// @(#)root/meta:$Id: e0eac11e63ad37390c9467c97c5c6849c4ab7d39 $
// Author: Rene Brun   12/10/2000

 * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
 * All rights reserved.                                                  *
 *                                                                       *
 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *

#ifndef ROOT_TStreamerElement
#define ROOT_TStreamerElement

//                                                                      //
// TStreamerElement                                                     //
//                                                                      //
// Describe one element (data member) to be Streamed                    //
//                                                                      //

#ifndef ROOT_TNamed
#include "TNamed.h"

#ifndef ROOT_ESTLType
#include "ESTLType.h"

class TMethodCall;
class TClass;
class TStreamerBasicType;

class TStreamerElement : public TNamed {

   TStreamerElement(const TStreamerElement &);          // Not implemented
   TStreamerElement&operator=(const TStreamerElement&); // Not implemented

   Int_t            fType;            //element type
   Int_t            fSize;            //sizeof element
   Int_t            fArrayLength;     //cumulative size of all array dims
   Int_t            fArrayDim;        //number of array dimensions
   Int_t            fMaxIndex[5];     //Maximum array index for array dimension "dim"
   Int_t            fOffset;          //!element offset in class
   Int_t            fTObjectOffset;   //!base offset for TObject if the element inherits from it
   Int_t            fNewType;         //!new element type when reading
   TString          fTypeName;        //Data type name of data member
   TClass          *fClassObject;     //!pointer to class of object
   TClass          *fNewClass;        //!new element class when reading
   TMemberStreamer *fStreamer;        //!pointer to element Streamer
   Double_t         fXmin;            //!Minimum of data member if a range is specified  [xmin,xmax,nbits]
   Double_t         fXmax;            //!Maximum of data member if a range is specified  [xmin,xmax,nbits]
   Double_t         fFactor;          //!Conversion factor if a range is specified fFactor = (1<<nbits/(xmax-xmin)


   enum ESTLtype {
      kSTL         = ROOT::kSTLany,
      kSTLstring   = ROOT::kSTLstring,
      kSTLvector   = ROOT::kSTLvector,
      kSTLlist     = ROOT::kSTLlist,
      kSTLdeque    = ROOT::kSTLdeque,
      kSTLmap      = ROOT::kSTLmap,
      kSTLmultimap = ROOT::kSTLmultimap,
      kSTLset      = ROOT::kSTLset,
      kSTLmultiset = ROOT::kSTLmultiset,
      kSTLbitset   = ROOT::kSTLbitset
   // TStreamerElement status bits
   enum {
      kHasRange     = BIT(6),
      kCache        = BIT(9),
      kRepeat       = BIT(10),
      kRead         = BIT(11),
      kWrite        = BIT(12),
      kDoNotDelete  = BIT(13),
      kWholeObject  = BIT(14)

   TStreamerElement(const char *name, const char *title, Int_t offset, Int_t dtype, const char *typeName);
   virtual         ~TStreamerElement();
   virtual Bool_t   CannotSplit() const;
   Int_t            GetArrayDim() const {return fArrayDim;}
   Int_t            GetArrayLength() const {return fArrayLength;}
   virtual TClass  *GetClassPointer() const;
           TClass  *GetClass()        const {return GetClassPointer();} 
   virtual Int_t    GetExecID() const;
   virtual const char *GetFullName() const;
   virtual const char *GetInclude() const {return "";}
   Int_t            GetMaxIndex(Int_t i) const {return fMaxIndex[i];}
   virtual ULong_t  GetMethod() const {return ULong_t(fStreamer);}
   TMemberStreamer *GetStreamer() const;
   virtual Int_t    GetSize() const;
   Int_t            GetNewType() const {return fNewType;}
   TClass*          GetNewClass() const { return fNewClass; }
   Int_t            GetType() const {return fType;}
   Int_t            GetOffset() const {return fOffset;}
   void             GetSequenceType(TString &type) const;
   Int_t            GetTObjectOffset() const { return fTObjectOffset; }
   const char      *GetTypeName() const {return fTypeName.Data();}
   const char      *GetTypeNameBasic() const;
   Double_t         GetFactor() const {return fFactor;}
   Double_t         GetXmin()   const {return fXmin;}
   Double_t         GetXmax()   const {return fXmax;}
   virtual void     Init(TObject *obj=0);
   virtual Bool_t   IsaPointer() const {return kFALSE;}
   virtual Bool_t   HasCounter() const {return kFALSE;}
   virtual Bool_t   IsOldFormat(const char *newTypeName);
   virtual Bool_t   IsBase() const;
   virtual void     ls(Option_t *option="") const;
   virtual void     SetArrayDim(Int_t dim);
   virtual void     SetMaxIndex(Int_t dim, Int_t max);
   virtual void     SetOffset(Int_t offset) {fOffset=offset;}
   virtual void     SetTObjectOffset(Int_t tobjoffset) {fTObjectOffset=tobjoffset;}
   virtual void     SetStreamer(TMemberStreamer *streamer);
   virtual void     SetSize(Int_t dsize) {fSize = dsize;}
   virtual void     SetNewType(Int_t dtype) {fNewType = dtype;}
   virtual void     SetNewClass( TClass* cl ) { fNewClass= cl; }
   virtual void     SetType(Int_t dtype) {fType = dtype;}
   virtual void     SetTypeName(const char *name) {fTypeName = name; fClassObject = (TClass*)-1; }
   virtual void     Update(const TClass *oldClass, TClass *newClass);

   ClassDef(TStreamerElement,4)  //Base class for one element (data member) to be Streamed

class TStreamerBase : public TStreamerElement {

   TStreamerBase(const TStreamerBase &);          // Not implemented
   TStreamerBase&operator=(const TStreamerBase&); // Not implemented
   Int_t             fBaseVersion;    //version number of the base class (used during memberwise streaming)
   UInt_t           &fBaseCheckSum;   //!checksum of the base class (used during memberwise streaming)
   TClass           *fBaseClass;      //!pointer to base class
   TClass           *fNewBaseClass;   //!pointer to new base class if renamed
   ClassStreamerFunc_t   fStreamerFunc; //!Pointer to a wrapper around a custom streamer member function.
   TVirtualStreamerInfo *fStreamerInfo; //!Pointer to the current StreamerInfo for the baset class.
   TString               fErrorMsg;     //!Error message in case of checksum/version mismatch.

   void InitStreaming();


   TStreamerBase(const char *name, const char *title, Int_t offset);
   virtual         ~TStreamerBase();
   Int_t            GetBaseVersion() {return fBaseVersion;}
   UInt_t           GetBaseCheckSum() {return fBaseCheckSum;}
   virtual TClass  *GetClassPointer() const;
   const char      *GetErrorMessage() const { return fErrorMsg; }
   const char      *GetInclude() const;
   TClass          *GetNewBaseClass() { return fNewBaseClass; }
   ULong_t          GetMethod() const {return 0;}
   Int_t            GetSize() const;
   TVirtualStreamerInfo *GetBaseStreamerInfo () const { return fStreamerInfo; }
   virtual void     Init(TObject *obj=0);
   Bool_t           IsBase() const;
   virtual void     ls(Option_t *option="") const;
   Int_t            ReadBuffer (TBuffer &b, char *pointer);
   void             SetNewBaseClass( TClass* cl ) { fNewBaseClass = cl; InitStreaming(); }
   void             SetBaseVersion(Int_t v) {fBaseVersion = v;}
   void             SetBaseCheckSum(UInt_t cs) {fBaseCheckSum = cs;}
   void             SetErrorMessage(const char *msg) { fErrorMsg = msg; }
   virtual void     Update(const TClass *oldClass, TClass *newClass);
   Int_t            WriteBuffer(TBuffer &b, char *pointer);

   ClassDef(TStreamerBase,3)  //Streamer element of type base class

class TStreamerBasicPointer : public TStreamerElement {

   TStreamerBasicPointer(const TStreamerBasicPointer &);          // Not implemented
   TStreamerBasicPointer&operator=(const TStreamerBasicPointer&); // Not implemented
   Int_t               fCountVersion;   //version number of the class with the counter
   TString             fCountName;      //name of data member holding the array count
   TString             fCountClass;     //name of the class with the counter
   TStreamerBasicType *fCounter;        //!pointer to basic type counter


   TStreamerBasicPointer(const char *name, const char *title, Int_t offset, Int_t dtype, 
                         const char *countName, const char *countClass, Int_t version, const char *typeName);
   virtual       ~TStreamerBasicPointer();
   const char    *GetCountClass()   const {return fCountClass.Data();}
   const char    *GetCountName()    const {return fCountName.Data();}
   Int_t          GetCountVersion() const {return fCountVersion;}
   ULong_t        GetMethod() const;
   Int_t          GetSize() const;
   virtual void   Init(TObject *obj=0);
   virtual Bool_t HasCounter() const                {return fCounter!=0;   }
   virtual Bool_t IsaPointer() const                {return kTRUE;         }
   void           SetArrayDim(Int_t dim);
   void           SetCountClass(const char *clname) {fCountClass = clname; }
   void           SetCountName(const char *name)    {fCountName = name;    }
   void           SetCountVersion(Int_t count)      {fCountVersion = count;}
   ClassDef(TStreamerBasicPointer,2)  //Streamer element for a pointer to a basic type

class TStreamerLoop : public TStreamerElement {

   TStreamerLoop(const TStreamerLoop&);          // Not implemented
   TStreamerLoop&operator=(const TStreamerLoop&); // Not implemented
   Int_t               fCountVersion;   //version number of the class with the counter
   TString             fCountName;      //name of data member holding the array count
   TString             fCountClass;     //name of the class with the counter
   TStreamerBasicType *fCounter;        //!pointer to basic type counter


   TStreamerLoop(const char *name, const char *title, Int_t offset, const char *countName, const char *countClass, Int_t version, const char *typeName);
   virtual       ~TStreamerLoop();
   const char    *GetCountClass()   const {return fCountClass.Data();}
   const char    *GetCountName()    const {return fCountName.Data();}
   Int_t          GetCountVersion() const {return fCountVersion;}
   const char    *GetInclude() const;
   ULong_t        GetMethod() const;
   Int_t          GetSize() const;
   virtual void   Init(TObject *obj=0);
   virtual Bool_t IsaPointer() const                {return kTRUE;         }
   virtual Bool_t HasCounter() const                {return fCounter!=0;   }
   void           SetCountClass(const char *clname) {fCountClass = clname; }
   void           SetCountName(const char *name)    {fCountName = name;    }
   void           SetCountVersion(Int_t count)      {fCountVersion = count;}

   ClassDef(TStreamerLoop,2)  //Streamer element for a pointer to an array of objects

class TStreamerBasicType : public TStreamerElement {

   TStreamerBasicType(const TStreamerBasicType&);          // Not implemented
   TStreamerBasicType&operator=(const TStreamerBasicType&); // Not implemented
   Int_t             fCounter;     //!value of data member when referenced by an array


   TStreamerBasicType(const char *name, const char *title, Int_t offset, Int_t dtype, const char *typeName);
   virtual       ~TStreamerBasicType();
   Int_t          GetCounter() const {return fCounter;}
   ULong_t        GetMethod() const;
   Int_t          GetSize() const;

   ClassDef(TStreamerBasicType,2)  //Streamer element for a basic type

class TStreamerObject : public TStreamerElement {

   TStreamerObject(const TStreamerObject&);          // Not implemented
   TStreamerObject&operator=(const TStreamerObject&); // Not implemented

   TStreamerObject(const char *name, const char *title, Int_t offset, const char *typeName);
   virtual       ~TStreamerObject();
   const char    *GetInclude() const;
   Int_t          GetSize() const;
   virtual void   Init(TObject *obj=0);

   ClassDef(TStreamerObject,2)  //Streamer element of type object

class TStreamerObjectAny : public TStreamerElement {

   TStreamerObjectAny(const TStreamerObjectAny&);          // Not implemented
   TStreamerObjectAny&operator=(const TStreamerObjectAny&); // Not implemented

   TStreamerObjectAny(const char *name, const char *title, Int_t offset, const char *typeName);
   virtual       ~TStreamerObjectAny();
   const char    *GetInclude() const;
   Int_t          GetSize() const;
   virtual void   Init(TObject *obj=0);

   ClassDef(TStreamerObjectAny,2)  //Streamer element of type object other than TObject

class TStreamerObjectPointer : public TStreamerElement {

   TStreamerObjectPointer(const TStreamerObjectPointer&);          // Not implemented
   TStreamerObjectPointer&operator=(const TStreamerObjectPointer&); // Not implemented

   TStreamerObjectPointer(const char *name, const char *title, Int_t offset, const char *typeName);
   virtual       ~TStreamerObjectPointer();
   const char    *GetInclude() const;
   Int_t          GetSize() const;
   virtual void   Init(TObject *obj=0);
   virtual Bool_t IsaPointer() const {return kTRUE;}
   virtual void   SetArrayDim(Int_t dim);

   ClassDef(TStreamerObjectPointer,2)  //Streamer element of type pointer to a TObject

class TStreamerObjectAnyPointer : public TStreamerElement {

   TStreamerObjectAnyPointer(const TStreamerObjectAnyPointer&);          // Not implemented
   TStreamerObjectAnyPointer&operator=(const TStreamerObjectAnyPointer&); // Not implemented

   TStreamerObjectAnyPointer(const char *name, const char *title, Int_t offset, const char *typeName);
   virtual       ~TStreamerObjectAnyPointer();
   const char    *GetInclude() const;
   Int_t          GetSize() const;
   virtual void   Init(TObject *obj=0);
   virtual Bool_t IsaPointer() const {return kTRUE;}
   virtual void   SetArrayDim(Int_t dim);
   ClassDef(TStreamerObjectAnyPointer,1)  //Streamer element of type pointer to a non TObject

class TStreamerString : public TStreamerElement {

   TStreamerString(const TStreamerString&);          // Not implemented
   TStreamerString&operator=(const TStreamerString&); // Not implemented

   TStreamerString(const char *name, const char *title, Int_t offset);
   virtual       ~TStreamerString();
   const char    *GetInclude() const;
   Int_t          GetSize() const;

   ClassDef(TStreamerString,2)  //Streamer element of type TString

class TStreamerSTL : public TStreamerElement {

   enum {
      kWarned       = BIT(21)
   TStreamerSTL(const TStreamerSTL&);          // Not implemented
   TStreamerSTL&operator=(const TStreamerSTL&); // Not implemented
   Int_t       fSTLtype;       //type of STL vector
   Int_t       fCtype;         //STL contained type


   TStreamerSTL(const char *name, const char *title, Int_t offset, 
                const char *typeName, const char *trueType, Bool_t dmPointer);
   TStreamerSTL(const char *name, const char *title, Int_t offset, 
                const char *typeName, const TVirtualCollectionProxy &proxy , Bool_t dmPointer);
   virtual       ~TStreamerSTL();
   Bool_t         CannotSplit() const;
   Bool_t         IsaPointer() const;
   Bool_t         IsBase() const;
   Int_t          GetSTLtype() const {return fSTLtype;}
   Int_t          GetCtype()   const {return fCtype;}
   const char    *GetInclude() const;
   Int_t          GetSize() const;
   virtual void   ls(Option_t *option="") const;
   void           SetSTLtype(Int_t t) {fSTLtype = t;}
   void           SetCtype(Int_t t) {fCtype = t;}
   virtual void   SetStreamer(TMemberStreamer *streamer);

   ClassDef(TStreamerSTL,3)  //Streamer element of type STL container

class TStreamerSTLstring : public TStreamerSTL {

   TStreamerSTLstring(const TStreamerSTLstring&);          // Not implemented
   TStreamerSTLstring&operator=(const TStreamerSTLstring&); // Not implemented

   TStreamerSTLstring(const char *name, const char *title, Int_t offset,
                      const char *typeName, Bool_t dmPointer);
   virtual       ~TStreamerSTLstring();
   const char    *GetInclude() const;
   Int_t          GetSize() const;

   ClassDef(TStreamerSTLstring,2)  //Streamer element of type  C++ string

class TVirtualObject;
class TBuffer;

#include "TSchemaRule.h"

class TStreamerArtificial : public TStreamerElement {
   TStreamerArtificial(const TStreamerArtificial&);          // Not implemented
   TStreamerArtificial&operator=(const TStreamerArtificial&); // Not implemented
   ROOT::TSchemaRule::ReadFuncPtr_t     fReadFunc;    //!
   ROOT::TSchemaRule::ReadRawFuncPtr_t  fReadRawFunc; //!


   // TStreamerArtificial() : fReadFunc(0),fReadRawFunc(0) {}

   TStreamerArtificial(const char *name, const char *title, Int_t offset, Int_t dtype, const char *typeName) : TStreamerElement(name,title,offset,dtype,typeName), fReadFunc(0), fReadRawFunc(0) {}

   void SetReadFunc( ROOT::TSchemaRule::ReadFuncPtr_t val ) { fReadFunc = val; };
   void SetReadRawFunc( ROOT::TSchemaRule::ReadRawFuncPtr_t val ) { fReadRawFunc = val; };

   ROOT::TSchemaRule::ReadFuncPtr_t     GetReadFunc();
   ROOT::TSchemaRule::ReadRawFuncPtr_t  GetReadRawFunc(); 

   ClassDef(TStreamerArtificial, 0); // StreamerElement injected by a TSchemaRule. Transient only to preverse forward compatibility.
