// @(#)root/eve:$Id$ // Author: Matevz Tadel, Jochen Thaeder 2009 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2007, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #include "TEveJetCone.h" #include "TEveTrans.h" #include "TEveProjectionManager.h" #include "TMath.h" //============================================================================== // TEveJetCone //============================================================================== //______________________________________________________________________________ // // Draws a jet cone with leading particle is specified in (eta,phi) and // cone radius is given. // // If Apex is not set, default is (0.,0.,0.) // In case of cylinder was set, cone is cut at the cylinder edges. // // Example : // // Float_t coneEta = r.Uniform(-0.9, 0.9); // Float_t conePhi = r.Uniform(0.0, TwoPi() ); // Float_t coneRadius = 0.4; // // TEveJetCone* jetCone = new TEveJetCone("JetCone"); // jetCone->SetCylinder(250, 250); // if (jetCone->AddCone(coneEta, conePhi, coneRadius) != -1) // gEve->AddElement(jetCone); // // // Implementation notes // // TEveVector fLimits encodes the following information: // fY, fZ: barrel radius and endcap z-position; // if both are 0, fX encodes the spherical radius // fX : scaling for length of the cone ClassImp(TEveJetCone); //______________________________________________________________________________ TEveJetCone::TEveJetCone(const Text_t* n, const Text_t* t) : TEveShape(n, t), fApex(), fLimits(), fThetaC(10), fEta(0), fPhi(0), fDEta(0), fDPhi(0), fNDiv(72) { // Constructor. fColor = kGreen; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TEveJetCone::ComputeBBox() { // Compute bounding-box of the data. BBoxInit(); BBoxCheckPoint(fApex); BBoxCheckPoint(CalcBaseVec(0)); BBoxCheckPoint(CalcBaseVec(TMath::PiOver2())); BBoxCheckPoint(CalcBaseVec(TMath::Pi())); BBoxCheckPoint(CalcBaseVec(TMath::Pi() + TMath::PiOver2())); } //______________________________________________________________________________ TClass* TEveJetCone::ProjectedClass(const TEveProjection*) const { // Virtual from TEveProjectable, returns TEveJetConeProjected class. return TEveJetConeProjected::Class(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TEveJetCone::AddCone(Float_t eta, Float_t phi, Float_t cone_r, Float_t length) { // Add jet cone. // parameters are : // * (eta,phi) : of the center/leading particle // * cone_r : cone radius in eta-phi space // * length : length of the cone // * if cylinder is set and length is adapted to cylinder. // - if length is given, it will be used as scalar factor // * if cylinder is not set, length is used as length of the cone // Return 0 on sucess. return AddEllipticCone(eta, phi, cone_r, cone_r, length); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TEveJetCone::AddEllipticCone(Float_t eta, Float_t phi, Float_t reta, Float_t rphi, Float_t length) { // Add jet cone. // parameters are : // * (eta,phi) : of the center/leading particle // * (reta, rphi) : radius of cone in eta-phi space // * length : length of the cone // * if cylinder is set and length is adapted to cylinder. // - if length is given, it will be used as scalar factor // * if cylinder is not set, length is used as length of the cone // Returns 0 on sucess. using namespace TMath; if (length != 0) fLimits.fX = length; if (fLimits.IsZero()) return -1; fEta = eta; fPhi = phi; fDEta = reta; fDPhi = rphi; return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TEveVector TEveJetCone::CalcEtaPhiVec(Float_t eta, Float_t phi) const { // Fill TEveVector with eta and phi, magnitude 1. using namespace TMath; return TEveVector(Cos(phi) / CosH(eta), Sin(phi) / CosH(eta), TanH(eta)); } //______________________________________________________________________________ TEveVector TEveJetCone::CalcBaseVec(Float_t eta, Float_t phi) const { // Returns point on the base of the cone with given eta and phi. using namespace TMath; TEveVector vec = CalcEtaPhiVec(eta, phi); // -- Set length of the contourPoint if (fLimits.fY != 0 && fLimits.fZ != 0) { Float_t theta = vec.Theta(); if (theta < fThetaC) vec *= fLimits.fZ / Cos(theta); else if (theta > Pi() - fThetaC) vec *= fLimits.fZ / Cos(theta - Pi()); else vec *= fLimits.fY / Sin(theta); if (fLimits.fX != 0) vec *= fLimits.fX; } else { vec *= fLimits.fX; } return vec; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TEveVector TEveJetCone::CalcBaseVec(Float_t alpha) const { // Returns point on the base of the cone with internal angle alpha: // alpha = 0 -> max eta, alpha = pi/2 -> max phi, ... using namespace TMath; return CalcBaseVec(fEta + fDEta * Cos(alpha), fPhi + fDPhi * Sin(alpha)); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TEveJetCone::IsInTransitionRegion() const { // Returns true if the cone is in barrel / endcap transition region. using namespace TMath; Float_t tm = CalcBaseVec(0).Theta(); Float_t tM = CalcBaseVec(Pi()).Theta(); return (tM > fThetaC && tm < fThetaC) || (tM > Pi() - fThetaC && tm < Pi() - fThetaC); } //============================================================================== // TEveJetConeProjected //============================================================================== //______________________________________________________________________________ // // Projection of TEveJetCone. //______________________________________________________________________________ TEveJetConeProjected::TEveJetConeProjected(const char* n, const char* t) : TEveShape(n, t) { // Constructor. } //______________________________________________________________________________ TEveJetConeProjected::~TEveJetConeProjected() { // Destructor. } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TEveJetConeProjected::ComputeBBox() { // Compute bounding-box, virtual from TAttBBox. BBoxInit(); TEveJetCone *cone = dynamic_cast<TEveJetCone*>(fProjectable); //______________________________________________________________________________ TEveProjection *proj = GetManager()->GetProjection(); TEveVector v; v = cone->fApex; proj->ProjectVector(v, fDepth); BBoxCheckPoint(v); v = cone->CalcBaseVec(0); proj->ProjectVector(v, fDepth); BBoxCheckPoint(v); v = cone->CalcBaseVec(TMath::PiOver2()); proj->ProjectVector(v, fDepth); BBoxCheckPoint(v); v = cone->CalcBaseVec(TMath::Pi()); proj->ProjectVector(v, fDepth); BBoxCheckPoint(v); v = cone->CalcBaseVec(TMath::Pi() + TMath::PiOver2()); proj->ProjectVector(v, fDepth); BBoxCheckPoint(v); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TEveJetConeProjected::SetDepthLocal(Float_t d) { // This is virtual method from base-class TEveProjected. SetDepthCommon(d, this, fBBox); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TEveJetConeProjected::SetProjection(TEveProjectionManager* mng, TEveProjectable* model) { // This is virtual method from base-class TEveProjected. TEveProjected::SetProjection(mng, model); CopyVizParams(dynamic_cast<TEveElement*>(model)); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TEveJetConeProjected::UpdateProjection() { // Re-project the jet-cone. }