// @(#)root/io:$Id: TFileCacheRead.cxx 23685 2008-05-07 15:18:39Z brun $
// Author: Rene Brun   18/05/2006

 * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
 * All rights reserved.                                                  *
 *                                                                       *
 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *

//                                                                      //
// TFileCacheRead : a cache when reading files over the network         //
//                                                                      //
// A caching system to speed up network I/O, i.e. when there is         //
// no operating system caching support (like the buffer cache for       //
// local disk I/O). The cache makes sure that every I/O is done with    //
// a (large) fixed length buffer thereby avoiding many small I/O's.     //
// Currently the read cache system is used by the classes TNetFile,     //
// TXNetFile and TWebFile (via TFile::ReadBuffers()).                   //
//                                                                      //
// When processing TTree, TChain, a specialized class TTreeCache that   //
// derives from this class is automatically created.                    //
//                                                                      //

#include "TEnv.h"
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TFileCacheRead.h"
#include "TFileCacheWrite.h"
#include "TMath.h"


TFileCacheRead::TFileCacheRead() : TObject()
   // Default Constructor.

   fBufferSizeMin = 0;
   fBufferSize  = 0;
   fBufferLen   = 0;
   fNseek       = 0;
   fNtot        = 0;
   fNb          = 0;
   fSeekSize    = 0;
   fSeek        = 0;
   fSeekIndex   = 0;
   fSeekSort    = 0;
   fPos         = 0;
   fSeekLen     = 0;
   fSeekSortLen = 0;
   fSeekPos     = 0;
   fLen         = 0;
   fFile        = 0;
   fBuffer      = 0;
   fIsSorted    = kFALSE;
   fIsTransferred = kFALSE;

   // Asynchronous reading
   fBytesToPrefetch = 0;
   fFirstIndexToPrefetch = 0;
   fAsyncReading = kFALSE;

TFileCacheRead::TFileCacheRead(TFile *file, Int_t buffersize)
           : TObject()
   // Creates a TFileCacheRead data structure.

   if (buffersize <=10000) fBufferSize = 100000;
   else fBufferSize = buffersize;

   fBufferSizeMin = fBufferSize;
   fBufferLen   = 0;
   fNseek       = 0;
   fNtot        = 0;
   fNb          = 0;
   fSeekSize    = 10000;
   fSeek        = new Long64_t[fSeekSize];
   fSeekIndex   = new Long64_t[fSeekSize];
   fSeekSort    = new Long64_t[fSeekSize];
   fPos         = new Long64_t[fSeekSize];
   fSeekLen     = new Int_t[fSeekSize];
   fSeekSortLen = new Int_t[fSeekSize];
   fSeekPos     = new Int_t[fSeekSize];
   fLen         = new Int_t[fSeekSize];
   fFile        = file;

   fBuffer = 0;
   fBytesToPrefetch = 0;
   fFirstIndexToPrefetch = 0;
   fAsyncReading = gEnv->GetValue("TFile.AsyncReading", 1);
   if (fAsyncReading) {
      // Check if asynchronous reading is supported by this TFile specialization
      fAsyncReading = kFALSE;
      if (file && !(file->ReadBufferAsync(0, 0)))
         fAsyncReading = kTRUE;
   if (!fAsyncReading) {
      // we use sync primitives, hence we need the local buffer
      fBuffer = new char[fBufferSize];

   fIsSorted    = kFALSE;
   fIsTransferred = kFALSE;
   if (file) file->SetCacheRead(this);

   // Destructor.

   delete [] fSeek;
   delete [] fSeekIndex;
   delete [] fSeekSort;
   delete [] fPos;
   delete [] fSeekLen;
   delete [] fSeekSortLen;
   delete [] fSeekPos;
   delete [] fLen;
   delete [] fBuffer;

void TFileCacheRead::Prefetch(Long64_t pos, Int_t len)
   // Add block of length len at position pos in the list of blocks to
   // be prefetched. If pos <= 0 the current blocks (if any) are reset.

   fIsSorted = kFALSE;
   fIsTransferred = kFALSE;
   if (pos <= 0) {
      fNseek = 0;
      fNtot  = 0;
   if (fNseek >= fSeekSize) {
      //reallocate buffers
      fSeekSize *= 2;
      Long64_t *aSeek        = new Long64_t[fSeekSize];
      Long64_t *aSeekIndex   = new Long64_t[fSeekSize];
      Long64_t *aSeekSort    = new Long64_t[fSeekSize];
      Long64_t *aPos         = new Long64_t[fSeekSize];
      Int_t    *aSeekLen     = new Int_t[fSeekSize];
      Int_t    *aSeekSortLen = new Int_t[fSeekSize];
      Int_t    *aSeekPos     = new Int_t[fSeekSize];
      Int_t    *aLen         = new Int_t[fSeekSize];
      for (Int_t i=0;i<fNseek;i++) {
         aSeek[i]        = fSeek[i];
         aSeekIndex[i]   = fSeekIndex[i];
         aSeekSort[i]    = fSeekSort[i];
         aPos[i]         = fPos[i];
         aSeekLen[i]     = fSeekLen[i];
         aSeekSortLen[i] = fSeekSortLen[i];
         aSeekPos[i]     = fSeekPos[i];
         aLen[i]         = fLen[i];
      delete [] fSeek;
      delete [] fSeekIndex;
      delete [] fSeekSort;
      delete [] fPos;
      delete [] fSeekLen;
      delete [] fSeekSortLen;
      delete [] fSeekPos;
      delete [] fLen;
      fSeek        = aSeek;
      fSeekIndex   = aSeekIndex;
      fSeekSort    = aSeekSort;
      fPos         = aPos;
      fSeekLen     = aSeekLen;
      fSeekSortLen = aSeekSortLen;
      fSeekPos     = aSeekPos;
      fLen         = aLen;

   fSeek[fNseek] = pos;
   fSeekLen[fNseek] = len;
   fNtot += len;

void TFileCacheRead::Print(Option_t *option) const
   // Print class internal structure.

   TString opt = option;
   printf("Number of blocks: %d, total size : %d\n",fNseek,fNtot);
   if (!opt.Contains("a")) return;
   for (Int_t i=0;i<fNseek;i++) {
      if (fIsSorted && !opt.Contains("s")) {
         printf("block: %5d, from: %lld to %lld, len=%d bytes\n",i,fSeekSort[i],fSeekSort[i]+fSeekSortLen[i],fSeekSortLen[i]);
      } else {
         printf("block: %5d, from: %lld to %lld, len=%d bytes\n",i,fSeek[i],fSeek[i]+fSeekLen[i],fSeekLen[i]);
   printf ("Number of long buffers = %d\n",fNb);
   for (Int_t j=0;j<fNb;j++) {
      printf("fPos[%d]=%lld, fLen=%d\n",j,fPos[j],fLen[j]);

Int_t TFileCacheRead::ReadBuffer(char *buf, Long64_t pos, Int_t len)
   // Read buffer at position pos.
   // If pos is in the list of prefetched blocks read from fBuffer,
   // otherwise need to make a normal read from file. Returns -1 in case of
   // read error, 0 in case not in cache, 1 in case read from cache.
   Int_t i = 0;

   if (fNseek > 0 && !fIsSorted) {

      // If ReadBufferAsync is not supported by this implementation...
      if (!fAsyncReading) {
         // Then we use the vectored read to read everything now
         if (fFile->ReadBuffers(fBuffer,fPos,fLen,fNb)) {
            return -1;
         fIsTransferred = kTRUE;
      } else {
         // In any case, we'll start to request the chunks.
         // This implementation simply reads all the chunks in advance
         // in the async way.

         fBytesToPrefetch = fFile->GetBytesToPrefetch();
         fFirstIndexToPrefetch = 0;

   // in case we are writing and reading to/from this file, we much check
   // if this buffer is in the write cache (not yet written to the file)
   if (TFileCacheWrite *cachew = fFile->GetCacheWrite()) {
      if (cachew->ReadBuffer(buf,pos,len) == 0) {
         return 1;

   // If asynchronous reading is supported by this implementation...
   if (fAsyncReading) {

      Int_t retval;
      Int_t loc = (Int_t)TMath::BinarySearch(fNseek,fSeekSort,pos);

      // Now we dont have to look for it in the local buffer
      // if it's async, we expect that the communication library
      // will handle it more efficiently than we can do here

      // We use the internal list just to notify if the list is to be reconstructed
      if (loc >= 0 && loc < fNseek && pos == fSeekSort[loc]) {
         // Block found, the caller will get it

         // A speculative forward read of our chunks list
         for (i = fFirstIndexToPrefetch; i < fNb; i++) {
            if (!fLen[i])
            if (fLen[i] > fBytesToPrefetch)
            // If we run out of parallel streamids in XrdClient, we'll continue later
            if (fFile->ReadBufferAsync(fPos[i], fLen[i]))
            fBytesToPrefetch -= fLen[i];
            fLen[i] = 0;
         fFirstIndexToPrefetch = i;

         if (buf) {
            // Notify if troubles arise
            if (fFile->ReadBuffer(buf, len))
               return -1;
         fBytesToPrefetch += len;
         retval = 1;
      } else {
         // Block not found in the list, we report it as a miss
         retval = 0;

      if (gDebug > 0)
         Info("ReadBuffer","pos=%lld, len=%d, retval=%d", pos, len, retval);

      return retval;
   } else {
      Int_t loc = (Int_t)TMath::BinarySearch(fNseek,fSeekSort,pos);
      if (loc >= 0 && loc <fNseek && pos == fSeekSort[loc]) {
         if (buf) {
         return 1;

   return 0;

void TFileCacheRead::SetFile(TFile *file)
   // Set the file using this cache and reset the current blocks (if any).

   fFile = file;

   if (fAsyncReading) {
      // If asynchronous reading is not supported by this TFile specialization
      // we use sync primitives, hence we need the local buffer
      if (file && file->ReadBufferAsync(0, 0)) {
         fAsyncReading = kFALSE;
         fBuffer    = new char[fBufferSize];
         fBytesToPrefetch = 0;
         fFirstIndexToPrefetch = 0;


void TFileCacheRead::Sort()
   // Sort buffers to be prefetched in increasing order of positions.
   // Merge consecutive blocks if necessary.

   if (!fNseek) return;
   Int_t i;
   Int_t nb = 0;
   for (i=0;i<fNseek;i++) {
      Long64_t ind = fSeekIndex[i];
      fSeekSort[i] = fSeek[ind];
      fSeekSortLen[i] = fSeekLen[ind];
   if (fNtot > fBufferSizeMin) {
      fBufferSize = fNtot + 100;
      delete [] fBuffer;
      fBuffer = 0;
      // If ReadBufferAsync is not supported by this implementation
      // it means that we are using sync primitives, hence we need the local buffer
      if (!fAsyncReading)
         fBuffer = new char[fBufferSize];
   fPos[0]  = fSeekSort[0];
   fLen[0]  = fSeekSortLen[0];
   fSeekPos[0] = 0;
   for (i=1;i<fNseek;i++) {
      fSeekPos[i] = fSeekPos[i-1] + fSeekSortLen[i-1];
      if ((fSeekSort[i] != fSeekSort[i-1]+fSeekSortLen[i-1]) ||
          (fLen[nb] > 2000000)) {
         fPos[nb] = fSeekSort[i];
         fLen[nb] = fSeekSortLen[i];
      } else {
         fLen[nb] += fSeekSortLen[i];
   fNb = nb+1;
   fIsSorted = kTRUE;

Last change: Wed Jun 25 08:38:59 2008
Last generated: 2008-06-25 08:38

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