// @(#)root/mathmore:$Id$
// Author: L. Moneta Wed Sep  6 09:52:26 2006

 *                                                                    *
 * Copyright (c) 2006  LCG ROOT Math Team, CERN/PH-SFT                *
 *                                                                    *
 *                                                                    *

// Header file for class WrappedTF1

#ifndef ROOT_Math_WrappedTF1
#define ROOT_Math_WrappedTF1

#ifndef ROOT_Math_IParamFunction
#include "Math/IParamFunction.h"

#ifndef ROOT_TF1
#include "TF1.h"

namespace ROOT {

   namespace Math {

   Class to Wrap a ROOT Function class (like TF1)  in a IParamFunction interface
   of one dimensions to be used in the ROOT::Math numerical algorithms
   The parameter are stored in this wrapper class, so  the TF1 parameter values are not used for evaluating the function.
   We use TF1 only for the function evaluation.
   This allows for the copy of the wrapper function without the need to copy the TF1.
   The wrapper does not own the TF1 pointer, so it assumes it exists during the wrapper lifetime

   @ingroup CppFunctions
class WrappedTF1 : public ROOT::Math::IParamGradFunction, public ROOT::Math::IGradientOneDim {


   typedef  ROOT::Math::IGradientOneDim     IGrad;
   typedef  ROOT::Math::IParamGradFunction  BaseGradFunc;
   typedef  ROOT::Math::IParamGradFunction::BaseFunc BaseFunc;

      constructor from a TF1 function pointer.
   WrappedTF1 ( TF1 & f  );

      Destructor (no operations). TF1 Function pointer is not owned
   virtual ~WrappedTF1 () {}

      Copy constructor
   WrappedTF1(const WrappedTF1 & rhs);

      Assignment operator
   WrappedTF1 & operator = (const WrappedTF1 & rhs);

   /** @name interface inherited from IFunction */

       Clone the wrapper but not the original function
   ROOT::Math::IGenFunction * Clone() const {
      return  new WrappedTF1(*this);

   /** @name interface inherited from IParamFunction */

   /// get the parameter values (return values cachen inside, those inside TF1 might be different)
   const double * Parameters() const {
      return  (fParams.size() > 0) ? &fParams.front() : 0;

   /// set parameter values (only the cached one in this class,leave unchanges those of TF1)
   void SetParameters(const double * p) {

   /// return number of parameters
   unsigned int NPar() const {
      return fParams.size();

   /// return parameter name (this is stored in TF1)
   std::string ParameterName(unsigned int i) const {
      return std::string(fFunc->GetParName(i));

   using BaseGradFunc::operator();

   /// evaluate the derivative of the function with respect to the parameters
   void  ParameterGradient(double x, const double * par, double * grad ) const;

   /// calculate function and derivative at same time (required by IGradient interface)
   void FdF(double x, double & f, double & deriv) const {
      f = DoEval(x);
      deriv = DoDerivative(x);

   /// precision value used for calculating the derivative step-size
   /// h = eps * |x|. The default is 0.001, give a smaller in case function changes rapidly
   static void SetDerivPrecision(double eps);

   /// get precision value used for calculating the derivative step-size
   static double GetDerivPrecision();


   /// evaluate function passing coordinates x and vector of parameters
   double DoEvalPar (double x, const double * p ) const {
      fX[0] = x;
      if (fFunc->GetMethodCall() ) fFunc->InitArgs(fX,p);  // needed for interpreted functions
      return fFunc->EvalPar(fX,p);

   /// evaluate function using the cached parameter values of this class (not of TF1)
   /// re-implement for better efficiency
   double DoEval (double x) const {
      // no need to call InitArg for interpreted functions (done in ctor)
      // use EvalPar since it is much more efficient than Eval
      fX[0] = x;
      const double * p = (fParams.size() > 0) ? &fParams.front() : 0;
      return fFunc->EvalPar(fX, p );

   /// return the function derivatives w.r.t. x
   double DoDerivative( double  x  ) const;

   /// evaluate the derivative of the function with respect to the parameters
   double  DoParameterDerivative(double x, const double * p, unsigned int ipar ) const;

   bool fLinear;                 // flag for linear functions
   bool fPolynomial;             // flag for polynomial functions
   TF1 * fFunc;                  // pointer to ROOT function
   mutable double fX[1];         //! cached vector for x value (needed for TF1::EvalPar signature)
   std::vector<double> fParams;  //  cached vector with parameter values

   static double fgEps;          // epsilon used in derivative calculation h ~ eps |x|

   } // end namespace Fit

} // end namespace ROOT

#endif /* ROOT_Fit_WrappedTF1 */