#ifndef ROOT_TLatex
#define ROOT_TLatex
#ifndef ROOT_Riosfwd
#include "Riosfwd.h"
#ifndef ROOT_TText
#include "TText.h"
#ifndef ROOT_TAttLine
#include "TAttLine.h"
struct FormSize_t {
Double_t fWidth, fOver, fUnder;
struct TextSpec_t {
Double_t fAngle,fSize;
Int_t fColor,fFont;
class TLatexFormSize {
Double_t fWidth, fOver, fUnder;
TLatexFormSize() : fWidth(0), fOver(0),fUnder(0) { }
TLatexFormSize(Double_t x, Double_t y1, Double_t y2) : fWidth(x), fOver(y1), fUnder(y2) { }
virtual ~TLatexFormSize() {}
TLatexFormSize(const TLatexFormSize& form)
: fWidth(form.fWidth), fOver(form.fOver), fUnder(form.fUnder) { }
TLatexFormSize operator+(TLatexFormSize f)
{ return TLatexFormSize(f.Width()+fWidth,TMath::Max(f.Over(),fOver),TMath::Max(f.Under(),fUnder)); }
void operator+=(TLatexFormSize f)
{ fWidth += f.Width(); fOver = TMath::Max(fOver,f.Over()); fUnder = TMath::Max(fUnder,f.Under()); }
inline void Set(Double_t x, Double_t y1, Double_t y2) { fWidth=x; fOver=y1; fUnder=y2; }
TLatexFormSize AddOver(TLatexFormSize f)
{ return TLatexFormSize(f.Width()+fWidth,f.Height()+fOver,fUnder); }
TLatexFormSize AddUnder(TLatexFormSize f)
{ return TLatexFormSize(f.Width()+fWidth,fOver,f.Height()+fUnder); }
TLatexFormSize AddOver(TLatexFormSize f1, TLatexFormSize f2)
{ return TLatexFormSize(fWidth+TMath::Max(f1.Width(),f2.Width()),fOver+f1.Over(),fUnder+f2.Under()); }
inline Double_t Width() const { return fWidth; }
inline Double_t Over() const { return fOver; }
inline Double_t Under() const { return fUnder; }
inline Double_t Height() const { return fOver+fUnder; }
class TLatex : public TText, public TAttLine {
Double_t fFactorSize;
Double_t fFactorPos;
Int_t fLimitFactorSize;
const Char_t *fError;
Bool_t fShow;
FormSize_t *fTabSize;
Double_t fOriginSize;
Int_t fTabMax;
Int_t fPos;
TLatex& operator=(const TLatex&);
TLatexFormSize Analyse(Double_t x, Double_t y, TextSpec_t spec, const Char_t* t,Int_t length);
TLatexFormSize Anal1(TextSpec_t spec, const Char_t* t,Int_t length);
void DrawLine(Double_t x1, Double_t y1, Double_t x2, Double_t y2, TextSpec_t spec);
void DrawCircle(Double_t x1, Double_t y1, Double_t r, TextSpec_t spec);
void DrawParenthesis(Double_t x1, Double_t y1, Double_t r1, Double_t r2, Double_t phimin, Double_t phimax, TextSpec_t spec);
TLatexFormSize FirstParse(Double_t angle, Double_t size, const Char_t *text);
void Savefs(TLatexFormSize *fs);
TLatexFormSize Readfs();
Int_t CheckLatexSyntax(TString &text) ;
enum { kTextNDC = BIT(14) };
TLatex(Double_t x, Double_t y, const char *text);
TLatex(const TLatex &text);
virtual ~TLatex();
void Copy(TObject &text) const;
TLatex *DrawLatex(Double_t x, Double_t y, const char *text);
Double_t GetHeight() const;
Double_t GetXsize();
Double_t GetYsize();
void GetBoundingBox(UInt_t &w, UInt_t &h, Bool_t angle = kFALSE);
virtual void Paint(Option_t *option="");
virtual void PaintLatex(Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t angle, Double_t size, const char *text);
virtual void SavePrimitive(ostream &out, Option_t *option = "");
virtual void SetIndiceSize(Double_t factorSize);
virtual void SetLimitIndiceSize(Int_t limitFactorSize);
Last change: Wed Jun 25 08:47:47 2008
Last generated: 2008-06-25 08:47
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