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// @(#)root/base:$Id: TMatrixTCramerInv.cxx 20882 2007-11-19 11:31:26Z rdm $
// Authors: Fons Rademakers, Eddy Offermann  Jan 2004

 * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
 * All rights reserved.                                                  *
 *                                                                       *
 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *

//                                                                      //
// TMatrixTCramerInv                                                    //
//                                                                      //
// Encapsulate templates of Cramer Inversion routines.                  //
//                                                                      //
// The 4x4, 5x5 and 6x6 are adapted from routines written by            //
// Mark Fischler and Steven Haywood as part of the CLHEP package        //
//                                                                      //
// Although for sizes <= 6x6 the Cramer Inversion has a gain in speed   //
// compared to factorization schemes (like LU) , one pays a price in    //
// accuracy  .                                                          //
//                                                                      //
// For Example:                                                         //
//  H * H^-1 = U, where H is a 5x5 Hilbert matrix                       //
//                      U is a 5x5 Unity matrix                         //
//                                                                      //
// LU    : |U_jk| < 10e-13 for  j!=k                                    //
// Cramer: |U_jk| < 10e-7  for  j!=k                                    //
//                                                                      //
//  however Cramer algorithm is about 10 (!) times faster               //

#include "TMatrixTCramerInv.h"

#if !defined(R__ALPHA) && !defined(R__SOLARIS) && !defined(R__ACC) && !defined(R__FBSD)

template<class Element> 
Bool_t TMatrixTCramerInv::Inv2x2(TMatrixT<Element> &m,Double_t *determ)
   if (m.GetNrows() != 2 || m.GetNcols() != 2 || m.GetRowLwb() != m.GetColLwb()) {
      Error("Inv2x2","matrix should be square 2x2");
      return kFALSE;

   Element *pM = m.GetMatrixArray();

   const Double_t det = pM[0] * pM[3] - pM[2] * pM[1];

   if (determ)
      *determ = det;

   const Double_t s = 1./det;
   if ( det == 0 ) {
      Error("Inv2x2","matrix is singular");
      return kFALSE;

   const Double_t tmp = s*pM[3];
   pM[1] *= -s;
   pM[2] *= -s;
   pM[3] = s*pM[0];
   pM[0] = tmp;

   return kTRUE;

template<class Element> 
Bool_t TMatrixTCramerInv::Inv3x3(TMatrixT<Element> &m,Double_t *determ)
   if (m.GetNrows() != 3 || m.GetNcols() != 3 || m.GetRowLwb() != m.GetColLwb()) {
      Error("Inv3x3","matrix should be square 3x3");
      return kFALSE;

   Element *pM = m.GetMatrixArray();

   const Double_t c00 = pM[4] * pM[8] - pM[5] * pM[7];
   const Double_t c01 = pM[5] * pM[6] - pM[3] * pM[8];
   const Double_t c02 = pM[3] * pM[7] - pM[4] * pM[6];
   const Double_t c10 = pM[7] * pM[2] - pM[8] * pM[1];
   const Double_t c11 = pM[8] * pM[0] - pM[6] * pM[2];
   const Double_t c12 = pM[6] * pM[1] - pM[7] * pM[0];
   const Double_t c20 = pM[1] * pM[5] - pM[2] * pM[4];
   const Double_t c21 = pM[2] * pM[3] - pM[0] * pM[5];
   const Double_t c22 = pM[0] * pM[4] - pM[1] * pM[3];

   const Double_t t0 = TMath::Abs(pM[0]);
   const Double_t t1 = TMath::Abs(pM[3]);
   const Double_t t2 = TMath::Abs(pM[6]);
   Double_t det;
   Double_t tmp;
   if (t0 >= t1) {
      if (t2 >= t0) {
      tmp = pM[6];
      det = c12*c01-c11*c02;
      } else {
         tmp = pM[0];
         det = c11*c22-c12*c21;
   } else if (t2 >= t1) {
      tmp = pM[6];
      det = c12*c01-c11*c02;
   } else {
      tmp = pM[3];
      det = c02*c21-c01*c22;

   if ( det == 0 || tmp == 0) {
      Error("Inv3x3","matrix is singular");
      return kFALSE;

   const Double_t s = tmp/det;
   if (determ)
      *determ = 1./s;

   pM[0] = s*c00;
   pM[1] = s*c10;
   pM[2] = s*c20;
   pM[3] = s*c01;
   pM[4] = s*c11;
   pM[5] = s*c21;
   pM[6] = s*c02;
   pM[7] = s*c12;
   pM[8] = s*c22;
   return kTRUE;

// GFij are indices for a 4x4 matrix.

#define GF00 0
#define GF01 1
#define GF02 2
#define GF03 3

#define GF10 4
#define GF11 5
#define GF12 6
#define GF13 7

#define GF20 8
#define GF21 9
#define GF22 10
#define GF23 11

#define GF30 12
#define GF31 13
#define GF32 14
#define GF33 15

template<class Element> 
Bool_t TMatrixTCramerInv::Inv4x4(TMatrixT<Element> &m,Double_t *determ)
   if (m.GetNrows() != 4 || m.GetNcols() != 4 || m.GetRowLwb() != m.GetColLwb()) {
      Error("Inv4x4","matrix should be square 4x4");
      return kFALSE;

   Element *pM = m.GetMatrixArray();

  // Find all NECESSARY 2x2 dets:  (18 of them)

   const Double_t det2_12_01 = pM[GF10]*pM[GF21] - pM[GF11]*pM[GF20];
   const Double_t det2_12_02 = pM[GF10]*pM[GF22] - pM[GF12]*pM[GF20];
   const Double_t det2_12_03 = pM[GF10]*pM[GF23] - pM[GF13]*pM[GF20];
   const Double_t det2_12_13 = pM[GF11]*pM[GF23] - pM[GF13]*pM[GF21];
   const Double_t det2_12_23 = pM[GF12]*pM[GF23] - pM[GF13]*pM[GF22];
   const Double_t det2_12_12 = pM[GF11]*pM[GF22] - pM[GF12]*pM[GF21];
   const Double_t det2_13_01 = pM[GF10]*pM[GF31] - pM[GF11]*pM[GF30];
   const Double_t det2_13_02 = pM[GF10]*pM[GF32] - pM[GF12]*pM[GF30];
   const Double_t det2_13_03 = pM[GF10]*pM[GF33] - pM[GF13]*pM[GF30];
   const Double_t det2_13_12 = pM[GF11]*pM[GF32] - pM[GF12]*pM[GF31];
   const Double_t det2_13_13 = pM[GF11]*pM[GF33] - pM[GF13]*pM[GF31];
   const Double_t det2_13_23 = pM[GF12]*pM[GF33] - pM[GF13]*pM[GF32];
   const Double_t det2_23_01 = pM[GF20]*pM[GF31] - pM[GF21]*pM[GF30];
   const Double_t det2_23_02 = pM[GF20]*pM[GF32] - pM[GF22]*pM[GF30];
   const Double_t det2_23_03 = pM[GF20]*pM[GF33] - pM[GF23]*pM[GF30];
   const Double_t det2_23_12 = pM[GF21]*pM[GF32] - pM[GF22]*pM[GF31];
   const Double_t det2_23_13 = pM[GF21]*pM[GF33] - pM[GF23]*pM[GF31];
   const Double_t det2_23_23 = pM[GF22]*pM[GF33] - pM[GF23]*pM[GF32];

  // Find all NECESSARY 3x3 dets:   (16 of them)

   const Double_t det3_012_012 = pM[GF00]*det2_12_12 - pM[GF01]*det2_12_02 
                                 + pM[GF02]*det2_12_01;
   const Double_t det3_012_013 = pM[GF00]*det2_12_13 - pM[GF01]*det2_12_03 
                                 + pM[GF03]*det2_12_01;
   const Double_t det3_012_023 = pM[GF00]*det2_12_23 - pM[GF02]*det2_12_03 
                                 + pM[GF03]*det2_12_02;
   const Double_t det3_012_123 = pM[GF01]*det2_12_23 - pM[GF02]*det2_12_13 
                                 + pM[GF03]*det2_12_12;
   const Double_t det3_013_012 = pM[GF00]*det2_13_12 - pM[GF01]*det2_13_02 
                                 + pM[GF02]*det2_13_01;
   const Double_t det3_013_013 = pM[GF00]*det2_13_13 - pM[GF01]*det2_13_03
                                 + pM[GF03]*det2_13_01;
   const Double_t det3_013_023 = pM[GF00]*det2_13_23 - pM[GF02]*det2_13_03
                                 + pM[GF03]*det2_13_02;
   const Double_t det3_013_123 = pM[GF01]*det2_13_23 - pM[GF02]*det2_13_13
                                 + pM[GF03]*det2_13_12;
   const Double_t det3_023_012 = pM[GF00]*det2_23_12 - pM[GF01]*det2_23_02 
                                 + pM[GF02]*det2_23_01;
   const Double_t det3_023_013 = pM[GF00]*det2_23_13 - pM[GF01]*det2_23_03
                                 + pM[GF03]*det2_23_01;
   const Double_t det3_023_023 = pM[GF00]*det2_23_23 - pM[GF02]*det2_23_03
                                 + pM[GF03]*det2_23_02;
   const Double_t det3_023_123 = pM[GF01]*det2_23_23 - pM[GF02]*det2_23_13
                                 + pM[GF03]*det2_23_12;
   const Double_t det3_123_012 = pM[GF10]*det2_23_12 - pM[GF11]*det2_23_02 
                                 + pM[GF12]*det2_23_01;
   const Double_t det3_123_013 = pM[GF10]*det2_23_13 - pM[GF11]*det2_23_03 
                                  + pM[GF13]*det2_23_01;
   const Double_t det3_123_023 = pM[GF10]*det2_23_23 - pM[GF12]*det2_23_03 
                                 + pM[GF13]*det2_23_02;
   const Double_t det3_123_123 = pM[GF11]*det2_23_23 - pM[GF12]*det2_23_13 
                                 + pM[GF13]*det2_23_12;

  // Find the 4x4 det:

   const Double_t det = pM[GF00]*det3_123_123 - pM[GF01]*det3_123_023 
                        + pM[GF02]*det3_123_013 - pM[GF03]*det3_123_012;
   if (determ)
      *determ = det;

   if ( det == 0 ) {
      Error("Inv4x4","matrix is singular");
      return kFALSE;

   const Double_t oneOverDet = 1.0/det;
   const Double_t mn1OverDet = - oneOverDet;

   pM[GF00] =  det3_123_123 * oneOverDet;
   pM[GF01] =  det3_023_123 * mn1OverDet;
   pM[GF02] =  det3_013_123 * oneOverDet;
   pM[GF03] =  det3_012_123 * mn1OverDet;

   pM[GF10] =  det3_123_023 * mn1OverDet;
   pM[GF11] =  det3_023_023 * oneOverDet;
   pM[GF12] =  det3_013_023 * mn1OverDet;
   pM[GF13] =  det3_012_023 * oneOverDet;

   pM[GF20] =  det3_123_013 * oneOverDet;
   pM[GF21] =  det3_023_013 * mn1OverDet;
   pM[GF22] =  det3_013_013 * oneOverDet;
   pM[GF23] =  det3_012_013 * mn1OverDet;

   pM[GF30] =  det3_123_012 * mn1OverDet;
   pM[GF31] =  det3_023_012 * oneOverDet;
   pM[GF32] =  det3_013_012 * mn1OverDet;
   pM[GF33] =  det3_012_012 * oneOverDet;

   return kTRUE;

// GMij are indices for a 5x5 matrix.

#define GM00 0
#define GM01 1
#define GM02 2
#define GM03 3
#define GM04 4

#define GM10 5
#define GM11 6
#define GM12 7
#define GM13 8
#define GM14 9

#define GM20 10
#define GM21 11
#define GM22 12
#define GM23 13
#define GM24 14

#define GM30 15
#define GM31 16
#define GM32 17
#define GM33 18
#define GM34 19

#define GM40 20
#define GM41 21
#define GM42 22
#define GM43 23
#define GM44 24

template<class Element> 
Bool_t TMatrixTCramerInv::Inv5x5(TMatrixT<Element> &m,Double_t *determ)
   if (m.GetNrows() != 5 || m.GetNcols() != 5 || m.GetRowLwb() != m.GetColLwb()) {
      Error("Inv5x5","matrix should be square 5x5");
      return kFALSE;

   Element *pM = m.GetMatrixArray();

  // Find all NECESSARY 2x2 dets:  (30 of them)

   const Double_t det2_23_01 = pM[GM20]*pM[GM31] - pM[GM21]*pM[GM30];
   const Double_t det2_23_02 = pM[GM20]*pM[GM32] - pM[GM22]*pM[GM30];
   const Double_t det2_23_03 = pM[GM20]*pM[GM33] - pM[GM23]*pM[GM30];
   const Double_t det2_23_04 = pM[GM20]*pM[GM34] - pM[GM24]*pM[GM30];
   const Double_t det2_23_12 = pM[GM21]*pM[GM32] - pM[GM22]*pM[GM31];
   const Double_t det2_23_13 = pM[GM21]*pM[GM33] - pM[GM23]*pM[GM31];
   const Double_t det2_23_14 = pM[GM21]*pM[GM34] - pM[GM24]*pM[GM31];
   const Double_t det2_23_23 = pM[GM22]*pM[GM33] - pM[GM23]*pM[GM32];
   const Double_t det2_23_24 = pM[GM22]*pM[GM34] - pM[GM24]*pM[GM32];
   const Double_t det2_23_34 = pM[GM23]*pM[GM34] - pM[GM24]*pM[GM33];
   const Double_t det2_24_01 = pM[GM20]*pM[GM41] - pM[GM21]*pM[GM40];
   const Double_t det2_24_02 = pM[GM20]*pM[GM42] - pM[GM22]*pM[GM40];
   const Double_t det2_24_03 = pM[GM20]*pM[GM43] - pM[GM23]*pM[GM40];
   const Double_t det2_24_04 = pM[GM20]*pM[GM44] - pM[GM24]*pM[GM40];
   const Double_t det2_24_12 = pM[GM21]*pM[GM42] - pM[GM22]*pM[GM41];
   const Double_t det2_24_13 = pM[GM21]*pM[GM43] - pM[GM23]*pM[GM41];
   const Double_t det2_24_14 = pM[GM21]*pM[GM44] - pM[GM24]*pM[GM41];
   const Double_t det2_24_23 = pM[GM22]*pM[GM43] - pM[GM23]*pM[GM42];
   const Double_t det2_24_24 = pM[GM22]*pM[GM44] - pM[GM24]*pM[GM42];
   const Double_t det2_24_34 = pM[GM23]*pM[GM44] - pM[GM24]*pM[GM43];
   const Double_t det2_34_01 = pM[GM30]*pM[GM41] - pM[GM31]*pM[GM40];
   const Double_t det2_34_02 = pM[GM30]*pM[GM42] - pM[GM32]*pM[GM40];
   const Double_t det2_34_03 = pM[GM30]*pM[GM43] - pM[GM33]*pM[GM40];
   const Double_t det2_34_04 = pM[GM30]*pM[GM44] - pM[GM34]*pM[GM40];
   const Double_t det2_34_12 = pM[GM31]*pM[GM42] - pM[GM32]*pM[GM41];
   const Double_t det2_34_13 = pM[GM31]*pM[GM43] - pM[GM33]*pM[GM41];
   const Double_t det2_34_14 = pM[GM31]*pM[GM44] - pM[GM34]*pM[GM41];
   const Double_t det2_34_23 = pM[GM32]*pM[GM43] - pM[GM33]*pM[GM42];
   const Double_t det2_34_24 = pM[GM32]*pM[GM44] - pM[GM34]*pM[GM42];
   const Double_t det2_34_34 = pM[GM33]*pM[GM44] - pM[GM34]*pM[GM43];

  // Find all NECESSARY 3x3 dets:   (40 of them)

   const Double_t det3_123_012 = pM[GM10]*det2_23_12 - pM[GM11]*det2_23_02 + pM[GM12]*det2_23_01;
   const Double_t det3_123_013 = pM[GM10]*det2_23_13 - pM[GM11]*det2_23_03 + pM[GM13]*det2_23_01;
   const Double_t det3_123_014 = pM[GM10]*det2_23_14 - pM[GM11]*det2_23_04 + pM[GM14]*det2_23_01;
   const Double_t det3_123_023 = pM[GM10]*det2_23_23 - pM[GM12]*det2_23_03 + pM[GM13]*det2_23_02;
   const Double_t det3_123_024 = pM[GM10]*det2_23_24 - pM[GM12]*det2_23_04 + pM[GM14]*det2_23_02;
   const Double_t det3_123_034 = pM[GM10]*det2_23_34 - pM[GM13]*det2_23_04 + pM[GM14]*det2_23_03;
   const Double_t det3_123_123 = pM[GM11]*det2_23_23 - pM[GM12]*det2_23_13 + pM[GM13]*det2_23_12;
   const Double_t det3_123_124 = pM[GM11]*det2_23_24 - pM[GM12]*det2_23_14 + pM[GM14]*det2_23_12;
   const Double_t det3_123_134 = pM[GM11]*det2_23_34 - pM[GM13]*det2_23_14 + pM[GM14]*det2_23_13;
   const Double_t det3_123_234 = pM[GM12]*det2_23_34 - pM[GM13]*det2_23_24 + pM[GM14]*det2_23_23;
   const Double_t det3_124_012 = pM[GM10]*det2_24_12 - pM[GM11]*det2_24_02 + pM[GM12]*det2_24_01;
   const Double_t det3_124_013 = pM[GM10]*det2_24_13 - pM[GM11]*det2_24_03 + pM[GM13]*det2_24_01;
   const Double_t det3_124_014 = pM[GM10]*det2_24_14 - pM[GM11]*det2_24_04 + pM[GM14]*det2_24_01;
   const Double_t det3_124_023 = pM[GM10]*det2_24_23 - pM[GM12]*det2_24_03 + pM[GM13]*det2_24_02;
   const Double_t det3_124_024 = pM[GM10]*det2_24_24 - pM[GM12]*det2_24_04 + pM[GM14]*det2_24_02;
   const Double_t det3_124_034 = pM[GM10]*det2_24_34 - pM[GM13]*det2_24_04 + pM[GM14]*det2_24_03;
   const Double_t det3_124_123 = pM[GM11]*det2_24_23 - pM[GM12]*det2_24_13 + pM[GM13]*det2_24_12;
   const Double_t det3_124_124 = pM[GM11]*det2_24_24 - pM[GM12]*det2_24_14 + pM[GM14]*det2_24_12;
   const Double_t det3_124_134 = pM[GM11]*det2_24_34 - pM[GM13]*det2_24_14 + pM[GM14]*det2_24_13;
   const Double_t det3_124_234 = pM[GM12]*det2_24_34 - pM[GM13]*det2_24_24 + pM[GM14]*det2_24_23;
   const Double_t det3_134_012 = pM[GM10]*det2_34_12 - pM[GM11]*det2_34_02 + pM[GM12]*det2_34_01;
   const Double_t det3_134_013 = pM[GM10]*det2_34_13 - pM[GM11]*det2_34_03 + pM[GM13]*det2_34_01;
   const Double_t det3_134_014 = pM[GM10]*det2_34_14 - pM[GM11]*det2_34_04 + pM[GM14]*det2_34_01;
   const Double_t det3_134_023 = pM[GM10]*det2_34_23 - pM[GM12]*det2_34_03 + pM[GM13]*det2_34_02;
   const Double_t det3_134_024 = pM[GM10]*det2_34_24 - pM[GM12]*det2_34_04 + pM[GM14]*det2_34_02;
   const Double_t det3_134_034 = pM[GM10]*det2_34_34 - pM[GM13]*det2_34_04 + pM[GM14]*det2_34_03;
   const Double_t det3_134_123 = pM[GM11]*det2_34_23 - pM[GM12]*det2_34_13 + pM[GM13]*det2_34_12;
   const Double_t det3_134_124 = pM[GM11]*det2_34_24 - pM[GM12]*det2_34_14 + pM[GM14]*det2_34_12;
   const Double_t det3_134_134 = pM[GM11]*det2_34_34 - pM[GM13]*det2_34_14 + pM[GM14]*det2_34_13;
   const Double_t det3_134_234 = pM[GM12]*det2_34_34 - pM[GM13]*det2_34_24 + pM[GM14]*det2_34_23;
   const Double_t det3_234_012 = pM[GM20]*det2_34_12 - pM[GM21]*det2_34_02 + pM[GM22]*det2_34_01;
   const Double_t det3_234_013 = pM[GM20]*det2_34_13 - pM[GM21]*det2_34_03 + pM[GM23]*det2_34_01;
   const Double_t det3_234_014 = pM[GM20]*det2_34_14 - pM[GM21]*det2_34_04 + pM[GM24]*det2_34_01;
   const Double_t det3_234_023 = pM[GM20]*det2_34_23 - pM[GM22]*det2_34_03 + pM[GM23]*det2_34_02;
   const Double_t det3_234_024 = pM[GM20]*det2_34_24 - pM[GM22]*det2_34_04 + pM[GM24]*det2_34_02;
   const Double_t det3_234_034 = pM[GM20]*det2_34_34 - pM[GM23]*det2_34_04 + pM[GM24]*det2_34_03;
   const Double_t det3_234_123 = pM[GM21]*det2_34_23 - pM[GM22]*det2_34_13 + pM[GM23]*det2_34_12;
   const Double_t det3_234_124 = pM[GM21]*det2_34_24 - pM[GM22]*det2_34_14 + pM[GM24]*det2_34_12;
   const Double_t det3_234_134 = pM[GM21]*det2_34_34 - pM[GM23]*det2_34_14 + pM[GM24]*det2_34_13;
   const Double_t det3_234_234 = pM[GM22]*det2_34_34 - pM[GM23]*det2_34_24 + pM[GM24]*det2_34_23;

  // Find all NECESSARY 4x4 dets:   (25 of them)

   const Double_t det4_0123_0123 = pM[GM00]*det3_123_123 - pM[GM01]*det3_123_023 
                                   + pM[GM02]*det3_123_013 - pM[GM03]*det3_123_012;
   const Double_t det4_0123_0124 = pM[GM00]*det3_123_124 - pM[GM01]*det3_123_024 
                                   + pM[GM02]*det3_123_014 - pM[GM04]*det3_123_012;
   const Double_t det4_0123_0134 = pM[GM00]*det3_123_134 - pM[GM01]*det3_123_034 
                                   + pM[GM03]*det3_123_014 - pM[GM04]*det3_123_013;
   const Double_t det4_0123_0234 = pM[GM00]*det3_123_234 - pM[GM02]*det3_123_034 
                                   + pM[GM03]*det3_123_024 - pM[GM04]*det3_123_023;
   const Double_t det4_0123_1234 = pM[GM01]*det3_123_234 - pM[GM02]*det3_123_134 
                                   + pM[GM03]*det3_123_124 - pM[GM04]*det3_123_123;
   const Double_t det4_0124_0123 = pM[GM00]*det3_124_123 - pM[GM01]*det3_124_023 
                                   + pM[GM02]*det3_124_013 - pM[GM03]*det3_124_012;
   const Double_t det4_0124_0124 = pM[GM00]*det3_124_124 - pM[GM01]*det3_124_024 
                                   + pM[GM02]*det3_124_014 - pM[GM04]*det3_124_012;
   const Double_t det4_0124_0134 = pM[GM00]*det3_124_134 - pM[GM01]*det3_124_034 
                                   + pM[GM03]*det3_124_014 - pM[GM04]*det3_124_013;
   const Double_t det4_0124_0234 = pM[GM00]*det3_124_234 - pM[GM02]*det3_124_034 
                                   + pM[GM03]*det3_124_024 - pM[GM04]*det3_124_023;
   const Double_t det4_0124_1234 = pM[GM01]*det3_124_234 - pM[GM02]*det3_124_134 
                                   + pM[GM03]*det3_124_124 - pM[GM04]*det3_124_123;
   const Double_t det4_0134_0123 = pM[GM00]*det3_134_123 - pM[GM01]*det3_134_023 
                                   + pM[GM02]*det3_134_013 - pM[GM03]*det3_134_012;
   const Double_t det4_0134_0124 = pM[GM00]*det3_134_124 - pM[GM01]*det3_134_024 
                                   + pM[GM02]*det3_134_014 - pM[GM04]*det3_134_012;
   const Double_t det4_0134_0134 = pM[GM00]*det3_134_134 - pM[GM01]*det3_134_034 
                                   + pM[GM03]*det3_134_014 - pM[GM04]*det3_134_013;
   const Double_t det4_0134_0234 = pM[GM00]*det3_134_234 - pM[GM02]*det3_134_034 
                                   + pM[GM03]*det3_134_024 - pM[GM04]*det3_134_023;
   const Double_t det4_0134_1234 = pM[GM01]*det3_134_234 - pM[GM02]*det3_134_134 
                                   + pM[GM03]*det3_134_124 - pM[GM04]*det3_134_123;
   const Double_t det4_0234_0123 = pM[GM00]*det3_234_123 - pM[GM01]*det3_234_023 
                                   + pM[GM02]*det3_234_013 - pM[GM03]*det3_234_012;
   const Double_t det4_0234_0124 = pM[GM00]*det3_234_124 - pM[GM01]*det3_234_024 
                                   + pM[GM02]*det3_234_014 - pM[GM04]*det3_234_012;
   const Double_t det4_0234_0134 = pM[GM00]*det3_234_134 - pM[GM01]*det3_234_034 
                                   + pM[GM03]*det3_234_014 - pM[GM04]*det3_234_013;
   const Double_t det4_0234_0234 = pM[GM00]*det3_234_234 - pM[GM02]*det3_234_034 
                                   + pM[GM03]*det3_234_024 - pM[GM04]*det3_234_023;
   const Double_t det4_0234_1234 = pM[GM01]*det3_234_234 - pM[GM02]*det3_234_134 
                                   + pM[GM03]*det3_234_124 - pM[GM04]*det3_234_123;
   const Double_t det4_1234_0123 = pM[GM10]*det3_234_123 - pM[GM11]*det3_234_023 
                                   + pM[GM12]*det3_234_013 - pM[GM13]*det3_234_012;
   const Double_t det4_1234_0124 = pM[GM10]*det3_234_124 - pM[GM11]*det3_234_024 
                                    + pM[GM12]*det3_234_014 - pM[GM14]*det3_234_012;
   const Double_t det4_1234_0134 = pM[GM10]*det3_234_134 - pM[GM11]*det3_234_034 
                                   + pM[GM13]*det3_234_014 - pM[GM14]*det3_234_013;
   const Double_t det4_1234_0234 = pM[GM10]*det3_234_234 - pM[GM12]*det3_234_034 
                                   + pM[GM13]*det3_234_024 - pM[GM14]*det3_234_023;
   const Double_t det4_1234_1234 = pM[GM11]*det3_234_234 - pM[GM12]*det3_234_134 
                                   + pM[GM13]*det3_234_124 - pM[GM14]*det3_234_123;

  // Find the 5x5 det:

   const Double_t det = pM[GM00]*det4_1234_1234 - pM[GM01]*det4_1234_0234 + pM[GM02]*det4_1234_0134 
                        - pM[GM03]*det4_1234_0124 + pM[GM04]*det4_1234_0123;
   if (determ)
      *determ = det;

   if ( det == 0 ) {
      Error("Inv5x5","matrix is singular");
      return kFALSE;

   const Double_t oneOverDet = 1.0/det;
   const Double_t mn1OverDet = - oneOverDet;

   pM[GM00] =  det4_1234_1234 * oneOverDet;
   pM[GM01] =  det4_0234_1234 * mn1OverDet;
   pM[GM02] =  det4_0134_1234 * oneOverDet;
   pM[GM03] =  det4_0124_1234 * mn1OverDet;
   pM[GM04] =  det4_0123_1234 * oneOverDet;

   pM[GM10] =  det4_1234_0234 * mn1OverDet;
   pM[GM11] =  det4_0234_0234 * oneOverDet;
   pM[GM12] =  det4_0134_0234 * mn1OverDet;
   pM[GM13] =  det4_0124_0234 * oneOverDet;
   pM[GM14] =  det4_0123_0234 * mn1OverDet;

   pM[GM20] =  det4_1234_0134 * oneOverDet;
   pM[GM21] =  det4_0234_0134 * mn1OverDet;
   pM[GM22] =  det4_0134_0134 * oneOverDet;
   pM[GM23] =  det4_0124_0134 * mn1OverDet;
   pM[GM24] =  det4_0123_0134 * oneOverDet;

   pM[GM30] =  det4_1234_0124 * mn1OverDet;
   pM[GM31] =  det4_0234_0124 * oneOverDet;
   pM[GM32] =  det4_0134_0124 * mn1OverDet;
   pM[GM33] =  det4_0124_0124 * oneOverDet;
   pM[GM34] =  det4_0123_0124 * mn1OverDet;

   pM[GM40] =  det4_1234_0123 * oneOverDet;
   pM[GM41] =  det4_0234_0123 * mn1OverDet;
   pM[GM42] =  det4_0134_0123 * oneOverDet;
   pM[GM43] =  det4_0124_0123 * mn1OverDet;
   pM[GM44] =  det4_0123_0123 * oneOverDet;

   return kTRUE;

// Aij are indices for a 6x6 matrix.

#define GA00 0
#define GA01 1
#define GA02 2
#define GA03 3
#define GA04 4
#define GA05 5

#define GA10 6
#define GA11 7
#define GA12 8
#define GA13 9
#define GA14 10
#define GA15 11

#define GA20 12
#define GA21 13
#define GA22 14
#define GA23 15
#define GA24 16
#define GA25 17

#define GA30 18
#define GA31 19
#define GA32 20
#define GA33 21
#define GA34 22
#define GA35 23

#define GA40 24
#define GA41 25
#define GA42 26
#define GA43 27
#define GA44 28
#define GA45 29

#define GA50 30
#define GA51 31
#define GA52 32
#define GA53 33
#define GA54 34
#define GA55 35

template<class Element> 
Bool_t TMatrixTCramerInv::Inv6x6(TMatrixT<Element> &m,Double_t *determ)
   if (m.GetNrows() != 6 || m.GetNcols() != 6 || m.GetRowLwb() != m.GetColLwb()) {
      Error("Inv6x6","matrix should be square 6x6");
      return kFALSE;

   Element *pM = m.GetMatrixArray();

   // Find all NECESSGARY 2x2 dets:  (45 of them)

   const Double_t det2_34_01 = pM[GA30]*pM[GA41] - pM[GA31]*pM[GA40];
   const Double_t det2_34_02 = pM[GA30]*pM[GA42] - pM[GA32]*pM[GA40];
   const Double_t det2_34_03 = pM[GA30]*pM[GA43] - pM[GA33]*pM[GA40];
   const Double_t det2_34_04 = pM[GA30]*pM[GA44] - pM[GA34]*pM[GA40];
   const Double_t det2_34_05 = pM[GA30]*pM[GA45] - pM[GA35]*pM[GA40];
   const Double_t det2_34_12 = pM[GA31]*pM[GA42] - pM[GA32]*pM[GA41];
   const Double_t det2_34_13 = pM[GA31]*pM[GA43] - pM[GA33]*pM[GA41];
   const Double_t det2_34_14 = pM[GA31]*pM[GA44] - pM[GA34]*pM[GA41];
   const Double_t det2_34_15 = pM[GA31]*pM[GA45] - pM[GA35]*pM[GA41];
   const Double_t det2_34_23 = pM[GA32]*pM[GA43] - pM[GA33]*pM[GA42];
   const Double_t det2_34_24 = pM[GA32]*pM[GA44] - pM[GA34]*pM[GA42];
   const Double_t det2_34_25 = pM[GA32]*pM[GA45] - pM[GA35]*pM[GA42];
   const Double_t det2_34_34 = pM[GA33]*pM[GA44] - pM[GA34]*pM[GA43];
   const Double_t det2_34_35 = pM[GA33]*pM[GA45] - pM[GA35]*pM[GA43];
   const Double_t det2_34_45 = pM[GA34]*pM[GA45] - pM[GA35]*pM[GA44];
   const Double_t det2_35_01 = pM[GA30]*pM[GA51] - pM[GA31]*pM[GA50];
   const Double_t det2_35_02 = pM[GA30]*pM[GA52] - pM[GA32]*pM[GA50];
   const Double_t det2_35_03 = pM[GA30]*pM[GA53] - pM[GA33]*pM[GA50];
   const Double_t det2_35_04 = pM[GA30]*pM[GA54] - pM[GA34]*pM[GA50];
   const Double_t det2_35_05 = pM[GA30]*pM[GA55] - pM[GA35]*pM[GA50];
   const Double_t det2_35_12 = pM[GA31]*pM[GA52] - pM[GA32]*pM[GA51];
   const Double_t det2_35_13 = pM[GA31]*pM[GA53] - pM[GA33]*pM[GA51];
   const Double_t det2_35_14 = pM[GA31]*pM[GA54] - pM[GA34]*pM[GA51];
   const Double_t det2_35_15 = pM[GA31]*pM[GA55] - pM[GA35]*pM[GA51];
   const Double_t det2_35_23 = pM[GA32]*pM[GA53] - pM[GA33]*pM[GA52];
   const Double_t det2_35_24 = pM[GA32]*pM[GA54] - pM[GA34]*pM[GA52];
   const Double_t det2_35_25 = pM[GA32]*pM[GA55] - pM[GA35]*pM[GA52];
   const Double_t det2_35_34 = pM[GA33]*pM[GA54] - pM[GA34]*pM[GA53];
   const Double_t det2_35_35 = pM[GA33]*pM[GA55] - pM[GA35]*pM[GA53];
   const Double_t det2_35_45 = pM[GA34]*pM[GA55] - pM[GA35]*pM[GA54];
   const Double_t det2_45_01 = pM[GA40]*pM[GA51] - pM[GA41]*pM[GA50];
   const Double_t det2_45_02 = pM[GA40]*pM[GA52] - pM[GA42]*pM[GA50];
   const Double_t det2_45_03 = pM[GA40]*pM[GA53] - pM[GA43]*pM[GA50];
   const Double_t det2_45_04 = pM[GA40]*pM[GA54] - pM[GA44]*pM[GA50];
   const Double_t det2_45_05 = pM[GA40]*pM[GA55] - pM[GA45]*pM[GA50];
   const Double_t det2_45_12 = pM[GA41]*pM[GA52] - pM[GA42]*pM[GA51];
   const Double_t det2_45_13 = pM[GA41]*pM[GA53] - pM[GA43]*pM[GA51];
   const Double_t det2_45_14 = pM[GA41]*pM[GA54] - pM[GA44]*pM[GA51];
   const Double_t det2_45_15 = pM[GA41]*pM[GA55] - pM[GA45]*pM[GA51];
   const Double_t det2_45_23 = pM[GA42]*pM[GA53] - pM[GA43]*pM[GA52];
   const Double_t det2_45_24 = pM[GA42]*pM[GA54] - pM[GA44]*pM[GA52];
   const Double_t det2_45_25 = pM[GA42]*pM[GA55] - pM[GA45]*pM[GA52];
   const Double_t det2_45_34 = pM[GA43]*pM[GA54] - pM[GA44]*pM[GA53];
   const Double_t det2_45_35 = pM[GA43]*pM[GA55] - pM[GA45]*pM[GA53];
   const Double_t det2_45_45 = pM[GA44]*pM[GA55] - pM[GA45]*pM[GA54];

  // Find all NECESSGARY 3x3 dets:  (80 of them)

   const Double_t det3_234_012 = pM[GA20]*det2_34_12 - pM[GA21]*det2_34_02 + pM[GA22]*det2_34_01;
   const Double_t det3_234_013 = pM[GA20]*det2_34_13 - pM[GA21]*det2_34_03 + pM[GA23]*det2_34_01;
   const Double_t det3_234_014 = pM[GA20]*det2_34_14 - pM[GA21]*det2_34_04 + pM[GA24]*det2_34_01;
   const Double_t det3_234_015 = pM[GA20]*det2_34_15 - pM[GA21]*det2_34_05 + pM[GA25]*det2_34_01;
   const Double_t det3_234_023 = pM[GA20]*det2_34_23 - pM[GA22]*det2_34_03 + pM[GA23]*det2_34_02;
   const Double_t det3_234_024 = pM[GA20]*det2_34_24 - pM[GA22]*det2_34_04 + pM[GA24]*det2_34_02;
   const Double_t det3_234_025 = pM[GA20]*det2_34_25 - pM[GA22]*det2_34_05 + pM[GA25]*det2_34_02;
   const Double_t det3_234_034 = pM[GA20]*det2_34_34 - pM[GA23]*det2_34_04 + pM[GA24]*det2_34_03;
   const Double_t det3_234_035 = pM[GA20]*det2_34_35 - pM[GA23]*det2_34_05 + pM[GA25]*det2_34_03;
   const Double_t det3_234_045 = pM[GA20]*det2_34_45 - pM[GA24]*det2_34_05 + pM[GA25]*det2_34_04;
   const Double_t det3_234_123 = pM[GA21]*det2_34_23 - pM[GA22]*det2_34_13 + pM[GA23]*det2_34_12;
   const Double_t det3_234_124 = pM[GA21]*det2_34_24 - pM[GA22]*det2_34_14 + pM[GA24]*det2_34_12;
   const Double_t det3_234_125 = pM[GA21]*det2_34_25 - pM[GA22]*det2_34_15 + pM[GA25]*det2_34_12;
   const Double_t det3_234_134 = pM[GA21]*det2_34_34 - pM[GA23]*det2_34_14 + pM[GA24]*det2_34_13;
   const Double_t det3_234_135 = pM[GA21]*det2_34_35 - pM[GA23]*det2_34_15 + pM[GA25]*det2_34_13;
   const Double_t det3_234_145 = pM[GA21]*det2_34_45 - pM[GA24]*det2_34_15 + pM[GA25]*det2_34_14;
   const Double_t det3_234_234 = pM[GA22]*det2_34_34 - pM[GA23]*det2_34_24 + pM[GA24]*det2_34_23;
   const Double_t det3_234_235 = pM[GA22]*det2_34_35 - pM[GA23]*det2_34_25 + pM[GA25]*det2_34_23;
   const Double_t det3_234_245 = pM[GA22]*det2_34_45 - pM[GA24]*det2_34_25 + pM[GA25]*det2_34_24;
   const Double_t det3_234_345 = pM[GA23]*det2_34_45 - pM[GA24]*det2_34_35 + pM[GA25]*det2_34_34;
   const Double_t det3_235_012 = pM[GA20]*det2_35_12 - pM[GA21]*det2_35_02 + pM[GA22]*det2_35_01;
   const Double_t det3_235_013 = pM[GA20]*det2_35_13 - pM[GA21]*det2_35_03 + pM[GA23]*det2_35_01;
   const Double_t det3_235_014 = pM[GA20]*det2_35_14 - pM[GA21]*det2_35_04 + pM[GA24]*det2_35_01;
   const Double_t det3_235_015 = pM[GA20]*det2_35_15 - pM[GA21]*det2_35_05 + pM[GA25]*det2_35_01;
   const Double_t det3_235_023 = pM[GA20]*det2_35_23 - pM[GA22]*det2_35_03 + pM[GA23]*det2_35_02;
   const Double_t det3_235_024 = pM[GA20]*det2_35_24 - pM[GA22]*det2_35_04 + pM[GA24]*det2_35_02;
   const Double_t det3_235_025 = pM[GA20]*det2_35_25 - pM[GA22]*det2_35_05 + pM[GA25]*det2_35_02;
   const Double_t det3_235_034 = pM[GA20]*det2_35_34 - pM[GA23]*det2_35_04 + pM[GA24]*det2_35_03;
   const Double_t det3_235_035 = pM[GA20]*det2_35_35 - pM[GA23]*det2_35_05 + pM[GA25]*det2_35_03;
   const Double_t det3_235_045 = pM[GA20]*det2_35_45 - pM[GA24]*det2_35_05 + pM[GA25]*det2_35_04;
   const Double_t det3_235_123 = pM[GA21]*det2_35_23 - pM[GA22]*det2_35_13 + pM[GA23]*det2_35_12;
   const Double_t det3_235_124 = pM[GA21]*det2_35_24 - pM[GA22]*det2_35_14 + pM[GA24]*det2_35_12;
   const Double_t det3_235_125 = pM[GA21]*det2_35_25 - pM[GA22]*det2_35_15 + pM[GA25]*det2_35_12;
   const Double_t det3_235_134 = pM[GA21]*det2_35_34 - pM[GA23]*det2_35_14 + pM[GA24]*det2_35_13;
   const Double_t det3_235_135 = pM[GA21]*det2_35_35 - pM[GA23]*det2_35_15 + pM[GA25]*det2_35_13;
   const Double_t det3_235_145 = pM[GA21]*det2_35_45 - pM[GA24]*det2_35_15 + pM[GA25]*det2_35_14;
   const Double_t det3_235_234 = pM[GA22]*det2_35_34 - pM[GA23]*det2_35_24 + pM[GA24]*det2_35_23;
   const Double_t det3_235_235 = pM[GA22]*det2_35_35 - pM[GA23]*det2_35_25 + pM[GA25]*det2_35_23;
   const Double_t det3_235_245 = pM[GA22]*det2_35_45 - pM[GA24]*det2_35_25 + pM[GA25]*det2_35_24;
   const Double_t det3_235_345 = pM[GA23]*det2_35_45 - pM[GA24]*det2_35_35 + pM[GA25]*det2_35_34;
   const Double_t det3_245_012 = pM[GA20]*det2_45_12 - pM[GA21]*det2_45_02 + pM[GA22]*det2_45_01;
   const Double_t det3_245_013 = pM[GA20]*det2_45_13 - pM[GA21]*det2_45_03 + pM[GA23]*det2_45_01;
   const Double_t det3_245_014 = pM[GA20]*det2_45_14 - pM[GA21]*det2_45_04 + pM[GA24]*det2_45_01;
   const Double_t det3_245_015 = pM[GA20]*det2_45_15 - pM[GA21]*det2_45_05 + pM[GA25]*det2_45_01;
   const Double_t det3_245_023 = pM[GA20]*det2_45_23 - pM[GA22]*det2_45_03 + pM[GA23]*det2_45_02;
   const Double_t det3_245_024 = pM[GA20]*det2_45_24 - pM[GA22]*det2_45_04 + pM[GA24]*det2_45_02;
   const Double_t det3_245_025 = pM[GA20]*det2_45_25 - pM[GA22]*det2_45_05 + pM[GA25]*det2_45_02;
   const Double_t det3_245_034 = pM[GA20]*det2_45_34 - pM[GA23]*det2_45_04 + pM[GA24]*det2_45_03;
   const Double_t det3_245_035 = pM[GA20]*det2_45_35 - pM[GA23]*det2_45_05 + pM[GA25]*det2_45_03;
   const Double_t det3_245_045 = pM[GA20]*det2_45_45 - pM[GA24]*det2_45_05 + pM[GA25]*det2_45_04;
   const Double_t det3_245_123 = pM[GA21]*det2_45_23 - pM[GA22]*det2_45_13 + pM[GA23]*det2_45_12;
   const Double_t det3_245_124 = pM[GA21]*det2_45_24 - pM[GA22]*det2_45_14 + pM[GA24]*det2_45_12;
   const Double_t det3_245_125 = pM[GA21]*det2_45_25 - pM[GA22]*det2_45_15 + pM[GA25]*det2_45_12;
   const Double_t det3_245_134 = pM[GA21]*det2_45_34 - pM[GA23]*det2_45_14 + pM[GA24]*det2_45_13;
   const Double_t det3_245_135 = pM[GA21]*det2_45_35 - pM[GA23]*det2_45_15 + pM[GA25]*det2_45_13;
   const Double_t det3_245_145 = pM[GA21]*det2_45_45 - pM[GA24]*det2_45_15 + pM[GA25]*det2_45_14;
   const Double_t det3_245_234 = pM[GA22]*det2_45_34 - pM[GA23]*det2_45_24 + pM[GA24]*det2_45_23;
   const Double_t det3_245_235 = pM[GA22]*det2_45_35 - pM[GA23]*det2_45_25 + pM[GA25]*det2_45_23;
   const Double_t det3_245_245 = pM[GA22]*det2_45_45 - pM[GA24]*det2_45_25 + pM[GA25]*det2_45_24;
   const Double_t det3_245_345 = pM[GA23]*det2_45_45 - pM[GA24]*det2_45_35 + pM[GA25]*det2_45_34;
   const Double_t det3_345_012 = pM[GA30]*det2_45_12 - pM[GA31]*det2_45_02 + pM[GA32]*det2_45_01;
   const Double_t det3_345_013 = pM[GA30]*det2_45_13 - pM[GA31]*det2_45_03 + pM[GA33]*det2_45_01;
   const Double_t det3_345_014 = pM[GA30]*det2_45_14 - pM[GA31]*det2_45_04 + pM[GA34]*det2_45_01;
   const Double_t det3_345_015 = pM[GA30]*det2_45_15 - pM[GA31]*det2_45_05 + pM[GA35]*det2_45_01;
   const Double_t det3_345_023 = pM[GA30]*det2_45_23 - pM[GA32]*det2_45_03 + pM[GA33]*det2_45_02;
   const Double_t det3_345_024 = pM[GA30]*det2_45_24 - pM[GA32]*det2_45_04 + pM[GA34]*det2_45_02;
   const Double_t det3_345_025 = pM[GA30]*det2_45_25 - pM[GA32]*det2_45_05 + pM[GA35]*det2_45_02;
   const Double_t det3_345_034 = pM[GA30]*det2_45_34 - pM[GA33]*det2_45_04 + pM[GA34]*det2_45_03;
   const Double_t det3_345_035 = pM[GA30]*det2_45_35 - pM[GA33]*det2_45_05 + pM[GA35]*det2_45_03;
   const Double_t det3_345_045 = pM[GA30]*det2_45_45 - pM[GA34]*det2_45_05 + pM[GA35]*det2_45_04;
   const Double_t det3_345_123 = pM[GA31]*det2_45_23 - pM[GA32]*det2_45_13 + pM[GA33]*det2_45_12;
   const Double_t det3_345_124 = pM[GA31]*det2_45_24 - pM[GA32]*det2_45_14 + pM[GA34]*det2_45_12;
   const Double_t det3_345_125 = pM[GA31]*det2_45_25 - pM[GA32]*det2_45_15 + pM[GA35]*det2_45_12;
   const Double_t det3_345_134 = pM[GA31]*det2_45_34 - pM[GA33]*det2_45_14 + pM[GA34]*det2_45_13;
   const Double_t det3_345_135 = pM[GA31]*det2_45_35 - pM[GA33]*det2_45_15 + pM[GA35]*det2_45_13;
   const Double_t det3_345_145 = pM[GA31]*det2_45_45 - pM[GA34]*det2_45_15 + pM[GA35]*det2_45_14;
   const Double_t det3_345_234 = pM[GA32]*det2_45_34 - pM[GA33]*det2_45_24 + pM[GA34]*det2_45_23;
   const Double_t det3_345_235 = pM[GA32]*det2_45_35 - pM[GA33]*det2_45_25 + pM[GA35]*det2_45_23;
   const Double_t det3_345_245 = pM[GA32]*det2_45_45 - pM[GA34]*det2_45_25 + pM[GA35]*det2_45_24;
   const Double_t det3_345_345 = pM[GA33]*det2_45_45 - pM[GA34]*det2_45_35 + pM[GA35]*det2_45_34;
  // Find all NECESSGARY 4x4 dets:  (75 of them)

   const Double_t det4_1234_0123 = pM[GA10]*det3_234_123 - pM[GA11]*det3_234_023 
                                   + pM[GA12]*det3_234_013 - pM[GA13]*det3_234_012;
   const Double_t det4_1234_0124 = pM[GA10]*det3_234_124 - pM[GA11]*det3_234_024 
                                   + pM[GA12]*det3_234_014 - pM[GA14]*det3_234_012;
   const Double_t det4_1234_0125 = pM[GA10]*det3_234_125 - pM[GA11]*det3_234_025 
                                   + pM[GA12]*det3_234_015 - pM[GA15]*det3_234_012;
   const Double_t det4_1234_0134 = pM[GA10]*det3_234_134 - pM[GA11]*det3_234_034 
                                   + pM[GA13]*det3_234_014 - pM[GA14]*det3_234_013;
   const Double_t det4_1234_0135 = pM[GA10]*det3_234_135 - pM[GA11]*det3_234_035
                                   + pM[GA13]*det3_234_015 - pM[GA15]*det3_234_013;
   const Double_t det4_1234_0145 = pM[GA10]*det3_234_145 - pM[GA11]*det3_234_045
                                   + pM[GA14]*det3_234_015 - pM[GA15]*det3_234_014;
   const Double_t det4_1234_0234 = pM[GA10]*det3_234_234 - pM[GA12]*det3_234_034 
                                   + pM[GA13]*det3_234_024 - pM[GA14]*det3_234_023;
   const Double_t det4_1234_0235 = pM[GA10]*det3_234_235 - pM[GA12]*det3_234_035 
                                   + pM[GA13]*det3_234_025 - pM[GA15]*det3_234_023;
   const Double_t det4_1234_0245 = pM[GA10]*det3_234_245 - pM[GA12]*det3_234_045 
                                   + pM[GA14]*det3_234_025 - pM[GA15]*det3_234_024;
   const Double_t det4_1234_0345 = pM[GA10]*det3_234_345 - pM[GA13]*det3_234_045 
                                   + pM[GA14]*det3_234_035 - pM[GA15]*det3_234_034;
   const Double_t det4_1234_1234 = pM[GA11]*det3_234_234 - pM[GA12]*det3_234_134 
                                   + pM[GA13]*det3_234_124 - pM[GA14]*det3_234_123;
   const Double_t det4_1234_1235 = pM[GA11]*det3_234_235 - pM[GA12]*det3_234_135 
                                   + pM[GA13]*det3_234_125 - pM[GA15]*det3_234_123;
   const Double_t det4_1234_1245 = pM[GA11]*det3_234_245 - pM[GA12]*det3_234_145 
                                   + pM[GA14]*det3_234_125 - pM[GA15]*det3_234_124;
   const Double_t det4_1234_1345 = pM[GA11]*det3_234_345 - pM[GA13]*det3_234_145 
                                   + pM[GA14]*det3_234_135 - pM[GA15]*det3_234_134;
   const Double_t det4_1234_2345 = pM[GA12]*det3_234_345 - pM[GA13]*det3_234_245 
                                   + pM[GA14]*det3_234_235 - pM[GA15]*det3_234_234;
   const Double_t det4_1235_0123 = pM[GA10]*det3_235_123 - pM[GA11]*det3_235_023 
                                   + pM[GA12]*det3_235_013 - pM[GA13]*det3_235_012;
   const Double_t det4_1235_0124 = pM[GA10]*det3_235_124 - pM[GA11]*det3_235_024 
                                   + pM[GA12]*det3_235_014 - pM[GA14]*det3_235_012;
   const Double_t det4_1235_0125 = pM[GA10]*det3_235_125 - pM[GA11]*det3_235_025 
                                   + pM[GA12]*det3_235_015 - pM[GA15]*det3_235_012;
   const Double_t det4_1235_0134 = pM[GA10]*det3_235_134 - pM[GA11]*det3_235_034 
                                   + pM[GA13]*det3_235_014 - pM[GA14]*det3_235_013;
   const Double_t det4_1235_0135 = pM[GA10]*det3_235_135 - pM[GA11]*det3_235_035 
                                   + pM[GA13]*det3_235_015 - pM[GA15]*det3_235_013;
   const Double_t det4_1235_0145 = pM[GA10]*det3_235_145 - pM[GA11]*det3_235_045 
                                   + pM[GA14]*det3_235_015 - pM[GA15]*det3_235_014;
   const Double_t det4_1235_0234 = pM[GA10]*det3_235_234 - pM[GA12]*det3_235_034 
                                   + pM[GA13]*det3_235_024 - pM[GA14]*det3_235_023;
   const Double_t det4_1235_0235 = pM[GA10]*det3_235_235 - pM[GA12]*det3_235_035 
                                   + pM[GA13]*det3_235_025 - pM[GA15]*det3_235_023;
   const Double_t det4_1235_0245 = pM[GA10]*det3_235_245 - pM[GA12]*det3_235_045 
                                   + pM[GA14]*det3_235_025 - pM[GA15]*det3_235_024;
   const Double_t det4_1235_0345 = pM[GA10]*det3_235_345 - pM[GA13]*det3_235_045 
                                   + pM[GA14]*det3_235_035 - pM[GA15]*det3_235_034;
   const Double_t det4_1235_1234 = pM[GA11]*det3_235_234 - pM[GA12]*det3_235_134 
                                   + pM[GA13]*det3_235_124 - pM[GA14]*det3_235_123;
   const Double_t det4_1235_1235 = pM[GA11]*det3_235_235 - pM[GA12]*det3_235_135 
                                   + pM[GA13]*det3_235_125 - pM[GA15]*det3_235_123;
   const Double_t det4_1235_1245 = pM[GA11]*det3_235_245 - pM[GA12]*det3_235_145 
                                   + pM[GA14]*det3_235_125 - pM[GA15]*det3_235_124;
   const Double_t det4_1235_1345 = pM[GA11]*det3_235_345 - pM[GA13]*det3_235_145 
                                   + pM[GA14]*det3_235_135 - pM[GA15]*det3_235_134;
   const Double_t det4_1235_2345 = pM[GA12]*det3_235_345 - pM[GA13]*det3_235_245 
                                   + pM[GA14]*det3_235_235 - pM[GA15]*det3_235_234;
   const Double_t det4_1245_0123 = pM[GA10]*det3_245_123 - pM[GA11]*det3_245_023 
                                   + pM[GA12]*det3_245_013 - pM[GA13]*det3_245_012;
   const Double_t det4_1245_0124 = pM[GA10]*det3_245_124 - pM[GA11]*det3_245_024 
                                   + pM[GA12]*det3_245_014 - pM[GA14]*det3_245_012;
   const Double_t det4_1245_0125 = pM[GA10]*det3_245_125 - pM[GA11]*det3_245_025 
                                   + pM[GA12]*det3_245_015 - pM[GA15]*det3_245_012;
   const Double_t det4_1245_0134 = pM[GA10]*det3_245_134 - pM[GA11]*det3_245_034 
                                   + pM[GA13]*det3_245_014 - pM[GA14]*det3_245_013;
   const Double_t det4_1245_0135 = pM[GA10]*det3_245_135 - pM[GA11]*det3_245_035 
                                   + pM[GA13]*det3_245_015 - pM[GA15]*det3_245_013;
   const Double_t det4_1245_0145 = pM[GA10]*det3_245_145 - pM[GA11]*det3_245_045 
                                   + pM[GA14]*det3_245_015 - pM[GA15]*det3_245_014;
   const Double_t det4_1245_0234 = pM[GA10]*det3_245_234 - pM[GA12]*det3_245_034 
                                   + pM[GA13]*det3_245_024 - pM[GA14]*det3_245_023;
   const Double_t det4_1245_0235 = pM[GA10]*det3_245_235 - pM[GA12]*det3_245_035 
                                   + pM[GA13]*det3_245_025 - pM[GA15]*det3_245_023;
   const Double_t det4_1245_0245 = pM[GA10]*det3_245_245 - pM[GA12]*det3_245_045 
                                   + pM[GA14]*det3_245_025 - pM[GA15]*det3_245_024;
   const Double_t det4_1245_0345 = pM[GA10]*det3_245_345 - pM[GA13]*det3_245_045 
                                   + pM[GA14]*det3_245_035 - pM[GA15]*det3_245_034;
   const Double_t det4_1245_1234 = pM[GA11]*det3_245_234 - pM[GA12]*det3_245_134 
                                   + pM[GA13]*det3_245_124 - pM[GA14]*det3_245_123;
   const Double_t det4_1245_1235 = pM[GA11]*det3_245_235 - pM[GA12]*det3_245_135 
                                   + pM[GA13]*det3_245_125 - pM[GA15]*det3_245_123;
   const Double_t det4_1245_1245 = pM[GA11]*det3_245_245 - pM[GA12]*det3_245_145 
                                   + pM[GA14]*det3_245_125 - pM[GA15]*det3_245_124;
   const Double_t det4_1245_1345 = pM[GA11]*det3_245_345 - pM[GA13]*det3_245_145 
                                   + pM[GA14]*det3_245_135 - pM[GA15]*det3_245_134;
   const Double_t det4_1245_2345 = pM[GA12]*det3_245_345 - pM[GA13]*det3_245_245 
                                   + pM[GA14]*det3_245_235 - pM[GA15]*det3_245_234;
   const Double_t det4_1345_0123 = pM[GA10]*det3_345_123 - pM[GA11]*det3_345_023 
                                   + pM[GA12]*det3_345_013 - pM[GA13]*det3_345_012;
   const Double_t det4_1345_0124 = pM[GA10]*det3_345_124 - pM[GA11]*det3_345_024 
                                   + pM[GA12]*det3_345_014 - pM[GA14]*det3_345_012;
   const Double_t det4_1345_0125 = pM[GA10]*det3_345_125 - pM[GA11]*det3_345_025 
                                   + pM[GA12]*det3_345_015 - pM[GA15]*det3_345_012;
   const Double_t det4_1345_0134 = pM[GA10]*det3_345_134 - pM[GA11]*det3_345_034 
                                   + pM[GA13]*det3_345_014 - pM[GA14]*det3_345_013;
   const Double_t det4_1345_0135 = pM[GA10]*det3_345_135 - pM[GA11]*det3_345_035 
                                   + pM[GA13]*det3_345_015 - pM[GA15]*det3_345_013;
   const Double_t det4_1345_0145 = pM[GA10]*det3_345_145 - pM[GA11]*det3_345_045 
                                   + pM[GA14]*det3_345_015 - pM[GA15]*det3_345_014;
   const Double_t det4_1345_0234 = pM[GA10]*det3_345_234 - pM[GA12]*det3_345_034 
                                   + pM[GA13]*det3_345_024 - pM[GA14]*det3_345_023;
   const Double_t det4_1345_0235 = pM[GA10]*det3_345_235 - pM[GA12]*det3_345_035 
                                   + pM[GA13]*det3_345_025 - pM[GA15]*det3_345_023;
   const Double_t det4_1345_0245 = pM[GA10]*det3_345_245 - pM[GA12]*det3_345_045 
                                   + pM[GA14]*det3_345_025 - pM[GA15]*det3_345_024;
   const Double_t det4_1345_0345 = pM[GA10]*det3_345_345 - pM[GA13]*det3_345_045 
                                   + pM[GA14]*det3_345_035 - pM[GA15]*det3_345_034;
   const Double_t det4_1345_1234 = pM[GA11]*det3_345_234 - pM[GA12]*det3_345_134 
                                   + pM[GA13]*det3_345_124 - pM[GA14]*det3_345_123;
   const Double_t det4_1345_1235 = pM[GA11]*det3_345_235 - pM[GA12]*det3_345_135 
                                   + pM[GA13]*det3_345_125 - pM[GA15]*det3_345_123;
   const Double_t det4_1345_1245 = pM[GA11]*det3_345_245 - pM[GA12]*det3_345_145 
                                   + pM[GA14]*det3_345_125 - pM[GA15]*det3_345_124;
   const Double_t det4_1345_1345 = pM[GA11]*det3_345_345 - pM[GA13]*det3_345_145 
                                   + pM[GA14]*det3_345_135 - pM[GA15]*det3_345_134;
   const Double_t det4_1345_2345 = pM[GA12]*det3_345_345 - pM[GA13]*det3_345_245 
                                   + pM[GA14]*det3_345_235 - pM[GA15]*det3_345_234;
   const Double_t det4_2345_0123 = pM[GA20]*det3_345_123 - pM[GA21]*det3_345_023 
                                   + pM[GA22]*det3_345_013 - pM[GA23]*det3_345_012;
   const Double_t det4_2345_0124 = pM[GA20]*det3_345_124 - pM[GA21]*det3_345_024 
                                   + pM[GA22]*det3_345_014 - pM[GA24]*det3_345_012;
   const Double_t det4_2345_0125 = pM[GA20]*det3_345_125 - pM[GA21]*det3_345_025 
                                   + pM[GA22]*det3_345_015 - pM[GA25]*det3_345_012;
   const Double_t det4_2345_0134 = pM[GA20]*det3_345_134 - pM[GA21]*det3_345_034 
                                   + pM[GA23]*det3_345_014 - pM[GA24]*det3_345_013;
   const Double_t det4_2345_0135 = pM[GA20]*det3_345_135 - pM[GA21]*det3_345_035 
                                   + pM[GA23]*det3_345_015 - pM[GA25]*det3_345_013;
   const Double_t det4_2345_0145 = pM[GA20]*det3_345_145 - pM[GA21]*det3_345_045 
                                   + pM[GA24]*det3_345_015 - pM[GA25]*det3_345_014;
   const Double_t det4_2345_0234 = pM[GA20]*det3_345_234 - pM[GA22]*det3_345_034 
                                   + pM[GA23]*det3_345_024 - pM[GA24]*det3_345_023;
   const Double_t det4_2345_0235 = pM[GA20]*det3_345_235 - pM[GA22]*det3_345_035 
                                   + pM[GA23]*det3_345_025 - pM[GA25]*det3_345_023;
   const Double_t det4_2345_0245 = pM[GA20]*det3_345_245 - pM[GA22]*det3_345_045 
                                   + pM[GA24]*det3_345_025 - pM[GA25]*det3_345_024;
   const Double_t det4_2345_0345 = pM[GA20]*det3_345_345 - pM[GA23]*det3_345_045 
                                   + pM[GA24]*det3_345_035 - pM[GA25]*det3_345_034;
   const Double_t det4_2345_1234 = pM[GA21]*det3_345_234 - pM[GA22]*det3_345_134 
                                   + pM[GA23]*det3_345_124 - pM[GA24]*det3_345_123;
   const Double_t det4_2345_1235 = pM[GA21]*det3_345_235 - pM[GA22]*det3_345_135 
                                   + pM[GA23]*det3_345_125 - pM[GA25]*det3_345_123;
   const Double_t det4_2345_1245 = pM[GA21]*det3_345_245 - pM[GA22]*det3_345_145 
                                   + pM[GA24]*det3_345_125 - pM[GA25]*det3_345_124;
   const Double_t det4_2345_1345 = pM[GA21]*det3_345_345 - pM[GA23]*det3_345_145 
                                   + pM[GA24]*det3_345_135 - pM[GA25]*det3_345_134;
   const Double_t det4_2345_2345 = pM[GA22]*det3_345_345 - pM[GA23]*det3_345_245 
                                   + pM[GA24]*det3_345_235 - pM[GA25]*det3_345_234;

  // Find all NECESSGARY 5x5 dets:  (36 of them)

   const Double_t det5_01234_01234 = pM[GA00]*det4_1234_1234 - pM[GA01]*det4_1234_0234 
                                     + pM[GA02]*det4_1234_0134 - pM[GA03]*det4_1234_0124 + pM[GA04]*det4_1234_0123;
   const Double_t det5_01234_01235 = pM[GA00]*det4_1234_1235 - pM[GA01]*det4_1234_0235
                                     + pM[GA02]*det4_1234_0135 - pM[GA03]*det4_1234_0125 + pM[GA05]*det4_1234_0123;
   const Double_t det5_01234_01245 = pM[GA00]*det4_1234_1245 - pM[GA01]*det4_1234_0245
                                     + pM[GA02]*det4_1234_0145 - pM[GA04]*det4_1234_0125 + pM[GA05]*det4_1234_0124;
   const Double_t det5_01234_01345 = pM[GA00]*det4_1234_1345 - pM[GA01]*det4_1234_0345
                                     + pM[GA03]*det4_1234_0145 - pM[GA04]*det4_1234_0135 + pM[GA05]*det4_1234_0134;
   const Double_t det5_01234_02345 = pM[GA00]*det4_1234_2345 - pM[GA02]*det4_1234_0345
                                     + pM[GA03]*det4_1234_0245 - pM[GA04]*det4_1234_0235 + pM[GA05]*det4_1234_0234;
   const Double_t det5_01234_12345 = pM[GA01]*det4_1234_2345 - pM[GA02]*det4_1234_1345
                                     + pM[GA03]*det4_1234_1245 - pM[GA04]*det4_1234_1235 + pM[GA05]*det4_1234_1234;
   const Double_t det5_01235_01234 = pM[GA00]*det4_1235_1234 - pM[GA01]*det4_1235_0234 
                                     + pM[GA02]*det4_1235_0134 - pM[GA03]*det4_1235_0124 + pM[GA04]*det4_1235_0123;
   const Double_t det5_01235_01235 = pM[GA00]*det4_1235_1235 - pM[GA01]*det4_1235_0235 
                                     + pM[GA02]*det4_1235_0135 - pM[GA03]*det4_1235_0125 + pM[GA05]*det4_1235_0123;
   const Double_t det5_01235_01245 = pM[GA00]*det4_1235_1245 - pM[GA01]*det4_1235_0245 
                                     + pM[GA02]*det4_1235_0145 - pM[GA04]*det4_1235_0125 + pM[GA05]*det4_1235_0124;
   const Double_t det5_01235_01345 = pM[GA00]*det4_1235_1345 - pM[GA01]*det4_1235_0345 
                                     + pM[GA03]*det4_1235_0145 - pM[GA04]*det4_1235_0135 + pM[GA05]*det4_1235_0134;
   const Double_t det5_01235_02345 = pM[GA00]*det4_1235_2345 - pM[GA02]*det4_1235_0345 
                                     + pM[GA03]*det4_1235_0245 - pM[GA04]*det4_1235_0235 + pM[GA05]*det4_1235_0234;
   const Double_t det5_01235_12345 = pM[GA01]*det4_1235_2345 - pM[GA02]*det4_1235_1345 
                                     + pM[GA03]*det4_1235_1245 - pM[GA04]*det4_1235_1235 + pM[GA05]*det4_1235_1234;
   const Double_t det5_01245_01234 = pM[GA00]*det4_1245_1234 - pM[GA01]*det4_1245_0234 
                                     + pM[GA02]*det4_1245_0134 - pM[GA03]*det4_1245_0124 + pM[GA04]*det4_1245_0123;
   const Double_t det5_01245_01235 = pM[GA00]*det4_1245_1235 - pM[GA01]*det4_1245_0235 
                                     + pM[GA02]*det4_1245_0135 - pM[GA03]*det4_1245_0125 + pM[GA05]*det4_1245_0123;
   const Double_t det5_01245_01245 = pM[GA00]*det4_1245_1245 - pM[GA01]*det4_1245_0245 
                                     + pM[GA02]*det4_1245_0145 - pM[GA04]*det4_1245_0125 + pM[GA05]*det4_1245_0124;
   const Double_t det5_01245_01345 = pM[GA00]*det4_1245_1345 - pM[GA01]*det4_1245_0345 
                                     + pM[GA03]*det4_1245_0145 - pM[GA04]*det4_1245_0135 + pM[GA05]*det4_1245_0134;
   const Double_t det5_01245_02345 = pM[GA00]*det4_1245_2345 - pM[GA02]*det4_1245_0345 
                                     + pM[GA03]*det4_1245_0245 - pM[GA04]*det4_1245_0235 + pM[GA05]*det4_1245_0234;
   const Double_t det5_01245_12345 = pM[GA01]*det4_1245_2345 - pM[GA02]*det4_1245_1345 
                                     + pM[GA03]*det4_1245_1245 - pM[GA04]*det4_1245_1235 + pM[GA05]*det4_1245_1234;
   const Double_t det5_01345_01234 = pM[GA00]*det4_1345_1234 - pM[GA01]*det4_1345_0234 
                                     + pM[GA02]*det4_1345_0134 - pM[GA03]*det4_1345_0124 + pM[GA04]*det4_1345_0123;
   const Double_t det5_01345_01235 = pM[GA00]*det4_1345_1235 - pM[GA01]*det4_1345_0235 
                                     + pM[GA02]*det4_1345_0135 - pM[GA03]*det4_1345_0125 + pM[GA05]*det4_1345_0123;
   const Double_t det5_01345_01245 = pM[GA00]*det4_1345_1245 - pM[GA01]*det4_1345_0245 
                                     + pM[GA02]*det4_1345_0145 - pM[GA04]*det4_1345_0125 + pM[GA05]*det4_1345_0124;
   const Double_t det5_01345_01345 = pM[GA00]*det4_1345_1345 - pM[GA01]*det4_1345_0345 
                                     + pM[GA03]*det4_1345_0145 - pM[GA04]*det4_1345_0135 + pM[GA05]*det4_1345_0134;
   const Double_t det5_01345_02345 = pM[GA00]*det4_1345_2345 - pM[GA02]*det4_1345_0345 
                                     + pM[GA03]*det4_1345_0245 - pM[GA04]*det4_1345_0235 + pM[GA05]*det4_1345_0234;
   const Double_t det5_01345_12345 = pM[GA01]*det4_1345_2345 - pM[GA02]*det4_1345_1345 
                                     + pM[GA03]*det4_1345_1245 - pM[GA04]*det4_1345_1235 + pM[GA05]*det4_1345_1234;
   const Double_t det5_02345_01234 = pM[GA00]*det4_2345_1234 - pM[GA01]*det4_2345_0234 
                                     + pM[GA02]*det4_2345_0134 - pM[GA03]*det4_2345_0124 + pM[GA04]*det4_2345_0123;
   const Double_t det5_02345_01235 = pM[GA00]*det4_2345_1235 - pM[GA01]*det4_2345_0235 
                                     + pM[GA02]*det4_2345_0135 - pM[GA03]*det4_2345_0125 + pM[GA05]*det4_2345_0123;
   const Double_t det5_02345_01245 = pM[GA00]*det4_2345_1245 - pM[GA01]*det4_2345_0245 
                                     + pM[GA02]*det4_2345_0145 - pM[GA04]*det4_2345_0125 + pM[GA05]*det4_2345_0124;
   const Double_t det5_02345_01345 = pM[GA00]*det4_2345_1345 - pM[GA01]*det4_2345_0345 
                                     + pM[GA03]*det4_2345_0145 - pM[GA04]*det4_2345_0135 + pM[GA05]*det4_2345_0134;
   const Double_t det5_02345_02345 = pM[GA00]*det4_2345_2345 - pM[GA02]*det4_2345_0345 
                                     + pM[GA03]*det4_2345_0245 - pM[GA04]*det4_2345_0235 + pM[GA05]*det4_2345_0234;
   const Double_t det5_02345_12345 = pM[GA01]*det4_2345_2345 - pM[GA02]*det4_2345_1345 
                                     + pM[GA03]*det4_2345_1245 - pM[GA04]*det4_2345_1235 + pM[GA05]*det4_2345_1234;
   const Double_t det5_12345_01234 = pM[GA10]*det4_2345_1234 - pM[GA11]*det4_2345_0234 
                                     + pM[GA12]*det4_2345_0134 - pM[GA13]*det4_2345_0124 + pM[GA14]*det4_2345_0123;
   const Double_t det5_12345_01235 = pM[GA10]*det4_2345_1235 - pM[GA11]*det4_2345_0235 
                                     + pM[GA12]*det4_2345_0135 - pM[GA13]*det4_2345_0125 + pM[GA15]*det4_2345_0123;
   const Double_t det5_12345_01245 = pM[GA10]*det4_2345_1245 - pM[GA11]*det4_2345_0245 
                                     + pM[GA12]*det4_2345_0145 - pM[GA14]*det4_2345_0125 + pM[GA15]*det4_2345_0124;
   const Double_t det5_12345_01345 = pM[GA10]*det4_2345_1345 - pM[GA11]*det4_2345_0345 
                                     + pM[GA13]*det4_2345_0145 - pM[GA14]*det4_2345_0135 + pM[GA15]*det4_2345_0134;
   const Double_t det5_12345_02345 = pM[GA10]*det4_2345_2345 - pM[GA12]*det4_2345_0345 
                                     + pM[GA13]*det4_2345_0245 - pM[GA14]*det4_2345_0235 + pM[GA15]*det4_2345_0234;
   const Double_t det5_12345_12345 = pM[GA11]*det4_2345_2345 - pM[GA12]*det4_2345_1345 
                                     + pM[GA13]*det4_2345_1245 - pM[GA14]*det4_2345_1235 + pM[GA15]*det4_2345_1234;

  // Find the determinant 

   const Double_t det = pM[GA00]*det5_12345_12345 - pM[GA01]*det5_12345_02345 + pM[GA02]*det5_12345_01345 
                        - pM[GA03]*det5_12345_01245 + pM[GA04]*det5_12345_01235 - pM[GA05]*det5_12345_01234;
   if (determ)
      *determ = det;

   if ( det == 0 ) {
      Error("Inv6x6","matrix is singular");
      return kFALSE;

   const Double_t oneOverDet = 1.0/det;
   const Double_t mn1OverDet = - oneOverDet;

   pM[GA00] =  det5_12345_12345*oneOverDet;
   pM[GA01] =  det5_02345_12345*mn1OverDet;
   pM[GA02] =  det5_01345_12345*oneOverDet;
   pM[GA03] =  det5_01245_12345*mn1OverDet;
   pM[GA04] =  det5_01235_12345*oneOverDet;
   pM[GA05] =  det5_01234_12345*mn1OverDet;

   pM[GA10] =  det5_12345_02345*mn1OverDet;
   pM[GA11] =  det5_02345_02345*oneOverDet;
   pM[GA12] =  det5_01345_02345*mn1OverDet;
   pM[GA13] =  det5_01245_02345*oneOverDet;
   pM[GA14] =  det5_01235_02345*mn1OverDet;
   pM[GA15] =  det5_01234_02345*oneOverDet;

   pM[GA20] =  det5_12345_01345*oneOverDet;
   pM[GA21] =  det5_02345_01345*mn1OverDet;
   pM[GA22] =  det5_01345_01345*oneOverDet;
   pM[GA23] =  det5_01245_01345*mn1OverDet;
   pM[GA24] =  det5_01235_01345*oneOverDet;
   pM[GA25] =  det5_01234_01345*mn1OverDet;

   pM[GA30] =  det5_12345_01245*mn1OverDet;
   pM[GA31] =  det5_02345_01245*oneOverDet;
   pM[GA32] =  det5_01345_01245*mn1OverDet;
   pM[GA33] =  det5_01245_01245*oneOverDet;
   pM[GA34] =  det5_01235_01245*mn1OverDet;
   pM[GA35] =  det5_01234_01245*oneOverDet;

   pM[GA40] =  det5_12345_01235*oneOverDet;
   pM[GA41] =  det5_02345_01235*mn1OverDet;
   pM[GA42] =  det5_01345_01235*oneOverDet;
   pM[GA43] =  det5_01245_01235*mn1OverDet;
   pM[GA44] =  det5_01235_01235*oneOverDet;
   pM[GA45] =  det5_01234_01235*mn1OverDet;

   pM[GA50] =  det5_12345_01234*mn1OverDet;
   pM[GA51] =  det5_02345_01234*oneOverDet;
   pM[GA52] =  det5_01345_01234*mn1OverDet;
   pM[GA53] =  det5_01245_01234*oneOverDet;
   pM[GA54] =  det5_01235_01234*mn1OverDet;
   pM[GA55] =  det5_01234_01234*oneOverDet;

   return kTRUE;

#ifndef ROOT_TMatrixFfwd
#include "TMatrixFfwd.h"

template Bool_t TMatrixTCramerInv::Inv2x2<Float_t>(TMatrixF&,Double_t*);
template Bool_t TMatrixTCramerInv::Inv3x3<Float_t>(TMatrixF&,Double_t*);
template Bool_t TMatrixTCramerInv::Inv4x4<Float_t>(TMatrixF&,Double_t*);
template Bool_t TMatrixTCramerInv::Inv5x5<Float_t>(TMatrixF&,Double_t*);
template Bool_t TMatrixTCramerInv::Inv6x6<Float_t>(TMatrixF&,Double_t*);

#ifndef ROOT_TMatrixDfwd
#include "TMatrixDfwd.h"

template Bool_t TMatrixTCramerInv::Inv2x2<Double_t>(TMatrixD&,Double_t*);
template Bool_t TMatrixTCramerInv::Inv3x3<Double_t>(TMatrixD&,Double_t*);
template Bool_t TMatrixTCramerInv::Inv4x4<Double_t>(TMatrixD&,Double_t*);
template Bool_t TMatrixTCramerInv::Inv5x5<Double_t>(TMatrixD&,Double_t*);
template Bool_t TMatrixTCramerInv::Inv6x6<Double_t>(TMatrixD&,Double_t*);