Class Index
- TSpectrum Peak Finder, background estimator, Deconvolution
- TSpectrum2 Peak Finder, background estimator, Deconvolution for 2-D histograms
- TSpectrum2Fit Spectrum2 Fitter using algorithm without matrix inversion and conjugate gradient method for symmetrical matrices (Stiefel-Hestens method)
- TSpectrum2Transform Spectrum2 Transformer, it calculates classic orthogonal 2D transforms
- TSpectrum3 Peak Finder, Background estimator, Markov smoothing and Deconvolution for 3-D histograms
- TSpectrumFit Spectrum Fitter using algorithm without matrix inversion and conjugate gradient method for symmetrical matrices (Stiefel-Hestens method)
- TSpectrumTransform Spectrum Transformer, it calculates classic orthogonal 1D transforms