Index of GRAF2D/QT
This directory contains Qt-based implementation of the TVirtualX classes
Class Index
- TGQt Interface to Qt GUI
- TQMimeTypes Pool of mime type objects
- TQtApplication Instantiate the Qt system within ROOT environment
- TQtBrush create QBrush object based on the ROOT "fill" attributes
- TQtClientFilter Map Qt and ROOT event
- TQtClientWidget QFrame implementation backing ROOT TGWindow objects
- TQtMarker Convert ROOT TMarker objects on to QPointArray
- TQtPadFont < Create Qt QFont object based on ROOT TAttText attributes
- TQtRootSlot
- TQtTimer QTimer to awake the ROOT event loop from Qt event loop
- TQtWidget QWidget to back ROOT TCanvas (Can be used with Qt designer)