// @(#)root/base:$Id: TClassEdit.cxx 24423 2008-06-20 14:47:08Z rdm $
// Author: Victor Perev   04/10/2003
//         Philippe Canal 05/2004

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "TClassEdit.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#include "Rstrstream.h"

// CINT's API.
#include "cint/Api.h"

namespace std {} using namespace std;

int   TClassEdit::STLKind(const char *type)
//      Converts STL container name to number. vector -> 1, etc..

   unsigned char offset = 0;
   if (strncmp(type,"std::",5)==0) { offset = 5; }

   static const char *stls[] =                  //container names

//              kind of stl container
   for(int k=1;stls[k];k++) {if (strcmp(type+offset,stls[k])==0) return k;}
   return 0;

int   TClassEdit::STLArgs(int kind)
//      Return number of arguments for STL container before allocator

   static const char  stln[] =// min number of container arguments
   {    1,       1,     1,      1,    3,         3,    2,        2 };

   return stln[kind];

bool TClassEdit::IsDefAlloc(const char *allocname, const char *classname)
   // return whether or not 'allocname' is the STL default allocator for type
   // 'classname'

   string a = CleanType(allocname);
   string k = CleanType(classname);
   if (a=="alloc")                              return true;
   if (a=="__default_alloc_template<true,0>")   return true;
   if (a=="__malloc_alloc_template<0>")         return true;

   string ts("allocator<"); ts += k; ts+=">";
   if (a==ts) return true;

   ts = "allocator<"; ts += k; ts+=" >";
   if (a==ts) return true;

   return false;

bool TClassEdit::IsDefAlloc(const char *allocname,
                            const char *keyclassname,
                            const char *valueclassname)
   // return whether or not 'allocname' is the STL default allocator for a key
   // of type 'keyclassname' and a value of type 'valueclassname'

   if (IsDefAlloc(allocname,keyclassname)) return true;

   string a = CleanType(allocname);
   string k = CleanType(keyclassname);
   string v = CleanType(valueclassname);

   string stem("allocator<pair<");
   stem += k;
   stem += ",";
   stem += v;

   string ts(stem);
   ts += "> >";

   if (a==ts) return true;

   ts = stem;
   ts += " > >";

   if (a==ts) return true;

   stem = "allocator<pair<const ";
   stem += k;
   stem += ",";
   stem += v;

   ts = stem;
   ts += "> >";

   if (a==ts) return true;

   ts = stem;
   ts += " > >";

   if (a==ts) return true;

   if ( keyclassname[strlen(keyclassname)-1] == '*' ) {

      stem = "allocator<pair<";
      stem += k;
      stem += "const";
      stem += ",";
      stem += v;

      string tss(stem);
      tss += "> >";

      if (a==tss) return true;

      tss = stem;
      tss += " > >";

      if (a==tss) return true;

      stem = "allocator<pair<const ";
      stem += k;
      stem += "const";
      stem += ",";
      stem += v;

      tss = stem;
      tss += "> >";

      if (a==tss) return true;

      tss = stem;
      tss += " > >";

      if (a==tss) return true;


   return false;

bool TClassEdit::IsDefComp(const char *compname, const char *classname)
   // return whether or not 'compare' is the STL default comparator for type
   // 'classname'

   string c = CleanType(compname);
   string k = CleanType(classname);

   // The default compartor is std::less<classname> which is usually stored
   // in CINT as less<classname>

   string stdless("less<");
   stdless += k;
   if (stdless[stdless.size()-1]=='>') stdless += " >";
   else stdless += ">";

   if (stdless == c) return true;

   if (stdless == c) return true;

   return false;

string TClassEdit::GetLong64_Name(const string& original)
   // Replace 'long long' and 'unsigned long long' by 'Long64_t' and 'ULong64_t'

   static const char* longlong_s  = "long long";
   static const char* ulonglong_s = "unsigned long long";
   static const unsigned int longlong_len  = strlen(longlong_s);
   static const unsigned int ulonglong_len = strlen(ulonglong_s);

   string result = original;

   int pos = 0;
   while( (pos = result.find(ulonglong_s,pos) ) >=0 ) {
      result.replace(pos, ulonglong_len, "ULong64_t");
   pos = 0;
   while( (pos = result.find(longlong_s,pos) ) >=0 ) {
      result.replace(pos, longlong_len, "Long64_t");
   return result;

int TClassEdit::GetSplit(const char *type, vector<string>& output, int &nestedLoc)
   //  Stores in output (after emptying it) the splited type.
   //  Stores the location of the tail (nested names) in tailloc (0 indicates no tail).
   //  Return the number of elements stored.
   //  First in list is the template name or is empty
   //         "vector<list<int>,alloc>**" to "vector" "list<int>" "alloc" "**"
   //   or    "TNamed*" to "" "TNamed" "*"

   int keepConst = 0;
   int keepInnerConst = 1;

   nestedLoc = 0;
   if (strlen(type)==0) return 0;

   string full = CleanType(type, keepInnerConst );
   const char *t = full.c_str();
   const char *c = strchr(t,'<');

   string stars;
   const char *starloc = t+strlen(t)-1;
   if ( (*starloc)=='*' ) {
      while( (*(starloc-1))=='*' ) { starloc--; }
      stars = starloc;

   if (c) {
      //we have 'something<'
   } else {
      output.push_back(string()); c=t-1;
   do {
   } while(*c!='>' && *c);

   if (*c=='>') {
      // See what's next!
      if (*(c+1)==':') {
         // we have a name specified inside the class/namespace
         // For now we keep it in one piece
         nestedLoc = output.size();
   if (stars.length()) output.push_back(stars);
   return output.size();

string TClassEdit::CleanType(const char *typeDesc, int mode, const char **tail)
   //      Cleanup type description, redundant blanks removed
   //      and redundant tail ignored
   //      return *tail = pointer to last used character
   //      if (mode==0) keep keywords
   //      if (mode==1) remove keywords outside the template params
   //      if (mode>=2) remove the keywords everywhere.
   //      if (tail!=0) cut before the trailing *
   //      The keywords currently are: "const" , "volatile" removed
   //      CleanType(" A<B, C< D, E> > *,F,G>") returns "A<B,C<D,E> >*"

   static const char* remove[] = {"class","const","volatile",0};

   string result;
   int lev=0,kbl=1;
   const char* c;

   for(c=typeDesc;*c;c++) {
      if (c[0]==' ') {
         if (kbl)       continue;
         if (!isalnum(c[ 1]) && c[ 1] !='_')    continue;
      if (kbl && (mode>=2 || lev==0)) { //remove "const' etc...
         int done = 0;
         int n = (mode) ? 999 : 1;

         // loop on all the keywords we want to remove
         for (int k=0; k<n && remove[k]; k++) {
            int rlen = strlen(remove[k]);

            // Do we have a match
            if (strncmp(remove[k],c,rlen)) continue;

            // make sure that the 'keyword' is not part of a longer indentifier
            if (isalnum(c[rlen]) || c[rlen]=='_' ||  c[rlen]=='$') continue;

            c+=rlen-1; done = 1; break;
         if (done) continue;

      kbl = (!isalnum(c[ 0]) && c[ 0]!='_' && c[ 0]!='$' && c[0]!='[' && c[0]!=']');

      if (*c == '<')   lev++;
      if (lev==0 && !isalnum(*c)) {
         if (!strchr("*:_$ []",*c)) break;
      if (c[0]=='>' && result.size() && result[result.size()-1]=='>') result+=" ";

      result += c[0];

      if (*c == '>')    lev--;
   if(tail) *tail=c;
   return result;

string TClassEdit::ShortType(const char *typeDesc, int mode)
   // Return the absolute type of typeDesc.
   // E.g.: typeDesc = "class const volatile TNamed**", returns "TNamed**".
   // if (mode&1) remove last "*"s                     returns "TNamed"
   // if (mode&2) remove default allocators from STL containers
   // if (mode&4) remove all     allocators from STL containers
   // if (mode&8) return inner class of stl container. list<innerClass>
   // if (mode&16) return deapest class of stl container. vector<list<deapest>>

   //fprintf(stderr,"calling ShortType with mode %d\n",mode);
//    int imode = mode;

   string full = CleanType(typeDesc, 1 );
   string answ;
   int tailLoc=0;
   int nestedLoc=0; // location of the tail (if set to >0)

   // get list of all arguments
   vector<string> arglist;
   int narg = GetSplit(full.c_str(),arglist,nestedLoc);

   if (narg==0) return typeDesc;

//      fprintf(stderr,"calling ShortType %d for %s with narg %d\n",mode,typeDesc,narg);
//      {for (int i=0;i<narg;i++) fprintf(stderr,"calling ShortType %d for %s with %d %s \n",
//                                        mode,typeDesc,i,arglist[i].c_str());
//      }
   if (arglist[narg-1].empty() == false && arglist[narg-1][0]=='*') {
      if ((mode&1)==0) tailLoc = narg-1;
   mode &= (~1);

   if (nestedLoc) narg--;

//    fprintf(stderr,"calling ShortType %d for %s with narg %d tail %d\n",imode,typeDesc,narg,tailLoc);

   //kind of stl container
   int kind = STLKind(arglist[0].c_str());
   int iall = STLArgs(kind);

   // Only class is needed
   if (mode&(8|16)) {
      while(narg-1>iall) {arglist.pop_back(); narg--;}
      if (!arglist[0].empty() && tailLoc) {
         tailLoc = 0;

   if (mode & kDropStlDefault) mode |= kDropDefaultAlloc;

   if (kind) {
      bool allocRemoved = false;

      if ( mode & (kDropDefaultAlloc|kDropAlloc) ) {
         // remove allocators

         if (narg-1 == iall+1) {
            // has an allocator specified
            bool dropAlloc = false;
            if (mode & kDropAlloc) {

               dropAlloc = true;

            } else if (mode & kDropDefaultAlloc) {
               switch (kind) {
                  case kVector:
                  case kList:
                  case kDeque:
                  case kSet:
                  case kMultiSet:
                     dropAlloc = IsDefAlloc(arglist[iall+1].c_str(),arglist[1].c_str());
                  case kMap:
                  case kMultiMap:
                     dropAlloc = IsDefAlloc(arglist[iall+1].c_str(),arglist[1].c_str(),arglist[2].c_str());
                     dropAlloc = false;

            if (dropAlloc) {
               allocRemoved = true;
         } else {
            // has no allocator specified (hence it is already removed!)
            allocRemoved = true;

      if ( allocRemoved && (mode & kDropStlDefault) && narg-1 == iall) { // remove default comparator
         if ( IsDefComp( arglist[iall].c_str(), arglist[1].c_str() ) ) {
      } else if ( mode & kDropComparator ) {

         switch (kind) {
            case kVector:
            case kList:
            case kDeque:
            case kSet:
            case kMultiSet:
            case kMap:
            case kMultiMap:
               if (!allocRemoved && narg-1 == iall+1) {
                  allocRemoved = true;
               if (narg-1 == iall) narg--;

   //   do the same for all inside
   for (int i=1;i<narg; i++) {
      if (strchr(arglist[i].c_str(),'<')==0) continue;
      bool hasconst = 0==strncmp("const ",arglist[i].c_str(),6);
      //NOTE: Should we also check the end of the type for 'const'?
      arglist[i] = ShortType(arglist[i].c_str(),mode);
      if (hasconst) {
         arglist[i] = "const " + arglist[i];

   if (!arglist[0].empty()) {answ += arglist[0]; answ +="<";}

   { for (int i=1;i<narg-1; i++) { answ += arglist[i]; answ+=",";} }
   if (narg>1) { answ += arglist[narg-1]; }

   if (!arglist[0].empty()) {
      if ( answ.at(answ.size()-1) == '>') {
         answ += " >";
      } else {
         answ += '>';
   if (nestedLoc) answ += arglist[nestedLoc];
   if (tailLoc) answ += arglist[tailLoc];

//     fprintf(stderr,"2. mode %d reduce \"%s\" into \"%s\"\n",
//             imode, typeDesc,answ.c_str());
   return answ;

int TClassEdit::IsSTLCont(const char *type,int testAlloc)
   //  type     : type name: vector<list<classA,allocator>,allocator>
   //  testAlloc: if true, we test allocator, if it is not default result is negative
   //  result:    0          : not stl container
   //             abs(result): code of container 1=vector,2=list,3=deque,4=map
   //                           5=multimap,6=set,7=multiset
   //             positive val: we have a vector or list with default allocator to any depth
   //                   like vector<list<vector<int>>>
   //             negative val: STL container other than vector or int, or non default allocator
   //                           For example: vector<deque<int>> has answer -1

   if (strchr(type,'<')==0) return 0;

   int mode = (testAlloc) ? 2 : 0;
   string fullname = ShortType(type,mode);

   vector<string> arglist;
   int nestedLoc=0;
   int numb = GetSplit(fullname.c_str(),arglist,nestedLoc);

   if ( arglist[0].length()>0 && arglist[numb-1][0]=='*' ) numb--;

   if ( nestedLoc ) {
      // The type has been defined inside another namespace and/or class
      // this couldn't possibly be an STL container
      return 0;

   int kind = STLKind(arglist[0].c_str());

   if (kind==kVector || kind==kList ) {

      if (testAlloc && (numb-1 > STLArgs(kind)) ) {

         // We have a non default allocator,
         // let's return a negative value.

         kind = -kind;

      } else {

         // We has a default allocator, let's continue to
         // look inside the argument list.
         int k = IsSTLCont(arglist[1].c_str(),testAlloc);
         if (k<0) kind = -kind;


   // We return a negative value for anything which is not a vector or a list.
   if(kind>2) kind = - kind;
   return kind;

bool TClassEdit::IsStdClass(const char *classname)
   // return true if the class belond to the std namespace

   if ( strncmp(classname,"std::",5)==0 ) classname += 5;
   if ( strcmp(classname,"string")==0 ) return true;
   if ( strncmp(classname,"pair<",strlen("pair<"))==0) return true;
   if ( strcmp(classname,"allocator")==0) return true;
   if ( strncmp(classname,"allocator<",strlen("allocator<"))==0) return true;
   if ( strncmp(classname,"greater<",strlen("greater<"))==0) return true;

   return IsSTLCont(classname) != 0;


bool TClassEdit::IsVectorBool(const char *name) {
   int nestedLoc=0;
   vector<string> splitName;

   return ( TClassEdit::STLKind( splitName[0].c_str() ) == TClassEdit::kVector)
      && ( splitName[1] == "bool" || splitName[1]=="Bool_t");

namespace {
   static bool ShouldReplace(const char *name)
      // This helper function indicates whether we really want to replace
      // a type.

      const char *excludelist [] = {"Char_t","Short_t","Int_t","Long_t","Float_t",

      for (unsigned int i=0; i < sizeof(excludelist)/sizeof(excludelist[0]); ++i) {
         if (strcmp(name,excludelist[i])==0) return false;

      return true;

string TClassEdit::ResolveTypedef(const char *tname, bool resolveAll)

   // Return the name of type 'tname' with all its typedef components replaced
   // by the actual type its points to
   // For example for "typedef MyObj MyObjTypedef;"
   //    vector<MyObjTypedef> return vector<MyObjTypedef>

   if ( tname==0 || tname[0]==0) return tname;

   if ( strchr(tname,'<')==0 && (tname[strlen(tname)-1]!='*') ) {

      if ( strchr(tname,':')!=0 ) {
         // We have a namespace an we have to check it first :(

         int slen = strlen(tname);
         for(int k=0;k<slen;++k) {
            if (tname[k]==':') {
               if (k+1>=slen || tname[k+1]!=':') {
                  // we expected another ':'
                  return tname;
               if (k) {
                  string base(tname, 0, k);
                  if (base=="std") {
                     // std is not declared but is also ignored by CINT!
                     tname += 5;
                  } else {
                     G__ClassInfo info(base.c_str());
                     if (!info.IsLoaded()) {
                        // the nesting namespace is not declared
                        return tname;

      // We have a very simple type

      if (resolveAll || ShouldReplace(tname)) {
         G__TypedefInfo t;
         if (t.IsValid()) return t.TrueName();
      return tname;

   int len = strlen(tname);
   string input(tname);
#ifdef R__SSTREAM
   // This is the modern implementation
   stringstream answ;
   // This is deprecated in the C++ standard
   strstream answ;

   int prev = 0;
   for (int i=0; i<len; ++i) {
      switch (tname[i]) {
         case '<':
         case '>':
         case '*':
         case ' ':
         case '&':
         case ',':
            char keep = input[i];
            string temp( input, prev,i-prev );

            if ( (resolveAll&&(temp!="Double32_t")&&(temp!="Float16_t")) || ShouldReplace(temp.c_str())) {
               answ << ResolveTypedef( temp.c_str(), resolveAll);
            } else {
               answ << temp;
            answ << keep;
            prev = i+1;
   const char *last = &(input.c_str()[prev]);
   if ((resolveAll&&(strcmp(last,"Double32_t")!=0)&&(strcmp(last,"Float16_t")!=0)) || ShouldReplace(last)) {
      answ << ResolveTypedef( last, resolveAll);
   } else {
      answ << last;
#ifndef R__SSTREAM
   // Deprecated case
   answ << ends;
   std::string ret = answ.str();
   return ret;
   return answ.str();


Last change: Wed Jun 25 08:35:37 2008
Last generated: 2008-06-25 08:35

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