multipalette.C: Draw color plots using different color palettes. | TGraph, TGraphErrors, etc | splines.C: examples of use of the spline classes |
// strip chart example // Author: Rene Brun void seism() { TStopwatch sw; sw.Start(); //set time offset TDatime dtime; gStyle->SetTimeOffset(dtime.Convert()); TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","Time on axis",10,10,1000,500); c1->SetFillColor(42); c1->SetFrameFillColor(33); c1->SetGrid(); Float_t bintime = 1; //one bin = 1 second. change it to set the time scale TH1F *ht = new TH1F("ht","The ROOT seism",10,0,10*bintime); Float_t signal = 1000; ht->SetMaximum( signal); ht->SetMinimum(-signal); ht->SetStats(0); ht->SetLineColor(2); ht->GetXaxis()->SetTimeDisplay(1); ht->GetYaxis()->SetNdivisions(520); ht->Draw(); for (Int_t i=1;i<2300;i++) { //======= Build a signal : noisy damped sine ====== Float_t noise = gRandom->Gaus(0,120); if (i > 700) noise += signal*sin((i-700.)*6.28/30)*exp((700.-i)/300.); ht->SetBinContent(i,noise); c1->Modified(); c1->Update(); gSystem->ProcessEvents(); //canvas can be edited during the loop } printf("Real Time = %8.3fs, Cpu Time = %8.3fs\n",sw.RealTime(),sw.CpuTime()); } seism.C:1 seism.C:2 seism.C:3 seism.C:4 seism.C:5 seism.C:6 seism.C:7 seism.C:8 seism.C:9 seism.C:10 seism.C:11 seism.C:12 seism.C:13 seism.C:14 seism.C:15 seism.C:16 seism.C:17 seism.C:18 seism.C:19 seism.C:20 seism.C:21 seism.C:22 seism.C:23 seism.C:24 seism.C:25 seism.C:26 seism.C:27 seism.C:28 seism.C:29 seism.C:30 seism.C:31 seism.C:32 seism.C:33 seism.C:34 seism.C:35 seism.C:36 seism.C:37 seism.C:38 |