// @(#)root/hist:$Id$
// Author: Rene Brun   03/03/99

 * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
 * All rights reserved.                                                  *
 *                                                                       *
 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *

#include <string.h>

#include "Riostream.h"
#include "TEfficiency.h"
#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TGraphAsymmErrors.h"
#include "TStyle.h"
#include "TMath.h"
#include "TArrow.h"
#include "TBox.h"
#include "TVirtualPad.h"
#include "TF1.h"
#include "TH1.h"
#include "TVector.h"
#include "TVectorD.h"
#include "TClass.h"
#include "Math/QuantFuncMathCore.h"


/* Begin_Html
<center><h2>TGraphAsymmErrors class</h2></center>
A TGraphAsymmErrors is a TGraph with assymetric error bars.
The TGraphAsymmErrors painting is performed thanks to the
<a href="http://root.cern.ch/root/html/TGraphPainter.html">TGraphPainter</a>
class. All details about the various painting options are given in
<a href="http://root.cern.ch/root/html/TGraphPainter.html">this class</a>.
The picture below gives an example:
   c1 = new TCanvas("c1","A Simple Graph with assymetric error bars",200,10,700,500);
   const Int_t n = 10;
   Double_t x[n]   = {-0.22, 0.05, 0.25, 0.35, 0.5, 0.61,0.7,0.85,0.89,0.95};
   Double_t y[n]   = {1,2.9,5.6,7.4,9,9.6,8.7,6.3,4.5,1};
   Double_t exl[n] = {.05,.1,.07,.07,.04,.05,.06,.07,.08,.05};
   Double_t eyl[n] = {.8,.7,.6,.5,.4,.4,.5,.6,.7,.8};
   Double_t exh[n] = {.02,.08,.05,.05,.03,.03,.04,.05,.06,.03};
   Double_t eyh[n] = {.6,.5,.4,.3,.2,.2,.3,.4,.5,.6};
   gr = new TGraphAsymmErrors(n,x,y,exl,exh,eyl,eyh);
   gr->SetTitle("TGraphAsymmErrors Example");
   return c1;
End_Macro */

TGraphAsymmErrors::TGraphAsymmErrors(): TGraph()
   // TGraphAsymmErrors default constructor.

   fEXlow       = 0;
   fEYlow       = 0;
   fEXhigh      = 0;
   fEYhigh      = 0;

TGraphAsymmErrors::TGraphAsymmErrors(const TGraphAsymmErrors &gr)
       : TGraph(gr)
   // TGraphAsymmErrors copy constructor

   if (!CtorAllocate()) return;
   Int_t n = fNpoints*sizeof(Double_t);
   memcpy(fEXlow, gr.fEXlow, n);
   memcpy(fEYlow, gr.fEYlow, n);
   memcpy(fEXhigh, gr.fEXhigh, n);
   memcpy(fEYhigh, gr.fEYhigh, n);

TGraphAsymmErrors& TGraphAsymmErrors::operator=(const TGraphAsymmErrors &gr)
   // TGraphAsymmErrors assignment operator

   if(this!=&gr) {
      // delete arrays
      if (fEXlow) delete [] fEXlow;
      if (fEYlow) delete [] fEYlow;
      if (fEXhigh) delete [] fEXhigh;
      if (fEYhigh) delete [] fEYhigh;

      if (!CtorAllocate()) return *this;
      Int_t n = fNpoints*sizeof(Double_t);
      memcpy(fEXlow, gr.fEXlow, n);
      memcpy(fEYlow, gr.fEYlow, n);
      memcpy(fEXhigh, gr.fEXhigh, n);
      memcpy(fEYhigh, gr.fEYhigh, n);
   return *this;

TGraphAsymmErrors::TGraphAsymmErrors(Int_t n)
       : TGraph(n)
   // TGraphAsymmErrors normal constructor.
   // the arrays are preset to zero

   if (!CtorAllocate()) return;
   FillZero(0, fNpoints);

TGraphAsymmErrors::TGraphAsymmErrors(Int_t n, const Float_t *x, const Float_t *y, const Float_t *exl, const Float_t *exh, const Float_t *eyl, const Float_t *eyh)
       : TGraph(n,x,y)
   // TGraphAsymmErrors normal constructor.
   // if exl,h or eyl,h are null, the corresponding arrays are preset to zero

   if (!CtorAllocate()) return;

   for (Int_t i=0;i<n;i++) {
      if (exl) fEXlow[i]  = exl[i];
      else     fEXlow[i]  = 0;
      if (exh) fEXhigh[i] = exh[i];
      else     fEXhigh[i] = 0;
      if (eyl) fEYlow[i]  = eyl[i];
      else     fEYlow[i]  = 0;
      if (eyh) fEYhigh[i] = eyh[i];
      else     fEYhigh[i] = 0;

TGraphAsymmErrors::TGraphAsymmErrors(Int_t n, const Double_t *x, const Double_t *y, const Double_t *exl, const Double_t *exh, const Double_t *eyl, const Double_t *eyh)
       : TGraph(n,x,y)
   // TGraphAsymmErrors normal constructor.
   // if exl,h or eyl,h are null, the corresponding arrays are preset to zero

   if (!CtorAllocate()) return;

   n = fNpoints*sizeof(Double_t);
   if(exl) { memcpy(fEXlow, exl, n);
   } else { memset(fEXlow, 0, n); }
   if(exh) { memcpy(fEXhigh, exh, n);
   } else { memset(fEXhigh, 0, n); }
   if(eyl) { memcpy(fEYlow, eyl, n);
   } else { memset(fEYlow, 0, n); }
   if(eyh) { memcpy(fEYhigh, eyh, n);
   } else { memset(fEYhigh, 0, n); }

TGraphAsymmErrors::TGraphAsymmErrors(const TVectorF  &vx, const TVectorF  &vy, const TVectorF  &vexl, const TVectorF  &vexh, const TVectorF  &veyl, const TVectorF  &veyh)
   // Constructor with six vectors of floats in input
   // A grapherrors is built with the X coordinates taken from vx and Y coord from vy
   // and the errors from vectors vexl/h and veyl/h.
   // The number of points in the graph is the minimum of number of points
   // in vx and vy.

   fNpoints = TMath::Min(vx.GetNrows(), vy.GetNrows());
   if (!TGraph::CtorAllocate()) return;
   if (!CtorAllocate()) return;
   Int_t ivxlow  = vx.GetLwb();
   Int_t ivylow  = vy.GetLwb();
   Int_t ivexllow = vexl.GetLwb();
   Int_t ivexhlow = vexh.GetLwb();
   Int_t iveyllow = veyl.GetLwb();
   Int_t iveyhlow = veyh.GetLwb();
      for (Int_t i=0;i<fNpoints;i++) {
      fX[i]      = vx(i+ivxlow);
      fY[i]      = vy(i+ivylow);
      fEXlow[i]  = vexl(i+ivexllow);
      fEYlow[i]  = veyl(i+iveyllow);
      fEXhigh[i] = vexh(i+ivexhlow);
      fEYhigh[i] = veyh(i+iveyhlow);

TGraphAsymmErrors::TGraphAsymmErrors(const TVectorD &vx, const TVectorD &vy, const TVectorD &vexl, const TVectorD &vexh, const TVectorD &veyl, const TVectorD &veyh)
   // Constructor with six vectors of doubles in input
   // A grapherrors is built with the X coordinates taken from vx and Y coord from vy
   // and the errors from vectors vexl/h and veyl/h.
   // The number of points in the graph is the minimum of number of points
   // in vx and vy.

   fNpoints = TMath::Min(vx.GetNrows(), vy.GetNrows());
   if (!TGraph::CtorAllocate()) return;
   if (!CtorAllocate()) return;
   Int_t ivxlow  = vx.GetLwb();
   Int_t ivylow  = vy.GetLwb();
   Int_t ivexllow = vexl.GetLwb();
   Int_t ivexhlow = vexh.GetLwb();
   Int_t iveyllow = veyl.GetLwb();
   Int_t iveyhlow = veyh.GetLwb();
      for (Int_t i=0;i<fNpoints;i++) {
      fX[i]      = vx(i+ivxlow);
      fY[i]      = vy(i+ivylow);
      fEXlow[i]  = vexl(i+ivexllow);
      fEYlow[i]  = veyl(i+iveyllow);
      fEXhigh[i] = vexh(i+ivexhlow);
      fEYhigh[i] = veyh(i+iveyhlow);

TGraphAsymmErrors::TGraphAsymmErrors(const TH1 *h)
       : TGraph(h)
   // TGraphAsymmErrors constructor importing its parameters from the TH1 object passed as argument
   // the low and high errors are set to the bin error of the histogram.

   if (!CtorAllocate()) return;

   for (Int_t i=0;i<fNpoints;i++) {
      fEXlow[i]  = h->GetBinWidth(i+1)*gStyle->GetErrorX();
      fEXhigh[i] = fEXlow[i];
      fEYlow[i]  = h->GetBinError(i+1);
      fEYhigh[i] = fEYlow[i];

TGraphAsymmErrors::TGraphAsymmErrors(const TH1* pass, const TH1* total, Option_t *option)
   : TGraph((pass)?pass->GetNbinsX():0)
   // Creates a TGraphAsymmErrors by dividing two input TH1 histograms:
   // pass/total. (see TGraphAsymmErrors::Divide)

   if (!pass || !total) {
      Error("TGraphAsymmErrors","Invalid histogram pointers");
   if (!CtorAllocate()) return;

   std::string sname = "divide_" + std::string(pass->GetName()) + "_by_" +

   //copy style from pass

   Divide(pass, total, option);

   // TGraphAsymmErrors default destructor.

   if(fEXlow) delete [] fEXlow;
   if(fEXhigh) delete [] fEXhigh;
   if(fEYlow) delete [] fEYlow;
   if(fEYhigh) delete [] fEYhigh;

void TGraphAsymmErrors::Apply(TF1 *f)
   // apply a function to all data points
   // y = f(x,y)
   // Errors are calculated as eyh = f(x,y+eyh)-f(x,y) and
   // eyl = f(x,y)-f(x,y-eyl)
   // Special treatment has to be applied for the functions where the
   // role of "up" and "down" is reversed.
   // function suggested/implemented by Miroslav Helbich <helbich@mail.desy.de>

   Double_t x,y,exl,exh,eyl,eyh,eyl_new,eyh_new,fxy;

   if (fHistogram) {
      delete fHistogram;
      fHistogram = 0;
   for (Int_t i=0;i<GetN();i++) {

      fxy = f->Eval(x,y);

      // in the case of the functions like y-> -1*y the roles of the
      // upper and lower error bars is reversed
      if (f->Eval(x,y-eyl)<f->Eval(x,y+eyh)) {
         eyl_new = TMath::Abs(fxy - f->Eval(x,y-eyl));
         eyh_new = TMath::Abs(f->Eval(x,y+eyh) - fxy);
      else {
         eyh_new = TMath::Abs(fxy - f->Eval(x,y-eyl));
         eyl_new = TMath::Abs(f->Eval(x,y+eyh) - fxy);

      //error on x doesn't change
   if (gPad) gPad->Modified();

void TGraphAsymmErrors::BayesDivide(const TH1* pass, const TH1* total, Option_t *)
   //This function is only kept for backward compatibility.
   //You should rather use the Divide method.
   //It calls Divide(pass,total,"cl=0.683 b(1,1) mode") which is equivalent to the
   //former BayesDivide method.

   Divide(pass,total,"cl=0.683 b(1,1) mode");

void TGraphAsymmErrors::Divide(const TH1* pass, const TH1* total, Option_t *opt)
   // Fill this TGraphAsymmErrors by dividing two 1-dimensional histograms pass/total
   // This method serves two purposes:
   // 1) calculating efficiencies:
   // ----------------------------
   // The assumption is that the entries in "pass" are a subset of those in
   // "total". That is, we create an "efficiency" graph, where each entry is
   // between 0 and 1, inclusive.
   // If the histograms are not filled with unit weights, the number of effective
   // entries is used to normalise the bin contents which might lead to wrong results.
   // Begin_Latex effective entries = #frac{(#sum w_{i})^{2}}{#sum w_{i}^{2}}End_Latex
   // The points are assigned a x value at the center of each histogram bin.
   // The y values are Begin_Latex eff = #frac{pass}{total} End_Latex for all options except for the
   // bayesian methods where the result depends on the chosen option.
   // If the denominator becomes 0 or pass >  total, the corresponding bin is
   // skipped.
   // 2) calculating ratios of two Poisson means (option 'pois'):
   // --------------------------------------------------------------
   // The two histograms are interpreted as independent Poisson processes and the ratio
   // Begin_Latex #tau = #frac{n_{1}}{n_{2}} = #frac{#varepsilon}{1 - #varepsilon} with #varepsilon = #frac{n_{1}}{n_{1} + n_{2}} End_Latex
   // The histogram 'pass' is interpreted as n_{1} and the total histogram
   // is used for n_{2}
   // The (asymmetric) uncertainties of the Poisson ratio are linked to the uncertainties
   // of efficiency by a parameter transformation:
   // Begin_Latex #Delta #tau_{low/up} = #frac{1}{(1 - #varepsilon)^{2}} #Delta #varepsilon_{low/up} End_Latex
   // The x errors span each histogram bin (lowedge ... lowedge+width)
   // The y errors depend on the chosen statistic methode which can be determined
   // by the options given below. For a detailed description of the used statistic
   // calculations please have a look at the corresponding functions!
   // Options:
   // - v     : verbose mode: prints information about the number of used bins
   //           and calculated efficiencies with their errors
   // - cl=x  : determine the used confidence level (0<x<1) (default is 0.683)
   // - cp    : Clopper-Pearson interval (see TEfficiency::ClopperPearson)
   // - w     : Wilson interval (see TEfficiency::Wilson)
   // - n     : normal approximation propagation (see TEfficiency::Normal)
   // - ac    : Agresti-Coull interval (see TEfficiency::AgrestiCoull)
   // - fc    : Feldman-Cousins interval (see TEfficiency::FeldmanCousinsInterval)
   // - b(a,b): bayesian interval using a prior probability ~Beta(a,b); a,b > 0
   //           (see TEfficiency::Bayesian)
   // - mode  : use mode of posterior for Bayesian interval (default is mean)
   // - shortest: use shortest interval (done by default if mode is set)
   // - central: use central interval (done by default if mode is NOT set)
   // - pois: interpret histograms as poisson ratio instead of efficiency
   // - e0    : plot (in Bayesian case) efficiency and interval for bins where total=0
   //           (default is to skip them)
   // Note:
   // Unfortunately there is no straightforward approach for determining a confidence
   // interval for a given confidence level. The actual coverage probability of the
   // confidence interval oscillates significantly according to the total number of
   // events and the true efficiency. In order to decrease the impact of this
   // oscillation on the actual coverage probability a couple of approximations and
   // methodes has been developped. For a detailed discussion, please have a look at
   // this statistical paper:
   // Begin_Html <a href="http://www-stat.wharton.upenn.edu/~tcai/paper/Binomial-StatSci.pdf"
   // > http://www-stat.wharton.upenn.edu/~tcai/paper/Binomial-StatSci.pdf</a> End_Html

   //check pointers
   if(!pass || !total) {
      Error("Divide","one of the passed pointers is zero");

   //check dimension of histograms; only 1-dimensional ones are accepted
   if((pass->GetDimension() > 1) || (total->GetDimension() > 1)) {
      Error("Divide","passed histograms are not one-dimensional");

   //check whether histograms are filled with weights -> use number of effective
   Bool_t bEffective = false;
   //compare sum of weights with sum of squares of weights
   Double_t stats[TH1::kNstat];
   if (TMath::Abs(stats[0] -stats[1]) > 1e-6)
      bEffective = true;
   if (TMath::Abs(stats[0] -stats[1]) > 1e-6)
      bEffective = true;

   if (bEffective && (pass->GetSumw2()->fN == 0 || total->GetSumw2()->fN == 0) ) {
      Warning("Divide","histogram have been computed with weights but the sum of weight squares are not stored in the histogram. Error calculation is performed ignoring the weights");
      bEffective = false;

   //parse option
   TString option = opt;

   Bool_t bVerbose = false;
   //pointer to function returning the boundaries of the confidence interval
   //(is only used in the frequentist cases.)
   Double_t (*pBound)(Int_t,Int_t,Double_t,Bool_t) = &TEfficiency::ClopperPearson; // default method
   //confidence level
   Double_t conf = 0.682689492137;
   //values for bayesian statistics
   Bool_t bIsBayesian = false;
   Double_t alpha = 1;
   Double_t beta = 1;

   //verbose mode
   if(option.Contains("v")) {
      bVerbose = true;

   //confidence level
   if(option.Contains("cl=")) {
      Double_t level = -1;
      // coverity [secure_coding : FALSE]
      if((level > 0) && (level < 1))
         conf = level;
         Warning("Divide","given confidence level %.3lf is invalid",level);

   //normal approximation
   if(option.Contains("n")) {
      pBound = &TEfficiency::Normal;

   //clopper pearson interval
   if(option.Contains("cp")) {
      pBound = &TEfficiency::ClopperPearson;

   //wilson interval
   if(option.Contains("w")) {
      pBound = &TEfficiency::Wilson;

   //agresti coull interval
   if(option.Contains("ac")) {
      pBound = &TEfficiency::AgrestiCoull;
   // Feldman-Cousins interval
   if(option.Contains("fc")) {
      pBound = &TEfficiency::FeldmanCousins;

   //bayesian with prior
   if(option.Contains("b(")) {
      Double_t a = 0;
      Double_t b = 0;
      if(a > 0)
         alpha = a;
         Warning("Divide","given shape parameter for alpha %.2lf is invalid",a);
      if(b > 0)
         beta = b;
         Warning("Divide","given shape parameter for beta %.2lf is invalid",b);
      bIsBayesian = true;

   // use posterior mode
   Bool_t usePosteriorMode = false;
   if(bIsBayesian && option.Contains("mode") ) {
      usePosteriorMode = true;

   Bool_t plot0Bins = false;
   if(option.Contains("e0") ) {
      plot0Bins = true;

   Bool_t useShortestInterval = false;
   if (bIsBayesian && ( option.Contains("sh") || (usePosteriorMode && !option.Contains("cen") ) ) ) {
      useShortestInterval = true;

   // interpret as Poisson ratio
   Bool_t bPoissonRatio = false;
   if(option.Contains("pois") ) {
      bPoissonRatio = true;

   // weights works only in case of Normal approximation or Bayesian
   if (bEffective && !bIsBayesian && pBound != &TEfficiency::Normal ) {
      Warning("Divide","Histograms have weights: only Normal or Bayesian error calculation is supported");
      Info("Divide","Using now the Normal approximation for weighted histograms");

     if(pass->GetDimension() != total->GetDimension()) {
       Error("Divide","passed histograms are not of the same dimension");

     if(!TEfficiency::CheckBinning(*pass,*total)) {
       Error("Divide","passed histograms are not consistent");
     //check consistency of histograms, allowing weights
     if(!TEfficiency::CheckConsistency(*pass,*total,"w")) {
       Error("Divide","passed histograms are not consistent");

   //Set the graph to have a number of points equal to the number of histogram
   Int_t nbins = pass->GetNbinsX();

   // Ok, now set the points for each bin
   // (Note: the TH1 bin content is shifted to the right by one:
   //  bin=0 is underflow, bin=nbins+1 is overflow.)

   //efficiency with lower and upper boundary of confidence interval
   double eff, low, upper;
   //this keeps track of the number of points added to the graph
   int npoint=0;
   //number of total and passed events
   Int_t t = 0 , p = 0;
   Double_t tw = 0, tw2 = 0, pw = 0, pw2 = 0; // for the case of weights
   //loop over all bins and fill the graph
   for (Int_t b=1; b<=nbins; ++b) {

      // default value when total =0;
      eff = 0;
      low = 0;
      upper = 0;

      // special case in case of weights we have to consider the sum of weights and the sum of weight squares
       if(bEffective) {
          tw =  total->GetBinContent(b);
          tw2 = total->GetSumw2()->At(b);
          pw =  pass->GetBinContent(b);
          pw2 = pass->GetSumw2()->At(b);

            tw += pw;
            tw2 += pw2;

          if (tw <= 0 && !plot0Bins) continue; // skip bins with total <= 0

          // in the case of weights have the formula only for
          // the normal and  bayesian statistics (see below)


       //use bin contents
       else {
          t = int( total->GetBinContent(b) + 0.5);
          p = int(pass->GetBinContent(b) + 0.5);

          if(bPoissonRatio) t += p;

          if (!t && !plot0Bins) continue; // skip bins with total = 0

      //using bayesian statistics
      if(bIsBayesian) {
         double aa,bb;

         if (bEffective && tw2 <= 0) {
            // case of bins with zero errors
            eff = pw/tw;
            low = eff; upper = eff;
         else {

            if (bEffective) {
               // tw/tw2 renormalize the weights
               double norm = tw/tw2;  // case of tw2 = 0 is treated above
               aa =  pw * norm + alpha;
               bb =  (tw - pw) * norm + beta;
            else {
               aa = double(p) + alpha;
               bb = double(t-p) + beta;
            if (usePosteriorMode)
               eff = TEfficiency::BetaMode(aa,bb);
               eff = TEfficiency::BetaMean(aa,bb);

            if (useShortestInterval) {
            else {
               low = TEfficiency::BetaCentralInterval(conf,aa,bb,false);
               upper = TEfficiency::BetaCentralInterval(conf,aa,bb,true);
      // case of non-bayesian statistics
      else {
         if (bEffective) {

            if (tw > 0) {

               eff = pw/tw;

               // use normal error calculation using variance of MLE with weights (F.James 8.5.2)
               // this is the same formula used in ROOT for TH1::Divide("B")

               double variance = ( pw2 * (1. - 2 * eff) + tw2 * eff *eff ) / ( tw * tw) ;
               double sigma = sqrt(variance);

               double prob = 0.5 * (1.-conf);
               double delta = ROOT::Math::normal_quantile_c(prob, sigma);
               low = eff - delta;
               upper = eff + delta;
               if (low < 0) low = 0;
               if (upper > 1) upper = 1.;

         else {
            // when not using weights
               eff = ((Double_t)p)/t;

            low = pBound(t,p,conf,false);
            upper = pBound(t,p,conf,true);
      // treat as Poisson ratio
      if(bPoissonRatio && eff != 1)
        Double_t cor = 1./pow(1 - eff,2);
        Double_t ratio = eff/(1 - eff);
        low = ratio - cor * (eff - low);
        upper = ratio + cor * (upper - eff);
        eff = ratio;
      //Set the point center and its errors
      npoint++;//we have added a point to the graph

   Set(npoint);//tell the graph how many points we've really added

   if (bVerbose) {
      Info("Divide","made a graph with %d points from %d bins",npoint,nbins);
      Info("Divide","used confidence level: %.2lf\n",conf);
         Info("Divide","used prior probability ~ beta(%.2lf,%.2lf)",alpha,beta);

void TGraphAsymmErrors::ComputeRange(Double_t &xmin, Double_t &ymin, Double_t &xmax, Double_t &ymax) const
   // Compute Range


   for (Int_t i=0;i<fNpoints;i++) {
      if (fX[i] -fEXlow[i] < xmin) {
         if (gPad && gPad->GetLogx()) {
            if (fEXlow[i] < fX[i]) xmin = fX[i]-fEXlow[i];
            else                   xmin = TMath::Min(xmin,fX[i]/3);
         } else {
            xmin = fX[i]-fEXlow[i];
      if (fX[i] +fEXhigh[i] > xmax) xmax = fX[i]+fEXhigh[i];
      if (fY[i] -fEYlow[i] < ymin) {
         if (gPad && gPad->GetLogy()) {
            if (fEYlow[i] < fY[i]) ymin = fY[i]-fEYlow[i];
            else                   ymin = TMath::Min(ymin,fY[i]/3);
         } else {
            ymin = fY[i]-fEYlow[i];
      if (fY[i] +fEYhigh[i] > ymax) ymax = fY[i]+fEYhigh[i];

void TGraphAsymmErrors::CopyAndRelease(Double_t **newarrays,
                                       Int_t ibegin, Int_t iend, Int_t obegin)
   // Copy and release.

   CopyPoints(newarrays, ibegin, iend, obegin);
   if (newarrays) {
      delete[] fEXlow;
      fEXlow = newarrays[0];
      delete[] fEXhigh;
      fEXhigh = newarrays[1];
      delete[] fEYlow;
      fEYlow = newarrays[2];
      delete[] fEYhigh;
      fEYhigh = newarrays[3];
      delete[] fX;
      fX = newarrays[4];
      delete[] fY;
      fY = newarrays[5];
      delete[] newarrays;

Bool_t TGraphAsymmErrors::CopyPoints(Double_t **arrays,
                                     Int_t ibegin, Int_t iend, Int_t obegin)
   // Copy errors from fE*** to arrays[***]
   // or to f*** Copy points.

   if (TGraph::CopyPoints(arrays ? arrays+4 : 0, ibegin, iend, obegin)) {
      Int_t n = (iend - ibegin)*sizeof(Double_t);
      if (arrays) {
         memmove(&arrays[0][obegin], &fEXlow[ibegin], n);
         memmove(&arrays[1][obegin], &fEXhigh[ibegin], n);
         memmove(&arrays[2][obegin], &fEYlow[ibegin], n);
         memmove(&arrays[3][obegin], &fEYhigh[ibegin], n);
      } else {
         memmove(&fEXlow[obegin], &fEXlow[ibegin], n);
         memmove(&fEXhigh[obegin], &fEXhigh[ibegin], n);
         memmove(&fEYlow[obegin], &fEYlow[ibegin], n);
         memmove(&fEYhigh[obegin], &fEYhigh[ibegin], n);
      return kTRUE;
   } else {
      return kFALSE;

Bool_t TGraphAsymmErrors::CtorAllocate(void)
   // Should be called from ctors after fNpoints has been set
   // Note: This function should be called only from the constructor
   // since it does not delete previously existing arrays

   if (!fNpoints) {
      fEXlow = fEYlow = fEXhigh = fEYhigh = 0;
      return kFALSE;
   fEXlow = new Double_t[fMaxSize];
   fEYlow = new Double_t[fMaxSize];
   fEXhigh = new Double_t[fMaxSize];
   fEYhigh = new Double_t[fMaxSize];
   return kTRUE;

Bool_t TGraphAsymmErrors::DoMerge(const TGraph *g)
   //  protected function to perform the merge operation of a graph with asymmetric errors
   if (g->GetN() == 0) return kFALSE;

   Double_t * exl = g->GetEXlow();
   Double_t * exh = g->GetEXhigh();
   Double_t * eyl = g->GetEYlow();
   Double_t * eyh = g->GetEYhigh();
   if (exl == 0 || exh == 0 || eyl == 0 || eyh == 0) {
      if (g->IsA() != TGraph::Class() )
         Warning("DoMerge","Merging a %s is not compatible with a TGraphAsymmErrors - errors will be ignored",g->IsA()->GetName());
      return TGraph::DoMerge(g);
   for (Int_t i = 0 ; i < g->GetN(); i++) {
      Int_t ipoint = GetN();
      Double_t x = g->GetX()[i];
      Double_t y = g->GetY()[i];
      SetPoint(ipoint, x, y);
      SetPointError(ipoint, exl[i], exh[i], eyl[i], eyh[i] );

   return kTRUE;

void TGraphAsymmErrors::FillZero(Int_t begin, Int_t end,
                                 Bool_t from_ctor)
   // Set zero values for point arrays in the range [begin, end)

   if (!from_ctor) {
      TGraph::FillZero(begin, end, from_ctor);
   Int_t n = (end - begin)*sizeof(Double_t);
   memset(fEXlow + begin, 0, n);
   memset(fEXhigh + begin, 0, n);
   memset(fEYlow + begin, 0, n);
   memset(fEYhigh + begin, 0, n);

Double_t TGraphAsymmErrors::GetErrorX(Int_t i) const
   // This function is called by GraphFitChisquare.
   // It returns the error along X at point i.

   if (i < 0 || i >= fNpoints) return -1;
   if (!fEXlow && !fEXhigh) return -1;
   Double_t elow=0, ehigh=0;
   if (fEXlow)  elow  = fEXlow[i];
   if (fEXhigh) ehigh = fEXhigh[i];
   return TMath::Sqrt(0.5*(elow*elow + ehigh*ehigh));

Double_t TGraphAsymmErrors::GetErrorY(Int_t i) const
   // This function is called by GraphFitChisquare.
   // It returns the error along Y at point i.

   if (i < 0 || i >= fNpoints) return -1;
   if (!fEYlow && !fEYhigh) return -1;
   Double_t elow=0, ehigh=0;
   if (fEYlow)  elow  = fEYlow[i];
   if (fEYhigh) ehigh = fEYhigh[i];
   return TMath::Sqrt(0.5*(elow*elow + ehigh*ehigh));

Double_t TGraphAsymmErrors::GetErrorXhigh(Int_t i) const
   // Get high error on X.

   if (i<0 || i>fNpoints) return -1;
   if (fEXhigh) return fEXhigh[i];
   return -1;

Double_t TGraphAsymmErrors::GetErrorXlow(Int_t i) const
   // Get low error on X.

   if (i<0 || i>fNpoints) return -1;
   if (fEXlow) return fEXlow[i];
   return -1;

Double_t TGraphAsymmErrors::GetErrorYhigh(Int_t i) const
   // Get high error on Y.

   if (i<0 || i>fNpoints) return -1;
   if (fEYhigh) return fEYhigh[i];
   return -1;

Double_t TGraphAsymmErrors::GetErrorYlow(Int_t i) const
   // Get low error on Y.

   if (i<0 || i>fNpoints) return -1;
   if (fEYlow) return fEYlow[i];
   return -1;

Int_t TGraphAsymmErrors::Merge(TCollection* li)
   // Adds all graphs with asymmetric errors from the collection to this graph.
   // Returns the total number of poins in the result or -1 in case of an error.

   TIter next(li);
   while (TObject* o = next()) {
      TGraph *g = dynamic_cast<TGraph*>(o);
      if (!g) {
               "Cannot merge - an object which doesn't inherit from TGraph found in the list");
         return -1;
      int n0 = GetN();
      int n1 = n0+g->GetN();
      Double_t * x = g->GetX();
      Double_t * y = g->GetY();
      Double_t * exlow  = g->GetEXlow();
      Double_t * exhigh = g->GetEXhigh();
      Double_t * eylow  = g->GetEYlow();
      Double_t * eyhigh = g->GetEYhigh();
      for (Int_t i = 0 ; i < g->GetN(); i++) {
         SetPoint(n0+i, x[i], y[i]);
         if (exlow)  fEXlow[n0+i]  = exlow[i];
         if (exhigh) fEXhigh[n0+i] = exhigh[i];
         if (eylow)  fEYlow[n0+i]  = eylow[i];
         if (eyhigh) fEYhigh[n0+i] = eyhigh[i];
   return GetN();

void TGraphAsymmErrors::Print(Option_t *) const
   // Print graph and errors values.

   for (Int_t i=0;i<fNpoints;i++) {
      printf("x[%d]=%g, y[%d]=%g, exl[%d]=%g, exh[%d]=%g, eyl[%d]=%g, eyh[%d]=%g\n"

void TGraphAsymmErrors::SavePrimitive(std::ostream &out, Option_t *option /*= ""*/)
    // Save primitive as a C++ statement(s) on output stream out

   char quote = '"';
   out << "   " << std::endl;
   static Int_t frameNumber = 3000;

   Int_t i;
   TString fXName   = TString(GetName()) + Form("_fx%d",frameNumber);
   TString fYName   = TString(GetName()) + Form("_fy%d",frameNumber);
   TString fElXName = TString(GetName()) + Form("_felx%d",frameNumber);
   TString fElYName = TString(GetName()) + Form("_fely%d",frameNumber);
   TString fEhXName = TString(GetName()) + Form("_fehx%d",frameNumber);
   TString fEhYName = TString(GetName()) + Form("_fehy%d",frameNumber);
   out << "   Double_t " << fXName << "[" << fNpoints << "] = {" << std::endl;
   for (i = 0; i < fNpoints-1; i++) out << "   " << fX[i] << "," << std::endl;
   out << "   " << fX[fNpoints-1] << "};" << std::endl;
   out << "   Double_t " << fYName << "[" << fNpoints << "] = {" << std::endl;
   for (i = 0; i < fNpoints-1; i++) out << "   " << fY[i] << "," << std::endl;
   out << "   " << fY[fNpoints-1] << "};" << std::endl;
   out << "   Double_t " << fElXName << "[" << fNpoints << "] = {" << std::endl;
   for (i = 0; i < fNpoints-1; i++) out << "   " << fEXlow[i] << "," << std::endl;
   out << "   " << fEXlow[fNpoints-1] << "};" << std::endl;
   out << "   Double_t " << fElYName << "[" << fNpoints << "] = {" << std::endl;
   for (i = 0; i < fNpoints-1; i++) out << "   " << fEYlow[i] << "," << std::endl;
   out << "   " << fEYlow[fNpoints-1] << "};" << std::endl;
   out << "   Double_t " << fEhXName << "[" << fNpoints << "] = {" << std::endl;
   for (i = 0; i < fNpoints-1; i++) out << "   " << fEXhigh[i] << "," << std::endl;
   out << "   " << fEXhigh[fNpoints-1] << "};" << std::endl;
   out << "   Double_t " << fEhYName << "[" << fNpoints << "] = {" << std::endl;
   for (i = 0; i < fNpoints-1; i++) out << "   " << fEYhigh[i] << "," << std::endl;
   out << "   " << fEYhigh[fNpoints-1] << "};" << std::endl;

   if (gROOT->ClassSaved(TGraphAsymmErrors::Class())) out<<"   ";
   else out << "   TGraphAsymmErrors *";
   out << "grae = new TGraphAsymmErrors("<< fNpoints << ","
                                    << fXName   << ","  << fYName  << ","
                                    << fElXName  << ","  << fEhXName << ","
                                    << fElYName  << ","  << fEhYName << ");"
                                    << std::endl;

   out << "   grae->SetName(" << quote << GetName() << quote << ");" << std::endl;
   out << "   grae->SetTitle(" << quote << GetTitle() << quote << ");" << std::endl;

   SaveFillAttributes(out, "grae", 0, 1001);
   SaveLineAttributes(out, "grae", 1, 1, 1);
   SaveMarkerAttributes(out, "grae", 1, 1, 1);

   if (fHistogram) {
      TString hname = fHistogram->GetName();
      hname += frameNumber;
      out<<"   grae->SetHistogram("<<fHistogram->GetName()<<");"<<std::endl;
      out<<"   "<<std::endl;

   // save list of functions
   TIter next(fFunctions);
   TObject *obj;
   while ((obj = next())) {
      obj->SavePrimitive(out, Form("nodraw #%d\n",++frameNumber));
      if (obj->InheritsFrom("TPaveStats")) {
         out << "   grae->GetListOfFunctions()->Add(ptstats);" << std::endl;
         out << "   ptstats->SetParent(grae->GetListOfFunctions());" << std::endl;
      } else {
         out << "   grae->GetListOfFunctions()->Add("
             << Form("%s%d",obj->GetName(),frameNumber) << ");" << std::endl;

   const char *l = strstr(option,"multigraph");
   if (l) {
      out<<"   multigraph->Add(grae,"<<quote<<l+10<<quote<<");"<<std::endl;
   } else {
      out<<"   grae->Draw("<<quote<<option<<quote<<");"<<std::endl;

void TGraphAsymmErrors::SetPointError(Double_t exl, Double_t exh, Double_t eyl, Double_t eyh)
   // Set ex and ey values for point pointed by the mouse.

   Int_t px = gPad->GetEventX();
   Int_t py = gPad->GetEventY();

   //localize point to be deleted
   Int_t ipoint = -2;
   Int_t i;
   // start with a small window (in case the mouse is very close to one point)
   for (i=0;i<fNpoints;i++) {
      Int_t dpx = px - gPad->XtoAbsPixel(gPad->XtoPad(fX[i]));
      Int_t dpy = py - gPad->YtoAbsPixel(gPad->YtoPad(fY[i]));
      if (dpx*dpx+dpy*dpy < 25) {ipoint = i; break;}
   if (ipoint == -2) return;

   fEXlow[ipoint]  = exl;
   fEYlow[ipoint]  = eyl;
   fEXhigh[ipoint] = exh;
   fEYhigh[ipoint] = eyh;

void TGraphAsymmErrors::SetPointError(Int_t i, Double_t exl, Double_t exh, Double_t eyl, Double_t eyh)
   // Set ex and ey values for point number i.

   if (i < 0) return;
   if (i >= fNpoints) {
   // re-allocate the object
   fEXlow[i]  = exl;
   fEYlow[i]  = eyl;
   fEXhigh[i] = exh;
   fEYhigh[i] = eyh;

void TGraphAsymmErrors::SetPointEXlow(Int_t i, Double_t exl)
   // Set EXlow for point i

   if (i < 0) return;
   if (i >= fNpoints) {
   // re-allocate the object
   fEXlow[i]  = exl;

void TGraphAsymmErrors::SetPointEXhigh(Int_t i, Double_t exh)
   // Set EXhigh for point i

   if (i < 0) return;
   if (i >= fNpoints) {
   // re-allocate the object
   fEXhigh[i]  = exh;

void TGraphAsymmErrors::SetPointEYlow(Int_t i, Double_t eyl)
   // Set EYlow for point i

   if (i < 0) return;
   if (i >= fNpoints) {
   // re-allocate the object
   fEYlow[i]  = eyl;

void TGraphAsymmErrors::SetPointEYhigh(Int_t i, Double_t eyh)
   // Set EYhigh for point i

   if (i < 0) return;
   if (i >= fNpoints) {
   // re-allocate the object
   fEYhigh[i]  = eyh;

void TGraphAsymmErrors::Streamer(TBuffer &b)
   // Stream an object of class TGraphAsymmErrors.

   if (b.IsReading()) {
      UInt_t R__s, R__c;
      Version_t R__v = b.ReadVersion(&R__s, &R__c);
      if (R__v > 2) {
         b.ReadClassBuffer(TGraphAsymmErrors::Class(), this, R__v, R__s, R__c);
      //====process old versions before automatic schema evolution
      fEXlow  = new Double_t[fNpoints];
      fEYlow  = new Double_t[fNpoints];
      fEXhigh = new Double_t[fNpoints];
      fEYhigh = new Double_t[fNpoints];
      if (R__v < 2) {
         Float_t *exlow  = new Float_t[fNpoints];
         Float_t *eylow  = new Float_t[fNpoints];
         Float_t *exhigh = new Float_t[fNpoints];
         Float_t *eyhigh = new Float_t[fNpoints];
         for (Int_t i=0;i<fNpoints;i++) {
            fEXlow[i]  = exlow[i];
            fEYlow[i]  = eylow[i];
            fEXhigh[i] = exhigh[i];
            fEYhigh[i] = eyhigh[i];
         delete [] eylow;
         delete [] exlow;
         delete [] eyhigh;
         delete [] exhigh;
      } else {
      b.CheckByteCount(R__s, R__c, TGraphAsymmErrors::IsA());
      //====end of old versions

   } else {

void TGraphAsymmErrors::SwapPoints(Int_t pos1, Int_t pos2)
   // Swap points.

   SwapValues(fEXlow,  pos1, pos2);
   SwapValues(fEXhigh, pos1, pos2);
   SwapValues(fEYlow,  pos1, pos2);
   SwapValues(fEYhigh, pos1, pos2);
   TGraph::SwapPoints(pos1, pos2);