// @(#)root/tmva $Id$
// Author: Attila Krasznahorkay, Andreas Hoecker, Joerg Stelzer, Eckhard von Toerne

 * Project: TMVA - a Root-integrated toolkit for multivariate data analysis       *
 * Package: TMVA                                                                  *
 * Class  : MsgLogger                                                             *
 * Web    : http://tmva.sourceforge.net                                           *
 *                                                                                *
 * Description:                                                                   *
 *      Implementation (see header for description)                               *
 *                                                                                *
 * Author:                                                                        *
 *      Attila Krasznahorkay <Attila.Krasznahorkay@cern.ch> - CERN, Switzerland   *
 *      Andreas Hoecker       <Andreas.Hocker@cern.ch> - CERN, Switzerland        *
 *      Joerg Stelzer         <stelzer@cern.ch>        - DESY, Germany            *
 *      Eckhard v. Toerne     <evt@uni-bonn.de>        - U of Bonn, Germany       *
 *                                                                                *
 * Copyright (c) 2005-2011:                                                       *
 *      CERN, Switzerland                                                         *
 *      U. of Victoria, Canada                                                    *
 *      MPI-K Heidelberg, Germany                                                 *
 *      U. of Bonn, Germany                                                       *
 *                                                                                *
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without             *
 * modification, are permitted according to the terms listed in LICENSE           *
 * (http://tmva.sourceforge.net/LICENSE)                                          *

// Local include(s):
#include "TMVA/MsgLogger.h"
#include "TMVA/Config.h"

#include "Riostream.h"

// STL include(s):
#include <iomanip>

#include <cstdlib>

#include <assert.h>

// ROOT include(s):


// declaration of global variables
// this is the hard-coded maximum length of the source names
UInt_t                                 TMVA::MsgLogger::fgMaxSourceSize = 25;
Bool_t                                 TMVA::MsgLogger::fgInhibitOutput = kFALSE;

const std::string                      TMVA::MsgLogger::fgPrefix = "--- ";
const std::string                      TMVA::MsgLogger::fgSuffix = ": ";
std::map<TMVA::EMsgType, std::string>* TMVA::MsgLogger::fgTypeMap  = 0;
std::map<TMVA::EMsgType, std::string>* TMVA::MsgLogger::fgColorMap = 0;
Int_t                                  TMVA::MsgLogger::fgInstanceCounter = 0;

void   TMVA::MsgLogger::InhibitOutput() { fgInhibitOutput = kTRUE;  }
void   TMVA::MsgLogger::EnableOutput()  { fgInhibitOutput = kFALSE; }
TMVA::MsgLogger::MsgLogger( const TObject* source, EMsgType minType )
   : fObjSource ( source ),
     fStrSource ( "" ),
     fActiveType( kINFO ),
     fMinType   ( minType )
   // constructor

TMVA::MsgLogger::MsgLogger( const std::string& source, EMsgType minType )
   : fObjSource ( 0 ),
     fStrSource ( source ),
     fActiveType( kINFO ),
     fMinType   ( minType )
   // constructor

TMVA::MsgLogger::MsgLogger( EMsgType minType )
   : fObjSource ( 0 ),
     fStrSource ( "Unknown" ),
     fActiveType( kINFO ),
     fMinType   ( minType )
   // constructor

TMVA::MsgLogger::MsgLogger( const MsgLogger& parent )
   : std::basic_ios<MsgLogger::char_type, MsgLogger::traits_type>(),
   // copy constructor
   *this = parent;

   // destructor
   if (fgInstanceCounter == 0) {
      // last MsgLogger instance has been deleted, can also delete the maps
      delete fgTypeMap;  fgTypeMap  = 0;
      delete fgColorMap; fgColorMap = 0;

TMVA::MsgLogger& TMVA::MsgLogger::operator= ( const MsgLogger& parent )
   // assingment operator
   if (&parent != this) {
      fObjSource  = parent.fObjSource;
      fStrSource  = parent.fStrSource;
      fActiveType = parent.fActiveType;
      fMinType    = parent.fMinType;

   return *this;

std::string TMVA::MsgLogger::GetFormattedSource() const
   // make sure the source name is no longer than fgMaxSourceSize:
   std::string source_name;
   if (fObjSource) source_name = fObjSource->GetName();
   else            source_name = fStrSource;

   if (source_name.size() > fgMaxSourceSize) {
      source_name = source_name.substr( 0, fgMaxSourceSize - 3 );
      source_name += "...";

   return source_name;

std::string TMVA::MsgLogger::GetPrintedSource() const
   // the full logger prefix
   std::string source_name = GetFormattedSource();
   if (source_name.size() < fgMaxSourceSize)
      for (std::string::size_type i=source_name.size(); i<fgMaxSourceSize; i++) source_name.push_back( ' ' );

   return fgPrefix + source_name + fgSuffix;

void TMVA::MsgLogger::Send()
   // activates the logger writer

   // make sure the source name is no longer than fgMaxSourceSize:
   std::string source_name = GetFormattedSource();

   std::string message = this->str();
   std::string::size_type previous_pos = 0, current_pos = 0;

   // slice the message into lines:
   while (kTRUE) {
      current_pos = message.find( '\n', previous_pos );
      std::string line = message.substr( previous_pos, current_pos - previous_pos );

      std::ostringstream message_to_send;
      // must call the modifiers like this, otherwise g++ get's confused with the operators...
      message_to_send.setf( std::ios::adjustfield, std::ios::left );
      message_to_send.width( fgMaxSourceSize );
      message_to_send << source_name << fgSuffix << line;
      this->WriteMsg( fActiveType, message_to_send.str() );

      if (current_pos == message.npos) break;
      previous_pos = current_pos + 1;

   // reset the stream buffer:
   this->str( "" );
   fActiveType = kINFO; // To always print messages that have no level specified...

void TMVA::MsgLogger::WriteMsg( EMsgType type, const std::string& line ) const
   // putting the output string, the message type, and the color
   // switcher together into a single string

   if ( (type < fMinType || fgInhibitOutput) && type!=kFATAL ) return; // no output

   std::map<EMsgType, std::string>::const_iterator stype;

   if ((stype = fgTypeMap->find( type )) != fgTypeMap->end()) {
      if (!gConfig().IsSilent() || type==kFATAL) {
         if (gConfig().UseColor()) {
            // no text for INFO or VERBOSE
            if (type == kINFO || type == kVERBOSE)
               std::cout << fgPrefix << line << std::endl; // no color for info
               std::cout << fgColorMap->find( type )->second << fgPrefix << "<"
                         << stype->second << "> " << line  << "\033[0m" << std::endl;
         else {
            if (type == kINFO) std::cout << fgPrefix << line << std::endl;
            else               std::cout << fgPrefix << "<" << stype->second << "> " << line << std::endl;

   // take decision to stop if fatal error
   if (type == kFATAL) {
      std::cout << "***> abort program execution" << std::endl;

TMVA::MsgLogger& TMVA::MsgLogger::Endmsg( MsgLogger& logger )
   // end line
   return logger;

void TMVA::MsgLogger::InitMaps()
   // Create the message type and color maps
   if (fgTypeMap != 0 && fgColorMap != 0) return;

   fgTypeMap  = new std::map<TMVA::EMsgType, std::string>();
   fgColorMap = new std::map<TMVA::EMsgType, std::string>();
   (*fgTypeMap)[kVERBOSE]  = std::string("VERBOSE");
   (*fgTypeMap)[kDEBUG]    = std::string("DEBUG");
   (*fgTypeMap)[kINFO]     = std::string("INFO");
   (*fgTypeMap)[kWARNING]  = std::string("WARNING");
   (*fgTypeMap)[kERROR]    = std::string("ERROR");
   (*fgTypeMap)[kFATAL]    = std::string("FATAL");
   (*fgTypeMap)[kSILENT]   = std::string("SILENT");

   (*fgColorMap)[kVERBOSE] = std::string("");
   (*fgColorMap)[kDEBUG]   = std::string("\033[34m");
   (*fgColorMap)[kINFO]    = std::string("");
   (*fgColorMap)[kWARNING] = std::string("\033[1;31m");
   (*fgColorMap)[kERROR]   = std::string("\033[31m");
   (*fgColorMap)[kFATAL]   = std::string("\033[37;41;1m");
   (*fgColorMap)[kSILENT]  = std::string("\033[30m");