// @(#)root/mathcore:$Id$
// Authors: L. Moneta    11/2006 

 *                                                                    *
 * Copyright (c) 2006 , LCG ROOT MathLib Team                         *
 *                                                                    *
 *                                                                    *

// Header file for function interfaces 
// Generic Interfaces for one or  multi-dimensional functions
// Created by: Lorenzo Moneta  : Wed Nov 13 2006
#ifndef ROOT_Math_IFunction
#define ROOT_Math_IFunction

@defgroup CppFunctions Function Classes and Interfaces

 Interfaces (abstract classes) and Base classes used in MathCore and MathMore numerical methods 
 for describing function classes. They define function and gradient evaluation and as well the 
 functionality for dealing with parameters in the case of parametric functions which are used for 
 fitting and data modeling. 
 Included are also adapter classes, such as  functors, to wrap generic callable C++ objects 
 in the desired interface. 

//typedefs and tags definitions 
#ifndef ROOT_Math_IFunctionfwd
#include "Math/IFunctionfwd.h"

namespace ROOT {
namespace Math {

   @defgroup GenFunc Interfaces for generic function evaluation
   @ingroup CppFunctions

       Documentation for the abstract class IBaseFunctionMultiDim.
       Interface (abstract class) for generic functions objects of multi-dimension 
       Provides a method to evaluate the function given a vector of coordinate values, 
       by implementing operator() (const double *).
       In addition it defines the interface for copying functions via the pure virtual method Clone()  
       and the interface for getting the function dimension via the NDim() method. 
       Derived classes must implement the pure private virtual method DoEval(const double *) for the 
       function evaluation in addition to NDim() and Clone(). 
       @ingroup  GenFunc

   class IBaseFunctionMultiDim {

      typedef  IBaseFunctionMultiDim BaseFunc; 

      IBaseFunctionMultiDim() {}

         virtual destructor 
      virtual ~IBaseFunctionMultiDim() {}

          Clone a function. 
          Each derived class must implement their version of the Clone method
      virtual IBaseFunctionMultiDim * Clone() const = 0;  

         Retrieve the dimension of the function
      virtual unsigned int NDim() const = 0; 

          Evaluate the function at a point x[]. 
          Use the pure virtual private method DoEval which must be implemented by the sub-classes
      double operator() (const double* x) const { 
         return DoEval(x); 

#ifdef LATER
         Template method to eveluate the function using the begin of an iterator
         User is responsible to provide correct size for the iterator
      template <class Iterator>
      double operator() (const Iterator it ) const { 
         return DoEval( &(*it) ); 


         Implementation of the evaluation function. Must be implemented by derived classes
      virtual double DoEval(const double * x) const = 0; 


       Interface (abstract class) for generic functions objects of one-dimension 
       Provides a method to evaluate the function given a value (simple double) 
       by implementing operator() (const double ).
       In addition it defines the interface for copying functions via the pure virtual method Clone(). 
       Derived classes must implement the pure virtual private method DoEval(double ) for the 
       function evaluation in addition to  Clone(). 
       An interface for evaluating the function passing a vector (like for multidim functions) is also 
       @ingroup  GenFunc
   class IBaseFunctionOneDim { 


      typedef  IBaseFunctionOneDim BaseFunc; 

      IBaseFunctionOneDim() {}

         virtual destructor 
      virtual ~IBaseFunctionOneDim() {}

          Clone a function. 
          Each derived class will implement their version of the provate DoClone method
      virtual IBaseFunctionOneDim * Clone() const = 0;  

          Evaluate the function at a point x 
          Use the  a pure virtual private method DoEval which must be implemented by sub-classes
      double operator() (double x) const { 
         return DoEval(x); 

          Evaluate the function at a point x[]. 
          Compatible method with multi-dimensional functions
      double operator() (const double * x) const { 
         return DoEval(*x); 


      // use private virtual inheritance 

      /// implementation of the evaluation function. Must be implemented by derived classes
      virtual double DoEval(double x) const = 0; 


//-------- GRAD  functions---------------------------

      Gradient interface (abstract class) defining the signature for calculating the gradient of a 
      multi-dimensional function. 
      Three methods are provided: 
      - Gradient(const double *x, double * grad) evaluate the full gradient vector at the vector value x
      - Derivative(const double * x, int icoord) evaluate the partial derivative for the icoord coordinate
      - FdF(const double *x, double &f, double * g) evaluate at the same time gradient and function/ 

      Concrete classes should derive from ROOT::Math::IGradientFunctionMultiDim and not from this class.  

      @ingroup  GenFunc

   class IGradientMultiDim { 


      /// virual destructor 
      virtual ~IGradientMultiDim() {}

          Evaluate all the vector of function derivatives (gradient)  at a point x.
          Derived classes must re-implement if it is more efficient than evaluting one at a time
      virtual void  Gradient(const double *x, double * grad) const = 0; 

         Return the partial derivative with respect to the passed coordinate 
      double Derivative(const double * x, unsigned int icoord = 0) const  { 
         return DoDerivative(x, icoord); 

          Optimized method to evaluate at the same time the function value and derivative at a point x.
          Often both value and derivatives are needed and it is often more efficient to compute them at the same time.
          Derived class should implement this method if performances play an important role and if it is faster to 
          evaluate value and derivative at the same time
      virtual void FdF (const double * x, double & f, double * df) const  = 0; 


         function to evaluate the derivative with respect each coordinate. To be implemented by the derived class 
      virtual  double  DoDerivative(const double * x, unsigned int icoord ) const = 0; 


      Specialized Gradient interface(abstract class)  for one dimensional functions
      It provides a method to evaluate the derivative of the function, Derivative and a 
      method to evaluate at the same time the function and the derivative FdF 

      Concrete classes should derive from ROOT::Math::IGradientFunctionOneDim and not from this class.  

      @ingroup  GenFunc
   class IGradientOneDim { 


      /// virtual destructor 
      virtual ~IGradientOneDim() {}

         Return the derivative of the function at a point x 
         Use the private method DoDerivative 
      double Derivative(double x ) const  { 
         return DoDerivative(x ); 

          Optimized method to evaluate at the same time the function value and derivative at a point x.
          Often both value and derivatives are needed and it is often more efficient to compute them at the same time.
          Derived class should implement this method if performances play an important role and if it is faster to 
          evaluate value and derivative at the same time
      virtual void FdF (double x, double & f, double & df) const = 0; 

         Compatibility method with multi-dimensional interface for partial derivative
      double Derivative(const double * x) const  { 
         return DoDerivative( *x); 

         Compatibility method with multi-dimensional interface for Gradient
      void Gradient(const double * x, double *g) const  { 
         g[0] = DoDerivative( *x); 

         Compatibility method with multi-dimensional interface for Gradient and function evaluation
      void FdF(const double * x, double & f, double * df) const  {
         FdF(*x, f, *df);


         function to evaluate the derivative with respect each coordinate. To be implemented by the derived class 
      virtual  double  DoDerivative(double x ) const = 0; 


   Interface (abstract class) for multi-dimensional functions providing a gradient calculation. 
   It implements both the ROOT::Math::IBaseFunctionMultiDim and  
   ROOT::Math::IGradientMultiDim interfaces.
   The method ROOT::Math::IFunction::Gradient calculates the full gradient vector, 
   ROOT::Math::IFunction::Derivative calculates the partial derivative for each coordinate and 
   ROOT::Math::Fdf calculates the gradient and the function value at the same time. 
   The pure private virtual method DoDerivative() must be implemented by the derived classes, while 
   Gradient and FdF are by default implemented using DoDerivative, butthey  can be overloaded by the 
   derived classes to improve the efficiency in the derivative calculation. 

   @ingroup  GenFunc

   class IGradientFunctionMultiDim : 
      virtual public IBaseFunctionMultiDim , 
      public IGradientMultiDim { 


      typedef IBaseFunctionMultiDim BaseFunc; 
      typedef IGradientMultiDim BaseGrad; 

          Virtual Destructor (no operations)
      virtual ~IGradientFunctionMultiDim () {}

          Evaluate all the vector of function derivatives (gradient)  at a point x.
          Derived classes must re-implement it if more efficient than evaluting one at a time
      virtual void  Gradient(const double *x, double * grad) const { 
         unsigned int ndim = NDim(); 
         for (unsigned int icoord  = 0; icoord < ndim; ++icoord) 
            grad[icoord] = BaseGrad::Derivative(x,icoord); 

      using  BaseFunc::NDim;

          Optimized method to evaluate at the same time the function value and derivative at a point x.
          Often both value and derivatives are needed and it is often more efficient to compute them at the same time.
          Derived class should implement this method if performances play an important role and if it is faster to 
          evaluate value and derivative at the same time
      virtual void FdF (const double * x, double & f, double * df) const { 
         f = BaseFunc::operator()(x); 


   Interface (abstract class) for one-dimensional functions providing a gradient calculation. 
   It implements both the ROOT::Math::IBaseFunctionOneDim and  
   ROOT::Math::IGradientOneDim interfaces.
   The method  ROOT::Math::IFunction::Derivative calculates the derivative  and 
   ROOT::Math::Fdf calculates the derivative and the function values at the same time. 
   The pure private virtual method DoDerivative() must be implemented by the derived classes, while 
   FdF is by default implemented using DoDerivative, but it can be overloaded by the 
   derived classes to improve the efficiency in the derivative calculation. 

   @ingroup  GenFunc
   //template <>
   class IGradientFunctionOneDim : 
      virtual public IBaseFunctionOneDim , 
      public IGradientOneDim { 


      typedef IBaseFunctionOneDim BaseFunc; 
      typedef IGradientOneDim BaseGrad; 

          Virtual Destructor (no operations)
      virtual ~IGradientFunctionOneDim () {}

          Optimized method to evaluate at the same time the function value and derivative at a point x.
           Often both value and derivatives are needed and it is often more efficient to compute them at the same time.
          Derived class should implement this method if performances play an important role and if it is faster to 
          evaluate value and derivative at the same time
      virtual void FdF (double x, double & f, double & df) const { 
         f = operator()(x); 
         df = Derivative(x);



} // namespace Math
} // namespace ROOT

#endif /* ROOT_Math_IGenFunction */