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// @(#)root/mathcore:$Id: DataVector.h 28946 2009-06-11 15:39:14Z moneta $
// Author: L. Moneta Wed Aug 30 11:15:23 2006

 *                                                                    *
 * Copyright (c) 2006  LCG ROOT Math Team, CERN/PH-SFT                *
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// Header file for class DataVector

#ifndef ROOT_Fit_DataVector
#define ROOT_Fit_DataVector

@defgroup FitData Fit Data Classes 

Classes for describing the input data for fitting

@ingroup Fit

// #ifndef ROOT_Fit_DataVectorfwd
// #include "Fit/DataVectorfwd.h"
// #endif

#ifndef ROOT_Fit_DataOptions
#include "Fit/DataOptions.h"

#ifndef ROOT_Fit_DataRange
#include "Fit/DataRange.h"

#include <vector>
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream> 

namespace ROOT { 

   namespace Fit { 

   Base class for all the fit data types

   @ingroup FitData

class FitData { 

   /// construct with default option and data range 
   FitData() {}

   /// dummy virtual destructor
   virtual ~FitData() {}

   /// construct passing options and default data range 
   FitData(const DataOptions & opt) : 

   /// construct passing range and default options 
   FitData(const DataRange & range) : 

   /// construct passing options and data range 
   FitData (const DataOptions & opt, const DataRange & range) : 

      access to options
   const DataOptions & Opt() const { return fOptions; }
   DataOptions & Opt() { return fOptions; }

      access to range
   const DataRange & Range() const { return fRange; }

   // range cannot be modified afterwards
   // since fit method functions use all data 

       define a max size to avoid allocating too large arrays 
   static unsigned int MaxSize()  { 
      return (unsigned int) (-1) / sizeof (double);


      DataOptions fOptions; 
      DataRange   fRange; 


   class holding the fit data points. It is template on the type of point,
   which can be for example a binned or unbinned point. 
   It is basicaly a wrapper on an std::vector  

   @ingroup FitData


class DataVector {


   typedef std::vector<double>      FData;

      default constructor for a vector of N -data
   explicit DataVector (size_t n ) : 

      //if (n!=0) fData.reserve(n);

      Destructor (no operations)
   ~DataVector ()  {}  

   // use default copy constructor and assignment operator

      const access to underlying vector 
   const FData & Data() const { return fData; }

      non-const access to underlying vector (in case of insertion/deletion) and iterator
   FData & Data()  { return fData; }

#ifndef __CINT__
      const iterator access 
   typedef FData::const_iterator const_iterator;
   typedef FData::iterator iterator;

   const_iterator begin() const { return fData.begin(); }
   const_iterator end() const { return fData.begin()+fData.size(); }

      non-const iterator access 
   iterator begin() { return fData.begin(); }
   iterator end()   { return fData.end(); }

      access to the point
   const double & operator[] (unsigned int i)  const { return fData[i]; } 
   double & operator[] (unsigned int i)   { return fData[i]; } 

      full size of data vector (npoints * point size) 
   size_t Size() const { return fData.size(); } 


      FData fData; 

//       // usefule typedef's of DataVector
//       class BinPoint;
//       // declaration for various type of data vectors
//       typedef DataVector<ROOT::Fit::BinPoint>                    BinData; 
//       typedef DataVector<ROOT::Fit::BinPoint>::const_iterator    BinDataIterator; 

   class maintaining a pointer to external data
   Using this class avoids copying the data when performing a fit
   NOTE: this class is not thread-safe and should not be used in parallel fits

   @ingroup FitData

class DataWrapper { 


      specialized constructor for 1D data without errors and values
   explicit DataWrapper(const double * dataX ) :
      fCoords(std::vector<const double * >(1) ),
      fX(std::vector<double>(1) )
      fCoords[0] = dataX; 

      constructor for 1D data (if errors are not present a null pointer should be passed) 
   DataWrapper(const double * dataX, const double * val, const double * eval , const double * ex ) :
      fCoords(std::vector<const double * >(1) ),
      fErrCoords(std::vector<const double * >(1) ),
      fX(std::vector<double>(1) ),
      fErr(std::vector<double>(1) )
      fCoords[0] = dataX; 
      fErrCoords[0] = ex; 

      constructor for 2D data (if errors are not present a null pointer should be passed) 
   DataWrapper(const double * dataX, const double * dataY, const double * val, const double * eval, const double * ex , const double * ey  ) : 
      fCoords(std::vector<const double * >(2) ),
      fErrCoords(std::vector<const double * >(2) ),
      fX(std::vector<double>(2) ),
      fErr(std::vector<double>(2) )
      fCoords[0] = dataX; 
      fCoords[1] = dataY; 
      fErrCoords[0] = ex; 
      fErrCoords[1] = ey; 

      constructor for 3D data (if errors are not present a null pointer should be passed) 
   DataWrapper(const double * dataX, const double * dataY, const double * dataZ, const double * val, const double * eval, const double * ex , const double * ey, const double * ez  ) : 
      fCoords(std::vector<const double * >(3) ),
      fErrCoords(std::vector<const double * >(3) ),
      fX(std::vector<double>(3) ),
      fErr(std::vector<double>(3) )
      fCoords[0] = dataX; 
      fCoords[1] = dataY; 
      fCoords[2] = dataZ; 
      fErrCoords[0] = ex; 
      fErrCoords[1] = ey; 
      fErrCoords[2] = ez; 

      constructor for multi-dim data without  errors 
   template<class Iterator> 
   DataWrapper(unsigned int dim,  Iterator  coordItr ) :  
      fCoords(std::vector<const double * >(coordItr, coordItr+dim) ),
      fX(std::vector<double>(dim) )
   { }

      constructor for multi-dim data with errors and values (if errors are not present a null pointer should be passed) 
   template<class Iterator> 
   DataWrapper(size_t dim, Iterator coordItr, const double * val, const double * eval, Iterator errItr ) :  
      // use size_t for dim to avoid allocating huge vector on 64 bits when dim=-1
      fCoords(std::vector<const double * >(coordItr, coordItr+dim) ),
      fErrCoords(std::vector<const double * >(errItr, errItr+dim) ),
      fX(std::vector<double>(dim) ),
      fErr(std::vector<double>(dim) )
   { }

   // destructor 
   ~DataWrapper() { 
      //printf("Delete Data wrapper\n");
      // no operations

   // use default copy constructor and assignment operator
   // copy the pointer of the data not the data

   const double * Coords(unsigned int ipoint) const { 
      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fDim; ++i) { 
         const double * x = fCoords[i];
         assert (x != 0);
         fX[i] = x[ipoint];
      return &fX.front();

   double Coord(unsigned int ipoint, unsigned int icoord) const { 
         const double * x = fCoords[icoord];
         assert (x != 0);
         return  x[ipoint]; 

   const double * CoordErrors(unsigned int ipoint) const { 
      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fDim; ++i) { 
         const double * err = fErrCoords[i];
         if (err == 0) return 0; 
         fErr[i] = err[ipoint];
      return &fErr.front();

   double CoordError(unsigned int ipoint, unsigned int icoord) const { 
         const double * err = fErrCoords[icoord];
         return  (err != 0) ? err[ipoint] : 0; 

   double Value(unsigned int ipoint) const { 
      return fValues[ipoint];

   double Error(unsigned int ipoint) const {       
      return (fErrors) ?  fErrors[ipoint]  : 0. ;


   unsigned int fDim;
   const double * fValues; 
   const double * fErrors;   
   std::vector<const double *> fCoords;
   std::vector<const double *> fErrCoords;
   // cached vector to return x[] and errors on x
   mutable std::vector<double> fX;
   mutable std::vector<double> fErr;


   } // end namespace Fit

} // end namespace ROOT

#endif /* ROOT_Fit_DataVector */