#include "TBranchSTL.h"
#include "TList.h"
#include "TBranchElement.h"
#include "TBasket.h"
#include "TStreamerInfo.h"
#include "TStreamerElement.h"
#include <string>
#include <utility>
fCollProxy( 0 ),
fIndArrayCl( 0 ),
fInfo( 0 ),
fObject( 0 ),
fID( -2 )
fIndArrayCl = TClass::GetClass( "TIndArray" );
fBranchVector.reserve( 25 );
fNleaves = 0;
TBranchSTL::TBranchSTL( TTree *tree, const char *name,
TVirtualCollectionProxy *collProxy,
Int_t buffsize, Int_t splitlevel )
fTree = tree;
fCollProxy = collProxy;
fBasketSize = buffsize;
fSplitLevel = splitlevel;
fContName = collProxy->GetCollectionClass()->GetName();
fClCheckSum = 0;
fClassVersion = 1;
fID = -2;
fInfo = 0;
fMother = this;
fParent = 0;
fDirectory = fTree->GetDirectory();
fFileName = "";
SetName( name );
fIndArrayCl = TClass::GetClass( "TIndArray" );
fBranchVector.reserve( 25 );
fNleaves = 0;
fBasketBytes = new Int_t[fMaxBaskets];
fBasketEntry = new Long64_t[fMaxBaskets];
fBasketSeek = new Long64_t[fMaxBaskets];
for (Int_t i = 0; i < fMaxBaskets; ++i) {
fBasketBytes[i] = 0;
fBasketEntry[i] = 0;
fBasketSeek[i] = 0;
TBranchSTL::TBranchSTL( TBranch* parent, const char* name,
TVirtualCollectionProxy* collProxy,
Int_t buffsize, Int_t splitlevel,
TStreamerInfo* info, Int_t id )
fTree = parent->GetTree();
fCollProxy = collProxy;
fBasketSize = buffsize;
fSplitLevel = splitlevel;
fContName = collProxy->GetCollectionClass()->GetName();
fClassName = info->GetClass()->GetName();
fClassVersion = info->GetClassVersion();
fClCheckSum = info->GetClass()->GetCheckSum();
fInfo = info;
fID = id;
fMother = parent ? parent->GetMother() : this;
fParent = parent;
fDirectory = fTree->GetDirectory();
fFileName = "";
fNleaves = 0;
SetName( name );
fIndArrayCl = TClass::GetClass( "TIndArray" );
fBranchVector.reserve( 25 );
fBasketBytes = new Int_t[fMaxBaskets];
fBasketEntry = new Long64_t[fMaxBaskets];
fBasketSeek = new Long64_t[fMaxBaskets];
for (Int_t i = 0; i < fMaxBaskets; ++i) {
fBasketBytes[i] = 0;
fBasketEntry[i] = 0;
fBasketSeek[i] = 0;
BranchMap_t::iterator brIter;
for( brIter = fBranchMap.begin(); brIter != fBranchMap.end(); ++brIter ) {
delete (*brIter).second.fPointers;
Int_t TBranchSTL::Fill()
BranchMap_t::iterator brIter;
for( brIter = fBranchMap.begin(); brIter != fBranchMap.end(); ++brIter )
if( fAddress != fObject ) {
if( fObject == 0 ) {
Int_t bytes = 0;
Int_t totalBytes = 0;
fInd.SetNumItems( 0 );
bytes = TBranch::Fill();
if( bytes < 0 ) {
Error( "Fill", "The IO error while writing the indices!");
return -1;
totalBytes += bytes;
for( Int_t i = 0; i < fBranches.GetEntriesFast(); ++i ) {
TBranch *br = (TBranch *)fBranches.UncheckedAt(i);
bytes = br->Fill();
if( bytes < 0 ) {
Error( "Fill", "The IO error while writing the branch %s!", br->GetName() );
return -1;
totalBytes += bytes;
return totalBytes;
TVirtualCollectionProxy::TPushPop helper( fCollProxy, fObject );
UInt_t size = fCollProxy->Size();
if( fInd.GetCapacity() < size )
fInd.Reserve( size );
fInd.SetNumItems( size );
TClass* cl = fCollProxy->GetValueClass();
TClass* actClass = 0;
TClass* vectClass = 0;
char* element = 0;
std::vector<void*>* elPointers = 0;
TBranchElement* elBranch = 0;
UInt_t elOffset = 0;
UChar_t maxID = fBranches.GetEntriesFast()+1;
UChar_t elID;
ElementBranchHelper_t bHelper;
Int_t totalBytes = 0;
Int_t bytes = 0;
TString brName;
for( UInt_t i = 0; i < size; ++i ) {
element = *(char**)fCollProxy->At( i );
if( !element ) {
fInd.At(i) = 0;
actClass = cl->GetActualClass( element );
brIter = fBranchMap.find( actClass );
if( brIter == fBranchMap.end() ) {
std::string vectClName("vector<");
vectClName += actClass->GetName() + std::string("*>");
vectClass = TClass::GetClass( vectClName.c_str() );
if( !vectClass ) {
Warning( "Fill", "Unable to find dictionary for class %s", vectClName.c_str() );
elPointers = new std::vector<void*>();
brName.Form( "%s.%s", GetName(), actClass->GetName() );
elBranch = new TBranchElement( this, brName,
fBasketSize, fSplitLevel-1 );
elID = maxID++;
elBranch->SetFirstEntry( fEntryNumber );
fBranches.Add( elBranch );
bHelper.fId = elID;
bHelper.fBranch = elBranch;
bHelper.fPointers = elPointers;
bHelper.fBaseOffset = actClass->GetBaseClassOffset( cl );
brIter = fBranchMap.insert(std::make_pair(actClass, bHelper ) ).first;
elBranch->SetAddress( &((*brIter).second.fPointers) );
else {
elPointers = (*brIter).second.fPointers;
elBranch = (*brIter).second.fBranch;
elID = (*brIter).second.fId;
elOffset = (*brIter).second.fBaseOffset;
elPointers->push_back( element + elOffset );
fInd.At(i) = elID;
bytes = TBranch::Fill();
if( bytes < 0 ) {
Error( "Fill", "The IO error while writing the indices!");
return -1;
totalBytes += bytes;
for( Int_t i = 0; i < fBranches.GetEntriesFast(); ++i ) {
TBranch *br = (TBranch *)fBranches.UncheckedAt(i);
bytes = br->Fill();
if( bytes < 0 ) {
Error( "Fill", "The IO error while writing the branch %s!", br->GetName() );
return -1;
totalBytes += bytes;
return totalBytes;
Int_t TBranchSTL::GetEntry( Long64_t entry, Int_t getall )
if( TestBit( kDoNotProcess ) && !getall )
return 0;
if ( (entry < fFirstEntry) || (entry >= fEntryNumber) )
return 0;
if( !fAddress )
return 0;
if( !fCollProxy ) {
TClass *cl = TClass::GetClass( fContName );
if( !cl ) {
Error( "GetEntry", "Dictionary class not found for: %s", fContName.Data() );
return -1;
fCollProxy = cl->GetCollectionProxy();
if( !fCollProxy ) {
Error( "GetEntry", "No collection proxy!" );
return -1;
Int_t totalBytes = 0;
Int_t bytes = TBranch::GetEntry( entry, getall );
totalBytes += bytes;
if( bytes == 0 )
return 0;
if( bytes < 0 ) {
Error( "GetEntry", "IO error! Unable to get the indices!" );
return -1;
Int_t size = fInd.GetNumItems();
UInt_t nBranches = fBranches.GetEntriesFast();
TClass* elClass = fCollProxy->GetValueClass();
TClass* tmpClass = 0;
if( fBranchVector.size() < nBranches )
fBranchVector.resize( nBranches );
if( fAddress != fObject ) {
*((void **)fAddress) = fCollProxy->New();
fObject = *(char**)fAddress;
TVirtualCollectionProxy::TPushPop helper( fCollProxy, fObject );
fCollProxy->Allocate( size, kTRUE );
UChar_t index = 0;
void** element = 0;
std::vector<void*>* elemVect = 0;
TBranchElement* elemBranch = 0;
for( Int_t i = 0; i < size; ++i ) {
element = (void**)fCollProxy->At(i);
index = fInd.At(i);
if( index == 0 ) {
*element = 0;
if( index > nBranches ) {
Error( "GetEntry", "Index %d out of range, unable to find the branch, setting pointer to 0",
index );
*element = 0;
elemVect = fBranchVector[index].fPointers;
if( !elemVect ) {
elemBranch = (TBranchElement *)fBranches.UncheckedAt(index);
elemBranch->SetAddress( &(fBranchVector[index].fPointers) );
bytes = elemBranch->GetEntry( entry, getall );
if( bytes == 0 ) {
Error( "GetEntry", "No entry for index %d, setting pointer to 0", index );
*element = 0;
if( bytes <= 0 ) {
Error( "GetEntry", "I/O error while getting entry for index %d, setting pointer to 0", index );
*element = 0;
totalBytes += bytes;
elemVect = fBranchVector[index].fPointers;
tmpClass = elemBranch->GetCollectionProxy()->GetValueClass();
fBranchVector[index].fBaseOffset = tmpClass->GetBaseClassOffset( elClass );
fBranchVector[index].fPosition = 0;
*element = ((char*)(*elemVect)[fBranchVector[index].fPosition++])
- fBranchVector[index].fBaseOffset;
for( UInt_t i = 0; i < fBranchVector.size(); ++i ) {
delete fBranchVector[i].fPointers;
fBranchVector[i].fPointers = 0;
return totalBytes;
void TBranchSTL::Browse( TBrowser *b )
Int_t nbranches = fBranches.GetEntriesFast();
if (nbranches > 0) {
TList persistentBranches;
TBranch* branch=0;
TIter iB(&fBranches);
while( (branch = (TBranch*)iB()) )
persistentBranches.Browse( b );
Bool_t TBranchSTL::IsFolder() const
if( fBranches.GetEntriesFast() >= 1 )
return kTRUE;
return kFALSE;
void TBranchSTL::FillLeaves( TBuffer& b )
b.WriteClassBuffer( fIndArrayCl, &fInd );
void TBranchSTL::ReadLeaves( TBuffer& b )
b.ReadClassBuffer( fIndArrayCl, &fInd );
void TBranchSTL::SetAddress( void* addr )
if( fID < 0 ) {
fAddress = (char*)addr;
fObject = *(char**)addr;
else {
TStreamerElement *el = (TStreamerElement*)fInfo->GetElements()->At( fID );
if( el->IsaPointer() ) {
fAddress = (char*)addr+el->GetOffset();
fObject = *(char**)fAddress;
} else {
fAddress = (char*)addr+el->GetOffset();
fObject = (char*)addr+el->GetOffset();
TStreamerInfo* TBranchSTL::GetInfo()
if( !fInfo ) {
TClass *cl = TClass::GetClass( fClassName );
Bool_t optim = TVirtualStreamerInfo::CanOptimize();
TVirtualStreamerInfo::Optimize( kFALSE );
fInfo = (TStreamerInfo*)cl->GetStreamerInfo( fClassVersion );
if( fClCheckSum && cl->IsForeign() ) {
Int_t ninfos = cl->GetStreamerInfos()->GetEntriesFast() - 1;
for( Int_t i = -1; i < ninfos; ++i ) {
TVirtualStreamerInfo* info = (TVirtualStreamerInfo*) cl->GetStreamerInfos()->UncheckedAt(i);
if( !info )
if( info->GetCheckSum() == fClCheckSum ) {
fClassVersion = i;
fInfo = (TStreamerInfo*)cl->GetStreamerInfo( fClassVersion );
TVirtualStreamerInfo::Optimize( optim );
return fInfo;