ROOT Tutorials
graphics: Basic Graphics
ROOT Tutorials: Histograms
1. ContourList.C
Getting Contours From TH2D
2. DynamicSlice.C
Show the slice of a TH2 following the mouse position
3. FirstContour.C
make a contour plot and get the first contour in a TPolyMarker
4. draw2dopt.C
display the various 2-d drawing options
5. exec1.C
echo object at mouse position
6. exec2.C
echo object at mouse position and show a graphics line
7. fillrandom.C
Fill a 1-D histogram from a parametric function
8. greyscale.C
Create grey scale of nxn boxes.
9. h1draw.C
1-D histogram drawing options
10. hbars.C
Example of bar charts with 1-d histograms
11. hksimple.C
Illustrates the advantages of a TH1K histogram
12. hlabels1.C
1-D histograms with alphanumeric labels
13. hlabels2.C
2-D histograms with alphanumeric labels
14. hstack.C
Example of stacked histograms: class THStack
15. hsum.C
histograms filled and drawn in a loop
16. hsumTimer.C
demo of Timers
17. logscales.C
Draw parametric functions with log scales
18. multicolor.C
Use a THStack to show a 2-D hist with cells with different colors
19. rebin.C
this tutorial illustrates how to:
20. sparsehist.C
Evaluate the performance of THnSparse vs THnF (or Float_t arrays)
21. transpad.C
Example of a canvas showing two histograms with different scales.
22. twoscales.C
example of macro illustrating how to superimpose two histograms