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// @(#)root/hist:$Id: TH3.cxx 29104 2009-06-19 13:41:05Z moneta $
// Author: Rene Brun   27/10/95

 * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
 * All rights reserved.                                                  *
 *                                                                       *
 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *

#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TClass.h"
#include "THashList.h"
#include "TH3.h"
#include "TProfile2D.h"
#include "TH2.h"
#include "TF1.h"
#include "TVirtualPad.h"
#include "TVirtualHistPainter.h"
#include "THLimitsFinder.h"
#include "TRandom.h"
#include "TError.h"
#include "TMath.h"
#include "TObjString.h"


//*-*  The 3-D histogram classes derived from the 1-D histogram classes.
//*-*  all operations are supported (fill, fit).
//*-*  Drawing is currently restricted to one single option.
//*-*  A cloud of points is drawn. The number of points is proportional to
//*-*  cell content.
//  TH3C a 3-D histogram with one byte per cell (char)
//  TH3S a 3-D histogram with two bytes per cell (short integer)
//  TH3I a 3-D histogram with four bytes per cell (32 bits integer)
//  TH3F a 3-D histogram with four bytes per cell (float)
//  TH3D a 3-D histogram with eight bytes per cell (double)

   // Default constructor.
   fDimension   = 3;
   fTsumwy      = fTsumwy2 = fTsumwxy = 0;
   fTsumwz      = fTsumwz2 = fTsumwxz = fTsumwyz = 0;

TH3::TH3(const char *name,const char *title,Int_t nbinsx,Double_t xlow,Double_t xup
                                     ,Int_t nbinsy,Double_t ylow,Double_t yup
                                     ,Int_t nbinsz,Double_t zlow,Double_t zup)
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Normal constructor for fix bin size 3-D histograms*-*-*-*-*
//*-*              ==================================================

   fDimension   = 3;
   if (nbinsy <= 0) nbinsy = 1;
   if (nbinsz <= 0) nbinsz = 1;
   fNcells      = (nbinsx+2)*(nbinsy+2)*(nbinsz+2);
   fTsumwy      = fTsumwy2 = fTsumwxy = 0;
   fTsumwz      = fTsumwz2 = fTsumwxz = fTsumwyz = 0;

TH3::TH3(const char *name,const char *title,Int_t nbinsx,const Float_t *xbins
                                           ,Int_t nbinsy,const Float_t *ybins
                                           ,Int_t nbinsz,const Float_t *zbins)
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Normal constructor for variable bin size 3-D histograms*-*-*-*
//*-*            =======================================================
   fDimension   = 3;
   if (nbinsy <= 0) nbinsy = 1;
   if (nbinsz <= 0) nbinsz = 1;
   if (ybins) fYaxis.Set(nbinsy,ybins);
   else       fYaxis.Set(nbinsy,0,1);
   if (zbins) fZaxis.Set(nbinsz,zbins);
   else       fZaxis.Set(nbinsz,0,1);
   fNcells      = (nbinsx+2)*(nbinsy+2)*(nbinsz+2);
   fTsumwy      = fTsumwy2 = fTsumwxy = 0;
   fTsumwz      = fTsumwz2 = fTsumwxz = fTsumwyz = 0;

TH3::TH3(const char *name,const char *title,Int_t nbinsx,const Double_t *xbins
                                           ,Int_t nbinsy,const Double_t *ybins
                                           ,Int_t nbinsz,const Double_t *zbins)
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Normal constructor for variable bin size 3-D histograms*-*-*-*
//*-*            =======================================================
   fDimension   = 3;
   if (nbinsy <= 0) nbinsy = 1;
   if (nbinsz <= 0) nbinsz = 1;
   if (ybins) fYaxis.Set(nbinsy,ybins);
   else       fYaxis.Set(nbinsy,0,1);
   if (zbins) fZaxis.Set(nbinsz,zbins);
   else       fZaxis.Set(nbinsz,0,1);
   fNcells      = (nbinsx+2)*(nbinsy+2)*(nbinsz+2);
   fTsumwy      = fTsumwy2 = fTsumwxy = 0;
   fTsumwz      = fTsumwz2 = fTsumwxz = fTsumwyz = 0;

TH3::TH3(const TH3 &h) : TH1(), TAtt3D()
   // Copy constructor.
   // The list of functions is not copied. (Use Clone if needed)


   // Destructor.

void TH3::Copy(TObject &obj) const
   // Copy.

   ((TH3&)obj).fTsumwy      = fTsumwy;
   ((TH3&)obj).fTsumwy2     = fTsumwy2;
   ((TH3&)obj).fTsumwxy     = fTsumwxy;
   ((TH3&)obj).fTsumwz      = fTsumwz;
   ((TH3&)obj).fTsumwz2     = fTsumwz2;
   ((TH3&)obj).fTsumwxz     = fTsumwxz;
   ((TH3&)obj).fTsumwyz     = fTsumwyz;

Int_t TH3::BufferEmpty(Int_t action)
   // Fill histogram with all entries in the buffer.
   // action = -1 histogram is reset and refilled from the buffer (called by THistPainter::Paint)
   // action =  0 histogram is filled from the buffer
   // action =  1 histogram is filled and buffer is deleted
   //             The buffer is automatically deleted when the number of entries
   //             in the buffer is greater than the number of entries in the histogram

   // do we need to compute the bin size?
   if (!fBuffer) return 0;
   Int_t nbentries = (Int_t)fBuffer[0];
   if (!nbentries) return 0;
   Double_t *buffer = fBuffer;
   if (nbentries < 0) {
      if (action == 0) return 0;
      nbentries  = -nbentries;
      fBuffer = buffer;
   if (TestBit(kCanRebin) || fXaxis.GetXmax() <= fXaxis.GetXmin() ||
      fYaxis.GetXmax() <= fYaxis.GetXmin() ||
      fZaxis.GetXmax() <= fZaxis.GetXmin()) {
         //find min, max of entries in buffer
         Double_t xmin = fBuffer[2];
         Double_t xmax = xmin;
         Double_t ymin = fBuffer[3];
         Double_t ymax = ymin;
         Double_t zmin = fBuffer[4];
         Double_t zmax = zmin;
         for (Int_t i=1;i<nbentries;i++) {
            Double_t x = fBuffer[4*i+2];
            if (x < xmin) xmin = x;
            if (x > xmax) xmax = x;
            Double_t y = fBuffer[4*i+3];
            if (y < ymin) ymin = y;
            if (y > ymax) ymax = y;
            Double_t z = fBuffer[4*i+4];
            if (z < zmin) zmin = z;
            if (z > zmax) zmax = z;
         if (fXaxis.GetXmax() <= fXaxis.GetXmin() || fYaxis.GetXmax() <= fYaxis.GetXmin() || fZaxis.GetXmax() <= fZaxis.GetXmin()) {
         } else {
            fBuffer = 0;
            Int_t keep = fBufferSize; fBufferSize = 0;
            if (xmin <  fXaxis.GetXmin()) RebinAxis(xmin,&fXaxis);
            if (xmax >= fXaxis.GetXmax()) RebinAxis(xmax,&fXaxis);
            if (ymin <  fYaxis.GetXmin()) RebinAxis(ymin,&fYaxis);
            if (ymax >= fYaxis.GetXmax()) RebinAxis(ymax,&fYaxis);
            if (zmin <  fZaxis.GetXmin()) RebinAxis(zmin,&fZaxis);
            if (zmax >= fZaxis.GetXmax()) RebinAxis(zmax,&fZaxis);
            fBuffer = buffer;
            fBufferSize = keep;
   fBuffer = 0;

   for (Int_t i=0;i<nbentries;i++) {
   fBuffer = buffer;

   if (action > 0) { delete [] fBuffer; fBuffer = 0; fBufferSize = 0;}
   else {
      if (nbentries == (Int_t)fEntries) fBuffer[0] = -nbentries;
      else                              fBuffer[0] = 0;
   return nbentries;

Int_t TH3::BufferFill(Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z, Double_t w)
   // accumulate arguments in buffer. When buffer is full, empty the buffer
   // fBuffer[0] = number of entries in buffer
   // fBuffer[1] = w of first entry
   // fBuffer[2] = x of first entry
   // fBuffer[3] = y of first entry
   // fBuffer[4] = z of first entry

   if (!fBuffer) return -3;
   Int_t nbentries = (Int_t)fBuffer[0];
   if (nbentries < 0) {
      nbentries  = -nbentries;
      fBuffer[0] =  nbentries;
      if (fEntries > 0) {
         Double_t *buffer = fBuffer; fBuffer=0;
         fBuffer = buffer;
   if (4*nbentries+4 >= fBufferSize) {
      return Fill(x,y,z,w);
   fBuffer[4*nbentries+1] = w;
   fBuffer[4*nbentries+2] = x;
   fBuffer[4*nbentries+3] = y;
   fBuffer[4*nbentries+4] = z;
   fBuffer[0] += 1;
   return -3;

Int_t TH3::Fill(Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z)
   //*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Increment cell defined by x,y,z by 1 *-*-*-*-*
   //*-*                  ====================================

   if (fBuffer) return BufferFill(x,y,z,1);

   Int_t binx, biny, binz, bin;
   binx = fXaxis.FindBin(x);
   biny = fYaxis.FindBin(y);
   binz = fZaxis.FindBin(z);
   bin  =  binx + (fXaxis.GetNbins()+2)*(biny + (fYaxis.GetNbins()+2)*binz);
   if (fSumw2.fN) ++fSumw2.fArray[bin];
   if (binx == 0 || binx > fXaxis.GetNbins()) {
      if (!fgStatOverflows) return -1;

   if (biny == 0 || biny > fYaxis.GetNbins()) {
      if (!fgStatOverflows) return -1;
   if (binz == 0 || binz > fZaxis.GetNbins()) {
      if (!fgStatOverflows) return -1;
   fTsumwx  += x;
   fTsumwx2 += x*x;
   fTsumwy  += y;
   fTsumwy2 += y*y;
   fTsumwxy += x*y;
   fTsumwz  += z;
   fTsumwz2 += z*z;
   fTsumwxz += x*z;
   fTsumwyz += y*z;
   return bin;

Int_t TH3::Fill(Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z, Double_t w)
   //*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Increment cell defined by x,y,z by a weight w*-*-*-*-*
   //*-*                  =============================================
   //*-* If the storage of the sum of squares of weights has been triggered,
   //*-* via the function Sumw2, then the sum of the squares of weights is incremented
   //*-* by w^2 in the cell corresponding to x,y,z.

   if (fBuffer) return BufferFill(x,y,z,w);

   Int_t binx, biny, binz, bin;
   binx = fXaxis.FindBin(x);
   biny = fYaxis.FindBin(y);
   binz = fZaxis.FindBin(z);
   bin  =  binx + (fXaxis.GetNbins()+2)*(biny + (fYaxis.GetNbins()+2)*binz);
   if (fSumw2.fN) fSumw2.fArray[bin] += w*w;
   if (binx == 0 || binx > fXaxis.GetNbins()) {
      if (!fgStatOverflows) return -1;
   if (biny == 0 || biny > fYaxis.GetNbins()) {
      if (!fgStatOverflows) return -1;
   if (binz == 0 || binz > fZaxis.GetNbins()) {
      if (!fgStatOverflows) return -1;
   fTsumw   += w;
   fTsumw2  += w*w;
   fTsumwx  += w*x;
   fTsumwx2 += w*x*x;
   fTsumwy  += w*y;
   fTsumwy2 += w*y*y;
   fTsumwxy += w*x*y;
   fTsumwz  += w*z;
   fTsumwz2 += w*z*z;
   fTsumwxz += w*x*z;
   fTsumwyz += w*y*z;
   return bin;

Int_t TH3::Fill(const char *namex, const char *namey, const char *namez, Double_t w)
   // Increment cell defined by namex,namey,namez by a weight w
   // If the storage of the sum of squares of weights has been triggered,
   // via the function Sumw2, then the sum of the squares of weights is incremented
   // by w^2 in the cell corresponding to x,y,z.
   Int_t binx, biny, binz, bin;
   binx = fXaxis.FindBin(namex);
   biny = fYaxis.FindBin(namey);
   binz = fZaxis.FindBin(namez);
   bin  =  binx + (fXaxis.GetNbins()+2)*(biny + (fYaxis.GetNbins()+2)*binz);
   if (fSumw2.fN) fSumw2.fArray[bin] += w*w;
   if (binx == 0 || binx > fXaxis.GetNbins()) return -1;
   if (biny == 0 || biny > fYaxis.GetNbins()) return -1;
   if (binz == 0 || binz > fZaxis.GetNbins()) return -1;
   Double_t x = fXaxis.GetBinCenter(binx);
   Double_t y = fYaxis.GetBinCenter(biny);
   Double_t z = fZaxis.GetBinCenter(binz);
   Double_t v = (w > 0 ? w : -w);
   fTsumw   += v;
   fTsumw2  += v*v;
   fTsumwx  += v*x;
   fTsumwx2 += v*x*x;
   fTsumwy  += v*y;
   fTsumwy2 += v*y*y;
   fTsumwxy += v*x*y;
   fTsumwz  += v*z;
   fTsumwz2 += v*z*z;
   fTsumwxz += v*x*z;
   fTsumwyz += v*y*z;
   return bin;

Int_t TH3::Fill(const char *namex, Double_t y, const char *namez, Double_t w)
   // Increment cell defined by namex,y,namez by a weight w
   // If the storage of the sum of squares of weights has been triggered,
   // via the function Sumw2, then the sum of the squares of weights is incremented
   // by w^2 in the cell corresponding to x,y,z.
   Int_t binx, biny, binz, bin;
   binx = fXaxis.FindBin(namex);
   biny = fYaxis.FindBin(y);
   binz = fZaxis.FindBin(namez);
   bin  =  binx + (fXaxis.GetNbins()+2)*(biny + (fYaxis.GetNbins()+2)*binz);
   if (fSumw2.fN) fSumw2.fArray[bin] += w*w;
   if (binx == 0 || binx > fXaxis.GetNbins()) return -1;
   if (biny == 0 || biny > fYaxis.GetNbins()) {
      if (!fgStatOverflows) return -1;
   if (binz == 0 || binz > fZaxis.GetNbins()) return -1;
   Double_t x = fXaxis.GetBinCenter(binx);
   Double_t z = fZaxis.GetBinCenter(binz);
   Double_t v = (w > 0 ? w : -w);
   fTsumw   += v;
   fTsumw2  += v*v;
   fTsumwx  += v*x;
   fTsumwx2 += v*x*x;
   fTsumwy  += v*y;
   fTsumwy2 += v*y*y;
   fTsumwxy += v*x*y;
   fTsumwz  += v*z;
   fTsumwz2 += v*z*z;
   fTsumwxz += v*x*z;
   fTsumwyz += v*y*z;
   return bin;

Int_t TH3::Fill(const char *namex, const char *namey, Double_t z, Double_t w)
   // Increment cell defined by namex,namey,z by a weight w
   // If the storage of the sum of squares of weights has been triggered,
   // via the function Sumw2, then the sum of the squares of weights is incremented
   // by w^2 in the cell corresponding to x,y,z.
   Int_t binx, biny, binz, bin;
   binx = fXaxis.FindBin(namex);
   biny = fYaxis.FindBin(namey);
   binz = fZaxis.FindBin(z);
   bin  =  binx + (fXaxis.GetNbins()+2)*(biny + (fYaxis.GetNbins()+2)*binz);
   if (fSumw2.fN) fSumw2.fArray[bin] += w*w;
   if (binx == 0 || binx > fXaxis.GetNbins()) return -1;
   if (biny == 0 || biny > fYaxis.GetNbins()) return -1;
   if (binz == 0 || binz > fZaxis.GetNbins()) {
      if (!fgStatOverflows) return -1;
   Double_t x = fXaxis.GetBinCenter(binx);
   Double_t y = fYaxis.GetBinCenter(biny);
   Double_t v = (w > 0 ? w : -w);
   fTsumw   += v;
   fTsumw2  += v*v;
   fTsumwx  += v*x;
   fTsumwx2 += v*x*x;
   fTsumwy  += v*y;
   fTsumwy2 += v*y*y;
   fTsumwxy += v*x*y;
   fTsumwz  += v*z;
   fTsumwz2 += v*z*z;
   fTsumwxz += v*x*z;
   fTsumwyz += v*y*z;
   return bin;

Int_t TH3::Fill(Double_t x, const char *namey, const char *namez, Double_t w)
   // Increment cell defined by x,namey,namezz by a weight w
   // If the storage of the sum of squares of weights has been triggered,
   // via the function Sumw2, then the sum of the squares of weights is incremented
   // by w^2 in the cell corresponding to x,y,z.
   Int_t binx, biny, binz, bin;
   binx = fXaxis.FindBin(x);
   biny = fYaxis.FindBin(namey);
   binz = fZaxis.FindBin(namez);
   bin  =  binx + (fXaxis.GetNbins()+2)*(biny + (fYaxis.GetNbins()+2)*binz);
   if (fSumw2.fN) fSumw2.fArray[bin] += w*w;
   if (binx == 0 || binx > fXaxis.GetNbins()) {
      if (!fgStatOverflows) return -1;
   if (biny == 0 || biny > fYaxis.GetNbins()) return -1;
   if (binz == 0 || binz > fZaxis.GetNbins()) return -1;
   Double_t y = fYaxis.GetBinCenter(biny);
   Double_t z = fZaxis.GetBinCenter(binz);
   Double_t v = (w > 0 ? w : -w);
   fTsumw   += v;
   fTsumw2  += v*v;
   fTsumwx  += v*x;
   fTsumwx2 += v*x*x;
   fTsumwy  += v*y;
   fTsumwy2 += v*y*y;
   fTsumwxy += v*x*y;
   fTsumwz  += v*z;
   fTsumwz2 += v*z*z;
   fTsumwxz += v*x*z;
   fTsumwyz += v*y*z;
   return bin;

Int_t TH3::Fill(Double_t x, const char *namey, Double_t z, Double_t w)
   // Increment cell defined by x,namey,z by a weight w
   // If the storage of the sum of squares of weights has been triggered,
   // via the function Sumw2, then the sum of the squares of weights is incremented
   // by w^2 in the cell corresponding to x,y,z.
   Int_t binx, biny, binz, bin;
   binx = fXaxis.FindBin(x);
   biny = fYaxis.FindBin(namey);
   binz = fZaxis.FindBin(z);
   bin  =  binx + (fXaxis.GetNbins()+2)*(biny + (fYaxis.GetNbins()+2)*binz);
   if (fSumw2.fN) fSumw2.fArray[bin] += w*w;
   if (binx == 0 || binx > fXaxis.GetNbins()) {
      if (!fgStatOverflows) return -1;
   if (biny == 0 || biny > fYaxis.GetNbins()) return -1;
   if (binz == 0 || binz > fZaxis.GetNbins()) {
      if (!fgStatOverflows) return -1;
   Double_t y = fYaxis.GetBinCenter(biny);
   Double_t v = (w > 0 ? w : -w);
   fTsumw   += v;
   fTsumw2  += v*v;
   fTsumwx  += v*x;
   fTsumwx2 += v*x*x;
   fTsumwy  += v*y;
   fTsumwy2 += v*y*y;
   fTsumwxy += v*x*y;
   fTsumwz  += v*z;
   fTsumwz2 += v*z*z;
   fTsumwxz += v*x*z;
   fTsumwyz += v*y*z;
   return bin;

Int_t TH3::Fill(Double_t x, Double_t y, const char *namez, Double_t w)
   // Increment cell defined by x,y,namez by a weight w
   // If the storage of the sum of squares of weights has been triggered,
   // via the function Sumw2, then the sum of the squares of weights is incremented
   // by w^2 in the cell corresponding to x,y,z.
   Int_t binx, biny, binz, bin;
   binx = fXaxis.FindBin(x);
   biny = fYaxis.FindBin(y);
   binz = fZaxis.FindBin(namez);
   bin  =  binx + (fXaxis.GetNbins()+2)*(biny + (fYaxis.GetNbins()+2)*binz);
   if (fSumw2.fN) fSumw2.fArray[bin] += w*w;
   if (binx == 0 || binx > fXaxis.GetNbins()) {
      if (!fgStatOverflows) return -1;
   if (biny == 0 || biny > fYaxis.GetNbins()) {
      if (!fgStatOverflows) return -1;
   if (binz == 0 || binz > fZaxis.GetNbins()) return -1;
   Double_t z = fZaxis.GetBinCenter(binz);
   Double_t v = (w > 0 ? w : -w);
   fTsumw   += v;
   fTsumw2  += v*v;
   fTsumwx  += v*x;
   fTsumwx2 += v*x*x;
   fTsumwy  += v*y;
   fTsumwy2 += v*y*y;
   fTsumwxy += v*x*y;
   fTsumwz  += v*z;
   fTsumwz2 += v*z*z;
   fTsumwxz += v*x*z;
   fTsumwyz += v*y*z;
   return bin;

void TH3::FillRandom(const char *fname, Int_t ntimes)
   //*-*-*-*-*-*-*Fill histogram following distribution in function fname*-*-*-*
   //*-*          =======================================================
   //*-*   The distribution contained in the function fname (TF1) is integrated
   //*-*   over the channel contents.
   //*-*   It is normalized to 1.
   //*-*   Getting one random number implies:
   //*-*     - Generating a random number between 0 and 1 (say r1)
   //*-*     - Look in which bin in the normalized integral r1 corresponds to
   //*-*     - Fill histogram channel
   //*-*   ntimes random numbers are generated
   //*-*  One can also call TF1::GetRandom to get a random variate from a function.

   Int_t bin, binx, biny, binz, ibin, loop;
   Double_t r1, x, y,z, xv[3];
   //*-*- Search for fname in the list of ROOT defined functions
   TF1 *f1 = (TF1*)gROOT->GetFunction(fname);
   if (!f1) { Error("FillRandom", "Unknown function: %s",fname); return; }

   //*-*- Allocate temporary space to store the integral and compute integral
   Int_t nbinsx = GetNbinsX();
   Int_t nbinsy = GetNbinsY();
   Int_t nbinsz = GetNbinsZ();
   Int_t nxy    = nbinsx*nbinsy;
   Int_t nbins  = nxy*nbinsz;

   Double_t *integral = new Double_t[nbins+1];
   ibin = 0;
   integral[ibin] = 0;
   for (binz=1;binz<=nbinsz;binz++) {
      xv[2] = fZaxis.GetBinCenter(binz);
      for (biny=1;biny<=nbinsy;biny++) {
         xv[1] = fYaxis.GetBinCenter(biny);
         for (binx=1;binx<=nbinsx;binx++) {
            xv[0] = fXaxis.GetBinCenter(binx);
            integral[ibin] = integral[ibin-1] + f1->Eval(xv[0],xv[1],xv[2]);

   //*-*- Normalize integral to 1
   if (integral[nbins] == 0 ) {
      Error("FillRandom", "Integral = zero"); return;
   for (bin=1;bin<=nbins;bin++)  integral[bin] /= integral[nbins];

   //*-*--------------Start main loop ntimes
   if (fDimension < 2) nbinsy = -1;
   if (fDimension < 3) nbinsz = -1;
   for (loop=0;loop<ntimes;loop++) {
      r1 = gRandom->Rndm(loop);
      ibin = TMath::BinarySearch(nbins,&integral[0],r1);
      binz = ibin/nxy;
      biny = (ibin - nxy*binz)/nbinsx;
      binx = 1 + ibin - nbinsx*(biny + nbinsy*binz);
      if (nbinsz) binz++;
      if (nbinsy) biny++;
      x    = fXaxis.GetBinCenter(binx);
      y    = fYaxis.GetBinCenter(biny);
      z    = fZaxis.GetBinCenter(binz);
      Fill(x,y,z, 1.);
   delete [] integral;

void TH3::FillRandom(TH1 *h, Int_t ntimes)
   //*-*-*-*-*-*-*Fill histogram following distribution in histogram h*-*-*-*
   //*-*          ====================================================
   //*-*   The distribution contained in the histogram h (TH3) is integrated
   //*-*   over the channel contents.
   //*-*   It is normalized to 1.
   //*-*   Getting one random number implies:
   //*-*     - Generating a random number between 0 and 1 (say r1)
   //*-*     - Look in which bin in the normalized integral r1 corresponds to
   //*-*     - Fill histogram channel
   //*-*   ntimes random numbers are generated

   if (!h) { Error("FillRandom", "Null histogram"); return; }
   if (fDimension != h->GetDimension()) {
      Error("FillRandom", "Histograms with different dimensions"); return;

   if (h->ComputeIntegral() == 0) return;

   TH3 *h3 = (TH3*)h;
   Int_t loop;
   Double_t x,y,z;
   for (loop=0;loop<ntimes;loop++) {

Int_t TH3::FindFirstBinAbove(Double_t threshold, Int_t axis) const
   //find first bin with content > threshold for axis (1=x, 2=y, 3=z)
   //if no bins with content > threshold is found the function returns -1.
   if (axis < 1 || axis > 3) {
      Warning("FindFirstBinAbove","Invalid axis number : %d, axis x assumed\n",axis);
      axis = 1;
   Int_t nbinsx = fXaxis.GetNbins();
   Int_t nbinsy = fYaxis.GetNbins();
   Int_t nbinsz = fZaxis.GetNbins();
   Int_t binx, biny, binz;
   if (axis == 1) {
      for (binx=1;binx<=nbinsx;binx++) {
         for (biny=1;biny<=nbinsy;biny++) {
            for (binz=1;binz<=nbinsz;binz++) {
               if (GetBinContent(binx,biny,binz) > threshold) return binx;
   } else if (axis == 2) {
      for (biny=1;biny<=nbinsy;biny++) {
         for (binx=1;binx<=nbinsx;binx++) {
            for (binz=1;binz<=nbinsz;binz++) {
               if (GetBinContent(binx,biny,binz) > threshold) return biny;
   } else {
      for (binz=1;binz<=nbinsz;binz++) {
         for (binx=1;binx<=nbinsx;binx++) {
            for (biny=1;biny<=nbinsy;biny++) {
               if (GetBinContent(binx,biny,binz) > threshold) return binz;
   return -1;

Int_t TH3::FindLastBinAbove(Double_t threshold, Int_t axis) const
   //find last bin with content > threshold for axis (1=x, 2=y, 3=z)
   //if no bins with content > threshold is found the function returns -1.
   if (axis < 1 || axis > 3) {
      Warning("FindLastBinAbove","Invalid axis number : %d, axis x assumed\n",axis);
      axis = 1;
   Int_t nbinsx = fXaxis.GetNbins();
   Int_t nbinsy = fYaxis.GetNbins();
   Int_t nbinsz = fZaxis.GetNbins();
   Int_t binx, biny, binz;
   if (axis == 1) {
      for (binx=nbinsx;binx>=1;binx--) {
         for (biny=1;biny<=nbinsy;biny++) {
            for (binz=1;binz<=nbinsz;binz++) {
               if (GetBinContent(binx,biny,binz) > threshold) return binx;
   } else if (axis == 2) {
      for (biny=nbinsy;biny>=1;biny--) {
         for (binx=1;binx<=nbinsx;binx++) {
            for (binz=1;binz<=nbinsz;binz++) {
               if (GetBinContent(binx,biny,binz) > threshold) return biny;
   } else {
      for (binz=nbinsz;binz>=1;binz--) {
         for (binx=1;binx<=nbinsx;binx++) {
            for (biny=1;biny<=nbinsy;biny++) {
               if (GetBinContent(binx,biny,binz) > threshold) return binz;
   return -1;

void TH3::FitSlicesZ(TF1 *f1, Int_t binminx, Int_t binmaxx, Int_t binminy, Int_t binmaxy, Int_t cut, Option_t *option)
   // Project slices along Z in case of a 3-D histogram, then fit each slice
   // with function f1 and make a 2-d histogram for each fit parameter
   // Only cells in the bin range [binminx,binmaxx] and [binminy,binmaxy] are considered.
   // if f1=0, a gaussian is assumed
   // Before invoking this function, one can set a subrange to be fitted along Z
   // via f1->SetRange(zmin,zmax)
   // The argument option (default="QNR") can be used to change the fit options.
   //     "Q" means Quiet mode
   //     "N" means do not show the result of the fit
   //     "R" means fit the function in the specified function range
   // Note that the generated histograms are added to the list of objects
   // in the current directory. It is the user's responsability to delete
   // these histograms.
   //  Example: Assume a 3-d histogram h3
   //   Root > h3->FitSlicesZ(); produces 4 TH2D histograms
   //          with h3_0 containing parameter 0(Constant) for a Gaus fit
   //                    of each cell in X,Y projected along Z
   //          with h3_1 containing parameter 1(Mean) for a gaus fit
   //          with h3_2 containing parameter 2(RMS)  for a gaus fit
   //          with h3_chi2 containing the chisquare/number of degrees of freedom for a gaus fit
   //   Root > h3->Fit(0,15,22,0,0,10);
   //          same as above, but only for bins 15 to 22 along X
   //          and only for cells in X,Y for which the corresponding projection
   //          along Z has more than cut bins filled.
   //  NOTE: To access the generated histograms in the current directory, do eg:
   //     TH2D *h3_1 = (TH2D*)gDirectory->Get("h3_1");

   Int_t nbinsx  = fXaxis.GetNbins();
   Int_t nbinsy  = fYaxis.GetNbins();
   Int_t nbinsz  = fZaxis.GetNbins();
   if (binminx < 1) binminx = 1;
   if (binmaxx > nbinsx) binmaxx = nbinsx;
   if (binmaxx < binminx) {binminx = 1; binmaxx = nbinsx;}
   if (binminy < 1) binminy = 1;
   if (binmaxy > nbinsy) binmaxy = nbinsy;
   if (binmaxy < binminy) {binminy = 1; binmaxy = nbinsy;}

   //default is to fit with a gaussian
   if (f1 == 0) {
      f1 = (TF1*)gROOT->GetFunction("gaus");
      if (f1 == 0) f1 = new TF1("gaus","gaus",fZaxis.GetXmin(),fZaxis.GetXmax());
      else         f1->SetRange(fZaxis.GetXmin(),fZaxis.GetXmax());
   const char *fname = f1->GetName();
   Int_t npar = f1->GetNpar();
   Double_t *parsave = new Double_t[npar];

   //Create one 2-d histogram for each function parameter
   Int_t ipar;
   char name[80], title[80];
   TH2D *hlist[25];
   const TArrayD *xbins = fXaxis.GetXbins();
   const TArrayD *ybins = fYaxis.GetXbins();
   for (ipar=0;ipar<npar;ipar++) {
      sprintf(title,"Fitted value of par[%d]=%s",ipar,f1->GetParName(ipar));
      if (xbins->fN == 0) {
         hlist[ipar] = new TH2D(name, title,
                                nbinsx, fXaxis.GetXmin(), fXaxis.GetXmax(),
                                nbinsy, fYaxis.GetXmin(), fYaxis.GetXmax());
      } else {
         hlist[ipar] = new TH2D(name, title,
                                nbinsx, xbins->fArray,
                                nbinsy, ybins->fArray);
   TH2D *hchi2 = new TH2D(name,"chisquare", nbinsx, fXaxis.GetXmin(), fXaxis.GetXmax()
      , nbinsy, fYaxis.GetXmin(), fYaxis.GetXmax());

   //Loop on all cells in X,Y generate a projection along Z
   TH1D *hpz = new TH1D("R_temp","_temp",nbinsz, fZaxis.GetXmin(), fZaxis.GetXmax());
   Int_t bin,binx,biny,binz;
   for (biny=binminy;biny<=binmaxy;biny++) {
      Float_t y = fYaxis.GetBinCenter(biny);
      for (binx=binminx;binx<=binmaxx;binx++) {
         Float_t x = fXaxis.GetBinCenter(binx);
         Int_t nfill = 0;
         for (binz=1;binz<=nbinsz;binz++) {
            bin = GetBin(binx,biny,binz);
            Float_t w = GetBinContent(bin);
            if (w == 0) continue;
         if (nfill < cut) continue;
         Int_t npfits = f1->GetNumberFitPoints();
         if (npfits > npar && npfits >= cut) {
            for (ipar=0;ipar<npar;ipar++) {
   delete [] parsave;
   delete hpz;

Double_t TH3::GetBinWithContent3(Double_t c, Int_t &binx, Int_t &biny, Int_t &binz, Int_t firstx, Int_t lastx, Int_t firsty, Int_t lasty, Int_t firstz, Int_t lastz, Double_t maxdiff) const
   // compute first cell (binx,biny,binz) in the range [firstx,lastx](firsty,lasty][firstz,lastz] for which
   // diff = abs(cell_content-c) <= maxdiff
   // In case several cells in the specified range with diff=0 are found
   // the first cell found is returned in binx,biny,binz.
   // In case several cells in the specified range satisfy diff <=maxdiff
   // the cell with the smallest difference is returned in binx,biny,binz.
   // In all cases the function returns the smallest difference.
   // NOTE1: if firstx <= 0, firstx is set to bin 1
   //        if (lastx < firstx then firstx is set to the number of bins in X
   //        ie if firstx=0 and lastx=0 (default) the search is on all bins in X.
   //        if firsty <= 0, firsty is set to bin 1
   //        if (lasty < firsty then firsty is set to the number of bins in Y
   //        ie if firsty=0 and lasty=0 (default) the search is on all bins in Y.
   //        if firstz <= 0, firstz is set to bin 1
   //        if (lastz < firstz then firstz is set to the number of bins in Z
   //        ie if firstz=0 and lastz=0 (default) the search is on all bins in Z.
   // NOTE2: if maxdiff=0 (default), the first cell with content=c is returned.

   if (fDimension != 3) {
      binx = 0;
      biny = 0;
      binz = 0;
      Error("GetBinWithContent3","function is only valid for 3-D histograms");
      return 0;
   if (firstx <= 0) firstx = 1;
   if (lastx < firstx) lastx = fXaxis.GetNbins();
   if (firsty <= 0) firsty = 1;
   if (lasty < firsty) lasty = fYaxis.GetNbins();
   if (firstz <= 0) firstz = 1;
   if (lastz < firstz) lastz = fZaxis.GetNbins();
   Int_t binminx = 0, binminy=0, binminz=0;
   Double_t diff, curmax = 1.e240;
   for (Int_t k=firstz;k<=lastz;k++) {
      for (Int_t j=firsty;j<=lasty;j++) {
         for (Int_t i=firstx;i<=lastx;i++) {
            diff = TMath::Abs(GetBinContent(i,j,k)-c);
            if (diff <= 0) {binx = i; biny=j; binz=k; return diff;}
            if (diff < curmax && diff <= maxdiff) {curmax = diff, binminx=i; binminy=j;binminz=k;}
   binx = binminx;
   biny = binminy;
   binz = binminz;
   return curmax;

Double_t TH3::GetCorrelationFactor(Int_t axis1, Int_t axis2) const
   //*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Return correlation factor between axis1 and axis2*-*-*-*-*
   //*-*            ====================================================
   if (axis1 < 1 || axis2 < 1 || axis1 > 3 || axis2 > 3) {
      Error("GetCorrelationFactor","Wrong parameters");
      return 0;
   if (axis1 == axis2) return 1;
   Double_t rms1 = GetRMS(axis1);
   if (rms1 == 0) return 0;
   Double_t rms2 = GetRMS(axis2);
   if (rms2 == 0) return 0;
   return GetCovariance(axis1,axis2)/rms1/rms2;

Double_t TH3::GetCovariance(Int_t axis1, Int_t axis2) const
   //*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Return covariance between axis1 and axis2*-*-*-*-*
   //*-*            ====================================================

   if (axis1 < 1 || axis2 < 1 || axis1 > 3 || axis2 > 3) {
      Error("GetCovariance","Wrong parameters");
      return 0;
   Double_t stats[11];
   Double_t sumw   = stats[0];
   Double_t sumw2  = stats[1];
   Double_t sumwx  = stats[2];
   Double_t sumwx2 = stats[3];
   Double_t sumwy  = stats[4];
   Double_t sumwy2 = stats[5];
   Double_t sumwxy = stats[6];
   Double_t sumwz  = stats[7];
   Double_t sumwz2 = stats[8];
   Double_t sumwxz = stats[9];
   Double_t sumwyz = stats[10];

   if (sumw == 0) return 0;
   if (axis1 == 1 && axis2 == 1) {
      return TMath::Abs(sumwx2/sumw - sumwx*sumwx/sumw2);
   if (axis1 == 2 && axis2 == 2) {
      return TMath::Abs(sumwy2/sumw - sumwy*sumwy/sumw2);
   if (axis1 == 3 && axis2 == 3) {
      return TMath::Abs(sumwz2/sumw - sumwz*sumwz/sumw2);
   if ((axis1 == 1 && axis2 == 2) || (axis1 == 2 && axis1 == 1)) {
      return sumwxy/sumw - sumwx/sumw*sumwy/sumw;
   if ((axis1 == 1 && axis2 == 3) || (axis1 == 3 && axis2 == 1)) {
      return sumwxz/sumw - sumwx/sumw*sumwz/sumw;
   if ((axis1 == 2 && axis2 == 3) || (axis1 == 3 && axis2 == 2)) {
      return sumwyz/sumw - sumwy/sumw*sumwz/sumw;
   return 0;

void TH3::GetRandom3(Double_t &x, Double_t &y, Double_t &z)
   // return 3 random numbers along axis x , y and z distributed according
   // the cellcontents of a 3-dim histogram

   Int_t nbinsx = GetNbinsX();
   Int_t nbinsy = GetNbinsY();
   Int_t nbinsz = GetNbinsZ();
   Int_t nxy    = nbinsx*nbinsy;
   Int_t nbins  = nxy*nbinsz;
   Double_t integral;
   if (fIntegral) {
      if (fIntegral[nbins+1] != fEntries) integral = ComputeIntegral();
   } else {
      integral = ComputeIntegral();
      if (integral == 0 || fIntegral == 0) return;
   Double_t r1 = gRandom->Rndm();
   Int_t ibin = TMath::BinarySearch(nbins,fIntegral,(Double_t) r1);
   Int_t binz = ibin/nxy;
   Int_t biny = (ibin - nxy*binz)/nbinsx;
   Int_t binx = ibin - nbinsx*(biny + nbinsy*binz);
   x = fXaxis.GetBinLowEdge(binx+1);
   if (r1 > fIntegral[ibin]) x +=
      fXaxis.GetBinWidth(binx+1)*(r1-fIntegral[ibin])/(fIntegral[ibin+1] - fIntegral[ibin]);
   y = fYaxis.GetBinLowEdge(biny+1) + fYaxis.GetBinWidth(biny+1)*gRandom->Rndm();
   z = fZaxis.GetBinLowEdge(binz+1) + fZaxis.GetBinWidth(binz+1)*gRandom->Rndm();

void TH3::GetStats(Double_t *stats) const
   // fill the array stats from the contents of this histogram
   // The array stats must be correctly dimensionned in the calling program.
   // stats[0] = sumw
   // stats[1] = sumw2
   // stats[2] = sumwx
   // stats[3] = sumwx2
   // stats[4] = sumwy
   // stats[5] = sumwy2
   // stats[6] = sumwxy
   // stats[7] = sumwz
   // stats[8] = sumwz2
   // stats[9] = sumwxz
   // stats[10]= sumwyz

   if (fBuffer) ((TH3*)this)->BufferEmpty();

   Int_t bin, binx, biny, binz;
   Double_t w,err;
   Double_t x,y,z;
   if ((fTsumw == 0 && fEntries > 0) || fXaxis.TestBit(TAxis::kAxisRange) || fYaxis.TestBit(TAxis::kAxisRange) || fZaxis.TestBit(TAxis::kAxisRange)) {
      for (bin=0;bin<9;bin++) stats[bin] = 0;

      Int_t firstBinX = fXaxis.GetFirst();
      Int_t lastBinX  = fXaxis.GetLast();
      Int_t firstBinY = fYaxis.GetFirst();
      Int_t lastBinY  = fYaxis.GetLast();
      Int_t firstBinZ = fZaxis.GetFirst();
      Int_t lastBinZ  = fZaxis.GetLast();
      // include underflow/overflow if TH1::StatOverflows(kTRUE) in case no range is set on the axis
      if (fgStatOverflows) {
         if ( !fXaxis.TestBit(TAxis::kAxisRange) ) {
            if (firstBinX == 1) firstBinX = 0;
            if (lastBinX ==  fXaxis.GetNbins() ) lastBinX += 1;
         if ( !fYaxis.TestBit(TAxis::kAxisRange) ) {
            if (firstBinY == 1) firstBinY = 0;
            if (lastBinY ==  fYaxis.GetNbins() ) lastBinY += 1;
         if ( !fZaxis.TestBit(TAxis::kAxisRange) ) {
            if (firstBinZ == 1) firstBinZ = 0;
            if (lastBinZ ==  fZaxis.GetNbins() ) lastBinZ += 1;
      for (binz = firstBinZ; binz <= lastBinZ; binz++) {
         z = fZaxis.GetBinCenter(binz);
         for (biny = firstBinY; biny <= lastBinY; biny++) {
            y = fYaxis.GetBinCenter(biny);
            for (binx = firstBinX; binx <= lastBinX; binx++) {
               bin = GetBin(binx,biny,binz);
               x   = fXaxis.GetBinCenter(binx);
               w   = TMath::Abs(GetBinContent(bin));
               err = TMath::Abs(GetBinError(bin));
               stats[0] += w;
               stats[1] += err*err;
               stats[2] += w*x;
               stats[3] += w*x*x;
               stats[4] += w*y;
               stats[5] += w*y*y;
               stats[6] += w*x*y;
               stats[7] += w*z;
               stats[8] += w*z*z;
               stats[9] += w*x*z;
               stats[10]+= w*y*z;
   } else {
      stats[0] = fTsumw;
      stats[1] = fTsumw2;
      stats[2] = fTsumwx;
      stats[3] = fTsumwx2;
      stats[4] = fTsumwy;
      stats[5] = fTsumwy2;
      stats[6] = fTsumwxy;
      stats[7] = fTsumwz;
      stats[8] = fTsumwz2;
      stats[9] = fTsumwxz;
      stats[10]= fTsumwyz;

Double_t TH3::Integral(Option_t *option) const
   //Return integral of bin contents. Only bins in the bins range are considered.
   // By default the integral is computed as the sum of bin contents in the range.
   // if option "width" is specified, the integral is the sum of
   // the bin contents multiplied by the bin width in x, y and in z.

   return Integral(fXaxis.GetFirst(),fXaxis.GetLast(),

Double_t TH3::Integral(Int_t binx1, Int_t binx2, Int_t biny1, Int_t biny2, Int_t binz1, Int_t binz2, Option_t *option) const
   //Return integral of bin contents in range [binx1,binx2],[biny1,biny2],[binz1,binz2]
   // for a 3-D histogram
   // By default the integral is computed as the sum of bin contents in the range.
   // if option "width" is specified, the integral is the sum of
   // the bin contents multiplied by the bin width in x, y and in z.

   Int_t nbinsx = GetNbinsX();
   Int_t nbinsy = GetNbinsY();
   Int_t nbinsz = GetNbinsZ();
   if (binx1 < 0) binx1 = 0;
   if (binx2 > nbinsx+1) binx2 = nbinsx+1;
   if (binx2 < binx1)    binx2 = nbinsx;
   if (biny1 < 0) biny1 = 0;
   if (biny2 > nbinsy+1) biny2 = nbinsy+1;
   if (biny2 < biny1)    biny2 = nbinsy;
   if (binz1 < 0) binz1 = 0;
   if (binz2 > nbinsz+1) binz2 = nbinsz+1;
   if (binz2 < binz1)    binz2 = nbinsz;
   Double_t integral = 0;

   //*-*- Loop on bins in specified range
   TString opt = option;
   Bool_t width = kFALSE;
   if (opt.Contains("width")) width = kTRUE;
   Int_t bin, binx, biny, binz;
   for (binz=binz1;binz<=binz2;binz++) {
      for (biny=biny1;biny<=biny2;biny++) {
         for (binx=binx1;binx<=binx2;binx++) {
            bin = binx +(nbinsx+2)*(biny + (nbinsy+2)*binz);
            if (width) integral += GetBinContent(bin)*fXaxis.GetBinWidth(binx)*fYaxis.GetBinWidth(biny)*fZaxis.GetBinWidth(binz);
            else       integral += GetBinContent(bin);
   return integral;

Double_t TH3::Interpolate(Double_t)
   //Not yet implemented
   Error("Interpolate","This function must be called with 3 arguments for a TH3");
   return 0;

Double_t TH3::Interpolate(Double_t, Double_t)
   //Not yet implemented
   Error("Interpolate","This function must be called with 3 arguments for a TH3");
   return 0;

Double_t TH3::Interpolate(Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z)
   // Given a point P(x,y,z), Interpolate approximates the value via trilinear interpolation
   // based on the 8 nearest bin center points ( corner of the cube surronding the points) 
   // The Algorithm is described in
   // The given values (x,y,z) must be between first bin center and  last bin center for each coordinate: 
   //   fXAxis.GetBinCenter(1) < x  < fXaxis.GetBinCenter(nbinX)     AND
   //   fYAxis.GetBinCenter(1) < y  < fYaxis.GetBinCenter(nbinY)     AND
   //   fZAxis.GetBinCenter(1) < z  < fZaxis.GetBinCenter(nbinZ) 

   Int_t ubx = fXaxis.FindBin(x);
   if ( x < fXaxis.GetBinCenter(ubx) ) ubx -= 1;
   Int_t obx = ubx + 1;

   Int_t uby = fYaxis.FindBin(y);
   if ( y < fYaxis.GetBinCenter(uby) ) uby -= 1;
   Int_t oby = uby + 1;

   Int_t ubz = fZaxis.FindBin(z);
   if ( z < fZaxis.GetBinCenter(ubz) ) ubz -= 1;
   Int_t obz = ubz + 1;

//    if ( IsBinUnderflow(GetBin(ubx, uby, ubz)) ||
//         IsBinOverflow (GetBin(obx, oby, obz)) ) {
   if (ubx <=0 || uby <=0 || ubz <= 0 ||
       obx > fXaxis.GetNbins() || oby > fYaxis.GetNbins() || obz > fZaxis.GetNbins() ) {
      Error("Interpolate","Cannot interpolate outside histogram domain.");
      return 0;

   Double_t xw = fXaxis.GetBinCenter(obx) - fXaxis.GetBinCenter(ubx);
   Double_t yw = fYaxis.GetBinCenter(oby) - fYaxis.GetBinCenter(uby);
   Double_t zw = fZaxis.GetBinCenter(obz) - fZaxis.GetBinCenter(ubz);

   Double_t xd = (x - fXaxis.GetBinCenter(ubx)) / xw;
   Double_t yd = (y - fYaxis.GetBinCenter(uby)) / yw;
   Double_t zd = (z - fZaxis.GetBinCenter(ubz)) / zw;

   Double_t v[] = { GetBinContent( ubx, uby, ubz ), GetBinContent( ubx, uby, obz ),
                    GetBinContent( ubx, oby, ubz ), GetBinContent( ubx, oby, obz ),
                    GetBinContent( obx, uby, ubz ), GetBinContent( obx, uby, obz ),
                    GetBinContent( obx, oby, ubz ), GetBinContent( obx, oby, obz ) };

   Double_t i1 = v[0] * (1 - zd) + v[1] * zd;
   Double_t i2 = v[2] * (1 - zd) + v[3] * zd;
   Double_t j1 = v[4] * (1 - zd) + v[5] * zd;
   Double_t j2 = v[6] * (1 - zd) + v[7] * zd;

   Double_t w1 = i1 * (1 - yd) + i2 * yd;
   Double_t w2 = j1 * (1 - yd) + j2 * yd;

   Double_t result = w1 * (1 - xd) + w2 * xd;

   return result;

Double_t TH3::KolmogorovTest(const TH1 *h2, Option_t *option) const
   //  Statistical test of compatibility in shape between
   //  THIS histogram and h2, using Kolmogorov test.
   //     Default: Ignore under- and overflow bins in comparison
   //     option is a character string to specify options
   //         "U" include Underflows in test
   //         "O" include Overflows
   //         "N" include comparison of normalizations
   //         "D" Put out a line of "Debug" printout
   //         "M" Return the Maximum Kolmogorov distance instead of prob
   //   The returned function value is the probability of test
   //       (much less than one means NOT compatible)
   //   The KS test uses the distance between the pseudo-CDF's obtained 
   //   from the histogram. Since in more than 1D the order for generating the pseudo-CDF is 
   //   arbitrary, we use the pseudo-CDF's obtained from all the possible 6 combinatons of the 3 axis. 
   //   The average of all the maximum  distances obtained is used in the tests.  

   TString opt = option;

   Double_t prb = 0;
   TH1 *h1 = (TH1*)this;
   if (h2 == 0) return 0;
   TAxis *xaxis1 = h1->GetXaxis();
   TAxis *xaxis2 = h2->GetXaxis();
   TAxis *yaxis1 = h1->GetYaxis();
   TAxis *yaxis2 = h2->GetYaxis();
   TAxis *zaxis1 = h1->GetZaxis();
   TAxis *zaxis2 = h2->GetZaxis();
   Int_t ncx1   = xaxis1->GetNbins();
   Int_t ncx2   = xaxis2->GetNbins();
   Int_t ncy1   = yaxis1->GetNbins();
   Int_t ncy2   = yaxis2->GetNbins();
   Int_t ncz1   = zaxis1->GetNbins();
   Int_t ncz2   = zaxis2->GetNbins();

   // Check consistency of dimensions
   if (h1->GetDimension() != 3 || h2->GetDimension() != 3) {
      Error("KolmogorovTest","Histograms must be 3-D\n");
      return 0;

   // Check consistency in number of channels
   if (ncx1 != ncx2) {
      Error("KolmogorovTest","Number of channels in X is different, %d and %d\n",ncx1,ncx2);
      return 0;
   if (ncy1 != ncy2) {
      Error("KolmogorovTest","Number of channels in Y is different, %d and %d\n",ncy1,ncy2);
      return 0;
   if (ncz1 != ncz2) {
      Error("KolmogorovTest","Number of channels in Z is different, %d and %d\n",ncz1,ncz2);
      return 0;

   // Check consistency in channel edges
   Bool_t afunc1 = kFALSE;
   Bool_t afunc2 = kFALSE;
   Double_t difprec = 1e-5;
   Double_t diff1 = TMath::Abs(xaxis1->GetXmin() - xaxis2->GetXmin());
   Double_t diff2 = TMath::Abs(xaxis1->GetXmax() - xaxis2->GetXmax());
   if (diff1 > difprec || diff2 > difprec) {
      Error("KolmogorovTest","histograms with different binning along X");
      return 0;
   diff1 = TMath::Abs(yaxis1->GetXmin() - yaxis2->GetXmin());
   diff2 = TMath::Abs(yaxis1->GetXmax() - yaxis2->GetXmax());
   if (diff1 > difprec || diff2 > difprec) {
      Error("KolmogorovTest","histograms with different binning along Y");
      return 0;
   diff1 = TMath::Abs(zaxis1->GetXmin() - zaxis2->GetXmin());
   diff2 = TMath::Abs(zaxis1->GetXmax() - zaxis2->GetXmax());
   if (diff1 > difprec || diff2 > difprec) {
      Error("KolmogorovTest","histograms with different binning along Z");
      return 0;

   //   Should we include Uflows, Oflows?
   Int_t ibeg = 1, jbeg = 1, kbeg = 1;
   Int_t iend = ncx1, jend = ncy1, kend = ncz1;
   if (opt.Contains("U")) {ibeg = 0; jbeg = 0; kbeg = 0;}
   if (opt.Contains("O")) {iend = ncx1+1; jend = ncy1+1; kend = ncz1+1;}

   Int_t i,j,k,bin;
   Double_t sum1  = 0;
   Double_t sum2  = 0;
   Double_t w1    = 0;
   Double_t w2    = 0;
   for (i = ibeg; i <= iend; i++) {
      for (j = jbeg; j <= jend; j++) {
         for (k = kbeg; k <= kend; k++) {
            bin = h1->GetBin(i,j,k);
            sum1 += h1->GetBinContent(bin);
            sum2 += h1->GetBinContent(bin);
            Double_t ew1   = h1->GetBinError(bin);
            Double_t ew2   = h2->GetBinError(bin);
            w1   += ew1*ew1;
            w2   += ew2*ew2;

   //    Check that both scatterplots contain events
   if (sum1 == 0) {
      Error("KolmogorovTest","Integral is zero for h1=%s\n",h1->GetName());
      return 0;
   if (sum2 == 0) {
      Error("KolmogorovTest","Integral is zero for h2=%s\n",h2->GetName());
      return 0;
   // calculate the effective entries.  
   // the case when errors are zero (w1 == 0 or w2 ==0) are equivalent to 
   // compare to a function. In that case the rescaling is done only on sqrt(esum2) or sqrt(esum1) 
   Double_t esum1 = 0, esum2 = 0; 
   if (w1 > 0) 
      esum1 = sum1 * sum1 / w1; 
      afunc1 = kTRUE;    // use later for calculating z
   if (w2 > 0) 
      esum2 = sum2 * sum2 / w2; 
      afunc2 = kTRUE;    // use later for calculating z
   if (afunc2 && afunc1) { 
      Error("KolmogorovTest","Errors are zero for both histograms\n");
      return 0;

   //   Find Kolmogorov distance
   //   order is arbitrary take average of all possible 6 starting orders x,y,z 
   int order[3] = {0,1,2};
   int binbeg[3]; 
   int binend[3]; 
   int ibin[3];
   binbeg[0] = ibeg; binbeg[1] = jbeg; binbeg[2] = kbeg; 
   binend[0] = iend; binend[1] = jend; binend[2] = kend; 
   Double_t vdfmax[6]; // there are in total 6 combinations 
   int icomb = 0; 
   Double_t s1 = 1/sum1;
   Double_t s2 = 1/sum2;
   Double_t rsum1=0, rsum2=0;
   do { 
      // loop on bins
      Double_t dmax = 0;
      for (i = binbeg[order[0] ]; i <= binend[order[0] ]; i++) {
         for ( j = binbeg[order[1] ]; j <= binend[order[1] ]; j++) {
            for ( k = binbeg[order[2] ]; k <= binend[order[2] ]; k++) {
                  ibin[ order[0] ] = i;
                  ibin[ order[1] ] = j;
                  ibin[ order[2] ] = k;
                  bin = h1->GetBin(ibin[0],ibin[1],ibin[2]);
                  rsum1 += s1*h1->GetBinContent(bin);
                  rsum2 += s2*h2->GetBinContent(bin);
                  dmax   = TMath::Max(dmax, TMath::Abs(rsum1-rsum2));
      vdfmax[icomb] = dmax; 
   } while (TMath::Permute(3,order)  );

   // get average of distances 
   Double_t dfmax = TMath::Mean(6,vdfmax);
   //    Get Kolmogorov probability
   Double_t factnm;
   if (afunc1)      factnm = TMath::Sqrt(sum2);
   else if (afunc2) factnm = TMath::Sqrt(sum1);
   else             factnm = TMath::Sqrt(sum1*sum2/(sum1+sum2));
   Double_t z  = dfmax*factnm;

   prb = TMath::KolmogorovProb(z); 

   Double_t prb1 = 0, prb2 = 0; 
   // option N to combine normalization makes sense if both afunc1 and afunc2 are false
   if (opt.Contains("N")  && !(afunc1 || afunc2 ) ) { 
      // Combine probabilities for shape and normalization
      prb1   = prb;
      Double_t d12    = esum1-esum2;
      Double_t chi2   = d12*d12/(esum1+esum2);
      prb2   = TMath::Prob(chi2,1);
      //     see Eadie et al., section 11.6.2
      if (prb > 0 && prb2 > 0) prb = prb*prb2*(1-TMath::Log(prb*prb2));
      else                     prb = 0;

   //    debug printout
   if (opt.Contains("D")) {
      printf(" Kolmo Prob  h1 = %s, sum1=%g\n",h1->GetName(),sum1);
      printf(" Kolmo Prob  h2 = %s, sum2=%g\n",h2->GetName(),sum2);
      printf(" Kolmo Probabil = %f, Max Dist = %g\n",prb,dfmax);
      if (opt.Contains("N"))
         printf(" Kolmo Probabil = %f for shape alone, =%f for normalisation alone\n",prb1,prb2);
   // This numerical error condition should never occur:
   if (TMath::Abs(rsum1-1) > 0.002) Warning("KolmogorovTest","Numerical problems with h1=%s\n",h1->GetName());
   if (TMath::Abs(rsum2-1) > 0.002) Warning("KolmogorovTest","Numerical problems with h2=%s\n",h2->GetName());

   if(opt.Contains("M"))      return dfmax;  // return avergae of max distance

   return prb;

Long64_t TH3::Merge(TCollection *list)
   //Add all histograms in the collection to this histogram.
   //This function computes the min/max for the axes,
   //compute a new number of bins, if necessary,
   //add bin contents, errors and statistics.
   //If overflows are present and limits are different the function will fail.
   //The function returns the total number of entries in the result histogram
   //if the merge is successfull, -1 otherwise.
   //IMPORTANT remark. The 2 axis x and y may have different number
   //of bins and different limits, BUT the largest bin width must be
   //a multiple of the smallest bin width and the upper limit must also
   //be a multiple of the bin width.

   if (!list) return 0;
   if (list->IsEmpty()) return (Int_t) GetEntries();

   TList inlist;
   TH1* hclone = (TH1*)Clone("FirstClone");
   BufferEmpty(1);         // To remove buffer.
   Reset();                // BufferEmpty sets limits so we can't use it later.

   TAxis newXAxis;
   TAxis newYAxis;
   TAxis newZAxis;
   Bool_t initialLimitsFound = kFALSE;
   Bool_t same = kTRUE;
   Bool_t allHaveLimits = kTRUE;

   TIter next(&inlist);
   while (TObject *o = next()) {
      TH3* h = dynamic_cast<TH3*> (o);
      if (!h) {
         Error("Add","Attempt to add object of class: %s to a %s",
         return -1;
      Bool_t hasLimits = h->GetXaxis()->GetXmin() < h->GetXaxis()->GetXmax();
      allHaveLimits = allHaveLimits && hasLimits;

      if (hasLimits) {
         if (!initialLimitsFound) {
            initialLimitsFound = kTRUE;
            newXAxis.Set(h->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(), h->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(),
            newYAxis.Set(h->GetYaxis()->GetNbins(), h->GetYaxis()->GetXmin(),
            newZAxis.Set(h->GetZaxis()->GetNbins(), h->GetZaxis()->GetXmin(),
         else {
            if (!RecomputeAxisLimits(newXAxis, *(h->GetXaxis()))) {
               Error("Merge", "Cannot merge histograms - limits are inconsistent:\n "
                  "first: (%d, %f, %f), second: (%d, %f, %f)",
                  newXAxis.GetNbins(), newXAxis.GetXmin(), newXAxis.GetXmax(),
                  h->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(), h->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(),
            if (!RecomputeAxisLimits(newYAxis, *(h->GetYaxis()))) {
               Error("Merge", "Cannot merge histograms - limits are inconsistent:\n "
                  "first: (%d, %f, %f), second: (%d, %f, %f)",
                  newYAxis.GetNbins(), newYAxis.GetXmin(), newYAxis.GetXmax(),
                  h->GetYaxis()->GetNbins(), h->GetYaxis()->GetXmin(),
            if (!RecomputeAxisLimits(newZAxis, *(h->GetZaxis()))) {
               Error("Merge", "Cannot merge histograms - limits are inconsistent:\n "
                  "first: (%d, %f, %f), second: (%d, %f, %f)",
                  newZAxis.GetNbins(), newZAxis.GetXmin(), newZAxis.GetXmax(),
                  h->GetZaxis()->GetNbins(), h->GetZaxis()->GetXmin(),

   same = same && SameLimitsAndNBins(newXAxis, *GetXaxis())
      && SameLimitsAndNBins(newYAxis, *GetYaxis());
   if (!same && initialLimitsFound)
      SetBins(newXAxis.GetNbins(), newXAxis.GetXmin(), newXAxis.GetXmax(),
      newYAxis.GetNbins(), newYAxis.GetXmin(), newYAxis.GetXmax(),
      newZAxis.GetNbins(), newZAxis.GetXmin(), newZAxis.GetXmax());

   if (!allHaveLimits) {
      // fill this histogram with all the data from buffers of histograms without limits
      while (TH3* h = dynamic_cast<TH3*> (next())) {
         if (h->GetXaxis()->GetXmin() >= h->GetXaxis()->GetXmax() && h->fBuffer) {
            // no limits
            Int_t nbentries = (Int_t)h->fBuffer[0];
            for (Int_t i = 0; i < nbentries; i++)
               Fill(h->fBuffer[4*i + 2], h->fBuffer[4*i + 3],
               h->fBuffer[4*i + 4], h->fBuffer[4*i + 1]);
            // Entries from buffers have to be filled one by one
            // because FillN doesn't resize histograms.
      if (!initialLimitsFound)
         return (Int_t) GetEntries();  // all histograms have been processed

   //merge bin contents and errors
   Double_t stats[kNstat], totstats[kNstat];
   for (Int_t i=0;i<kNstat;i++) {totstats[i] = stats[i] = 0;}
   Double_t nentries = GetEntries();
   Int_t binx, biny, binz, ix, iy, iz, nx, ny, nz, bin, ibin;
   Double_t cu;
   Int_t nbix = fXaxis.GetNbins();
   Int_t nbiy = fYaxis.GetNbins();
   Bool_t canRebin=TestBit(kCanRebin);
   ResetBit(kCanRebin); // reset, otherwise setting the under/overflow will rebin

   while (TH1* h=(TH1*)next()) {
      // process only if the histogram has limits; otherwise it was processed before
      if (h->GetXaxis()->GetXmin() < h->GetXaxis()->GetXmax()) {
         // import statistics
         for (Int_t i = 0; i < kNstat; i++)
            totstats[i] += stats[i];
         nentries += h->GetEntries();

         nx = h->GetXaxis()->GetNbins();
         ny = h->GetYaxis()->GetNbins();
         nz = h->GetZaxis()->GetNbins();

         for (binz = 0; binz <= nz + 1; binz++) {
            iz = fZaxis.FindBin(h->GetZaxis()->GetBinCenter(binz));
            for (biny = 0; biny <= ny + 1; biny++) {
               iy = fYaxis.FindBin(h->GetYaxis()->GetBinCenter(biny));
               for (binx = 0; binx <= nx + 1; binx++) {
                  ix = fXaxis.FindBin(h->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(binx));
                  bin = binx +(nx+2)*(biny + (ny+2)*binz);
                  ibin = ix +(nbix+2)*(iy + (nbiy+2)*iz);
                  cu  = h->GetBinContent(bin);
                  if ((!same) && (binx == 0 || binx == nx + 1
                     || biny == 0 || biny == ny + 1
                     || binz == 0 || binz == nz + 1)) {
                        if (cu != 0) {
                           Error("Merge", "Cannot merge histograms - the histograms have"
                              " different limits and undeflows/overflows are present."
                              " The initial histogram is now broken!");
                           return -1;
                  if (fSumw2.fN) {
                     Double_t error1 = h->GetBinError(bin);
                     fSumw2.fArray[ibin] += error1*error1;
   if (canRebin) SetBit(kCanRebin);

   //copy merged stats
   delete hclone;
   return (Long64_t)nentries;

TH1D *TH3::ProjectionX(const char *name, Int_t iymin, Int_t iymax, Int_t izmin, Int_t izmax, Option_t *option) const
   //*-*-*-*-*Project a 3-D histogram into a 1-D histogram along Z*-*-*-*-*-*-*
   //*-*      ====================================================
   //   The projection is always of the type TH1D.
   //   The projection is made from the cells along the X axis
   //   ranging from iymin to iymax and izmin to izmax included.
   //   By default, bins 1 to nx and 1 to ny  are included
   //   if option "e" is specified, the errors are computed.
   //   if option "d" is specified, the projection is drawn in the current pad.
   //  implemented using Project3D

   TString opt = option;

   Int_t piymin = GetYaxis()->GetFirst();
   Int_t piymax = GetYaxis()->GetLast();
   Int_t pizmin = GetZaxis()->GetFirst();
   Int_t pizmax = GetZaxis()->GetLast();   

   TH1D * h1 = (TH1D* ) Project3D(opt.Data());

   // rename the histogram to the given name
   char *pname = (char*)name;
   if (strcmp(name,"_px") == 0) {
      Int_t nch = strlen(GetName()) + 4;
      pname = new char[nch];

   if (pname != name) delete [] pname;


   return h1;

TH1D *TH3::ProjectionY(const char *name, Int_t ixmin, Int_t ixmax, Int_t izmin, Int_t izmax, Option_t *option) const
   //*-*-*-*-*Project a 3-D histogram into a 1-D histogram along Z*-*-*-*-*-*-*
   //*-*      ====================================================
   //   The projection is always of the type TH1D.
   //   The projection is made from the cells along the Y axis
   //   ranging from ixmin to ixmax and izmin to izmax included.
   //   By default, bins 1 to nx and 1 to nz  are included
   //   if option "e" is specified, the errors are computed.
   //   if option "d" is specified, the projection is drawn in the current pad.
   //  implemented using Project3D

   TString opt = option;

   Int_t pixmin = GetXaxis()->GetFirst();
   Int_t pixmax = GetXaxis()->GetLast();
   Int_t pizmin = GetZaxis()->GetFirst();
   Int_t pizmax = GetZaxis()->GetLast();   

   TH1D * h1 = (TH1D* ) Project3D(opt.Data());

   // rename the histogram to the given name
   char *pname = (char*)name;
   if (strcmp(name,"_py") == 0) {
      Int_t nch = strlen(GetName()) + 4;
      pname = new char[nch];

   if (pname != name) delete [] pname;

   return h1;

TH1D *TH3::ProjectionZ(const char *name, Int_t ixmin, Int_t ixmax, Int_t iymin, Int_t iymax, Option_t *option) const
   //*-*-*-*-*Project a 3-D histogram into a 1-D histogram along Z*-*-*-*-*-*-*
   //*-*      ====================================================
   //   The projection is always of the type TH1D.
   //   The projection is made from the cells along the X axis
   //   ranging from ixmin to ixmax and iymin to iymax included.
   //   By default, bins 1 to nx and 1 to ny  are included
   //   if option "e" is specified, the errors are computed.
   //   if option "d" is specified, the projection is drawn in the current pad.
   //  implemented using Project3D

   TString opt = option;

   Int_t pixmin = GetXaxis()->GetFirst();
   Int_t pixmax = GetXaxis()->GetLast();
   Int_t piymin = GetYaxis()->GetFirst();
   Int_t piymax = GetYaxis()->GetLast();  

   TH1D * h1 = (TH1D* ) Project3D(opt.Data());

   // rename the histogram to the given name
   char *pname = (char*)name;
   if (strcmp(name,"_pz") == 0) {
      Int_t nch = strlen(GetName()) + 4;
      pname = new char[nch];

   if (pname != name) delete [] pname;


   return h1;

TH1 *TH3::DoProject1D(char* title, char* name, TAxis* projX, 
                    bool computeErrors, bool originalRange, 
                    bool useUF, bool useOF) const
   // Create the projection histogram
   TH1D *h1 = 0;

   // Does an object with the same name exists?
   TObject *h1obj = gROOT->FindObject(name);
   if (h1obj && !h1obj->InheritsFrom("TH1")) h1obj = 0;

   // Get range to use as well as bin limits
   Int_t ixmin = projX->GetFirst();
   Int_t ixmax = projX->GetLast();
   Int_t nx = ixmax-ixmin+1;

   // Create the histogram, either reseting a preexisting one or
   // creating one from scratch.
   if (h1obj && h1obj->InheritsFrom("TH1D")) {
      h1 = (TH1D*)h1obj;
   } else {
      const TArrayD *bins = projX->GetXbins();
      if ( originalRange )
         if (bins->fN == 0) {
            h1 = new TH1D(name,title,projX->GetNbins(),projX->GetXmin(),projX->GetXmax());
         } else {
            h1 = new TH1D(name,title,projX->GetNbins(),bins->fArray);
      } else {
         if (bins->fN == 0) {
            h1 = new TH1D(name,title,nx,projX->GetBinLowEdge(ixmin),projX->GetBinUpEdge(ixmax));
         } else {
            h1 = new TH1D(name,title,nx,&bins->fArray[ixmin-1]);

   // Copy the axis attributes and the axis labels if needed.
   THashList* labels = projX->GetLabels();
   if (labels) {
      TIter iL(labels);
      TObjString* lb;
      Int_t i = 1;
      while ((lb=(TObjString*)iL())) {

   // Activate errors
   if ( computeErrors ) h1->Sumw2();

   // Set references to the axis, so that the bucle has no branches.
   TAxis* out1 = 0;
   TAxis* out2 = 0;
   if ( projX == GetXaxis() ) {
      out1 = GetYaxis();
      out2 = GetZaxis();
   } else if ( projX == GetYaxis() ) {
      out1 = GetZaxis();
      out2 = GetXaxis();
   } else {
      out1 = GetYaxis();
      out2 = GetXaxis();

   Int_t *refX = 0, *refY = 0, *refZ = 0;
   Int_t ixbin, out1bin, out2bin;
   if ( projX == GetXaxis() ) { refX = &ixbin;   refY = &out1bin; refZ = &out2bin; }
   if ( projX == GetYaxis() ) { refX = &out2bin; refY = &ixbin;   refZ = &out1bin; }
   if ( projX == GetZaxis() ) { refX = &out2bin; refY = &out1bin; refZ = &ixbin;   }

   // Fill the projected histogram excluding underflow/overflows if considered in the option
   // if specified in the option (by default they considered)
   Double_t cont,e,e1;
   Double_t totcont  = 0;
//   Double_t toterr2  = 0;
   Double_t newerror = 0;
   Int_t ix = 0;

   for (ixbin=0;ixbin<=1+projX->GetNbins();ixbin++){
      ix = ixbin-ixmin;
      if (ixmin>0) ix +=1;
      if (ix < 0) ix=0; if (ix > nx+1) ix = nx+1;
      if ( ix == 0 && projX->TestBit(TAxis::kAxisRange)) continue;
      if ( ix == nx+1 && projX->TestBit(TAxis::kAxisRange)) continue;
      if ( originalRange && projX->TestBit(TAxis::kAxisRange) && ( ixbin < ixmin || ixbin > ixmax )) continue;
      for (out1bin= out1->GetFirst() - ( useUF && !out1->TestBit(TAxis::kAxisRange) ); 
           out1bin <= out1->GetLast() + ( useOF && !out1->TestBit(TAxis::kAxisRange) );
         for (out2bin=out2->GetFirst() - ( useUF && !out2->TestBit(TAxis::kAxisRange) );
              out2bin <= out2->GetLast() + ( useOF && !out2->TestBit(TAxis::kAxisRange) );

            Int_t bin = GetBin(*refX, *refY, *refZ);
            cont = GetBinContent(bin);

            // "x"
            e1       = h1->GetBinError(ix);
            if (cont) h1->Fill(projX->GetBinCenter(ixbin), cont);
            if (computeErrors) {
               e        = GetBinError(bin);
               newerror = TMath::Sqrt(e*e + e1*e1);

            if (cont)   totcont += cont;
//             if (computeErrors) {
//                e   = GetBinError(bin);
//                Double_t e2 = e * e;
//                toterr2 += e2;
//             }

   // since we use a combination of fill and SetBinError we need to reset and recalculate the statistics
   // for weighted histograms otherwise sumw2 will be wrong. 
   // We  can keep the original statistics from the TH3 if the projected sumw is consistent with original one
   // i.e. when no events are thrown away  
   bool resetStats = true; 
   double eps = 1.E-12;
   if (IsA() == TH3F::Class() ) eps = 1.E-6;
   if (fTsumw != 0 && TMath::Abs( fTsumw - totcont) <  TMath::Abs(fTsumw) * eps) resetStats = false; 

//    if ( out1->TestBit(TAxis::kAxisRange)  || out2->TestBit(TAxis::kAxisRange) 
//          || (useUF && useOF && fgStatOverflows == false)     // case of overflow/underflow 
//          || ( fgStatOverflows == true && (!useUF || !useOF) ) )  
//       resetStats = true; 

   if (!resetStats) {
      Double_t stats[kNstat];
      if ( projX == GetYaxis() ) {
         stats[2] = stats[4];
         stats[3] = stats[5]; 
      else if  ( projX == GetZaxis() ) {
         stats[2] = stats[7];
         stats[3] = stats[8]; 
      h1->SetEntries( fEntries );
   else {
      // reset statistics 
      // in case of weighted hstograms use the effective entries for the entries
      // since there is noway to estimate them
      h1->SetEntries( h1->GetEffectiveEntries() );  

   return h1;

TH2 *TH3::DoProject2D(char* title, char* name, TAxis* projX, TAxis* projY,  
                    bool computeErrors, bool originalRange,
                    bool useUF, bool useOF) const
   TH2D *h2 = 0;

   // Does an object with the same name exists?
   TObject *h1obj = gROOT->FindObject(name);
   if (h1obj && !h1obj->InheritsFrom("TH1")) h1obj = 0;

   // Get range to use as well as bin limits
   Int_t ixmin = projX->GetFirst();
   Int_t ixmax = projX->GetLast();
   Int_t iymin = projY->GetFirst();
   Int_t iymax = projY->GetLast();
   Int_t nx = ixmax-ixmin+1;
   Int_t ny = iymax-iymin+1;

   // Create the histogram, either reseting a preexisting one or
   // creating one from scratch.
   if (h1obj && h1obj->InheritsFrom("TH2D")) {
      delete h1obj;
   } else {
      const TArrayD *xbins = projX->GetXbins();
      const TArrayD *ybins = projY->GetXbins();
      if ( originalRange )
         if (xbins->fN == 0 && ybins->fN == 0) {
            h2 = new TH2D(name,title,projY->GetNbins(),projY->GetXmin(),projY->GetXmax()
         } else if (ybins->fN == 0) {
            h2 = new TH2D(name,title,projY->GetNbins(),projY->GetXmin(),projY->GetXmax()
         } else if (xbins->fN == 0) {
            h2 = new TH2D(name,title,projY->GetNbins(),&ybins->fArray[iymin-1]
         } else {
            h2 = new TH2D(name,title,projY->GetNbins(),&ybins->fArray[iymin-1],projX->GetNbins(),&xbins->fArray[ixmin-1]);
      } else {
         if (xbins->fN == 0 && ybins->fN == 0) {
            h2 = new TH2D(name,title,ny,projY->GetBinLowEdge(iymin),projY->GetBinUpEdge(iymax)
         } else if (ybins->fN == 0) {
            h2 = new TH2D(name,title,ny,projY->GetBinLowEdge(iymin),projY->GetBinUpEdge(iymax)
         } else if (xbins->fN == 0) {
            h2 = new TH2D(name,title,ny,&ybins->fArray[iymin-1]
         } else {
            h2 = new TH2D(name,title,ny,&ybins->fArray[iymin-1],nx,&xbins->fArray[ixmin-1]);

   // Copy the axis attributes and the axis labels if needed.
   THashList* labels1 = 0;
   THashList* labels2 = 0;
   // "xy"
   labels1 = projY->GetLabels();
   labels2 = projX->GetLabels();
   if (labels1) {
      TIter iL(labels1);
      TObjString* lb;
      Int_t i = 1;
      while ((lb=(TObjString*)iL())) {
   if (labels2) {
      TIter iL(labels2);
      TObjString* lb;
      Int_t i = 1;
      while ((lb=(TObjString*)iL())) {

   // Activate errors
   if ( computeErrors) h2->Sumw2();

   // Set references to the axis, so that the bucle has no branches.
   TAxis* out = 0;
   if ( projX != GetXaxis() && projY != GetXaxis() ) {
      out = GetXaxis();
   } else if ( projX != GetYaxis() && projY != GetYaxis() ) {
      out = GetYaxis();
   } else {
      out = GetZaxis();

   Int_t *refX = 0, *refY = 0, *refZ = 0;
   Int_t ixbin, iybin, outbin;
   if ( projX == GetXaxis() && projY == GetYaxis() ) { refX = &ixbin;  refY = &iybin;  refZ = &outbin; }
   if ( projX == GetYaxis() && projY == GetXaxis() ) { refX = &iybin;  refY = &ixbin;  refZ = &outbin; }
   if ( projX == GetXaxis() && projY == GetZaxis() ) { refX = &ixbin;  refY = &outbin; refZ = &iybin;  }
   if ( projX == GetZaxis() && projY == GetXaxis() ) { refX = &iybin;  refY = &outbin; refZ = &ixbin;  }
   if ( projX == GetYaxis() && projY == GetZaxis() ) { refX = &outbin; refY = &ixbin;  refZ = &iybin;  }
   if ( projX == GetZaxis() && projY == GetYaxis() ) { refX = &outbin; refY = &iybin;  refZ = &ixbin;  }

   // Fill the projected histogram excluding underflow/overflows if considered in the option
   // if specified in the option (by default they considered)
   Double_t cont,e,e1;
   Double_t totcont  = 0;
   Double_t newerror = 0;
   for (ixbin=0;ixbin<=1+projX->GetNbins();ixbin++){
      Int_t ix = ixbin-ixmin;
      if (ixmin>0) ix +=1;
      if (ix < 0) ix=0; if (ix > nx+1) ix = nx+1;
      if ( ix == 0 && projX->TestBit(TAxis::kAxisRange)) continue;
      if ( ix == nx+1 && projX->TestBit(TAxis::kAxisRange)) continue;
      if ( originalRange && projX->TestBit(TAxis::kAxisRange) && ( ixbin < ixmin || ixbin > ixmax )) continue;

      for (iybin=0;iybin<=1+projY->GetNbins();iybin++){
         Int_t iy = iybin-iymin;
         if (iymin>0) iy +=1;
         if (iy < 0) iy=0; if (iy > ny+1) iy = ny+1;
         if ( iy == 0 && projY->TestBit(TAxis::kAxisRange)) continue;
         if ( iy == ny+1 && projY->TestBit(TAxis::kAxisRange)) continue;
         if ( originalRange && projY->TestBit(TAxis::kAxisRange) && ( iybin < iymin || iybin > iymax )) continue;

         for (outbin=out->GetFirst() - ( useUF && !out->TestBit(TAxis::kAxisRange) );
              outbin <= out->GetLast() + ( useOF && !out->TestBit(TAxis::kAxisRange) );

            Int_t bin = GetBin(*refX,*refY,*refZ);
            cont = GetBinContent(bin);

            // "xy"
            e1       = h2->GetCellError(iy,ix);
            if (cont) h2->Fill(projY->GetBinCenter(iybin),projX->GetBinCenter(ixbin), cont);
            if (computeErrors) {
               e        = GetBinError(bin);
               newerror = TMath::Sqrt(e*e + e1*e1);

            if (cont) totcont += cont; 

   // since we use fill we need to reset and recalculate the statistics (see comment in DoProject1D )
   // or keep original statistics if consistent sumw2  
   bool resetStats = true; 
   double eps = 1.E-12;
   if (IsA() == TH3F::Class() ) eps = 1.E-6;
   if (fTsumw != 0 && TMath::Abs( fTsumw - totcont) <  TMath::Abs(fTsumw) * eps) resetStats = false; 

   if (!resetStats) {
      Double_t stats[kNstat];
      Double_t oldst[kNstat]; // old statistics
      // not that projX refer to Y axis and projX refer to the X axis of projected histogram
      // nothing to do for projection in Y vs X
      if ( projY == GetXaxis() && projX == GetZaxis() ) {  // case XZ
         stats[4] = oldst[7];
         stats[5] = oldst[8];
         stats[6] = oldst[9];
      if ( projY == GetYaxis() ) {
         stats[2] = oldst[4];
         stats[3] = oldst[5]; 
         if ( projX == GetXaxis() )  { // case YX
            stats[4] = oldst[2]; 
            stats[5] = oldst[3];
         if ( projX == GetZaxis() )  { // case YZ
            stats[4] = oldst[7]; 
            stats[5] = oldst[8];
            stats[6] = oldst[10];
      else if  ( projY == GetZaxis() ) {
         stats[2] = oldst[7];
         stats[3] = oldst[8]; 
         if ( projX == GetXaxis() )  { // case ZX
            stats[4] = oldst[2]; 
            stats[5] = oldst[3];
            stats[6] = oldst[9];
         if ( projX == GetZaxis() )  { // case ZY
            stats[4] = oldst[4]; 
            stats[5] = oldst[5];
            stats[6] = oldst[10];
      // set the new statistics 
   else { 
      // recalculate the statistics
      // use as entries the effective entries
      h2->SetEntries( h2->GetEffectiveEntries() ); 

   return h2;

TH1 *TH3::Project3D(Option_t *option) const
   // Project a 3-d histogram into 1 or 2-d histograms depending on the
   // option parameter
   // option may contain a combination of the characters x,y,z,e
   // option = "x" return the x projection into a TH1D histogram
   // option = "y" return the y projection into a TH1D histogram
   // option = "z" return the z projection into a TH1D histogram
   // option = "xy" return the x versus y projection into a TH2D histogram
   // option = "yx" return the y versus x projection into a TH2D histogram
   // option = "xz" return the x versus z projection into a TH2D histogram
   // option = "zx" return the z versus x projection into a TH2D histogram
   // option = "yz" return the y versus z projection into a TH2D histogram
   // option = "zy" return the z versus y projection into a TH2D histogram
   // NB: the notation "a vs b" means "a" vertical and "b" horizontal
   // option = "o" original axis range of the taget axes will be
   //   kept, but only bins inside the selected range will be filled.
   // If option contains the string "e", errors are computed
   // The projection is made for the selected bins only.
   // To select a bin range along an axis, use TAxis::SetRange, eg
   //    h3.GetYaxis()->SetRange(23,56);
   // NOTE 1: The generated histogram is named th3name + option
   // eg if the TH3* h histogram is named "myhist", then
   // h->Project3D("xy"); produces a TH2D histogram named "myhist_xy"
   // if a histogram of the same type already exists, it is overwritten.
   // The following sequence
   //    h->Project3D("xy");
   //    h->Project3D("xy2");
   //  will generate two TH2D histograms named "myhist_xy" and "myhist_xy2"
   //  NOTE 2: The number of entries in the projected histogram is estimated from the number of 
   //  effective entries for all the cells included in the projection. 
   //  NOTE 3: underflow/overflow are included by default in the projection 
   //  To exclude underflow and/or overflow (for both axis in case of a projection to a 1D histogram) use option "NUF" and/or "NOF"
   //  With SetRange() you can have all bin except underflow/overflow only if you set the axis bit range as 
   // following after having called SetRange: 
   //    axis->SetRange(1, axis->GetNbins());
   //    axis->SetBit(TAxis::kAxisRange);  

   TString opt = option; opt.ToLower();
   Int_t pcase = 0;
   if (opt.Contains("x"))  pcase = 1;
   if (opt.Contains("y"))  pcase = 2;
   if (opt.Contains("z"))  pcase = 3;
   if (opt.Contains("xy")) pcase = 4;
   if (opt.Contains("yx")) pcase = 5;
   if (opt.Contains("xz")) pcase = 6;
   if (opt.Contains("zx")) pcase = 7;
   if (opt.Contains("yz")) pcase = 8;
   if (opt.Contains("zy")) pcase = 9;

   Bool_t computeErrors = kFALSE;
   if (opt.Contains("e") || GetSumw2N() ) computeErrors = kTRUE;

   bool useUF = !opt.Contains("nuf");
   bool useOF = !opt.Contains("nof");

   bool originalRange = false;
   if ( opt.Contains("nof") )
      originalRange = (opt.CountChar('o') > 1);
      originalRange = (opt.Contains('o'));

   // Create the projection histogram
   TH1 *h = 0;
   Int_t nch = strlen(GetName()) +opt.Length() +2;
   char *name = new char[nch];
   nch = strlen(GetTitle()) +opt.Length() +2;
   char *title = new char[nch];

   switch (pcase) {
      case 1:
         h = DoProject1D(title, name, this->GetXaxis(), 
                       computeErrors, originalRange, useUF, useOF);

      case 2:
         // "y"
         h = DoProject1D(title, name, this->GetYaxis(), 
                       computeErrors, originalRange, useUF, useOF);

      case 3:
         // "z"
         h = DoProject1D(title, name, this->GetZaxis(), 
                       computeErrors, originalRange, useUF, useOF);

      case 4:
         // "xy"
         h = DoProject2D(title, name, this->GetXaxis(),this->GetYaxis(), 
                       computeErrors, originalRange, useUF, useOF);

      case 5:
         // "yx"
         h = DoProject2D(title, name, this->GetYaxis(),this->GetXaxis(), 
                       computeErrors, originalRange, useUF, useOF);

      case 6:
         // "xz"
         h = DoProject2D(title, name, this->GetXaxis(),this->GetZaxis(), 
                       computeErrors, originalRange, useUF, useOF);
      case 7:
         // "zx"
         h = DoProject2D(title, name, this->GetZaxis(),this->GetXaxis(), 
                       computeErrors, originalRange, useUF, useOF);

      case 8:
         // "yz"
         h = DoProject2D(title, name, this->GetYaxis(),this->GetZaxis(), 
                       computeErrors, originalRange, useUF, useOF);

      case 9:
         // "zy"
         h = DoProject2D(title, name, this->GetZaxis(),this->GetYaxis(), 
                       computeErrors, originalRange, useUF, useOF);


   delete [] name;
   delete [] title;

   if (opt.Contains("d")) {
      TVirtualPad *padsav = gPad;
      TVirtualPad *pad = gROOT->GetSelectedPad();
      if (pad) pad->cd();
      char optin[100];
      char *d = (char*)strstr(optin,"d"); if (d) {*d = ' '; if (*(d+1) == 0) *d=0;}
      char *e = (char*)strstr(optin,"e"); if (e) {*e = ' '; if (*(e+1) == 0) *e=0;}
      if (!gPad->FindObject(h)) {
      } else {
      if (padsav) padsav->cd();

   return h;

void TH3::DoFillProfileProjection(TProfile2D * p2, const TAxis & a1, const TAxis & a2,  const TAxis & a3, Int_t bin1, Int_t bin2, Int_t bin3, Int_t inBin, Bool_t useWeights ) const { 
   // internal function to fill the bins of the projected profile histogram 
   Double_t cont = GetBinContent(inBin); 
   if (!cont) return; 
   TArrayD & binSumw2 = *(p2->GetBinSumw2()); 
   if (useWeights && binSumw2.fN <= 0) useWeights = false;  
   // the following fill update wrongly the fBinSumw2- need to save it before
   Double_t u = a1.GetBinCenter(bin1);
   Double_t v = a2.GetBinCenter(bin2);
   Double_t w = a3.GetBinCenter(bin3);
   Int_t outBin = p2->FindBin(u, v);
   Double_t tmp = 0;
   if ( useWeights ) tmp = binSumw2.fArray[outBin];            
   p2->Fill( u , v, w, cont);
//    std::cout << "use "  << useWeights; 
//    std::cout << " size " << binSumw2.fN << " inBin " << inBin << " o " << outBin << "  "  << bin1 << "  " << bin2 << " " << fSumw2.fN 
//              << " u " << u << " v " << v << " w " << w << " tmp " << tmp << " sumw2 " << fSumw2.fArray[outBin] 
//              << " fbinsumw2 " << binSumw2.fArray[outBin]
//              << std::endl; 
   if (useWeights ) binSumw2.fArray[outBin] = tmp + fSumw2.fArray[inBin];

TProfile2D *TH3::DoProjectProfile2D(char* title, char* name, TAxis* projX, TAxis* projY, 
                                          bool originalRange, bool useUF, bool useOF) const
   // Get the ranges where we will work.

   Int_t ixmin = projX->GetFirst();
   Int_t ixmax = projX->GetLast();
   Int_t iymin = projY->GetFirst();
   Int_t iymax = projY->GetLast();
   Int_t nx = ixmax-ixmin+1;
   Int_t ny = iymax-iymin+1;

   // Create the projected profiles
   TProfile2D *p2 = 0;
   const TArrayD *xbins = projX->GetXbins();
   const TArrayD *ybins = projY->GetXbins();
   if ( originalRange ) {
      if (xbins->fN == 0 && ybins->fN == 0) {
         p2 = new TProfile2D(name,title,projY->GetNbins(),projY->GetXmin(),projY->GetXmax()
      } else if (ybins->fN == 0) {
         p2 = new TProfile2D(name,title,projY->GetNbins(),projY->GetXmin(),projY->GetXmax()
      } else if (xbins->fN == 0) {
         p2 = new TProfile2D(name,title,projY->GetNbins(),&ybins->fArray[iymin-1]
      } else {
         p2 = new TProfile2D(name,title,projY->GetNbins(),&ybins->fArray[iymin-1],projX->GetNbins(),&xbins->fArray[ixmin-1]);
   } else {
      if (xbins->fN == 0 && ybins->fN == 0) {
         p2 = new TProfile2D(name,title,ny,projY->GetBinLowEdge(iymin),projY->GetBinUpEdge(iymax)
      } else if (ybins->fN == 0) {
         p2 = new TProfile2D(name,title,ny,projY->GetBinLowEdge(iymin),projY->GetBinUpEdge(iymax)
      } else if (xbins->fN == 0) {
         p2 = new TProfile2D(name,title,ny,&ybins->fArray[iymin-1]
      } else {
         p2 = new TProfile2D(name,title,ny,&ybins->fArray[iymin-1],nx,&xbins->fArray[ixmin-1]);

   // Set references to the axis, so that the loop has no branches.
   TAxis* outAxis = 0;
   if ( projX != GetXaxis() && projY != GetXaxis() ) {
      outAxis = GetXaxis();
   } else if ( projX != GetYaxis() && projY != GetYaxis() ) {
      outAxis = GetYaxis();
   } else {
      outAxis = GetZaxis();

   // Weights management
   bool useWeights = (GetSumw2N() > 0); 
   if (useWeights ) p2->Sumw2(); // store sum of w2 in profile if histo is weighted
   // Set references to the bins, so that the loop has no branches.
   Int_t *refX = 0, *refY = 0, *refZ = 0;
   Int_t ixbin, iybin, outbin;
   if ( projX == GetXaxis() && projY == GetYaxis() ) { refX = &ixbin;  refY = &iybin;  refZ = &outbin; }
   if ( projX == GetYaxis() && projY == GetXaxis() ) { refX = &iybin;  refY = &ixbin;  refZ = &outbin; }
   if ( projX == GetXaxis() && projY == GetZaxis() ) { refX = &ixbin;  refY = &outbin; refZ = &iybin;  }
   if ( projX == GetZaxis() && projY == GetXaxis() ) { refX = &iybin;  refY = &outbin; refZ = &ixbin;  }
   if ( projX == GetYaxis() && projY == GetZaxis() ) { refX = &outbin; refY = &ixbin;  refZ = &iybin;  }
   if ( projX == GetZaxis() && projY == GetYaxis() ) { refX = &outbin; refY = &iybin;  refZ = &ixbin;  }

   // Call specific method for the projection
   for (ixbin=0;ixbin<=1+projX->GetNbins();ixbin++){
      if ( (ixbin < ixmin || ixbin > ixmax) && projX->TestBit(TAxis::kAxisRange)) continue;
      for ( iybin=0;iybin<=1+projY->GetNbins();iybin++){
         if ( (iybin < iymin || iybin > iymax) && projX->TestBit(TAxis::kAxisRange)) continue;
         for (outbin=outAxis->GetFirst() - ( useUF && !outAxis->TestBit(TAxis::kAxisRange) );
              outbin<=outAxis->GetLast() + ( useOF && !outAxis->TestBit(TAxis::kAxisRange) );
            Int_t bin = GetBin(*refX,*refY,*refZ);

            //DoFillProfileProjection(p2, *projY, *projX, *outAxis, iybin, ixbin, outbin, bin, useWeights); 

            Double_t cont = GetBinContent(bin); 
            if (!cont) continue; 

            TArrayD & binSumw2 = *(p2->GetBinSumw2()); 
            if (useWeights && binSumw2.fN <= 0) useWeights = false;  

            // the following fill update wrongly the fBinSumw2- need to save it before
            Int_t outBin = p2->FindBin(projY->GetBinCenter(iybin), projX->GetBinCenter(ixbin));

            Double_t tmp = 0;
            if ( useWeights ) tmp = binSumw2.fArray[outBin];            
            p2->Fill( projY->GetBinCenter(iybin) , projX->GetBinCenter(ixbin), outAxis->GetBinCenter(outbin), cont);
            if (useWeights ) binSumw2.fArray[outBin] = tmp + fSumw2.fArray[bin];

   // recompute statistics for the projected profiles 
   // forget about preserving old statistics
   bool resetStats = true; 
   Double_t stats[kNstat];
   // reset statistics 
   if (resetStats) 
      for (Int_t i=0;i<kNstat;i++) stats[i] = 0;

   Double_t entries = fEntries; 
   // recalculate the statistics
   if (resetStats) { 
      entries = stats[0]; 
      // calculate effective entries in case of weighted profile
//       if (useWeights & stats[1] > 0) 
//          entries = stats[0] * stats[0] / stats[1];


   return p2;

TProfile2D *TH3::Project3DProfile(Option_t *option) const
   // Project a 3-d histogram into a 2-d profile histograms depending
   // on the option parameter
   // option may contain a combination of the characters x,y,z
   // option = "xy" return the x versus y projection into a TProfile2D histogram
   // option = "yx" return the y versus x projection into a TProfile2D histogram
   // option = "xz" return the x versus z projection into a TProfile2D histogram
   // option = "zx" return the z versus x projection into a TProfile2D histogram
   // option = "yz" return the y versus z projection into a TProfile2D histogram
   // option = "zy" return the z versus y projection into a TProfile2D histogram
   // NB: the notation "a vs b" means "a" vertical and "b" horizontal
   // option = "o" original axis range of the taget axes will be
   //   kept, but only bins inside the selected range will be filled.
   // The projection is made for the selected bins only.
   // To select a bin range along an axis, use TAxis::SetRange, eg
   //    h3.GetYaxis()->SetRange(23,56);
   // NOTE 1: The generated histogram is named th3name + _poption
   // eg if the TH3* h histogram is named "myhist", then
   // h->Project3D("xy"); produces a TProfile2D histogram named "myhist_pxy"
   // if a histogram of the same type already exists, it is deleted.
   // The following sequence
   //    h->Project3DProfile("xy");
   //    h->Project3DProfile("xy2");
   //  will generate two TProfile2D histograms named "myhist_pxy" and "myhist_pxy2"
   //  NOTE 2: The number of entries in the projected profile is estimated from the number of 
   //  effective entries for all the cells included in the projection. 
   //  NOTE 3: underflow/overflow are by default excluded from the projection 
   //  (Note that this is a different default behavior compared to the projection to an histogram) 
   //  To exclude underflow and/or overflow (for both axis in case of a projection to a 1D histogram) use option "UF" and/or "OF"

   TString opt = option; opt.ToLower();
   Int_t pcase = 0;
   if (opt.Contains("xy")) pcase = 4;
   if (opt.Contains("yx")) pcase = 5;
   if (opt.Contains("xz")) pcase = 6;
   if (opt.Contains("zx")) pcase = 7;
   if (opt.Contains("yz")) pcase = 8;
   if (opt.Contains("zy")) pcase = 9;

   bool useUF = opt.Contains("uf");
   bool useOF = opt.Contains("of");

   bool originalRange = false;
   if ( opt.Contains("nof") || opt.Contains("of") )
      originalRange = (opt.CountChar('o') > 1);
      originalRange = (opt.Contains('o'));

   // Create the projection histogram
   TProfile2D *p2 = 0;
   Int_t nch = strlen(GetName()) +opt.Length() +3;
   char *name = new char[nch];
   nch = strlen(GetTitle()) +opt.Length() +3;
   char *title = new char[nch];
   delete gROOT->FindObject(name);

   // Call the method with the specific projected axes.
   switch (pcase) {
      case 4:
         // "xy"
         p2 = DoProjectProfile2D(title, name, GetXaxis(), GetYaxis(), originalRange, useUF, useOF);

      case 5:
         // "yx"
         p2 = DoProjectProfile2D(title, name, GetYaxis(), GetXaxis(), originalRange, useUF, useOF);

      case 6:
         // "xz"
         p2 = DoProjectProfile2D(title, name, GetXaxis(), GetZaxis(), originalRange, useUF, useOF);

      case 7:
         // "zx"
         p2 = DoProjectProfile2D(title, name, GetZaxis(), GetXaxis(), originalRange, useUF, useOF);

      case 8:
         // "yz"
         p2 = DoProjectProfile2D(title, name, GetYaxis(), GetZaxis(), originalRange, useUF, useOF);

      case 9:
         // "zy"
         p2 = DoProjectProfile2D(title, name, GetZaxis(), GetYaxis(), originalRange, useUF, useOF);


   delete [] name;
   delete [] title;

   return p2;

void TH3::PutStats(Double_t *stats)
   // Replace current statistics with the values in array stats

   fTsumwy  = stats[4];
   fTsumwy2 = stats[5];
   fTsumwxy = stats[6];
   fTsumwz  = stats[7];
   fTsumwz2 = stats[8];
   fTsumwxz = stats[9];
   fTsumwyz = stats[10];

void TH3::Reset(Option_t *option)
   //*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Reset this histogram: contents, errors, etc*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
   //*-*            ===========================================

   TString opt = option;
   if (opt.Contains("ICE")) return;
   fTsumwy  = 0;
   fTsumwy2 = 0;
   fTsumwxy = 0;
   fTsumwz  = 0;
   fTsumwz2 = 0;
   fTsumwxz = 0;
   fTsumwyz = 0;

void TH3::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b)
   // Stream an object of class TH3.

   if (R__b.IsReading()) {
      UInt_t R__s, R__c;
      Version_t R__v = R__b.ReadVersion(&R__s, &R__c);
      if (R__v > 2) {
         R__b.ReadClassBuffer(TH3::Class(), this, R__v, R__s, R__c);
      //====process old versions before automatic schema evolution
      R__b.CheckByteCount(R__s, R__c, TH3::IsA());
      //====end of old versions

   } else {

//                     TH3C methods
//  TH3C a 3-D histogram with one byte per cell (char)


TH3C::TH3C(): TH3(), TArrayC(1)
   // Constructor.

   // Destructor.

TH3C::TH3C(const char *name,const char *title,Int_t nbinsx,Double_t xlow,Double_t xup
           ,Int_t nbinsy,Double_t ylow,Double_t yup
           ,Int_t nbinsz,Double_t zlow,Double_t zup)
   //*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Normal constructor for fix bin size 3-D histograms*-*-*-*-*
   //*-*              ==================================================

   if (fgDefaultSumw2) Sumw2();

   //if (xlow >= xup || ylow >= yup || zlow >= zup) SetBuffer(fgBufferSize);

TH3C::TH3C(const char *name,const char *title,Int_t nbinsx,const Float_t *xbins
           ,Int_t nbinsy,const Float_t *ybins
           ,Int_t nbinsz,const Float_t *zbins)
   //*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Normal constructor for variable bin size 3-D histograms*-*-*-*
   //*-*            =======================================================
   if (fgDefaultSumw2) Sumw2();

TH3C::TH3C(const char *name,const char *title,Int_t nbinsx,const Double_t *xbins
           ,Int_t nbinsy,const Double_t *ybins
           ,Int_t nbinsz,const Double_t *zbins)
   //*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Normal constructor for variable bin size 3-D histograms*-*-*-*
   //*-*            =======================================================
   if (fgDefaultSumw2) Sumw2();

TH3C::TH3C(const TH3C &h3c) : TH3(), TArrayC()
   // Copy constructor.


void TH3C::AddBinContent(Int_t bin)
   //*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Increment bin content by 1*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
   //*-*                ==========================

   if (fArray[bin] < 127) fArray[bin]++;

void TH3C::AddBinContent(Int_t bin, Double_t w)
   //*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Increment bin content by w*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
   //*-*                ==========================

   Int_t newval = fArray[bin] + Int_t(w);
   if (newval > -128 && newval < 128) {fArray[bin] = Char_t(newval); return;}
   if (newval < -127) fArray[bin] = -127;
   if (newval >  127) fArray[bin] =  127;

void TH3C::Copy(TObject &newth3) const
   //*-*-*-*-*-*-*Copy this 3-D histogram structure to newth3*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
   //*-*          ===========================================


TH1 *TH3C::DrawCopy(Option_t *option) const
   // Draw copy.

   TString opt = option;
   if (gPad && !opt.Contains("same")) gPad->Clear();
   TH3C *newth3 = (TH3C*)Clone();
   return newth3;

Double_t TH3C::GetBinContent(Int_t bin) const
   // Get bin content.

   if (fBuffer) ((TH3C*)this)->BufferEmpty();
   if (bin < 0) bin = 0;
   if (bin >= fNcells) bin = fNcells-1;
   if (!fArray) return 0;
   return Double_t (fArray[bin]);

void TH3C::Reset(Option_t *option)
   //*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Reset this histogram: contents, errors, etc*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
   //*-*            ===========================================

   // should also reset statistics once statistics are implemented for TH3

void TH3C::SetBinsLength(Int_t n)
   // Set total number of bins including under/overflow
   // Reallocate bin contents array

   if (n < 0) n = (fXaxis.GetNbins()+2)*(fYaxis.GetNbins()+2)*(fZaxis.GetNbins()+2);
   fNcells = n;

void TH3C::SetBinContent(Int_t bin, Double_t content)
   // Set bin content
   if (bin < 0) return;
   if (bin >= fNcells) return;
   fArray[bin] = Char_t (content);
   fTsumw = 0;

void TH3::SetShowProjection(const char *option,Int_t nbins)
   // When the mouse is moved in a pad containing a 3-d view of this histogram
   // a second canvas shows a projection type given as option.
   // To stop the generation of the projections, delete the canvas
   // containing the projection.
   // option may contain a combination of the characters x,y,z,e
   // option = "x" return the x projection into a TH1D histogram
   // option = "y" return the y projection into a TH1D histogram
   // option = "z" return the z projection into a TH1D histogram
   // option = "xy" return the x versus y projection into a TH2D histogram
   // option = "yx" return the y versus x projection into a TH2D histogram
   // option = "xz" return the x versus z projection into a TH2D histogram
   // option = "zx" return the z versus x projection into a TH2D histogram
   // option = "yz" return the y versus z projection into a TH2D histogram
   // option = "zy" return the z versus y projection into a TH2D histogram
   // option can also include the drawing option for the projection, eg to draw
   // the xy projection using the draw option "box" do
   //   myhist.SetShowProjection("xy box");
   // This function is typically called from the context menu.
   // NB: the notation "a vs b" means "a" vertical and "b" horizontal


   if (fPainter) fPainter->SetShowProjection(option,nbins);

void TH3C::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b)
   // Stream an object of class TH3C.

   if (R__b.IsReading()) {
      UInt_t R__s, R__c;
      if (R__b.GetParent() && R__b.GetVersionOwner() < 22300) return;
      Version_t R__v = R__b.ReadVersion(&R__s, &R__c);
      if (R__v > 2) {
         R__b.ReadClassBuffer(TH3C::Class(), this, R__v, R__s, R__c);
      //====process old versions before automatic schema evolution
      if (R__v < 2) {
         R__b.ReadVersion(&R__s, &R__c);
      } else {
         R__b.CheckByteCount(R__s, R__c, TH3C::IsA());
      //====end of old versions

   } else {

TH3C& TH3C::operator=(const TH3C &h1)
   // Operator =

   if (this != &h1)  ((TH3C&)h1).Copy(*this);
   return *this;

TH3C operator*(Float_t c1, TH3C &h1)
   // Operator *

   TH3C hnew = h1;
   return hnew;

TH3C operator+(TH3C &h1, TH3C &h2)
   // Operator +

   TH3C hnew = h1;
   return hnew;

TH3C operator-(TH3C &h1, TH3C &h2)
   // Operator -

   TH3C hnew = h1;
   return hnew;

TH3C operator*(TH3C &h1, TH3C &h2)
   // Operator *

   TH3C hnew = h1;
   return hnew;

TH3C operator/(TH3C &h1, TH3C &h2)
   // Operator /

   TH3C hnew = h1;
   return hnew;

//                     TH3S methods
//  TH3S a 3-D histogram with two bytes per cell (short integer)


TH3S::TH3S(): TH3(), TArrayS(1)
   // Constructor.

   // Destructor.

TH3S::TH3S(const char *name,const char *title,Int_t nbinsx,Double_t xlow,Double_t xup
           ,Int_t nbinsy,Double_t ylow,Double_t yup
           ,Int_t nbinsz,Double_t zlow,Double_t zup)
   //*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Normal constructor for fix bin size 3-D histograms*-*-*-*-*
   //*-*              ==================================================
   if (fgDefaultSumw2) Sumw2();

   //if (xlow >= xup || ylow >= yup || zlow >= zup) SetBuffer(fgBufferSize);

TH3S::TH3S(const char *name,const char *title,Int_t nbinsx,const Float_t *xbins
           ,Int_t nbinsy,const Float_t *ybins
           ,Int_t nbinsz,const Float_t *zbins)
   //*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Normal constructor for variable bin size 3-D histograms*-*-*-*
   //*-*            =======================================================
   if (fgDefaultSumw2) Sumw2();

TH3S::TH3S(const char *name,const char *title,Int_t nbinsx,const Double_t *xbins
           ,Int_t nbinsy,const Double_t *ybins
           ,Int_t nbinsz,const Double_t *zbins)
   //*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Normal constructor for variable bin size 3-D histograms*-*-*-*
   //*-*            =======================================================
   if (fgDefaultSumw2) Sumw2();

TH3S::TH3S(const TH3S &h3s) : TH3(), TArrayS()
   // Copy Constructor.


void TH3S::AddBinContent(Int_t bin)
   //*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Increment bin content by 1*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
   //*-*                ==========================

   if (fArray[bin] < 32767) fArray[bin]++;

void TH3S::AddBinContent(Int_t bin, Double_t w)
   //*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Increment bin content by w*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
   //*-*                ==========================

   Int_t newval = fArray[bin] + Int_t(w);
   if (newval > -32768 && newval < 32768) {fArray[bin] = Short_t(newval); return;}
   if (newval < -32767) fArray[bin] = -32767;
   if (newval >  32767) fArray[bin] =  32767;

void TH3S::Copy(TObject &newth3) const
   //*-*-*-*-*-*-*Copy this 3-D histogram structure to newth3*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
   //*-*          ===========================================


TH1 *TH3S::DrawCopy(Option_t *option) const
   // Draw copy.

   TString opt = option;
   if (gPad && !opt.Contains("same")) gPad->Clear();
   TH3S *newth3 = (TH3S*)Clone();
   return newth3;

Double_t TH3S::GetBinContent(Int_t bin) const
   // Get bin content.

   if (fBuffer) ((TH3S*)this)->BufferEmpty();
   if (bin < 0) bin = 0;
   if (bin >= fNcells) bin = fNcells-1;
   if (!fArray) return 0;
   return Double_t (fArray[bin]);

void TH3S::Reset(Option_t *option)
   //*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Reset this histogram: contents, errors, etc*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
   //*-*            ===========================================

   // should also reset statistics once statistics are implemented for TH3

void TH3S::SetBinContent(Int_t bin, Double_t content)
   // Set bin content
   if (bin < 0) return;
   if (bin >= fNcells) return;
   fArray[bin] = Short_t (content);
   fTsumw = 0;

void TH3S::SetBinsLength(Int_t n)
   // Set total number of bins including under/overflow
   // Reallocate bin contents array

   if (n < 0) n = (fXaxis.GetNbins()+2)*(fYaxis.GetNbins()+2)*(fZaxis.GetNbins()+2);
   fNcells = n;

void TH3S::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b)
   // Stream an object of class TH3S.

   if (R__b.IsReading()) {
      UInt_t R__s, R__c;
      if (R__b.GetParent() && R__b.GetVersionOwner() < 22300) return;
      Version_t R__v = R__b.ReadVersion(&R__s, &R__c);
      if (R__v > 2) {
         R__b.ReadClassBuffer(TH3S::Class(), this, R__v, R__s, R__c);
      //====process old versions before automatic schema evolution
      if (R__v < 2) {
         R__b.ReadVersion(&R__s, &R__c);
      } else {
         R__b.CheckByteCount(R__s, R__c, TH3S::IsA());
      //====end of old versions

   } else {

TH3S& TH3S::operator=(const TH3S &h1)
   // Operator =

   if (this != &h1)  ((TH3S&)h1).Copy(*this);
   return *this;

TH3S operator*(Float_t c1, TH3S &h1)
   // Operator *

   TH3S hnew = h1;
   return hnew;

TH3S operator+(TH3S &h1, TH3S &h2)
   // Operator +

   TH3S hnew = h1;
   return hnew;

TH3S operator-(TH3S &h1, TH3S &h2)
   // Operator -

   TH3S hnew = h1;
   return hnew;

TH3S operator*(TH3S &h1, TH3S &h2)
   // Operator *

   TH3S hnew = h1;
   return hnew;

TH3S operator/(TH3S &h1, TH3S &h2)
   // Operator /

   TH3S hnew = h1;
   return hnew;

//                     TH3I methods
//  TH3I a 3-D histogram with four bytes per cell (32 bits integer)


TH3I::TH3I(): TH3(), TArrayI(1)
   // Constructor.

   // Destructor.

TH3I::TH3I(const char *name,const char *title,Int_t nbinsx,Double_t xlow,Double_t xup
           ,Int_t nbinsy,Double_t ylow,Double_t yup
           ,Int_t nbinsz,Double_t zlow,Double_t zup)
   //*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Normal constructor for fix bin size 3-D histograms*-*-*-*-*
   //*-*              ==================================================
   if (fgDefaultSumw2) Sumw2();

   //if (xlow >= xup || ylow >= yup || zlow >= zup) SetBuffer(fgBufferSize);

TH3I::TH3I(const char *name,const char *title,Int_t nbinsx,const Float_t *xbins
           ,Int_t nbinsy,const Float_t *ybins
           ,Int_t nbinsz,const Float_t *zbins)
   //*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Normal constructor for variable bin size 3-D histograms*-*-*-*
   //*-*            =======================================================
   if (fgDefaultSumw2) Sumw2();

TH3I::TH3I(const char *name,const char *title,Int_t nbinsx,const Double_t *xbins
           ,Int_t nbinsy,const Double_t *ybins
           ,Int_t nbinsz,const Double_t *zbins)
   //*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Normal constructor for variable bin size 3-D histograms*-*-*-*
   //*-*            =======================================================
   if (fgDefaultSumw2) Sumw2();

TH3I::TH3I(const TH3I &h3i) : TH3(), TArrayI()
   // Copy constructor.


void TH3I::AddBinContent(Int_t bin)
   //*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Increment bin content by 1*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
   //*-*                ==========================

   if (fArray[bin] < 2147483647) fArray[bin]++;

void TH3I::AddBinContent(Int_t bin, Double_t w)
   //*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Increment bin content by w*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
   //*-*                ==========================

   Int_t newval = fArray[bin] + Int_t(w);
   if (newval > -2147483647 && newval < 2147483647) {fArray[bin] = Int_t(newval); return;}
   if (newval < -2147483647) fArray[bin] = -2147483647;
   if (newval >  2147483647) fArray[bin] =  2147483647;

void TH3I::Copy(TObject &newth3) const
   //*-*-*-*-*-*-*Copy this 3-D histogram structure to newth3*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
   //*-*          ===========================================


TH1 *TH3I::DrawCopy(Option_t *option) const
   // Draw copy.

   TString opt = option;
   if (gPad && !opt.Contains("same")) gPad->Clear();
   TH3I *newth3 = (TH3I*)Clone();
   return newth3;

Double_t TH3I::GetBinContent(Int_t bin) const
   // Get bin content.

   if (fBuffer) ((TH3I*)this)->BufferEmpty();
   if (bin < 0) bin = 0;
   if (bin >= fNcells) bin = fNcells-1;
   if (!fArray) return 0;
   return Double_t (fArray[bin]);

void TH3I::Reset(Option_t *option)
   //*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Reset this histogram: contents, errors, etc*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
   //*-*            ===========================================

   // should also reset statistics once statistics are implemented for TH3

void TH3I::SetBinContent(Int_t bin, Double_t content)
   // Set bin content
   if (bin < 0) return;
   if (bin >= fNcells) return;
   fArray[bin] = Int_t (content);
   fTsumw = 0;

void TH3I::SetBinsLength(Int_t n)
   // Set total number of bins including under/overflow
   // Reallocate bin contents array

   if (n < 0) n = (fXaxis.GetNbins()+2)*(fYaxis.GetNbins()+2)*(fZaxis.GetNbins()+2);
   fNcells = n;

TH3I& TH3I::operator=(const TH3I &h1)
   // Operator =

   if (this != &h1)  ((TH3I&)h1).Copy(*this);
   return *this;

TH3I operator*(Float_t c1, TH3I &h1)
   // Operator *

   TH3I hnew = h1;
   return hnew;

TH3I operator+(TH3I &h1, TH3I &h2)
   // Operator +

   TH3I hnew = h1;
   return hnew;

TH3I operator-(TH3I &h1, TH3I &h2)
   // Operator _

   TH3I hnew = h1;
   return hnew;

TH3I operator*(TH3I &h1, TH3I &h2)
   // Operator *

   TH3I hnew = h1;
   return hnew;

TH3I operator/(TH3I &h1, TH3I &h2)
   // Operator /

   TH3I hnew = h1;
   return hnew;

//                     TH3F methods
//  TH3F a 3-D histogram with four bytes per cell (float)


TH3F::TH3F(): TH3(), TArrayF(1)
   // Constructor.

   // Destructor.

TH3F::TH3F(const char *name,const char *title,Int_t nbinsx,Double_t xlow,Double_t xup
           ,Int_t nbinsy,Double_t ylow,Double_t yup
           ,Int_t nbinsz,Double_t zlow,Double_t zup)
   //*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Normal constructor for fix bin size 3-D histograms*-*-*-*-*
   //*-*              ==================================================
   if (fgDefaultSumw2) Sumw2();

   //if (xlow >= xup || ylow >= yup || zlow >= zup) SetBuffer(fgBufferSize);

TH3F::TH3F(const char *name,const char *title,Int_t nbinsx,const Float_t *xbins
           ,Int_t nbinsy,const Float_t *ybins
           ,Int_t nbinsz,const Float_t *zbins)
   //*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Normal constructor for variable bin size 3-D histograms*-*-*-*
   //*-*            =======================================================
   if (fgDefaultSumw2) Sumw2();

TH3F::TH3F(const char *name,const char *title,Int_t nbinsx,const Double_t *xbins
           ,Int_t nbinsy,const Double_t *ybins
           ,Int_t nbinsz,const Double_t *zbins)
   //*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Normal constructor for variable bin size 3-D histograms*-*-*-*
   //*-*            =======================================================
   if (fgDefaultSumw2) Sumw2();

TH3F::TH3F(const TH3F &h3f) : TH3(), TArrayF()
   // Copy constructor.


void TH3F::Copy(TObject &newth3) const
   //*-*-*-*-*-*-*Copy this 3-D histogram structure to newth3*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
   //*-*          ===========================================


TH1 *TH3F::DrawCopy(Option_t *option) const
   // Draw copy.

   TString opt = option;
   if (gPad && !opt.Contains("same")) gPad->Clear();
   TH3F *newth3 = (TH3F*)Clone();
   return newth3;

Double_t TH3F::GetBinContent(Int_t bin) const
   // Get bin content.

   if (fBuffer) ((TH3F*)this)->BufferEmpty();
   if (bin < 0) bin = 0;
   if (bin >= fNcells) bin = fNcells-1;
   if (!fArray) return 0;
   return Double_t (fArray[bin]);

void TH3F::Reset(Option_t *option)
   //*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Reset this histogram: contents, errors, etc*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
   //*-*            ===========================================

   // should also reset statistics once statistics are implemented for TH3

void TH3F::SetBinContent(Int_t bin, Double_t content)
   // Set bin content
   if (bin < 0) return;
   if (bin >= fNcells) return;
   fArray[bin] = Float_t (content);
   fTsumw = 0;

void TH3F::SetBinsLength(Int_t n)
   // Set total number of bins including under/overflow
   // Reallocate bin contents array

   if (n < 0) n = (fXaxis.GetNbins()+2)*(fYaxis.GetNbins()+2)*(fZaxis.GetNbins()+2);
   fNcells = n;

void TH3F::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b)
   // Stream an object of class TH3F.

   if (R__b.IsReading()) {
      UInt_t R__s, R__c;
      if (R__b.GetParent() && R__b.GetVersionOwner() < 22300) return;
      Version_t R__v = R__b.ReadVersion(&R__s, &R__c);
      if (R__v > 2) {
         R__b.ReadClassBuffer(TH3F::Class(), this, R__v, R__s, R__c);
      //====process old versions before automatic schema evolution
      if (R__v < 2) {
         R__b.ReadVersion(&R__s, &R__c);
      } else {
         R__b.CheckByteCount(R__s, R__c, TH3F::IsA());
      //====end of old versions

   } else {

TH3F& TH3F::operator=(const TH3F &h1)
   // Operator =

   if (this != &h1)  ((TH3F&)h1).Copy(*this);
   return *this;

TH3F operator*(Float_t c1, TH3F &h1)
   // Operator *

   TH3F hnew = h1;
   return hnew;

TH3F operator+(TH3F &h1, TH3F &h2)
   // Operator +

   TH3F hnew = h1;
   return hnew;

TH3F operator-(TH3F &h1, TH3F &h2)
   // Operator -

   TH3F hnew = h1;
   return hnew;

TH3F operator*(TH3F &h1, TH3F &h2)
   // Operator *

   TH3F hnew = h1;
   return hnew;

TH3F operator/(TH3F &h1, TH3F &h2)
   // Operator /

   TH3F hnew = h1;
   return hnew;

//                     TH3D methods
//  TH3D a 3-D histogram with eight bytes per cell (double)


TH3D::TH3D(): TH3(), TArrayD(1)
   // Constructor.

   // Destructor.

TH3D::TH3D(const char *name,const char *title,Int_t nbinsx,Double_t xlow,Double_t xup
           ,Int_t nbinsy,Double_t ylow,Double_t yup
           ,Int_t nbinsz,Double_t zlow,Double_t zup)
   //*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Normal constructor for fix bin size 3-D histograms*-*-*-*-*
   //*-*              ==================================================
   if (fgDefaultSumw2) Sumw2();

   //if (xlow >= xup || ylow >= yup || zlow >= zup) SetBuffer(fgBufferSize);

TH3D::TH3D(const char *name,const char *title,Int_t nbinsx,const Float_t *xbins
           ,Int_t nbinsy,const Float_t *ybins
           ,Int_t nbinsz,const Float_t *zbins)
   //*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Normal constructor for variable bin size 3-D histograms*-*-*-*
   //*-*            =======================================================
   if (fgDefaultSumw2) Sumw2();

TH3D::TH3D(const char *name,const char *title,Int_t nbinsx,const Double_t *xbins
           ,Int_t nbinsy,const Double_t *ybins
           ,Int_t nbinsz,const Double_t *zbins)
   //*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Normal constructor for variable bin size 3-D histograms*-*-*-*
   //*-*            =======================================================
   if (fgDefaultSumw2) Sumw2();

TH3D::TH3D(const TH3D &h3d) : TH3(), TArrayD()
   // Copy constructor.


void TH3D::Copy(TObject &newth3) const
   //*-*-*-*-*-*-*Copy this 3-D histogram structure to newth3*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
   //*-*          ===========================================


TH1 *TH3D::DrawCopy(Option_t *option) const
   // Draw copy.

   TString opt = option;
   if (gPad && !opt.Contains("same")) gPad->Clear();
   TH3D *newth3 = (TH3D*)Clone();
   return newth3;

Double_t TH3D::GetBinContent(Int_t bin) const
   // Get bin content.

   if (fBuffer) ((TH3D*)this)->BufferEmpty();
   if (bin < 0) bin = 0;
   if (bin >= fNcells) bin = fNcells-1;
   if (!fArray) return 0;
   return Double_t (fArray[bin]);

void TH3D::Reset(Option_t *option)
   //*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Reset this histogram: contents, errors, etc*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
   //*-*            ===========================================

   // should also reset statistics once statistics are implemented for TH3

void TH3D::SetBinContent(Int_t bin, Double_t content)
   // Set bin content
   if (bin < 0) return;
   if (bin >= fNcells) return;
   fArray[bin] = Double_t (content);
   fTsumw = 0;

void TH3D::SetBinsLength(Int_t n)
   // Set total number of bins including under/overflow
   // Reallocate bin contents array

   if (n < 0) n = (fXaxis.GetNbins()+2)*(fYaxis.GetNbins()+2)*(fZaxis.GetNbins()+2);
   fNcells = n;

void TH3D::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b)
   // Stream an object of class TH3D.

   if (R__b.IsReading()) {
      UInt_t R__s, R__c;
      if (R__b.GetParent() && R__b.GetVersionOwner() < 22300) return;
      Version_t R__v = R__b.ReadVersion(&R__s, &R__c);
      if (R__v > 2) {
         R__b.ReadClassBuffer(TH3D::Class(), this, R__v, R__s, R__c);
      //====process old versions before automatic schema evolution
      if (R__v < 2) {
         R__b.ReadVersion(&R__s, &R__c);
      } else {
         R__b.CheckByteCount(R__s, R__c, TH3D::IsA());
      //====end of old versions

   } else {

TH3D& TH3D::operator=(const TH3D &h1)
   // Operator =

   if (this != &h1)  ((TH3D&)h1).Copy(*this);
   return *this;

TH3D operator*(Float_t c1, TH3D &h1)
   // Operator *

   TH3D hnew = h1;
   return hnew;

TH3D operator+(TH3D &h1, TH3D &h2)
   // Operator +

   TH3D hnew = h1;
   return hnew;

TH3D operator-(TH3D &h1, TH3D &h2)
   // Operator -

   TH3D hnew = h1;
   return hnew;

TH3D operator*(TH3D &h1, TH3D &h2)
   // Operator *

   TH3D hnew = h1;
   return hnew;

TH3D operator/(TH3D &h1, TH3D &h2)
   // Operator /

   TH3D hnew = h1;
   return hnew;