/* @(#)root/gui:$Id$ */

 * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
 * All rights reserved.                                                  *
 *                                                                       *
 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *

#ifndef ROOT_WidgetMessageTypes
#define ROOT_WidgetMessageTypes

//                                                                      //
// WidgetMessageTypes                                                   //
//                                                                      //
// System predefined widget message types. Message types are constants  //
// that indicate which widget sent the message and by which widget      //
// function (sub-message). Make sure your own message types don't clash //
// whith the ones defined in this file. ROOT reserves all message ids   //
// between 0 - 1000. User defined messages should be in the range       //
// 1001 - 10000. Sub-messages must always be in the range 1-255.        //
// To use MK_MSG() just cast your message id's to an EWidgetMessageType.//
//                                                                      //

#ifndef ROOT_Rtypes
#include "Rtypes.h"

enum EWidgetMessageTypes {
   kC_COMMAND          = 1,
      kCM_MENU            = 1,
      kCM_MENUSELECT      = 2,
      kCM_BUTTON          = 3,
      kCM_CHECKBUTTON     = 4,
      kCM_RADIOBUTTON     = 5,
      kCM_LISTBOX         = 6,
      kCM_COMBOBOX        = 7,
      kCM_TAB             = 8,
   kC_HSCROLL          = 2,
   kC_VSCROLL          = 3,
      kSB_LINEUP          = 1,
      kSB_LINEDOWN        = 2,
      kSB_PAGEUP          = 3,
      kSB_PAGEDOWN        = 4,
      kSB_SLIDERTRACK     = 5,
      kSB_SLIDERPOS       = 6,
   kC_TEXTENTRY        = 4,
      kTE_TEXTCHANGED     = 1,
      kTE_ENTER           = 2,
      kTE_TAB             = 3,
      kTE_KEY             = 4,
   kC_CONTAINER        = 5,
      kCT_ITEMCLICK       = 1,
      kCT_ITEMDBLCLICK    = 2,
      kCT_SELCHANGED      = 3,
      kCT_KEY             = 4,
   kC_HSLIDER          = 6,
   kC_VSLIDER          = 7,
      kSL_POS             = 1,
      kSL_TRACK           = 2,
      kSL_PRESS           = 3,
      kSL_RELEASE         = 4,
      kSL_POINTER         = 5,
   kC_LISTTREE         = 8,
   kC_TEXTVIEW         = 9,
      kTXT_ISMARKED       = 1,
      kTXT_DATACHANGE     = 2,
      kTXT_CLICK2         = 3,
      kTXT_CLICK3         = 4,
      kTXT_F3             = 5,
      kTXT_OPEN           = 6,
      kTXT_CLOSE          = 7,
      kTXT_SAVE           = 8,
   kC_COLORSEL         = 10,
      kCOL_CLICK          = 1,
      kCOL_SELCHANGED     = 2,
   kC_PATTERNSEL       = 11,
      kPAT_CLICK          = 1,
      kPAT_SELCHANGED     = 2,
   kC_MARKERSEL        = 12,
      kMAR_CLICK          = 1,
      kMAR_SELCHANGED     = 2,
   kC_POPUP            = 13,
      kPOP_HIDE           = 1,
   kC_DOCK             = 14,
      kDOCK_DOCK          = 1,
      kDOCK_UNDOCK        = 2,
      kDOCK_SHOW          = 3,
      kDOCK_HIDE          = 4,
   kC_MDI              = 15,
      kMDI_CURRENT        = 1,
      kMDI_CREATE         = 2,
      kMDI_CLOSE          = 4,
      kMDI_RESTORE        = 8,
      kMDI_MOVE           = 16,
      kMDI_SIZE           = 32,
      kMDI_MINIMIZE       = 64,
      kMDI_MAXIMIZE       = 128,
      kMDI_HELP           = 256,
      kMDI_MENU           = 512,
   kC_USER             = 1001,
   kC_MSGMAX           = 10000

// Message cracking routines
inline Int_t MK_MSG(EWidgetMessageTypes msg, EWidgetMessageTypes submsg)
                                    { return (msg << 8) + submsg; }
inline Int_t GET_MSG(Long_t val)    { return Int_t(val >> 8); }
inline Int_t GET_SUBMSG(Long_t val) { return Int_t(val & 255); }
