// @(#)root/foam:$Id$
// Author: S. Jadach <mailto:Stanislaw.jadach@ifj.edu.pl>, P.Sawicki <mailto:Pawel.Sawicki@ifj.edu.pl>

//                                                                            //
// Auxiliary class TFoamVect of n-dimensional vector, with dynamic allocation //
// used for the cartesian geometry of the TFoam  cells                        //
//                                                                            //

#include "Riostream.h"
#include "TSystem.h"
#include "TFoamVect.h"


// Default constructor for streamer

   fDim    =0;
   fCoords =0;

TFoamVect::TFoamVect(Int_t n)
// User constructor creating n-dimensional vector
// and allocating dynamically array of components

   Int_t i;
   fCoords = 0;
   if (n>0) {
      fCoords = new Double_t[fDim];
      if(gDebug) {
         if(fCoords == 0)
            Error("TFoamVect", "Constructor failed to allocate\n");
      for (i=0; i<n; i++) *(fCoords+i)=0.0;
   if(gDebug) Info("TFoamVect", "USER CONSTRUCTOR TFoamVect(const Int_t)\n ");

TFoamVect::TFoamVect(const TFoamVect &Vect): TObject(Vect)
// Copy constructor

   fDim = Vect.fDim; fCoords = 0;
   if(fDim > 0)  fCoords = new Double_t[fDim];

   if(gDebug) {
      if(fCoords == 0) {
         Error("TFoamVect", "Constructor failed to allocate fCoords\n");

   for(Int_t i=0; i<fDim; i++)
      fCoords[i] = Vect.fCoords[i];


// Destructor
   if(gDebug) Info("TFoamVect"," DESTRUCTOR TFoamVect~ \n");
   delete [] fCoords; //  free(fCoords)

//                     Overloading operators                                //

TFoamVect& TFoamVect::operator =(const TFoamVect& Vect)
// substitution operator

   Int_t i;
   if (&Vect == this) return *this;
   if( Vect.fDim < 0 )
       Error("TFoamVect","operator= : invalid  dimensions : %d and %d \n ",fDim,Vect.fDim);
   if( fDim != Vect.fDim ) {  // cleanup
      delete [] fCoords;
      fCoords = new Double_t[Vect.fDim];
   for(i=0; i<fDim; i++)
      fCoords[i] = Vect.fCoords[i];
   if(gDebug)  Info("TFoamVect", "SUBSITUTE operator =\n ");
   return *this;

Double_t &TFoamVect::operator[](Int_t n)
// [] is for access to elements as in ordinary matrix like a[j]=b[j]
// (Perhaps against some strict rules but rather practical.)
// Range protection is built in, consequently for substitution
// one should use rather use a=b than explicit loop!

   if ((n<0) || (n>=fDim)) {
      Error( "TFoamVect","operator[], out of range \n");
   return fCoords[n];

TFoamVect& TFoamVect::operator*=(const Double_t &x)
// unary multiplication operator *=

   for(Int_t i=0;i<fDim;i++)
      fCoords[i] = fCoords[i]*x;
   return *this;

TFoamVect& TFoamVect::operator+=(const TFoamVect& Shift)
// unary addition operator +=; adding vector c*=x,
   if( fDim != Shift.fDim){
      Error( "TFoamVect","operator+, different dimensions= %d %d \n",fDim,Shift.fDim);
   for(Int_t i=0;i<fDim;i++)
      fCoords[i] = fCoords[i]+Shift.fCoords[i];
   return *this;

TFoamVect& TFoamVect::operator-=(const TFoamVect& Shift)
// unary subtraction operator -=
   if( fDim != Shift.fDim) {
      Error( "TFoamVect","operator+, different dimensions= %d %d \n",fDim,Shift.fDim);
   for(Int_t i=0;i<fDim;i++)
      fCoords[i] = fCoords[i]-Shift.fCoords[i];
   return *this;

TFoamVect TFoamVect::operator+(const TFoamVect &p2)
// addition operator +; sum of 2 vectors: c=a+b, a=a+b,
   TFoamVect temp(fDim);
   temp  = (*this);
   temp += p2;
   return temp;

TFoamVect TFoamVect::operator-(const TFoamVect &p2)
// subtraction operator -; difference of 2 vectors; c=a-b, a=a-b,
   TFoamVect temp(fDim);
   temp  = (*this);
   temp -= p2;
   return temp;

TFoamVect& TFoamVect::operator =(Double_t Vect[])
// Loading in ordinary double prec. vector, sometimes can be useful
   Int_t i;
   for(i=0; i<fDim; i++)
      fCoords[i] = Vect[i];
   return *this;

TFoamVect& TFoamVect::operator =(Double_t x)
// Loading in double prec. number, sometimes can be useful
   if(fCoords != 0) {
      for(Int_t i=0; i<fDim; i++)
         fCoords[i] = x;
   return *this;
//                          OTHER METHODS                                   //

void TFoamVect::Print(Option_t *option) const
// Printout of all vector components on "std::cout"
   if(!option) Error("Print ", "No option set \n");
   Int_t i;
   Int_t pr = std::cout.precision(7);
   std::cout << "(";
   for(i=0; i<fDim-1; i++) std::cout  << std::setw(12) << *(fCoords+i) << ",";
   std::cout  << std::setw(12) << *(fCoords+fDim-1);
   std::cout << ")";

//                End of Class TFoamVect                                        //