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ROOT Tutorials
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ROOT Tutorials: Fitting tutorials
1. ConfidenceIntervals.C
Illustrates TVirtualFitter::GetConfidenceIntervals
2. ErrorIntegral.C
Estimate the error in the integral of a fitted function
3. FittingDemo.C
Example for fitting signal/background.
4. Ifit.C
Example of a program to fit non-equidistant data points
5. TestBinomial.C
Perform a fit to a set of data with binomial errors
6. TwoHistoFit2D.C
Example to fit two histograms at the same time
7. fit1.C
Simple fitting example (1-d histogram with an interpreted function)
8. fit2.C
Fitting a 2-D histogram
9. fit2a.C
Fitting a 2-D histogram (a variant)
10. fit2d.C
example illustrating how to fit a 2-d histogram of type y=f(x)
11. fit2dHist.C
Example to fit two histograms at the same time via TVirtualFitter
12. fitCircle.C
Generate points distributed with some errors around a circle
13. fitExclude.C
Illustrate how to fit excluding points in a given range
14. fitLinear.C
Example of fitting with a linear function, using TLinearFitter
15. fitLinear2.C
Fit a 5d hyperplane by n points, using the linear fitter directly
16. fitLinearRobust.C
This tutorial shows how the least trimmed squares regression,
17. fitMultiGraph.C
fitting a parabola to a multigraph of 3 partly overlapping graphs
18. fitcont.C
Example illustrating how to draw the n-sigma contour of a Minuit fit.
19. fithist.C
example of fit where the model is histogram + function
20. fitslicesy.C
Illustrates how to use the TH1::FitSlicesY function
21. graph2dfit.C
Fitting a TGraph2D
22. langaus.C
Convoluted Landau and Gaussian Fitting Function
23. line3Dfit.C
Fitting of a TGraph2D with a 3D straight line
24. minuit2FitBench.C
Fitting 1-D histograms with minuit2
25. minuit2FitBench2D.C
Quadratic background function
26. minuit2GausFit.C
27. multidimfit.C
Multi-Dimensional Parametrisation and Fitting
28. multifit.C
Fitting multiple functions to different ranges of a 1-D histogram
29. myfit.C
Get in memory an histogram from a root file and fit a user defined function.