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// @(#)root/gl:$Id: TGL5D.h 28619 2009-05-14 07:10:01Z brun $
// Author: Timur Pocheptsov  2009
 * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
 * All rights reserved.                                                  *
 *                                                                       *
 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *

#ifndef ROOT_TGL5D
#define ROOT_TGL5D

#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <list>

#ifndef ROOT_TGLPlotPainter
#include "TGLPlotPainter.h"
#ifndef ROOT_TGLHistPainter
#include "TGLHistPainter.h"
#ifndef ROOT_TGLIsoMesh
#include "TGLIsoMesh.h"
#ifndef ROOT_TGLUtil
#include "TGLUtil.h"
#include "TKDEFGT.h"
#ifndef ROOT_TNamed
#include "TNamed.h"

class TGLPlotCamera;
class TGL5DPainter;
class TTree;
class TH3F;

//TGL5D is a class to setup TGL5DPainter from TTree.
class TGL5DDataSet : public TNamed {
   friend class TGL5DPainter;
   enum {
      kDefaultNB = 100
   TGL5DDataSet(TTree *inputData);
   Int_t                DistancetoPrimitive(Int_t px, Int_t py);
   void                 ExecuteEvent(Int_t event, Int_t px, Int_t py);
   char                *GetObjectInfo(Int_t px, Int_t py) const;
   void                 Paint(Option_t *option);
   TH3F                *GetHist()const {return fHist;}
   TGL5DPainter        *GetRealPainter()const;
   Long64_t        fNP;//Number of entries.
   const Double_t *fV1;//V1.
   const Double_t *fV2;//V2.
   const Double_t *fV3;//V3.
   const Double_t *fV4;//V4.
   const Double_t *fV5;//V5.
   Rgl::Range_t    fV1MinMax;//V1 range.
   Rgl::Range_t    fV2MinMax;//V2 range.
   Rgl::Range_t    fV3MinMax;//V3 range.
   Rgl::Range_t    fV4MinMax;//V4 range.
   Rgl::Range_t    fV5MinMax;//V5 range.

   TH3F           *fHist;
   Bool_t          fV4IsString;
   std::auto_ptr<TGLHistPainter> fPainter;
   TGL5DDataSet(const TGL5DDataSet &rhs);
   TGL5DDataSet &operator = (const TGL5DDataSet &rhs);
   ClassDef(TGL5DDataSet, 0)//Class to read data from TTree and create TGL5DPainter.

//This class paints set of iso-surfaces. xyz - range must be specified
//via TH3F, data (5 vectors) must be set via SetDataSources.

class TGL5DPainter : public TGLPlotPainter {
   enum EDefaults {
      kNContours = 4,
      kNLowPts   = 50
   typedef Rgl::Mc::TIsoMesh<Float_t>        Mesh_t;
   //Iso surfaces.
   struct Surf_t {
      Surf_t() : f4D(0.), fShowCloud(kFALSE), fHide(kFALSE), fColor(0)//, fKDE(0)
      Mesh_t                fMesh;     //Mesh.
      Double_t              f4D;       //Iso-level.
      Double_t              fRange;    //Selection critera (f4D +- fRange).
      Bool_t                fShowCloud;//Show/Hide original cloud.
      Bool_t                fHide;     //Show/Hide surface.
      Color_t               fColor;    //Color.
      std::vector<Double_t> fPreds;    //Predictions for 5-th variable.
      //TKDEFGT              *fKDE;
   typedef std::list<Surf_t> SurfList_t;
   typedef SurfList_t::iterator SurfIter_t;
   typedef SurfList_t::const_iterator ConstSurfIter_t;

   //Density estimator.
   TKDEFGT                  fKDE;  //Density estimator.
   const Surf_t             fDummy; //Empty surface.
   Bool_t                   fInit;  //Geometry was set.
   SurfList_t               fIsos;  //List of iso-surfaces.
   //Input data.
   const TGL5DDataSet      *fData;
   typedef std::vector<Double_t>::size_type size_type;
   mutable std::vector<Double_t>    fTS;  //targets.
   mutable std::vector<Double_t>    fDens;//densities in target points.
   std::vector<Double_t>    fPtsSorted;//Packed xyz coordinates for cloud.

   Rgl::Range_t             fV5PredictedRange;
   Rgl::Range_t             fV5SliderRange;

   Bool_t                   fShowSlider;//For future.
   Double_t                 fAlpha;//
   Int_t                    fNContours;
   TGL5DPainter(const TGL5DDataSet *data, TGLPlotCamera *camera, TGLPlotCoordinates *coord);
   //Interface to manipulate TGL5DPainter object.
   const Rgl::Range_t &GetV1Range()const;
   const Rgl::Range_t &GetV2Range()const;
   const Rgl::Range_t &GetV3Range()const;
   const Rgl::Range_t &GetV4Range()const;
   const Rgl::Range_t &GetV5Range()const;
   Double_t   GetV5PredictedMin()const{return fV5PredictedRange.first;}
   Double_t   GetV5PredictedMax()const{return fV5PredictedRange.second;}
   void       SetV5SliderMin(Double_t min);
   Double_t   GetV5SliderMin() const {return fV5SliderRange.first;}
   void       SetV5SliderMax(Double_t max);
   Double_t   GetV5SliderMax() const {return fV5SliderRange.second;}
   Bool_t     ShowSlider() const {return fShowSlider;}
   void       ShowSlider(Bool_t show) {fShowSlider = show;}
   //Add new iso for selected value of v4. +- range
   SurfIter_t AddSurface(Double_t v4, Color_t ci, Double_t isoVal = 1., Double_t sigma = 1., 
                         Double_t e = 10., Double_t range = 1e-3, Int_t lowNumOfPoints = kNLowPts);
   void       SetSurfaceMode(SurfIter_t surf, Bool_t cloudOn);
   void       SetSurfaceColor(SurfIter_t surf, Color_t colorIndex);
   void       HideSurface(SurfIter_t surf);
   void       ShowSurface(SurfIter_t surf);
   void       RemoveSurface(SurfIter_t surf);
   //TGLPlotPainter final-overriders.
   char      *GetPlotInfo(Int_t px, Int_t py);
   Bool_t     InitGeometry();
   void       StartPan(Int_t px, Int_t py);
   void       Pan(Int_t px, Int_t py);
   void       AddOption(const TString &option);
   void       ProcessEvent(Int_t event, Int_t px, Int_t py);

   //Methods for ged.
   void       ShowBoxCut(Bool_t show) {fBoxCut.SetActive(show);}
   Bool_t     IsBoxCutShown()const{return fBoxCut.IsActive();}
   void       SetAlpha(Double_t newAlpha);
   Double_t   GetAlpha()const{return fAlpha;}
   void       SetNContours(Int_t num);
   Int_t      GetNContours()const{return fNContours;}
   //TGLPlotPainter final-overriders.
   void       InitGL()const;
   void       DeInitGL()const;
   void       DrawPlot()const;
   //Empty overriders.
   void       DrawSectionXOZ()const{}
   void       DrawSectionYOZ()const{}
   void       DrawSectionXOY()const{}
   //Auxiliary functions.
   void       SetSurfaceColor(Color_t index)const;
   void       DrawCloud()const;
   void       DrawSubCloud(Double_t v4, Double_t range, Color_t ci)const;
   void       DrawMesh(ConstSurfIter_t surf)const;
   TGL5DPainter(const TGL5DPainter &);
   TGL5DPainter &operator = (const TGL5DPainter &);

   ClassDef(TGL5DPainter, 0)//Class to paint set of iso surfaces.
