// Author: Roel Aaij   21/07/2007

 * Copyright (C) 1995-2007, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
 * All rights reserved.                                                  *
 *                                                                       *
 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *

#ifndef ROOT_TGTable
#define ROOT_TGTable

#ifndef ROOT_TGCanvas
#include "TGCanvas.h"
#ifndef ROOT_TGWidget
#include "TGWidget.h"
#ifndef ROOT_TGTableHeader
#include "TGTableHeader.h"

class TGWindow;
class TGString;
class TGToolTip;
class TGPicture;
class TVirtualTableInterface;
class TGTableCell;
class TGTableHeader;
class TGToolTip;
class TGTableFrame;
class TGTableHeaderFrame;
class TGTextButton;
class TGNumberEntryField;
class TGLabel;
class TGTextEntry;
class TTableRange;

class TGTable : public TGCompositeFrame, public TGWidget {

   TObjArray     *fRows;          // Array of rows
   TObjArray     *fRowHeaders;    // Array of row headers
   TObjArray     *fColumnHeaders; // Array of column headers
   TGTableHeader *fTableHeader;   // Top left element of the table
   Bool_t         fReadOnly;      // Table readonly state
   Pixel_t        fSelectColor;      // Select Color
   Int_t          fTMode;         // Text justify mode
   Bool_t         fAllData;       // Is the data bigger than the table
   TTableRange   *fCurrentRange;  // Range of data currently loaded
   TTableRange   *fDataRange;     // Full range of the data set
   TTableRange   *fGotoRange;     // Range used by Goto frame
   TGTableFrame  *fTableFrame;    // Container for the frames 
   TGCanvas      *fCanvas;        // Canvas that will contains the cells
   UInt_t         fCellWidth;     // Default cell width
   UInt_t         fCellHeight;    // Default cell width

   // Frames used for layout
   TGTableHeaderFrame *fCHdrFrame;     // Frame that contains the row headers
   TGTableHeaderFrame *fRHdrFrame;     // Frame that contains the row headers
   TGHorizontalFrame  *fRangeFrame;    // Frame that contains the top part
   TGHorizontalFrame  *fTopFrame;      // Frame that contains the top part
   TGHorizontalFrame  *fTopExtraFrame; // Dev idea
   TGHorizontalFrame  *fBottomFrame;   // Frame that contains the bottom part
   TGHorizontalFrame  *fButtonFrame;   // Contains the buttons

   // Buttons for interaction
   TGTextButton *fNextButton;     // Button to view next chunk
   TGTextButton *fPrevButton;     // Button to view previous chunk
   TGTextButton *fUpdateButton;   // Button to update current view
   TGTextButton *fGotoButton;     // Button to goto a new range

   // Labels and textentries for range information and input
   TGLabel     *fFirstCellLabel;  // Label for the range frame
   TGLabel     *fRangeLabel;      // Label for the range frame
   TGTextEntry *fFirstCellEntry;  // TextEntry for the range frame
   TGTextEntry *fRangeEntry;      // TextEntry for the range frame

   Pixel_t fOddRowBackground;     // Background color for odd numbered rows
   Pixel_t fEvenRowBackground;    // Background color for even numbered rows
   Pixel_t fHeaderBackground;     // Background color for headers

   static const TGGC *fgDefaultSelectGC; // Default select GC
   static const TGGC *fgDefaultBckgndGC; // Default cell background GC
   static const Int_t fgDefaultTMode;    // Default text justify mode

   // Data members to keep track of LayoutHints that can't be
   // automatically cleaned
   TList *fCellHintsList; 
   TList *fRHdrHintsList;
   TList *fCHdrHintsList;
   TList *fMainHintsList;   // List for all hints used in the main table frame

   // Add rows and/or colums to the edge of the table.

   void Init();

   // Remove rows and/or colums from the edge of the table.
   TVirtualTableInterface *fInterface; // Interface to the data source

   virtual void DoRedraw();

   virtual void Expand(UInt_t nrows, UInt_t ncolumns); 
   virtual void ExpandColumns(UInt_t ncolumns); 
   virtual void ExpandRows(UInt_t nrows); 

   virtual UInt_t GetRHdrHeight() const;
   virtual UInt_t GetCHdrWidth() const;

   virtual void Shrink(UInt_t nrows, UInt_t ncolumns);
   virtual void ShrinkColumns(UInt_t ncolumns);
   virtual void ShrinkRows(UInt_t nrows);

   virtual void UpdateHeaders(EHeaderType type);
   virtual void SetInterface(TVirtualTableInterface *interface, 
                             UInt_t nrows = 50, UInt_t ncolumns = 20);
   virtual void ResizeTable(UInt_t nrows, UInt_t ncolumns);

   virtual void UpdateRangeFrame();

   TGTable(const TGWindow *p = 0, Int_t id = 0, 
           TVirtualTableInterface *interface = 0, UInt_t nrows = 50, 
           UInt_t ncolumns = 20);
   virtual ~TGTable();

   virtual TObjArray *GetRow(UInt_t row);
   virtual TObjArray *GetColumn(UInt_t columns);

//    // Selection
//    virtual void Select(TGTableCell *celltl, TGTableCell *cellbr);
//    virtual void Select(UInt_t xcell1, UInt_t ycell1, UInt_t xcell2, UInt_t ycell2);
//    virtual void SelectAll();
//    virtual void SelectRow(TGTableCell *cell); 
//    virtual void SelectRow(UInt_t row); 
//    virtual void SelectRows(UInt_t row, UInt_t nrows); 
//    virtual void SelectColumn(TGTableCell *cell); 
//    virtual void SelectColumn(UInt_t column); 
//    virtual void SelectColumns(UInt_t column, UInt_t ncolumns); 

//    virtual void SetSelectGC(TGGC *gc); 
//    virtual void SetTextJustify(Int_t tmode); 

   // Cells
   virtual const TGTableCell* GetCell(UInt_t i, UInt_t j) const; 
   virtual TGTableCell* GetCell(UInt_t i, UInt_t j); 
   virtual const TGTableCell* FindCell(TGString label) const; 
   virtual TGTableCell* FindCell(TGString label); 

   virtual void Show();

   // Because insertion and removal of columns in the middle of a data
   // set is not yet supported in this design iteration, these methods
   // have been commented out.

//    // Insert a range of columns or rows, if the label is empty, a
//    // default scheme will be used.
//    virtual void InsertRowBefore(UInt_t row, UInt_t nrows);
//    virtual void InsertRowBefore(TGString label, UInt_t nrows);
//    virtual void InsertRowAfter(UInt_t row, UInt_t nrows);
//    virtual void InsertRowAfter(TGString label, UInt_t nrows);
//    virtual void InsertRowAt(UInt_t row, UInt_t nrows = 1);
//    virtual void InsertRowAt(TGString label, UInt_t nrows);

//    virtual void InsertColumnBefore(UInt_t column, UInt_t ncolumns);
//    virtual void InsertColumnBefore(TGString label, UInt_t ncolumns);
//    virtual void InsertColumnAfter(UInt_t column, UInt_t ncolumns);
//    virtual void InsertColumnAfter(TGString label, UInt_t ncolumns);
//    virtual void InsertColumnAt(UInt_t column, UInt_t ncolumns = 1);
//    virtual void InsertColumnAt(TGString label, UInt_t ncolumns);

//    // Remove rows or columns.
//    virtual void RemoveRows(UInt_t row, UInt_t nrows = 1);
//    virtual void RemoveColumns(UInt_t column, UInt_t ncolumns = 1);
   // Update view
   virtual void UpdateView();

   // Getters
   virtual UInt_t       GetNTableRows() const;
   virtual UInt_t       GetNDataRows() const;
   virtual UInt_t       GetNTableColumns() const;
   virtual UInt_t       GetNDataColumns() const;
   virtual UInt_t       GetNTableCells() const;
   virtual UInt_t       GetNDataCells() const;
   virtual const  TTableRange *GetCurrentRange() const;
   virtual TVirtualTableInterface *GetInterface() { return fInterface; }

   virtual TGCanvas                 *GetCanvas() { return fCanvas; }
   virtual const TGTableHeaderFrame *GetRHdrFrame() { return fRHdrFrame; }
   virtual const TGTableHeaderFrame *GetCHdrFrame() { return fCHdrFrame; }
   virtual const TGTableHeader      *GetRowHeader(const UInt_t row) const;
   virtual TGTableHeader            *GetRowHeader(const UInt_t row);
   virtual const TGTableHeader      *GetColumnHeader(const UInt_t column) const;
   virtual TGTableHeader            *GetColumnHeader(const UInt_t column);
   virtual TGTableHeader            *GetTableHeader();

//    virtual const TGGC*  GetSelectGC() const; 
//    virtual const TGGC*  GetCellBckgndGC(TGTableCell *cell) const; 
//    virtual const TGGC*  GetCellBckgndGC(UInt_t row, UInt_t column) const; 
   virtual Pixel_t GetRowBackground(UInt_t row) const;
   virtual Pixel_t GetHeaderBackground() const ;
   virtual void SetOddRowBackground(Pixel_t pixel);
   virtual void SetEvenRowBackground(Pixel_t pixel);
   virtual void SetHeaderBackground(Pixel_t pixel);
   virtual void SetDefaultColors();

   // Range manipulators
   virtual void MoveTable(Int_t rows, Int_t columns);
   virtual void GotoTableRange(Int_t xtl, Int_t ytl, 
                               Int_t xbr, Int_t ybr);
   // Operators
   virtual TGTableCell* operator() (UInt_t row, UInt_t column);

   // Internal slots
   virtual void ScrollCHeaders(Int_t xpos);
   virtual void ScrollRHeaders(Int_t ypos);
   virtual void NextChunk();
   virtual void PreviousChunk();
   virtual void UserRangeChange();
   virtual void Goto();
   virtual void Update();

   ClassDef(TGTable, 0) // A table used to visualize data from diffent sources.

class TTableRange {
   UInt_t fXtl; // Top left X coordinate
   UInt_t fYtl; // Top left Y coordinate
   UInt_t fXbr; // Bottom right X coordinate
   UInt_t fYbr; // Bottom right Y coordinate

   virtual ~TTableRange() {}
   virtual void Print();

   Bool_t operator==(TTableRange &other);
   ClassDef(TTableRange, 0) // Range used in TGTable.


Last change: Thu Oct 9 08:30:10 2008
Last generated: 2008-10-09 08:30

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