// @(#)root/qt:$Id: TQtWidget.cxx 26999 2008-12-18 07:47:00Z brun $
// Author: Valeri Fine   23/01/2003

 * Copyright (C) 1995-2004, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
 * Copyright (C) 2003 by Valeri Fine.                                    *
 * All rights reserved.                                                  *
 *                                                                       *
 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *

// Definition of TQtWidget class
// "double-buffere widget

#include <qapplication.h>

#if QT_VERSION >= 0x40000
#  include <QFocusEvent>
#  include <QPaintEvent>
#  include <QKeyEvent>
#  include <QShowEvent>
#  include <QResizeEvent>
#  include <QMouseEvent>
#  include <QCustomEvent>
#  include <QImage>
#  include <QDebug>
#endif /* QT_VERSION */

#include "TQtWidget.h"
#include "TQtTimer.h"

#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TEnv.h"
#include "TRint.h"
#include "TSystem.h"
#include "Getline.h"
#include "TGQt.h"
#include "TCanvas.h"
#include "Buttons.h"
#include <qevent.h>
#include <qpainter.h>
#include <qpixmap.h>
#include <qfileinfo.h>

#ifdef R__QTWIN32
// #include "Windows4Root.h"
#include "TWinNTSystem.h"
#include "Win32Constants.h"

// Class to adjust buffer within the method scope if needed

class TQtSynchPainting {
    bool fWasPainting;
    TQtSynchPainting(const TQtWidget &w) : fWasPainting(false) 
        // Suspend the painting
        fWasPainting = w.PaintingActive ();
        if (fWasPainting) gQt->End();
       // Restore the painting if needed
       if (fWasPainting) gQt->Begin();                   

TQtWidgetBuffer::TQtWidgetBuffer(const QWidget *w, bool clear)
: fWidget(w),fBuffer(0), fIsImage(clear)
   if (clear) {
      fBuffer = new  QImage(w?w->size():QSize(0,0),QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
//      ((QImage*)fBuffer)->fill(0);
   } else {
      fBuffer = new  QPixmap(w?w->size():QSize(0,0));
void TQtWidgetBuffer::Clear()
   // Clear the buffer with the transparent color
   if (fBuffer &&  !fIsImage ) {
#ifdef R__WIN32   
         QPainter p(fBuffer);
         p.fillRect(QRect(0,0,fBuffer->width(), fBuffer->height())



//  TQtWidget is a QWidget with the QPixmap double buffer
//  It is designed to back the ROOT TCanvasImp class interface  and it can be used
//  as a regular Qt Widget to create Qt-based GUI with the embedded TCanvas objects
//           This widget can be used as a Qt "custom widget"
//         to build a custom GUI interfaces with  Qt Designer
// The class emits the Qt signals and has Qt public slots
//  Public slots:  (Qt)
//   virtual void cd();  // make the associated TCanvas the current one (shortcut to TCanvas::cd())
//   virtual void cd(int subpadnumber); // as above - shortcut to Canvas::cd(int subpadnumber)
//   void Disconnect(); // disconnect the QWidget from the ROOT TCanvas (used in the class dtor)
//   void Refresh();    // force the associated TCanvas::Update to be called
//   virtual bool Save(const QString &fileName) const;  // Save the widget image with some ppixmap file
//   virtual bool Save(const char    *fileName) const;
//   virtual bool Save(const QString &fileName,const char *format,int quality=60) const;
//   virtual bool Save(const char    *fileName,const char *format,int quality=60) const;
//  signals        (Qt)
//    CanvasPainted();  // Signal the TCanvas has been painted onto the screen
//    Saved(bool ok);   // Signal the TCanvas has been saved into the file
//    RootEventProcessed(TObject *selected, unsigned int event, TCanvas *c);
//                      // Signal the Qt mouse/keyboard event has been process by ROOT
//                      // This "signal" is emitted by the enabled mouse events only.
//                      // See: EnableSignalEvents
//                      // ---  DisableSignalEvents
//  public methods:
//    The methods below define whether the TQtWidget object emits "RootEventProcessed" Qt signals
//     (By default no  RootEventProcessed Qt signal is emitted )
//     void EnableSignalEvents (UInt_t f)
//     void DisableSignalEvents(UInt_t f),
//         where f is a bitwise OR of the mouse event flags:
//                  kMousePressEvent       // TCanvas processed QEvent mousePressEvent
//                  kMouseMoveEvent        // TCanvas processed QEvent mouseMoveEvent
//                  kMouseReleaseEvent     // TCanvas processed QEvent mouseReleaseEvent
//                  kMouseDoubleClickEvent // TCanvas processed QEvent mouseDoubleClickEvent
//                  kKeyPressEvent         // TCanvas processed QEvent keyPressEvent
//                  kEnterEvent            // TCanvas processed QEvent enterEvent
//                  kLeaveEvent            // TCanvas processed QEvent leaveEvent
//  For example to create the custom responce to the mouse crossing TCanvas
//  connect the RootEventProsecced signal with your qt slot:
// connect(tQtWidget,SIGNAL(RootEventProcessed(TObject *, unsigned int, TCanvas *))
//          ,this,SLOT(CanvasEvent(TObject *, unsigned int, TCanvas *)));
//  . . .
//void qtrootexample1::CanvasEvent(TObject *obj, unsigned int event, TCanvas *)
//  TQtWidget *tipped = (TQtWidget *)sender();
//  const char *objectInfo =
//        obj->GetObjectInfo(tipped->GetEventX(),tipped->GetEventY());
//  QString tipText ="You have ";
//  if  (tipped == tQtWidget1)
//     tipText +="clicked";
//  else
//     tipText +="passed";
//  tipText += " the object <";
//  tipText += obj->GetName();
//  tipText += "> of class ";
//  tipText += obj->ClassName();
//  tipText += " : ";
//  tipText += objectInfo;
//   QWhatsThis::display(tipText)
// }

TQtWidget::TQtWidget(QWidget* parent, const char* name, Qt::WFlags f,bool embedded) :
#if QT_VERSION < 0x40000
   if (name && name[0]) setName(name);
   Init() ;

TQtWidget::TQtWidget(QWidget* parent, Qt::WFlags f,bool embedded) :
#if QT_VERSION < 0x40000
{ Init() ;}
void TQtWidget::Init()
  QPalette  p = palette();
  p.setBrush(QPalette::Window, Qt::transparent);

  if (fEmbedded) {
    if (!gApplication) InitRint();
    int minw = 10;
    int minh = 10;
     Bool_t batch = gROOT->IsBatch();
    if (!batch) gROOT->SetBatch(kTRUE); // to avoid the recursion within TCanvas ctor
    fCanvas = new TCanvas(name(),minw,minh, TGQt::RegisterWid(this));
    //   schedule the flush operation fCanvas->Flush(); via timer
    QTimer::singleShot(0,this, SLOT(Refresh()));
  fSizeHint = QWidget::sizeHint();
#ifdef R__QTWIN32
   // Set the application icon for all ROOT widgets
   static HICON rootIcon = 0;
   if (!rootIcon) {
      HICON hIcon = ::LoadIcon(::GetModuleHandle(NULL), MAKEINTRESOURCE(101));
      if (!hIcon) hIcon = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_APPLICATION);
      rootIcon = hIcon;
      SetClassLong(winId(),        // handle to window
                   GCL_HICON,      // index of value to change
                   LONG(rootIcon)  // new value
   TCanvas *c = 0;
   // to block the double deleting from
   if (fEmbedded) {
      // one has to set CanvasID = 0 to disconnect things properly.
      c = fCanvas;
      delete c;
   } else {
   delete fPixmapID;     fPixmapID = 0;
   delete fPixmapScreen; fPixmapScreen = 0;

void TQtWidget::AdjustBufferSize() 
   // Adjust the widget buffer size
   TQtWidgetBuffer &buf = SetBuffer();
   QSize s(buf.Width(),buf.Height());
   if ( s != size() )  {
      delete  fPixmapID;     fPixmapID = 0;
      delete  fPixmapScreen; fPixmapScreen = 0;
TCanvas  *TQtWidget::Canvas()
   // Alias for GetCanvas method
   return GetCanvas();

TCanvas   *TQtWidget::Canvas(TQtWidget *widget)
    // static: return TCanvas by TQtWidget pointer
   return widget ? widget->Canvas() : 0 ;

TQtWidget *TQtWidget::Canvas(const TCanvas *canvas)
   // static: return the TQtWidget backend for TCanvas *canvas object
   return canvas ? Canvas(canvas->GetCanvasID()) : 0;
TQtWidget *TQtWidget::Canvas(Int_t id)
   // static: return TQtWidget by TCanvas id
   return dynamic_cast<TQtWidget *>(TGQt::iwid(id));

TApplication *TQtWidget::InitRint( Bool_t /*prompt*/, const char *appClassName, int *argc, char **argv,
          void *options, int numOptions, Bool_t noLogo)
   // Instantiate ROOT from within Qt application if needed
   // Return the TRint pointer
   // Most parametrs are passed to TRint class ctor
   // Bool_t prompt = kTRUE;  Instantiate ROOT with ROOT command prompt
   //                 kFALSE; No ROOT prompt. The default for Qt GUI applications
   //  The prompt option can be defined via ROOT parameter file ".rootrc"
   // .rootrc:
   //    . . .
   //  Gui.Prompt   yes
   static int localArgc   =0;
   if (!gApplication) {
       localArgc = argc ? *argc : qApp->argc();
       // check the Gui.backend and Factory
       TString guiBackend(gEnv->GetValue("Gui.Backend", "native"));
       // Enforce Qt-base Gui.Backend and Gui.Factory from within ROOT-based Qt-application
       if (!guiBackend.BeginsWith("qt",TString::kIgnoreCase)) {
         gEnv->SetValue("Gui.Backend", "qt");
       TString guiFactory(gEnv->GetValue("Gui.Factory", "native"));
       TApplication::NeedGraphicsLibs() ;
       if (!guiFactory.BeginsWith("qt",TString::kIgnoreCase )){
         // Check for the extention
         char *extLib = gSystem->DynamicPathName("libQtRootGui",kTRUE);
         if (extLib) {
            gEnv->SetValue("Gui.Factory", "qtgui");
         } else {
            gEnv->SetValue("Gui.Factory", "qt");
         delete [] extLib;

       TRint *rint = new TRint(appClassName, &localArgc, argv ? argv : qApp->argv(),options,numOptions,noLogo);
       // To mimic what TRint::Run(kTRUE) does.
       Int_t prompt= gEnv->GetValue("Gui.Prompt", (Int_t)0);
       if (prompt) {
           Getlinem(kInit, rint->GetPrompt());
       } else {
           // disable the TTermInputHandler too to avoid the crash under X11
           // to get the pure "GUI" application
           TSeqCollection* col = gSystem->GetListOfFileHandlers();
           TIter next(col);
           TFileHandler* o=0;
           while ( ( o=(TFileHandler*) next() ) ) {
              if ( o->GetFd()== 0 ) {
           // Remove Ctrl-C, there will be ROOT prompt anyway
   return gApplication;

void TQtWidget::Erase()
  // Erases the entire widget and its double buffer
  TQtSynchPainting a(*this);
//  buf.fill(this,QPoint(0,0));
  if (fPixmapScreen)  fPixmapScreen->Clear();
  if (fPixmapID)      fPixmapID->Clear();
  // erase();

void TQtWidget::cd()
 // [slot] to make this embedded canvas the current one
void TQtWidget::cd(int subpadnumber)
 // [slot] to make this embedded canvas / pad the current one
  TCanvas *c = fCanvas;
  if (c) {
void TQtWidget::Disconnect()
   // [slot] Disconnect the Qt widget from TCanvas object before deleting
   // to avoid the dead lock
   // one has to set CanvasID = 0 to disconnect things properly.
   fCanvas = 0;
void TQtWidget::Refresh()
   // [slot]  to allow Qt signal refreshing the ROOT TCanvas if needed

   TCanvas *c = Canvas();
   if (c) {
void TQtWidget::SetCanvas(TCanvas *c) 
   //  remember my host TCanvas and adopt its name
   fCanvas = c;
   // qDebug() << "TQtWidget::SetCanvas(TCanvas *c)" << fCanvas << fCanvas->GetName() ;

void TQtWidget::Resize (int , int )
   // resize the widget and its double buffer
   // fprintf(stderr,"TQtWidget::resize (int w=%d, int h=%d)\n",w,h);
   TQtSynchPainting  a(*this);
   // fPixmapID.fill();

void TQtWidget::Resize (const QSize &)
   // resize the widget and its double buffer
   // fprintf(stderr,"TQtWidget::resize (int w=%d, int h=%d)\n",w,h);
   TQtSynchPainting  a(*this);
   // fPixmapID.fill();
#if (QT_VERSION > 0x039999)
TQtWidget::customEvent(QEvent *e)
TQtWidget::customEvent(QCustomEvent *e)
   // The custom responce to the special WIN32 events
   // These events are not present with X11 systems
   switch (e->type() - QEvent::User) {
         fPaint = TRUE;
#if (QT_VERSION <0x40000)
         setUpdatesEnabled( TRUE );
         fPaint = FALSE;
#if (QT_VERSION <0x40000)
         setUpdatesEnabled( FALSE );
   case kFORCESIZE:
         // Force resize
         fPaint       = TRUE;
         fSizeChanged = TRUE;
#if (QT_VERSION <0x40000)
         setUpdatesEnabled( TRUE );
void TQtWidget::contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent *e)
   TCanvas *c = Canvas();
   if (e && c) {
#if (QT_VERSION >= 0x040000)
       if (e->reason() != QContextMenuEvent::Mouse) {
          // the mouse click has been processed by mouseEvent handler
         c->HandleInput(kButton3Down, e->x(), e->y());
void TQtWidget::focusInEvent ( QFocusEvent *e )
   // The custom responce to the Qt QFocusEvent "in"
   // this imposes an extra protection to avoid TObject interaction with
   // mouse event accidently
   if (!fWrapper && e->gotFocus()) {
void TQtWidget::focusOutEvent ( QFocusEvent *e )
   // The custom responce to the Qt QFocusEvent "out"
   // this imposes an extra protection to avoid TObject interaction with
   // mouse event accidently
   if (!fWrapper && e->lostFocus()) {

void TQtWidget::mousePressEvent (QMouseEvent *e)
   // Map the Qt mouse press button event to the ROOT TCanvas events
   // Mouse events occur when a mouse button is pressed or released inside
   // a widget or when the mouse cursor is moved.

   //    kButton1Down   =  1, kButton2Down   =  2, kButton3Down   =  3,

   EEventType rootButton = kNoEvent;
   TCanvas *c = Canvas();
   if (c && !fWrapper ){
      switch (e->button ())
      case Qt::LeftButton:  rootButton = kButton1Down; break;
      case Qt::RightButton: rootButton = kButton3Down; break;
      case Qt::MidButton:   rootButton = kButton2Down; break;
      default: break;
      if (rootButton != kNoEvent) {
         c->HandleInput(rootButton, e->x(), e->y());
   } else {

void TQtWidget::mouseMoveEvent (QMouseEvent * e)
   //  Map the Qt mouse move pointer event to the ROOT TCanvas events
   //  kMouseMotion   = 51,
   //  kButton1Motion = 21, kButton2Motion = 22, kButton3Motion = 23, kKeyPress = 24
   EEventType rootButton = kMouseMotion;
   TCanvas *c = Canvas();
   if (c && !fWrapper){
      if (e->state() & Qt::LeftButton) { rootButton = kButton1Motion; }
      c->HandleInput(rootButton, e->x(), e->y());
   } else {

void TQtWidget::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent * e)
   //  Map the Qt mouse button release event to the ROOT TCanvas events
   //   kButton1Up     = 11, kButton2Up     = 12, kButton3Up     = 13

   EEventType rootButton = kNoEvent;
   TCanvas *c = Canvas();
   if (c && !fWrapper){
      switch (e->button())
      case Qt::LeftButton:  rootButton = kButton1Up; break;
      case Qt::RightButton: rootButton = kButton3Up; break;
      case Qt::MidButton:   rootButton = kButton2Up; break;
      default: break;
      if (rootButton != kNoEvent) {
         c->HandleInput(rootButton, e->x(), e->y());
         e->accept(); EmitSignal(kMouseReleaseEvent);
   } else {

void TQtWidget::mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent * e)
   //  Map the Qt mouse double click button event to the ROOT TCanvas events
   //  kButton1Double = 61, kButton2Double = 62, kButton3Double = 63
   EEventType rootButton = kNoEvent;
   TCanvas *c = Canvas();
   if (c && !fWrapper){
      switch (e->button())
      case Qt::LeftButton:  rootButton = kButton1Double; break;
      case Qt::RightButton: rootButton = kButton3Double; break;
      case Qt::MidButton:   rootButton = kButton2Double; break;
      default: break;
      if (rootButton != kNoEvent) {
         c->HandleInput(rootButton, e->x(), e->y());
         e->accept(); EmitSignal(kMouseDoubleClickEvent);return;
   }  else {
void TQtWidget::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent * e)
   //  Map the Qt key press event to the ROOT TCanvas events
   // kKeyDown  =  4
   TCanvas *c = Canvas();
   if (c && !fWrapper){
      c->HandleInput(kKeyPress, e->ascii(), e->key());
   } else {
void TQtWidget::keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent * e)
   // Map the Qt key release event to the ROOT TCanvas events
   // kKeyUp    = 14
void TQtWidget::enterEvent(QEvent *e)
   // Map the Qt mouse enters widget event to the ROOT TCanvas events
   // kMouseEnter    = 52
   TCanvas *c = Canvas();
   if (c && !fWrapper){
      c->HandleInput(kMouseEnter, 0, 0);
void TQtWidget::leaveEvent (QEvent *e)
   //  Map the Qt mouse leaves widget event to the ROOT TCanvas events
   // kMouseLeave    = 53
   TCanvas *c = Canvas();
   if (c && !fWrapper){
      c->HandleInput(kMouseLeave, 0, 0);
void TQtWidget::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e)
   // The widget will be erased and receive a paint event immediately after
   // processing the resize event.
   // No drawing need be (or should be) done inside this handler.
   if (!e) return;
   if (topLevelWidget()->isMinimized())      { fSizeChanged=FALSE; }
   else if (topLevelWidget()->isMaximized ()){
   } else {
#ifdef R__QTWIN32
      if (!fPaint)  {
         // real resize event
      } else {
         fPaint = kTRUE;
      } }
void TQtWidget::SetSaveFormat(const char *format)
     // Set the default save format for the widget
   fSaveFormat = TGQt::QtFileFormat(format);
bool TQtWidget::Save(const char *fileName) const
   //  TQtWidget::Save(const QString &fileName) is a public Qt slot.
   //  it saves the double buffer of this object using the default save
   //  format  defined the file extension
   //  If the "fileName" has no extension the "default" format is to be used instead
   //  The deafult format is "PNG".
   //  It can be changed with the TQtWidget::SetSaveFormat method
    return Save(QString(fileName));
bool TQtWidget::Save(const QString &fileName) const
   //  TQtWidget::Save(const QString &fileName) is a public Qt slot.
   //  it saves the double buffer of this object using the default save
   //  format  defined the file extension
   //  If the "fileName" has no extension the "default" format is to be used instead
   //  The deafult format is "PNG".
   //  It can be changed with the TQtWidget::SetSaveFormat method
   QString fileNameExtension = QFileInfo(fileName).extension(FALSE).upper();
   QString saveFormat;
   if (fileNameExtension.isEmpty() ) {
      saveFormat = fSaveFormat; // this is default
   } else {
      saveFormat = TGQt::QtFileFormat(fileNameExtension);
   return Save(fileName,saveFormat);

bool TQtWidget::Save(const char *fileName,const char *format,int quality)const
   return Save(QString(fileName),format,quality);
bool TQtWidget::Save(const QString &fileName,const char *format,int quality)const
   //  TQtWidget::save is a public Qt slot.
   //  it saves the double buffer of this object using QPixmap facility
   bool Ok = false;
   bool rootFormatFound=kTRUE;
   QString saveType =  TGQt::RootFileFormat(format);
   if (saveType.isEmpty() )  {
      rootFormatFound = false;
      saveType = TGQt::QtFileFormat(format);
   TCanvas *c = GetCanvas();
   if (rootFormatFound && c) {
      c->Print((const char *)fileName,(const char *)saveType);
      Ok = true;
   } else {
      TQtSynchPainting a(*this);
      // Since the "+" is a legal part of the file name and it is used by Onuchin
      // to indicate  the "animation" mode, we have to proceed very carefully
      int dot = fileName.findRev('.');
      int plus = 0;
      if (dot) {
         plus = fileName.find('+',dot+1);
      QString fln = (plus) ? TGQt::GetNewFileName(fileName.left(plus)) : fileName;
      Ok = GetOffScreenBuffer() ? GetOffScreenBuffer()->save(fln,saveType,quality): false;
   emit ((TQtWidget *)this)->Saved(Ok);
   return Ok;
void  TQtWidget::SetDoubleBuffer(bool on)
     // Set the double buffered mode on/off
   if (fDoubleBufferOn != on ) {
      fDoubleBufferOn = on;
      TQtSynchPainting a(*this);
      if (on) SetBuffer();
void TQtWidget::stretchWidget(QResizeEvent * /*s*/)
   // Stretch the widget during sizing

   if  (!paintingActive() && fPixmapID) {
      QPainter pnt(this);
   fNeedStretch = false;
void TQtWidget::exitSizeEvent ()
   // Responce to the "exit size event"

   if (!fSizeChanged ) return;
      TQtSynchPainting a(*this);

bool TQtWidget::paintFlag(bool mode)
   //  Set new fPaint flag
   //  Returns: the previous version of the flag
   bool flag = fPaint;
   fPaint = mode;
   return flag;
void TQtWidget::showEvent ( QShowEvent *)
   // Custom handler of the Qt show event
   // Non-spontaneous show events are sent to widgets immediately before
   // they are shown.
   // The spontaneous show events of top-level widgets are delivered afterwards.
   TQtWidgetBuffer &buf = SetBuffer();
   QSize s(buf.Width(),buf.Height());
   if (s != size() )
      fSizeChanged = kTRUE;

void TQtWidget::paintEvent (QPaintEvent *e)
   // Custom handler of the Qt paint event
   // A paint event is a request to repaint all or part of the widget.
   // It can happen as a result of repaint() or update(), or because the widget
   // was obscured and has now been uncovered, or for many other reasons.

   if (fNeedStretch) {
      stretchWidget((QResizeEvent *)0);
   } else {
#ifdef R__QTWIN32
      TQtWidgetBuffer &buf = SetBuffer();
      QSize s(buf.Width(),buf.Height());
      if ( fEmbedded && (s != size()) )
         fSizeChanged = kTRUE;
      QRegion region = e->region();
      if ( ( fPaint && !region.isEmpty() ) )
         //  fprintf(stderr,"TQtWidget::paintEvent: window = %p; buffer =  %p\n",
         //  (QPaintDevice *)this, (QPaintDevice *)&GetBuffer());
         //  qDebug() << "1. TQtWidget::paintEvent this =" << (QPaintDevice *)this  << " buffer = " << fPixmapID << "redirected = " << QPainter::redirected(this)
         //    <<" IsDoubleBuffered()=" << IsDoubleBuffered() ;
         TQtSynchPainting a(*this);
         // qDebug() << "2. TQtWidget::paintEvent this =" << (QPaintDevice *)this  << " buffer = " << fPixmapID << " IsDoubleBuffered()=" << IsDoubleBuffered() ;
         QPainter screen(this);
         // paint the the TCanvas double buffer
         if (fPixmapID)  screen.drawPixmap(0,0,*GetOffScreenBuffer());
//  Layout methods:
void TQtWidget::SetSizeHint (const QSize &size) {
   //  sets the preferred size of the widget.
   fSizeHint = size;
QSize TQtWidget::sizeHint () const{
   //  returns the preferred size of the widget.
   return QWidget::sizeHint();
QSize TQtWidget::minimumSizeHint () const{
   // returns the smallest size the widget can have.
   return QWidget::minimumSizeHint ();
QSizePolicy TQtWidget::sizePolicy () const{
   //  returns a QSizePolicy; a value describing the space requirements
   return QWidget::sizePolicy ();
void  TQtWidget::EmitTestedSignal()
   TCanvas *c        = GetCanvas();
   TObject *selected = GetSelected();
   UInt_t event      = GetEvent();
   emit RootEventProcessed(selected, event, c);
void  TQtWidget::SetBit(UInt_t f, Bool_t set)
   // Set or unset the user status bits as specified in f.

   if (set)
TQtWidgetBuffer  &TQtWidget::SetBuffer() {
   // Create (if needed) and return the buffer
   TQtWidgetBuffer *buf = 0;
   if (IsDoubleBuffered() ) {
      if (!fPixmapID) fPixmapID = new TQtWidgetBuffer(this);
      buf = fPixmapID;
   } else {
      if (!fPixmapScreen) fPixmapScreen = new TQtWidgetBuffer(this,true);
      // qDebug() << "TQtWidget::SetBuffer() " << fPixmapScreen;
      buf = fPixmapScreen;
   return  *buf;
QPixmap  *TQtWidget::GetOffScreenBuffer()  const { 
   //  return the current widget buffer;
   return fPixmapID ? (QPixmap  *)fPixmapID->Buffer():0;

Last change: Thu Dec 18 09:31:34 2008
Last generated: 2008-12-18 09:31

This page has been automatically generated. If you have any comments or suggestions about the page layout send a mail to ROOT support, or contact the developers with any questions or problems regarding ROOT.