// @(#)root/tmva $Id: DecisionTree.cxx 23341 2008-04-20 12:49:40Z brun $
// Author: Andreas Hoecker, Joerg Stelzer, Helge Voss, Kai Voss

 * Project: TMVA - a Root-integrated toolkit for multivariate data analysis       *
 * Package: TMVA                                                                  *
 * Class  : TMVA::DecisionTree                                                    *
 * Web    : http://tmva.sourceforge.net                                           *
 *                                                                                *
 * Description:                                                                   *
 *      Implementation of a Decision Tree                                         *
 *                                                                                *
 * Authors (alphabetical):                                                        *
 *      Andreas Hoecker <Andreas.Hocker@cern.ch> - CERN, Switzerland              *
 *      Xavier Prudent  <prudent@lapp.in2p3.fr>  - LAPP, France                   *
 *      Helge Voss      <Helge.Voss@cern.ch>     - MPI-K Heidelberg, Germany      *
 *      Kai Voss        <Kai.Voss@cern.ch>       - U. of Victoria, Canada         *
 *                                                                                *
 * Copyright (c) 2005:                                                            *
 *      CERN, Switzerland                                                         *
 *      U. of Victoria, Canada                                                    *
 *      MPI-K Heidelberg, Germany                                                 *
 *      LAPP, Annecy, France                                                      *
 *                                                                                *
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without             *
 * modification, are permitted according to the terms listed in LICENSE           *
 * (http://mva.sourceforge.net/license.txt)                                       *
 *                                                                                *

// Implementation of a Decision Tree
// In a decision tree successive decision nodes are used to categorize the
// events out of the sample as either signal or background. Each node
// uses only a single discriminating variable to decide if the event is
// signal-like ("goes right") or background-like ("goes left"). This
// forms a tree like structure with "baskets" at the end (leave nodes),
// and an event is classified as either signal or background according to
// whether the basket where it ends up has been classified signal or
// background during the training. Training of a decision tree is the
// process to define the "cut criteria" for each node. The training
// starts with the root node. Here one takes the full training event
// sample and selects the variable and corresponding cut value that gives
// the best separation between signal and background at this stage. Using
// this cut criterion, the sample is then divided into two subsamples, a
// signal-like (right) and a background-like (left) sample. Two new nodes
// are then created for each of the two sub-samples and they are
// constructed using the same mechanism as described for the root
// node. The devision is stopped once a certain node has reached either a
// minimum number of events, or a minimum or maximum signal purity. These
// leave nodes are then called "signal" or "background" if they contain
// more signal respective background events from the training sample.

#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>

#include "TMath.h"

#include "TMVA/DecisionTree.h"
#include "TMVA/DecisionTreeNode.h"
#include "TMVA/BinarySearchTree.h"

#include "TMVA/Tools.h"

#include "TMVA/GiniIndex.h"
#include "TMVA/CrossEntropy.h"
#include "TMVA/MisClassificationError.h"
#include "TMVA/SdivSqrtSplusB.h"
#include "TMVA/Event.h"

using std::vector;

#define USE_HELGESCODE 1    // the other one is Dougs implementation of the TrainNode
#define USE_HELGE_V1  0     // out loop is over NVAR in TrainNode, inner loop is Eventloop


TMVA::DecisionTree::DecisionTree( void )
   : BinaryTree(),
     fNvars      (0),
     fNCuts      (-1),
     fSepType    (NULL),
     fMinSize    (0),
     fRandomisedTree (kFALSE),
     fUseNvars   (0),
     fMyTrandom  (NULL),
   // default constructor using the GiniIndex as separation criterion, 
   // no restrictions on minium number of events in a leave note or the
   // separation gain in the node splitting

   fLogger.SetSource( "DecisionTree" );
   fMyTrandom   = new TRandom2(0);

TMVA::DecisionTree::DecisionTree( DecisionTreeNode* n )
   : BinaryTree(),
     fNvars      (0),
     fNCuts      (-1),
     fSepType    (NULL),
     fMinSize    (0),
     fRandomisedTree (kFALSE),
     fUseNvars   (0),
     fMyTrandom  (NULL),
   // default constructor using the GiniIndex as separation criterion, 
   // no restrictions on minium number of events in a leave note or the
   // separation gain in the node splitting

   fLogger.SetSource( "DecisionTree" );

   this->SetRoot( n );
   fLogger.SetSource( "DecisionTree" );

TMVA::DecisionTree::DecisionTree( TMVA::SeparationBase *sepType,Int_t minSize,
                                  Int_t nCuts, TMVA::SeparationBase *qtype,
                                  Bool_t randomisedTree, Int_t useNvars, Int_t iSeed):
   fNvars      (0),
   fNCuts      (nCuts),
   fSepType    (sepType),
   fMinSize    (minSize),
   fRandomisedTree (randomisedTree),
   fUseNvars   (useNvars),
   fMyTrandom  (NULL),
   // constructor specifying the separation type, the min number of
   // events in a no that is still subjected to further splitting, the
   // number of bins in the grid used in applying the cut for the node
   // splitting.

   fLogger.SetSource( "DecisionTree" );
   fMyTrandom   = new TRandom2(iSeed);

TMVA::DecisionTree::DecisionTree( const DecisionTree &d):
   fNvars      (d.fNvars),
   fNCuts      (d.fNCuts),
   fSepType    (d.fSepType),
   fMinSize    (d.fMinSize),
   fRandomisedTree (d.fRandomisedTree),
   fUseNvars    (d.fUseNvars),
   fMyTrandom  (NULL),   
   // copy constructor that creates a true copy, i.e. a completely independent tree 
   // the node copy will recursively copy all the nodes 
   this->SetRoot( new DecisionTreeNode ( *((DecisionTreeNode*)(d.GetRoot())) ) );
   fNNodes = d.fNNodes;
   fLogger.SetSource( "DecisionTree" );

TMVA::DecisionTree::~DecisionTree( void )
   // destructor

   // desctruction of the tree nodes done in the "base class" BinaryTree

   if (fMyTrandom) delete fMyTrandom;

void TMVA::DecisionTree::SetParentTreeInNodes( DecisionTreeNode *n)
   // descend a tree to find all its leaf nodes, fill max depth reached in the
   // tree at the same time. 

   if (n == NULL){ //default, start at the tree top, then descend recursively
      n = (DecisionTreeNode*) this->GetRoot();
      if (n == NULL) {
         fLogger << kFATAL << "SetParentTreeNodes: started with undefined ROOT node" <<Endl;
         return ;

   if ((this->GetLeftDaughter(n) == NULL) && (this->GetRightDaughter(n) != NULL) ) {
      fLogger << kFATAL << " Node with only one daughter?? Something went wrong" << Endl;
   }  else if ((this->GetLeftDaughter(n) != NULL) && (this->GetRightDaughter(n) == NULL) ) {
      fLogger << kFATAL << " Node with only one daughter?? Something went wrong" << Endl;
   else { 
      if (this->GetLeftDaughter(n) != NULL){
         this->SetParentTreeInNodes( this->GetLeftDaughter(n) );
      if (this->GetRightDaughter(n) != NULL) {
         this->SetParentTreeInNodes( this->GetRightDaughter(n) );
   if (n->GetDepth() > this->GetTotalTreeDepth()) this->SetTotalTreeDepth(n->GetDepth());

Int_t TMVA::DecisionTree::BuildTree( vector<TMVA::Event*> & eventSample,
                                     TMVA::DecisionTreeNode *node)
   // building the decision tree by recursively calling the splitting of 
   // one (root-) node into two daughter nodes (returns the number of nodes)

   if (node==NULL) {
      //start with the root node
      node = new TMVA::DecisionTreeNode();
      fNNodes = 1;   
      // have to use "s" for start as "r" for "root" would be the same as "r" for "right"

   UInt_t nevents = eventSample.size();
   if (nevents > 0 ) {
      fNvars = eventSample[0]->GetNVars();
   else fLogger << kFATAL << ":<BuildTree> eventsample Size == 0 " << Endl;

   Double_t s=0, b=0;
   Double_t suw=0, buw=0;
   for (UInt_t i=0; i<eventSample.size(); i++){
      if (eventSample[i]->IsSignal()){
         s += eventSample[i]->GetWeight();
         suw += 1;
      else {
         b += eventSample[i]->GetWeight();
         buw += 1;

   if (s+b < 0){
      fLogger << kWARNING << " One of the Decision Tree nodes has negative total number of signal or background events. (Nsig="<<s<<" Nbkg="<<b<<" Probaby you use a Monte Carlo with negative weights. That should in principle be fine as long as on average you end up with something positive. For this you have to make sure that the minimul number of (unweighted) events demanded for a tree node (currently you use: nEventsMin="<<fMinSize<<", you can set this via the BDT option string when booking the classifier) is large enough to allow for reasonable averaging!!!"<<Endl
              << " If this does not help.. maybe you want to try the option: NoNegWeightsInTraining  which ignores events with negative weight in the training. " << Endl;
      double nBkg=0.;
      for (UInt_t i=0; i<eventSample.size(); i++){
         if (! eventSample[i]->IsSignal()){
            nBkg += eventSample[i]->GetWeight();
            cout << "Event "<< i<< " has (original) weight: " <<  eventSample[i]->GetWeight()/eventSample[i]->GetBoostWeight() 
                 << " boostWeight: " << eventSample[i]->GetBoostWeight() << endl;
      cout << " that gives in total: " << nBkg<<endl;

   if (node == this->GetRoot()) {

   //   if ( eventSample.size() > fMinSize  &&
   //        node->GetPurity() < fSoverSBUpperThreshold      &&
   //        node->GetPurity() > fSoverSBLowerThreshold  ) {

   // I now demand the minimum number of events for both daughter nodes. Hence if the number
   // of events in the parent node is not at least two times as big, I don't even need to try
   // splitting
   if ( eventSample.size() >= 2*fMinSize){

      Double_t separationGain;
      separationGain = this->TrainNode(eventSample, node);
      if (separationGain == 0) {//we could not gain anything, e.g. all events are in one bin, 
         // hence no cut can actually do anything. Happens for Integer Variables
         // Hence natuarlly the current node is a leaf node
         if (node->GetPurity() > 0.5) node->SetNodeType(1);
         else node->SetNodeType(-1);
         if (node->GetDepth() > this->GetTotalTreeDepth()) this->SetTotalTreeDepth(node->GetDepth());
      else {
         vector<TMVA::Event*> leftSample; leftSample.reserve(nevents);
         vector<TMVA::Event*> rightSample; rightSample.reserve(nevents);
         Double_t nRight=0, nLeft=0;
         for (UInt_t ie=0; ie< nevents ; ie++){
            if (node->GoesRight(*eventSample[ie])){
               nRight += eventSample[ie]->GetWeight();
            else {
               nLeft += eventSample[ie]->GetWeight();
         // sanity check
         if (leftSample.size() == 0 || rightSample.size() == 0) {
            fLogger << kFATAL << "<TrainNode> all events went to the same branch" << Endl
                    << "---                       Hence new node == old node ... check" << Endl
                    << "---                         left:" << leftSample.size()
                    << " right:" << rightSample.size() << Endl
                    << "--- this should never happen, please write a bug report to Helge.Voss@cern.ch"
                    << Endl;
         // continue building daughter nodes for the left and the right eventsample
         TMVA::DecisionTreeNode *rightNode = new TMVA::DecisionTreeNode(node,'r');
         //         rightNode->SetPos('r');
         //         rightNode->SetDepth( node->GetDepth() + 1 );

         TMVA::DecisionTreeNode *leftNode = new TMVA::DecisionTreeNode(node,'l');
         //         leftNode->SetPos('l');
         //         leftNode->SetDepth( node->GetDepth() + 1 );
         this->BuildTree(rightSample, rightNode);
         this->BuildTree(leftSample,  leftNode );
   else{ // it is a leaf node
      if (node->GetPurity() > 0.5) node->SetNodeType(1);
      else node->SetNodeType(-1);
      if (node->GetDepth() > this->GetTotalTreeDepth()) this->SetTotalTreeDepth(node->GetDepth());
   return fNNodes;

void TMVA::DecisionTree::FillTree( vector<TMVA::Event*> & eventSample)

   // fill the existing the decision tree structure by filling event
   // in from the top node and see where they happen to end up
   for (UInt_t i=0; i<eventSample.size(); i++){

void TMVA::DecisionTree::FillEvent( TMVA::Event & event,  
                                     TMVA::DecisionTreeNode *node  )
   // fill the existing the decision tree structure by filling event
   // in from the top node and see where they happen to end up
   if (node == NULL) { // that's the start, take the Root node
      node = (TMVA::DecisionTreeNode*)this->GetRoot();

   node->IncrementNEvents( event.GetWeight() );
   node->IncrementNEvents_unweighted( );
   if (event.IsSignal()){
      node->IncrementNSigEvents( event.GetWeight() );
      node->IncrementNSigEvents_unweighted( );
   else {
      node->IncrementNBkgEvents( event.GetWeight() );
      node->IncrementNSigEvents_unweighted( );
   if (node->GetNodeType() == 0){ //intermediate node --> go down
      if (node->GoesRight(event))
         this->FillEvent(event,(TMVA::DecisionTreeNode*)(node->GetRight())) ;
         this->FillEvent(event,(TMVA::DecisionTreeNode*)(node->GetLeft())) ;


void TMVA::DecisionTree::ClearTree()
   // clear the tree nodes (their S/N, Nevents etc), just keep the structure of the tree

   if (this->GetRoot()!=NULL) 


void TMVA::DecisionTree::CleanTree(DecisionTreeNode *node)
   // remove those last splits that result in two leaf nodes that
   // are both of the type background

   if (node==NULL){
      node = (DecisionTreeNode *)this->GetRoot();

   DecisionTreeNode *l = (DecisionTreeNode*)node->GetLeft();
   DecisionTreeNode *r = (DecisionTreeNode*)node->GetRight();
   if (node->GetNodeType() == 0){
      if (l->GetNodeType() * r->GetNodeType() > 0 ){

void TMVA::DecisionTree::PruneTree()
   // prune (get rid of internal nodes) the Decision tree to avoid overtraining
   // serveral different pruning methods can be applied as selected by the 
   // variable "fPruneMethod". Currently however only the Expected Error Pruning
   // is implemented

   if      (fPruneMethod == kExpectedErrorPruning)  this->PruneTreeEEP((DecisionTreeNode *)this->GetRoot());
   else if (fPruneMethod == kCostComplexityPruning) this->PruneTreeCC();
   else if (fPruneMethod == kMCC)                   this->PruneTreeMCC();
   else {
      fLogger << kFATAL << "Selected pruning method not yet implemented "
              << Endl;
   //update the number of nodes after the pruning
void TMVA::DecisionTree::PruneTreeEEP(DecisionTreeNode *node)
   // recursive prunig of nodes using the Expected Error Pruning (EEP)
   // if internal node, then prune
   DecisionTreeNode *l = (DecisionTreeNode*)node->GetLeft();
   DecisionTreeNode *r = (DecisionTreeNode*)node->GetRight();
   if (node->GetNodeType() == 0){
      if (this->GetSubTreeError(node) >= this->GetNodeError(node)) { 

void TMVA::DecisionTree::PruneTreeCC()
   // prunig of nodes using the Cost Complexity criteria. The Pruning is performed
   // until a minimum in the cost complexity CC(alpha) is reached.
   // CC(alpha) = alpha*NLeafs + sum_over_leafs[ N*Quality(leaf) ]
   // where Quality(leaf) is given by the 1-purity (for Misclassification Error)
   // purity(1-purity) for Gini-Index..e.t.c.. typically the Misclassification Error
   // is used for guiding the pruning.
   // you keep pruning the nodes that give the smallest gain in quality until the
   // CC has reached its minimum. I.e...you keep pruning nodes until the next pruning
   // step would result in a CC that is larger than the CC of the current tree.

   Double_t currentCC = this->GetCostComplexity(fPruneStrength);
   Double_t nextCC    = this->GetCostComplexityIfNextPruneStep(fPruneStrength);
   while (currentCC > nextCC &&  this->GetNNodes() > 3 ){//find the weakest node and prune it away
      this->PruneNode( this->FindCCPruneCandidate() );
      currentCC = this->GetCostComplexity(fPruneStrength);
      nextCC    = this->GetCostComplexityIfNextPruneStep(fPruneStrength);

void TMVA::DecisionTree::PruneTreeMCC()
   // Similar to the CostCoplexity pruning, only here I calculate immediately
   // the "prunestrength" (= alpha, the regularisation parameter in the CostComplexity)
   // for which the respective subtree below a node would be pruned. Then I continue
   // pruning until all nodes have such a value larger than the specified prunestrength

   Double_t currentG = fLinkStrengthMap.begin()->first;

   while (currentG < fPruneStrength &&  this->GetNNodes() > 3 ){//find the weakest node and prune it away
      //      this->PruneNode( fLinkStrengthMap.begin()->second );
      this->PruneNode( this->GetWeakestLink() );
      currentG = fLinkStrengthMap.begin()->first;

TMVA::DecisionTreeNode*  TMVA::DecisionTree::GetWeakestLink() 
   // get the weakest link for the pruning step
   return fLinkStrengthMap.begin()->second;

void TMVA::DecisionTree::FillLinkStrengthMap(TMVA::DecisionTreeNode *n) 
   // loop over all non-leaf nodes of the tree and calculate for each
   // of these nodes the prunestrenght ("alpha") at which this node
   // would win against its subtree.(hence it's subtree would be pruned)
   // this is given by:
   //          R(t) - R(T_t)       where R(t)  : MisClassificationCost of the node t
   // alpha < --------------             R(T_t): MisClassificationCost of subtree blow t
   //          |T_t| - 1                 |T|   : # nodes in Tree T

   if (n == NULL){ //default, start at the tree top, then descend recursively
      n = (DecisionTreeNode*) this->GetRoot();
      if (n == NULL) {
         fLogger << kFATAL << "FillLinkStrengthMap: started with undefined ROOT node" <<Endl;
         return ;
   if (this->GetLeftDaughter(n) != NULL){
      this->FillLinkStrengthMap( this->GetLeftDaughter(n)); 
   if (this->GetRightDaughter(n) != NULL) {
      this->FillLinkStrengthMap( this->GetRightDaughter(n));
   //now you are intrested  non-leaf nodes only
   if ((this->GetLeftDaughter(n) != NULL) && (this->GetRightDaughter(n) != NULL) ) {   
      // R(t) = 
      Double_t alpha = ( this->MisClassificationCostOfNode(n)  -
                         this->MisClassificationCostOfSubTree(n) ) /  
         (n->CountMeAndAllDaughters() - 1);

      fLinkStrengthMap.insert(std::pair<const Double_t, TMVA::DecisionTreeNode* > ( alpha, n ));

Double_t TMVA::DecisionTree::MisClassificationCostOfNode(TMVA::DecisionTreeNode *n)
   // get the misclassificationCost of the subTree
   return (1 - n->GetPurity()) * n->GetNEvents(); //  / this->GetNNodes() ;

Double_t TMVA::DecisionTree::MisClassificationCostOfSubTree(TMVA::DecisionTreeNode *n)
   // get the misclassificationCost of the subTree
   Double_t tmp=0;

   if (n == NULL){ //default, start at the tree top, then descend recursively
      n = (DecisionTreeNode*) this->GetRoot();
      if (n == NULL) {
         fLogger << kFATAL << "MisClassificationCostOfSubTree: started with undefined ROOT node" <<Endl;
         return 0.;
   if (this->GetLeftDaughter(n) != NULL){
      tmp += this->MisClassificationCostOfSubTree( this->GetLeftDaughter(n)); 
   if (this->GetRightDaughter(n) != NULL) {
      tmp += this->MisClassificationCostOfSubTree( this->GetRightDaughter(n));
   //now you are interested  leaf nodes only
   if ((this->GetLeftDaughter(n) == NULL) && (this->GetRightDaughter(n) == NULL) ) {   
      tmp = this->MisClassificationCostOfNode(n);

   return tmp;

UInt_t TMVA::DecisionTree::CountLeafNodes(TMVA::DecisionTreeNode *n)
   // return the number of terminal nodes in the sub-tree below Node n

   if (n == NULL){ //default, start at the tree top, then descend recursively
      n = (DecisionTreeNode*) this->GetRoot();
      if (n == NULL) {
         fLogger << kFATAL << "CountLeafNodes: started with undefined ROOT node" <<Endl;
         return 0;

   UInt_t countLeafs=0;

   if ((this->GetLeftDaughter(n) == NULL) && (this->GetRightDaughter(n) == NULL) ) {
      countLeafs += 1;
   else { 
      if (this->GetLeftDaughter(n) != NULL){
         countLeafs += this->CountLeafNodes( this->GetLeftDaughter(n) );
      if (this->GetRightDaughter(n) != NULL) {
         countLeafs += this->CountLeafNodes( this->GetRightDaughter(n) );
   return countLeafs;

Double_t TMVA::DecisionTree::GetCostComplexity(Double_t alpha) 
   // returns the cost complexity criterion for the decision tree
   // see "L.Breiman, J.H.Friedman, R.A.Olshen, C.J.Stone; "Classification and
   // Regression Trees", Wadsworth International Group (1984), Chapman & Hall/CRC (1984)
   // even though for guiding the cross complexity pruning, any index (gini index,
   // cross entropy or miscalssifiaction error can be used, typically one
   // chooses the "misclassification error" .. so will I.
   // (taken from "Elements of Statistical Learning" page 271)

   // find all leaf nodes
   Double_t cc=0.;

   std::multimap<Double_t, TMVA::DecisionTreeNode* >::iterator it=fQualityMap.begin();
   Int_t count=0;
   for (;it!=fQualityMap.end(); it++){
//       Double_t s=it->second->GetNSigEvents();
//       Double_t b=it->second->GetNBkgEvents();
      Double_t s=it->second->GetNSigEvents_unweighted();
      Double_t b=it->second->GetNBkgEvents_unweighted();
      cc += (s+b) * it->first ;  

   return cc+alpha * count;

Double_t TMVA::DecisionTree::GetCostComplexityIfNextPruneStep(Double_t alpha) 
   // returns the cost complexity criterion for the decision tree
   // see "L.Breiman, J.H.Friedman, R.A.Olshen, C.J.Stone; "Classification and
   // Regression Trees", Wadsworth International Group (1984), Chapman & Hall/CRC (1984)
   // even though for guiding the cross complexity pruning, any index (gini index,
   // cross entropy or miscalssifiaction error can be used, typically one
   // chooses the "misclassification error" 
   // (taken from "Elements of Statistical Learning" page 271)
   // This however for me shows strange behaviours. In particulary, there are nodes 
   // which have daughters that both have a purity > 0.5. Hence for the actual 
   // Misclassificaion error of 1-max(p,1-p), the gain in quality:
   // (S + B) Q(S,B) - (s+b)Q(s,b) - ( (S-s)+(B-s) Q(S-s,B-b)) turns out to be == 0
   // which leads to non-convex behaviour of "CostComplexity vs tree-size"

   // find all leaf nodes

   Double_t cc=0.;


   if (fQualityMap.size() == 0 ){
      fLogger << kError << "The Quality Map in the BDT-Pruning is empty.. maybe your Tree has "
              << " absolutely no splits ?? e.g.. minimun number of events for node splitting"
              << " being larger than the number of events available ??? " << Endl;
   else if (fQualityGainMap.size() == 0 ){
      fLogger << kError << "The QualityGain Map in the BDT-Pruning is empty.. This can happen"
              << " if your Tree has absolutely no splits ?? e.g.. minimun number of events for"
              << " node splitting being larger than the number of events available ??? " << Endl;
   else {

      std::multimap<Double_t, TMVA::DecisionTreeNode* >::iterator it=fQualityMap.begin();
      Int_t count=0;
      for (;it!=fQualityMap.end(); it++){
         if (it->second->GetParent() != fQualityGainMap.begin()->second ) {
            Double_t s=it->second->GetNSigEvents_unweighted();
            Double_t b=it->second->GetNBkgEvents_unweighted();
            cc += (s+b) * it->first ;  
      // now add the pruning candidates contribution as if it were pruned
      Double_t s=fQualityGainMap.begin()->second->GetNSigEvents_unweighted();
      Double_t b=fQualityGainMap.begin()->second->GetNBkgEvents_unweighted();
      cc += (s+b) * fQualityIndex->GetSeparationIndex(s,b);

   return cc;

void TMVA::DecisionTree::FillQualityGainMap(DecisionTreeNode* n )
   // traverse the whole tree and fill the map of QualityGain - Node
   // for pre-leaf nodes, deciding which node is the next prune candidate
   if (n == NULL){ //default, start at the tree top, then descend recursively
      n = (DecisionTreeNode*) this->GetRoot();
      if (n == NULL) {
         fLogger << kFATAL << "FillQualityGainMap: started with undefined ROOT node" <<Endl;
         return ;

   if (this->GetLeftDaughter(n) != NULL){
      this->FillQualityGainMap( this->GetLeftDaughter(n)); 
   if (this->GetRightDaughter(n) != NULL) {
      this->FillQualityGainMap( this->GetRightDaughter(n));

   //quality gain of course exists for internal nodes only:
   if ((this->GetLeftDaughter(n) != NULL) && (this->GetRightDaughter(n) != NULL) ) {
      //but you want to fill it for pre-leaf nodes only
      if ((this->GetLeftDaughter(n)->GetLeft() == NULL) && 
          (this->GetLeftDaughter(n)->GetRight() == NULL) && 
          (this->GetRightDaughter(n)->GetLeft() == NULL) && 
          (this->GetRightDaughter(n)->GetRight() == NULL) ){
         fQualityGainMap.insert(std::pair<const Double_t, TMVA::DecisionTreeNode* > 
                                ( fQualityIndex->GetSeparationGain (this->GetRightDaughter(n)->GetNSigEvents_unweighted(),
                                                                    n->GetNSigEvents_unweighted(), n->GetNBkgEvents_unweighted()),

void TMVA::DecisionTree::FillQualityMap(DecisionTreeNode* n )
   // traverse the whole tree and find the leaf nodes, and then fill the Quality Criterion
   // for the leaf nodes (Used in the Pruning)

   if (n == NULL){ //default, start at the tree top, then descend recursively
      n = (DecisionTreeNode*) this->GetRoot();
      if (n == NULL) {
         fLogger << kFATAL << "FillQualityMap: started with undefined ROOT node" <<Endl;
         return ;
   if (this->GetLeftDaughter(n) != NULL){
      this->FillQualityMap( this->GetLeftDaughter(n)); 
   if (this->GetRightDaughter(n) != NULL) {
      this->FillQualityMap( this->GetRightDaughter(n));
   //now you are intrested in leaf nodes only
   if ((this->GetLeftDaughter(n) == NULL) && (this->GetRightDaughter(n) == NULL) ) {   
      fQualityMap.insert(std::pair<const Double_t, TMVA::DecisionTreeNode* > 
                         ( fQualityIndex->GetSeparationIndex (n->GetNSigEvents_unweighted(), 

void TMVA::DecisionTree::DescendTree( DecisionTreeNode *n)
   // descend a tree to find all its leaf nodes

   if (n == NULL){ //default, start at the tree top, then descend recursively
      n = (DecisionTreeNode*) this->GetRoot();
      if (n == NULL) {
         fLogger << kFATAL << "DescendTree: started with undefined ROOT node" <<Endl;
         return ;

   if ((this->GetLeftDaughter(n) == NULL) && (this->GetRightDaughter(n) == NULL) ) {
      // do nothing
   else if ((this->GetLeftDaughter(n) == NULL) && (this->GetRightDaughter(n) != NULL) ) {
      fLogger << kFATAL << " Node with only one daughter?? Something went wrong" << Endl;
   else if ((this->GetLeftDaughter(n) != NULL) && (this->GetRightDaughter(n) == NULL) ) {
      fLogger << kFATAL << " Node with only one daughter?? Something went wrong" << Endl;
   else { 
      if (this->GetLeftDaughter(n) != NULL){
         this->DescendTree( this->GetLeftDaughter(n) );
      if (this->GetRightDaughter(n) != NULL) {
         this->DescendTree( this->GetRightDaughter(n) );

TMVA::DecisionTreeNode* TMVA::DecisionTree::FindCCPruneCandidate()
   // get the  pruning candidate node as the one pre-leaf node that gives
   // the smalest quality gain
   return fQualityGainMap.begin()->second;

void TMVA::DecisionTree::PruneNode(DecisionTreeNode *node)
   // prune away the subtree below the node 
   DecisionTreeNode *l = (DecisionTreeNode*)node->GetLeft();
   DecisionTreeNode *r = (DecisionTreeNode*)node->GetRight();
   if (node->GetPurity() > 0.5) node->SetNodeType(1);
   else node->SetNodeType(-1);
   //update the stored number of Nodes in the Tree


Double_t TMVA::DecisionTree::GetNodeError(DecisionTreeNode *node)
   // calculate an UPPER limit on the error made by the classification done
   // by this node. If the S/S+B of the node is f, then according to the
   // training sample, the error rate (fraction of misclassified events by
   // this node) is (1-f)
   // now f has a statistical error according to the binomial distribution
   // hence the error on f can be estimated (same error as the binomial error
   // for efficency calculations ( sigma = sqrt(eff(1-eff)/nEvts ) ) 
   Double_t errorRate = 0;

   Double_t nEvts = node->GetNEvents();
   //fraction of correctly classified events by this node:
   Double_t f=0;
   if (node->GetPurity() > 0.5) f = node->GetPurity();
   else  f = (1-node->GetPurity());

   Double_t df = TMath::Sqrt(f*(1-f)/nEvts );
   errorRate = std::min(1.,(1 - (f-fPruneStrength*df) ));
   // -------------------------------------------------------------------
   // standard algorithm:
   // step 1: Estimate error on node using Laplace estimate 
   //         NodeError = (N - n + k -1 ) / (N + k)
   //   N: number of events
   //   k: number of event classes (2 for Signal, Background)
   //   n: n event out of N belong to the class which has the majority in the node
   // step 2: Approximate "backed-up" error assuming we did not prune
   //   (I'm never quite sure if they consider whole subtrees, or only 'next-to-leaf'
   //    nodes)...
   //   Subtree error = Sum_children ( P_i * NodeError_i)
   //    P_i = probability of the node to make the decision, i.e. fraction of events in
   //          leaf node ( N_leaf / N_parent)
   // step 3: 
   // Minimum Error Pruning (MEP) accordig to Niblett/Bratko
   //# of correctly classified events by this node:
   //Double_t n=f*nEvts ;
   //Double_t p_apriori = 0.5, m=100;
   //errorRate = (nEvts  - n + (1-p_apriori) * m ) / (nEvts  + m);
   // Pessimistic error Pruing (proposed by Quinlan (error estimat with continuity approximation)
   //# of correctly classified events by this node:
   //Double_t n=f*nEvts ;
   //errorRate = (nEvts  - n + 0.5) / nEvts ;
   //const Double Z=.65;
   //# of correctly classified events by this node:
   //Double_t n=f*nEvts ;
   //errorRate = (f + Z*Z/(2*nEvts ) + Z*sqrt(f/nEvts  - f*f/nEvts  + Z*Z/4/nEvts /nEvts ) ) / (1 + Z*Z/nEvts ); 
   //errorRate = (n + Z*Z/2 + Z*sqrt(n - n*n/nEvts  + Z*Z/4) )/ (nEvts  + Z*Z);
   //errorRate = 1 - errorRate;
   // -------------------------------------------------------------------
   return errorRate;
Double_t TMVA::DecisionTree::GetSubTreeError(DecisionTreeNode *node)
   // calculate the expected statistical error on the subtree below "node"
   // which is used in the expected error pruning
   DecisionTreeNode *l = (DecisionTreeNode*)node->GetLeft();
   DecisionTreeNode *r = (DecisionTreeNode*)node->GetRight();
   if (node->GetNodeType() == 0) {
      Double_t subTreeError = 
         (l->GetNEvents() * this->GetSubTreeError(l) +
          r->GetNEvents() * this->GetSubTreeError(r)) /
      return subTreeError;
   else {
      return this->GetNodeError(node);

TMVA::DecisionTreeNode* TMVA::DecisionTree::GetLeftDaughter( DecisionTreeNode *n)
   // get left daughter node current node "n"
   return (DecisionTreeNode*) n->GetLeft();

TMVA::DecisionTreeNode* TMVA::DecisionTree::GetRightDaughter( DecisionTreeNode *n)
   // get right daughter node current node "n"
   return (DecisionTreeNode*) n->GetRight();
TMVA::DecisionTreeNode* TMVA::DecisionTree::GetNode(ULong_t sequence, UInt_t depth)
   // retrieve node from the tree. Its position (up to a maximal tree depth of 64)
   // is coded as a sequence of left-right moves starting from the root, coded as
   // 0-1 bit patterns stored in the "long-integer"  (i.e. 0:left ; 1:right

   DecisionTreeNode* current = (DecisionTreeNode*) this->GetRoot();
   for (UInt_t i =0;  i < depth; i++){
      ULong_t tmp = 1 << i;
      if ( tmp & sequence) current = this->GetRightDaughter(current);
      else current = this->GetLeftDaughter(current);

   return current;

void TMVA::DecisionTree::FindMinAndMax(vector<TMVA::Event*> & eventSample,
                                       vector<Double_t> & xmin,
                                       vector<Double_t> & xmax)
   // helper function which calculates gets the Min and Max value
   // of the event variables in the current event sample

   UInt_t num_events = eventSample.size();
   for (Int_t ivar=0; ivar < fNvars; ivar++){
   for (UInt_t i=1;i<num_events;i++){
      for (Int_t ivar=0; ivar < fNvars; ivar++){
         if (xmin[ivar]>eventSample[i]->GetVal(ivar))
         if (xmax[ivar]<eventSample[i]->GetVal(ivar))

void  TMVA::DecisionTree::SetCutPoints(vector<Double_t> & cut_points,
                                       Double_t xmin,
                                       Double_t xmax,
                                       Int_t num_gridpoints)
   // helper function which calculates the grid points used for
   // the cut scan
   Double_t step = (xmax - xmin)/num_gridpoints;
   Double_t x = xmin + step/2; 
   for (Int_t j=0; j < num_gridpoints; j++){
      cut_points[j] = x;
      x += step;


Double_t TMVA::DecisionTree::TrainNode(vector<TMVA::Event*> & eventSample,
                                       TMVA::DecisionTreeNode *node)
   // decide how to split a node. At each node, ONE of the variables is
   // choosen, which gives the best separation between signal and bkg on
   // the sample which enters the Node.  
   // In order to do this, for each variable a scan of the different cut
   // values in a grid (grid = fNCuts) is performed and the resulting separation
   // gains are compared.. This cut scan uses either a binary search tree
   // or a simple loop over the events depending on the number of events
   // in the sample 

   vector<Double_t> *xmin  = new vector<Double_t>( fNvars );
   vector<Double_t> *xmax  = new vector<Double_t>( fNvars );

   Double_t separationGain = -1, sepTmp;
   Double_t cutValue=-999;
   Int_t mxVar=-1, cutIndex=0;
   Bool_t cutType=kTRUE;
   Double_t  nTotS, nTotB;
   Int_t     nTotS_unWeighted, nTotB_unWeighted; 
   UInt_t nevents = eventSample.size();

   //find min and max value of the variables in the sample
   for (int ivar=0; ivar < fNvars; ivar++){
   for (UInt_t iev=1;iev<nevents;iev++){
      for (Int_t ivar=0; ivar < fNvars; ivar++){
         Double_t eventData = eventSample[iev]->GetVal(ivar); 
         if ((*xmin)[ivar]>eventData)(*xmin)[ivar]=eventData;
         if ((*xmax)[ivar]<eventData)(*xmax)[ivar]=eventData;

   vector< vector<Double_t> > nSelS (fNvars);
   vector< vector<Double_t> > nSelB (fNvars);
   vector< vector<Int_t> >    nSelS_unWeighted (fNvars);
   vector< vector<Int_t> >    nSelB_unWeighted (fNvars);
   vector< vector<Double_t> > significance (fNvars);
   vector< vector<Double_t> > cutValues(fNvars);
   vector< vector<Bool_t> > cutTypes(fNvars);

   vector<Bool_t> useVariable(fNvars);
   for (int ivar=0; ivar < fNvars; ivar++) useVariable[ivar]=kFALSE;
   if (fRandomisedTree) { // choose for each node splitting a random subset of variables to choose from
      if (fUseNvars==0) { // no number specified... choose s.th. which hopefully works well..
         if (fNvars < 12) fUseNvars = TMath::Max(2,Int_t( Float_t(fNvars) / 2.5 ));
         else if (fNvars < 40) fUseNvars = Int_t( Float_t(fNvars) / 5 );
         else fUseNvars = Int_t( Float_t(fNvars) / 10 );
      Int_t nSelectedVars = 0;
      while ( nSelectedVars < fUseNvars ){
         Double_t bla = fMyTrandom->Rndm()*fNvars;
         useVariable[Int_t (bla)] = kTRUE;
         for (int ivar=0; ivar < fNvars; ivar++) {
            if (useVariable[ivar] == kTRUE) nSelectedVars++;
   } else {
      for (int ivar=0; ivar < fNvars; ivar++) useVariable[ivar] = kTRUE;

   for (int ivar=0; ivar < fNvars; ivar++){
      if ( useVariable[ivar] ) {

         //set the grid for the cut scan on the variables
         Double_t istepSize =( (*xmax)[ivar] - (*xmin)[ivar] ) / Double_t(fNCuts);
         for (Int_t icut=0; icut<fNCuts; icut++){

   nTotS=0; nTotB=0;
   nTotS_unWeighted=0; nTotB_unWeighted=0;   
   for (UInt_t iev=0; iev<nevents; iev++){
      Int_t eventType = eventSample[iev]->Type();
      Double_t eventWeight =  eventSample[iev]->GetWeight(); 
      if (eventType==1){
      else {

      for (int ivar=0; ivar < fNvars; ivar++){
         // now scan trough the cuts for each varable and find which one gives
         // the best separationGain at the current stage.
         // just scan the possible cut values for this variable
         if ( useVariable[ivar] ) {
            Double_t eventData = eventSample[iev]->GetVal(ivar); 
            for (Int_t icut=0; icut<fNCuts; icut++){
               if (eventData > cutValues[ivar][icut]){
                  if (eventType==1) {
                  else {

   // now select the optimal cuts for each varable and find which one gives
   // the best separationGain at the current stage.
   for (int ivar=0; ivar < fNvars; ivar++) {
      if ( useVariable[ivar] ){
         for (Int_t icut=0; icut<fNCuts; icut++){
            // now the separationGain is defined as the various indices (Gini, CorssEntropy, e.t.c)
            // calculated by the "SamplePurities" fom the branches that would go to the
            // left or the right from this node if "these" cuts were used in the Node:
            // hereby: nSelS and nSelB would go to the right branch
            //        (nTotS - nSelS) + (nTotB - nSelB)  would go to the left branch;
            // only allow splits where both daughter nodes match the specified miniumum number
            // for this use the "unweighted" events, as you are interested in "statistically 
            // significant splits, which is determined rather by the actuall number of entries
            // for a node, rather than the sum of event weights.
            if ( (nSelS_unWeighted[ivar][icut] +  nSelB_unWeighted[ivar][icut]) >= fMinSize &&
                 (( nTotS_unWeighted+nTotB_unWeighted)- 
                  (nSelS_unWeighted[ivar][icut] +  nSelB_unWeighted[ivar][icut])) >= fMinSize) {
               sepTmp = fSepType->GetSeparationGain(nSelS[ivar][icut], nSelB[ivar][icut], nTotS, nTotB);
               if (separationGain < sepTmp) {
                  separationGain = sepTmp;
                  mxVar = ivar;
                  cutIndex = icut;

   if (mxVar >= 0) { // I actually found a valable split
      if (nSelS[mxVar][cutIndex]/nTotS > nSelB[mxVar][cutIndex]/nTotB) cutType=kTRUE;
      else cutType=kFALSE;
      cutValue = cutValues[mxVar][cutIndex];
      fVariableImportance[mxVar] += separationGain*separationGain * (nTotS+nTotB) * (nTotS+nTotB) ;
   else {
      separationGain = 0;
   delete xmin;
   delete xmax;

   return separationGain;

Double_t TMVA::DecisionTree::CheckEvent(const TMVA::Event & e, Bool_t UseYesNoLeaf)
   // the event e is put into the decision tree (starting at the root node)
   // and the output is NodeType (signal) or (background) of the final node (basket)
   // in which the given events ends up. I.e. the result of the classification if
   // the event for this decision tree.

   TMVA::DecisionTreeNode *current = (TMVA::DecisionTreeNode*)this->GetRoot();

   while(current->GetNodeType() == 0){ //intermediate node
      if (current->GoesRight(e))
      else current=(TMVA::DecisionTreeNode*)current->GetLeft();

   if (UseYesNoLeaf) return Double_t ( current->GetNodeType() );
   else return current->GetPurity();

Double_t  TMVA::DecisionTree::SamplePurity(vector<TMVA::Event*> eventSample)
   //calculates the purity S/(S+B) of a given event sample
   Double_t sumsig=0, sumbkg=0, sumtot=0;
   for (UInt_t ievt=0; ievt<eventSample.size(); ievt++) {
      if (eventSample[ievt]->Type()==0) sumbkg+=eventSample[ievt]->GetWeight();
      if (eventSample[ievt]->Type()==1) sumsig+=eventSample[ievt]->GetWeight();
   //sanity check
   if (sumtot!= (sumsig+sumbkg)){
      fLogger << kFATAL << "<SamplePurity> sumtot != sumsig+sumbkg"
              << sumtot << " " << sumsig << " " << sumbkg << Endl;
   if (sumtot>0) return sumsig/(sumsig + sumbkg);
   else return -1;

vector< Double_t >  TMVA::DecisionTree::GetVariableImportance()
   //return the relative variable importance, normalized to all
   //variables together having the importance 1. The importance in
   //evaluated as the total separation-gain that this variable had in
   //the decision trees (weighted by the number of events)
   vector<Double_t> relativeImportance(fNvars);
   Double_t  sum=0;
   for (int i=0; i< fNvars; i++) {
      sum += fVariableImportance[i];
      relativeImportance[i] = fVariableImportance[i];

   for (int i=0; i< fNvars; i++) {
      if (sum > std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon())
         relativeImportance[i] /= sum;
         relativeImportance[i] = 0;
   return relativeImportance;

Double_t  TMVA::DecisionTree::GetVariableImportance(Int_t ivar)
   // returns the relative improtance of variable ivar
   vector<Double_t> relativeImportance = this->GetVariableImportance();
   if (ivar >= 0 && ivar < fNvars) return relativeImportance[ivar];
   else {
      fLogger << kFATAL << "<GetVariableImportance>" << Endl
              << "---                     ivar = " << ivar << " is out of range " << Endl;

   return -1;

Last change: Wed Jun 25 08:48:09 2008
Last generated: 2008-06-25 08:48

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