fitcont.C: Example illustrating how to draw the n-sigma contour of a Minuit fit. | Fitting tutorials | fitpanel_playback.C: Based on Olivier's $ROOTSYS/tutorials/graphcs/graph_edit_playback.C |
//example of fit where the model is histogram + function //Author: Rene Brun TH1F *background; void histgen() { //generate the histogram background and save it to a file //background taken as linearly decreasing TF1 f1("f1","pol1",0,10); f1.SetParameters(5,-0.5); TH1F h("background","linear background",100,0,10); h.FillRandom("f1",10000); TFile f("background.root","recreate"); //save the background histogram h.Write(); //superimpose a gaussian signal to the background histogram TF1 f2("f2","gaus",0,10); f2.SetParameters(1,6,0.5); h.FillRandom("f2",2000); h.SetName("result"); h.Write(); } Double_t ftotal(Double_t *x, Double_t *par) { Double_t xx = x[0]; Int_t bin = background->GetXaxis()->FindBin(xx); Double_t br = par[3]*background->GetBinContent(bin); Double_t arg = (xx-par[1])/par[2]; Double_t sr = par[0]*TMath::Exp(-0.5*arg*arg); return sr + br; } void fithist() { //fit function ftotal to signal + background histgen(); TFile *f = new TFile("background.root"); background = (TH1F*)f->Get("background"); //pointer used in ftotal TH1F *result = (TH1F*)f->Get("result"); TF1 *ftot = new TF1("ftot",ftotal,0,10,4); Double_t norm = result->GetMaximum(); ftot->SetParameters(0.5*norm,5,.2,norm); ftot->SetParLimits(0,.3*norm,norm); result->Fit("ftot","b"); } fithist.C:1 fithist.C:2 fithist.C:3 fithist.C:4 fithist.C:5 fithist.C:6 fithist.C:7 fithist.C:8 fithist.C:9 fithist.C:10 fithist.C:11 fithist.C:12 fithist.C:13 fithist.C:14 fithist.C:15 fithist.C:16 fithist.C:17 fithist.C:18 fithist.C:19 fithist.C:20 fithist.C:21 fithist.C:22 fithist.C:23 fithist.C:24 fithist.C:25 fithist.C:26 fithist.C:27 fithist.C:28 fithist.C:29 fithist.C:30 fithist.C:31 fithist.C:32 fithist.C:33 fithist.C:34 fithist.C:35 fithist.C:36 fithist.C:37 fithist.C:38 fithist.C:39 fithist.C:40 fithist.C:41 fithist.C:42 fithist.C:43 fithist.C:44 fithist.C:45 fithist.C:46 fithist.C:47 fithist.C:48 |