ROOT logo
// @(#)root/tmva $Id: MethodBase.cxx 29195 2009-06-24 10:39:49Z brun $
// Author: Andreas Hoecker, Joerg Stelzer, Helge Voss, Kai Voss

 * Project: TMVA - a Root-integrated toolkit for multivariate data analysis       *
 * Package: TMVA                                                                  *
 * Class  : MethodBase                                                            *
 * Web    :                                           *
 *                                                                                *
 * Description:                                                                   *
 *      Implementation (see header for description)                               *
 *                                                                                *
 * Authors (alphabetical):                                                        *
 *      Andreas Hoecker <> - CERN, Switzerland              *
 *      Joerg Stelzer   <>  - CERN, Switzerland              *
 *      Helge Voss      <>     - MPI-K Heidelberg, Germany      *
 *      Kai Voss        <>       - U. of Victoria, Canada         *
 *                                                                                *
 * Copyright (c) 2005:                                                            *
 *      CERN, Switzerland                                                         *
 *      U. of Victoria, Canada                                                    *
 *      MPI-K Heidelberg, Germany                                                 *
 *      LAPP, Annecy, France                                                      *
 *                                                                                *
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without             *
 * modification, are permitted according to the terms listed in LICENSE           *
 * (                                          *
 *                                                                                *

/* Begin_Html
   Virtual base Class for all MVA method

   MethodBase hosts several specific evaluation methods.

   The kind of MVA that provides optimal performance in an analysis strongly
   depends on the particular application. The evaluation factory provides a
   number of numerical benchmark results to directly assess the performance
   of the MVA training on the independent test sample. These are:
   <li> The <i>signal efficiency</i> at three representative background efficiencies
   (which is 1 &minus; rejection).</li>
   <li> The <i>significance</I> of an MVA estimator, defined by the difference
   between the MVA mean values for signal and background, divided by the
   quadratic sum of their root mean squares.</li>
   <li> The <i>separation</i> of an MVA <i>x</i>, defined by the integral
   &frac12;&int;(S(x) &minus; B(x))<sup>2</sup>/(S(x) + B(x))dx, where
   S(x) and B(x) are the signal and background distributions, respectively.
   The separation is zero for identical signal and background MVA shapes,
   and it is one for disjunctive shapes.
   <li> <a name="mu_transform">
   The average, &int;x &mu;(S(x))dx, of the signal &mu;-transform.
   The &mu;-transform of an MVA denotes the transformation that yields
   a uniform background distribution. In this way, the signal distributions
   S(x) can be directly compared among the various MVAs. The stronger S(x)
   peaks towards one, the better is the discrimination of the MVA. The
   &mu;-transform is
   <a href=>documented here</a>.
   The MVA standard output also prints the linear correlation coefficients between
   signal and background, which can be useful to eliminate variables that exhibit too
   strong correlations.

   End_Html */

#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <algorithm>

#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TSystem.h"
#include "TObjString.h"
#include "TQObject.h"
#include "TSpline.h"
#include "TMatrix.h"
#include "TMath.h"
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TKey.h"
#include "TGraph.h"
#include "Riostream.h"
#include "TXMLEngine.h"

#include "TMVA/MsgLogger.h"
#include "TMVA/MethodBase.h"
#include "TMVA/Config.h"
#include "TMVA/Timer.h"
#include "TMVA/RootFinder.h"
#include "TMVA/PDF.h"
#include "TMVA/VariableIdentityTransform.h"
#include "TMVA/VariableDecorrTransform.h"
#include "TMVA/VariablePCATransform.h"
#include "TMVA/VariableGaussTransform.h"
#include "TMVA/VariableNormalizeTransform.h"
#include "TMVA/Version.h"
#include "TMVA/TSpline1.h"
#include "TMVA/Ranking.h"
#include "TMVA/Factory.h"
#include "TMVA/Tools.h"
#include "TMVA/ResultsClassification.h"
#include "TMVA/ResultsRegression.h"



using std::endl;

const Int_t    MethodBase_MaxIterations_ = 200;
const Bool_t   Use_Splines_for_Eff_      = kTRUE;

const Int_t    NBIN_HIST_PLOT = 100;
const Int_t    NBIN_HIST_HIGH = 10000;

#ifdef _WIN32
/* Disable warning C4355: 'this' : used in base member initializer list */
#pragma warning ( disable : 4355 )

TMVA::MethodBase::MethodBase( const TString& jobName,
                              Types::EMVA methodType,
                              const TString& methodTitle,
                              DataSetInfo& dsi,
                              const TString& theOption,
                              TDirectory* theBaseDir) :
   Configurable               ( theOption ),
   fAnalysisType              ( Types::kClassification ),
   fDataSetInfo               ( dsi ),
   fSignalReferenceCut        ( 0.5 ),
   fVariableTransformType     ( Types::kSignal ),
   fJobName                   ( jobName ),
   fMethodName                ( methodTitle ),
   fMethodType                ( methodType ),
   fTestvarPrefix             ( "MVA_" ),
   fTestvar                   ( "" ),
   fTMVATrainingVersion       ( TMVA_VERSION_CODE ),
   fROOTTrainingVersion       ( ROOT_VERSION_CODE ),
   fConstructedFromWeightFile ( kFALSE ),
   fBaseDir                   ( 0 ),
   fMethodBaseDir             ( theBaseDir ),
   fWeightFile                ( "" ),
   fDefaultPDF                ( 0 ),
   fMVAPdfS                   ( 0 ),
   fMVAPdfB                   ( 0 ),
   fSplS                      ( 0 ),
   fSplB                      ( 0 ),
   fSpleffBvsS                ( 0 ),
   fSplTrainS                 ( 0 ),
   fSplTrainB                 ( 0 ),
   fSplTrainEffBvsS           ( 0 ),
   fVarTransformString        ( "None" ),
   fTransformation            ( dsi, methodTitle ),
   fVerbose                   ( kFALSE ),
   fVerbosityLevelString      ( "Default" ),
   fHelp                      ( kFALSE ),
   fHasMVAPdfs                ( kFALSE ),
   fIgnoreNegWeightsInTraining( kFALSE ),
   fSignalClass               ( 0 ),
   fBackgroundClass           ( 0 ),
   fSplRefS                   ( 0 ),
   fSplRefB                   ( 0 ),
   fSplTrainRefS              ( 0 ),
   fSplTrainRefB              ( 0 ),
   fSetupCompleted            (kFALSE)
   // standard constructur

   // default extension for weight files
   SetWeightFileDir( gConfig().GetIONames().fWeightFileDir );
   gSystem->MakeDirectory( GetWeightFileDir() );

TMVA::MethodBase::MethodBase( Types::EMVA methodType,
                              DataSetInfo& dsi,
                              const TString& weightFile,
                              TDirectory* theBaseDir ) :
   fDataSetInfo               ( dsi ),
   fSignalReferenceCut        ( 0.5 ),
   fVariableTransformType     ( Types::kSignal ),
   fJobName                   ( "" ),
   fMethodName                ( "MethodBase"  ),
   fMethodType                ( methodType ),
   fTestvarPrefix             ( "MVA_" ),
   fTestvar                   ( "" ),
   fTMVATrainingVersion       ( 0 ),
   fROOTTrainingVersion       ( 0 ),
   fConstructedFromWeightFile ( kTRUE ),
   fBaseDir                   ( theBaseDir ),
   fMethodBaseDir             ( 0 ),
   fWeightFile                ( weightFile ),
   fDefaultPDF                ( 0 ),
   fMVAPdfS                   ( 0 ),
   fMVAPdfB                   ( 0 ),
   fSplS                      ( 0 ),
   fSplB                      ( 0 ),
   fSpleffBvsS                ( 0 ),
   fSplTrainS                 ( 0 ),
   fSplTrainB                 ( 0 ),
   fSplTrainEffBvsS           ( 0 ),
   fVarTransformString        ( "None" ),
   fTransformation            ( dsi, "" ),
   fVerbose                   ( kFALSE ),
   fVerbosityLevelString      ( "Default" ),
   fHelp                      ( kFALSE ),
   fHasMVAPdfs                ( kFALSE ),
   fIgnoreNegWeightsInTraining( kFALSE ),
   fSignalClass               ( 0 ),
   fBackgroundClass           ( 0 ),
   fSplRefS                   ( 0 ),
   fSplRefB                   ( 0 ),
   fSplTrainRefS              ( 0 ),
   fSplTrainRefB              ( 0 ),
   fSetupCompleted            (kFALSE)
   // constructor used for Testing + Application of the MVA,
   // only (no training), using given WeightFiles   

TMVA::MethodBase::~MethodBase( void ) 
   // destructor
   if (!fSetupCompleted) Log() << kFATAL << "Calling destructor of method which got never setup" << Endl;

   // destructor
   if (fInputVars != 0)  { fInputVars->clear(); delete fInputVars; }
   if (fRanking   != 0)  delete fRanking;

   // PDFs
   if (fDefaultPDF!= 0)  { delete fDefaultPDF; fDefaultPDF = 0; }
   if (fMVAPdfS   != 0)  { delete fMVAPdfS; fMVAPdfS = 0; }
   if (fMVAPdfB   != 0)  { delete fMVAPdfB; fMVAPdfB = 0; }

   // Splines
   if (fSplS)            { delete fSplS; fSplS = 0; }
   if (fSplB)            { delete fSplB; fSplB = 0; }
   if (fSpleffBvsS)      { delete fSpleffBvsS; fSpleffBvsS = 0; }
   if (fSplRefS)         { delete fSplRefS; fSplRefS = 0; }
   if (fSplRefB)         { delete fSplRefB; fSplRefB = 0; }
   if (fSplTrainRefS)    { delete fSplTrainRefS; fSplTrainRefS = 0; }
   if (fSplTrainRefB)    { delete fSplTrainRefB; fSplTrainRefB = 0; }
   if (fSplTrainEffBvsS) { delete fSplTrainEffBvsS; fSplTrainEffBvsS = 0; }

   for (Int_t i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) {
      if ( {
         for (std::vector<Event*>::const_iterator it =>begin(); 
              it !=>end(); it++) {
            delete (*it);
         delete; = 0;

void TMVA::MethodBase::SetupMethod() 
   // setup of methods
   if (fSetupCompleted) Log() << kFATAL << "Calling SetupMethod for the second time" << Endl;
   fSetupCompleted = kTRUE;

void TMVA::MethodBase::ProcessSetup() 
   // process all options
   // the "CheckForUnusedOptions" is done in an independent call, since it may be overridden by derived class
   // (sometimes, eg, fitters are used which can only be implemented during training phase)

void TMVA::MethodBase::CheckSetup() 
   // check may be overridden by derived class
   // (sometimes, eg, fitters are used which can only be implemented during training phase)

void TMVA::MethodBase::InitBase()
   // default initialization called by all constructors
   SetConfigDescription( "Configuration options for classifier architecture and tuning" );

   fNbins              = gConfig().fVariablePlotting.fNbinsXOfROCCurve;
   fNbinsH             = NBIN_HIST_HIGH;

   fSplTrainS          = 0;
   fSplTrainB          = 0;
   fSplTrainEffBvsS    = 0;
   fMeanS              = -1;
   fMeanB              = -1;
   fRmsS               = -1;
   fRmsB               = -1;
   fXmin               = DBL_MAX;
   fXmax               = -DBL_MAX;
   fTxtWeightsOnly     = kTRUE;
   fSplRefS            = 0;
   fSplRefB            = 0;

   fTrainTime          = -1.;
   fTestTime           = -1.;

   fRanking            = 0;

   // temporary until the move to DataSet is complete
   fInputVars = new std::vector<TString>;
   for (UInt_t ivar=0; ivar<GetNvar(); ivar++) {
   fRegressionReturnVal = 0;

   fEventCollections.resize( 2 ); = 0; = 0;

   // define "this" pointer

   // retrieve signal and background class index
   if (DataInfo().GetClassInfo("Signal") != 0) {
      fSignalClass = DataInfo().GetClassInfo("Signal")->GetNumber();
   if (DataInfo().GetClassInfo("Background") != 0) {
      fBackgroundClass = DataInfo().GetClassInfo("Background")->GetNumber();

   SetConfigDescription( "Configuration options for MVA method" );
   SetConfigName( TString("Method") + GetMethodTypeName() );

void TMVA::MethodBase::DeclareBaseOptions()
   // define the options (their key words) that can be set in the option string
   // here the options valid for ALL MVA methods are declared.
   // know options: VariableTransform=None,Decorrelated,PCA  to use transformed variables
   //                                                        instead of the original ones
   //               VariableTransformType=Signal,Background  which decorrelation matrix to use
   //                                                        in the method. Only the Likelihood
   //                                                        Method can make proper use of independent
   //                                                        transformations of signal and background
   //               fNbinsMVAPdf   = 50 Number of bins used to create a PDF of MVA
   //               fNsmoothMVAPdf =  2 Number of times a histogram is smoothed before creating the PDF
   //               fHasMVAPdfs         create PDFs for the MVA outputs
   //               V                   for Verbose output (!V) for non verbos
   //               H                   for Help message

   DeclareOptionRef( fVerbose, "V", "Verbose output (short form of \"VerbosityLevel\" below - overrides the latter one)" );
   DeclareOptionRef( fVerbosityLevelString="Default", "VerbosityLevel", "Verbosity level" );
   AddPreDefVal( TString("Default") ); // uses default defined in MsgLogger header
   AddPreDefVal( TString("Debug")   );
   AddPreDefVal( TString("Verbose") );
   AddPreDefVal( TString("Info")    );
   AddPreDefVal( TString("Warning") );
   AddPreDefVal( TString("Error")   );
   AddPreDefVal( TString("Fatal")   );

   // If True (default): write all training results (weights) as text files only; 
   // if False: write also in ROOT format (not available for all methods - will abort if not
   fTxtWeightsOnly = kTRUE;  // OBSOLETE !!!
   fNormalise      = kFALSE; // OBSOLETE !!!

   DeclareOptionRef( fVarTransformString, "VarTransform", "List of variable transformations performed before training, e.g., \"D_Background,P_Signal,G,N_AllClasses\" for: \"Decorrelation, PCA-transformation, Gaussianisation, Normalisation, each for the given class of events ('AllClasses' denotes all events of all classes, if no class indication is given, 'All' is assumed)\"" );

   DeclareOptionRef( fHelp, "H", "Print method-specific help message" );

   DeclareOptionRef( fHasMVAPdfs, "CreateMVAPdfs", "Create PDFs for classifier outputs (signal and background)" );

   DeclareOptionRef( fIgnoreNegWeightsInTraining, "IgnoreNegWeightsInTraining", 
                     "Events with negative weights are ignored in the training (but are included for testing and performance evaluation)" );

void TMVA::MethodBase::ProcessBaseOptions()
   // the option string is decoded, for availabel options see "DeclareOptions"

   if (HasMVAPdfs()) {
      // setting the default bin num... maybe should be static ? ==> Please no static (JS)
      // You can't use the logger in the constructor!!! Log() << kINFO << "Create PDFs" << Endl;
      // reading every PDF's definition and passing the option string to the next one to be read and marked
      fDefaultPDF = new PDF( TString(GetName())+"_PDF", GetOptions(), "MVAPdf" );
      fMVAPdfB = new PDF( TString(GetName())+"_PDFBkg", fDefaultPDF->GetOptions(), "MVAPdfBkg", fDefaultPDF );
      fMVAPdfS = new PDF( TString(GetName())+"_PDFSig", fMVAPdfB->GetOptions(),    "MVAPdfSig", fDefaultPDF );

      // the final marked option string is written back to the original methodbase
      SetOptions( fMVAPdfS->GetOptions() );
   if (fVarTransformString != "None") {
      TList* trList = gTools().ParseFormatLine( fVarTransformString, "," );
      TListIter trIt(trList);

      while (TObjString* os = (TObjString*)trIt()) {
         TList* trClsList = gTools().ParseFormatLine( os->GetString(), "_" ); // split entry to get trf-name and class-name
         TListIter trClsIt(trClsList);
         const TString& trName = ((TObjString*)trClsList->At(0))->GetString();
         TString trCls = "AllClasses";
         ClassInfo *ci = NULL;
         Int_t idxCls = -1;
         if (trClsList->GetEntries() > 1) {
            trCls  = ((TObjString*)trClsList->At(1))->GetString();
            if (trCls == "AllClasses") {
               // do nothing, everything is set already
            else {
               ci = DataInfo().GetClassInfo( trCls );
               if (ci == NULL)
                  Log() << kFATAL << "Class " << trCls << " not known for variable transformation "
                        << trName << ", please check." << Endl;
                  idxCls = ci->GetNumber();

         if      (trName == "D" || trName == "Deco" || trName == "Decorrelate")
            GetTransformationHandler().AddTransformation( new VariableDecorrTransform   ( DataInfo()) , idxCls );
         else if (trName == "P" || trName == "PCA")
            GetTransformationHandler().AddTransformation( new VariablePCATransform      ( DataInfo()), idxCls );
         else if (trName == "G" || trName == "Gauss")
            GetTransformationHandler().AddTransformation( new VariableGaussTransform    ( DataInfo()), idxCls );
         else if (trName == "N" || trName == "Norm" || trName == "Normalise" || trName == "Normalize")
            GetTransformationHandler().AddTransformation( new VariableNormalizeTransform( DataInfo()), idxCls );
            Log() << kFATAL << "<ProcessOptions> Variable transform '"
                  << trName << "' unknown." << Endl;

   if (!HasMVAPdfs()) {
      if (fDefaultPDF!= 0) { delete fDefaultPDF; fDefaultPDF = 0; }
      if (fMVAPdfS   != 0) { delete fMVAPdfS; fMVAPdfS = 0; }
      if (fMVAPdfB   != 0) { delete fMVAPdfB; fMVAPdfB = 0; }

   if (fVerbose) { // overwrites other settings
      fVerbosityLevelString = TString("Verbose");
      Log().SetMinType( kVERBOSE );
   else if (fVerbosityLevelString == "Debug"   ) Log().SetMinType( kDEBUG );
   else if (fVerbosityLevelString == "Verbose" ) Log().SetMinType( kVERBOSE );
   else if (fVerbosityLevelString == "Info"    ) Log().SetMinType( kINFO );
   else if (fVerbosityLevelString == "Warning" ) Log().SetMinType( kWARNING );
   else if (fVerbosityLevelString == "Error"   ) Log().SetMinType( kERROR );
   else if (fVerbosityLevelString == "Fatal"   ) Log().SetMinType( kFATAL );
   else if (fVerbosityLevelString != "Default" ) {
      Log() << kFATAL << "<ProcessOptions> Verbosity level type '"
            << fVerbosityLevelString << "' unknown." << Endl;

void TMVA::MethodBase::TrainMethod()

   // train the MVA method
   if (Help()) PrintHelpMessage();

   // all histograms should be created in the method's subdirectory


   // call training of derived MVA
   Log() << kINFO << "Begin training" << Endl;
   Long64_t nEvents = Data()->GetNEvents();
   // use timer
   Timer traintimer( nEvents, GetName(), kTRUE );
   Log() << kINFO << "End of training                                              " << Endl;
   Log() << kINFO << "Elapsed time for training with " << nEvents <<  " events: "
         << traintimer.GetElapsedTime() << "         " << Endl;

   Log() << kINFO << "Create MVA output for ";

   // create PDFs for the signal and background MVA distributions (if required)
   if (!DoRegression()) {
      Log() << "classification on training sample" << Endl;
      if (HasMVAPdfs()) {
   else {
      Log() << "regression on training sample" << Endl;
      AddRegressionOutput( Types::kTraining );

      if (HasMVAPdfs() ) {
         Log() << "Create PDFs" << Endl;

   // write the current MVA state into stream
   // produced are one text file and one ROOT file

   // produce standalone make class (presently only supported for classification)
   if (!DoRegression()) MakeClass();

   // write additional monitoring histograms to main target file (not the weight file)
   // again, make sure the histograms go into the method's subdirectory

void TMVA::MethodBase::AddRegressionOutput(Types::ETreeType type)
   // prepare tree branch with the method's discriminating variable


   Log() << kINFO << "Create results for " << (type==Types::kTraining?"training":"testing") << Endl;

   ResultsRegression* regRes = (ResultsRegression*)Data()->GetResults(GetMethodName(), type, Types::kRegression);

   Long64_t nEvents = Data()->GetNEvents();

   // use timer
   Timer timer( nEvents, GetName(), kTRUE );

   Log() << kINFO << "Evaluation of " << GetMethodName() << " on "
         << (type==Types::kTraining?"training":"testing") << " sample" << Endl;

   regRes->Resize( nEvents );
   for (Int_t ievt=0; ievt<nEvents; ievt++) {
      std::vector< Float_t > vals = GetRegressionValues();
      regRes->SetValue( vals, ievt );
      timer.DrawProgressBar( ievt );

   Log() << kINFO << "Elapsed time for evaluation of " << nEvents <<  " events: "
         << timer.GetElapsedTime() << "       " << Endl;

   // store time used for testing
   if (type==Types::kTesting)

   TString histNamePrefix(GetTestvarName());
   histNamePrefix += (type==Types::kTraining?"train":"test");
   regRes->CreateDeviationHistograms( histNamePrefix );

void TMVA::MethodBase::AddClassifierOutput( Types::ETreeType type )
   // prepare tree branch with the method's discriminating variable


   ResultsClassification* clRes = 
      (ResultsClassification*)Data()->GetResults(GetMethodName(), type, Types::kClassification );

   Long64_t nEvents = Data()->GetNEvents();

   // use timer
   Timer timer( nEvents, GetName(), kTRUE );

   Log() << kINFO << "Evaluation of " << GetMethodName() << " on "
         << (type==Types::kTraining?"training":"testing") << " sample" << Endl;

   clRes->Resize( nEvents );
   for (Int_t ievt=0; ievt<nEvents; ievt++) {

      clRes->SetValue( GetMvaValue(), ievt );

      // print progress
      Int_t modulo = Int_t(nEvents/100);
      if (ievt%modulo == 0) timer.DrawProgressBar( ievt );

   Log() << kINFO << "Elapsed time for evaluation of " << nEvents <<  " events: "
         << timer.GetElapsedTime() << "       " << Endl;

   // store time used for testing
   if (type==Types::kTesting)


void TMVA::MethodBase::AddClassifierOutputProb( Types::ETreeType type )
   // prepare tree branch with the method's discriminating variable


   ResultsClassification* mvaProb = 
      (ResultsClassification*)Data()->GetResults(TString("prob_")+GetMethodName(), type, Types::kClassification );

   Long64_t nEvents = Data()->GetNEvents();

   // use timer
   Timer timer( nEvents, GetName(), kTRUE );

   Log() << kINFO << "Evaluation of " << GetMethodName() << " on "
         << (type==Types::kTraining?"training":"testing") << " sample" << Endl;

   mvaProb->Resize( nEvents );
   for (Int_t ievt=0; ievt<nEvents; ievt++) {

      Float_t proba = ((Float_t)GetProba( GetMvaValue(), 0.5 ));
      if (proba < 0) break;
      mvaProb->SetValue( proba, ievt );

      // print progress
      Int_t modulo = Int_t(nEvents/100);
      if (ievt%modulo == 0) timer.DrawProgressBar( ievt );

   Log() << kINFO << "Elapsed time for evaluation of " << nEvents <<  " events: "
         << timer.GetElapsedTime() << "       " << Endl;

void TMVA::MethodBase::TestRegression( Double_t& bias, Double_t& biasT, 
                                       Double_t& dev,  Double_t& devT, 
                                       Double_t& rms,  Double_t& rmsT, 
                                       Double_t& mInf, Double_t& mInfT,
                                       Double_t& corr, 
                                       Types::ETreeType type )
   // calculate <sum-of-deviation-squared> of regression output versus "true" value from test sample 
   //   bias = average deviation
   //   dev  = average absolute deviation
   //   rms  = rms of deviation

   Types::ETreeType savedType = Data()->GetCurrentType();

   bias = 0; biasT = 0; dev = 0; devT = 0; rms = 0; rmsT = 0;
   Double_t sumw = 0;
   Double_t m1 = 0, m2 = 0, s1 = 0, s2 = 0, s12 = 0; // for correlation
   const Int_t nevt = GetNEvents();
   Float_t* rV = new Float_t[nevt];
   Float_t* tV = new Float_t[nevt];
   Float_t* wV = new Float_t[nevt];
   Float_t  xmin = 1e30, xmax = -1e30;
   for (Long64_t ievt=0; ievt<nevt; ievt++) {
      const Event* ev = Data()->GetEvent(ievt); // NOTE: need untransformed event here !
      Float_t t = ev->GetTarget(0);
      Float_t w = ev->GetWeight();
      Float_t r = GetRegressionValues()[0];
      Float_t d = (r-t);

      // find min/max
      xmin = TMath::Min(xmin, TMath::Min(t, r));
      xmax = TMath::Max(xmax, TMath::Max(t, r));

      // store for truncated RMS computation
      rV[ievt] = r;
      tV[ievt] = t;
      wV[ievt] = w;
      // compute deviation-squared
      sumw += w;
      bias += w * d;
      dev  += w * TMath::Abs(d);
      rms  += w * d * d;

      // compute correlation between target and regression estimate
      m1  += t*w; s1 += t*t*w;
      m2  += r*w; s2 += r*r*w;
      s12 += t*r;

   // standard quantities
   bias /= sumw;
   dev  /= sumw;
   rms  /= sumw;
   rms  = TMath::Sqrt(rms - bias*bias);

   // correlation
   m1   /= sumw; 
   m2   /= sumw; 
   corr  = s12/sumw - m1*m2;
   corr /= TMath::Sqrt( (s1/sumw - m1*m1) * (s2/sumw - m2*m2) );

   // create histogram required for computeation of mutual information
   TH2F* hist  = new TH2F( "hist",  "hist",  150, xmin, xmax, 100, xmin, xmax );
   TH2F* histT = new TH2F( "histT", "histT", 150, xmin, xmax, 100, xmin, xmax );

   // compute truncated RMS and fill histogram
   Double_t devMax = bias + 2*rms;
   Double_t devMin = bias - 2*rms;
   sumw = 0;
   int ic=0;
   for (Long64_t ievt=0; ievt<nevt; ievt++) {
      Float_t d = (rV[ievt] - tV[ievt]);
      hist->Fill( rV[ievt], tV[ievt], wV[ievt] );
      if (d >= devMin && d <= devMax) {
         sumw  += wV[ievt];
         biasT += wV[ievt] * d;
         devT  += wV[ievt] * TMath::Abs(d);
         rmsT  += wV[ievt] * d * d;       
         histT->Fill( rV[ievt], tV[ievt], wV[ievt] );
   biasT /= sumw;
   devT  /= sumw;
   rmsT  /= sumw;
   rmsT  = TMath::Sqrt(rmsT - biasT*biasT);
   mInf  = gTools().GetMutualInformation( *hist );
   mInfT = gTools().GetMutualInformation( *histT );

   delete hist;
   delete histT;

   delete [] rV;
   delete [] tV;
   delete [] wV;


void TMVA::MethodBase::TestClassification()
   // initialization

   ResultsClassification* mvaRes = dynamic_cast<ResultsClassification*>
      ( Data()->GetResults(GetMethodName(),Types::kTesting, Types::kClassification) );
   // sanity checks: tree must exist, and theVar must be in tree
   if (0==mvaRes && !(GetMethodTypeName().Contains("Cuts"))) {
      Log() << "mvaRes " << mvaRes << " GetMethodTypeName " << GetMethodTypeName()
            << " contains " << !(GetMethodTypeName().Contains("Cuts")) << Endl;
      Log() << kFATAL << "<TestInit> Test variable " << GetTestvarName()
            << " not found in tree" << Endl;
   // basic statistics operations are made in base class
   gTools().ComputeStat( GetEventCollection(Types::kTesting), mvaRes->GetValueVector(),
                         fMeanS, fMeanB, fRmsS, fRmsB, fXmin, fXmax, fSignalClass );
   // choose reasonable histogram ranges, by removing outliers
   Double_t nrms = 10;
   fXmin = TMath::Max( TMath::Min( fMeanS - nrms*fRmsS, fMeanB - nrms*fRmsB ), fXmin );
   fXmax = TMath::Min( TMath::Max( fMeanS + nrms*fRmsS, fMeanB + nrms*fRmsB ), fXmax );
   // determine cut orientation
   fCutOrientation = (fMeanS > fMeanB) ? kPositive : kNegative;
   // fill 2 types of histograms for the various analyses
   // this one is for actual plotting
   Double_t sxmax = fXmax+0.00001;
   // classifier response distributions for training sample
   // MVA plots used for graphics representation (signal)
   TH1* mva_s = new TH1F( GetTestvarName() + "_S",GetTestvarName() + "_S", fNbins, fXmin, sxmax );
   TH1* mva_b = new TH1F( GetTestvarName() + "_B",GetTestvarName() + "_B", fNbins, fXmin, sxmax );
   mvaRes->Store(mva_s, "MVA_S");
   mvaRes->Store(mva_b, "MVA_B");

   TH1* proba_s = 0;
   TH1* proba_b = 0;
   TH1* rarity_s = 0;
   TH1* rarity_b = 0;
   if (HasMVAPdfs()) {
      // P(MVA) plots used for graphics representation
      proba_s = new TH1F( GetTestvarName() + "_Proba_S", GetTestvarName() + "_Proba_S", fNbins, 0.0, 1.0 );
      proba_b = new TH1F( GetTestvarName() + "_Proba_B", GetTestvarName() + "_Proba_B", fNbins, 0.0, 1.0 );
      mvaRes->Store(proba_s, "Prob_S");
      mvaRes->Store(proba_b, "Prob_B");

      // R(MVA) plots used for graphics representation
      rarity_s = new TH1F( GetTestvarName() + "_Rarity_S", GetTestvarName() + "_Rarity_S", fNbins, 0.0, 1.0 );
      rarity_b = new TH1F( GetTestvarName() + "_Rarity_B", GetTestvarName() + "_Rarity_B", fNbins, 0.0, 1.0 );
      mvaRes->Store(rarity_s, "Rar_S");
      mvaRes->Store(rarity_b, "Rar_B");
   // MVA plots used for efficiency calculations (large number of bins)
   TH1* mva_eff_s = new TH1F( GetTestvarName() + "_S_high", GetTestvarName() + "_S_high", fNbinsH, fXmin, sxmax );
   TH1* mva_eff_b = new TH1F( GetTestvarName() + "_B_high", GetTestvarName() + "_B_high", fNbinsH, fXmin, sxmax );
   mvaRes->Store(mva_eff_s, "MVA_HIGHBIN_S");
   mvaRes->Store(mva_eff_b, "MVA_HIGHBIN_B");
   // fill the histograms
   ResultsClassification* mvaProb = dynamic_cast<ResultsClassification*>
      (Data()->GetResults( TString("prob_")+GetMethodName(), Types::kTesting, Types::kMaxAnalysisType ) );
   Log() << kINFO << "Loop over test events and fill histograms with classifier response..." << Endl;
   if (mvaProb) Log() << kINFO << "Also filling probability and rarity histograms (on request)..." << Endl;
   for (Long64_t ievt=0; ievt<GetNEvents(); ievt++) {
      const Event* ev = GetEvent(ievt);
      Float_t v = (*mvaRes)[ievt];
      Float_t w = ev->GetWeight();
      if (DataInfo().IsSignal(ev)) {
         mva_s ->Fill( v, w );
         if (mvaProb) {
            proba_s->Fill( (*mvaProb)[ievt], w );
            rarity_s->Fill( GetRarity( v ), w );
         mva_eff_s ->Fill( v, w );
      else {
         mva_b ->Fill( v, w );
         if (mvaProb) {
            proba_b->Fill( (*mvaProb)[ievt], w );
            rarity_b->Fill( GetRarity( v ), w );
         mva_eff_b ->Fill( v, w );
   gTools().NormHist( mva_s  );
   gTools().NormHist( mva_b  );
   gTools().NormHist( proba_s );
   gTools().NormHist( proba_b );
   gTools().NormHist( rarity_s );
   gTools().NormHist( rarity_b );
   gTools().NormHist( mva_eff_s  );
   gTools().NormHist( mva_eff_b  );
   // create PDFs from histograms, using default splines, and no additional smoothing
   if (fSplS) { delete fSplS; fSplS = 0; }
   if (fSplB) { delete fSplB; fSplB = 0; }
   fSplS = new PDF( TString(GetName()) + " PDF Sig", mva_s, PDF::kSpline2 );
   fSplB = new PDF( TString(GetName()) + " PDF Bkg", mva_b, PDF::kSpline2 );

void TMVA::MethodBase::WriteStateToStream( std::ostream& tf, Bool_t isClass ) const
   // general method used in writing the header of the weight files where
   // the used variables, variable transformation type etc. is specified

   TString prefix = "";
   UserGroup_t * userInfo = gSystem->GetUserInfo();

   tf << prefix << "#GEN -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- general info -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-" << endl << prefix << endl;
   tf << prefix << "Method         : " << GetMethodTypeName() << "::" << GetMethodName() << endl;
   tf << prefix << "TMVA Release   : " << std::setw(10) << GetTrainingTMVAVersionString() << "    ["
      << GetTrainingTMVAVersionCode() << "]" << endl;
   tf << prefix << "ROOT Release   : " << std::setw(10) << GetTrainingROOTVersionString() << "    ["
      << GetTrainingROOTVersionCode() << "]" << endl;
   tf << prefix << "Creator        : " << userInfo->fUser << endl;
   tf << prefix << "Date           : "; TDatime *d = new TDatime; tf << d->AsString() << endl; delete d;
   tf << prefix << "Host           : " << gSystem->GetBuildNode() << endl;
   tf << prefix << "Dir            : " << gSystem->WorkingDirectory() << endl;
   tf << prefix << "Training events: " << Data()->GetNTrainingEvents() << endl;

   TString analysisType(((const_cast<TMVA::MethodBase*>(this)->GetAnalysisType()==Types::kRegression) ? "Regression" : "Classification"));

   tf << prefix << "Analysis type  : " << "[" << analysisType.Data() << "]" << endl;
   tf << prefix << endl;

   delete userInfo;

   // First write all options
   tf << prefix << endl << prefix << "#OPT -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- options -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-" << endl << prefix << endl;
   WriteOptionsToStream( tf, prefix );
   tf << prefix << endl;

   // Second write variable info
   tf << prefix << endl << prefix << "#VAR -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* variables *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-" << endl << prefix << endl;
   WriteVarsToStream( tf, prefix );
   tf << prefix << endl;

   // Third write transformation data if available
   // this is weight file specific information: not written if class is made
   if (isClass) return;

   tf << endl << "#MAT -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* transformation data -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-" << endl;
   GetTransformationHandler().WriteToStream( tf );
   tf << endl;
   // Fourth write the MVA variable distributions
   if (HasMVAPdfs()) {
      tf << endl << "#MVAPDFS -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* MVA PDFS -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-" << endl;
      tf << *fMVAPdfS << endl;
      tf << *fMVAPdfB << endl;
      tf << endl;
   // Lst, write weights
   tf << endl << "#WGT -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- weights -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-" << endl << endl;
   // no weights when standalone class is produced, which would be duplication
   WriteWeightsToStream( tf );

void TMVA::MethodBase::AddInfoItem( void* gi, const TString& name, const TString& value) const 
   // xml writing
   void* it = gTools().xmlengine().NewChild(gi,0,"Info");
   gTools().xmlengine().NewAttr(it,0,"name", name);
   gTools().xmlengine().NewAttr(it,0,"value", value);

void TMVA::MethodBase::WriteStateToXML( void* parent ) const
   // general method used in writing the header of the weight files where
   // the used variables, variable transformation type etc. is specified
   if (!parent) return;

   UserGroup_t* userInfo = gSystem->GetUserInfo();

   void* gi = gTools().xmlengine().NewChild(parent, 0, "GeneralInfo");
   AddInfoItem( gi, "TMVA Release", GetTrainingTMVAVersionString() + " [" + gTools().StringFromInt(GetTrainingTMVAVersionCode()) + "]" );
   AddInfoItem( gi, "ROOT Release", GetTrainingROOTVersionString() + " [" + gTools().StringFromInt(GetTrainingROOTVersionCode()) + "]");
   AddInfoItem( gi, "Creator", userInfo->fUser);
   TDatime dt; AddInfoItem( gi, "Date", dt.AsString());
   AddInfoItem( gi, "Host", gSystem->GetBuildNode() );
   AddInfoItem( gi, "Dir", gSystem->WorkingDirectory());
   AddInfoItem( gi, "Training events", gTools().StringFromInt(Data()->GetNTrainingEvents()));
   AddInfoItem( gi, "TrainingTime", gTools().StringFromDouble(const_cast<TMVA::MethodBase*>(this)->GetTrainTime()));

   TString analysisType(((const_cast<TMVA::MethodBase*>(this)->GetAnalysisType()==Types::kRegression) ? "Regression" : "Classification"));
   AddInfoItem( gi, "AnalysisType", analysisType );
   delete userInfo;

   // write options
   AddOptionsXMLTo( parent );

   // write variable info
   AddVarsXMLTo( parent );

   // write target info if in regression mode

   // write transformations
   GetTransformationHandler().AddXMLTo( parent );
   // write MVA variable distributions
   void* pdfs = gTools().xmlengine().NewChild(parent, 0, "MVAPdfs");
   if (fMVAPdfS) fMVAPdfS->AddXMLTo(pdfs);
   if (fMVAPdfB) fMVAPdfB->AddXMLTo(pdfs);
   // write weights
   AddWeightsXMLTo( parent );

void TMVA::MethodBase::WriteStateToStream( TFile& rf ) const
   // write reference MVA distributions (and other information)
   // to a ROOT type weight file;
   if (fMVAPdfS && fMVAPdfB) {

   WriteWeightsToStream( rf );

void TMVA::MethodBase::ReadStateFromStream( TFile& rf )
   // write reference MVA distributions (and other information)
   // to a ROOT type weight file

   Bool_t addDirStatus = TH1::AddDirectoryStatus();
   TH1::AddDirectory( 0 ); // this avoids the binding of the hists in PDF to the current ROOT file
   fMVAPdfS = (TMVA::PDF*)rf.Get( "MVA_PDF_Signal" );
   fMVAPdfB = (TMVA::PDF*)rf.Get( "MVA_PDF_Background" );

   TH1::AddDirectory( addDirStatus );

   ReadWeightsFromStream( rf );


void TMVA::MethodBase::WriteStateToFile() const
   // write options and weights to file
   // note that each one text file for the main configuration information
   // and one ROOT file for ROOT objects are created

   // ---- create the text file
   TString tfname( GetWeightFileName() );

   if (WRITETXT) {
      Log() << kINFO << "Creating weight file in text format: "
            << gTools().Color("lightblue") << tfname << gTools().Color("reset") << Endl;

      ofstream tfile( tfname );
      if (!tfile.good()) { // file could not be opened --> Error
         Log() << kFATAL << "<WriteStateToFile> "
               << "Unable to open output weight file: " << tfname << Endl;
      WriteStateToStream( tfile, kFALSE );


   if (!fTxtWeightsOnly) {
      // ---- create the ROOT file
      TString rfname( tfname ); rfname.ReplaceAll( ".txt", ".root" );
      Log() << kINFO << "Creating weight file in root format: "
            << gTools().Color("lightblue") << rfname << gTools().Color("reset") << Endl;
      TFile* rfile = TFile::Open( rfname, "RECREATE" );
      WriteStateToStream( *rfile );

   // writing xml file
   if (WRITEXML) {
      TString xmlfname( tfname ); xmlfname.ReplaceAll( ".txt", ".xml" );
      Log() << kINFO << "Creating weight file in xml format: "
            << gTools().Color("lightblue") << xmlfname << gTools().Color("reset") << Endl;
      void* doc      = gTools().xmlengine().NewDoc();
      void* rootnode = gTools().xmlengine().NewChild(0,0,"MethodSetup");
      gTools().xmlengine().NewAttr(rootnode,0,"Method", GetMethodTypeName() + "::" + GetMethodName());

void TMVA::MethodBase::ReadStateFromFile()
   // Function to write options and weights to file

   // get the filename

   TString tfname(GetWeightFileName());

   Log() << kINFO << "Reading weight file: "
         << gTools().Color("lightblue") << tfname << gTools().Color("reset") << Endl;

   if (tfname.EndsWith(".xml") ) {
      void* doc = gTools().xmlengine().ParseFile(tfname); 
      void* rootnode = gTools().xmlengine().DocGetRootElement(doc); // node "MethodSetup"
   else {
      filebuf fb;,ios::in);
      if (!fb.is_open()) { // file not found --> Error
         Log() << kFATAL << "<ReadStateFromFile> "
               << "Unable to open input weight file: " << tfname << Endl;
      istream fin(&fb);
   if (!fTxtWeightsOnly) {
      // ---- read the ROOT file
      TString rfname( tfname ); rfname.ReplaceAll( ".txt", ".root" );
      Log() << kINFO << "Reading root weight file: "
            << gTools().Color("lightblue") << rfname << gTools().Color("reset") << Endl;
      TFile* rfile = TFile::Open( rfname, "READ" );
      ReadStateFromStream( *rfile );

   // update transformation handler
   if (GetTransformationHandler().GetCallerName() == "") GetTransformationHandler().SetCallerName( GetName() );


void TMVA::MethodBase::ReadStateFromXML( void* methodNode ) 
   TString fullMethodName;
   gTools().ReadAttr( methodNode, "Method", fullMethodName );
   fMethodName = fullMethodName(fullMethodName.Index("::")+2,fullMethodName.Length());

   // update logger
   Log().SetSource( GetName() );
   Log() << kINFO << "Read method \"" << GetMethodName() << "\" of type \"" << GetMethodTypeName() << "\"" << Endl;

   void* ch = 0;
   TString nodeName("");

   ch = gTools().xmlengine().GetChild(methodNode);
   while (ch!=0) {
      nodeName = TString( gTools().xmlengine().GetNodeName(ch) );

      if (nodeName=="GeneralInfo") {
         // read analysis type
         TString readAnalysisType;

         void* antypeNode = gTools().xmlengine().GetChild(ch);

         readAnalysisType = "no type defined";
         while (antypeNode) {
            nodeName = TString( gTools().xmlengine().GetNodeName(antypeNode) );

            TString name;
            gTools().ReadAttr( antypeNode, "name",   name   );
            gTools().ReadAttr( antypeNode, "value",  readAnalysisType );
            if (name == "TrainingTime")
               gTools().ReadAttr( antypeNode, "value",  fTrainTime );
            if (name == "AnalysisType") break;

            antypeNode = gTools().xmlengine().GetNext(antypeNode);

         if      (readAnalysisType == "regression" )     SetAnalysisType( Types::kRegression );
         else if (readAnalysisType == "classification" ) SetAnalysisType( Types::kClassification );
         else Log() << kFATAL << "Analysis type " << readAnalysisType << " is not known." << Endl;
      else if (nodeName=="Options") {
      else if (nodeName=="Variables") {
      else if (nodeName=="Targets") {
         if(DataInfo().GetNTargets()==0 && DoRegression())
      else if (nodeName=="Transformations") {
      else if (nodeName=="MVAPdfs") {
         TString pdfname;
         if (fMVAPdfS) delete fMVAPdfS;
         if (fMVAPdfB) delete fMVAPdfB;
         void* pdfnode = gTools().xmlengine().GetChild(ch);
         if (pdfnode) {
            gTools().ReadAttr(pdfnode, "Name", pdfname);
            fMVAPdfS = new PDF(pdfname);
            pdfnode = gTools().xmlengine().GetNext(pdfnode);
            gTools().ReadAttr(pdfnode, "Name", pdfname);
            fMVAPdfB = new PDF(pdfname);
      else if (nodeName=="Weights") {
      else {
         std::cout << "Unparsed: " << nodeName << std::endl;
      ch = gTools().xmlengine().GetNext(ch);

void TMVA::MethodBase::ReadStateFromStream( std::istream& fin )
   // read the header from the weight files of the different MVA methods
   char buf[512];

   // first read the method name
   while (!TString(buf).BeginsWith("Method")) GetLine(fin,buf);
   TString namestr(buf);

   TString methodType = namestr(0,namestr.Index("::"));
   methodType = methodType(methodType.Last(' '),methodType.Length());
   methodType = methodType.Strip(TString::kLeading);

   TString methodName = namestr(namestr.Index("::")+2,namestr.Length());
   methodName = methodName.Strip(TString::kLeading);
   if (methodName == "") methodName = methodType;
   fMethodName  = methodName;

   Log() << kINFO << "Read method \"" << GetMethodName() << "\" of type \"" << GetMethodTypeName() << "\"" << Endl;

   // update logger
   Log().SetSource( GetName() );

   // now the question is whether to read the variables first or the options (well, of course the order
   // of writing them needs to agree)
   // the option "Decorrelation" is needed to decide if the variables we
   // read are decorrelated or not
   // the variables are needed by some methods (TMLP) to build the NN
   // which is done in ProcessOptions so for the time being we first Read and Parse the options then
   // we read the variables, and then we process the options

   // now read all options
   while (!TString(buf).BeginsWith("#OPT")) GetLine(fin,buf);

   // Now read variable info
   while (!TString(buf).BeginsWith("#VAR")) fin.getline(buf,512);

   Log() << kINFO << "Create VariableTransformation \"" << fVarTransformString << "\"" << Endl;
   TList* trList = gTools().ParseFormatLine( fVarTransformString, "," );
   TListIter trIt(trList);

   while (TObjString* os = (TObjString*)trIt()) {
      const TString& s = os->GetString();
      Int_t idxCls = -1;
      if (s == "Decorrelate" || s == "D" ) {
         GetTransformationHandler().AddTransformation( new VariableDecorrTransform(DataInfo()), idxCls );
      else if (s == "PCA" || s == "P" ) {
         GetTransformationHandler().AddTransformation( new VariablePCATransform(DataInfo()), idxCls );
      else if (s == "Gauss" || s == "G" ) {
         GetTransformationHandler().AddTransformation( new VariableGaussTransform(DataInfo()), idxCls );
      else if (s == "Norm" || s == "N" ) {
         GetTransformationHandler().AddTransformation( new VariableNormalizeTransform(DataInfo()), idxCls );
      else {
         if (s != "None")
            Log() << kFATAL << "<ProcessOptions> Variable transform '"
                  << s << "' unknown." << Endl;

   // now we process the options (of the derived class)
   // Now read decorrelation matrix if available
   if (GetTransformationHandler().GetTransformationList().GetSize() > 0) {
      while (!TString(buf).BeginsWith("#MAT")) fin.getline(buf,512);

   if (HasMVAPdfs()) {
      // Now read the MVA PDFs
      while (!TString(buf).BeginsWith("#MVAPDFS")) fin.getline(buf,512);
      if (fMVAPdfS != 0) { delete fMVAPdfS; fMVAPdfS = 0; }
      if (fMVAPdfB != 0) { delete fMVAPdfB; fMVAPdfB = 0; }
      fMVAPdfS = new PDF(TString(GetName()) + " MVA PDF Sig");
      fMVAPdfB = new PDF(TString(GetName()) + " MVA PDF Bkg");
      fMVAPdfS->SetReadingVersion( GetTrainingTMVAVersionCode() );
      fMVAPdfB->SetReadingVersion( GetTrainingTMVAVersionCode() );

      fin >> *fMVAPdfS;
      fin >> *fMVAPdfB;

   // Now read weights
   while (!TString(buf).BeginsWith("#WGT")) fin.getline(buf,512);
   ReadWeightsFromStream( fin );;

void TMVA::MethodBase::WriteVarsToStream( std::ostream& o, const TString& prefix ) const
   // write the list of variables (name, min, max) for a given data
   // transformation method to the stream
   o << prefix << "NVar " << DataInfo().GetNVariables() << endl;
   std::vector<VariableInfo>::const_iterator varIt = DataInfo().GetVariableInfos().begin();
   for (; varIt!=DataInfo().GetVariableInfos().end(); varIt++) { o << prefix; varIt->WriteToStream(o); }

void TMVA::MethodBase::ReadVarsFromStream( std::istream& istr )
   // Read the variables (name, min, max) for a given data
   // transformation method from the stream. In the stream we only
   // expect the limits which will be set
   TString dummy;
   UInt_t readNVar;
   istr >> dummy >> readNVar;

   if (readNVar!=DataInfo().GetNVariables()) {
      Log() << kFATAL << "You declared "<< DataInfo().GetNVariables() << " variables in the Reader"
            << " while there are " << readNVar << " variables declared in the file"
            << Endl;

   // we want to make sure all variables are read in the order they are defined
   VariableInfo varInfo;
   std::vector<VariableInfo>::iterator varIt = DataInfo().GetVariableInfos().begin();
   int varIdx = 0;
   for (; varIt!=DataInfo().GetVariableInfos().end(); varIt++, varIdx++) {
      if (varIt->GetExpression() == varInfo.GetExpression()) {
         (*varIt) = varInfo;
      else {
         Log() << kINFO << "ERROR in <ReadVarsFromStream>" << Endl;
         Log() << kINFO << "The definition (or the order) of the variables found in the input file is"  << Endl;
         Log() << kINFO << "is not the same as the one declared in the Reader (which is necessary for" << Endl;
         Log() << kINFO << "the correct working of the method):" << Endl;
         Log() << kINFO << "   var #" << varIdx <<" declared in Reader: " << varIt->GetExpression() << Endl;
         Log() << kINFO << "   var #" << varIdx <<" declared in file  : " << varInfo.GetExpression() << Endl;
         Log() << kFATAL << "The expression declared to the Reader needs to be checked (name or order are wrong)" << Endl;

void TMVA::MethodBase::AddVarsXMLTo( void* parent ) const 
   // write variable info to XML 
   void* vars = gTools().xmlengine().NewChild(parent, 0, "Variables");
   gTools().xmlengine().NewAttr( vars, 0, "NVar", gTools().StringFromInt(DataInfo().GetNVariables()) );

   for (UInt_t idx=0; idx<DataInfo().GetVariableInfos().size(); idx++) {
      VariableInfo& vi = DataInfo().GetVariableInfos()[idx];
      void* var = gTools().xmlengine().NewChild( vars, 0, "Variable" );
      gTools().AddAttr( var, "VarIndex", idx );
      vi.AddToXML( var );

void TMVA::MethodBase::AddTargetsXMLTo( void* parent ) const 
   // write target info to XML 
   void* targets = gTools().xmlengine().NewChild(parent, 0, "Targets");
   gTools().xmlengine().NewAttr( targets, 0, "NTrgt", gTools().StringFromInt(DataInfo().GetNTargets()) );

   for (UInt_t idx=0; idx<DataInfo().GetTargetInfos().size(); idx++) {
      VariableInfo& vi = DataInfo().GetTargetInfos()[idx];
      void* tar = gTools().xmlengine().NewChild( targets, 0, "Target" );
      gTools().AddAttr( tar, "TargetIndex", idx );
      vi.AddToXML( tar );

void TMVA::MethodBase::ReadVariablesFromXML( void* varnode ) 
   // read variable info from XML
   UInt_t readNVar;
   gTools().ReadAttr( varnode, "NVar", readNVar);

   if (readNVar!=DataInfo().GetNVariables()) {
      Log() << kFATAL << "You declared "<< DataInfo().GetNVariables() << " variables in the Reader"
            << " while there are " << readNVar << " variables declared in the file"
            << Endl;

   // we want to make sure all variables are read in the order they are defined
   VariableInfo readVarInfo, existingVarInfo;
   int varIdx = 0;
   void* ch = gTools().xmlengine().GetChild(varnode);
   while (ch) {
      gTools().ReadAttr( ch, "VarIndex", varIdx);
      existingVarInfo = DataInfo().GetVariableInfos()[varIdx];
      if (existingVarInfo.GetExpression() == readVarInfo.GetExpression()) {
         existingVarInfo = readVarInfo;
      else {
         Log() << kINFO << "ERROR in <ReadVariablesFromXML>" << Endl;
         Log() << kINFO << "The definition (or the order) of the variables found in the input file is"  << Endl;
         Log() << kINFO << "is not the same as the one declared in the Reader (which is necessary for" << Endl;
         Log() << kINFO << "the correct working of the method):" << Endl;
         Log() << kINFO << "   var #" << varIdx <<" declared in Reader: " << existingVarInfo.GetExpression() << Endl;
         Log() << kINFO << "   var #" << varIdx <<" declared in file  : " << readVarInfo.GetExpression() << Endl;
         Log() << kFATAL << "The expression declared to the Reader needs to be checked (name or order are wrong)" << Endl;
      ch = gTools().xmlengine().GetNext(ch);

void TMVA::MethodBase::ReadTargetsFromXML( void* tarnode ) 
   // read target info from XML
   UInt_t readNTar;
   gTools().ReadAttr( tarnode, "NTrgt", readNTar);

   int tarIdx = 0;
   TString expression;
   void* ch = gTools().xmlengine().GetChild(tarnode);
   while (ch) {
      gTools().ReadAttr( ch, "TargetIndex", tarIdx);
      gTools().ReadAttr( ch, "Expression", expression);
      ch = gTools().xmlengine().GetNext(ch);

TDirectory* TMVA::MethodBase::BaseDir() const
   // returns the ROOT directory where info/histograms etc of the
   // corresponding MVA method instance are stored

   if (fBaseDir != 0) return fBaseDir;

   TDirectory* methodDir = MethodBaseDir();
   if (methodDir==0)
      Log() << kFATAL << "MethodBase::BaseDir() - MethodBaseDir() return a NULL pointer!" << Endl;

   TDirectory* dir = 0;

   TString defaultDir = GetMethodName();

   TObject* o = methodDir->FindObject(defaultDir);
   if (o!=0 && o->InheritsFrom("TDirectory")) dir = (TDirectory*)o;

   if (dir != 0) return dir;

   TDirectory *sdir = methodDir->mkdir(defaultDir);

   // write weight file name into target file
   TObjString wfilePath( gSystem->WorkingDirectory() );
   TObjString wfileName( GetWeightFileName() );
   wfilePath.Write( "TrainingPath" );
   wfileName.Write( "WeightFileName" );

   return sdir;

TDirectory* TMVA::MethodBase::MethodBaseDir() const
   // returns the ROOT directory where all instances of the
   // corresponding MVA method are stored

   if (fMethodBaseDir != 0) return fMethodBaseDir;

   const TString dirName(Form("Method_%s",GetMethodTypeName().Data()));

   TDirectory * dir = Factory::RootBaseDir()->GetDirectory(dirName);
   if (dir != 0) return dir;

   fMethodBaseDir = Factory::RootBaseDir()->mkdir(dirName,Form("Directory for all %s methods", GetMethodTypeName().Data()));

   return fMethodBaseDir;

void TMVA::MethodBase::SetWeightFileDir( TString fileDir )
   // set directory of weight file

   fFileDir = fileDir;
   gSystem->MakeDirectory( fFileDir );

void TMVA::MethodBase::SetWeightFileName( TString theWeightFile)
   // set the weight file name (depreciated)
   fWeightFile = theWeightFile;

TString TMVA::MethodBase::GetWeightFileName() const
   // retrieve weight file name
   if (fWeightFile!="") return fWeightFile;

   // the default consists of
   // directory/jobname_methodname_suffix.extension.{root/txt}
   TString suffix = "";
   return ( GetWeightFileDir() + "/" + GetJobName() + "_" + GetMethodName() +
            suffix + "." + gConfig().GetIONames().fWeightFileExtension + ".xml" );

void TMVA::MethodBase::WriteEvaluationHistosToFile()
   // writes all MVA evaluation histograms to file

   // write MVA PDFs to file - if exist
   if (0 != fMVAPdfS) {
   if (0 != fMVAPdfB) {

   Log() << kINFO << "Write Results Histos to File" << Endl;

   // write result-histograms
   Results* results = Data()->GetResults( GetMethodName(), Types::kTesting, Types::kMaxAnalysisType );
   if (!results) Log() << kFATAL << "<WriteEvaluationHistosToFile> Unknown result: "
                       << GetTestvarName()+TString("_testing")
                       << endl;

   results = Data()->GetResults( GetMethodName(), Types::kTraining, Types::kMaxAnalysisType );
   if (!results) Log() << kFATAL << "<WriteEvaluationHistosToFile> Unknown result: "
                       << GetTestvarName()+TString("_training")
                       << endl;

   GetTransformationHandler().PlotVariables( GetEventCollection( Types::kTesting ), BaseDir() );


void  TMVA::MethodBase::WriteMonitoringHistosToFile( void ) const
   // write special monitoring histograms to file
   // dummy implementation here -----------------

Bool_t TMVA::MethodBase::GetLine(std::istream& fin, char* buf )
   // reads one line from the input stream
   // checks for certain keywords and interprets
   // the line if keywords are found
   TString line(buf);
   if (line.BeginsWith("TMVA Release")) {
      Ssiz_t start = line.First('[')+1;
      Ssiz_t length = line.Index("]",start)-start;
      TString code = line(start,length);
      std::stringstream s(code.Data());
      s >> fTMVATrainingVersion;
      Log() << kINFO << "MVA method was trained with TMVA Version: " << GetTrainingTMVAVersionString() << Endl;
   if (line.BeginsWith("ROOT Release")) {
      Ssiz_t start = line.First('[')+1;
      Ssiz_t length = line.Index("]",start)-start;
      TString code = line(start,length);
      std::stringstream s(code.Data());
      s >> fROOTTrainingVersion;
      Log() << kINFO << "MVA method was trained with ROOT Version: " << GetTrainingROOTVersionString() << Endl;
   if (line.BeginsWith("Analysis type")) {
      Ssiz_t start = line.First('[')+1;
      Ssiz_t length = line.Index("]",start)-start;
      TString code = line(start,length);
      std::stringstream s(code.Data());
      std::string analysisType;
      s >> analysisType;
      if      (analysisType == "regression"     || analysisType == "Regression")     SetAnalysisType( Types::kRegression );
      else if (analysisType == "classification" || analysisType == "Classification") SetAnalysisType( Types::kClassification );
      else Log() << kFATAL << "Analysis type " << analysisType << " from weight-file not known!" << std::endl;

      Log() << kINFO << "Method was trained for " 
            << (GetAnalysisType() == Types::kRegression ? "Regression" : "Classification") << Endl;

   return true;

void TMVA::MethodBase::CreateMVAPdfs()
   // Create PDFs of the MVA output variables


   ResultsClassification * mvaRes = dynamic_cast<ResultsClassification*>
      ( Data()->GetResults(GetMethodName(), Types::kTraining, Types::kClassification) );

   if (mvaRes==0 || mvaRes->GetSize()==0) {
      Log() << kFATAL << "<CreateMVAPdfs> No result of classifier testing available" << Endl;

   Double_t minVal = *std::min_element(mvaRes->GetValueVector()->begin(),mvaRes->GetValueVector()->end());
   Double_t maxVal = *std::max_element(mvaRes->GetValueVector()->begin(),mvaRes->GetValueVector()->end());

   // create histograms that serve as basis to create the MVA Pdfs
   TH1* histMVAPdfS = new TH1F( GetMethodTypeName() + "_tr_S", GetMethodTypeName() + "_tr_S",
                                fMVAPdfS->GetHistNBins( mvaRes->GetSize() ), minVal, maxVal );
   TH1* histMVAPdfB = new TH1F( GetMethodTypeName() + "_tr_B", GetMethodTypeName() + "_tr_B",
                                fMVAPdfB->GetHistNBins( mvaRes->GetSize() ), minVal, maxVal );

   // compute sum of weights properly

   // fill histograms
   for (UInt_t ievt=0; ievt<mvaRes->GetSize(); ievt++) {
      Double_t theVal    = mvaRes->GetValueVector()->at(ievt);
      Double_t theWeight = Data()->GetEvent(ievt)->GetWeight();

      if (DataInfo().IsSignal(Data()->GetEvent(ievt)))
         histMVAPdfS->Fill( theVal, theWeight );
         histMVAPdfB->Fill( theVal, theWeight );

   // normalisation
   gTools().NormHist( histMVAPdfS );
   gTools().NormHist( histMVAPdfB );

   // momentary hack for ROOT problem

   // create PDFs
   fMVAPdfS->BuildPDF   ( histMVAPdfS );
   fMVAPdfB->BuildPDF   ( histMVAPdfB );
   fMVAPdfS->ValidatePDF( histMVAPdfS );
   fMVAPdfB->ValidatePDF( histMVAPdfB );

   if (DataInfo().GetNClasses() == 2) { // TODO: this is an ugly hack.. adapt this to new framework
      Log() << kINFO
            << Form( "<CreateMVAPdfs> Separation from histogram (PDF): %1.3f (%1.3f)",
                     GetSeparation( histMVAPdfS, histMVAPdfB ), GetSeparation( fMVAPdfS, fMVAPdfB ) )
            << Endl;

   delete histMVAPdfS;
   delete histMVAPdfB;

Double_t TMVA::MethodBase::GetProba( Double_t mvaVal, Double_t ap_sig )
   // compute likelihood ratio
   if (!fMVAPdfS || !fMVAPdfB) {
      Log() << kWARNING << "<GetProba> MVA PDFs for Signal and Background don't exist" << Endl;
      return -1.0;
   Double_t p_s = fMVAPdfS->GetVal( mvaVal );
   Double_t p_b = fMVAPdfB->GetVal( mvaVal );

   Double_t denom = p_s*ap_sig + p_b*(1 - ap_sig);

   return (denom > 0) ? (p_s*ap_sig) / denom : -1;

Double_t TMVA::MethodBase::GetRarity( Double_t mvaVal, Types::ESBType reftype ) const
   // compute rarity:
   // R(x) = Integrate_[-oo..x] { PDF(x') dx' }
   // where PDF(x) is the PDF of the classifier's signal or background distribution

   if ((reftype == Types::kSignal && !fMVAPdfS) || (reftype == Types::kBackground && !fMVAPdfB)) {
      Log() << kWARNING << "<GetRarity> Required MVA PDF for Signal or Backgroud does not exist: "
            << "select option \"CreateMVAPdfs\"" << Endl;
      return 0.0;

   PDF* thePdf = ((reftype == Types::kSignal) ? fMVAPdfS : fMVAPdfB);

   return thePdf->GetIntegral( thePdf->GetXmin(), mvaVal );

Double_t TMVA::MethodBase::GetEfficiency( const TString& theString, Types::ETreeType type,Double_t& effSerr )
   // fill background efficiency (resp. rejection) versus signal efficiency plots
   // returns signal efficiency at background efficiency indicated in theString

   Results* results = Data()->GetResults( GetMethodName(), type, Types::kClassification );
   std::vector<Float_t>* mvaRes = dynamic_cast<ResultsClassification*>(results)->GetValueVector();

   // parse input string for required background efficiency
   TList* list  = gTools().ParseFormatLine( theString );

   // sanity check
   Bool_t computeArea = kFALSE;
   if      (!list || list->GetSize() < 2) computeArea = kTRUE; // the area is computed
   else if (list->GetSize() > 2) {
      Log() << kFATAL << "<GetEfficiency> Wrong number of arguments"
            << " in string: " << theString
            << " | required format, e.g., Efficiency:0.05, or empty string" << Endl;
      delete list;
      return -1;

   // sanity check
   if ( results->GetHist("MVA_S")->GetNbinsX() != results->GetHist("MVA_B")->GetNbinsX() ||
        results->GetHist("MVA_HIGHBIN_S")->GetNbinsX() != results->GetHist("MVA_HIGHBIN_B")->GetNbinsX() ) {
      Log() << kFATAL << "<GetEfficiency> Binning mismatch between signal and background histos" << Endl;
      delete list;
      return -1.0;

   // create histograms

   // first, get efficiency histograms for signal and background
   TH1 * effhist = results->GetHist("MVA_HIGHBIN_S");
   Double_t xmin = effhist->GetXaxis()->GetXmin();
   Double_t xmax = effhist->GetXaxis()->GetXmax();

   static Double_t nevtS;

   // first round ? --> create histograms
   if (results->GetHist("MVA_EFF_S")==0) {

      // for efficiency plot
      TH1* eff_s = new TH1F( GetTestvarName() + "_effS", GetTestvarName() + " (signal)",     fNbinsH, xmin, xmax );
      TH1* eff_b = new TH1F( GetTestvarName() + "_effB", GetTestvarName() + " (background)", fNbinsH, xmin, xmax );
      results->Store(eff_s, "MVA_EFF_S");
      results->Store(eff_b, "MVA_EFF_B");

      // sign if cut
      Int_t sign = (fCutOrientation == kPositive) ? +1 : -1;

      // this method is unbinned
      nevtS = 0;
      for (UInt_t ievt=0; ievt<Data()->GetNEvents(); ievt++) {

         // read the tree
         Bool_t  isSignal  = GetEvent(ievt)->IsSignal();
         Float_t theWeight = GetEvent(ievt)->GetWeight();
         Float_t theVal    = (*mvaRes)[ievt];

         // select histogram depending on if sig or bgd
         TH1* theHist = isSignal ? eff_s : eff_b;

         // count signal and background events in tree
         if (isSignal) nevtS+=theWeight;

         TAxis* axis   = theHist->GetXaxis();
         Int_t  maxbin = Int_t((theVal - axis->GetXmin())/(axis->GetXmax() - axis->GetXmin())*fNbinsH) + 1;
         if (sign > 0 && maxbin > fNbinsH) continue; // can happen... event doesn't count
         if (sign < 0 && maxbin < 1      ) continue; // can happen... event doesn't count
         if (sign > 0 && maxbin < 1      ) maxbin = 1;
         if (sign < 0 && maxbin > fNbinsH) maxbin = fNbinsH;

         if (sign > 0)
            for (Int_t ibin=1; ibin<=maxbin; ibin++) theHist->AddBinContent( ibin , theWeight);
         else if (sign < 0)
            for (Int_t ibin=maxbin+1; ibin<=fNbinsH; ibin++) theHist->AddBinContent( ibin , theWeight );
            Log() << kFATAL << "<GetEfficiency> Mismatch in sign" << Endl;

      // renormalise maximum to <=1
      eff_s->Scale( 1.0/TMath::Max(1.,eff_s->GetMaximum()) );
      eff_b->Scale( 1.0/TMath::Max(1.,eff_b->GetMaximum()) );

      // background efficiency versus signal efficiency
      TH1* eff_BvsS = new TH1F( GetTestvarName() + "_effBvsS", GetTestvarName() + "", fNbins, 0, 1 );
      results->Store(eff_BvsS, "MVA_EFF_BvsS");
      eff_BvsS->SetXTitle( "Signal eff" );
      eff_BvsS->SetYTitle( "Backgr eff" );

      // background rejection (=1-eff.) versus signal efficiency
      TH1* rej_BvsS = new TH1F( GetTestvarName() + "_rejBvsS", GetTestvarName() + "", fNbins, 0, 1 );
      rej_BvsS->SetXTitle( "Signal eff" );
      rej_BvsS->SetYTitle( "Backgr rejection (1-eff)" );

      // inverse background eff (1/eff.) versus signal efficiency
      TH1* inveff_BvsS = new TH1F( GetTestvarName() + "_invBeffvsSeff",
                                   GetTestvarName(), fNbins, 0, 1 );
      inveff_BvsS->SetXTitle( "Signal eff" );
      inveff_BvsS->SetYTitle( "Inverse backgr. eff (1/eff)" );

      // use root finder
      // spline background efficiency plot
      // note that there is a bin shift when going from a TH1F object to a TGraph :-(
      if (Use_Splines_for_Eff_) {
         fSplRefS  = new TSpline1( "spline2_signal",     new TGraph( eff_s ) );
         fSplRefB  = new TSpline1( "spline2_background", new TGraph( eff_b ) );

         // verify spline sanity
         gTools().CheckSplines( eff_s, fSplRefS );
         gTools().CheckSplines( eff_b, fSplRefB );

      // make the background-vs-signal efficiency plot

      // create root finder
      // reset static "this" pointer before calling external function
      RootFinder rootFinder( &IGetEffForRoot, fXmin, fXmax );

      Double_t effB = 0;
      fEffS = eff_s; // to be set for the root finder
      for (Int_t bini=1; bini<=fNbins; bini++) {

         // find cut value corresponding to a given signal efficiency
         Double_t effS = eff_BvsS->GetBinCenter( bini );
         Double_t cut  = rootFinder.Root( effS );

         // retrieve background efficiency for given cut
         if (Use_Splines_for_Eff_) effB = fSplRefB->Eval( cut );
         else                      effB = eff_b->GetBinContent( eff_b->FindBin( cut ) );

         // and fill histograms
         eff_BvsS->SetBinContent( bini, effB     );
         rej_BvsS->SetBinContent( bini, 1.0-effB );
         if (effB>std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon())
            inveff_BvsS->SetBinContent( bini, 1.0/effB );

      // create splines for histogram
      fSpleffBvsS = new TSpline1( "effBvsS", new TGraph( eff_BvsS ) );

      // search for overlap point where, when cutting on it,
      // one would obtain: eff_S = rej_B = 1 - eff_B
      Double_t effS, rejB, effS_ = 0, rejB_ = 0;
      Int_t    nbins_ = 5000;
      for (Int_t bini=1; bini<=nbins_; bini++) {

         // get corresponding signal and background efficiencies
         effS = (bini - 0.5)/Float_t(nbins_);
         rejB = 1.0 - fSpleffBvsS->Eval( effS );

         // find signal efficiency that corresponds to required background efficiency
         if ((effS - rejB)*(effS_ - rejB_) < 0) break;
         effS_ = effS;
         rejB_ = rejB;

      // find cut that corresponds to signal efficiency and update signal-like criterion
      Double_t cut = rootFinder.Root( 0.5*(effS + effS_) );
      SetSignalReferenceCut( cut );
      fEffS = 0;

   // must exist...
   if (0 == fSpleffBvsS) {
      delete list;
      return 0.0;

   // now find signal efficiency that corresponds to required background efficiency
   Double_t effS = 0, effB = 0, effS_ = 0, effB_ = 0;
   Int_t    nbins_ = 1000;

   if (computeArea) {

      // compute area of rej-vs-eff plot
      Double_t integral = 0;
      for (Int_t bini=1; bini<=nbins_; bini++) {

         // get corresponding signal and background efficiencies
         effS = (bini - 0.5)/Float_t(nbins_);
         effB = fSpleffBvsS->Eval( effS );
         integral += (1.0 - effB);
      integral /= nbins_;

      delete list;
      return integral;
   else {

      // that will be the value of the efficiency retured (does not affect
      // the efficiency-vs-bkg plot which is done anyway.
      Float_t effBref  = atof( ((TObjString*)list->At(1))->GetString() );

      // find precise efficiency value
      for (Int_t bini=1; bini<=nbins_; bini++) {

         // get corresponding signal and background efficiencies
         effS = (bini - 0.5)/Float_t(nbins_);
         effB = fSpleffBvsS->Eval( effS );

         // find signal efficiency that corresponds to required background efficiency
         if ((effB - effBref)*(effB_ - effBref) <= 0) break;
         effS_ = effS;
         effB_ = effB;

      // take mean between bin above and bin below
      effS = 0.5*(effS + effS_);

      effSerr = 0;
      if (nevtS > 0) effSerr = TMath::Sqrt( effS*(1.0 - effS)/nevtS );

      delete list;
      return effS;

   return -1;

Double_t TMVA::MethodBase::GetTrainingEfficiency(const TString& theString)

   Results* results = Data()->GetResults(GetMethodName(), Types::kTesting, Types::kNoAnalysisType);

   // fill background efficiency (resp. rejection) versus signal efficiency plots
   // returns signal efficiency at background efficiency indicated in theString

   // parse input string for required background efficiency
   TList*  list  = gTools().ParseFormatLine( theString );
   // sanity check

   if (list->GetSize() != 2) {
      Log() << kFATAL << "<GetTrainingEfficiency> Wrong number of arguments"
            << " in string: " << theString
            << " | required format, e.g., Efficiency:0.05" << Endl;
      delete list;
      return -1;
   // that will be the value of the efficiency retured (does not affect
   // the efficiency-vs-bkg plot which is done anyway.
   Float_t effBref  = atof( ((TObjString*)list->At(1))->GetString() );

   delete list;

   // sanity check
   if (results->GetHist("MVA_S")->GetNbinsX() != results->GetHist("MVA_B")->GetNbinsX() ||
       results->GetHist("MVA_HIGHBIN_S")->GetNbinsX() != results->GetHist("MVA_HIGHBIN_B")->GetNbinsX() ) {
      Log() << kFATAL << "<GetTrainingEfficiency> Binning mismatch between signal and background histos"
            << Endl;
      return -1.0;

   // create histogram

   // first, get efficiency histograms for signal and background
   TH1 * effhist = results->GetHist("MVA_HIGHBIN_S");
   Double_t xmin = effhist->GetXaxis()->GetXmin();
   Double_t xmax = effhist->GetXaxis()->GetXmax();

   // first round ? --> create and fill histograms
   if (results->GetHist("MVA_TRAIN_S")==0) {

      // classifier response distributions for test sample
      Double_t sxmax = fXmax+0.00001;

      // MVA plots on the training sample (check for overtraining)
      TH1* mva_s_tr = new TH1F( GetTestvarName() + "_Train_S",GetTestvarName() + "_Train_S", fNbins, fXmin, sxmax );
      TH1* mva_b_tr = new TH1F( GetTestvarName() + "_Train_B",GetTestvarName() + "_Train_B", fNbins, fXmin, sxmax );
      results->Store(mva_s_tr, "MVA_TRAIN_S");
      results->Store(mva_b_tr, "MVA_TRAIN_B");

      // Training efficiency plots
      TH1* mva_eff_tr_s = new TH1F( GetTestvarName() + "_trainingEffS", GetTestvarName() + " (signal)",
                                    fNbinsH, xmin, xmax );
      TH1* mva_eff_tr_b = new TH1F( GetTestvarName() + "_trainingEffB", GetTestvarName() + " (background)",
                                    fNbinsH, xmin, xmax );
      results->Store(mva_eff_tr_s, "MVA_TRAINEFF_S");
      results->Store(mva_eff_tr_b, "MVA_TRAINEFF_B");

      // sign if cut
      Int_t sign = (fCutOrientation == kPositive) ? +1 : -1;

      // this method is unbinned
      for (Int_t ievt=0; ievt<Data()->GetNEvents(); ievt++) {

         const Event* ev = GetEvent();

         Double_t theVal    = GetMvaValue();
         Double_t theWeight = ev->GetWeight();

         TH1* theEffHist = DataInfo().IsSignal(ev) ? mva_eff_tr_s : mva_eff_tr_b;
         TH1* theClsHist = DataInfo().IsSignal(ev) ? mva_s_tr : mva_b_tr;

         theClsHist->Fill( theVal, theWeight );

         TAxis* axis   = theEffHist->GetXaxis();
         Int_t  maxbin = Int_t((theVal - axis->GetXmin())/(axis->GetXmax() - axis->GetXmin())*fNbinsH) + 1;
         if (sign > 0 && maxbin > fNbinsH) continue; // can happen... event doesn't count
         if (sign < 0 && maxbin < 1      ) continue; // can happen... event doesn't count
         if (sign > 0 && maxbin < 1      ) maxbin = 1;
         if (sign < 0 && maxbin > fNbinsH) maxbin = fNbinsH;

         if (sign > 0)
            for (Int_t ibin=1; ibin<=maxbin; ibin++) theEffHist->AddBinContent( ibin , theWeight );
            for (Int_t ibin=maxbin+1; ibin<=fNbinsH; ibin++) theEffHist->AddBinContent( ibin , theWeight );

      // normalise output distributions
      gTools().NormHist( mva_s_tr  );
      gTools().NormHist( mva_s_tr  );

      // renormalise to maximum
      mva_eff_tr_s->Scale( 1.0/TMath::Max(1.0, mva_eff_tr_s->GetMaximum()) );
      mva_eff_tr_b->Scale( 1.0/TMath::Max(1.0, mva_eff_tr_b->GetMaximum()) );

      // Training background efficiency versus signal efficiency
      TH1* eff_bvss = new TH1F( GetTestvarName() + "_trainingEffBvsS", GetTestvarName() + "", fNbins, 0, 1 );
      // Training background rejection (=1-eff.) versus signal efficiency
      TH1* rej_bvss = new TH1F( GetTestvarName() + "_trainingRejBvsS", GetTestvarName() + "", fNbins, 0, 1 );
      results->Store(eff_bvss, "EFF_BVSS_TR");
      results->Store(rej_bvss, "REJ_BVSS_TR");

      // use root finder
      // spline background efficiency plot
      // note that there is a bin shift when going from a TH1F object to a TGraph :-(
      if (Use_Splines_for_Eff_) {
         if (fSplTrainRefS) delete fSplTrainRefS;
         if (fSplTrainRefB) delete fSplTrainRefB;         
         fSplTrainRefS  = new TSpline1( "spline2_signal",     new TGraph( mva_eff_tr_s ) );
         fSplTrainRefB  = new TSpline1( "spline2_background", new TGraph( mva_eff_tr_b ) );

         // verify spline sanity
         gTools().CheckSplines( mva_eff_tr_s, fSplTrainRefS );
         gTools().CheckSplines( mva_eff_tr_b, fSplTrainRefB );

      // make the background-vs-signal efficiency plot

      // create root finder
      // reset static "this" pointer before calling external function
      RootFinder rootFinder(&IGetEffForRoot, fXmin, fXmax );

      Double_t effB = 0;
      fEffS = results->GetHist("MVA_TRAINEFF_S");
      for (Int_t bini=1; bini<=fNbins; bini++) {

         // find cut value corresponding to a given signal efficiency
         Double_t effS = eff_bvss->GetBinCenter( bini );

         Double_t cut  = rootFinder.Root( effS );

         // retrieve background efficiency for given cut
         if (Use_Splines_for_Eff_) effB = fSplTrainRefB->Eval( cut );
         else                      effB = mva_eff_tr_b->GetBinContent( mva_eff_tr_b->FindBin( cut ) );

         // and fill histograms
         eff_bvss->SetBinContent( bini, effB     );
         rej_bvss->SetBinContent( bini, 1.0-effB );
      fEffS = 0;

      // create splines for histogram
      fSplTrainEffBvsS = new TSpline1( "effBvsS", new TGraph( eff_bvss ) );

   // must exist...
   if (0 == fSplTrainEffBvsS) return 0.0;

   // now find signal efficiency that corresponds to required background efficiency
   Double_t effS, effB, effS_ = 0, effB_ = 0;
   Int_t    nbins_ = 1000;
   for (Int_t bini=1; bini<=nbins_; bini++) {

      // get corresponding signal and background efficiencies
      effS = (bini - 0.5)/Float_t(nbins_);
      effB = fSplTrainEffBvsS->Eval( effS );

      // find signal efficiency that corresponds to required background efficiency
      if ((effB - effBref)*(effB_ - effBref) <= 0) break;
      effS_ = effS;
      effB_ = effB;

   return 0.5*(effS + effS_); // the mean between bin above and bin below

Double_t TMVA::MethodBase::GetSignificance( void ) const
   // compute significance of mean difference
   // significance = |<S> - <B>|/Sqrt(RMS_S2 + RMS_B2)
   Double_t rms = sqrt( fRmsS*fRmsS + fRmsB*fRmsB );

   return (rms > 0) ? TMath::Abs(fMeanS - fMeanB)/rms : 0;

Double_t TMVA::MethodBase::GetSeparation( TH1* histoS, TH1* histoB ) const
   // compute "separation" defined as
   // <s2> = (1/2) Int_-oo..+oo { (S(x) - B(x))^2/(S(x) + B(x)) dx }
   return gTools().GetSeparation( histoS, histoB );

Double_t TMVA::MethodBase::GetSeparation( PDF* pdfS, PDF* pdfB ) const
   // compute "separation" defined as
   // <s2> = (1/2) Int_-oo..+oo { (S(x)2 - B(x)2)/(S(x) + B(x)) dx }

   // note, if zero pointers given, use internal pdf
   // sanity check first
   if ((!pdfS && pdfB) || (pdfS && !pdfB))
      Log() << kFATAL << "<GetSeparation> Mismatch in pdfs" << Endl;
   if (!pdfS) pdfS = fSplS;
   if (!pdfB) pdfB = fSplB;

   return gTools().GetSeparation( *pdfS, *pdfB );

Double_t TMVA::MethodBase::GetROCIntegral(PDF *pdfS, PDF *pdfB) const
   // calculate the area (integral) under the ROC curve as a
   // overall quality measure of the classification

   // note, if zero pointers given, use internal pdf
   // sanity check first
   if ((!pdfS && pdfB) || (pdfS && !pdfB))
      Log() << kFATAL << "<GetSeparation> Mismatch in pdfs" << Endl;
   if (!pdfS) pdfS = fSplS;
   if (!pdfB) pdfB = fSplB;

   if(pdfS==0 || pdfB==0) return 0.;

   Double_t xmin = TMath::Min(pdfS->GetXmin(), pdfB->GetXmin());
   Double_t xmax = TMath::Max(pdfS->GetXmax(), pdfB->GetXmax());

   Double_t integral = 0;
   UInt_t   nsteps = 1000;
   Double_t step = (xmax-xmin)/Double_t(nsteps);
   Double_t cut = xmin;
   for (UInt_t i=0; i<nsteps; i++){
      integral += (1-pdfB->GetIntegral(cut,xmax)) * pdfS->GetVal(cut);
   return integral*step;

Double_t TMVA::MethodBase::GetMaximumSignificance( Double_t SignalEvents,
                                                   Double_t BackgroundEvents,
                                                   Double_t& max_significance_value ) const
   // plot significance, S/Sqrt(S^2 + B^2), curve for given number
   // of signal and background events; returns cut for maximum significance
   // also returned via reference is the maximum significance

   Results* results = Data()->GetResults( GetMethodName(), Types::kTesting, Types::kMaxAnalysisType );

   Double_t max_significance(0);
   Double_t effS(0),effB(0),significance(0);
   TH1F *temp_histogram = new TH1F("temp", "temp", fNbinsH, fXmin, fXmax );

   if (SignalEvents <= 0 || BackgroundEvents <= 0) {
      Log() << kFATAL << "<GetMaximumSignificance> "
            << "Number of signal or background events is <= 0 ==> abort"
            << Endl;

   Log() << kINFO << "Using ratio SignalEvents/BackgroundEvents = "
         << SignalEvents/BackgroundEvents << Endl;

   TH1* eff_s = results->GetHist("MVA_EFF_S");
   TH1* eff_b = results->GetHist("MVA_EFF_B");

   if ( (eff_s==0) || (eff_b==0) ) {
      Log() << kWARNING << "Efficiency histograms empty !" << Endl;
      Log() << kWARNING << "no maximum cut found, return 0" << Endl;
      return 0;

   for (Int_t bin=1; bin<=fNbinsH; bin++) {
      effS = eff_s->GetBinContent( bin );
      effB = eff_b->GetBinContent( bin );

      // put significance into a histogram
      significance = sqrt(SignalEvents)*( effS )/sqrt( effS + ( BackgroundEvents / SignalEvents) * effB  );


   // find maximum in histogram
   max_significance = temp_histogram->GetBinCenter( temp_histogram->GetMaximumBin() );
   max_significance_value = temp_histogram->GetBinContent( temp_histogram->GetMaximumBin() );

   // delete
   delete temp_histogram;

   Log() << kINFO << "Optimal cut at      : " << max_significance << Endl;
   Log() << kINFO << "Maximum significance: " << max_significance_value << Endl;

   return max_significance;

void TMVA::MethodBase::Statistics( Types::ETreeType treeType, const TString& theVarName,
                                   Double_t& meanS, Double_t& meanB,
                                   Double_t& rmsS,  Double_t& rmsB,
                                   Double_t& xmin,  Double_t& xmax )
   // calculates rms,mean, xmin, xmax of the event variable
   // this can be either done for the variables as they are or for
   // normalised variables (in the range of 0-1) if "norm" is set to kTRUE

   Types::ETreeType previousTreeType = Data()->GetCurrentType();

   Long64_t entries = Data()->GetNEvents();

   // sanity check
   if (entries <=0)
      Log() << kFATAL << "<CalculateEstimator> Wrong tree type: " << treeType << Endl;

   // index of the wanted variable
   UInt_t varIndex = DataInfo().FindVarIndex( theVarName );

   // first fill signal and background in arrays before analysis
   xmin               = +DBL_MAX;
   xmax               = -DBL_MAX;
   Long64_t nEventsS  = -1;
   Long64_t nEventsB  = -1;

   // take into account event weights
   meanS = 0;
   meanB = 0;
   rmsS  = 0;
   rmsB  = 0;
   Double_t sumwS = 0, sumwB = 0;

   // loop over all training events
   for (Int_t ievt = 0; ievt < entries; ievt++) {

      const Event* ev = GetEvent(ievt);

      Double_t theVar = ev->GetVal(varIndex);
      Double_t weight = ev->GetWeight();

      if (DataInfo().IsSignal(ev)) {
         sumwS               += weight;
         meanS               += weight*theVar;
         rmsS                += weight*theVar*theVar;
      else {
         sumwB               += weight;
         meanB               += weight*theVar;
         rmsB                += weight*theVar*theVar;
      xmin = TMath::Min( xmin, theVar );
      xmax = TMath::Max( xmax, theVar );

   meanS = meanS/sumwS;
   meanB = meanB/sumwB;
   rmsS  = TMath::Sqrt( rmsS/sumwS - meanS*meanS );
   rmsB  = TMath::Sqrt( rmsB/sumwB - meanB*meanB );


void TMVA::MethodBase::MakeClass( const TString& theClassFileName ) const
   // create reader class for method (classification only at present)

   // the default consists of
   TString classFileName = "";
   if (theClassFileName == "")
      classFileName = GetWeightFileDir() + "/" + GetJobName() + "_" + GetMethodName() + ".class.C";
      classFileName = theClassFileName;

   TString className = TString("Read") + GetMethodName();

   TString tfname( classFileName );
   Log() << kINFO << "Creating standalone response class: "
         << gTools().Color("lightblue") << classFileName << gTools().Color("reset") << Endl;

   ofstream fout( classFileName );
   if (!fout.good()) { // file could not be opened --> Error
      Log() << kFATAL << "<MakeClass> Unable to open file: " << classFileName << Endl;

   // now create the class
   // preamble
   fout << "// Class: " << className << endl;
   fout << "// Automatically generated by MethodBase::MakeClass" << endl << "//" << endl;

   // print general information and configuration state
   fout << endl;
   fout << "/* configuration options =====================================================" << endl << endl;
   WriteStateToStream( fout, kTRUE );
   fout << endl;
   fout << "============================================================================ */" << endl;

   // generate the class
   fout << "" << endl;
   fout << "#include <vector>" << endl;
   fout << "#include <cmath>" << endl;
   fout << "#include <string>" << endl;
   fout << "#include <iostream>" << endl;
   fout << "" << endl;
   // now if the classifier needs to write some addicional classes for its response implementation
   // this code goes here: (at least the header declarations need to come before the main class
   this->MakeClassSpecificHeader( fout, className );

   fout << "#ifndef IClassifierReader__def" << endl;
   fout << "#define IClassifierReader__def" << endl;
   fout << endl;
   fout << "class IClassifierReader {" << endl;
   fout << endl;
   fout << " public:" << endl;
   fout << endl;
   fout << "   // constructor" << endl;
   fout << "   IClassifierReader() : fStatusIsClean( true ) {}" << endl;
   fout << "   virtual ~IClassifierReader() {}" << endl;
   fout << endl;
   fout << "   // return classifier response" << endl;
   fout << "   virtual double GetMvaValue( const std::vector<double>& inputValues ) const = 0;" << endl;
   fout << endl;
   fout << "   // returns classifier status" << endl;
   fout << "   Bool_t IsStatusClean() const { return fStatusIsClean; }" << endl;
   fout << endl;
   fout << " protected:" << endl;
   fout << endl;
   fout << "   Bool_t fStatusIsClean;" << endl;
   fout << "};" << endl;
   fout << endl;
   fout << "#endif" << endl;
   fout << endl;
   fout << "class " << className << " : public IClassifierReader {" << endl;
   fout << endl;
   fout << " public:" << endl;
   fout << endl;
   fout << "   // constructor" << endl;
   fout << "   " << className << "( std::vector<std::string>& theInputVars ) " << endl;
   fout << "      : IClassifierReader()," << endl;
   fout << "        fClassName( \"" << className << "\" )," << endl;
   fout << "        fNvars( " << GetNvar() << " )," << endl;
   fout << "        fIsNormalised( " << (IsNormalised() ? "true" : "false") << " )" << endl;
   fout << "   {      " << endl;
   fout << "      // the training input variables" << endl;
   fout << "      const char* inputVars[] = { ";
   for (UInt_t ivar=0; ivar<GetNvar(); ivar++) {
      fout << "\"" << GetOriginalVarName(ivar) << "\"";
      if (ivar<GetNvar()-1) fout << ", ";
   fout << " };" << endl;
   fout << endl;
   fout << "      // sanity checks" << endl;
   fout << "      if (theInputVars.size() <= 0) {" << endl;
   fout << "         std::cout << \"Problem in class \\\"\" << fClassName << \"\\\": empty input vector\" << std::endl;" << endl;
   fout << "         fStatusIsClean = false;" << endl;
   fout << "      }" << endl;
   fout << endl;
   fout << "      if (theInputVars.size() != fNvars) {" << endl;
   fout << "         std::cout << \"Problem in class \\\"\" << fClassName << \"\\\": mismatch in number of input values: \"" << endl;
   fout << "                   << theInputVars.size() << \" != \" << fNvars << std::endl;" << endl;
   fout << "         fStatusIsClean = false;" << endl;
   fout << "      }" << endl;
   fout << endl;
   fout << "      // validate input variables" << endl;
   fout << "      for (size_t ivar = 0; ivar < theInputVars.size(); ivar++) {" << endl;
   fout << "         if (theInputVars[ivar] != inputVars[ivar]) {" << endl;
   fout << "            std::cout << \"Problem in class \\\"\" << fClassName << \"\\\": mismatch in input variable names\" << std::endl" << endl;
   fout << "                      << \" for variable [\" << ivar << \"]: \" << theInputVars[ivar].c_str() << \" != \" << inputVars[ivar] << std::endl;" << endl;
   fout << "            fStatusIsClean = false;" << endl;
   fout << "         }" << endl;
   fout << "      }" << endl;
   fout << endl;
   fout << "      // initialize min and max vectors (for normalisation)" << endl;
   for (UInt_t ivar = 0; ivar < GetNvar(); ivar++) {
      fout << "      fVmin[" << ivar << "] = " << std::setprecision(15) << GetXmin( ivar ) << ";" << endl;
      fout << "      fVmax[" << ivar << "] = " << std::setprecision(15) << GetXmax( ivar ) << ";" << endl;
   fout << endl;
   fout << "      // initialize input variable types" << endl;
   for (UInt_t ivar=0; ivar<GetNvar(); ivar++) {
      fout << "      fType[" << ivar << "] = \'" << DataInfo().GetVariableInfo(ivar).GetVarType() << "\';" << endl;
   fout << endl;
   fout << "      // initialize constants" << endl;
   fout << "      Initialize();" << endl;
   fout << endl;
   if (GetTransformationHandler().GetTransformationList().GetSize() != 0) {
      fout << "      // initialize transformation" << endl;
      fout << "      InitTransform();" << endl;
   fout << "   }" << endl;
   fout << endl;
   fout << "   // destructor" << endl;
   fout << "   virtual ~" << className << "() {" << endl;
   fout << "      Clear(); // method-specific" << endl;
   fout << "   }" << endl;
   fout << endl;
   fout << "   // the classifier response" << endl;
   fout << "   // \"inputValues\" is a vector of input values in the same order as the " << endl;
   fout << "   // variables given to the constructor" << endl;
   fout << "   double GetMvaValue( const std::vector<double>& inputValues ) const;" << endl;
   fout << endl;
   fout << " private:" << endl;
   fout << endl;
   fout << "   // method-specific destructor" << endl;
   fout << "   void Clear();" << endl;
   fout << endl;
   if (GetTransformationHandler().GetTransformationList().GetSize()!=0) {
      fout << "   // input variable transformation" << endl;
      GetTransformationHandler().MakeFunction(fout, className,1);
      fout << "   void InitTransform();" << endl;
      fout << "   void Transform( std::vector<double> & iv, int sigOrBgd ) const;" << endl;
      fout << endl;
   fout << "   // common member variables" << endl;
   fout << "   const char* fClassName;" << endl;
   fout << endl;
   fout << "   const size_t fNvars;" << endl;
   fout << "   size_t GetNvar()           const { return fNvars; }" << endl;
   fout << "   char   GetType( int ivar ) const { return fType[ivar]; }" << endl;
   fout << endl;
   fout << "   // normalisation of input variables" << endl;
   fout << "   const Bool_t fIsNormalised;" << endl;
   fout << "   Bool_t IsNormalised() const { return fIsNormalised; }" << endl;
   fout << "   double fVmin[" << GetNvar() << "];" << endl;
   fout << "   double fVmax[" << GetNvar() << "];" << endl;
   fout << "   double NormVariable( double x, double xmin, double xmax ) const {" << endl;
   fout << "      // normalise to output range: [-1, 1]" << endl;
   fout << "      return 2*(x - xmin)/(xmax - xmin) - 1.0;" << endl;
   fout << "   }" << endl;
   fout << endl;
   fout << "   // type of input variable: 'F' or 'I'" << endl;
   fout << "   char   fType[" << GetNvar() << "];" << endl;
   fout << endl;
   fout << "   // initialize internal variables" << endl;
   fout << "   void Initialize();" << endl;
   fout << "   double GetMvaValue__( const std::vector<double>& inputValues ) const;" << endl;
   fout << "" << endl;
   fout << "   // private members (method specific)" << endl;

   // call the classifier specific output (the classifier must close the class !)
   MakeClassSpecific( fout, className );

   fout << "   inline double " << className << "::GetMvaValue( const std::vector<double>& inputValues ) const" << endl;
   fout << "   {" << endl;
   fout << "      // classifier response value" << endl;
   fout << "      double retval = 0;" << endl;
   fout << endl;
   fout << "      // classifier response, sanity check first" << endl;
   fout << "      if (!IsStatusClean()) {" << endl;
   fout << "         std::cout << \"Problem in class \\\"\" << fClassName << \"\\\": cannot return classifier response\"" << endl;
   fout << "                   << \" because status is dirty\" << std::endl;" << endl;
   fout << "         retval = 0;" << endl;
   fout << "      }" << endl;
   fout << "      else {" << endl;
   fout << "         if (IsNormalised()) {" << endl;
   fout << "            // normalise variables" << endl;
   fout << "            std::vector<double> iV;" << endl;
   fout << "            int ivar = 0;" << endl;
   fout << "            for (std::vector<double>::const_iterator varIt = inputValues.begin();" << endl;
   fout << "                 varIt != inputValues.end(); varIt++, ivar++) {" << endl;
   fout << "               iV.push_back(NormVariable( *varIt, fVmin[ivar], fVmax[ivar] ));" << endl;
   fout << "            }" << endl;
   if (GetTransformationHandler().GetTransformationList().GetSize()!=0 && GetMethodType() != Types::kLikelihood)
      fout << "            Transform( iV, -1 );" << endl;
   fout << "            retval = GetMvaValue__( iV );" << endl;
   fout << "         }" << endl;
   fout << "         else {" << endl;
   if (GetTransformationHandler().GetTransformationList().GetSize()!=0 && GetMethodType() != Types::kLikelihood) {
      fout << "            std::vector<double> iV;" << endl;
      fout << "            int ivar = 0;" << endl;
      fout << "            for (std::vector<double>::const_iterator varIt = inputValues.begin();" << endl;
      fout << "                 varIt != inputValues.end(); varIt++, ivar++) {" << endl;
      fout << "               iV.push_back(*varIt);" << endl;
      fout << "            }" << endl;
      fout << "            Transform( iV, -1 );" << endl;
      fout << "            retval = GetMvaValue__( iV );" << endl;
   else {
      fout << "            retval = GetMvaValue__( inputValues );" << endl;
   fout << "         }" << endl;
   fout << "      }" << endl;
   fout << endl;
   fout << "      return retval;" << endl;
   fout << "   }" << endl;

   // create output for transformation - if any
   if (GetTransformationHandler().GetTransformationList().GetSize()!=0)
      GetTransformationHandler().MakeFunction(fout, className,2);

   // close the file

void TMVA::MethodBase::PrintHelpMessage() const
   // prints out method-specific help method

   // if options are written to reference file, also append help info
   std::streambuf* cout_sbuf = std::cout.rdbuf(); // save original sbuf
   std::ofstream* o = 0;
   if (gConfig().WriteOptionsReference()) {
      Log() << kINFO << "Print Help message for class " << GetName() << " into file: " << GetReferenceFile() << Endl;
      o = new std::ofstream( GetReferenceFile(), std::ios::app );
      if (!o->good()) { // file could not be opened --> Error
         Log() << kFATAL << "<PrintHelpMessage> Unable to append to output file: " << GetReferenceFile() << Endl;
      std::cout.rdbuf( o->rdbuf() ); // redirect 'cout' to file

   //         "|--------------------------------------------------------------|"
   if (!o) {
      Log() << kINFO << Endl;
      Log() << gTools().Color("bold")
            << "================================================================"
            << gTools().Color( "reset" )
            << Endl;
      Log() << gTools().Color("bold")
            << "H e l p   f o r   M V A   m e t h o d   [ " << GetName() << " ] :"
            << gTools().Color( "reset" )
            << Endl;
   else {
      Log() << "Help for MVA method [ " << GetName() << " ] :" << Endl;

   // print method-specific help message

   if (!o) {
      Log() << Endl;
      Log() << "<Suppress this message by specifying \"!H\" in the booking option>" << Endl;
      Log() << gTools().Color("bold")
            << "================================================================"
            << gTools().Color( "reset" )
            << Endl;
      Log() << Endl;
   else {
      // indicate END
      Log() << "# End of Message___" << Endl;

   std::cout.rdbuf( cout_sbuf ); // restore the original stream buffer
   if (o) o->close();

// ----------------------- r o o t   f i n d i n g ----------------------------

TMVA::MethodBase* TMVA::MethodBase::fgThisBase = 0;

Double_t TMVA::MethodBase::IGetEffForRoot( Double_t theCut )
   // interface for RootFinder
   return MethodBase::GetThisBase()->GetEffForRoot( theCut );

Double_t TMVA::MethodBase::GetEffForRoot( Double_t theCut )
   // returns efficiency as function of cut
   Double_t retval=0;

   // retrieve the class object
   if (Use_Splines_for_Eff_) {
      retval = fSplRefS->Eval( theCut );
   else retval = fEffS->GetBinContent( fEffS->FindBin( theCut ) );

   // caution: here we take some "forbidden" action to hide a problem:
   // in some cases, in particular for likelihood, the binned efficiency distributions
   // do not equal 1, at xmin, and 0 at xmax; of course, in principle we have the
   // unbinned information available in the trees, but the unbinned minimization is
   // too slow, and we don't need to do a precision measurement here. Hence, we force
   // this property.
   Double_t eps = 1.0e-5;
   if      (theCut-fXmin < eps) retval = (GetCutOrientation() == kPositive) ? 1.0 : 0.0;
   else if (fXmax-theCut < eps) retval = (GetCutOrientation() == kPositive) ? 0.0 : 1.0;

   return retval;