#include "TTreeReaderArray.h"
#include "TBranchClones.h"
#include "TBranchElement.h"
#include "TBranchRef.h"
#include "TBranchSTL.h"
#include "TBranchProxyDirector.h"
#include "TClassEdit.h"
#include "TLeaf.h"
#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TStreamerInfo.h"
#include "TStreamerElement.h"
#include "TTreeReader.h"
#include "TGenCollectionProxy.h"
#include "TRegexp.h"
ROOT::TVirtualCollectionReader::~TVirtualCollectionReader() {}
namespace {
class TClonesReader: public ROOT::TVirtualCollectionReader {
~TClonesReader() {}
TClonesArray* GetCA(ROOT::TBranchProxy* proxy) {
if (!proxy->Read()){
fReadStatus = ROOT::TTreeReaderValueBase::kReadError;
Error("GetCA()", "Read error in TBranchProxy.");
return 0;
fReadStatus = ROOT::TTreeReaderValueBase::kReadSuccess;
return (TClonesArray*) proxy->GetWhere();
virtual size_t GetSize(ROOT::TBranchProxy* proxy) {
TClonesArray *myClonesArray = GetCA(proxy);
if (myClonesArray){
return myClonesArray->GetEntries();
else return 0;
virtual void* At(ROOT::TBranchProxy* proxy, size_t idx) {
TClonesArray *myClonesArray = GetCA(proxy);
if (myClonesArray){
return myClonesArray->UncheckedAt(idx);
else return 0;
class TSTLReader: public ROOT::TVirtualCollectionReader {
~TSTLReader() {}
TVirtualCollectionProxy* GetCP(ROOT::TBranchProxy* proxy) {
if (!proxy->Read()){
fReadStatus = ROOT::TTreeReaderValueBase::kReadError;
Error("GetCP()", "Read error in TBranchProxy.");
return 0;
fReadStatus = ROOT::TTreeReaderValueBase::kReadSuccess;
return (TVirtualCollectionProxy*) proxy->GetCollection();
virtual size_t GetSize(ROOT::TBranchProxy* proxy) {
if (!CheckProxy(proxy)) return -1;
if (!proxy->ReadEntries()) return -1;
TVirtualCollectionProxy *myCollectionProxy = GetCP(proxy);
if (!myCollectionProxy) return 0;
return myCollectionProxy->Size();
Bool_t CheckProxy(ROOT::TBranchProxy *proxy) {
if (!proxy->Read()) return false;
if (proxy->IsaPointer()) {
if (proxy->GetWhere() && *(void**)proxy->GetWhere()){
else return false;
return true;
virtual void* At(ROOT::TBranchProxy* proxy, size_t idx) {
if (!CheckProxy(proxy)) return 0;
if (!proxy->Read()) return 0;
if (!proxy->GetWhere()) return 0;
if (proxy->GetCollection()->HasPointers()){
return *(void**)proxy->GetCollection()->At(idx);
else {
return proxy->GetCollection()->At(idx);
class TCollectionLessSTLReader : public ROOT::TVirtualCollectionReader {
TVirtualCollectionProxy *localCollection;
Bool_t proxySet;
void *lastWhere;
TCollectionLessSTLReader(TVirtualCollectionProxy *proxy) : localCollection(proxy), proxySet(false), lastWhere(0) {}
TVirtualCollectionProxy* GetCP(ROOT::TBranchProxy* proxy) {
if (!proxy->Read()){
fReadStatus = ROOT::TTreeReaderValueBase::kReadError;
Error("GetCP()", "Read error in TBranchProxy.");
return 0;
fReadStatus = ROOT::TTreeReaderValueBase::kReadSuccess;
return localCollection;
virtual size_t GetSize(ROOT::TBranchProxy* proxy) {
if (!CheckProxy(proxy)) return -1;
if (!proxy->ReadEntries()) return -1;
TVirtualCollectionProxy *myCollectionProxy = GetCP(proxy);
if (!myCollectionProxy) return 0;
return myCollectionProxy->Size();
virtual void* At(ROOT::TBranchProxy* proxy, size_t idx) {
if (!CheckProxy(proxy)) return 0;
if (!proxy->Read()) return 0;
if (!proxy->GetWhere()) return 0;
TVirtualCollectionProxy *myCollectionProxy = GetCP(proxy);
if (!myCollectionProxy) return 0;
if (myCollectionProxy->HasPointers()){
return *(void**)myCollectionProxy->At(idx);
else {
return myCollectionProxy->At(idx);
Bool_t CheckProxy(ROOT::TBranchProxy *proxy) {
if (!proxy->Read()) return false;
if (!proxySet || lastWhere != proxy->GetWhere()) {
TVirtualCollectionProxy *myCollectionProxy = GetCP(proxy);
if (proxy->GetWhere() && myCollectionProxy){
proxySet = true;
lastWhere = proxy->GetWhere();
else return false;
return true;
class TObjectArrayReader: public ROOT::TVirtualCollectionReader {
Int_t basicTypeSize;
TObjectArrayReader() : basicTypeSize(-1) { }
~TObjectArrayReader() {}
TVirtualCollectionProxy* GetCP(ROOT::TBranchProxy* proxy) {
if (!proxy->Read()){
fReadStatus = ROOT::TTreeReaderValueBase::kReadError;
Error("GetCP()", "Read error in TBranchProxy.");
return 0;
fReadStatus = ROOT::TTreeReaderValueBase::kReadSuccess;
return (TVirtualCollectionProxy*) proxy->GetCollection();
virtual size_t GetSize(ROOT::TBranchProxy* proxy) {
TVirtualCollectionProxy *myCollectionProxy = GetCP(proxy);
if (!myCollectionProxy) return 0;
return myCollectionProxy->Size();
virtual void* At(ROOT::TBranchProxy* proxy, size_t idx) {
if (!proxy->Read()) return 0;
Int_t objectSize;
void *array = (void*)proxy->GetStart();
if (basicTypeSize == -1){
TClass *myClass = proxy->GetClass();
if (!myClass){
Error("At()", "Cannot get class info from branch proxy.");
return 0;
objectSize = myClass->GetClassSize();
else {
objectSize = basicTypeSize;
return (void*)((Byte_t*)array + (objectSize * idx));
void SetBasicTypeSize(Int_t size){
basicTypeSize = size;
class TArrayParameterSizeReader : public TObjectArrayReader {
TTreeReaderValue<Int_t> indexReader;
TArrayParameterSizeReader(TTreeReader *treeReader, const char *branchName) : indexReader(*treeReader, branchName) {}
virtual size_t GetSize(ROOT::TBranchProxy* ){ return *indexReader; }
class TArrayFixedSizeReader : public TObjectArrayReader {
Int_t size;
TArrayFixedSizeReader(Int_t sizeArg) : size(sizeArg) {}
virtual size_t GetSize(ROOT::TBranchProxy* ) { return size; }
class TBasicTypeArrayReader : public ROOT::TVirtualCollectionReader {
~TBasicTypeArrayReader() {}
TVirtualCollectionProxy* GetCP (ROOT::TBranchProxy *proxy) {
if (!proxy->Read()){
fReadStatus = ROOT::TTreeReaderValueBase::kReadError;
Error("GetCP()", "Read error in TBranchProxy.");
return 0;
fReadStatus = ROOT::TTreeReaderValueBase::kReadSuccess;
return (TVirtualCollectionProxy*) proxy->GetCollection();
virtual size_t GetSize(ROOT::TBranchProxy* proxy){
TVirtualCollectionProxy *myCollectionProxy = GetCP(proxy);
if (!myCollectionProxy) return 0;
return myCollectionProxy->Size();
virtual void* At(ROOT::TBranchProxy* proxy, size_t idx){
TVirtualCollectionProxy *myCollectionProxy = GetCP(proxy);
if (!myCollectionProxy) return 0;
return (Byte_t*)myCollectionProxy->At(idx) + proxy->GetOffset();
class TBasicTypeClonesReader : public TClonesReader {
Int_t offset;
TBasicTypeClonesReader(Int_t offsetArg) : offset(offsetArg) {}
virtual void* At(ROOT::TBranchProxy* proxy, size_t idx){
TClonesArray *myClonesArray = GetCA(proxy);
if (!myClonesArray) return 0;
return (Byte_t*)myClonesArray->At(idx) + offset;
class TLeafReader : public ROOT::TVirtualCollectionReader {
ROOT::TTreeReaderValueBase *valueReader;
Int_t elementSize;
TLeafReader(ROOT::TTreeReaderValueBase *valueReaderArg) : valueReader(valueReaderArg), elementSize(-1) {}
virtual size_t GetSize(ROOT::TBranchProxy* ){
TLeaf *myLeaf = valueReader->GetLeaf();
return myLeaf ? myLeaf->GetLen() : 0;
virtual void* At(ROOT::TBranchProxy* , size_t idx){
void *address = valueReader->GetAddress();
if (elementSize == -1){
TLeaf *myLeaf = valueReader->GetLeaf();
if (!myLeaf) return 0;
elementSize = myLeaf->GetLenType();
return (Byte_t*)address + (elementSize * idx);
void ProxyRead(){
class TLeafParameterSizeReader : public TLeafReader {
TTreeReaderValue<Int_t> sizeReader;
TLeafParameterSizeReader(TTreeReader *treeReader, const char *leafName, ROOT::TTreeReaderValueBase *valueReaderArg) : TLeafReader(valueReaderArg), sizeReader(*treeReader, leafName) {}
virtual size_t GetSize(ROOT::TBranchProxy* ){
return *sizeReader;
void ROOT::TTreeReaderArrayBase::CreateProxy()
if (fProxy) {
if (!fTreeReader) {
Error("CreateProxy()", "TTreeReader object not set / available for branch %s!",
if (!fDict) {
TBranch* br = fTreeReader->GetTree()->GetBranch(fBranchName);
const char* brDataType = "{UNDETERMINED}";
if (br) {
TDictionary* dictUnused = 0;
brDataType = GetBranchDataType(br, dictUnused);
Error("CreateProxy()", "The template argument type T of %s accessing branch %s (which contains data of type %s) is not known to ROOT. You will need to create a dictionary for it.",
GetDerivedTypeName(), fBranchName.Data(), brDataType);
ROOT::TNamedBranchProxy* namedProxy = fTreeReader->FindProxy(fBranchName);
if (namedProxy && namedProxy->GetContentDict() == fDict) {
fProxy = namedProxy->GetProxy();
if (!fImpl){
Fatal("CreateProxy()", "No fImpl set!");
TDictionary* branchActualType = 0;
TBranch* branch = fTreeReader->GetTree()->GetBranch(fBranchName);
TLeaf *myLeaf = NULL;
if (!branch) {
if (fBranchName.Contains(".")){
TRegexp leafNameExpression ("\\.[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$");
TString leafName (fBranchName(leafNameExpression));
TString branchName = fBranchName(0, fBranchName.Length() - leafName.Length());
branch = fTreeReader->GetTree()->GetBranch(branchName);
if (!branch){
Error("CreateProxy()", "The tree does not have a branch called %s. You could check with TTree::Print() for available branches.", fBranchName.Data());
fProxy = 0;
else {
myLeaf = branch->GetLeaf(TString(leafName(1, leafName.Length())));
if (!myLeaf){
Error("CreateProxy()", "The tree does not have a branch, nor a sub-branch called %s. You could check with TTree::Print() for available branches.", fBranchName.Data());
fProxy = 0;
else {
TDictionary *tempDict = TDictionary::GetDictionary(myLeaf->GetTypeName());
if (!tempDict){
Error("CreateProxy()", "Failed to get the dictionary for %s.", myLeaf->GetTypeName());
fProxy = 0;
else if (tempDict->IsA() == TDataType::Class() && TDictionary::GetDictionary(((TDataType*)tempDict)->GetTypeName()) == fDict){
branchActualType = fDict;
fLeaf = myLeaf;
fBranchName = branchName;
fLeafName = leafName(1, leafName.Length());
else {
Error("CreateProxy()", "Leaf of type %s cannot be read by TTreeReaderValue<%s>.", myLeaf->GetTypeName(), fDict->GetName());
fProxy = 0;
else {
Error("CreateProxy()", "The tree does not have a branch called %s. You could check with TTree::Print() for available branches.", fBranchName.Data());
fProxy = 0;
if (namedProxy && !namedProxy->GetContentDict()) {
fProxy = namedProxy->GetProxy();
else {
TString membername;
bool isTopLevel = branch->GetMother() == branch;
if (!isTopLevel) {
membername = strrchr(branch->GetName(), '.');
if (membername.IsNull()) {
membername = branch->GetName();
namedProxy = new ROOT::TNamedBranchProxy(fTreeReader->fDirector, branch, membername);
fProxy = namedProxy->GetProxy();
if (!myLeaf){
TString branchActualTypeName;
const char* nonCollTypeName = GetBranchContentDataType(branch, branchActualTypeName, branchActualType);
if (nonCollTypeName) {
Error("CreateContentProxy()", "The branch %s contains data of type %s, which should be accessed through a TTreeReaderValue< %s >.",
fBranchName.Data(), nonCollTypeName, nonCollTypeName);
fProxy = 0;
if (!branchActualType) {
if (branchActualTypeName.IsNull()) {
Error("CreateContentProxy()", "Cannot determine the type contained in the collection of branch %s. That's weird - please report!",
} else {
Error("CreateContentProxy()", "The branch %s contains data of type %s, which does not have a dictionary.",
fBranchName.Data(), branchActualTypeName.Data());
fProxy = 0;
if (fDict != branchActualType) {
Error("CreateContentProxy()", "The branch %s contains data of type %s. It cannot be accessed by a TTreeReaderArray<%s>",
fBranchName.Data(), branchActualType->GetName(), fDict->GetName());
if (namedProxy && !namedProxy->GetContentDict()) {
if (myLeaf){
if (!myLeaf->GetLeafCount()){
fImpl = new TLeafReader(this);
else {
TString leafFullName = myLeaf->GetBranch()->GetName();
leafFullName += ".";
leafFullName += myLeaf->GetLeafCount()->GetName();
fImpl = new TLeafParameterSizeReader(fTreeReader, leafFullName.Data(), this);
else if (branch->IsA() == TBranchElement::Class()) {
TBranchElement* branchElement = ((TBranchElement*)branch);
TStreamerInfo *streamerInfo = branchElement->GetInfo();
Int_t id = branchElement->GetID();
if (id >= 0){
TStreamerElement *element = (TStreamerElement*)streamerInfo->GetElements()->At(id);
if (element->IsA() == TStreamerSTL::Class()){
fImpl = new TSTLReader();
else if (element->IsA() == TStreamerObject::Class()){
if (element->GetClass() == TClonesArray::Class()){
fImpl = new TClonesReader();
else {
fImpl = new TArrayFixedSizeReader(element->GetArrayLength());
else if (element->IsA() == TStreamerLoop::Class()) {
fImpl = new TArrayParameterSizeReader(fTreeReader, branchElement->GetBranchCount()->GetName());
else if (element->IsA() == TStreamerBasicType::Class()){
if (branchElement->GetType() == TBranchElement::kSTLMemberNode){
fImpl = new TBasicTypeArrayReader();
else if (branchElement->GetType() == TBranchElement::kClonesMemberNode){
fImpl = new TBasicTypeClonesReader(element->GetOffset());
else if (element->IsA() == TStreamerBase::Class()){
fImpl = new TClonesReader();
else {
if (branchElement->GetClass()->GetCollectionProxy()){
fImpl = new TCollectionLessSTLReader(branchElement->GetClass()->GetCollectionProxy());
} else if (branch->IsA() == TBranch::Class()) {
TLeaf *topLeaf = branch->GetLeaf(branch->GetName());
if (!topLeaf) {
Error("CreateProxy", "Failed to get the top leaf from the branch");
Int_t size = 0;
TLeaf *sizeLeaf = topLeaf->GetLeafCounter(size);
if (!sizeLeaf) {
fImpl = new TArrayFixedSizeReader(size);
else {
fImpl = new TArrayParameterSizeReader(fTreeReader, sizeLeaf->GetName());
} else if (branch->IsA() == TBranchClones::Class()) {
Error("CreateProxy", "Support for branches of type TBranchClones not implemented");
} else if (branch->IsA() == TBranchObject::Class()) {
Error("CreateProxy", "Support for branches of type TBranchObject not implemented");
} else if (branch->IsA() == TBranchSTL::Class()) {
Error("CreateProxy", "Support for branches of type TBranchSTL not implemented");
fImpl = new TSTLReader();
} else if (branch->IsA() == TBranchRef::Class()) {
Error("CreateProxy", "Support for branches of type TBranchRef not implemented");
const char* ROOT::TTreeReaderArrayBase::GetBranchContentDataType(TBranch* branch,
TString& contentTypeName,
TDictionary* &dict) const
dict = 0;
contentTypeName = "";
if (branch->IsA() == TBranchElement::Class()) {
TBranchElement* brElement = (TBranchElement*)branch;
if (brElement->GetType() == 4
|| brElement->GetType() == 3) {
TVirtualCollectionProxy* collProxy = brElement->GetCollectionProxy();
if (collProxy) {
TClass *myClass = collProxy->GetValueClass();
if (!myClass){
Error("GetBranchContentDataType()", "Could not get value class.");
return 0;
dict = TDictionary::GetDictionary(myClass->GetName());
if (!dict) dict = TDataType::GetDataType(collProxy->GetType());
if (!dict) {
if (brElement->GetType() == 3) {
contentTypeName = brElement->GetClonesName();
dict = TDictionary::GetDictionary(brElement->GetClonesName());
return 0;
TClassEdit::TSplitType splitType(brElement->GetClassName());
int isSTLCont = splitType.IsSTLCont();
if (!isSTLCont) {
Error("GetBranchContentDataType()", "Cannot determine STL collection type of %s stored in branch %s", brElement->GetClassName(), branch->GetName());
return brElement->GetClassName();
bool isMap = isSTLCont == ROOT::kSTLmap
|| isSTLCont == ROOT::kSTLmultimap;
if (isMap) contentTypeName = "std::pair< ";
contentTypeName += splitType.fElements[1];
if (isMap) {
contentTypeName += splitType.fElements[2];
contentTypeName += " >";
return 0;
return 0;
} else if (brElement->GetType() == 31
|| brElement->GetType() == 41) {
TClass* clData = 0;
EDataType dtData = kOther_t;
int ExpectedTypeRet = brElement->GetExpectedType(clData, dtData);
if (ExpectedTypeRet == 0) {
dict = clData;
if (!dict) {
dict = TDataType::GetDataType(dtData);
if (!dict) {
Error("GetBranchContentDataType()", "The branch %s contains a data type %d for which the dictionary cannot be retrieved.",
branch->GetName(), (int)dtData);
contentTypeName = TDataType::GetTypeName(dtData);
return 0;
return 0;
} else if (ExpectedTypeRet == 1) {
int brID = brElement->GetID();
if (brID == -1) {
Error("GetBranchContentDataType()", "The branch %s contains data of type %s for which the dictionary does not exist. It's needed.",
branch->GetName(), brElement->GetClassName());
contentTypeName = brElement->GetClassName();
return 0;
TStreamerElement* element =
(TStreamerElement*) brElement->GetInfo()->GetElement(brID);
contentTypeName = element->GetTypeName();
return 0;
return "{CANNOT DETERMINE TBranchElement DATA TYPE}";
else if (brElement->GetType() == TBranchElement::kLeafNode){
TStreamerInfo *streamerInfo = brElement->GetInfo();
Int_t id = brElement->GetID();
if (id >= 0){
TStreamerElement *element = (TStreamerElement*)streamerInfo->GetElements()->At(id);
if (element->IsA() == TStreamerSTL::Class()){
TClass *myClass = brElement->GetCurrentClass();
if (!myClass){
Error("GetBranchDataType()", "Could not get class from branch element.");
return 0;
TVirtualCollectionProxy *myCollectionProxy = myClass->GetCollectionProxy();
if (!myCollectionProxy){
Error("GetBranchDataType()", "Could not get collection proxy from STL class");
return 0;
dict = myCollectionProxy->GetValueClass();
if (!dict){
Error("GetBranchDataType()", "Could not get valueClass from collectionProxy.");
return 0;
contentTypeName = dict->GetName();
return 0;
else if (element->IsA() == TStreamerObject::Class() && !strcmp(element->GetTypeName(), "TClonesArray")){
if (!fProxy->Setup() || !fProxy->Read()){
Error("GetBranchContentDataType()", "Failed to get type from proxy, unable to check type");
contentTypeName = "UNKNOWN";
dict = 0;
return contentTypeName;
TClonesArray *myArray = (TClonesArray*)fProxy->GetWhere();
dict = myArray->GetClass();
contentTypeName = dict->GetName();
return 0;
else {
dict = brElement->GetCurrentClass();
contentTypeName = brElement->GetTypeName();
return 0;
if (brElement->GetCurrentClass() == TClonesArray::Class()){
contentTypeName = "TClonesArray";
Warning("GetBranchContentDataType()", "Not able to check type correctness, ignoring check");
dict = fDict;
else if (!dict && (branch->GetSplitLevel() == 0 || brElement->GetClass()->GetCollectionProxy())){
dict = brElement->GetClass()->GetCollectionProxy()->GetValueClass();
if (dict) contentTypeName = dict->GetName();
return 0;
else if (!dict){
dict = brElement->GetClass();
contentTypeName = dict->GetName();
return 0;
return 0;
return 0;
} else if (branch->IsA() == TBranch::Class()
|| branch->IsA() == TBranchObject::Class()
|| branch->IsA() == TBranchSTL::Class()) {
const char* dataTypeName = branch->GetClassName();
if ((!dataTypeName || !dataTypeName[0])
&& branch->IsA() == TBranch::Class()) {
TLeaf *myLeaf = branch->GetLeaf(branch->GetName());
if (myLeaf){
TDictionary *myDataType = TDictionary::GetDictionary(myLeaf->GetTypeName());
if (myDataType && myDataType->IsA() == TDataType::Class()){
dict = TDataType::GetDataType((EDataType)((TDataType*)myDataType)->GetType());
contentTypeName = myLeaf->GetTypeName();
return 0;
Error("GetBranchContentDataType()", "The branch %s was created using a leaf list and cannot be represented as a C++ type. Please access one of its siblings using a TTreeReaderValueArray:", branch->GetName());
TIter iLeaves(branch->GetListOfLeaves());
TLeaf* leaf = 0;
while ((leaf = (TLeaf*) iLeaves())) {
Error("GetBranchContentDataType()", " %s.%s", branch->GetName(), leaf->GetName());
return 0;
if (dataTypeName) dict = TDictionary::GetDictionary(dataTypeName);
if (branch->IsA() == TBranchSTL::Class()){
Warning("GetBranchContentDataType()", "Not able to check type correctness, ignoring check");
dict = fDict;
return 0;
return dataTypeName;
} else if (branch->IsA() == TBranchClones::Class()) {
dict = TClonesArray::Class();
return "TClonesArray";
} else if (branch->IsA() == TBranchRef::Class()) {
Error("GetBranchContentDataType()", "The branch %s is a TBranchRef and cannot be represented as a C++ type.", branch->GetName());
return 0;
} else {
Error("GetBranchContentDataType()", "The branch %s is of type %s - something that is not handled yet.", branch->GetName(), branch->IsA()->GetName());
return 0;
return 0;