// @(#)root/gl:$Id: TGLManipSet.cxx 28885 2009-06-10 15:51:12Z matevz $ // Author: Matevz Tadel, Feb 2007 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2004, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #include "TGLManipSet.h" #include "TGLTransManip.h" #include "TGLScaleManip.h" #include "TGLRotateManip.h" #include "TGLPhysicalShape.h" #include "TGLRnrCtx.h" #include "TGLSelectRecord.h" #include "TGLIncludes.h" #include <KeySymbols.h> #include <TVirtualX.h> //______________________________________________________________________ // // Combine all available manipulators in a collection. // // At first I wanted to merge them back into TGLManip (to have a // single class) but then it seemed somehow messy. // Maybe next time. ClassImp(TGLManipSet); TGLManipSet::TGLManipSet() : TGLOverlayElement(kViewer), fType (kTrans), fDrawBBox (kFALSE) { // Constructor. fManip[kTrans] = new TGLTransManip; fManip[kScale] = new TGLScaleManip; fManip[kRotate] = new TGLRotateManip; } //______________________________________________________________________ TGLManipSet::~TGLManipSet() { // Destructor. for (Int_t i=kTrans; i<kEndType; ++i) delete fManip[i]; } //______________________________________________________________________ void TGLManipSet::SetPShape(TGLPhysicalShape* shape) { // Set phys-shape, override of virtual from TGLPShapeRef. // Forward to all managed manipulators. TGLPShapeRef::SetPShape(shape); for (Int_t i=kTrans; i<kEndType; ++i) fManip[i]->Attach(shape); } /**************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************/ //______________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TGLManipSet::MouseEnter(TGLOvlSelectRecord& /*selRec*/) { // Mouse has enetered this element. // Always accept. TGLManip* manip = GetCurrentManip(); manip->SetActive(kFALSE); manip->SetSelectedWidget(0); return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TGLManipSet::Handle(TGLRnrCtx& rnrCtx, TGLOvlSelectRecord& selRec, Event_t* event) { // Handle overlay event. // Return TRUE if event was handled. TGLManip* manip = GetCurrentManip(); switch (event->fType) { case kButtonPress: { return manip->HandleButton(*event, rnrCtx.RefCamera()); } case kButtonRelease: { manip->SetActive(kFALSE); return kTRUE; } case kMotionNotify: { if (manip->GetActive()) return manip->HandleMotion(*event, rnrCtx.RefCamera()); if (selRec.GetCurrItem() != manip->GetSelectedWidget()) { manip->SetSelectedWidget(selRec.GetCurrItem()); return kTRUE; } return kFALSE; } case kGKeyPress: { switch (rnrCtx.GetEventKeySym()) { case kKey_V: case kKey_v: SetManipType(kTrans); return kTRUE; case kKey_C: case kKey_c: SetManipType(kRotate); return kTRUE; case kKey_X: case kKey_x: SetManipType(kScale); return kTRUE; default: return kFALSE; } } default: { return kFALSE; } } } //______________________________________________________________________ void TGLManipSet::MouseLeave() { // Mouse has left the element. TGLManip* manip = GetCurrentManip(); manip->SetActive(kFALSE); manip->SetSelectedWidget(0); } //______________________________________________________________________ void TGLManipSet::Render(TGLRnrCtx& rnrCtx) { // Render the manipulator and bounding-box. if (fPShape == 0) return; if (rnrCtx.Selection()) { TGLUtil::SetDrawQuality(12); fManip[fType]->Draw(rnrCtx.RefCamera()); TGLUtil::ResetDrawQuality(); } else { fManip[fType]->Draw(rnrCtx.RefCamera()); } if (fDrawBBox && ! rnrCtx.Selection()) { // TODO: This must be replaced by some color in rnrCtx, // like def-overlay-color, background-color, foreground-color // Or at least bkgcol ... i can then find high contrast. TGLUtil::Color(rnrCtx.ColorSet().Markup()); glDisable(GL_LIGHTING); fPShape->BoundingBox().Draw(); glEnable(GL_LIGHTING); } } //______________________________________________________________________ void TGLManipSet::SetManipType(Int_t type) { // Set manipulator type, range checked. if (type < 0 || type >= kEndType) return; fType = (EManip) type; }