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// @(#):$Id$
// Author: Andrei Gheata   01/03/11

 * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
 * All rights reserved.                                                  *
 *                                                                       *
 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *

// TGeoBranchArray - An array of daughter indices making a geometry path. 
//   Can be used to backup/restore a state. To setup an object of this type,
// one should use:
//   TGeoBranchArray *array = new TGeoBranchArray(level);
//   array->InitFromNavigator(nav); (To initialize from current navigator state)
// The navigator can be updated to reflect this path array:
//   array->UpdateNavigator();  

#include "TGeoBranchArray.h"

#include "TMath.h"
#include "TThread.h"
#include "TString.h"
#include "TGeoNavigator.h"
#include "TGeoCache.h"
#include "TGeoManager.h"


TGeoBranchArray::TGeoBranchArray(Int_t maxlevel)
// Constructor. Alocates the array with a size given by level.
   memset(fRealArray, 0, fMaxLevel*sizeof(TGeoNode*));

TGeoBranchArray * TGeoBranchArray::MakeInstance(size_t maxlevel)
// Make an instance of the class which allocates the node array. To be
// released using ReleaseInstance. If addr is non-zero, the user promised that 
// addr contains at least that many bytes:  size_t needed = SizeOf(maxlevel);
   TGeoBranchArray* ba = 0;
   size_t needed = SizeOf(maxlevel);
   char *ptr = new char[ needed ];
   if (!ptr) return 0;
   new (ptr) TGeoBranchArray(maxlevel);
   ba = reinterpret_cast<TGeoBranchArray*>(ptr);
   ba->SetBit(kBASelfAlloc, kTRUE);
   return ba;

TGeoBranchArray * TGeoBranchArray::MakeInstanceAt(size_t maxlevel, void *addr)
   // Make an instance of the class which allocates the node array. To be
   // released using ReleaseInstance. If addr is non-zero, the user promised that
   // addr contains at least that many bytes:  size_t needed = SizeOf(maxlevel);
   TGeoBranchArray* ba = 0;
   new (addr) TGeoBranchArray(maxlevel);
   ba = reinterpret_cast<TGeoBranchArray*>(addr);
   ba->SetBit(kBASelfAlloc, kFALSE);
   return ba;

TGeoBranchArray * TGeoBranchArray::MakeCopy(const TGeoBranchArray &other)
// Make a copy of a branch array at the location (if indicated)
   TGeoBranchArray *copy = 0;
   size_t needed = SizeOf(other.fMaxLevel);
   char *ptr = new char[ needed ];
   if (!ptr) return 0;
   new (ptr) TGeoBranchArray(other.fMaxLevel);
   copy = reinterpret_cast<TGeoBranchArray*>(ptr);
   copy->SetBit(kBASelfAlloc, kTRUE);
   copy->fLevel = other.fLevel;
   copy->fMatrix = other.fMatrix;   
   if (other.fLevel+1) memcpy(copy->fArray, other.fArray, (other.fLevel+1)*sizeof(TGeoNode*));
   return copy;

TGeoBranchArray * TGeoBranchArray::MakeCopyAt(const TGeoBranchArray &other, void *addr)
   // Make a copy of a branch array at the location (if indicated)
   TGeoBranchArray *copy = 0;
   new (addr) TGeoBranchArray(other.fMaxLevel);
   copy = reinterpret_cast<TGeoBranchArray*>(addr);
   copy->SetBit(kBASelfAlloc, kFALSE);
   copy->fLevel = other.fLevel;
   copy->fMatrix = other.fMatrix;
   if (other.fLevel+1) memcpy(copy->fArray, other.fArray, (other.fLevel+1)*sizeof(TGeoNode*));
   return copy;

void TGeoBranchArray::CopyTo(TGeoBranchArray *dest)
// Raw memcpy of the branch array content to an existing destination.
   memcpy(dest->DataStart(), DataStart(), DataSize());
   dest->fArray = &(dest->fRealArray[0]);

void TGeoBranchArray::ReleaseInstance(TGeoBranchArray *obj) 
// Releases the space allocated for the object
   if (obj->TestBit(kBASelfAlloc)) delete [] (char*)obj;

void TGeoBranchArray::UpdateArray(size_t nobj)
// Updates the internal addresses for n contiguous objects which have the same 
// fMaxLevel
// Updates the internal addresses for n contiguous objects which have the same fMaxLevel
   size_t needed = SizeOf();
//   char *where = &fArray;
//   for (size_t i=0; i<nobj; ++i, where += needed) {
//      TGeoNode ***array =  reinterpret_cast<TGeoNode***>(where);
//      *array = ((void**)where)+1; 
//   }
   char *where = reinterpret_cast<char*>(this);
   for (size_t i=0; i<nobj; ++i, where += needed) {
      TGeoBranchArray *obj = reinterpret_cast<TGeoBranchArray*>(where);
      obj->fArray = &(obj->fRealArray[0]);

TGeoBranchArray::TGeoBranchArray(const TGeoBranchArray&  other)
// Copy constructor. Not callable anymore. Use TGeoBranchArray::MakeCopy instead
   if (fMaxLevel) {
      fArray = new TGeoNode*[fMaxLevel];
      if (fLevel+1) memcpy(fArray, other.fArray, (fLevel+1)*sizeof(TGeoNode*));
TGeoBranchArray& TGeoBranchArray::operator=(const TGeoBranchArray& other)
// Assignment. Not valid anymore. Use TGeoBranchArray::MakeCopy instead
   if (&other == this) return *this;
//   TThread::Lock();
//   TObject::operator=(other);
   fLevel = other.fLevel;
   if (fLevel+1) memcpy(fArray, other.fArray, (fLevel+1)*sizeof(TGeoNode*));
//   SetBit(other.TestBit(kBASelfAlloc));
//   TThread::UnLock();
   return *this;

void TGeoBranchArray::AddLevel(Int_t dindex)
// Add and extra daughter to the current path array. No validity check performed !
   if (fLevel<=0) {
      Error("AddLevel", "You must initialize from navigator or copy from another branch array first.");
   if (fLevel>fMaxLevel) {
      Fatal("AddLevel", "Max level = %d reached\n", fMaxLevel);
   if (fLevel+1>fMaxLevel) {
      TGeoNode **array = new TGeoNode*[fLevel+1];
      memcpy(array, fArray, fLevel*sizeof(TGeoNode*));
      delete [] fArray;
      fArray = array;
   fArray[fLevel] = fArray[fLevel-1]->GetVolume()->GetNode(dindex);

Bool_t TGeoBranchArray::operator ==(const TGeoBranchArray& other) const
// Is equal operator.
   Int_t value = Compare(&other);
   if (value==0) return kTRUE;
   return kFALSE;

Bool_t TGeoBranchArray::operator !=(const TGeoBranchArray& other) const
// Not equal operator.
   Int_t value = Compare(&other);
   if (value!=0) return kTRUE;
   return kFALSE;

Bool_t TGeoBranchArray::operator >(const TGeoBranchArray& other) const
// Is equal operator.
   Int_t value = Compare(&other);
   if (value>0) return kTRUE;
   return kFALSE;

Bool_t TGeoBranchArray::operator <(const TGeoBranchArray& other) const
// Is equal operator.
   Int_t value = Compare(&other);
   if (value<0) return kTRUE;
   return kFALSE;

Bool_t TGeoBranchArray::operator >=(const TGeoBranchArray& other) const
// Is equal operator.
   Int_t value = Compare(&other);
   if (value>=0) return kTRUE;
   return kFALSE;

Bool_t TGeoBranchArray::operator <=(const TGeoBranchArray& other) const
// Is equal operator.
   Int_t value = Compare(&other);
   if (value<=0) return kTRUE;
   return kFALSE;

Long64_t TGeoBranchArray::BinarySearch(Long64_t n, const TGeoBranchArray **array, TGeoBranchArray *value)
// Binary search in an array of n pointers to branch arrays, to locate value.
// Returns element index or index of nearest element smaller than value
   Long64_t nabove, nbelow, middle;
   const TGeoBranchArray *pind;
   nabove = n+1;
   nbelow = 0;
   while(nabove-nbelow > 1) {
      middle = (nabove+nbelow)/2;
      pind = array[middle-1];
      if (*value == *pind) return middle-1;
      if (*value  < *pind) nabove = middle;
      else                          nbelow = middle;
   return nbelow-1;

Int_t TGeoBranchArray::Compare(const TObject *obj) const
// Compare with other object of same type. Returns -1 if this is smaller (first
// smaller array value prevails), 0 if equal (size and values) and 1 if this is 
// larger.
   Int_t i;
   TGeoBranchArray *other = (TGeoBranchArray*)obj;
   Int_t otherLevel = other->GetLevel();
   Int_t maxLevel = TMath::Min(fLevel, otherLevel);
   TGeoNode **otherArray = other->GetArray();
   for (i=0; i<maxLevel+1; i++) {
      if (fArray[i]==otherArray[i]) continue;
      if ((Long64_t)fArray[i]<(Long64_t)otherArray[i]) return -1;
      return 1;
   if (fLevel==otherLevel) return 0;
   if (fLevel<otherLevel) return -1;
   return 1;

void TGeoBranchArray::CleanMatrix()
// Garbage collect the stored matrix.

void TGeoBranchArray::Init(TGeoNode **branch, TGeoMatrix *global, Int_t level)
// Init the branch array from an array of nodes, the global matrix for the path and 
// the level.
   if (level>fMaxLevel) {
      Fatal("Init", "Requested level %d exceeds maximum level %d", level+1, fMaxLevel);
   fLevel = level;
   memcpy(fArray, branch, (fLevel+1)*sizeof(TGeoNode*));
void TGeoBranchArray::InitFromNavigator(TGeoNavigator *nav)
// Init the branch array from current navigator state.
   TGeoNodeCache *cache = nav->GetCache();
   const TGeoNode **branch = (const TGeoNode**)cache->GetBranch();
   Int_t level = cache->GetLevel();
   if (level>fMaxLevel) {
      Fatal("InitFromNavigator", "Requested level %d exceeds maximum level %d", level+1, fMaxLevel);
   fLevel = level;
   memcpy(fArray, branch, (fLevel+1)*sizeof(TGeoNode*));
   if (nav->IsOutside()) fLevel = -1;

void TGeoBranchArray::GetPath(TString &path) const
// Fill path pointed by the array.
   path = "";
   if (!fArray || !fArray[0]) return;
   for (Int_t i=0; i<fLevel+1; i++) {
      path += "/";
      path += fArray[i]->GetName();

void TGeoBranchArray::Print(Option_t *) const
// Print branch information
   TString path;
   printf("branch:    %s\n", path.Data());

void TGeoBranchArray::Sort(Int_t n, TGeoBranchArray **array, Int_t *index, Bool_t down)
// Sorting of an array of branch array pointers.
   for (Int_t i=0; i<n; i++) index[i] = i;
   if (down)
      std::sort(index, index + n, compareBAdesc(array));
      std::sort(index, index + n, compareBAasc(array));

void TGeoBranchArray::UpdateNavigator(TGeoNavigator *nav) const
// Update the navigator to reflect the branch.
   if (fLevel<0) {nav->SetOutside(kTRUE); return;}
   for (Int_t i=1; i<fLevel+1; i++) nav->CdDown(fArray[i]);