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// @(#)root/gl:$Id: TGLCamera.cxx 30424 2009-09-24 19:28:01Z matevz $
// Author:  Richard Maunder  25/05/2005

 * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
 * All rights reserved.                                                  *
 *                                                                       *
 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *

#include "TGLCamera.h"
#include "TGLIncludes.h"
#include "TGLBoundingBox.h"
#include "TError.h"
#include "TMath.h"

//                                                                      //
// TGLCamera                                                            //
//                                                                      //
// Abstract base camera class - concrete classes for orthographic and   //
// persepctive cameras derive from it. This class maintains values for  //
// the current:                                                         //
// i)   Viewport                                                        //
// ii)  Projection, modelview and clip matricies - extracted from GL    //
// iii) The 6 frustum planes                                            //
// iv)  Expanded frustum interest box                                   //
//                                                                      //
// It provides methods for various projection, overlap and intersection //
// tests for viewport and world locations, against the true frustum and //
// expanded interest box, and for extracting eye position and direction.//
//                                                                      //
// It also defines the pure virtual manipulation interface methods the  //
// concrete ortho and prespective classes must implement.               //


const Double_t TGLCamera::fgInterestBoxExpansion = 1.3;
UInt_t         TGLCamera::fgDollyDeltaSens       = 500;

TGLCamera::TGLCamera() :
   fNearClip(0), fFarClip(0),
   fDollyDefault(1.0), fDollyDistance(1.0),
   fTimeStamp (1),
   fProjM(), fModVM(), fClipM(),
   // Default base camera constructor
   for (UInt_t i = 0; i < kPlanesPerFrustum; i++ ) {
      fFrustumPlanes[i].Set(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
   TGLVertex3 origin;
   fCamBase.Set(origin, TGLVector3(1, 0, 0), TGLVector3(0, 0, 1));

TGLCamera::TGLCamera(const TGLVector3 & hAxis, const TGLVector3 & vAxis) :
   fNearClip(0), fFarClip(0),
   fDollyDefault(1.0), fDollyDistance(1.0),
   fTimeStamp (1),
   fProjM(), fModVM(), fClipM(),
   // Default base camera constructor
   for (UInt_t i = 0; i < kPlanesPerFrustum; i++ ) {
      fFrustumPlanes[i].Set(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
   TGLVertex3 origin;
   fCamBase.Set(origin, vAxis, hAxis);

   // Base camera destructor.

void TGLCamera::SetViewport(const TGLRect & viewport)
   // Set viewport extents from passed 'viewport' rect.

   fViewport = viewport;

void TGLCamera::UpdateCache() const
   // Update internally cached frustum values

   glGetDoublev(GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, fProjM.Arr());
   glGetDoublev(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, fModVM.Arr());

   // Multiply projection by modelview to get the clip matrix
   // TODO: Move this into TGLMatrix or shift all over to ROOT ones
   fClipM  = fProjM;
   fClipM *= fModVM;

   // RIGHT clipping plane
   fFrustumPlanes[kRight].Set(fClipM[ 3] - fClipM[ 0],
                              fClipM[ 7] - fClipM[ 4],
                              fClipM[11] - fClipM[ 8],
                              fClipM[15] - fClipM[12]);

   // LEFT clipping plane
   fFrustumPlanes[kLeft].Set(fClipM[ 3] + fClipM[ 0],
                             fClipM[ 7] + fClipM[ 4],
                             fClipM[11] + fClipM[ 8],
                             fClipM[15] + fClipM[12]);

   // BOTTOM clipping plane
   fFrustumPlanes[kBottom].Set(fClipM[ 3] + fClipM[ 1],
                               fClipM[ 7] + fClipM[ 5],
                               fClipM[11] + fClipM[ 9],
                               fClipM[15] + fClipM[13]);

   // TOP clipping plane
   fFrustumPlanes[kTop].Set(fClipM[ 3] - fClipM[ 1],
                            fClipM[ 7] - fClipM[ 5],
                            fClipM[11] - fClipM[ 9],
                            fClipM[15] - fClipM[13]);

   // FAR clipping plane
   fFrustumPlanes[kFar].Set(fClipM[ 3] - fClipM[ 2],
                            fClipM[ 7] - fClipM[ 6],
                            fClipM[11] - fClipM[10],
                            fClipM[15] - fClipM[14]);

   // NEAR clipping plane
   fFrustumPlanes[kNear].Set(fClipM[ 3] + fClipM[ 2],
                             fClipM[ 7] + fClipM[ 6],
                             fClipM[11] + fClipM[10],
                             fClipM[15] + fClipM[14]);

   fCacheDirty = kFALSE;

TGLBoundingBox TGLCamera::Frustum(Bool_t asBox) const
   // Return the the current camera frustum. If asBox == kFALSE return
   // a true frustum (truncated square based pyramid). If asBox == kTRUE
   // return a true box, using the far clipping plane intersection projected
   // back to the near plane.
   // Camera must have valid frustum cache - call Apply() after last modifcation, before using
   // Note: TGLBoundingBox is not really valid when filled with truncated pyramid
   // - this is used as a visual debug aid only so ok.

   // TODO: BoundingBox object is not always valid
   // Need a generic bounding volume object
   if (fCacheDirty) {
      Error("TGLCamera::FrustumBox()", "cache dirty - must call Apply()");

   TGLVertex3 vertex[8];

   //    7-------6
   //   /|      /|
   //  3-------2 |
   //  | 4-----|-5
   //  |/      |/
   //  0-------1

   // Get four vertices of frustum on the far clipping plane
   // We assume they always intersect
   vertex[4] = Intersection(fFrustumPlanes[kFar], fFrustumPlanes[kBottom], fFrustumPlanes[kLeft]).second;
   vertex[5] = Intersection(fFrustumPlanes[kFar], fFrustumPlanes[kBottom], fFrustumPlanes[kRight]).second;
   vertex[6] = Intersection(fFrustumPlanes[kFar], fFrustumPlanes[kTop],    fFrustumPlanes[kRight]).second;
   vertex[7] = Intersection(fFrustumPlanes[kFar], fFrustumPlanes[kTop],    fFrustumPlanes[kLeft]).second;

   if (asBox) {
      // Now find the matching four verticies for above, projected onto near clip plane
      // As near and far clip planes are parallel this forms a orientated box encompassing the frustum
      vertex[0] = fFrustumPlanes[kNear].NearestOn(vertex[4]);
      vertex[1] = fFrustumPlanes[kNear].NearestOn(vertex[5]);
      vertex[2] = fFrustumPlanes[kNear].NearestOn(vertex[6]);
      vertex[3] = fFrustumPlanes[kNear].NearestOn(vertex[7]);
   } else {
      // Returing true frustum - find verticies at near clipping plane
      // We assume they always intersect
      vertex[0] = Intersection(fFrustumPlanes[kNear], fFrustumPlanes[kBottom], fFrustumPlanes[kLeft]).second;
      vertex[1] = Intersection(fFrustumPlanes[kNear], fFrustumPlanes[kBottom], fFrustumPlanes[kRight]).second;
      vertex[2] = Intersection(fFrustumPlanes[kNear], fFrustumPlanes[kTop],    fFrustumPlanes[kRight]).second;
      vertex[3] = Intersection(fFrustumPlanes[kNear], fFrustumPlanes[kTop],    fFrustumPlanes[kLeft]).second;

   return TGLBoundingBox(vertex);

TGLVertex3 TGLCamera::EyePoint() const
   // Return the camera eye point (vertex) in world space
   // Camera must have valid frustum cache - call Apply() after last modifcation, before using
   if (fCacheDirty) {
      Error("TGLPerspectiveCamera::FrustumBox()", "cache dirty - must call Apply()");

   // Use intersection of right/left/top frustum planes - can be done in
   // other ways from camera values but this is easiest.
   // Note for an ortho camera this will result in an infinite z distance
   // which is theorectically correct although of limited use
   return Intersection(fFrustumPlanes[kRight], fFrustumPlanes[kLeft], fFrustumPlanes[kTop]).second;

TGLVector3 TGLCamera::EyeDirection() const
   // Extract the camera eye direction (vector), running from EyePoint()
   // Camera must have valid frustum cache - call Apply() after last modifcation, before using
   if (fCacheDirty) {
      Error("TGLCamera::FrustumBox()", "cache dirty - must call Apply()");
   // Direction is just normal of near clipping plane
   return fFrustumPlanes[kNear].Norm();

TGLVertex3 TGLCamera::FrustumCenter() const
   // Find the center of the camera frustum from intersection of planes
   // This method will work even with parallel left/right & top/bottom and
   // infinite eye point of ortho cameras
   // Camera must have valid frustum cache - call Apply() after last modifcation, before using
   if (fCacheDirty) {
      Error("TGLCamera::FrustumCenter()", "cache dirty - must call Apply()");
   std::pair<Bool_t, TGLVertex3> nearBottomLeft = Intersection(fFrustumPlanes[kNear],
   std::pair<Bool_t, TGLVertex3> farTopRight    = Intersection(fFrustumPlanes[kFar],
   // Planes should intersect
   if (!nearBottomLeft.first || !farTopRight.first) {
      Error("TGLCamera::FrustumCenter()", "frustum planes invalid");
      return TGLVertex3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
   return nearBottomLeft.second + (farTopRight.second - nearBottomLeft.second)/2.0;

EOverlap TGLCamera::FrustumOverlap(const TGLBoundingBox & box) const
   // Calcaulte overlap (kInside, kOutside, kPartial) of box with camera
   // frustum
   // Camera must have valid frustum cache - call Apply() after last modifcation, before using
   if (fCacheDirty) {
      Error("TGLCamera::FrustumOverlap()", "cache dirty - must call Apply()");

   // Test shape against each plane in frustum - returning overlap result
   // This method can result in kFALSE positives, where shape lies outside
   // frustum, but not outside a single plane of it. In this case the shape
   // will be regarded incorrectly as intersecting (kPartial)
   // TODO: Improve this - have a reliable test (seperating axes).

   Int_t planesInside = 0; // Assume outside to start
   for (Int_t planeIndex = 0; planeIndex < kPlanesPerFrustum; ++planeIndex) {
      EOverlap planeOverlap = box.Overlap(fFrustumPlanes[planeIndex]);

      // Special case - any object which comes through the near clipping
      // plane is completely removed - disabled at present
      // TODO: In future may want to fade object (opacity) as they approach
      // near clip - how will this be returned? template pair?
      /*if (planeIndex == kNear && planeOverlap == kPartial) {
         return kOutside;
      // Once we find a single plane which shape is outside, we are outside the frustum
      if ( planeOverlap == kOutside ) {
         return kOutside;
      } else if ( planeOverlap == kInside ) {
   // Completely inside frustum
   if ( planesInside == kPlanesPerFrustum ) {
      return kInside;
   } else {
      return kPartial;

EOverlap TGLCamera::ViewportOverlap(const TGLBoundingBox & box) const
   // Calculate overlap (kInside, kOutside, kPartial) of box projection onto viewport
   // (as rect) against the viewport rect.
   // Camera must have valid frustum cache - call Apply() after last modifcation, before using.

   return ViewportRect(box).Overlap(fViewport);

TGLRect TGLCamera::ViewportRect(const TGLBoundingBox & box,
                                const TGLBoundingBox::EFace face) const
   // Calculate viewport rectangle which just contains projection of single 'face'
   // of world frame bounding box 'box' onto the viewport. Note use other version
   // of ViewportRect() if you want whole 'box' contained
   return ViewportRect(box, &face);

TGLRect TGLCamera::ViewportRect(const TGLBoundingBox & box,
                                const TGLBoundingBox::EFace * face) const
   // Calculate viewport rectangle which just contains projection of
   // world frame bounding box 'box' onto the viewport. If face is
   // null the rect contains the whole bounding box (8 vertices/6
   // faces). If face is non-null it indicates a box face, and the
   // rect contains the single face (4 vertices). Note use other
   // version of ViewportRect() if you wish to just pass a static
   // EFace enum member (e.g. kFaceLowX)
   // Note:
   //    i)   Rectangle is NOT clipped by viewport limits - so can result
   //         in rect with corners outside viewport - negative etc
   //    ii)  TGLRect provides int (pixel based) values - not subpxiel accurate
   //    iii) Camera must have valid frustum cache - call Apply() after last
   //         modifcation, before calling

   if (fCacheDirty) {
      Error("TGLCamera::ViewportSize()", "cache dirty - must call Apply()");

   // TODO: Maybe TGLRect should be converted to Double_t so subpixel accurate
   // Would give better LOD calculations at small sizes

   // May often result in a rect bigger then the viewport
   // as gluProject does not clip.
   Double_t winX, winY, winZ;
   TGLRect  screenRect;

   // TGLBoundingBox::Vertices() & TGLBoundingBox::FaceVertices() return
   // const & vectors so this *should* all be effficient...
   UInt_t vertexCount;
   if (face) {
      vertexCount = box.FaceVertices(*face).size();
   } else {
      vertexCount = box.Vertices().size();

   for (UInt_t i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++)
      const TGLVertex3 & vertex = face ? box.Vertices().at(box.FaceVertices(*face).at(i)) :

      gluProject(vertex.X(), vertex.Y(), vertex.Z(),
                 fModVM.CArr(), fProjM.CArr(), fViewport.CArr(),
                 &winX, &winY, &winZ);

      if (i == 0) {
      } else {
         screenRect.Expand(static_cast<Int_t>(winX), static_cast<Int_t>(winY));

   return screenRect;

TGLVertex3 TGLCamera::WorldToViewport(const TGLVertex3 & worldVertex,
                                      TGLMatrix* modviewMat) const
   // Convert a 3D world vertex to '3D' viewport (screen) one. The X()/Y()
   // components of the viewport vertex are the horizontal/vertical pixel
   // positions. The Z() component is the viewport depth value - for a
   // default depth range this is 0.0 (at near clip plane) to 1.0 (at far
   // clip plane). See OpenGL gluProject & glDepth documentation
   // Camera must have valid frustum cache - call Apply() after last modifcation, before using

   if (fCacheDirty) {
      Error("TGLCamera::WorldToViewport()", "cache dirty - must call Apply()");
   TGLVertex3 viewportVertex;
   gluProject(worldVertex[0], worldVertex[1], worldVertex[2],
              modviewMat ? modviewMat->CArr() : fModVM.CArr(),
              fProjM.CArr(), fViewport.CArr(),
              &viewportVertex[0], &viewportVertex[1], &viewportVertex[2]);
   return viewportVertex;

TGLVector3 TGLCamera::WorldDeltaToViewport(const TGLVertex3 & worldRef,
                                           const TGLVector3 & worldDelta) const
   // Convert a 3D vector worldDelta (shift) about vertex worldRef to a viewport
   // (screen) '3D' vector. The X()/Y() components of the vector are the horizontal /
   // vertical pixel deltas. The Z() component is the viewport depth delta - for a
   // default depth range between 0.0 (at near clip plane) to 1.0 (at far clip plane)
   // See OpenGL gluProject & glDepth documentation
   // Camera must have valid frustum cache - call Apply()
   if (fCacheDirty) {
      Error("TGLCamera::WorldToViewport()", "cache dirty - must call Apply()");
   TGLVertex3 other = worldRef + worldDelta;
   TGLVertex3 v1 = WorldToViewport(worldRef);
   TGLVertex3 v2 = WorldToViewport(other);
   return v2 - v1;

TGLVertex3 TGLCamera::ViewportToWorld(const TGLVertex3 & viewportVertex,
                                      TGLMatrix* modviewMat) const
   // Convert a '3D' viewport vertex to 3D world one. The X()/Y() components
   // of viewportVertex are the horizontal/vertical pixel position.

   // The Z() component is the viewport depth value - for a default
   // depth range this is 0.0 (at near clip plane) to 1.0 (at far clip
   // plane). Without Z() the viewport position corresponds to a line
   // in 3D world space - see:
   // TGLLine3 TGLCamera::ViewportToWorld(Double_t viewportX, Double_t viewportY) const
   // See also OpenGL gluUnProject & glDepth documentation.
   // Camera must have valid frustum cache - call Apply() after last
   // modifcation, before using.

   if (fCacheDirty) {
      Error("TGLCamera::ViewportToWorld()", "cache dirty - must call Apply()");
   TGLVertex3 worldVertex;
   gluUnProject(viewportVertex[0], viewportVertex[1], viewportVertex[2],
                modviewMat ? modviewMat->CArr() : fModVM.CArr(),
                fProjM.CArr(), fViewport.CArr(),
                &worldVertex[0], &worldVertex[1], &worldVertex[2]);
   return worldVertex;

TGLLine3 TGLCamera::ViewportToWorld(Double_t viewportX, Double_t viewportY) const
   // Convert a 2D viewport position to 3D world line - the projection of the
   // viewport point into 3D space. Line runs from near to far camera clip planes
   // (the minimum and maximum visible depth). See also
   //    TGLVertex3 TGLCamera::ViewportToWorld(const TGLVertex3 & viewportVertex) const
   // for 3D viewport -> 3D world vertex conversions.
   // See also OpenGL gluUnProject & glDepth documentation
   // Camera must have valid frustum cache - call Apply() after last modifcation, before using
   if (fCacheDirty) {
      Error("TGLCamera::Viewport2DToWorldLine()", "cache dirty - must call Apply()");
   // Find world verticies at near and far clip planes, and return line through them
   TGLVertex3 nearClipWorld = ViewportToWorld(TGLVertex3(viewportX, viewportY, 0.0));
   TGLVertex3 farClipWorld = ViewportToWorld(TGLVertex3(viewportX, viewportY, 1.0));
   return TGLLine3(nearClipWorld, farClipWorld - nearClipWorld);

TGLLine3 TGLCamera::ViewportToWorld(const TPoint & viewport) const
   // Convert a 2D viewport position to 3D world line - the projection of the
   // viewport point into 3D space. Line runs from near to far camera clip planes
   // (the minimum and maximum visible depth). See also
   //    TGLVertex3 TGLCamera::ViewportToWorld(const TGLVertex3 & viewportVertex) const
   // for 3D viewport -> 3D world vertex conversions.
   // See also OpenGL gluUnProject & glDepth documentation
   // Camera must have valid frustum cache - call Apply() after last modifcation, before using
   return ViewportToWorld(viewport.GetX(), viewport.GetY());

std::pair<Bool_t, TGLVertex3> TGLCamera::ViewportPlaneIntersection(Double_t viewportX, Double_t viewportY,
                                                                   const TGLPlane & worldPlane) const
   // Find the intersection of projection of supplied viewport point (a 3D world
   // line - see ViewportToWorld) with supplied world plane. Returns std::pair
   // of Bool_t and TGLVertex3. If line intersects std::pair.first (Bool_t) is
   // kTRUE, and std::pair.second (TGLVertex) contains the intersection vertex.
   // If line does not intersect (line and plane parallel) std::pair.first
   // (Bool_t) if kFALSE, and std::pair.second (TGLVertex) is invalid.
   // NOTE: The projection lines is extended for the plane intersection test
   // hence the intersection vertex can lie outside the near/far clip regions
   // (not visible)
   // Camera must have valid frustum cache - call Apply() after last modifcation, before using
   TGLLine3 worldLine = ViewportToWorld(viewportX, viewportY);

   // Find intersection of line with plane
   return Intersection(worldPlane, worldLine, kTRUE /* extended */ );

std::pair<Bool_t, TGLVertex3> TGLCamera::ViewportPlaneIntersection(const TPoint & viewport,
                                                                   const TGLPlane & worldPlane) const
   // Find the intersection of projection of supplied viewport TPoint (a 3D world
   // line - see ViewportToWorld) with supplied world plane. Returns std::pair
   // of bool and vertex. If line intersects
   // Camera must have valid frustum cache - call Apply() after last modifcation, before using
   return ViewportPlaneIntersection(viewport.GetX(), viewport.GetY(), worldPlane);

TGLVector3 TGLCamera::ViewportDeltaToWorld(const TGLVertex3 & worldRef, Double_t viewportXDelta,
                                           Double_t viewportYDelta, TGLMatrix* modviewMat) const
   // Apply a 2D viewport delta (shift) to the projection of worldRef onto viewport,
   // returning the resultant world vector which equates to it. Useful for making
   // 3D world objects track mouse moves.
   // Camera must have valid frustum cache - call Apply()
   if (fCacheDirty) {
      Error("TGLCamera::ViewportDeltaToWorld()", "cache dirty - must call Apply()");
   TGLVertex3 winVertex = WorldToViewport(worldRef, modviewMat);
   winVertex.Shift(viewportXDelta, viewportYDelta, 0.0);
   return (ViewportToWorld(winVertex, modviewMat) - worldRef);

Bool_t TGLCamera::OfInterest(const TGLBoundingBox & box, Bool_t ignoreSize) const
   // Calculate if the an object defined by world frame bounding box
   // is 'of interest' to the camera. This is defined as box:
   // i) intersecting completely or partially (kInside/kPartial) with
   // cameras interest box (fInterestBox)
   // ii) having significant length OR volume ratio compared to this
   // interest box
   // If a box is 'of interest' returns kTRUE, kFALSE otherwise.  See
   // TGLCamera::UpdateInterest() for more details of camera interest
   // box.
   // Note: Length/volume ratios NOT dependent on the projected size
   // of box at current camera configuration as we do not want
   // continual changes.  This is used when (re) populating the scene
   // with objects from external client.
   // TODO: Might be more logical to move this test out to client -
   // and have accessor for fInterestBox instead?

   Bool_t interest = kFALSE;

   // *********** IMPORTANT - Bootstrapping the camera with empty scene
   // Initially the camera can't be Setup() (limits etc) until the
   // scene is populated and it has a valid bounding box to pass to
   // the camera.  However the scene can't be populated without
   // knowing if objects sent are 'of interest' - which needs a camera
   // interest box, made from a properly setup camera frustum - catch
   // 22.
   // To overcome this we track the largest box diagonal seen so far and
   // regard anything over 0.001 of this as 'of interest'. This enables
   // us to get a roughly populated scene with largest objects, setup
   // the camera, and do first draw.  We then do a
   // TGLCamera::UpdateInterest() - which always return kTRUE, and
   // thus fires an internal rebuild to fill scene properly and
   // finally setup camera properly.

   if (fInterestBox.IsEmpty()) {
      if (box.Diagonal() >= fLargestSeen * 0.001) {
         if (box.Diagonal() > fLargestSeen) {
            fLargestSeen = box.Diagonal();
         interest = kTRUE;
   } else {
      // Objects are of interest if the have length ratio c.f. the
      // current interest box, and they at least partially overlap it.
      // Some objects have zero volume BBs - e.g. single points - skip
      // the test for these as there is no way to threshold on 0.
      if (box.IsEmpty()) {
         interest = kTRUE;
      } else {
         if (ignoreSize || box.Diagonal() / fInterestBox.Diagonal() > 0.0001)
            interest = fInterestBox.Overlap(box) != kOutside;

   return interest;

Bool_t TGLCamera::UpdateInterest(Bool_t force)
   // Update the internal interest box (fInterestBox) of the camera.
   // The interest box is an orientated bounding box, calculated as
   // an expanded container round the frustum. It is used to test if
   // if object bounding boxes are of interest (should be accepted
   // into viewer scene) for a camera - see TGLCamera::OfInterest()
   // The interest box is updated if the frustum is no longer contained
   // in the existing one, or a new one calculated on the current frustum
   // differs significantly in volume (camera has been zoomed/dollyed
   // sizable amount).
   // If the interest box is updated we return kTRUE - kFALSE otherwise.
   Bool_t exposedUpdate = kFALSE;

   // Construct a new interest box using the current frustum box as a basis
   TGLBoundingBox frustumBox = Frustum(kTRUE);
   TGLBoundingBox newInterestBox(frustumBox);

   // The Z(2) axis of frustum (near->far plane) can be quite shallow c.f. X(0)/Y(1)
   // For interest box we want to expand to ensure it is at least size
   // of smaller X/Y to avoid excessive interest box recalculations
   TGLVector3 frustumExtents = frustumBox.Extents();
   Double_t minBoxLength = frustumExtents.Mag() * fgInterestBoxExpansion;
   newInterestBox.Scale(minBoxLength/frustumExtents[0], minBoxLength/frustumExtents[1], minBoxLength/frustumExtents[2]);

   // Calculate volume ratio of new to old
   Double_t volRatio = 0.0;

   // If the interest box is empty the interest is ALWAYS updated
   // See TGLCamera::OfInterest() comment on bootstrapping
   if (!fInterestBox.IsEmpty()) {
      volRatio = newInterestBox.Volume() / fInterestBox.Volume();

   // Update the existing interest box with new one if:
   // i) Volume ratio old/new interest has changed significantly
   // ii) The current frustum is not inside existing interest
   // iii) Force case (debugging)
   if (volRatio > 8.0 || volRatio < 0.125 || fInterestBox.IsEmpty() ||
       fInterestBox.Overlap(frustumBox) != kInside || force) {
      fPreviousInterestBox = fInterestBox;
      fInterestBox = newInterestBox;

      // Frustum should be fully contained now
      if (fInterestBox.Overlap(frustumBox) != kInside) {
         Error("TGLCamera::UpdateInterest", "update interest box does not contain frustum");

      exposedUpdate = kTRUE;

      // Keep the real frustum (true and box versions) as debuging aid
      fInterestFrustum = Frustum(kFALSE);
      fInterestFrustumAsBox = frustumBox;

      if (gDebug>2 || force) {
         Info("TGLCamera::UpdateInterest", "changed - volume ratio %f", volRatio );

   return exposedUpdate;

void TGLCamera::ResetInterest()
   // Clear out the existing interest box

   // We also reset the bootstrapping variable - see
   // TGLCamera::OfInterest comments.
   fLargestSeen = 0.0;

Bool_t TGLCamera::AdjustAndClampVal(Double_t & val, Double_t min, Double_t max,
                                    Int_t screenShift, Int_t screenShiftRange,
                                    Bool_t mod1, Bool_t mod2) const
   // Adjust a passed REFERENCE value 'val', based on screenShift delta.
   // Two modifier flags ('mod1' / 'mod2' ) for sensitivity:
   // mod1 = kFALSE, mod2 = kFALSE : normal sensitivity (screenShift/screenShiftRange)
   // mod1 = kTRUE,  mod2 = kFALSE : 0.1x sensitivity
   // mod1 = kTRUE,  mod2 = kTRUE  : 0.01x sensitivity
   // mod1 = kFALSE, mod2 = kTRUE  : 10.0x sensitivity
   // 'val' is modified and clamped to 'min' / 'max' range.
   // Return bool kTRUE if val actually changed.
   // Used as common interaction function for adjusting zoom/dolly etc
   if (screenShift == 0) {
      return kFALSE;

   // Calculate a sensitivity based on passed modifiers
   Double_t sens = val * static_cast<Double_t>(screenShift);

   if (mod1) {
      sens *= 0.1;
      if (mod2) {
         sens *= 0.1;
   } else {
      if (mod2) {
         sens *= 10.0;

   Double_t oldVal = val;
   Double_t shift  = sens / static_cast<Double_t>(screenShiftRange);
   val -= shift;

   if (val < min) {
      val = min;
   else if (val > max) {
      val = max;

   return val != oldVal;

Double_t TGLCamera::AdjustDelta(Double_t screenShift, Double_t deltaFactor,
                                Bool_t mod1, Bool_t mod2) const
   // Adjust a passed screen value and apply modifiers.
   // See AdjustAndClampVal() for details.

   if (screenShift == 0)
      return 0;

   // Calculate a sensitivity based on passed modifiers
   Double_t sens = 1.0;

   if (mod1) {
      sens *= 0.1;
      if (mod2) {
         sens *= 0.1;
   } else {
      if (mod2) {
         sens *= 10.0;

   return sens * deltaFactor * screenShift;

void TGLCamera::DrawDebugAids() const
   // Draw out some debugging aids for the camera:
   // i) The frustum used to create the current interest box (RED)
   // ii) The same frustum as a squared off box (ORANGE)
   // iii) The axis aligned version of the frustum used as interest box basis (YELLOW)
   // iv) The current interest box (BLUE)

   // Interest box frustum base (RED)

   // Interest box frustum as box (ORANGE)

   // Current Interest box (BLUE)

   // Previous interest (GREY)

   // Also draw line from current eye point out in eye direction - should not
   // appear if calculated correctly
   TGLVertex3 start = EyePoint();
   TGLVertex3 end = start + EyeDirection();

void TGLCamera::SetExternalCenter(Bool_t enable)
   // Set camera center diffrent than scene center, if enable is kTRUE.

   if (fExternalCenter == enable)

   fExternalCenter = enable;
   if (fExternalCenter)
      fCenter = &fExtCenter;
      fCenter = &fDefCenter;

   TGLMatrix bt = fCamBase * fCamTrans;
   fCamBase.SetBaseVec(4, *fCenter);
   TGLMatrix binv = fCamBase; binv.Invert();
   fCamTrans = binv * bt;


void TGLCamera::SetCenterVec(Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z)
   // Set camera center vector.

   if (fExternalCenter)
      fExtCenter.Set(x, y, z);
      fDefCenter.Set(x, y, z);

   TGLMatrix bt = fCamBase * fCamTrans;
   fCamBase.SetBaseVec(4, *fCenter);
   TGLMatrix binv = fCamBase; binv.Invert();
   fCamTrans = binv * bt;


void TGLCamera::SetCenterVecWarp(Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z)
   // Set camera center vector and do not keep the same combined
   // camera transformation matrix.
   // It appears as if the camera warped to the new center.

   if (fExternalCenter)
      fExtCenter.Set(x, y, z);
      fDefCenter.Set(x, y, z);

   fCamBase.SetBaseVec(4, *fCenter);


Double_t TGLCamera::GetTheta() const
   // Get angle between camera up axis.

   TGLVector3 fwd  = fCamTrans.GetBaseVec(1);
   TGLVector3 zdir = fCamBase.GetBaseVec(3);
   return TMath::ACos(fwd*zdir);

Bool_t TGLCamera::Truck(Double_t xDelta, Double_t yDelta)
   // Truck the camera - 'move camera parallel to film plane'.
   // Returns kTRUE is redraw required (camera change), kFALSE otherwise.

   if (xDelta != 0 || yDelta != 0)
      fCamTrans.MoveLF(2, xDelta);
      fCamTrans.MoveLF(3, yDelta);

      return kTRUE;
      return kFALSE;

Bool_t TGLCamera::Rotate(Int_t xDelta, Int_t yDelta, Bool_t mod1, Bool_t mod2)
   // Rotate the camera round view volume center established in Setup().
   // Arguments are:
   // xDelta - horizontal delta (pixels)
   // YDelta - vertical delta (pixels)

   Double_t vRotate = AdjustDelta(xDelta, TMath::TwoPi() / fViewport.Width(), mod1, mod2);
   Double_t hRotate = AdjustDelta(yDelta, TMath::Pi()   / fViewport.Height(), mod1, mod2);

   return RotateRad(hRotate, vRotate);

Bool_t TGLCamera::RotateRad(Double_t hRotate, Double_t vRotate)
   // Rotate camera around center.

   using namespace TMath;
   if (hRotate != 0.0)
      TGLVector3 fwd  = fCamTrans.GetBaseVec(1);
      TGLVector3 lft  = fCamTrans.GetBaseVec(2);
      TGLVector3 up   = fCamTrans.GetBaseVec(3);
      TGLVector3 pos  = fCamTrans.GetTranslation();

      TGLVector3 deltaT = pos - (pos*lft)*lft;
      Double_t   deltaF = deltaT * fwd;
      Double_t   deltaU = deltaT * up;

      // up vector lock
      TGLVector3 zdir = fCamBase.GetBaseVec(3);
      Double_t theta = ACos(fwd*zdir);
      if(theta+hRotate < fVAxisMinAngle)
         hRotate = fVAxisMinAngle - theta;
      else if(theta+hRotate > Pi() - fVAxisMinAngle)
         hRotate = Pi() - fVAxisMinAngle - theta;

      fCamTrans.MoveLF(1, -deltaF);
      fCamTrans.MoveLF(3, -deltaU);
      fCamTrans.RotateLF(3, 1, hRotate);
      fCamTrans.MoveLF(3,  deltaU);
      fCamTrans.MoveLF(1,  deltaF);
   if (vRotate != 0.0)
      fCamTrans.RotatePF(1, 2, -vRotate);

   return kTRUE;

Bool_t TGLCamera::Dolly(Int_t delta, Bool_t mod1, Bool_t mod2)
   // Dolly the camera - 'move camera along eye line, retaining lens focal length'.
   // Arguments are:
   // 'delta' - mouse viewport delta (pixels) - +ive dolly in, -ive dolly out
   // 'mod1' / 'mod2' - sensitivity modifiers - see TGLCamera::AdjustAndClampVal()
   // Returns kTRUE is redraw required (camera change), kFALSE otherwise.

   Double_t step = AdjustDelta(delta, fDollyDistance, mod1, mod2);
   if (step == 0)
      return kFALSE;

   fCamTrans.MoveLF(1, -step);

   return kTRUE;