Minuit2, originally developed in the SEAL project, is now distributed within %ROOT. The API has been then changed in this new version to follow the %ROOT coding convention (function names starting with capital letters) and the classes have been moved inside the namespace ROOT::Minuit2. In addition, the %ROOT distribution contains classes needed to integrate Minuit2 in the %ROOT framework.
In the latest version (from 5.17.08) a new class has been introduced, ROOT::Minuit2::Minuit2Minimizer, which implements the interface ROOT::Math::Minimizer. Within %ROOT, it can be instantiates also using the %ROOT plug-in manager. This class provides a convenient entry point for using Minuit2. An example of using this interface is the test program testMinimize.cxx.
The current version of Minuit2 (indipendent of %ROOT) can be downloaded from here and does not contain the %ROOT interface. It is therefore totally independent of external packages and can be simply build using the configure script and then make. Example tests are provided in the directory test/MnSim and test/MnTutorial and they can be built with the make check command.
The User Guide provides all the information needed for using directly (without add-on packages like %ROOT) the C++ version of MINUIT.
@authors the %ROOT Math Library Team
@b Contact: