#ifndef ROOT_TGeoElement
#define ROOT_TGeoElement
#ifndef ROOT_TNamed
#include "TNamed.h"
#ifndef ROOT_TAttLine
#include "TAttLine.h"
#ifndef ROOT_TAttFill
#include "TAttFill.h"
#ifndef ROOT_TAttMarker
#include "TAttMarker.h"
#ifndef ROOT_TObjArray
#include "TObjArray.h"
#include <map>
class TGeoElementTable;
class TGeoElement : public TNamed
enum EGeoElement {
kElemUsed = BIT(17),
kElemDefined = BIT(18),
kElementChecked = BIT(19)
Int_t fZ;
Double_t fA;
TGeoElement(const char *name, const char *title, Int_t z, Double_t a);
virtual ~TGeoElement() {;}
virtual Int_t ENDFCode() const { return 0;}
Int_t Z() const {return fZ;}
Double_t A() const {return fA;}
Bool_t IsDefined() const {return TObject::TestBit(kElemDefined);}
virtual Bool_t IsRadioNuclide() const {return kFALSE;}
Bool_t IsUsed() const {return TObject::TestBit(kElemUsed);}
void SetDefined(Bool_t flag=kTRUE) {TObject::SetBit(kElemDefined,flag);}
void SetUsed(Bool_t flag=kTRUE) {TObject::SetBit(kElemUsed,flag);}
TGeoElementTable *GetElementTable() const;
ClassDef(TGeoElement, 1)
class TGeoDecayChannel;
class TGeoBatemanSol;
class TGeoElementRN : public TGeoElement
Int_t fENDFcode;
Int_t fIso;
Double_t fLevel;
Double_t fDeltaM;
Double_t fHalfLife;
Double_t fNatAbun;
Double_t fTH_F;
Double_t fTG_F;
Double_t fTH_S;
Double_t fTG_S;
Int_t fStatus;
TGeoBatemanSol *fRatio;
TObjArray *fDecays;
void MakeName(Int_t a, Int_t z, Int_t iso);
TGeoElementRN(const TGeoElementRN& elem);
TGeoElementRN& operator=(const TGeoElementRN& elem);
TGeoElementRN(Int_t A, Int_t Z, Int_t iso, Double_t level,
Double_t deltaM, Double_t halfLife, const char* JP,
Double_t natAbun, Double_t th_f, Double_t tg_f, Double_t th_s,
Double_t tg_s, Int_t status);
virtual ~TGeoElementRN();
void AddDecay(Int_t decay, Int_t diso, Double_t branchingRatio, Double_t qValue);
void AddDecay(TGeoDecayChannel *dc);
void AddRatio(TGeoBatemanSol &ratio);
void ResetRatio();
static Int_t ENDF(Int_t a, Int_t z, Int_t iso) {return 10000*z+10*a+iso;}
virtual Int_t ENDFCode() const {return fENDFcode;}
virtual Bool_t IsRadioNuclide() const {return kTRUE;}
Int_t MassNo() const {return (Int_t)fA;}
Int_t AtomicNo() const {return fZ;}
Int_t IsoNo() const {return fIso;}
Double_t Level() const {return fLevel;}
Double_t MassEx() const {return fDeltaM;}
Double_t HalfLife() const {return fHalfLife;}
Double_t NatAbun() const {return fNatAbun;}
const char* PJ() const {return fTitle.Data();}
Double_t TH_F() const {return fTH_F;}
Double_t TG_F() const {return fTG_F;}
Double_t TH_S() const {return fTH_S;}
Double_t TG_S() const {return fTG_S;}
Double_t Status() const {return fStatus;}
Bool_t Stable() const {return !fDecays;}
TObjArray *Decays() const {return fDecays;}
Int_t GetNdecays() const;
TGeoBatemanSol *Ratio() const {return fRatio;}
Bool_t CheckDecays() const;
Int_t DecayResult(TGeoDecayChannel *dc) const;
void FillPopulation(TObjArray *population, Double_t precision=0.001, Double_t factor=1.);
virtual void Print(Option_t *option = "") const;
static TGeoElementRN *ReadElementRN(const char *record, Int_t &ndecays);
virtual void SavePrimitive(ostream &out, Option_t *option = "");
ClassDef(TGeoElementRN, 2)
class TGeoDecayChannel : public TObject
UInt_t fDecay;
Int_t fDiso;
Double_t fBranchingRatio;
Double_t fQvalue;
TGeoElementRN *fParent;
TGeoElementRN *fDaughter;
enum ENuclearDecayMode {
kBitMask32 = 0xffffffff,
k2BetaMinus = BIT(0),
kBetaMinus = BIT(1),
kNeutronEm = BIT(2),
kProtonEm = BIT(3),
kAlpha = BIT(4),
kECF = BIT(5),
kElecCapt = BIT(6),
kIsoTrans = BIT(7),
kI = BIT(8),
kSpontFiss = BIT(9),
k2P = BIT(10),
k2N = BIT(11),
k2A = BIT(12),
kCarbon12 = BIT(13),
kCarbon14 = BIT(14)
TGeoDecayChannel() : fDecay(0), fDiso(0), fBranchingRatio(0), fQvalue(0), fParent(0), fDaughter(0) {}
TGeoDecayChannel(Int_t decay, Int_t diso, Double_t branchingRatio, Double_t qValue)
: fDecay(decay), fDiso(diso), fBranchingRatio(branchingRatio), fQvalue(qValue), fParent(0), fDaughter(0) {}
TGeoDecayChannel(const TGeoDecayChannel &dc) : TObject(dc),fDecay(dc.fDecay),fDiso(dc.fDiso),fBranchingRatio(dc.fBranchingRatio),
fQvalue(dc.fQvalue),fParent(dc.fParent),fDaughter(dc.fDaughter) {}
virtual ~TGeoDecayChannel() {}
TGeoDecayChannel& operator=(const TGeoDecayChannel& dc);
Int_t GetIndex() const;
virtual const char *GetName() const;
UInt_t Decay() const {return fDecay;}
Double_t BranchingRatio() const {return fBranchingRatio;}
Double_t Qvalue() const {return fQvalue;}
Int_t DeltaIso() const {return fDiso;}
TGeoElementRN *Daughter() const {return fDaughter;}
TGeoElementRN *Parent() const {return fParent;}
static void DecayName(UInt_t decay, TString &name);
void SetParent(TGeoElementRN *parent) {fParent = parent;}
void SetDaughter(TGeoElementRN *daughter) {fDaughter = daughter;}
virtual void Print(Option_t *opt = " ") const;
static TGeoDecayChannel *ReadDecay(const char *record);
virtual void SavePrimitive(ostream &out, Option_t *option = "");
virtual void DecayShift(Int_t &dA, Int_t &dZ, Int_t &dI) const ;
class TGeoBatemanSol : public TObject, public TAttLine, public TAttFill, public TAttMarker
typedef struct {
Double_t cn;
Double_t lambda;
} BtCoef_t;
TGeoElementRN *fElem;
TGeoElementRN *fElemTop;
Int_t fCsize;
Int_t fNcoeff;
Double_t fFactor;
Double_t fTmin;
Double_t fTmax;
BtCoef_t *fCoeff;
TGeoBatemanSol() : TObject(), TAttLine(), TAttFill(), TAttMarker(), fElem(NULL), fElemTop(NULL), fCsize(0), fNcoeff(0), fFactor(1.), fTmin(0.), fTmax(0), fCoeff(NULL) {}
TGeoBatemanSol(TGeoElementRN *elem);
TGeoBatemanSol(const TObjArray *chain);
TGeoBatemanSol(const TGeoBatemanSol& other);
TGeoBatemanSol& operator=(const TGeoBatemanSol& other);
TGeoBatemanSol& operator+=(const TGeoBatemanSol& other);
Double_t Concentration(Double_t time) const;
virtual void Draw(Option_t *option="");
void GetCoeff(Int_t i, Double_t &cn, Double_t &lambda) const {cn=fCoeff[i].cn; lambda=fCoeff[i].lambda;}
void GetRange(Double_t &tmin, Double_t &tmax) const {tmin=fTmin; tmax=fTmax;}
TGeoElementRN *GetElement() const {return fElem;}
TGeoElementRN *GetTopElement() const {return fElemTop;}
Int_t GetNcoeff() const {return fNcoeff;}
virtual void Print(Option_t *option = "") const;
void SetRange(Double_t tmin=0., Double_t tmax=0.) {fTmin=tmin; fTmax=tmax;}
void SetFactor(Double_t factor) {fFactor = factor;}
void FindSolution(const TObjArray *array);
void Normalize(Double_t factor);
class TGeoElemIter
const TGeoElementRN *fTop;
const TGeoElementRN *fElem;
TObjArray *fBranch;
Int_t fLevel;
Double_t fLimitRatio;
Double_t fRatio;
TGeoElemIter() : fTop(0), fElem(0), fBranch(0), fLevel(0), fLimitRatio(0), fRatio(0) {}
TGeoElementRN *Down(Int_t ibranch);
TGeoElementRN *Up();
TGeoElemIter(TGeoElementRN *top, Double_t limit=1.e-4);
TGeoElemIter(const TGeoElemIter &iter);
virtual ~TGeoElemIter();
TGeoElemIter &operator=(const TGeoElemIter &iter);
TGeoElementRN *operator()();
TGeoElementRN *Next();
TObjArray *GetBranch() const {return fBranch;}
const TGeoElementRN *GetTop() const {return fTop;}
const TGeoElementRN *GetElement() const {return fElem;}
Int_t GetLevel() const {return fLevel;}
Double_t GetRatio() const {return fRatio;}
virtual void Print(Option_t *option="") const;
void SetLimitRatio(Double_t limit) {fLimitRatio = limit;}
class TGeoElementTable : public TObject
Int_t fNelements;
Int_t fNelementsRN;
TObjArray *fList;
TObjArray *fListRN;
typedef std::map<Int_t, TGeoElementRN *> ElementRNMap_t;
typedef ElementRNMap_t::iterator ElementRNMapIt_t;
ElementRNMap_t fElementsRN;
TGeoElementTable(const TGeoElementTable&);
TGeoElementTable& operator=(const TGeoElementTable&);
TGeoElementTable(Int_t nelements);
virtual ~TGeoElementTable();
enum EGeoETStatus {
kETDefaultElements = BIT(14),
kETRNElements = BIT(15)
void AddElement(const char *name, const char *title, Int_t z, Double_t a);
void AddElementRN(TGeoElementRN *elem);
void BuildDefaultElements();
void ImportElementsRN();
Bool_t CheckTable() const;
TGeoElement *FindElement(const char *name);
TGeoElement *GetElement(Int_t z) {return (TGeoElement*)fList->At(z);}
TGeoElementRN *GetElementRN(Int_t ENDFcode) const;
TGeoElementRN *GetElementRN(Int_t a, Int_t z, Int_t iso=0) const;
TObjArray *GetElementsRN() const {return fListRN;}
Bool_t HasDefaultElements() const {return TObject::TestBit(kETDefaultElements);}
Bool_t HasRNElements() const {return TObject::TestBit(kETRNElements);}
Int_t GetNelements() const {return fNelements;}
Int_t GetNelementsRN() const {return fNelementsRN;}
void ExportElementsRN(const char *filename="");
Last change: Wed Jun 25 08:44:25 2008
Last generated: 2008-06-25 08:44
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