numberEntry.C: This macro gives an example of how to create a number entry | Graphics User Interface | splitbuttonTest.C: A simple example that shows the usage of a TGSplitButton. |
// This TableTest class is a simple example of how to use a TGSimpleTable // that creates and owns it's own TGSimpleTableInterface. // TableTest inherits from TGMainFrame to // create a top level frame to embed the TGTable in. First the data // needed is created. Then the TGSimpleTable is created using this // data. In the end, the table is added to the TGMainFrame that is the // TableTest and the necessary calls to correctly draw the window are // made. For more information about the use of TGSimpleTable see it's // documentation. // author: Roel Aaij 13/07/2007 #include <iostream> #include <TApplication.h> #include <TGClient.h> #include <TGButton.h> #include <TGFrame.h> #include <TGLayout.h> #include <TGWindow.h> #include <TGLabel.h> #include <TGNumberEntry.h> #include <TString.h> #include <TGButtonGroup.h> #include <TGMenu.h> #include <TGSimpleTable.h> // A little class to automatically handle the generation of unique // widget ids. class IDList { private: Int_t nID ; // Generates unique widget IDs. public: IDList() : nID(0) {} ~IDList() {} Int_t GetUnID(void) { return ++nID ; } } ; class TableTest : public TGMainFrame { private: IDList IDs ; // Generator for unique widget IDs. Double_t **fData; UInt_t fNDataRows; UInt_t fNDataColumns; UInt_t fNTableRows; UInt_t fNTableColumns; TGSimpleTable *fSimpleTable; public: TableTest(const TGWindow *p, UInt_t ndrows, UInt_t ndcols, UInt_t ntrows, UInt_t ntcols, UInt_t w = 100, UInt_t h = 100) ; virtual ~TableTest() ; void DoExit() ; TGSimpleTable *GetTable() { return fSimpleTable; } ClassDef(TableTest, 0) }; TableTest::TableTest(const TGWindow *p, UInt_t ndrows, UInt_t ndcols, UInt_t ntrows, UInt_t ntcols, UInt_t w, UInt_t h) : TGMainFrame(p, w, h), fData(0), fNDataRows(ndrows), fNDataColumns(ndcols), fNTableRows(ntrows), fNTableColumns(ntcols), fSimpleTable(0) { SetCleanup(kDeepCleanup) ; Connect("CloseWindow()", "TableTest", this, "DoExit()") ; DontCallClose() ; // Create the needed data. Int_t i = 0, j = 0; fData = new Double_t*[fNDataRows]; for (i = 0; i < (Int_t)fNDataRows; i++) { fData[i] = new Double_t[fNDataColumns]; for (j = 0; j < (Int_t)fNDataColumns; j++) { fData[i][j] = 10 * i + j; } } // Create the table and add it to the TableTest that is a TGMainFrame. fSimpleTable = new TGSimpleTable(this, IDs.GetUnID(), fData, fNTableRows, fNTableColumns); AddFrame(fSimpleTable, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsExpandX | kLHintsExpandY)); // Calls to layout and draw the TableTest that is a TGMainFrame. SetWindowName("TGSimpleTable Test") ; MapSubwindows() ; Layout(); Resize(GetDefaultWidth()+20, 600) ; MapWindow() ; } ; TableTest::~TableTest() { // Destructor UInt_t i = 0; for (i = 0; i < fNDataRows; i++) { delete[] fData[i]; } delete[] fData; Cleanup() ; } void TableTest::DoExit() { // Exit this application via the Exit button or Window Manager. // Use one of the both lines according to your needs. // Please note to re-run this macro in the same ROOT session, // you have to compile it to get signals/slots 'on place'. DeleteWindow(); // to stay in the ROOT session // gApplication->Terminate(); // to exit and close the ROOT session } TGSimpleTable *simpleTableTest(UInt_t ndrows = 500, UInt_t ndcols = 20, UInt_t ntrows = 50, UInt_t ntcols = 10) { TableTest *test = new TableTest(0, ndrows, ndcols, ntrows, ntcols, 500, 200); return test->GetTable(); } simpleTableTest.C:1 simpleTableTest.C:2 simpleTableTest.C:3 simpleTableTest.C:4 simpleTableTest.C:5 simpleTableTest.C:6 simpleTableTest.C:7 simpleTableTest.C:8 simpleTableTest.C:9 simpleTableTest.C:10 simpleTableTest.C:11 simpleTableTest.C:12 simpleTableTest.C:13 simpleTableTest.C:14 simpleTableTest.C:15 simpleTableTest.C:16 simpleTableTest.C:17 simpleTableTest.C:18 simpleTableTest.C:19 simpleTableTest.C:20 simpleTableTest.C:21 simpleTableTest.C:22 simpleTableTest.C:23 simpleTableTest.C:24 simpleTableTest.C:25 simpleTableTest.C:26 simpleTableTest.C:27 simpleTableTest.C:28 simpleTableTest.C:29 simpleTableTest.C:30 simpleTableTest.C:31 simpleTableTest.C:32 simpleTableTest.C:33 simpleTableTest.C:34 simpleTableTest.C:35 simpleTableTest.C:36 simpleTableTest.C:37 simpleTableTest.C:38 simpleTableTest.C:39 simpleTableTest.C:40 simpleTableTest.C:41 simpleTableTest.C:42 simpleTableTest.C:43 simpleTableTest.C:44 simpleTableTest.C:45 simpleTableTest.C:46 simpleTableTest.C:47 simpleTableTest.C:48 simpleTableTest.C:49 simpleTableTest.C:50 simpleTableTest.C:51 simpleTableTest.C:52 simpleTableTest.C:53 simpleTableTest.C:54 simpleTableTest.C:55 simpleTableTest.C:56 simpleTableTest.C:57 simpleTableTest.C:58 simpleTableTest.C:59 simpleTableTest.C:60 simpleTableTest.C:61 simpleTableTest.C:62 simpleTableTest.C:63 simpleTableTest.C:64 simpleTableTest.C:65 simpleTableTest.C:66 simpleTableTest.C:67 simpleTableTest.C:68 simpleTableTest.C:69 simpleTableTest.C:70 simpleTableTest.C:71 simpleTableTest.C:72 simpleTableTest.C:73 simpleTableTest.C:74 simpleTableTest.C:75 simpleTableTest.C:76 simpleTableTest.C:77 simpleTableTest.C:78 simpleTableTest.C:79 simpleTableTest.C:80 simpleTableTest.C:81 simpleTableTest.C:82 simpleTableTest.C:83 simpleTableTest.C:84 simpleTableTest.C:85 simpleTableTest.C:86 simpleTableTest.C:87 simpleTableTest.C:88 simpleTableTest.C:89 simpleTableTest.C:90 simpleTableTest.C:91 simpleTableTest.C:92 simpleTableTest.C:93 simpleTableTest.C:94 simpleTableTest.C:95 simpleTableTest.C:96 simpleTableTest.C:97 simpleTableTest.C:98 simpleTableTest.C:99 simpleTableTest.C:100 simpleTableTest.C:101 simpleTableTest.C:102 simpleTableTest.C:103 simpleTableTest.C:104 simpleTableTest.C:105 simpleTableTest.C:106 simpleTableTest.C:107 simpleTableTest.C:108 simpleTableTest.C:109 simpleTableTest.C:110 simpleTableTest.C:111 simpleTableTest.C:112 simpleTableTest.C:113 simpleTableTest.C:114 simpleTableTest.C:115 simpleTableTest.C:116 simpleTableTest.C:117 simpleTableTest.C:118 simpleTableTest.C:119 simpleTableTest.C:120 simpleTableTest.C:121 |