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// @(#)root/mathcore:$Id$
// Authors: W. Brown, M. Fischler, L. Moneta    2005  

 *                                                                    *
 * Copyright (c) 2005 , LCG ROOT MathLib Team                         *
 *                                                                    *
 *                                                                    *

// Header file for class Translation3D
// Created by: Lorenzo Moneta  October 21 2005
#ifndef ROOT_Math_GenVector_Translation3D 
#define ROOT_Math_GenVector_Translation3D  1

#ifndef ROOT_Math_GenVector_DisplacementVector3D
#include "Math/GenVector/DisplacementVector3D.h"

#ifndef ROOT_Math_GenVector_PositionVector3Dfwd
#include "Math/GenVector/PositionVector3Dfwd.h"

#ifndef ROOT_Math_GenVector_LorentzVectorfwd
#include "Math/GenVector/LorentzVectorfwd.h"

#include <iostream>

namespace ROOT { 

namespace Math { 

   class Plane3D; 

    Class describing a 3 dimensional translation. It can be combined (using the operator *) 
    with the ROOT::Math::Rotation3D  classes and ROOT::Math::Transform3D to obtained combined 
    transformations and to operate on points and vectors. 
    Note that a the translation applied to a Vector object (DisplacementVector3D and LorentzVector classes)  
    performes a noop, i.e. it returns the same vector. A translation can be applied only to the Point objects 
    (PositionVector3D classes). 
    @ingroup GenVector


class Translation3D { 


    typedef  DisplacementVector3D<Cartesian3D<double>, DefaultCoordinateSystemTag >  Vector; 

       Default constructor ( zero translation )
   Translation3D() {}
      Construct given a pair of pointers or iterators defining the
      beginning and end of an array of 3 Scalars representing the z,y,z of the translation vector
   template<class IT>
   Translation3D(IT begin, IT end) 

      Construct from x,y,z values representing the translation
   Translation3D(double dx, double dy, double dz) : 
      fVect( Vector(dx, dy, dz) )
   {  }

      Construct from any Displacement vector in ant tag and coordinate system
   template<class CoordSystem, class Tag>
   explicit Translation3D( const DisplacementVector3D<CoordSystem,Tag> & v) :  
   { }

      Construct transformation from one coordinate system defined one point (the origin) 
       to a new coordinate system defined by other point (origin ) 
      @param p1  point defining origin of original reference system 
      @param p2  point defining origin of transformed reference system 

   template<class CoordSystem, class Tag>
   Translation3D (const  PositionVector3D<CoordSystem,Tag> & p1, const PositionVector3D<CoordSystem,Tag> & p2 ) : 
   { }

   // use compiler generated copy ctor, copy assignmet and dtor

   // ======== Components ==============

       return a const reference to the underline vector representing the translation
   const Vector & Vect() const { return fVect; }

      Set the 3  components given an iterator to the start of
      the desired data, and another to the end (3 past start).
   template<class IT>
   void SetComponents(IT begin, IT end) {

      Get the 3  components into data specified by an iterator begin
      and another to the end of the desired data (12 past start).
   template<class IT>
   void GetComponents(IT begin, IT end) const {

      Get the 3 matrix components into data specified by an iterator begin
   template<class IT>
   void GetComponents(IT begin) const {

      Set the components from 3 scalars 
   SetComponents (double  dx, double  dy, double  dz ) {

      Get the components into 3 scalars
   GetComponents (double &dx, double &dy, double &dz) const {

      Set the XYZ vector components from 3 scalars  
   SetXYZ (double  dx, double  dy, double  dz ) {

   // operations on points and vectors 

      Transformation operation for Position Vector in any coordinate system and default tag
   template<class CoordSystem, class Tag > 
   PositionVector3D<CoordSystem,Tag> operator() (const PositionVector3D <CoordSystem,Tag> & p) const { 
      PositionVector3D<CoordSystem,Tag>  tmp;
      tmp.SetXYZ (p.X() + fVect.X(), 
                  p.Y() + fVect.Y(),
                  p.Z() + fVect.Z() ) ;
      return tmp;

      Transformation operation for Displacement Vector in any coordinate system and default tag
      For the Displacement Vectors no translation apply so return the vector itself      
   template<class CoordSystem, class Tag > 
   DisplacementVector3D<CoordSystem,Tag> operator() (const DisplacementVector3D <CoordSystem,Tag> & v) const { 
      return  v;

      Transformation operation for points between different coordinate system tags 
   template<class CoordSystem, class Tag1, class Tag2 > 
   void Transform (const PositionVector3D <CoordSystem,Tag1> & p1, PositionVector3D <CoordSystem,Tag2> & p2  ) const { 
      PositionVector3D <CoordSystem,Tag2> tmp;
      tmp.SetXYZ( p1.X(), p1.Y(), p1.Z() );
      p2 =  operator()(tmp);

      Transformation operation for Displacement Vector of different coordinate systems 
   template<class CoordSystem,  class Tag1, class Tag2 > 
   void Transform (const DisplacementVector3D <CoordSystem,Tag1> & v1, DisplacementVector3D <CoordSystem,Tag2> & v2  ) const { 
      // just copy v1 in v2
      v2.SetXYZ(v1.X(), v1.Y(), v1.Z() ); 

      Transformation operation for a Lorentz Vector in any  coordinate system 
      A LorentzVector contains a displacement vector so no translation applies as well
   template <class CoordSystem > 
   LorentzVector<CoordSystem> operator() (const LorentzVector<CoordSystem> & q) const { 
      return  q;

      Transformation on a 3D plane
   Plane3D operator() (const Plane3D & plane) const; 

      Transformation operation for Vectors. Apply same rules as operator() 
      depending on type of vector. 
      Will work only for DisplacementVector3D, PositionVector3D and LorentzVector
   template<class AVector > 
   AVector operator * (const AVector & v) const { 
      return operator() (v);

      multiply (combine) with another transformation in place
   Translation3D & operator *= (const Translation3D  & t) { 
      fVect+= t.Vect();
      return *this;

      multiply (combine) two transformations
   Translation3D operator * (const Translation3D  & t) const { 
      return Translation3D( fVect + t.Vect() );

       Invert the transformation in place
   void Invert() { 
      SetComponents( -fVect.X(), -fVect.Y(),-fVect.Z() );

      Return the inverse of the transformation.
   Translation3D Inverse() const { 
      return Translation3D( -fVect.X(), -fVect.Y(),-fVect.Z() );

      Equality/inequality operators
   bool operator == (const Translation3D & rhs) const {
      if( fVect != rhs.fVect )  return false;
      return true;

   bool operator != (const Translation3D & rhs) const {
      return ! operator==(rhs);


   Vector fVect;   // internal 3D vector representing the translation 


// global functions 
// TODO - I/O should be put in the manipulator form 

std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream & os, const Translation3D & t);
// need a function Transform = Translation * Rotation ???

   } // end namespace Math

} // end namespace ROOT

#endif /* ROOT_Math_GenVector_Translation3D */