdf(const char* miStateList, const char* pdfName, const RooCmdArg& arg1,const RooCmdArg& arg2,
					       const RooCmdArg& arg3,const RooCmdArg& arg4, const RooCmdArg& arg5,const RooCmdArg& arg6)
  // Add protytpe p.d.f 'pdfName' to MultiBuildConfig associated with master indes states 'miStateList'. This
  // method parses the SplitParam() and SplitParamConstrained() arguments

  SplitRule sr(pdfName) ;
  sr.configure(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6) ;
  internalAddPdf(pdfName,miStateList,sr) ;

void RooSimWSTool::MultiBuildConfig::addPdf(const char* miStateList, const char* pdfName, SplitRule& sr) 
  // Add protytpe p.d.f 'pdfName' to MultiBuildConfig associated with master indes states 'miStateList'. 

  internalAddPdf(pdfName,miStateList,sr) ;

  // Destructor

void RooSimWSTool::ObjBuildConfig::print()
  // Print details of a validated build configuration

  // --- Dump contents of object build config ---
  map<RooAbsPdf*,ObjSplitRule>::iterator ri ;
  for (ri = _pdfmap.begin() ; ri != _pdfmap.end() ; ++ri ) {    
    cout << "Splitrule for p.d.f " << ri->first->GetName() << endl ;
    map<RooAbsArg*,pair<RooArgSet,string> >::iterator csi ;
    for (csi = ri->second._paramSplitMap.begin() ; csi != ri->second._paramSplitMap.end() ; ++csi ) {    
      if (csi->second.second.length()>0) {
	cout << " parameter " << csi->first->GetName() << " is split with constraint in categories " << csi->second.first 
	     << " with remainder in state " << csi->second.second << endl ;      
      } else {
	cout << " parameter " << csi->first->GetName() << " is split with constraint in categories " << csi->second.first << endl ;      

  map<RooAbsCategory*,list<const RooCatType*> >::iterator riter ;
  for (riter=_restr.begin() ; riter!=_restr.end() ; ++riter) {
    cout << "Restricting build in category " << riter->first->GetName() << " to states " ;
    list<const RooCatType*>::iterator i ;
    for (i=riter->second.begin() ; i!=riter->second.end() ; i++) {
      if (i!=riter->second.begin()) cout << "," ;
      cout << (*i)->GetName() ;
    cout << endl ;


Last change: Wed Jun 25 08:34:14 2008
Last generated: 2008-06-25 08:34

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