// @(#)root/proof:$Id: a2a50e759072c37ccbc65ecbcce735a76de86e95 $
// Author: Fons Rademakers   13/02/97

 * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
 * All rights reserved.                                                  *
 *                                                                       *
 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *

//                                                                      //
// TProof                                                               //
//                                                                      //
// This class controls a Parallel ROOT Facility, PROOF, cluster.        //
// It fires the worker servers, it keeps track of how many workers are  //
// running, it keeps track of the workers running status, it broadcasts //
// messages to all workers, it collects results, etc.                   //
//                                                                      //

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <errno.h>
#ifdef WIN32
#   include <io.h>
#   include <sys/stat.h>
#   include <sys/types.h>
#   include "snprintf.h"
#   include <unistd.h>
#include <vector>

#include "RConfigure.h"
#include "Riostream.h"
#include "Getline.h"
#include "TBrowser.h"
#include "TChain.h"
#include "TCondor.h"
#include "TDSet.h"
#include "TError.h"
#include "TEnv.h"
#include "TEntryList.h"
#include "TEventList.h"
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TFileInfo.h"
#include "TFunction.h"
#include "TFTP.h"
#include "THashList.h"
#include "TInterpreter.h"
#include "TKey.h"
#include "TMap.h"
#include "TMath.h"
#include "TMessage.h"
#include "TMethodArg.h"
#include "TMethodCall.h"
#include "TMonitor.h"
#include "TMutex.h"
#include "TObjArray.h"
#include "TObjString.h"
#include "TParameter.h"
#include "TProof.h"
#include "TProofNodeInfo.h"
#include "TProofOutputFile.h"
#include "TVirtualProofPlayer.h"
#include "TVirtualPacketizer.h"
#include "TProofServ.h"
#include "TPluginManager.h"
#include "TQueryResult.h"
#include "TRandom.h"
#include "TRegexp.h"
#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TSemaphore.h"
#include "TSlave.h"
#include "TSocket.h"
#include "TSortedList.h"
#include "TSystem.h"
#include "TThread.h"
#include "TTree.h"
#include "TUrl.h"
#include "TFileCollection.h"
#include "TDataSetManager.h"
#include "TDataSetManagerFile.h"
#include "TMacro.h"
#include "TSelector.h"
#include "TPRegexp.h"

TProof *gProof = 0;
TVirtualMutex *gProofMutex = 0;

// Rotating indicator
char TProofMergePrg::fgCr[4] = {'-', '\\', '|', '/'};

TList   *TProof::fgProofEnvList = 0;          // List of env vars for proofserv
TPluginHandler *TProof::fgLogViewer = 0;      // Log viewer handler


//----- PROOF Interrupt signal handler -----------------------------------------
Bool_t TProofInterruptHandler::Notify()
   // TProof interrupt handler.

   if (!fProof->IsTty() || fProof->GetRemoteProtocol() < 22) {

      // Cannot ask the user : abort any remote processing

   } else {
      // Real stop or request to switch to asynchronous?
      const char *a = 0;
      if (fProof->GetRemoteProtocol() < 22) {
         a = Getline("\nSwitch to asynchronous mode not supported remotely:"
                     "\nEnter S/s to stop, Q/q to quit, any other key to continue: ");
      } else {
         a = Getline("\nEnter A/a to switch asynchronous, S/s to stop, Q/q to quit,"
                     " any other key to continue: ");
      if (a[0] == 'Q' || a[0] == 'S' || a[0] == 'q' || a[0] == 's') {

         Info("Notify","Processing interrupt signal ... %c", a[0]);

         // Stop or abort any remote processing
         Bool_t abort = (a[0] == 'Q' || a[0] == 'q') ? kTRUE : kFALSE;

      } else if ((a[0] == 'A' || a[0] == 'a') && fProof->GetRemoteProtocol() >= 22) {
         // Stop any remote processing

   return kTRUE;

//----- Input handler for messages from TProofServ -----------------------------
TProofInputHandler::TProofInputHandler(TProof *p, TSocket *s)
                   : TFileHandler(s->GetDescriptor(),1),
                     fSocket(s), fProof(p)
   // Constructor

Bool_t TProofInputHandler::Notify()
   // Handle input

   return kTRUE;



Int_t TSlaveInfo::Compare(const TObject *obj) const
   // Used to sort slaveinfos by ordinal.

   if (!obj) return 1;

   const TSlaveInfo *si = dynamic_cast<const TSlaveInfo*>(obj);

   if (!si) return fOrdinal.CompareTo(obj->GetName());

   const char *myord = GetOrdinal();
   const char *otherord = si->GetOrdinal();
   while (myord && otherord) {
      Int_t myval = atoi(myord);
      Int_t otherval = atoi(otherord);
      if (myval < otherval) return 1;
      if (myval > otherval) return -1;
      myord = strchr(myord, '.');
      if (myord) myord++;
      otherord = strchr(otherord, '.');
      if (otherord) otherord++;
   if (myord) return -1;
   if (otherord) return 1;
   return 0;

Bool_t TSlaveInfo::IsEqual(const TObject* obj) const
   // Used to compare slaveinfos by ordinal.

   if (!obj) return kFALSE;
   const TSlaveInfo *si = dynamic_cast<const TSlaveInfo*>(obj);
   if (!si) return kFALSE;
   return (strcmp(GetOrdinal(), si->GetOrdinal()) == 0);

void TSlaveInfo::Print(Option_t *opt) const
   // Print slave info. If opt = "active" print only the active
   // slaves, if opt="notactive" print only the not active slaves,
   // if opt = "bad" print only the bad slaves, else
   // print all slaves.

   TString stat = fStatus == kActive ? "active" :
                  fStatus == kBad ? "bad" :
                  "not active";

   Bool_t newfmt = kFALSE;
   TString oo(opt);
   if (oo.Contains("N")) {
      newfmt = kTRUE;
   if (oo == "active" && fStatus != kActive) return;
   if (oo == "notactive" && fStatus != kNotActive) return;
   if (oo == "bad" && fStatus != kBad) return;

   if (newfmt) {
      TString msd, si, datadir;
      if (!(fMsd.IsNull())) msd.Form("| msd: %s ", fMsd.Data());
      if (!(fDataDir.IsNull())) datadir.Form("| datadir: %s ", fDataDir.Data());
      if (fSysInfo.fCpus > 0) {
         si.Form("| %s, %d cores, %d MB ram", fHostName.Data(),
               fSysInfo.fCpus, fSysInfo.fPhysRam);
      } else {
         si.Form("| %s", fHostName.Data());
      Printf("Worker: %9s %s %s%s| %s", fOrdinal.Data(), si.Data(), msd.Data(), datadir.Data(), stat.Data());

   } else {
      TString msd  = fMsd.IsNull() ? "<null>" : fMsd.Data();

      std::cout << "Slave: "          << fOrdinal
         << "  hostname: "     << fHostName
         << "  msd: "          << msd
         << "  perf index: "   << fPerfIndex
         << "  "               << stat
         << std::endl;

void TSlaveInfo::SetSysInfo(SysInfo_t si)
   // Setter for fSysInfo

   fSysInfo.fOS       = si.fOS;          // OS
   fSysInfo.fModel    = si.fModel;       // computer model
   fSysInfo.fCpuType  = si.fCpuType;     // type of cpu
   fSysInfo.fCpus     = si.fCpus;        // number of cpus
   fSysInfo.fCpuSpeed = si.fCpuSpeed;    // cpu speed in MHz
   fSysInfo.fBusSpeed = si.fBusSpeed;    // bus speed in MHz
   fSysInfo.fL2Cache  = si.fL2Cache;     // level 2 cache size in KB
   fSysInfo.fPhysRam  = si.fPhysRam;     // Physical RAM


TSemaphore    *TProof::fgSemaphore = 0;


   // Destructor

   // Just delete the list, the objects are owned by other list
   if (fWorkers) {
void TMergerInfo::SetMergedWorker()
   // Increase number of already merged workers by 1

   if (AreAllWorkersMerged())
      Error("SetMergedWorker", "all workers have been already merged before!");

void TMergerInfo::AddWorker(TSlave *sl)
   // Add new worker to the list of workers to be merged by this merger

   if (!fWorkers)
      fWorkers = new TList();
   if (fWorkersToMerge == fWorkers->GetSize()) {
      Error("AddWorker", "all workers have been already assigned to this merger");

Bool_t TMergerInfo::AreAllWorkersMerged()
   // Return if merger has already merged all workers, i.e. if it has finished its merging job

   return (fWorkersToMerge == fMergedWorkers);

Bool_t TMergerInfo::AreAllWorkersAssigned()
      // Return if the determined number of workers has been already assigned to this merger

      if (!fWorkers)
         return kFALSE;

      return (fWorkers->GetSize() == fWorkersToMerge);

static Int_t PoDCheckUrl(TString *_cluster)
   // This a private API function.
   // It checks whether the connection string contains a PoD cluster protocol.
   // If it does, then the connection string will be changed to reflect
   // a real PROOF connection string for a PROOF cluster managed by PoD.
   // PoD: http://pod.gsi.de .
   // Return -1 if the PoD request failed; return 0 otherwise.

   if ( !_cluster )
      return 0;

   // trim spaces from both sides of the string
   *_cluster = _cluster->Strip( TString::kBoth );
   // PoD protocol string
   const TString pod_prot("pod");

   // URL test
   // TODO: The URL test is to support remote PoD servers (not managed by pod-remote)
   TUrl url( _cluster->Data() );
   if( pod_prot.CompareTo(url.GetProtocol(), TString::kIgnoreCase) )
      return 0;

   // PoD cluster is used
   // call pod-info in a batch mode (-b).
   // pod-info will find either a local PoD cluster or
   // a remote one, manged by pod-remote.
   *_cluster = gSystem->GetFromPipe("pod-info -c -b");
   if( 0 == _cluster->Length() ) {
      Error("PoDCheckUrl", "PoD server is not running");
      return -1;
   return 0;

TProof::TProof(const char *masterurl, const char *conffile, const char *confdir,
               Int_t loglevel, const char *alias, TProofMgr *mgr)
       : fUrl(masterurl)
   // Create a PROOF environment. Starting PROOF involves either connecting
   // to a master server, which in turn will start a set of slave servers, or
   // directly starting as master server (if master = ""). Masterurl is of
   // the form: [proof[s]://]host[:port]. Conffile is the name of the config
   // file describing the remote PROOF cluster (this argument alows you to
   // describe different cluster configurations).
   // The default is proof.conf. Confdir is the directory where the config
   // file and other PROOF related files are (like motd and noproof files).
   // Loglevel is the log level (default = 1). User specified custom config
   // files will be first looked for in $HOME/.conffile.

   // Default initializations

   // This may be needed during init
   fManager = mgr;

   // Default server type
   fServType = TProofMgr::kXProofd;

   // Default query mode
   fQueryMode = kSync;

   // Parse the main URL, adjusting the missing fields and setting the relevant
   // bits

   // Protocol and Host
   if (!masterurl || strlen(masterurl) <= 0) {
   } else if (!(strstr(masterurl, "://"))) {
   // Port
   if (fUrl.GetPort() == TUrl(" ").GetPort())
      fUrl.SetPort(TUrl("proof:// ").GetPort());

   // Make sure to store the FQDN, so to get a solid reference for subsequent checks
   if (!strcmp(fUrl.GetHost(), "__master__"))
      fMaster = fUrl.GetHost();
   else if (!strlen(fUrl.GetHost()))
      fMaster = gSystem->GetHostByName(gSystem->HostName()).GetHostName();
      fMaster = gSystem->GetHostByName(fUrl.GetHost()).GetHostName();

   // Server type
   if (strlen(fUrl.GetOptions()) > 0) {
      TString opts(fUrl.GetOptions());
      if (!(strncmp(fUrl.GetOptions(),"std",3))) {
         fServType = TProofMgr::kProofd;
      } else if (!(strncmp(fUrl.GetOptions(),"lite",4))) {
         fServType = TProofMgr::kProofLite;

   // Instance type
   fMasterServ = kFALSE;
   if (fMaster == "__master__") {
      fMasterServ = kTRUE;
   } else if (fMaster == "prooflite") {
      // Client and master are merged
      fMasterServ = kTRUE;
   // Flag that we are a client
   if (TestBit(TProof::kIsClient))
      if (!gSystem->Getenv("ROOTPROOFCLIENT")) gSystem->Setenv("ROOTPROOFCLIENT","");

   Init(masterurl, conffile, confdir, loglevel, alias);

   // If the user was not set, get it from the master
   if (strlen(fUrl.GetUser()) <= 0) {
      TString usr, emsg;
      if (Exec("gProofServ->GetUser()", "0", kTRUE) == 0) {
         TObjString *os = fMacroLog.GetLineWith("const char");
         if (os) {
            Ssiz_t fst =  os->GetString().First('\"');
            Ssiz_t lst =  os->GetString().Last('\"');
            usr = os->GetString()(fst+1, lst-fst-1);
         } else {
            emsg = "could not find 'const char *' string in macro log";
      } else {
         emsg = "could not retrieve user info";
      if (!emsg.IsNull()) {
         // Get user logon name
         UserGroup_t *pw = gSystem->GetUserInfo();
         if (pw) {
            usr = pw->fUser;
            delete pw;
         Warning("TProof", "%s: using local default %s", emsg.Data(), usr.Data());
      // Set the user name in the main URL

   // If called by a manager, make sure it stays in last position
   // for cleaning
   if (mgr) {

   // Old-style server type: we add this to the list and set the global pointer
   if (IsProofd() || TestBit(TProof::kIsMaster))
      if (!gROOT->GetListOfProofs()->FindObject(this))

   // Still needed by the packetizers: needs to be changed
   gProof = this;

TProof::TProof() : fUrl(""), fServType(TProofMgr::kXProofd)
   // Protected constructor to be used by classes deriving from TProof
   // (they have to call Init themselves and override StartSlaves
   // appropriately).
   // This constructor simply closes any previous gProof and sets gProof
   // to this instance.

   // Default initializations

   if (!gROOT->GetListOfProofs()->FindObject(this))

   gProof = this;

void TProof::InitMembers()
   // Default initializations

   fValid = kFALSE;
   fTty = kFALSE;
   fRecvMessages = 0;
   fSlaveInfo = 0;
   fMasterServ = kFALSE;
   fSendGroupView = kFALSE;
   fIsPollingWorkers = kFALSE;
   fLastPollWorkers_s = -1;
   fActiveSlaves = 0;
   fInactiveSlaves = 0;
   fUniqueSlaves = 0;
   fAllUniqueSlaves = 0;
   fNonUniqueMasters = 0;
   fActiveMonitor = 0;
   fUniqueMonitor = 0;
   fAllUniqueMonitor = 0;
   fCurrentMonitor = 0;
   fBytesRead = 0;
   fRealTime = 0;
   fCpuTime = 0;
   fIntHandler = 0;
   fProgressDialog = 0;
   fProgressDialogStarted = kFALSE;
   fPlayer = 0;
   fFeedback = 0;
   fChains = 0;
   fDSet = 0;
   fNotIdle = 0;
   fSync = kTRUE;
   fRunStatus = kRunning;
   fIsWaiting = kFALSE;
   fRedirLog = kFALSE;
   fLogFileW = 0;
   fLogFileR = 0;
   fLogToWindowOnly = kFALSE;
   fSaveLogToMacro = kFALSE;

   fWaitingSlaves = 0;
   fQueries = 0;
   fOtherQueries = 0;
   fDrawQueries = 0;
   fMaxDrawQueries = 1;
   fSeqNum = 0;

   fSessionID = -1;
   fEndMaster = kFALSE;

   fGlobalPackageDirList = 0;
   fPackageLock = 0;
   fEnabledPackagesOnClient = 0;

   fInputData = 0;

   fPrintProgress = 0;

   fLoadedMacros = 0;

   fProtocol = -1;
   fSlaves = 0;
   fTerminatedSlaveInfos = 0;
   fBadSlaves = 0;
   fAllMonitor = 0;
   fDataReady = kFALSE;
   fBytesReady = 0;
   fTotalBytes = 0;
   fAvailablePackages = 0;
   fEnabledPackages = 0;
   fRunningDSets = 0;

   fCollectTimeout = -1;

   fManager = 0;
   fQueryMode = kSync;
   fDynamicStartup = kFALSE;

   fCloseMutex = 0;

   fMergersSet = kFALSE;
   fMergersByHost = kFALSE;
   fMergers = 0;
   fMergersCount = -1;
   fLastAssignedMerger = 0;
   fWorkersToMerge = 0;
   fFinalizationRunning = kFALSE;

   fPerfTree = "";

   fWrksOutputReady = 0;

   fSelector = 0;

   // Check if the user defined a list of environment variables to send over:
   // include them into the dedicated list
   if (gSystem->Getenv("PROOF_ENVVARS")) {
      TString envs(gSystem->Getenv("PROOF_ENVVARS")), env, envsfound;
      Int_t from = 0;
      while (envs.Tokenize(env, from, ",")) {
         if (!env.IsNull()) {
            if (!gSystem->Getenv(env)) {
               Warning("Init", "request for sending over undefined environemnt variable '%s' - ignoring", env.Data());
            } else {
               if (!envsfound.IsNull()) envsfound += ",";
               envsfound += env;
               TProof::AddEnvVar(env, gSystem->Getenv(env));
      if (envsfound.IsNull()) {
         Warning("Init", "none of the requested env variables were found: '%s'", envs.Data());
      } else {
         Info("Init", "the following environment variables have been added to the list to be sent to the nodes: '%s'", envsfound.Data());

   // Done

   // Clean up PROOF environment.

   if (fChains) {
      while (TChain *chain = dynamic_cast<TChain*> (fChains->First()) ) {
         // remove "chain" from list

   // remove links to packages enabled on the client
   if (TestBit(TProof::kIsClient)) {
      // iterate over all packages
      TIter nextpackage(fEnabledPackagesOnClient);
      while (TObjString *package = dynamic_cast<TObjString*>(nextpackage())) {
         FileStat_t stat;
         if (gSystem->GetPathInfo(package->String(), stat) == 0) {
            // check if symlink, if so unlink
            // NOTE: GetPathInfo() returns 1 in case of symlink that does not point to
            // existing file or to a directory, but if fIsLink is true the symlink exists
            if (stat.fIsLink)

   if (fWrksOutputReady) {
      delete fWrksOutputReady;

   // remove file with redirected logs
   if (TestBit(TProof::kIsClient)) {
      if (fLogFileR)
      if (fLogFileW)
      if (fLogFileName.Length() > 0)

   // Remove for the global list
   // ... and from the manager list
   if (fManager && fManager->IsValid())

   if (gProof && gProof == this) {
      // Set previous as default
      TIter pvp(gROOT->GetListOfProofs(), kIterBackward);
      while ((gProof = (TProof *)pvp())) {
         if (gProof->InheritsFrom(TProof::Class()))

   // For those interested in our destruction ...

Int_t TProof::Init(const char *, const char *conffile,
                   const char *confdir, Int_t loglevel, const char *alias)
   // Start the PROOF environment. Starting PROOF involves either connecting
   // to a master server, which in turn will start a set of slave servers, or
   // directly starting as master server (if master = ""). For a description
   // of the arguments see the TProof ctor. Returns the number of started
   // master or slave servers, returns 0 in case of error, in which case
   // fValid remains false.


   fValid = kFALSE;

   // Connected to terminal?
   fTty = (isatty(0) == 0 || isatty(1) == 0) ? kFALSE : kTRUE;

   // If in attach mode, options is filled with additional info
   Bool_t attach = kFALSE;
   if (strlen(fUrl.GetOptions()) > 0) {
      attach = kTRUE;
      // A flag from the GUI
      TString opts = fUrl.GetOptions();
      if (opts.Contains("GUI")) {

   if (TestBit(TProof::kIsMaster)) {
      // Fill default conf file and conf dir
      if (!conffile || !conffile[0])
         fConfFile = kPROOF_ConfFile;
      if (!confdir  || !confdir[0])
         fConfDir  = kPROOF_ConfDir;
      // The group; the client receives it in the kPROOF_SESSIONTAG message
      if (gProofServ) fGroup = gProofServ->GetGroup();
   } else {
      fConfDir     = confdir;
      fConfFile    = conffile;

   // Analysise the conffile field
   if (fConfFile.Contains("workers=0")) fConfFile.ReplaceAll("workers=0", "masteronly");

   fWorkDir        = gSystem->WorkingDirectory();
   fLogLevel       = loglevel;
   fProtocol       = kPROOF_Protocol;
   fSendGroupView  = kTRUE;
   fImage          = fMasterServ ? "" : "<local>";
   fIntHandler     = 0;
   fStatus         = 0;
   fRecvMessages   = new TList;
   fSlaveInfo      = 0;
   fChains         = new TList;
   fAvailablePackages = 0;
   fEnabledPackages = 0;
   fRunningDSets   = 0;
   fEndMaster      = TestBit(TProof::kIsMaster) ? kTRUE : kFALSE;
   fInputData      = 0;
   fPrintProgress  = 0;

   // Timeout for some collect actions
   fCollectTimeout = gEnv->GetValue("Proof.CollectTimeout", -1);

   // Should the workers be started dynamically; default: no
   fDynamicStartup = gEnv->GetValue("Proof.DynamicStartup", kFALSE);

   // Default entry point for the data pool is the master
   if (TestBit(TProof::kIsClient))
      fDataPoolUrl.Form("root://%s", fMaster.Data());
      fDataPoolUrl = "";

   fProgressDialog        = 0;
   fProgressDialogStarted = kFALSE;

   // Default alias is the master name
   TString      al = (alias) ? alias : fMaster.Data();

   // Client logging of messages from the master and slaves
   fRedirLog = kFALSE;
   if (TestBit(TProof::kIsClient)) {
      fLogFileName.Form("%s/ProofLog_%d", gSystem->TempDirectory(), gSystem->GetPid());
      if ((fLogFileW = fopen(fLogFileName, "w")) == 0)
         Error("Init", "could not create temporary logfile");
      if ((fLogFileR = fopen(fLogFileName, "r")) == 0)
         Error("Init", "could not open temp logfile for reading");
   fLogToWindowOnly = kFALSE;

   // Status of cluster
   fNotIdle = 0;
   // Query type
   fSync = (attach) ? kFALSE : kTRUE;
   // Not enqueued
   fIsWaiting = kFALSE;

   // Counters
   fBytesRead = 0;
   fRealTime = 0;
   fCpuTime = 0;

   // List of queries
   fQueries = 0;
   fOtherQueries = 0;
   fDrawQueries = 0;
   fMaxDrawQueries = 1;
   fSeqNum = 0;

   // Remote ID of the session
   fSessionID = -1;

   // Part of active query
   fWaitingSlaves = 0;

   // Make remote PROOF player
   fPlayer = 0;

   fFeedback = new TList;

   // sort slaves by descending performance index
   fSlaves           = new TSortedList(kSortDescending);
   fActiveSlaves     = new TList;
   fInactiveSlaves   = new TList;
   fUniqueSlaves     = new TList;
   fAllUniqueSlaves  = new TList;
   fNonUniqueMasters = new TList;
   fBadSlaves        = new TList;
   fAllMonitor       = new TMonitor;
   fActiveMonitor    = new TMonitor;
   fUniqueMonitor    = new TMonitor;
   fAllUniqueMonitor = new TMonitor;
   fCurrentMonitor   = 0;

   fTerminatedSlaveInfos = new TList;

   fPackageLock             = 0;
   fEnabledPackagesOnClient = 0;
   fLoadedMacros            = 0;
   fGlobalPackageDirList    = 0;

   // Enable optimized sending of streamer infos to use embedded backward/forward
   // compatibility support between different ROOT versions and different versions of
   // users classes
   Bool_t enableSchemaEvolution = gEnv->GetValue("Proof.SchemaEvolution",1);
   if (enableSchemaEvolution) {
   } else {
      Info("TProof", "automatic schema evolution in TMessage explicitly disabled");

   if (IsMaster()) {
      // to make UploadPackage() method work on the master as well.
      fPackageDir = gProofServ->GetPackageDir();
   } else {

      TString sandbox;
      if (GetSandbox(sandbox, kTRUE) != 0) {
         Error("Init", "failure asserting sandbox directory %s", sandbox.Data());
         return 0;

      // Package Dir
      fPackageDir = gEnv->GetValue("Proof.PackageDir", "");
      if (fPackageDir.IsNull())
         fPackageDir.Form("%s/%s", sandbox.Data(), kPROOF_PackDir);
      if (AssertPath(fPackageDir, kTRUE) != 0) {
         Error("Init", "failure asserting directory %s", fPackageDir.Data());
         return 0;

   if (!IsMaster()) {
      // List of directories where to look for global packages
      TString globpack = gEnv->GetValue("Proof.GlobalPackageDirs","");
      if (globpack.Length() > 0) {
         Int_t ng = 0;
         Int_t from = 0;
         TString ldir;
         while (globpack.Tokenize(ldir, from, ":")) {
            if (gSystem->AccessPathName(ldir, kReadPermission)) {
               Warning("Init", "directory for global packages %s does not"
                               " exist or is not readable", ldir.Data());
            } else {
               // Add to the list, key will be "G<ng>", i.e. "G0", "G1", ...
               TString key = TString::Format("G%d", ng++);
               if (!fGlobalPackageDirList) {
                  fGlobalPackageDirList = new THashList();
               fGlobalPackageDirList->Add(new TNamed(key,ldir));

      TString lockpath(fPackageDir);
      lockpath.ReplaceAll("/", "%");
      lockpath.Insert(0, TString::Format("%s/%s",
                         gSystem->TempDirectory(), kPROOF_PackageLockFile));
      fPackageLock = new TProofLockPath(lockpath.Data());

      fEnabledPackagesOnClient = new TList;

   // Master may want dynamic startup
   if (fDynamicStartup) {
      if (!IsMaster()) {
         // If on client - start the master
         if (!StartSlaves(attach))
            return 0;
   } else {

      // Master Only mode (for operations requiring only the master, e.g. dataset browsing,
      // result retrieving, ...)
      Bool_t masterOnly = gEnv->GetValue("Proof.MasterOnly", kFALSE);
      if (!IsMaster() || !masterOnly) {
         // Start slaves (the old, static, per-session way)
         if (!StartSlaves(attach))
            return 0;
         // Client: Is Master in dynamic startup mode?
         if (!IsMaster()) {
            Int_t dyn;
            GetRC("Proof.DynamicStartup", dyn);
            if (dyn != 0) fDynamicStartup = kTRUE;

   if (fgSemaphore)

   // we are now properly initialized
   fValid = kTRUE;

   // De-activate monitor (will be activated in Collect)

   // By default go into parallel mode
   Int_t nwrk = GetRemoteProtocol() > 35 ? -1 : 9999;
   TNamed *n = 0;
   if (TProof::GetEnvVars() &&
      (n = (TNamed *) TProof::GetEnvVars()->FindObject("PROOF_NWORKERS"))) {
      TString s(n->GetTitle());
      if (s.IsDigit()) nwrk = s.Atoi();
   GoParallel(nwrk, attach);

   // Send relevant initial state to slaves
   if (!attach)
   else if (!IsIdle())
      // redirect log
      fRedirLog = kTRUE;

   // Done at this point, the alias will be communicated to the coordinator, if any
   if (TestBit(TProof::kIsClient))


   if (IsValid()) {

      // Activate input handler



   return fActiveSlaves->GetSize();

Int_t TProof::GetSandbox(TString &sb, Bool_t assert, const char *rc)
   // Set the sandbox path from ' Proof.Sandbox' or the alternative var 'rc'.
   // Use the existing setting or the default if nothing is found.
   // If 'assert' is kTRUE, make also sure that the path exists.
   // Return 0 on success, -1 on failure

   // Get it from 'rc', if defined
   if (rc && strlen(rc)) sb = gEnv->GetValue(rc, sb);
   // Or use the default 'rc'
   if (sb.IsNull()) sb = gEnv->GetValue("Proof.Sandbox", "");
   // If nothing found , use the default
   if (sb.IsNull()) sb.Form("~/%s", kPROOF_WorkDir);
   // Expand special settings
   if (sb == ".") {
      sb = gSystem->pwd();
   } else if (sb == "..") {
      sb = gSystem->DirName(gSystem->pwd());

   // Assert the path, if required
   if (assert && AssertPath(sb, kTRUE) != 0) return -1;
   // Done
   return 0;

void TProof::ParseConfigField(const char *config)
   // The config file field may contain special instructions which need to be
   // parsed at the beginning, e.g. for debug runs with valgrind.
   // Several options can be given separated by a ','

   TString sconf(config), opt;
   Ssiz_t from = 0;
   Bool_t cpuPin = kFALSE;

   // Analysise the field
   const char *cq = (IsLite()) ? "\"" : "";
   while (sconf.Tokenize(opt, from, ",")) {
      if (opt.IsNull()) continue;

      if (opt.BeginsWith("valgrind")) {
         // Any existing valgrind setting? User can give full settings, which we fully respect,
         // or pass additional options for valgrind by prefixing 'valgrind_opts:'. For example,
         //    TProof::AddEnvVar("PROOF_MASTER_WRAPPERCMD", "valgrind_opts:--time-stamp --leak-check=full"
         // will add option "--time-stamp --leak-check=full" to our default options
         TString mst, top, sub, wrk, all;
         TList *envs = fgProofEnvList;
         TNamed *n = 0;
         if (envs) {
            if ((n = (TNamed *) envs->FindObject("PROOF_WRAPPERCMD")))
               all = n->GetTitle();
            if ((n = (TNamed *) envs->FindObject("PROOF_MASTER_WRAPPERCMD")))
               mst = n->GetTitle();
            if ((n = (TNamed *) envs->FindObject("PROOF_TOPMASTER_WRAPPERCMD")))
               top = n->GetTitle();
            if ((n = (TNamed *) envs->FindObject("PROOF_SUBMASTER_WRAPPERCMD")))
               sub = n->GetTitle();
            if ((n = (TNamed *) envs->FindObject("PROOF_SLAVE_WRAPPERCMD")))
               wrk = n->GetTitle();
         if (all != "" && mst == "") mst = all;
         if (all != "" && top == "") top = all;
         if (all != "" && sub == "") sub = all;
         if (all != "" && wrk == "") wrk = all;
         if (all != "" && all.BeginsWith("valgrind_opts:")) {
            // The field is used to add an option Reset the setting
            Info("ParseConfigField","valgrind run: resetting 'PROOF_WRAPPERCMD':"
                                    " must be set again for next run , if any");
         TString var, cmd;
         cmd.Form("%svalgrind -v --suppressions=<rootsys>/etc/valgrind-root.supp", cq);
         TString mstlab("NO"), wrklab("NO");
         Bool_t doMaster = (opt == "valgrind" || (opt.Contains("master") &&
                           !opt.Contains("topmaster") && !opt.Contains("submaster")))
                         ? kTRUE : kFALSE;
         if (doMaster) {
            if (!IsLite()) {
               // Check if we have to add a var
               if (mst == "" || mst.BeginsWith("valgrind_opts:")) {
                  var.Form("%s --log-file=<logfilemst>.valgrind.log %s", cmd.Data(), mst.Data());
                  TProof::AddEnvVar("PROOF_MASTER_WRAPPERCMD", var);
                  mstlab = "YES";
               } else if (mst != "") {
                  mstlab = "YES";
            } else {
               if (opt.Contains("master")) {
                        "master valgrinding does not make sense for PROOF-Lite: ignoring");
                  opt.ReplaceAll("master", "");
                  if (!opt.Contains("workers")) return;
               if (opt == "valgrind" || opt == "valgrind=") opt = "valgrind=workers";
         if (opt.Contains("topmaster")) {
            // Check if we have to add a var
            if (top == "" || top.BeginsWith("valgrind_opts:")) {
               var.Form("%s --log-file=<logfilemst>.valgrind.log %s", cmd.Data(), top.Data());
               TProof::AddEnvVar("PROOF_TOPMASTER_WRAPPERCMD", var);
               mstlab = "YES";
            } else if (top != "") {
               mstlab = "YES";
         if (opt.Contains("submaster")) {
            // Check if we have to add a var
            if (sub == "" || sub.BeginsWith("valgrind_opts:")) {
               var.Form("%s --log-file=<logfilemst>.valgrind.log %s", cmd.Data(), sub.Data());
               TProof::AddEnvVar("PROOF_SUBMASTER_WRAPPERCMD", var);
               mstlab = "YES";
            } else if (sub != "") {
               mstlab = "YES";
         if (opt.Contains("=workers") || opt.Contains("+workers")) {
            // Check if we have to add a var
            if (wrk == "" || wrk.BeginsWith("valgrind_opts:")) {
               var.Form("%s --log-file=<logfilewrk>.__valgrind__.log %s%s", cmd.Data(), wrk.Data(), cq);
               TProof::AddEnvVar("PROOF_SLAVE_WRAPPERCMD", var);
               TString nwrks("2");
               Int_t inw = opt.Index('#');
               if (inw != kNPOS) {
                  nwrks = opt(inw+1, opt.Length());
                  if (!nwrks.IsDigit()) nwrks = "2";
               // Set the relevant variables
               if (!IsLite()) {
                  TProof::AddEnvVar("PROOF_NWORKERS", nwrks);
               } else {
                  gEnv->SetValue("ProofLite.Workers", nwrks.Atoi());
               wrklab = nwrks;
               // Register the additional worker log in the session file
               // (for the master this is done automatically)
               TProof::AddEnvVar("PROOF_ADDITIONALLOG", "__valgrind__.log*");
            } else if (wrk != "") {
               wrklab = "ALL";
         // Increase the relevant timeouts
         if (!IsLite()) {
            TProof::AddEnvVar("PROOF_INTWAIT", "5000");
            gEnv->SetValue("Proof.SocketActivityTimeout", 6000);
         } else {
            gEnv->SetValue("ProofLite.StartupTimeOut", 5000);
         // Warn for slowness
         Printf(" ");
         if (!IsLite()) {
            Printf(" ---> Starting a debug run with valgrind (master:%s, workers:%s)", mstlab.Data(), wrklab.Data());
         } else {
            Printf(" ---> Starting a debug run with valgrind (workers:%s)", wrklab.Data());
         Printf(" ---> Please be patient: startup may be VERY slow ...");
         Printf(" ---> Logs will be available as special tags in the log window (from the progress dialog or TProof::LogViewer()) ");
         Printf(" ---> (Reminder: this debug run makes sense only if you are running a debug version of ROOT)");
         Printf(" ");

      } else if (opt.BeginsWith("igprof-pp")) {

         // IgProf profiling on master and worker. PROOF does not set the
         // environment for you: proper environment variables (like PATH and
         // LD_LIBRARY_PATH) should be set externally

         Printf("*** Requested IgProf performance profiling ***");
         TString addLogExt = "__igprof.pp__.log";
         TString addLogFmt = "igprof -pk -pp -t proofserv.exe -o %s.%s";
         TString tmp;

         if (IsLite()) {

         tmp.Form(addLogFmt.Data(), "<logfilemst>", addLogExt.Data());
         TProof::AddEnvVar("PROOF_MASTER_WRAPPERCMD",  tmp.Data());

         tmp.Form(addLogFmt.Data(), "<logfilewrk>", addLogExt.Data());
         TProof::AddEnvVar("PROOF_SLAVE_WRAPPERCMD", tmp.Data() );

         TProof::AddEnvVar("PROOF_ADDITIONALLOG", addLogExt.Data());

      } else if (opt.BeginsWith("cpupin=")) {
         // Enable CPU pinning. Takes as argument the list of processor IDs
         // that will be used in order. Processor IDs are numbered from 0,
         // use likwid to see how they are organized. A possible parameter
         // format would be:
         //   cpupin=3+4+0+9+10+22+7
         // Only the specified processor IDs will be used in a round-robin
         // fashion, dealing with the fact that you can request more workers
         // than the number of processor IDs you have specified.
         // To use all available processors in their order:
         //   cpupin=*

         opt.Remove(0, 7);

         // Remove any char which is neither a number nor a plus '+'
         for (Ssiz_t i=0; i<opt.Length(); i++) {
            Char_t c = opt[i];
            if ((c != '+') && ((c < '0') || (c > '9')))
               opt[i] = '_';
         opt.ReplaceAll("_", "");
         TProof::AddEnvVar("PROOF_SLAVE_CPUPIN_ORDER", opt);
         cpuPin = kTRUE;
      } else if (opt.BeginsWith("workers=")) {

         // Request for a given number of workers (within the max) or worker
         // startup combination:
         //      workers=5         start max 5 workers (or less, if less are assigned)
         //      workers=2x        start max 2 workers per node (or less, if less are assigned)
         TProof::AddEnvVar("PROOF_NWORKERS", opt);

   // In case of PROOF-Lite, enable CPU pinning when requested (Linux only)
   #ifdef R__LINUX
   if (IsLite() && cpuPin) {
      Printf("*** Requested CPU pinning ***");
      const TList *ev = GetEnvVars();
      const char *pinCmd = "taskset -c <cpupin>";
      TString val;
      TNamed *p;
      if (ev && (p = dynamic_cast<TNamed *>(ev->FindObject("PROOF_SLAVE_WRAPPERCMD")))) {
         val = p->GetTitle();
         val.Insert(val.Length()-1, " ");
         val.Insert(val.Length()-1, pinCmd);
      else {
         val.Form("\"%s\"", pinCmd);
      TProof::AddEnvVar("PROOF_SLAVE_WRAPPERCMD", val.Data());

Int_t TProof::AssertPath(const char *inpath, Bool_t writable)
   // Make sure that 'path' exists; if 'writable' is kTRUE, make also sure
   // that the path is writable

   if (!inpath || strlen(inpath) <= 0) {
      Error("AssertPath", "undefined input path");
      return -1;

   TString path(inpath);

   if (gSystem->AccessPathName(path, kFileExists)) {
      if (gSystem->mkdir(path, kTRUE) != 0) {
         Error("AssertPath", "could not create path %s", path.Data());
         return -1;
   // It must be writable
   if (gSystem->AccessPathName(path, kWritePermission) && writable) {
      if (gSystem->Chmod(path, 0666) != 0) {
         Error("AssertPath", "could not make path %s writable", path.Data());
         return -1;

   // Done
   return 0;

void TProof::SetManager(TProofMgr *mgr)
   // Set manager and schedule its destruction after this for clean
   // operations.

   fManager = mgr;

   if (mgr) {

Int_t TProof::AddWorkers(TList *workerList)
   // Works on the master node only.
   // It starts workers on the machines in workerList and sets the paths,
   // packages and macros as on the master.
   // It is a subbstitute for StartSlaves(...)
   // The code is mostly the master part of StartSlaves,
   // with the parallel startup removed.

   if (!IsMaster()) {
      Error("AddWorkers", "AddWorkers can only be called on the master!");
      return -1;

   if (!workerList || !(workerList->GetSize())) {
      Error("AddWorkers", "empty list of workers!");
      return -2;

   // Code taken from master part of StartSlaves with the parllel part removed

   fImage = gProofServ->GetImage();
   if (fImage.IsNull())
      fImage.Form("%s:%s", TUrl(gSystem->HostName()).GetHostFQDN(), gProofServ->GetWorkDir());

   // Get all workers
   UInt_t nSlaves = workerList->GetSize();
   UInt_t nSlavesDone = 0;
   Int_t ord = 0;

   // Loop over all new workers and start them
   Bool_t goMoreParallel = (fSlaves->GetEntries() > 0);

   // a list of TSlave objects for workers that are being added
   TList *addedWorkers = new TList();
   if (!addedWorkers) {
      // This is needed to silence Coverity ...
      Error("AddWorkers", "cannot create new list for the workers to be added");
      return -2;
   TListIter next(workerList);
   TObject *to;
   TProofNodeInfo *worker;
   TSlaveInfo *dummysi = new TSlaveInfo();
   while ((to = next())) {
      // Get the next worker from the list
      worker = (TProofNodeInfo *)to;

      // Read back worker node info
      const Char_t *image = worker->GetImage().Data();
      const Char_t *workdir = worker->GetWorkDir().Data();
      Int_t perfidx = worker->GetPerfIndex();
      Int_t sport = worker->GetPort();
      if (sport == -1)
         sport = fUrl.GetPort();

      // Create worker server
      TString fullord;
      if (worker->GetOrdinal().Length() > 0) {
         fullord.Form("%s.%s", gProofServ->GetOrdinal(), worker->GetOrdinal().Data());
      } else {
         fullord.Form("%s.%d", gProofServ->GetOrdinal(), ord);

      // Remove worker from the list of workers terminated gracefully
      TSlaveInfo *rmsi = (TSlaveInfo *)fTerminatedSlaveInfos->Remove(dummysi);
      if (rmsi) SafeDelete(rmsi);

      // Create worker server
      TString wn(worker->GetNodeName());
      if (wn == "localhost" || wn.BeginsWith("localhost.")) wn = gSystem->HostName();
      TUrl u(TString::Format("%s:%d", wn.Data(), sport));
      // Add group info in the password firdl, if any
      if (strlen(gProofServ->GetGroup()) > 0) {
         // Set also the user, otherwise the password is not exported
         if (strlen(u.GetUser()) <= 0)
      TSlave *slave = 0;
      if (worker->IsWorker()) {
         slave = CreateSlave(u.GetUrl(), fullord, perfidx, image, workdir);
      } else {
         slave = CreateSubmaster(u.GetUrl(), fullord,
                                 image, worker->GetMsd(), worker->GetNWrks());

      // Add to global list (we will add to the monitor list after
      // finalizing the server startup)
      Bool_t slaveOk = kTRUE;
      if (slave->IsValid()) {
      } else {
         slaveOk = kFALSE;
         Warning("AddWorkers", "worker '%s' is invalid", slave->GetOrdinal());

         Info("AddWorkers", "worker on host %s created"
              " and added to list (ord: %s)", worker->GetName(), slave->GetOrdinal());

      // Notify opening of connection
      m << TString("Opening connections to workers") << nSlaves
        << nSlavesDone << slaveOk;

   } //end of the worker loop

   // Cleanup

   nSlavesDone = 0;

   // Here we finalize the server startup: in this way the bulk
   // of remote operations are almost parallelized
   TIter nxsl(addedWorkers);
   TSlave *sl = 0;
   while ((sl = (TSlave *) nxsl())) {

      // Finalize setup of the server
      if (sl->IsValid())
          sl->SetupServ(TSlave::kSlave, 0);

      // Monitor good slaves
      Bool_t slaveOk = kTRUE;
      if (sl->IsValid()) {
         Info("AddWorkers", "worker on host %s finalized"
              " and added to list", sl->GetOrdinal());
      } else {
         slaveOk = kFALSE;

      // Notify end of startup operations
      m << TString("Setting up worker servers") << nSlaves
        << nSlavesDone << slaveOk;

   // Now set new state on the added workers (on all workers for simplicity)
   // use fEnabledPackages, fLoadedMacros,
   // gSystem->GetDynamicPath() and gSystem->GetIncludePath()
   // no need to load packages that are only loaded and not enabled (dyn mode)
   Int_t nwrk = GetRemoteProtocol() > 35 ? -1 : 9999;
   TNamed *n = 0;
   if (TProof::GetEnvVars() &&
      (n = (TNamed *) TProof::GetEnvVars()->FindObject("PROOF_NWORKERS"))) {
      TString s(n->GetTitle());
      if (s.IsDigit()) nwrk = s.Atoi();

   if (fDynamicStartup && goMoreParallel) {

      PDB(kGlobal, 3)
         Info("AddWorkers", "Will invoke GoMoreParallel()");
      Int_t nw = GoMoreParallel(nwrk);
      PDB(kGlobal, 3)
         Info("AddWorkers", "GoMoreParallel()=%d", nw);

   else {
      // Not in Dynamic Workers mode
      PDB(kGlobal, 3)
         Info("AddWorkers", "Will invoke GoParallel()");
      GoParallel(nwrk, kFALSE, 0);

   if (gProofServ && gProofServ->GetEnabledPackages() &&
       gProofServ->GetEnabledPackages()->GetSize() > 0) {
      TIter nxp(gProofServ->GetEnabledPackages());
      TPair *pck = 0;
      while ((pck = (TPair *) nxp())) {
         // Upload and Enable methods are intelligent and avoid
         // re-uploading or re-enabling of a package to a node that has it.
         if (fDynamicStartup && goMoreParallel) {
            // Upload only on added workers
            PDB(kGlobal, 3)
               Info("AddWorkers", "Will invoke UploadPackage() and EnablePackage() on added workers");
            if (UploadPackage(pck->GetName(), kUntar, addedWorkers) >= 0)
               EnablePackage(pck->GetName(), (TList *) pck->Value(), kTRUE, addedWorkers);
         else {
            PDB(kGlobal, 3)
               Info("AddWorkers", "Will invoke UploadPackage() and EnablePackage() on all workers");
            if (UploadPackage(pck->GetName()) >= 0)
               EnablePackage(pck->GetName(), (TList *) pck->Value(), kTRUE);

   if (fLoadedMacros) {
      TIter nxp(fLoadedMacros);
      TObjString *os = 0;
      while ((os = (TObjString *) nxp())) {
         PDB(kGlobal, 3)
            Info("AddWorkers", "Will invoke Load() on selected workers");
         Printf("Loading a macro : %s", os->GetName());
         Load(os->GetName(), kTRUE, kTRUE, addedWorkers);

   TString dyn = gSystem->GetDynamicPath();
   dyn.ReplaceAll(":", " ");
   dyn.ReplaceAll("\"", " ");
   PDB(kGlobal, 3)
      Info("AddWorkers", "Will invoke AddDynamicPath() on selected workers");
   AddDynamicPath(dyn, kFALSE, addedWorkers, fDynamicStartup);

   TString inc = gSystem->GetIncludePath();
   inc.ReplaceAll("-I", " ");
   inc.ReplaceAll("\"", " ");
   PDB(kGlobal, 3)
      Info("AddWorkers", "Will invoke AddIncludePath() on selected workers");
   AddIncludePath(inc, kFALSE, addedWorkers, fDynamicStartup);

   // Update list of current workers
   PDB(kGlobal, 3)
      Info("AddWorkers", "Will invoke SaveWorkerInfo()");

   // Inform the client that the number of workers has changed
   if (fDynamicStartup && gProofServ) {
      PDB(kGlobal, 3)
         Info("AddWorkers", "Will invoke SendParallel()");

      if (goMoreParallel && fPlayer) {
         // In case we are adding workers dynamically to an existing process, we
         // should invoke a special player's Process() to set only added workers
         // to the proper state
         PDB(kGlobal, 3)
            Info("AddWorkers", "Will send the PROCESS message to selected workers");

   // Cleanup
   delete addedWorkers;

   return 0;

Int_t TProof::RemoveWorkers(TList *workerList)
   // Used for shuting down the workres after a query is finished.
   // Sends each of the workers from the workerList, a kPROOF_STOP message.
   // If the workerList == 0, shutdown all the workers.

   if (!IsMaster()) {
      Error("RemoveWorkers", "RemoveWorkers can only be called on the master!");
      return -1;

   fFileMap.clear(); // This could be avoided if CopyFromCache was used in SendFile

   if (!workerList) {
      // shutdown all the workers
      TIter nxsl(fSlaves);
      TSlave *sl = 0;
      while ((sl = (TSlave *) nxsl())) {
         // Shut down the worker assumig that it is not processing

   } else {
      if (!(workerList->GetSize())) {
         Error("RemoveWorkers", "The list of workers should not be empty!");
         return -2;

      // Loop over all the workers and stop them
      TListIter next(workerList);
      TObject *to;
      TProofNodeInfo *worker;
      while ((to = next())) {
         TSlave *sl = 0;
         if (!strcmp(to->ClassName(), "TProofNodeInfo")) {
            // Get the next worker from the list
            worker = (TProofNodeInfo *)to;
            TIter nxsl(fSlaves);
            while ((sl = (TSlave *) nxsl())) {
               // Shut down the worker assumig that it is not processing
               if (sl->GetName() == worker->GetNodeName())
         } else if (to->InheritsFrom(TSlave::Class())) {
            sl = (TSlave *) to;
         } else {
            Warning("RemoveWorkers","unknown object type: %s - it should be"
                  " TProofNodeInfo or inheriting from TSlave", to->ClassName());
         // Shut down the worker assumig that it is not processing
         if (sl) {
            if (gDebug > 0)
               Info("RemoveWorkers","terminating worker %s", sl->GetOrdinal());

   // Update also the master counter
   if (gProofServ && fSlaves->GetSize() <= 0) gProofServ->ReleaseWorker("master");

   return 0;

Bool_t TProof::StartSlaves(Bool_t attach)
   // Start up PROOF slaves.

   // If this is a master server, find the config file and start slave
   // servers as specified in the config file
   if (TestBit(TProof::kIsMaster)) {

      Int_t pc = 0;
      TList *workerList = new TList;
      // Get list of workers
      if (gProofServ->GetWorkers(workerList, pc) == TProofServ::kQueryStop) {
         TString emsg("no resource currently available for this session: please retry later");
         if (gDebug > 0) Info("StartSlaves", "%s", emsg.Data());
         return kFALSE;
      // Setup the workers
      if (AddWorkers(workerList) < 0)
         return kFALSE;

   } else {

      // create master server
      Printf("Starting master: opening connection ...");
      TSlave *slave = CreateSubmaster(fUrl.GetUrl(), "0", "master", 0);

      if (slave->IsValid()) {

         // Notify
         fprintf(stderr,"Starting master:"
                        " connection open: setting up server ...             \r");
         StartupMessage("Connection to master opened", kTRUE, 1, 1);

         if (!attach) {

            // Set worker interrupt handler

            // Finalize setup of the server
            slave->SetupServ(TSlave::kMaster, fConfFile);

            if (slave->IsValid()) {

               // Notify
               Printf("Starting master: OK                                     ");
               StartupMessage("Master started", kTRUE, 1, 1);

               // check protocol compatibility
               // protocol 1 is not supported anymore
               if (fProtocol == 1) {
                        "client and remote protocols not compatible (%d and %d)",
                        kPROOF_Protocol, fProtocol);
                  delete slave;
                  return kFALSE;


               // Unset worker interrupt handler

               // Set interrupt PROOF handler from now on
               fIntHandler = new TProofInterruptHandler(this);

               // Give-up after 5 minutes
               Int_t rc = Collect(slave, 300);
               Int_t slStatus = slave->GetStatus();
               if (slStatus == -99 || slStatus == -98 || rc == 0) {
                  if (slStatus == -99)
                     Error("StartSlaves", "no resources available or problems setting up workers (check logs)");
                  else if (slStatus == -98)
                     Error("StartSlaves", "could not setup output redirection on master");
                     Error("StartSlaves", "setting up master");
                  delete slave;
                  return 0;

               if (!slave->IsValid()) {
                  delete slave;
                        "failed to setup connection with PROOF master server");
                  return kFALSE;

               if (!gROOT->IsBatch() && TestBit(kUseProgressDialog)) {
                  if ((fProgressDialog =
                     if (fProgressDialog->LoadPlugin() == -1)
                        fProgressDialog = 0;
            } else {
               // Notify
               Printf("Starting master: failure");
         } else {

            // Notify
            Printf("Starting master: OK                                     ");
            StartupMessage("Master attached", kTRUE, 1, 1);

            if (!gROOT->IsBatch() && TestBit(kUseProgressDialog)) {
               if ((fProgressDialog =
                  if (fProgressDialog->LoadPlugin() == -1)
                     fProgressDialog = 0;

            fIntHandler = new TProofInterruptHandler(this);

      } else {
         delete slave;
         // Notify only if verbosity is on: most likely the failure has already been notified
         if (gDebug > 0)
            Error("StartSlaves", "failed to create (or connect to) the PROOF master server");
         return kFALSE;

   return kTRUE;

void TProof::Close(Option_t *opt)
   // Close all open slave servers.
   // Client can decide to shutdown the remote session by passing option is 'S'
   // or 's'. Default for clients is detach, if supported. Masters always
   // shutdown the remote counterpart.

   {  R__LOCKGUARD2(fCloseMutex);

      fValid = kFALSE;
      if (fSlaves) {
         if (fIntHandler)

         TIter nxs(fSlaves);
         TSlave *sl = 0;
         while ((sl = (TSlave *)nxs()))



      if (fChains) {
         while (TChain *chain = dynamic_cast<TChain*> (fChains->First()) ) {
            // remove "chain" from list

      if (IsProofd()) {

         if (gProof && gProof == this) {
            // Set previous proofd-related as default
            TIter pvp(gROOT->GetListOfProofs(), kIterBackward);
            while ((gProof = (TProof *)pvp())) {
               if (gProof->IsProofd())

TSlave *TProof::CreateSlave(const char *url, const char *ord,
                            Int_t perf, const char *image, const char *workdir)
   // Create a new TSlave of type TSlave::kSlave.
   // Note: creation of TSlave is private with TProof as a friend.
   // Derived classes must use this function to create slaves.

   TSlave* sl = TSlave::Create(url, ord, perf, image,
                               this, TSlave::kSlave, workdir, 0);

   if (sl->IsValid()) {
      sl->SetInputHandler(new TProofInputHandler(this, sl->GetSocket()));
      // must set fParallel to 1 for slaves since they do not
      // report their fParallel with a LOG_DONE message
      sl->fParallel = 1;

   return sl;

TSlave *TProof::CreateSubmaster(const char *url, const char *ord,
                                const char *image, const char *msd, Int_t nwk)
   // Create a new TSlave of type TSlave::kMaster.
   // Note: creation of TSlave is private with TProof as a friend.
   // Derived classes must use this function to create slaves.

   TSlave *sl = TSlave::Create(url, ord, 100, image, this,
                               TSlave::kMaster, 0, msd, nwk);

   if (sl->IsValid()) {
      sl->SetInputHandler(new TProofInputHandler(this, sl->GetSocket()));

   return sl;

TSlave *TProof::FindSlave(TSocket *s) const
   // Find slave that has TSocket s. Returns 0 in case slave is not found.

   TSlave *sl;
   TIter   next(fSlaves);

   while ((sl = (TSlave *)next())) {
      if (sl->IsValid() && sl->GetSocket() == s)
         return sl;
   return 0;

void TProof::FindUniqueSlaves()
   // Add to the fUniqueSlave list the active slaves that have a unique
   // (user) file system image. This information is used to transfer files
   // only once to nodes that share a file system (an image). Submasters
   // which are not in fUniqueSlaves are put in the fNonUniqueMasters
   // list. That list is used to trigger the transferring of files to
   // the submaster's unique slaves without the need to transfer the file
   // to the submaster.


   TIter next(fActiveSlaves);

   while (TSlave *sl = dynamic_cast<TSlave*>(next())) {
      if (fImage == sl->fImage) {
         if (sl->GetSlaveType() == TSlave::kMaster) {

      TIter next2(fUniqueSlaves);
      TSlave *replace_slave = 0;
      Bool_t add = kTRUE;
      while (TSlave *sl2 = dynamic_cast<TSlave*>(next2())) {
         if (sl->fImage == sl2->fImage) {
            add = kFALSE;
            if (sl->GetSlaveType() == TSlave::kMaster) {
               if (sl2->GetSlaveType() == TSlave::kSlave) {
                  // give preference to master
                  replace_slave = sl2;
                  add = kTRUE;
               } else if (sl2->GetSlaveType() == TSlave::kMaster) {
               } else {
                  Error("FindUniqueSlaves", "TSlave is neither Master nor Slave");

      if (add) {
         if (replace_slave) {

   // will be actiavted in Collect()

Int_t TProof::GetNumberOfSlaves() const
   // Return number of slaves as described in the config file.

   return fSlaves->GetSize();

Int_t TProof::GetNumberOfActiveSlaves() const
   // Return number of active slaves, i.e. slaves that are valid and in
   // the current computing group.

   return fActiveSlaves->GetSize();

Int_t TProof::GetNumberOfInactiveSlaves() const
   // Return number of inactive slaves, i.e. slaves that are valid but not in
   // the current computing group.

   return fInactiveSlaves->GetSize();

Int_t TProof::GetNumberOfUniqueSlaves() const
   // Return number of unique slaves, i.e. active slaves that have each a
   // unique different user files system.

   return fUniqueSlaves->GetSize();

Int_t TProof::GetNumberOfBadSlaves() const
   // Return number of bad slaves. This are slaves that we in the config
   // file, but refused to startup or that died during the PROOF session.

   return fBadSlaves->GetSize();

void TProof::AskStatistics()
   // Ask the for the statistics of the slaves.

   if (!IsValid()) return;

   Broadcast(kPROOF_GETSTATS, kActive);
   Collect(kActive, fCollectTimeout);

void TProof::GetStatistics(Bool_t verbose)
   // Get statistics about CPU time, real time and bytes read.
   // If verbose, print the resuls (always available via GetCpuTime(), GetRealTime()
   // and GetBytesRead()

   if (fProtocol > 27) {
      // This returns the correct result
   } else {
      // AskStatistics is buggy: parse the output of Print()
      RedirectHandle_t rh;
      gSystem->RedirectOutput(fLogFileName, "a", &rh);
      gSystem->RedirectOutput(0, 0, &rh);
      TMacro *mp = GetLastLog();
      if (mp) {
         // Look for global directories
         TIter nxl(mp->GetListOfLines());
         TObjString *os = 0;
         while ((os = (TObjString *) nxl())) {
            TString s(os->GetName());
            if (s.Contains("Total MB's processed:")) {
               s.ReplaceAll("Total MB's processed:", "");
               if (s.IsFloat()) fBytesRead = (Long64_t) s.Atof() * (1024*1024);
            } else if (s.Contains("Total real time used (s):")) {
               s.ReplaceAll("Total real time used (s):", "");
               if (s.IsFloat()) fRealTime = s.Atof();
            } else if (s.Contains("Total CPU time used (s):")) {
               s.ReplaceAll("Total CPU time used (s):", "");
               if (s.IsFloat()) fCpuTime = s.Atof();
         delete mp;

   if (verbose) {
      Printf(" Real/CPU time (s): %.3f / %.3f; workers: %d; processed: %.2f MBs",
             GetRealTime(), GetCpuTime(), GetParallel(), float(GetBytesRead())/(1024*1024));

void TProof::AskParallel()
   // Ask the for the number of parallel slaves.

   if (!IsValid()) return;

   Broadcast(kPROOF_GETPARALLEL, kActive);
   Collect(kActive, fCollectTimeout);

TList *TProof::GetListOfQueries(Option_t *opt)
   // Ask the master for the list of queries.

   if (!IsValid() || TestBit(TProof::kIsMaster)) return (TList *)0;

   Bool_t all = ((strchr(opt,'A') || strchr(opt,'a'))) ? kTRUE : kFALSE;
   TMessage m(kPROOF_QUERYLIST);
   m << all;
   Broadcast(m, kActive);
   Collect(kActive, fCollectTimeout);

   // This should have been filled by now
   return fQueries;

Int_t TProof::GetNumberOfQueries()
   // Number of queries processed by this session

   if (fQueries)
      return fQueries->GetSize() - fOtherQueries;
   return 0;

void TProof::SetMaxDrawQueries(Int_t max)
   // Set max number of draw queries whose results are saved

   if (max > 0) {
      if (fPlayer)
      fMaxDrawQueries = max;

void TProof::GetMaxQueries()
   // Get max number of queries whose full results are kept in the
   // remote sandbox

   m << kFALSE;
   Broadcast(m, kActive);
   Collect(kActive, fCollectTimeout);

TList *TProof::GetQueryResults()
   // Return pointer to the list of query results in the player

   return (fPlayer ? fPlayer->GetListOfResults() : (TList *)0);

TQueryResult *TProof::GetQueryResult(const char *ref)
   // Return pointer to the full TQueryResult instance owned by the player
   // and referenced by 'ref'. If ref = 0 or "", return the last query result.

   return (fPlayer ? fPlayer->GetQueryResult(ref) : (TQueryResult *)0);

void TProof::ShowQueries(Option_t *opt)
   // Ask the master for the list of queries.
   // Options:
   //           "A"     show information about all the queries known to the
   //                   server, i.e. even those processed by other sessions
   //           "L"     show only information about queries locally available
   //                   i.e. already retrieved. If "L" is specified, "A" is
   //                   ignored.
   //           "F"     show all details available about queries
   //           "H"     print help menu
   // Default ""

   Bool_t help = ((strchr(opt,'H') || strchr(opt,'h'))) ? kTRUE : kFALSE;
   if (help) {

      // Help

      Printf("+++ Options: \"A\" show all queries known to server");
      Printf("+++          \"L\" show retrieved queries");
      Printf("+++          \"F\" full listing of query info");
      Printf("+++          \"H\" print this menu");
      Printf("+++ (case insensitive)");
      Printf("+++ Use Retrieve(<#>) to retrieve the full"
             " query results from the master");
      Printf("+++     e.g. Retrieve(8)");



   if (!IsValid()) return;

   Bool_t local = ((strchr(opt,'L') || strchr(opt,'l'))) ? kTRUE : kFALSE;

   TObject *pq = 0;
   if (!local) {

      if (!fQueries) return;

      TIter nxq(fQueries);

      // Queries processed by other sessions
      if (fOtherQueries > 0) {
         Printf("+++ Queries processed during other sessions: %d", fOtherQueries);
         Int_t nq = 0;
         while (nq++ < fOtherQueries && (pq = nxq()))

      // Queries processed by this session
      Printf("+++ Queries processed during this session: selector: %d, draw: %d",
              GetNumberOfQueries(), fDrawQueries);
      while ((pq = nxq()))

   } else {

      // Queries processed by this session
      Printf("+++ Queries processed during this session: selector: %d, draw: %d",
              GetNumberOfQueries(), fDrawQueries);

      // Queries available locally
      TList *listlocal = fPlayer ? fPlayer->GetListOfResults() : (TList *)0;
      if (listlocal) {
         Printf("+++ Queries available locally: %d", listlocal->GetSize());
         TIter nxlq(listlocal);
         while ((pq = nxlq()))

Bool_t TProof::IsDataReady(Long64_t &totalbytes, Long64_t &bytesready)
   // See if the data is ready to be analyzed.

   if (!IsValid()) return kFALSE;

   TList submasters;
   TIter nextSlave(GetListOfActiveSlaves());
   while (TSlave *sl = dynamic_cast<TSlave*>(nextSlave())) {
      if (sl->GetSlaveType() == TSlave::kMaster) {

   fDataReady = kTRUE; //see if any submasters set it to false
   fBytesReady = 0;
   fTotalBytes = 0;
   //loop over submasters and see if data is ready
   if (submasters.GetSize() > 0) {
      Broadcast(kPROOF_DATA_READY, &submasters);

   bytesready = fBytesReady;
   totalbytes = fTotalBytes;

   EmitVA("IsDataReady(Long64_t,Long64_t)", 2, totalbytes, bytesready);

      Info("IsDataReady", "%lld / %lld (%s)",
           bytesready, totalbytes, fDataReady?"READY":"NOT READY");

   return fDataReady;

void TProof::Interrupt(EUrgent type, ESlaves list)
   // Send interrupt to master or slave servers.

   if (!IsValid()) return;

   TList *slaves = 0;
   if (list == kAll)       slaves = fSlaves;
   if (list == kActive)    slaves = fActiveSlaves;
   if (list == kUnique)    slaves = fUniqueSlaves;
   if (list == kAllUnique) slaves = fAllUniqueSlaves;

   if (slaves->GetSize() == 0) return;

   TSlave *sl;
   TIter   next(slaves);

   while ((sl = (TSlave *)next())) {
      if (sl->IsValid()) {

         // Ask slave to progate the interrupt request

Int_t TProof::GetParallel() const
   // Returns number of slaves active in parallel mode. Returns 0 in case
   // there are no active slaves. Returns -1 in case of error.

   if (!IsValid()) return -1;

   // iterate over active slaves and return total number of slaves
   TIter nextSlave(GetListOfActiveSlaves());
   Int_t nparallel = 0;
   while (TSlave* sl = dynamic_cast<TSlave*>(nextSlave()))
      if (sl->GetParallel() >= 0)
         nparallel += sl->GetParallel();

   return nparallel;

TList *TProof::GetListOfSlaveInfos()
   // Returns list of TSlaveInfo's. In case of error return 0.

   if (!IsValid()) return 0;

   if (fSlaveInfo == 0) {
      fSlaveInfo = new TSortedList(kSortDescending);
   } else {

   TList masters;
   TIter next(GetListOfSlaves());
   TSlave *slave;

   while ((slave = (TSlave *) next()) != 0) {
      if (slave->GetSlaveType() == TSlave::kSlave) {
         const char *name = IsLite() ? gSystem->HostName() : slave->GetName();
         TSlaveInfo *slaveinfo = new TSlaveInfo(slave->GetOrdinal(),

         TIter nextactive(GetListOfActiveSlaves());
         TSlave *activeslave;
         while ((activeslave = (TSlave *) nextactive())) {
            if (TString(slaveinfo->GetOrdinal()) == activeslave->GetOrdinal()) {

         TIter nextbad(GetListOfBadSlaves());
         TSlave *badslave;
         while ((badslave = (TSlave *) nextbad())) {
            if (TString(slaveinfo->GetOrdinal()) == badslave->GetOrdinal()) {
         // Get system info if supported
         if (slave->IsValid()) {
            if (slave->GetSocket()->Send(kPROOF_GETSLAVEINFO) == -1)
               MarkBad(slave, "could not send kPROOF_GETSLAVEINFO message");

      } else if (slave->GetSlaveType() == TSlave::kMaster) {
         if (slave->IsValid()) {
            if (slave->GetSocket()->Send(kPROOF_GETSLAVEINFO) == -1)
               MarkBad(slave, "could not send kPROOF_GETSLAVEINFO message");
      } else {
         Error("GetSlaveInfo", "TSlave is neither Master nor Slave");
   if (masters.GetSize() > 0) Collect(&masters);

   return fSlaveInfo;

void TProof::Activate(TList *slaves)
   // Activate slave server list.

   TMonitor *mon = fAllMonitor;

   slaves = !slaves ? fActiveSlaves : slaves;

   TIter next(slaves);
   TSlave *sl;
   while ((sl = (TSlave*) next())) {
      if (sl->IsValid())

void TProof::SetMonitor(TMonitor *mon, Bool_t on)
   // Activate (on == TRUE) or deactivate (on == FALSE) all sockets
   // monitored by 'mon'.

   TMonitor *m = (mon) ? mon : fCurrentMonitor;
   if (m) {
      if (on)

Int_t TProof::BroadcastGroupPriority(const char *grp, Int_t priority, TList *workers)
   // Broadcast the group priority to all workers in the specified list. Returns
   // the number of workers the message was successfully sent to.
   // Returns -1 in case of error.

   if (!IsValid()) return -1;

   if (workers->GetSize() == 0) return 0;

   int   nsent = 0;
   TIter next(workers);

   TSlave *wrk;
   while ((wrk = (TSlave *)next())) {
      if (wrk->IsValid()) {
         if (wrk->SendGroupPriority(grp, priority) == -1)
            MarkBad(wrk, "could not send group priority");

   return nsent;

Int_t TProof::BroadcastGroupPriority(const char *grp, Int_t priority, ESlaves list)
   // Broadcast the group priority to all workers in the specified list. Returns
   // the number of workers the message was successfully sent to.
   // Returns -1 in case of error.

   TList *workers = 0;
   if (list == kAll)       workers = fSlaves;
   if (list == kActive)    workers = fActiveSlaves;
   if (list == kUnique)    workers = fUniqueSlaves;
   if (list == kAllUnique) workers = fAllUniqueSlaves;

   return BroadcastGroupPriority(grp, priority, workers);

void TProof::ResetMergePrg()
   // Reset the merge progress notificator


Int_t TProof::Broadcast(const TMessage &mess, TList *slaves)
   // Broadcast a message to all slaves in the specified list. Returns
   // the number of slaves the message was successfully sent to.
   // Returns -1 in case of error.

   if (!IsValid()) return -1;

   if (!slaves || slaves->GetSize() == 0) return 0;

   int   nsent = 0;
   TIter next(slaves);

   TSlave *sl;
   while ((sl = (TSlave *)next())) {
      if (sl->IsValid()) {
         if (sl->GetSocket()->Send(mess) == -1)
            MarkBad(sl, "could not broadcast request");

   return nsent;

Int_t TProof::Broadcast(const TMessage &mess, ESlaves list)
   // Broadcast a message to all slaves in the specified list (either
   // all slaves or only the active slaves). Returns the number of slaves
   // the message was successfully sent to. Returns -1 in case of error.

   TList *slaves = 0;
   if (list == kAll)       slaves = fSlaves;
   if (list == kActive)    slaves = fActiveSlaves;
   if (list == kUnique)    slaves = fUniqueSlaves;
   if (list == kAllUnique) slaves = fAllUniqueSlaves;

   return Broadcast(mess, slaves);

Int_t TProof::Broadcast(const char *str, Int_t kind, TList *slaves)
   // Broadcast a character string buffer to all slaves in the specified
   // list. Use kind to set the TMessage what field. Returns the number of
   // slaves the message was sent to. Returns -1 in case of error.

   TMessage mess(kind);
   if (str) mess.WriteString(str);
   return Broadcast(mess, slaves);

Int_t TProof::Broadcast(const char *str, Int_t kind, ESlaves list)
   // Broadcast a character string buffer to all slaves in the specified
   // list (either all slaves or only the active slaves). Use kind to
   // set the TMessage what field. Returns the number of slaves the message
   // was sent to. Returns -1 in case of error.

   TMessage mess(kind);
   if (str) mess.WriteString(str);
   return Broadcast(mess, list);

Int_t TProof::BroadcastObject(const TObject *obj, Int_t kind, TList *slaves)
   // Broadcast an object to all slaves in the specified list. Use kind to
   // set the TMEssage what field. Returns the number of slaves the message
   // was sent to. Returns -1 in case of error.

   TMessage mess(kind);
   return Broadcast(mess, slaves);

Int_t TProof::BroadcastObject(const TObject *obj, Int_t kind, ESlaves list)
   // Broadcast an object to all slaves in the specified list. Use kind to
   // set the TMEssage what field. Returns the number of slaves the message
   // was sent to. Returns -1 in case of error.

   TMessage mess(kind);
   return Broadcast(mess, list);

Int_t TProof::BroadcastRaw(const void *buffer, Int_t length, TList *slaves)
   // Broadcast a raw buffer of specified length to all slaves in the
   // specified list. Returns the number of slaves the buffer was sent to.
   // Returns -1 in case of error.

   if (!IsValid()) return -1;

   if (slaves->GetSize() == 0) return 0;

   int   nsent = 0;
   TIter next(slaves);

   TSlave *sl;
   while ((sl = (TSlave *)next())) {
      if (sl->IsValid()) {
         if (sl->GetSocket()->SendRaw(buffer, length) == -1)
            MarkBad(sl, "could not send broadcast-raw request");

   return nsent;

Int_t TProof::BroadcastRaw(const void *buffer, Int_t length, ESlaves list)
   // Broadcast a raw buffer of specified length to all slaves in the
   // specified list. Returns the number of slaves the buffer was sent to.
   // Returns -1 in case of error.

   TList *slaves = 0;
   if (list == kAll)       slaves = fSlaves;
   if (list == kActive)    slaves = fActiveSlaves;
   if (list == kUnique)    slaves = fUniqueSlaves;
   if (list == kAllUnique) slaves = fAllUniqueSlaves;

   return BroadcastRaw(buffer, length, slaves);

Int_t TProof::BroadcastFile(const char *file, Int_t opt, const char *rfile, TList *wrks)
   // Broadcast file to all workers in the specified list. Returns the number of workers
   // the buffer was sent to.
   // Returns -1 in case of error.

   if (!IsValid()) return -1;

   if (wrks->GetSize() == 0) return 0;

   int   nsent = 0;
   TIter next(wrks);

   TSlave *wrk;
   while ((wrk = (TSlave *)next())) {
      if (wrk->IsValid()) {
         if (SendFile(file, opt, rfile, wrk) < 0)
                  "problems sending file to worker %s (%s)",
                  wrk->GetOrdinal(), wrk->GetName());

   return nsent;

Int_t TProof::BroadcastFile(const char *file, Int_t opt, const char *rfile, ESlaves list)
   // Broadcast file to all workers in the specified list. Returns the number of workers
   // the buffer was sent to.
   // Returns -1 in case of error.

   TList *wrks = 0;
   if (list == kAll)       wrks = fSlaves;
   if (list == kActive)    wrks = fActiveSlaves;
   if (list == kUnique)    wrks = fUniqueSlaves;
   if (list == kAllUnique) wrks = fAllUniqueSlaves;

   return BroadcastFile(file, opt, rfile, wrks);

void TProof::ReleaseMonitor(TMonitor *mon)
   // Release the used monitor to be used, making sure to delete newly created
   // monitors.

   if (mon && (mon != fAllMonitor) && (mon != fActiveMonitor)
           && (mon != fUniqueMonitor) && (mon != fAllUniqueMonitor)) {
      delete mon;

Int_t TProof::Collect(const TSlave *sl, Long_t timeout, Int_t endtype, Bool_t deactonfail)
   // Collect responses from slave sl. Returns the number of slaves that
   // responded (=1).
   // If timeout >= 0, wait at most timeout seconds (timeout = -1 by default,
   // which means wait forever).
   // If defined (>= 0) endtype is the message that stops this collection.

   Int_t rc = 0;

   TMonitor *mon = 0;
   if (!sl->IsValid()) return 0;

   if (fCurrentMonitor == fAllMonitor) {
      mon = new TMonitor;
   } else {
      mon = fAllMonitor;

   rc = Collect(mon, timeout, endtype, deactonfail);
   return rc;

Int_t TProof::Collect(TList *slaves, Long_t timeout, Int_t endtype, Bool_t deactonfail)
   // Collect responses from the slave servers. Returns the number of slaves
   // that responded.
   // If timeout >= 0, wait at most timeout seconds (timeout = -1 by default,
   // which means wait forever).
   // If defined (>= 0) endtype is the message that stops this collection.

   Int_t rc = 0;

   TMonitor *mon = 0;

   if (fCurrentMonitor == fAllMonitor) {
      mon = new TMonitor;
   } else {
      mon = fAllMonitor;
   TIter next(slaves);
   TSlave *sl;
   while ((sl = (TSlave*) next())) {
      if (sl->IsValid())

   rc = Collect(mon, timeout, endtype, deactonfail);
   return rc;

Int_t TProof::Collect(ESlaves list, Long_t timeout, Int_t endtype, Bool_t deactonfail)
   // Collect responses from the slave servers. Returns the number of slaves
   // that responded.
   // If timeout >= 0, wait at most timeout seconds (timeout = -1 by default,
   // which means wait forever).
   // If defined (>= 0) endtype is the message that stops this collection.

   Int_t rc = 0;
   TMonitor *mon = 0;

   if (list == kAll)       mon = fAllMonitor;
   if (list == kActive)    mon = fActiveMonitor;
   if (list == kUnique)    mon = fUniqueMonitor;
   if (list == kAllUnique) mon = fAllUniqueMonitor;
   if (fCurrentMonitor == mon) {
      // Get a copy
      mon = new TMonitor(*mon);

   rc = Collect(mon, timeout, endtype, deactonfail);
   return rc;

Int_t TProof::Collect(TMonitor *mon, Long_t timeout, Int_t endtype, Bool_t deactonfail)
   // Collect responses from the slave servers. Returns the number of messages
   // received. Can be 0 if there are no active slaves.
   // If timeout >= 0, wait at most timeout seconds (timeout = -1 by default,
   // which means wait forever).
   // If defined (>= 0) endtype is the message that stops this collection.
   // Collect also stops its execution from time to time to check for new
   // workers in Dynamic Startup mode.

   Int_t collectId = gRandom->Integer(9999);

   PDB(kCollect, 3)
      Info("Collect", ">>>>>> Entering collect responses #%04d", collectId);

   // Reset the status flag and clear the messages in the list, if any
   fStatus = 0;

   Long_t actto = (Long_t)(gEnv->GetValue("Proof.SocketActivityTimeout", -1) * 1000);

   if (!mon->GetActive(actto)) return 0;


   // Used by external code to know what we are monitoring
   TMonitor *savedMonitor = 0;
   if (fCurrentMonitor) {
      savedMonitor = fCurrentMonitor;
      fCurrentMonitor = mon;
   } else {
      fCurrentMonitor = mon;
      fBytesRead = 0;
      fRealTime  = 0.0;
      fCpuTime   = 0.0;

   // We want messages on the main window during synchronous collection,
   // but we save the present status to restore it at the end
   Bool_t saveRedirLog = fRedirLog;
   if (!IsIdle() && !IsSync())
      fRedirLog = kFALSE;

   int cnt = 0, rc = 0;

   // Timeout counter
   Long_t nto = timeout;
   PDB(kCollect, 2)
      Info("Collect","active: %d", mon->GetActive());

   // On clients, handle Ctrl-C during collection
   if (fIntHandler)

   // Sockets w/o activity during the last 'sto' millisecs are deactivated
   Int_t nact = 0;
   Long_t sto = -1;
   Int_t nsto = 60;
   while ((nact = mon->GetActive(sto)) && (nto < 0 || nto > 0)) {

      // Dump last waiting sockets, if in debug mode
      PDB(kCollect, 2) {
         if (nact < 4) {
            TList *al = mon->GetListOfActives();
            if (al && al->GetSize() > 0) {
               Info("Collect"," %d node(s) still active:", al->GetSize());
               TIter nxs(al);
               TSocket *xs = 0;
               while ((xs = (TSocket *)nxs())) {
                  TSlave *wrk = FindSlave(xs);
                  if (wrk)
                     Info("Collect","   %s (%s)", wrk->GetName(), wrk->GetOrdinal());
                     Info("Collect","   %p: %s:%d", xs, xs->GetInetAddress().GetHostName(),

      // Preemptive poll for new workers on the master only in Dynamic Mode and only
      // during processing (TODO: should work on Top Master only)
      if (TestBit(TProof::kIsMaster) && !IsIdle() && fDynamicStartup && !fIsPollingWorkers &&
         ((fLastPollWorkers_s == -1) || (time(0)-fLastPollWorkers_s >= kPROOF_DynWrkPollInt_s))) {
         fIsPollingWorkers = kTRUE;
         fLastPollWorkers_s = time(0);
         fIsPollingWorkers = kFALSE;

      // Wait for a ready socket
      PDB(kCollect, 3)
         Info("Collect", "Will invoke Select() #%04d", collectId);
      TSocket *s = mon->Select(1000);

      if (s && s != (TSocket *)(-1)) {
         // Get and analyse the info it did receive
         rc = CollectInputFrom(s, endtype, deactonfail);
         if (rc  == 1 || (rc == 2 && !savedMonitor)) {
            // Deactivate it if we are done with it
            PDB(kCollect, 2)
               Info("Collect","deactivating %p (active: %d, %p)",
                              s, mon->GetActive(),
         } else if (rc == 2) {
            // This end message was for the saved monitor
            // Deactivate it if we are done with it
            if (savedMonitor) {
               PDB(kCollect, 2)
                  Info("Collect","save monitor: deactivating %p (active: %d, %p)",
                                 s, savedMonitor->GetActive(),

         // Update counter (if no error occured)
         if (rc >= 0)
      } else {
         // If not timed-out, exit if not stopped or not aborted
         // (player exits status is finished in such a case); otherwise,
         // we still need to collect the partial output info
         if (!s)
            if (fPlayer && (fPlayer->GetExitStatus() == TVirtualProofPlayer::kFinished))
         // Decrease the timeout counter if requested
         if (s == (TSocket *)(-1) && nto > 0)

      // Check if there are workers with ready output to be sent and ask the first to send it
      if (IsMaster() && fWrksOutputReady && fWrksOutputReady->GetSize() > 0) {
         // Maximum number of concurrent sendings
         Int_t mxws = gEnv->GetValue("Proof.ControlSendOutput", 1);
         if (TProof::GetParameter(fPlayer->GetInputList(), "PROOF_ControlSendOutput", mxws) != 0)
            mxws = gEnv->GetValue("Proof.ControlSendOutput", 1);
         TIter nxwr(fWrksOutputReady);
         TSlave *wrk = 0;
         while (mxws && (wrk = (TSlave *) nxwr())) {
            if (!wrk->TestBit(TSlave::kOutputRequested)) {
               // Ask worker for output
               TMessage sendoutput(kPROOF_SENDOUTPUT);
               PDB(kCollect, 2)
                  Info("Collect", "worker %s was asked to send its output to master",
               if (wrk->GetSocket()->Send(sendoutput) != 1) {
            } else {
               // Count

      // Check if we need to check the socket activity (we do it every 10 cycles ~ 10 sec)
      sto = -1;
      if (--nsto <= 0) {
         sto = (Long_t) actto;
         nsto = 60;

   } // end loop over active monitors

   // If timed-out, deactivate the remaining sockets
   if (nto == 0) {
      TList *al = mon->GetListOfActives();
      if (al && al->GetSize() > 0) {
         // Notify the name of those which did timeout
         Info("Collect"," %d node(s) went in timeout:", al->GetSize());
         TIter nxs(al);
         TSocket *xs = 0;
         while ((xs = (TSocket *)nxs())) {
            TSlave *wrk = FindSlave(xs);
            if (wrk)
               Info("Collect","   %s", wrk->GetName());
               Info("Collect","   %p: %s:%d", xs, xs->GetInetAddress().GetHostName(),

   // Deactivate Ctrl-C special handler
   if (fIntHandler)

   // make sure group view is up to date

   // Restore redirection setting
   fRedirLog = saveRedirLog;

   // Restore the monitor
   fCurrentMonitor = savedMonitor;


   PDB(kCollect, 3)
      Info("Collect", "<<<<<< Exiting collect responses #%04d", collectId);

   return cnt;

Int_t TProof::PollForNewWorkers()
   // Asks the PROOF Serv for new workers in Dynamic Startup mode and activates
   // them. Returns the number of new workers found, or <0 on errors.

   // Requests for worker updates
   Int_t dummy = 0;
   TList *reqWorkers = new TList();

   if (!TestBit(TProof::kIsMaster)) {
      Error("PollForNewWorkers", "Can't invoke: not on a master -- should not happen!");
      return -1;
   if (!gProofServ) {
      Error("PollForNewWorkers", "No ProofServ available -- should not happen!");
      return -1;

   gProofServ->GetWorkers(reqWorkers, dummy, kTRUE);  // last 2 are dummy

   // List of new workers only (TProofNodeInfo)
   TList *newWorkers = new TList();

   TIter next(reqWorkers);
   TProofNodeInfo *ni;
   TString fullOrd;
   while (( ni = dynamic_cast<TProofNodeInfo *>(next()) )) {

      // Form the full ordinal
      fullOrd.Form("%s.%s", gProofServ->GetOrdinal(), ni->GetOrdinal().Data());

      TIter nextInner(fSlaves);
      TSlave *sl;
      Bool_t found = kFALSE;
      while (( sl = dynamic_cast<TSlave *>(nextInner()) )) {
         if ( strcmp(sl->GetOrdinal(), fullOrd.Data()) == 0 ) {
            found = kTRUE;

      if (found) delete ni;
      else {
         PDB(kGlobal, 1)
            Info("PollForNewWorkers", "New worker found: %s:%s",
               ni->GetNodeName().Data(), fullOrd.Data());

   delete reqWorkers;  // not owner

   Int_t nNewWorkers = newWorkers->GetEntries();

   // Add the new workers
   if (nNewWorkers > 0) {
      PDB(kGlobal, 1)
         Info("PollForNewWorkers", "Requesting to add %d new worker(s)", newWorkers->GetEntries());
      Int_t rv = AddWorkers(newWorkers);
      if (rv < 0) {
         Error("PollForNewWorkers", "Call to AddWorkers() failed (got %d < 0)", rv);
         return -1;
      // Don't delete newWorkers: AddWorkers() will do that
   else {
      PDB(kGlobal, 2)
         Info("PollForNewWorkers", "No new worker found");
      delete newWorkers;

   return nNewWorkers;

void TProof::CleanGDirectory(TList *ol)
   // Remove links to objects in list 'ol' from gDirectory

   if (ol) {
      TIter nxo(ol);
      TObject *o = 0;
      while ((o = nxo()))

Int_t TProof::CollectInputFrom(TSocket *s, Int_t endtype, Bool_t deactonfail)
   // Collect and analyze available input from socket s.
   // Returns 0 on success, -1 if any failure occurs.

   TMessage *mess;

   Int_t recvrc = 0;
   if ((recvrc = s->Recv(mess)) < 0) {
         Info("CollectInputFrom","%p: got %d from Recv()", s, recvrc);
      Bool_t bad = kTRUE;
      if (recvrc == -5) {
         // Broken connection: try reconnection
         if (fCurrentMonitor) fCurrentMonitor->Remove(s);
         if (s->Reconnect() == 0) {
            if (fCurrentMonitor) fCurrentMonitor->Add(s);
            bad = kFALSE;
      if (bad)
         MarkBad(s, "problems receiving a message in TProof::CollectInputFrom(...)");
      // Ignore this wake up
      return -1;
   if (!mess) {
      // we get here in case the remote server died
      MarkBad(s, "undefined message in TProof::CollectInputFrom(...)");
      return -1;
   Int_t rc = 0;

   Int_t what = mess->What();
   TSlave *sl = FindSlave(s);
   rc = HandleInputMessage(sl, mess, deactonfail);
   if (rc == 1 && (endtype >= 0) && (what != endtype))
      // This message was for the base monitor in recursive case
      rc = 2;

   // We are done successfully
   return rc;

Int_t TProof::HandleInputMessage(TSlave *sl, TMessage *mess, Bool_t deactonfail)
   // Analyze the received message.
   // Returns 0 on success (1 if this the last message from this socket), -1 if
   // any failure occurs.

   char str[512];
   TObject *obj;
   Int_t rc = 0;

   if (!mess || !sl) {
      Warning("HandleInputMessage", "given an empty message or undefined worker");
      return -1;
   Bool_t delete_mess = kTRUE;
   TSocket *s = sl->GetSocket();
   if (!s) {
      Warning("HandleInputMessage", "worker socket is undefined");
      return -1;

   // The message type
   Int_t what = mess->What();

      Info("HandleInputMessage", "got type %d from '%s'", what, sl->GetOrdinal());

   switch (what) {

      case kMESS_OK:
         // Add the message to the list
         delete_mess = kFALSE;

      case kMESS_OBJECT:
         if (fPlayer) fPlayer->HandleRecvHisto(mess);

      case kPROOF_FATAL:
         {  TString msg;
            if ((mess->BufferSize() > mess->Length()))
               (*mess) >> msg;
            if (msg.IsNull()) {
               MarkBad(s, "received kPROOF_FATAL");
            } else {
               MarkBad(s, msg);
         if (fProgressDialogStarted) {
            // Finalize the progress dialog
            Emit("StopProcess(Bool_t)", kTRUE);

      case kPROOF_STOP:
         // Stop collection from this worker
         Info("HandleInputMessage", "received kPROOF_STOP from %s: disabling any further collection this worker",
         rc = 1;

         // Add the message to the list
         delete_mess = kFALSE;
         rc = 1;

      case kPROOF_TOUCH:
         // send a request for touching the remote admin file

      case kPROOF_GETOBJECT:
         // send slave object it asks for
         mess->ReadString(str, sizeof(str));
         obj = gDirectory->Get(str);
         if (obj)

      case kPROOF_GETPACKET:
            TDSetElement *elem = 0;
            elem = fPlayer ? fPlayer->GetNextPacket(sl, mess) : 0;

            if (elem != (TDSetElement*) -1) {
               TMessage answ(kPROOF_GETPACKET);
               answ << elem;

               while (fWaitingSlaves != 0 && fWaitingSlaves->GetSize()) {
                  TPair *p = (TPair*) fWaitingSlaves->First();
                  s = (TSocket*) p->Key();
                  TMessage *m = (TMessage*) p->Value();

                  elem = fPlayer ? fPlayer->GetNextPacket(sl, m) : 0;
                  if (elem != (TDSetElement*) -1) {
                     TMessage a(kPROOF_GETPACKET);
                     a << elem;
                     // remove has to happen via Links because TPair does not have
                     // a Compare() function and therefore RemoveFirst() and
                     // Remove(TObject*) do not work
                     delete p;
                     delete m;
                  } else {
            } else {
               if (fWaitingSlaves == 0) fWaitingSlaves = new TList;
               fWaitingSlaves->Add(new TPair(s, mess));
               delete_mess = kFALSE;

      case kPROOF_LOGFILE:
            Int_t size;
            (*mess) >> size;
               Info("HandleInputMessage","%s: kPROOF_LOGFILE: size: %d", sl->GetOrdinal(), size);
            RecvLogFile(s, size);

      case kPROOF_LOGDONE:
         (*mess) >> sl->fStatus >> sl->fParallel;
            Info("HandleInputMessage","%s: kPROOF_LOGDONE: status %d  parallel %d",
                 sl->GetOrdinal(), sl->fStatus, sl->fParallel);
         if (sl->fStatus != 0) {
            // Return last nonzero status
            fStatus = sl->fStatus;
            // Deactivate the worker, if required
            if (deactonfail) DeactivateWorker(sl->fOrdinal);
         // Remove from the workers-ready list
         if (fWrksOutputReady && fWrksOutputReady->FindObject(sl)) {
         rc = 1;

      case kPROOF_GETSTATS:
            (*mess) >> sl->fBytesRead >> sl->fRealTime >> sl->fCpuTime
                  >> sl->fWorkDir >> sl->fProofWorkDir;
            TString img;
            if ((mess->BufferSize() > mess->Length()))
               (*mess) >> img;
            // Set image
            if (img.IsNull()) {
               if (sl->fImage.IsNull())
                  sl->fImage.Form("%s:%s", TUrl(sl->fName).GetHostFQDN(),
            } else {
               sl->fImage = img;
                        "kPROOF_GETSTATS:%s image: %s", sl->GetOrdinal(), sl->GetImage());

            fBytesRead += sl->fBytesRead;
            fRealTime  += sl->fRealTime;
            fCpuTime   += sl->fCpuTime;
            rc = 1;

            Bool_t async = kFALSE;
            (*mess) >> sl->fParallel;
            if ((mess->BufferSize() > mess->Length()))
               (*mess) >> async;
            rc = (async) ? 0 : 1;

      case kPROOF_CHECKFILE:
         {  // New servers (>= 5.22) send the status
            if ((mess->BufferSize() > mess->Length())) {
               (*mess) >> fCheckFileStatus;
            } else {
               // Form old servers this meant success (failure was signaled with the
               // dangerous kPROOF_FATAL)
               fCheckFileStatus = 1;
            rc = 1;

      case kPROOF_SENDFILE:
         {  // New server: signals ending of sendfile operation
            rc = 1;

            PDB(kGlobal,2) Info("HandleInputMessage","kPROOF_PACKAGE_LIST: enter");
            Int_t type = 0;
            (*mess) >> type;
            switch (type) {
            case TProof::kListEnabledPackages:
               fEnabledPackages = (TList *) mess->ReadObject(TList::Class());
               if (fEnabledPackages) {
               } else {
                        "kPROOF_PACKAGE_LIST: kListEnabledPackages: TList not found in message!");
            case TProof::kListPackages:
               fAvailablePackages = (TList *) mess->ReadObject(TList::Class());
               if (fAvailablePackages) {
               } else {
                        "kPROOF_PACKAGE_LIST: kListPackages: TList not found in message!");
               Error("HandleInputMessage", "kPROOF_PACKAGE_LIST: unknown type: %d", type);

         {  // Worker is ready to send output: make sure the relevant bit is reset
               Info("HandleInputMessage","kPROOF_SENDOUTPUT: enter (%s)", sl->GetOrdinal());
            // Create the list if not yet done
            if (!fWrksOutputReady) {
               fWrksOutputReady = new TList;

               Info("HandleInputMessage","kPROOF_OUTPUTOBJECT: enter");
            Int_t type = 0;
            const char *prefix = gProofServ ? gProofServ->GetPrefix() : "Lite-0";
            if (!TestBit(TProof::kIsClient) && !fMergersSet && !fFinalizationRunning) {
               Info("HandleInputMessage", "finalization on %s started ...", prefix);
               fFinalizationRunning = kTRUE;

            while ((mess->BufferSize() > mess->Length())) {
               (*mess) >> type;
               // If a query result header, add it to the player list
               if (fPlayer) {
                  if (type == 0) {
                     // Retrieve query result instance (output list not filled)
                     TQueryResult *pq =
                        (TQueryResult *) mess->ReadObject(TQueryResult::Class());
                     if (pq) {
                        // Add query to the result list in TProofPlayer
                        // And clear the output list, as we start merging a new set of results
                        if (fPlayer->GetOutputList())
                        // Add the unique query tag as TNamed object to the input list
                        // so that it is available in TSelectors for monitoring
                        TString qid = TString::Format("%s:%s",pq->GetTitle(),pq->GetName());
                        if (fPlayer->GetInputList()->FindObject("PROOF_QueryTag"))
                        fPlayer->AddInput(new TNamed("PROOF_QueryTag", qid.Data()));
                     } else {
                        Warning("HandleInputMessage","kPROOF_OUTPUTOBJECT: query result missing");
                  } else if (type > 0) {
                     // Read object
                     TObject *o = mess->ReadObject(TObject::Class());
                     // Increment counter on the client side
                     TString msg;
                     Bool_t changed = kFALSE;
                     msg.Form("%s: merging output objects ... %s", prefix, fMergePrg.Export(changed));
                     if (gProofServ) {
                        gProofServ->SendAsynMessage(msg.Data(), kFALSE);
                     } else if (IsTty() || changed) {
                        fprintf(stderr, "%s\r", msg.Data());
                     // Add or merge it
                     if ((fPlayer->AddOutputObject(o) == 1)) {
                        // Remove the object if it has been merged
                     if (type > 1) {
                        // Update the merger progress info
                        if (TestBit(TProof::kIsClient) && !IsLite()) {
                           // In PROOFLite this has to be done once only in TProofLite::Process
                           TQueryResult *pq = fPlayer->GetCurrentQuery();
                           if (pq) {
                              pq->SetOutputList(fPlayer->GetOutputList(), kFALSE);
                              // Add input objects (do not override remote settings, if any)
                              TObject *xo = 0;
                              TIter nxin(fPlayer->GetInputList());
                              // Servers prior to 5.28/00 do not create the input list in the TQueryResult
                              if (!pq->GetInputList()) pq->SetInputList(new TList());
                              while ((xo = nxin()))
                                 if (!pq->GetInputList()->FindObject(xo->GetName()))
                              // If the last object, notify the GUI that the result arrived
                              QueryResultReady(TString::Format("%s:%s", pq->GetTitle(), pq->GetName()));
                           // Processing is over
               } else {
                  Warning("HandleInputMessage", "kPROOF_OUTPUTOBJECT: player undefined!");

               Info("HandleInputMessage","%s: kPROOF_OUTPUTLIST: enter", sl->GetOrdinal());
            TList *out = 0;
            if (fPlayer) {
               if (TestBit(TProof::kIsMaster) || fProtocol < 7) {
                  out = (TList *) mess->ReadObject(TList::Class());
               } else {
                  TQueryResult *pq =
                     (TQueryResult *) mess->ReadObject(TQueryResult::Class());
                  if (pq) {
                     // Add query to the result list in TProofPlayer
                     // To avoid accidental cleanups from anywhere else
                     // remove objects from gDirectory and clone the list
                     out = pq->GetOutputList();
                     out = (TList *) out->Clone();
                     // Notify the GUI that the result arrived
                     QueryResultReady(TString::Format("%s:%s", pq->GetTitle(), pq->GetName()));
                  } else {
                             "%s: kPROOF_OUTPUTLIST: query result missing", sl->GetOrdinal());
               if (out) {
                  fPlayer->AddOutput(out); // Incorporate the list
               } else {
                          "%s: kPROOF_OUTPUTLIST: outputlist is empty", sl->GetOrdinal());
            } else {
                       "%s: kPROOF_OUTPUTLIST: player undefined!", sl->GetOrdinal());
            // On clients at this point processing is over
            if (TestBit(TProof::kIsClient) && !IsLite())

      case kPROOF_QUERYLIST:
            PDB(kGlobal,2) Info("HandleInputMessage","kPROOF_QUERYLIST: enter");
            (*mess) >> fOtherQueries >> fDrawQueries;
            if (fQueries) {
               delete fQueries;
               fQueries = 0;
            fQueries = (TList *) mess->ReadObject(TList::Class());

      case kPROOF_RETRIEVE:
            PDB(kGlobal,2) Info("HandleInputMessage","kPROOF_RETRIEVE: enter");
            TQueryResult *pq =
               (TQueryResult *) mess->ReadObject(TQueryResult::Class());
            if (pq && fPlayer) {
               // Notify the GUI that the result arrived
               QueryResultReady(TString::Format("%s:%s", pq->GetTitle(), pq->GetName()));
            } else {
                       "kPROOF_RETRIEVE: query result missing or player undefined");

            PDB(kGlobal,2) Info("HandleInputMessage","kPROOF_MAXQUERIES: enter");
            Int_t max = 0;

            (*mess) >> max;
            Printf("Number of queries fully kept remotely: %d", max);

            PDB(kGlobal,2) Info("HandleInputMessage","kPROOF_SERVERSTARTED: enter");

            UInt_t tot = 0, done = 0;
            TString action;
            Bool_t st = kTRUE;

            (*mess) >> action >> tot >> done >> st;

            if (TestBit(TProof::kIsClient)) {
               if (tot) {
                  TString type = (action.Contains("submas")) ? "submasters"
                                                             : "workers";
                  Int_t frac = (Int_t) (done*100.)/tot;
                  char msg[512] = {0};
                  if (frac >= 100) {
                     snprintf(msg, 512, "%s: OK (%d %s)                 \n",
                             action.Data(),tot, type.Data());
                  } else {
                     snprintf(msg, 512, "%s: %d out of %d (%d %%)\r",
                             action.Data(), done, tot, frac);
                  if (fSync)
                     fprintf(stderr,"%s", msg);
                     NotifyLogMsg(msg, 0);
               // Notify GUIs
               StartupMessage(action.Data(), st, (Int_t)done, (Int_t)tot);
            } else {

               // Just send the message one level up
               TMessage m(kPROOF_SERVERSTARTED);
               m << action << tot << done << st;

            PDB(kGlobal,2) Info("HandleInputMessage","kPROOF_DATASET_STATUS: enter");

            UInt_t tot = 0, done = 0;
            TString action;
            Bool_t st = kTRUE;

            (*mess) >> action >> tot >> done >> st;

            if (TestBit(TProof::kIsClient)) {
               if (tot) {
                  TString type = "files";
                  Int_t frac = (Int_t) (done*100.)/tot;
                  char msg[512] = {0};
                  if (frac >= 100) {
                     snprintf(msg, 512, "%s: OK (%d %s)                 \n",
                             action.Data(),tot, type.Data());
                  } else {
                     snprintf(msg, 512, "%s: %d out of %d (%d %%)\r",
                             action.Data(), done, tot, frac);
                  if (fSync)
                     fprintf(stderr,"%s", msg);
                     NotifyLogMsg(msg, 0);
               // Notify GUIs
               DataSetStatus(action.Data(), st, (Int_t)done, (Int_t)tot);
            } else {

               // Just send the message one level up
               TMessage m(kPROOF_DATASET_STATUS);
               m << action << tot << done << st;

            PDB(kGlobal,2) Info("HandleInputMessage","kPROOF_STARTPROCESS: enter");

            // For Proof-Lite this variable is the number of workers and is set
            // by the player
            if (!IsLite()) {
               fNotIdle = 1;
               fIsWaiting = kFALSE;

            // Redirect the output, if needed
            fRedirLog = (fSync) ? fRedirLog : kTRUE;

            // The signal is used on masters by XrdProofdProtocol to catch
            // the start of processing; on clients it allows to update the
            // progress dialog
            if (!TestBit(TProof::kIsMaster)) {
               TString selec;
               Int_t dsz = -1;
               Long64_t first = -1, nent = -1;
               (*mess) >> selec >> dsz >> first >> nent;
               // Start or reset the progress dialog
               if (!gROOT->IsBatch()) {
                  if (fProgressDialog &&
                      !TestBit(kUsingSessionGui) && TestBit(kUseProgressDialog)) {
                     if (!fProgressDialogStarted) {
                        fProgressDialog->ExecPlugin(5, this,
                                                   selec.Data(), dsz, first, nent);
                        fProgressDialogStarted = kTRUE;
                     } else {
                        ResetProgressDialog(selec, dsz, first, nent);

      case kPROOF_ENDINIT:
            PDB(kGlobal,2) Info("HandleInputMessage","kPROOF_ENDINIT: enter");

            if (TestBit(TProof::kIsMaster)) {
               if (fPlayer)

      case kPROOF_SETIDLE:
               Info("HandleInputMessage","kPROOF_SETIDLE: enter");

            // The session is idle
            if (IsLite()) {
               if (fNotIdle > 0) {
                     Info("HandleInputMessage", "%s: got kPROOF_SETIDLE", sl->GetOrdinal());
               } else {
                          "%s: got kPROOF_SETIDLE but no running workers ! protocol error?",
            } else {
               fNotIdle = 0;
               // Check if the query has been enqueued
               if ((mess->BufferSize() > mess->Length()))
                  (*mess) >> fIsWaiting;

            PDB(kGlobal,2) Info("HandleInputMessage","kPROOF_QUERYSUBMITTED: enter");

            // We have received the sequential number
            (*mess) >> fSeqNum;
            Bool_t sync = fSync;
            if ((mess->BufferSize() > mess->Length()))
               (*mess) >> sync;
            if (sync !=  fSync && fSync) {
               // The server required to switch to asynchronous mode
               fSync = kFALSE;
            // Check if the query has been enqueued
            fIsWaiting = kTRUE;
            // For Proof-Lite this variable is the number of workers and is set by the player
            if (!IsLite())
               fNotIdle = 1;

            rc = 1;

            PDB(kGlobal,2) Info("HandleInputMessage","kPROOF_SESSIONTAG: enter");

            // We have received the unique tag and save it as name of this object
            TString stag;
            (*mess) >> stag;
            // In the TSlave object
            // Server may have also sent the group
            if ((mess->BufferSize() > mess->Length()))
               (*mess) >> fGroup;
            // Server may have also sent the user
            if ((mess->BufferSize() > mess->Length())) {
               TString usr;
               (*mess) >> usr;
               if (!usr.IsNull()) fUrl.SetUser(usr.Data());

      case kPROOF_FEEDBACK:
               Info("HandleInputMessage","kPROOF_FEEDBACK: enter");
            TList *out = (TList *) mess->ReadObject(TList::Class());
            if (fPlayer)
               fPlayer->StoreFeedback(sl, out); // Adopts the list
               // Not yet ready: stop collect asap
               rc = 1;

      case kPROOF_AUTOBIN:
            PDB(kGlobal,2) Info("HandleInputMessage","kPROOF_AUTOBIN: enter");

            TString name;
            Double_t xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax;

            (*mess) >> name >> xmin >> xmax >> ymin >> ymax >> zmin >> zmax;

            if (fPlayer) fPlayer->UpdateAutoBin(name,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax);

            TMessage answ(kPROOF_AUTOBIN);

            answ << name << xmin << xmax << ymin << ymax << zmin << zmax;


      case kPROOF_PROGRESS:
            PDB(kGlobal,2) Info("HandleInputMessage","kPROOF_PROGRESS: enter");

            if (GetRemoteProtocol() > 25) {
               // New format
               TProofProgressInfo *pi = 0;
               (*mess) >> pi;
            } else if (GetRemoteProtocol() > 11) {
               Long64_t total, processed, bytesread;
               Float_t initTime, procTime, evtrti, mbrti;
               (*mess) >> total >> processed >> bytesread
                     >> initTime >> procTime
                     >> evtrti >> mbrti;
               if (fPlayer)
                  fPlayer->Progress(sl, total, processed, bytesread,
                                    initTime, procTime, evtrti, mbrti);

            } else {
               // Old format
               Long64_t total, processed;
               (*mess) >> total >> processed;
               if (fPlayer)
                  fPlayer->Progress(sl, total, processed);

            // This message is sent from a worker that finished processing.
            // We determine whether it was asked to finish by the
            // packetizer or stopped during processing a packet
            // (by TProof::RemoveWorkers() or by an external signal).
            // In the later case call packetizer->MarkBad.
            PDB(kGlobal,2) Info("HandleInputMessage","kPROOF_STOPPROCESS: enter");

            Long64_t events = 0;
            Bool_t abort = kFALSE;
            TProofProgressStatus *status = 0;

            if ((mess->BufferSize() > mess->Length()) && (fProtocol > 18)) {
               (*mess) >> status >> abort;
            } else if ((mess->BufferSize() > mess->Length()) && (fProtocol > 8)) {
               (*mess) >> events >> abort;
            } else {
               (*mess) >> events;
            if (fPlayer) {
               if (fProtocol > 18) {
                  TList *listOfMissingFiles = 0;
                  if (!(listOfMissingFiles = (TList *)GetOutput("MissingFiles"))) {
                     listOfMissingFiles = new TList();
                     if (fPlayer)
                  if (fPlayer->GetPacketizer()) {
                     Int_t ret =
                        fPlayer->GetPacketizer()->AddProcessed(sl, status, 0, &listOfMissingFiles);
                     if (ret > 0)
                        fPlayer->GetPacketizer()->MarkBad(sl, status, &listOfMissingFiles);
                     // This object is now owned by the packetizer
                     status = 0;
                  if (status) fPlayer->AddEventsProcessed(status->GetEntries());
               } else {
            if (!TestBit(TProof::kIsMaster))
               Emit("StopProcess(Bool_t)", abort);

      case kPROOF_SUBMERGER:
            PDB(kGlobal,2) Info("HandleInputMessage", "kPROOF_SUBMERGER: enter");
            HandleSubmerger(mess, sl);

            PDB(kGlobal,2) Info("HandleInputMessage", "kPROOF_GETSLAVEINFO: enter");

            Bool_t active = (GetListOfActiveSlaves()->FindObject(sl) != 0);
            Bool_t bad = (GetListOfBadSlaves()->FindObject(sl) != 0);
            TList* tmpinfo = 0;
            (*mess) >> tmpinfo;
            if (tmpinfo == 0) {
               Error("HandleInputMessage", "kPROOF_GETSLAVEINFO: no list received!");
            } else {
               Int_t nentries = tmpinfo->GetSize();
               for (Int_t i=0; i<nentries; i++) {
                  TSlaveInfo* slinfo =
                  if (slinfo) {
                     // If PROOF-Lite
                     if (IsLite()) slinfo->fHostName = gSystem->HostName();
                     // Check if we have already a instance for this worker
                     TIter nxw(fSlaveInfo);
                     TSlaveInfo *ourwi = 0;
                     while ((ourwi = (TSlaveInfo *)nxw())) {
                        if (!strcmp(ourwi->GetOrdinal(), slinfo->GetOrdinal())) {
                           ourwi->fHostName = slinfo->GetName();
                           if (slinfo->GetDataDir() && (strlen(slinfo->GetDataDir()) > 0))
                           ourwi->fDataDir = slinfo->GetDataDir();
                     if (!ourwi) {
                     } else {
                        slinfo = ourwi;
                     if (slinfo->fStatus != TSlaveInfo::kBad) {
                        if (!active) slinfo->SetStatus(TSlaveInfo::kNotActive);
                        if (bad) slinfo->SetStatus(TSlaveInfo::kBad);
                     if (sl->GetMsd() && (strlen(sl->GetMsd()) > 0))
                        slinfo->fMsd = sl->GetMsd();
               delete tmpinfo;
               rc = 1;

               Info("HandleInputMessage", "kPROOF_VALIDATE_DSET: enter");
            TDSet* dset = 0;
            (*mess) >> dset;
            if (!fDSet)
               Error("HandleInputMessage", "kPROOF_VALIDATE_DSET: fDSet not set");
            delete dset;

      case kPROOF_DATA_READY:
            PDB(kGlobal,2) Info("HandleInputMessage", "kPROOF_DATA_READY: enter");
            Bool_t dataready = kFALSE;
            Long64_t totalbytes, bytesready;
            (*mess) >> dataready >> totalbytes >> bytesready;
            fTotalBytes += totalbytes;
            fBytesReady += bytesready;
            if (dataready == kFALSE) fDataReady = dataready;

      case kPROOF_PING:
         // do nothing (ping is already acknowledged)

      case kPROOF_MESSAGE:
            PDB(kGlobal,2) Info("HandleInputMessage","kPROOF_MESSAGE: enter");

            // We have received the unique tag and save it as name of this object
            TString msg;
            (*mess) >> msg;
            Bool_t lfeed = kTRUE;
            if ((mess->BufferSize() > mess->Length()))
               (*mess) >> lfeed;

            if (TestBit(TProof::kIsClient)) {

               if (fSync) {
                  // Notify locally
                  fprintf(stderr,"%s%c", msg.Data(), (lfeed ? '\n' : '\r'));
               } else {
                  // Notify locally taking care of redirection, windows logs, ...
                  NotifyLogMsg(msg, (lfeed ? "\n" : "\r"));
            } else {

               // The message is logged for debugging purposes.
               fprintf(stderr,"%s%c", msg.Data(), (lfeed ? '\n' : '\r'));
               if (gProofServ) {
                  // We hide it during normal operations

                  // And send the message one level up
                  gProofServ->SendAsynMessage(msg, lfeed);

            TString vac;
            (*mess) >> vac;
            PDB(kGlobal,2) Info("HandleInputMessage","kPROOF_VERSARCHCOMP: %s", vac.Data());
            Int_t from = 0;
            TString vers, archcomp;
            if (vac.Tokenize(vers, from, "|"))
               vac.Tokenize(archcomp, from, "|");

            Error("HandleInputMessage", "unknown command received from '%s' (what = %d)",
                                        sl->GetOrdinal(), what);

   // Cleanup
   if (delete_mess)
      delete mess;

   // We are done successfully
   return rc;

void TProof::HandleSubmerger(TMessage *mess, TSlave *sl)
   // Process a message of type kPROOF_SUBMERGER

   // Message sub-type
   Int_t type = 0;
   (*mess) >> type;
   TSocket *s = sl->GetSocket();

   switch (type) {
      case kOutputSent:
            if (IsEndMaster()) {
               Int_t  merger_id = -1;
               (*mess) >> merger_id;

               PDB(kSubmerger, 2)
                  Info("HandleSubmerger", "kOutputSent: Worker %s:%d:%s had sent its output to merger #%d",
                                          sl->GetName(), sl->GetPort(), sl->GetOrdinal(), merger_id);

               if (!fMergers || fMergers->GetSize() <= merger_id) {
                  Error("HandleSubmerger", "kOutputSize: #%d not in list ", merger_id);
               TMergerInfo * mi = (TMergerInfo *) fMergers->At(merger_id);
               if (mi->AreAllWorkersMerged()) {
                  if (GetActiveMergersCount() == 0) {
                     delete fMergers;
                     fMergersSet = kFALSE;
                     fMergersCount = -1;
                     fLastAssignedMerger = 0;
                     PDB(kSubmerger, 2) Info("HandleSubmerger", "all mergers removed ... ");
            } else {
               PDB(kSubmerger, 2) Error("HandleSubmerger","kOutputSent: received not on endmaster!");

      case kMergerDown:
            Int_t  merger_id = -1;
            (*mess) >> merger_id;

            PDB(kSubmerger, 2) Info("HandleSubmerger", "kMergerDown: #%d ", merger_id);

            if (!fMergers || fMergers->GetSize() <= merger_id) {
               Error("HandleSubmerger", "kMergerDown: #%d not in list ", merger_id);

            TMergerInfo * mi = (TMergerInfo *) fMergers->At(merger_id);
            if (!mi->IsActive()) {
            } else {

            // Stop the invalid merger in the case it is still listening
            TMessage stop(kPROOF_SUBMERGER);
            stop << Int_t(kStopMerging);
            stop <<  0;

            // Ask for results from merger (only original results from this node as worker are returned)

            // Ask for results from all workers assigned to this merger
            TIter nxo(mi->GetWorkers());
            TObject * o = 0;
            while ((o = nxo())) {
               AskForOutput((TSlave *)o);
            PDB(kSubmerger, 2) Info("HandleSubmerger", "kMergerDown:%d: exit", merger_id);

      case kOutputSize:
            if (IsEndMaster()) {
               PDB(kSubmerger, 2)
                  Info("HandleSubmerger", "worker %s reported as finished ", sl->GetOrdinal());

               const char *prefix = gProofServ ? gProofServ->GetPrefix() : "Lite-0";
               if (!fFinalizationRunning) {
                  Info("HandleSubmerger", "finalization on %s started ...", prefix);
                  fFinalizationRunning = kTRUE;

               Int_t  output_size = 0;
               Int_t  merging_port = 0;
               (*mess) >> output_size >> merging_port;

               PDB(kSubmerger, 2) Info("HandleSubmerger",
                                       "kOutputSize: Worker %s:%d:%s reports %d output objects (+ available port %d)",
                                       sl->GetName(), sl->GetPort(), sl->GetOrdinal(), output_size, merging_port);
               TString msg;
               if (!fMergersSet) {

                  Int_t activeWorkers = fCurrentMonitor ? fCurrentMonitor->GetActive() : GetNumberOfActiveSlaves();

                  // First pass - setting number of mergers according to user or dynamically
                  fMergersCount = -1; // No mergers used if not set by user
                  TParameter<Int_t> *mc = dynamic_cast<TParameter<Int_t> *>(GetParameter("PROOF_UseMergers"));
                  if (mc) fMergersCount = mc->GetVal(); // Value set by user
                  TParameter<Int_t> *mh = dynamic_cast<TParameter<Int_t> *>(GetParameter("PROOF_MergersByHost"));
                  if (mh) fMergersByHost = (mh->GetVal() != 0) ? kTRUE : kFALSE; // Assign submergers by hostname

                  // Mergers count specified by user but not valid
                  if (fMergersCount < 0 || (fMergersCount > (activeWorkers/2) )) {
                     msg.Form("%s: Invalid request: cannot start %d mergers for %d workers",
                              prefix, fMergersCount, activeWorkers);
                     if (gProofServ)
                     fMergersCount = 0;
                  // Mergers count will be set dynamically
                  if ((fMergersCount == 0) && (!fMergersByHost)) {
                     if (activeWorkers > 1) {
                        fMergersCount = TMath::Nint(TMath::Sqrt(activeWorkers));
                        if (activeWorkers / fMergersCount < 2)
                           fMergersCount = (Int_t) TMath::Sqrt(activeWorkers);
                     if (fMergersCount > 1)
                        msg.Form("%s: Number of mergers set dynamically to %d (for %d workers)",
                                 prefix, fMergersCount, activeWorkers);
                     else {
                        msg.Form("%s: No mergers will be used for %d workers",
                                 prefix, activeWorkers);
                        fMergersCount = -1;
                     if (gProofServ)
                  } else if (fMergersByHost) {
                     // We force mergers at host level to minimize network traffic
                     if (activeWorkers > 1) {
                        fMergersCount = 0;
                        THashList hosts;
                        TIter nxwk(fSlaves);
                        TObject *wrk = 0;
                        while ((wrk = nxwk())) {
                           if (!hosts.FindObject(wrk->GetName())) {
                              hosts.Add(new TObjString(wrk->GetName()));
                     if (fMergersCount > 1)
                        msg.Form("%s: Number of mergers set to %d (for %d workers), one for each slave host",
                                 prefix, fMergersCount, activeWorkers);
                     else {
                        msg.Form("%s: No mergers will be used for %d workers",
                                 prefix, activeWorkers);
                        fMergersCount = -1;
                     if (gProofServ)
                  } else {
                     msg.Form("%s: Number of mergers set by user to %d (for %d workers)",
                              prefix, fMergersCount, activeWorkers);
                     if (gProofServ)
                  if (fMergersCount > 0) {

                     fMergers = new TList();
                     fLastAssignedMerger = 0;
                     // Total number of workers, which will not act as mergers ('pure workers')
                     fWorkersToMerge = (activeWorkers - fMergersCount);
                     // Establish the first merger
                     if (!CreateMerger(sl, merging_port)) {
                        // Cannot establish first merger
                     if (IsLite()) fMergePrg.SetNWrks(fMergersCount);
                  } else {
                  fMergersSet = kTRUE;
               } else {
                  // Multiple pass
                  if (fMergersCount == -1) {
                     // No mergers. Workers send their outputs directly to master
                  } else {
                     if ((fRedirectNext > 0 ) && (!fMergersByHost)) {
                        RedirectWorker(s, sl, output_size);
                     } else {
                        Bool_t newMerger = kTRUE;
                        if (fMergersByHost) {
                           TIter nxmg(fMergers);
                           TMergerInfo *mgi = 0;
                           while ((mgi = (TMergerInfo *) nxmg())) {
                              if (!strcmp(sl->GetName(), mgi->GetMerger()->GetName())) {
                                 newMerger = kFALSE;
                        if ((fMergersCount > fMergers->GetSize()) && newMerger) {
                           // Still not enough mergers established
                           if (!CreateMerger(sl, merging_port)) {
                              // Cannot establish a merger
                        } else
                           RedirectWorker(s, sl, output_size);
            } else {
               Error("HandleSubMerger","kOutputSize received not on endmaster!");

void TProof::RedirectWorker(TSocket *s, TSlave * sl, Int_t output_size)
   // Redirect output of worker sl to some merger

   Int_t merger_id = -1;

   if (fMergersByHost) {
      for (Int_t i = 0; i < fMergers->GetSize(); i++) {
         TMergerInfo *mgi = (TMergerInfo *)fMergers->At(i);
         if (!strcmp(sl->GetName(), mgi->GetMerger()->GetName())) {
            merger_id = i;
   } else {
      merger_id  = FindNextFreeMerger();

   if (merger_id == -1) {
      // No free merger (probably it had crashed before)
   } else {
      TMessage sendoutput(kPROOF_SUBMERGER);
      sendoutput << Int_t(kSendOutput);
      PDB(kSubmerger, 2)
         Info("RedirectWorker", "redirecting worker %s to merger %d", sl->GetOrdinal(), merger_id);

       PDB(kSubmerger, 2) Info("RedirectWorker", "redirecting output to merger #%d",  merger_id);
       if (!fMergers || fMergers->GetSize() <= merger_id) {
          Error("RedirectWorker", "#%d not in list ", merger_id);
       TMergerInfo * mi = (TMergerInfo *) fMergers->At(merger_id);

       TString hname = (IsLite()) ? "localhost" : mi->GetMerger()->GetName();
       sendoutput <<  merger_id;
       sendoutput << hname;
       sendoutput << mi->GetPort();

Int_t TProof::FindNextFreeMerger()
   // Return a merger, which is both active and still accepts some workers to be
   // assigned to it. It works on the 'round-robin' basis.

   while (fLastAssignedMerger < fMergers->GetSize() &&
         (!((TMergerInfo*)fMergers->At(fLastAssignedMerger))->IsActive() ||
           ((TMergerInfo*)fMergers->At(fLastAssignedMerger))->AreAllWorkersAssigned())) {

   if (fLastAssignedMerger == fMergers->GetSize()) {
      fLastAssignedMerger = 0;
   } else {
      return fLastAssignedMerger++;

   while (fLastAssignedMerger < fMergers->GetSize() &&
         (!((TMergerInfo*)fMergers->At(fLastAssignedMerger))->IsActive() ||
           ((TMergerInfo*)fMergers->At(fLastAssignedMerger))->AreAllWorkersAssigned())) {

   if (fLastAssignedMerger == fMergers->GetSize()) {
      return -1;
   } else {
      return fLastAssignedMerger++;

void TProof::AskForOutput(TSlave *sl)
   // Master asks for output from worker sl

   TMessage sendoutput(kPROOF_SUBMERGER);
   sendoutput << Int_t(kSendOutput);

   PDB(kSubmerger, 2) Info("AskForOutput",
                           "worker %s was asked to send its output to master",

   sendoutput << -1;
   sendoutput << TString("master");
   sendoutput << -1;
   if (IsLite()) fMergePrg.IncreaseNWrks();

void TProof::UpdateDialog()
   // Final update of the progress dialog

   if (!fPlayer) return;

   // Handle abort ...
   if (fPlayer->GetExitStatus() == TVirtualProofPlayer::kAborted) {
      if (fSync)
              "processing was aborted - %lld events processed",

      if (GetRemoteProtocol() > 11) {
         // New format
         Progress(-1, fPlayer->GetEventsProcessed(), -1, -1., -1., -1., -1.);
      } else {
         Progress(-1, fPlayer->GetEventsProcessed());
      Emit("StopProcess(Bool_t)", kTRUE);

   // Handle stop ...
   if (fPlayer->GetExitStatus() == TVirtualProofPlayer::kStopped) {
      if (fSync)
              "processing was stopped - %lld events processed",

      if (GetRemoteProtocol() > 25) {
         // New format
         Progress(-1, fPlayer->GetEventsProcessed(), -1, -1., -1., -1., -1., -1, -1, -1.);
      } else if (GetRemoteProtocol() > 11) {
         Progress(-1, fPlayer->GetEventsProcessed(), -1, -1., -1., -1., -1.);
      } else {
         Progress(-1, fPlayer->GetEventsProcessed());
      Emit("StopProcess(Bool_t)", kFALSE);

   // Final update of the dialog box
   if (GetRemoteProtocol() > 25) {
      // New format
              10, (Long64_t)(-1), (Long64_t)(-1), (Long64_t)(-1),(Float_t)(-1.),(Float_t)(-1.),
   } else if (GetRemoteProtocol() > 11) {
      // New format
               7, (Long64_t)(-1), (Long64_t)(-1), (Long64_t)(-1),
   } else {
      EmitVA("Progress(Long64_t,Long64_t)", 2, (Long64_t)(-1), (Long64_t)(-1));

void TProof::ActivateAsyncInput()
   // Activate the a-sync input handler.

   TIter next(fSlaves);
   TSlave *sl;

   while ((sl = (TSlave*) next()))
      if (sl->GetInputHandler())

void TProof::DeActivateAsyncInput()
   // De-activate a-sync input handler.

   TIter next(fSlaves);
   TSlave *sl;

   while ((sl = (TSlave*) next()))
      if (sl->GetInputHandler())

Int_t TProof::GetActiveMergersCount()
   // Get the active mergers count

   if (!fMergers) return 0;

   Int_t active_mergers = 0;

   TIter mergers(fMergers);
   TMergerInfo *mi = 0;
   while ((mi = (TMergerInfo *)mergers())) {
      if (mi->IsActive()) active_mergers++;

   return active_mergers;

Bool_t TProof::CreateMerger(TSlave *sl, Int_t port)
   // Create a new merger

   PDB(kSubmerger, 2)
      Info("CreateMerger", "worker %s will be merger ", sl->GetOrdinal());

   PDB(kSubmerger, 2) Info("CreateMerger","Begin");

   if (port <= 0) {
         Info("CreateMerger", "cannot create merger on port %d - exit", port);
      return kFALSE;

   Int_t workers = -1;
   if (!fMergersByHost) {
      Int_t mergersToCreate = fMergersCount - fMergers->GetSize();
      // Number of pure workers, which are not simply divisible by mergers
      Int_t rest = fWorkersToMerge % mergersToCreate;
      // We add one more worker for each of the first 'rest' mergers being established
      if (rest > 0 && fMergers->GetSize() < rest) {
         rest = 1;
      } else {
         rest = 0;
      workers = (fWorkersToMerge / mergersToCreate) + rest;
   } else {
      Int_t workersOnHost = 0;
      for (Int_t i = 0; i < fActiveSlaves->GetSize(); i++) {
         if(!strcmp(sl->GetName(), fActiveSlaves->At(i)->GetName())) workersOnHost++;
      workers = workersOnHost - 1;

   TString msg;
   msg.Form("worker %s on host %s will be merger for %d additional workers", sl->GetOrdinal(), sl->GetName(), workers);

   if (gProofServ) {
   } else {
   TMergerInfo * merger = new TMergerInfo(sl, port, workers);

   TMessage bemerger(kPROOF_SUBMERGER);
   bemerger << Int_t(kBeMerger);
   bemerger <<  fMergers->GetSize();
   bemerger <<  workers;

   PDB(kSubmerger,2) Info("CreateMerger",
                          "merger #%d (port: %d) for %d workers started",
                          fMergers->GetSize(), port, workers);

   fWorkersToMerge = fWorkersToMerge - workers;

   fRedirectNext = workers / 2;

   PDB(kSubmerger, 2) Info("CreateMerger", "exit");
   return kTRUE;

void TProof::MarkBad(TSlave *wrk, const char *reason)
   // Add a bad slave server to the bad slave list and remove it from
   // the active list and from the two monitor objects. Assume that the work
   // done by this worker was lost and ask packerizer to reassign it.


   // We may have been invalidated in the meanwhile: nothing to do in such a case
   if (!IsValid()) return;

   if (!wrk) {
      Error("MarkBad", "worker instance undefined: protocol error? ");

   // Local URL
   static TString thisurl;
   if (thisurl.IsNull()) {
      if (IsMaster()) {
         Int_t port = gEnv->GetValue("ProofServ.XpdPort",-1);
         thisurl = TUrl(gSystem->HostName()).GetHostFQDN();
         if (port > 0) thisurl += TString::Format(":%d", port);
      } else {
         thisurl.Form("%s@%s:%d", fUrl.GetUser(), fUrl.GetHost(), fUrl.GetPort());

   if (!reason || (strcmp(reason, kPROOF_TerminateWorker) && strcmp(reason, kPROOF_WorkerIdleTO))) {
      // Message for notification
      const char *mastertype = (gProofServ && gProofServ->IsTopMaster()) ? "top master" : "master";
      TString src = IsMaster() ? Form("%s at %s", mastertype, thisurl.Data()) : "local session";
      TString msg;
      msg.Form("\n +++ Message from %s : marking %s:%d (%s) as bad\n +++ Reason: %s",
               src.Data(), wrk->GetName(), wrk->GetPort(), wrk->GetOrdinal(),
               (reason && strlen(reason)) ? reason : "unknown");
      Info("MarkBad", "%s", msg.Data());
      // Notify one level up, if the case
      // Add some hint for diagnostics
      if (gProofServ) {
         msg += TString::Format("\n\n +++ Most likely your code crashed on worker %s at %s:%d.\n",
                     wrk->GetOrdinal(), wrk->GetName(), wrk->GetPort());
      } else {
         msg += TString::Format("\n\n +++ Most likely your code crashed\n");
      msg += TString::Format(" +++ Please check the session logs for error messages either using\n");
      msg += TString::Format(" +++ the 'Show logs' button or executing\n");
      msg += TString::Format(" +++\n");
      if (gProofServ) {
         msg += TString::Format(" +++ root [] TProof::Mgr(\"%s\")->GetSessionLogs()->"
                                "Display(\"%s\",0)\n\n", thisurl.Data(), wrk->GetOrdinal());
         gProofServ->SendAsynMessage(msg, kTRUE);
      } else {
         msg += TString::Format(" +++ root [] TProof::Mgr(\"%s\")->GetSessionLogs()->"
                                "Display(\"*\")\n\n", thisurl.Data());
         Printf("%s", msg.Data());
   } else if (reason) {
      if (gDebug > 0 && strcmp(reason, kPROOF_WorkerIdleTO)) {
         Info("MarkBad", "worker %s at %s:%d asked to terminate",
                         wrk->GetOrdinal(), wrk->GetName(), wrk->GetPort());

   if (IsMaster() && reason) {
      if (strcmp(reason, kPROOF_TerminateWorker)) {
         // if the reason was not a planned termination
         TList *listOfMissingFiles = 0;
         if (!(listOfMissingFiles = (TList *)GetOutput("MissingFiles"))) {
            listOfMissingFiles = new TList();
            if (fPlayer)
         // If a query is being processed, assume that the work done by
         // the worker was lost and needs to be reassigned.
         TVirtualPacketizer *packetizer = fPlayer ? fPlayer->GetPacketizer() : 0;
         if (packetizer) {
            // the worker was lost so do resubmit the packets
            packetizer->MarkBad(wrk, 0, &listOfMissingFiles);
      } else {
         // Tell the coordinator that we are gone
         if (gProofServ) {
            TString ord(wrk->GetOrdinal());
            Int_t id = ord.Last('.');
            if (id != kNPOS) ord.Remove(0, id+1);
   } else if (TestBit(TProof::kIsClient) && reason && !strcmp(reason, kPROOF_WorkerIdleTO)) {
      // We are invalid after this
      fValid = kFALSE;



   fSendGroupView = kTRUE;

   if (IsMaster()) {
      if (reason && !strcmp(reason, kPROOF_TerminateWorker)) {
         // if the reason was a planned termination then delete the worker and
         // remove it from all the lists

         // we add it to the list of terminated slave infos instead, so that it
         // stays available in the .workers persistent file
         TSlaveInfo *si = new TSlaveInfo(
            Form("%s@%s:%d", wrk->GetUser(), wrk->GetName(), wrk->GetPort()),
            0, "", wrk->GetWorkDir());
         if (!fTerminatedSlaveInfos->Contains(si)) fTerminatedSlaveInfos->Add(si);
         else delete si;

         delete wrk;
      } else {
         if (fCurrentMonitor) fCurrentMonitor->DeActivate(wrk->GetSocket());
         // Update the mergers count, if needed
         if (fMergersSet) {
            Int_t mergersCount = -1;
            TParameter<Int_t> *mc = dynamic_cast<TParameter<Int_t> *>(GetParameter("PROOF_UseMergers"));
            if (mc) mergersCount = mc->GetVal(); // Value set by user
            // Mergers count is set dynamically: recalculate it
            if (mergersCount == 0) {
               Int_t activeWorkers = fCurrentMonitor ? fCurrentMonitor->GetActive() : GetNumberOfActiveSlaves();
               if (activeWorkers > 1) {
                  fMergersCount = TMath::Nint(TMath::Sqrt(activeWorkers));
                  if (activeWorkers / fMergersCount < 2)
                     fMergersCount = (Int_t) TMath::Sqrt(activeWorkers);

      // Update session workers files
   } else {
      // On clients the proof session should be removed from the lists
      // and deleted, since it is not valid anymore
      if (fManager)

void TProof::MarkBad(TSocket *s, const char *reason)
   // Add slave with socket s to the bad slave list and remove if from
   // the active list and from the two monitor objects.


   // We may have been invalidated in the meanwhile: nothing to do in such a case
   if (!IsValid()) return;

   TSlave *wrk = FindSlave(s);
   MarkBad(wrk, reason);

void TProof::TerminateWorker(TSlave *wrk)
   // Ask an active worker 'wrk' to terminate, i.e. to shutdown

   if (!wrk) {
      Warning("TerminateWorker", "worker instance undefined: protocol error? ");

   // Send stop message
   if (wrk->GetSocket() && wrk->GetSocket()->IsValid()) {
      TMessage mess(kPROOF_STOP);
   } else {
      if (gDebug > 0)
         Info("TerminateWorker", "connection to worker is already down: cannot"
                                 " send termination message");

   // This is a bad worker from now on
   MarkBad(wrk, kPROOF_TerminateWorker);

void TProof::TerminateWorker(const char *ord)
   // Ask an active worker 'ord' to terminate, i.e. to shutdown

   if (ord && strlen(ord) > 0) {
      Bool_t all = (ord[0] == '*') ? kTRUE : kFALSE;
      if (IsMaster()) {
         TIter nxw(fSlaves);
         TSlave *wrk = 0;
         while ((wrk = (TSlave *)nxw())) {
            if (all || !strcmp(wrk->GetOrdinal(), ord)) {
               if (!all) break;
      } else {
         TMessage mess(kPROOF_STOP);
         mess << TString(ord);

Int_t TProof::Ping()
   // Ping PROOF. Returns 1 if master server responded.

   return Ping(kActive);

Int_t TProof::Ping(ESlaves list)
   // Ping PROOF slaves. Returns the number of slaves that responded.

   TList *slaves = 0;
   if (list == kAll)       slaves = fSlaves;
   if (list == kActive)    slaves = fActiveSlaves;
   if (list == kUnique)    slaves = fUniqueSlaves;
   if (list == kAllUnique) slaves = fAllUniqueSlaves;

   if (slaves->GetSize() == 0) return 0;

   int   nsent = 0;
   TIter next(slaves);

   TSlave *sl;
   while ((sl = (TSlave *)next())) {
      if (sl->IsValid()) {
         if (sl->Ping() == -1) {
            MarkBad(sl, "ping unsuccessful");
         } else {

   return nsent;

void TProof::Touch()
   // Ping PROOF slaves. Returns the number of slaves that responded.

   TList *slaves = fSlaves;

   if (slaves->GetSize() == 0) return;

   TIter next(slaves);

   TSlave *sl;
   while ((sl = (TSlave *)next())) {
      if (sl->IsValid()) {


void TProof::Print(Option_t *option) const
   // Print status of PROOF cluster.

   TString secCont;

   if (TestBit(TProof::kIsClient)) {
      Printf("Connected to:             %s (%s)", GetMaster(),
                                             IsValid() ? "valid" : "invalid");
      Printf("Port number:              %d", GetPort());
      Printf("User:                     %s", GetUser());
      Printf("ROOT version|rev:         %s|%s", gROOT->GetVersion(), gROOT->GetGitCommit());
      Printf("Architecture-Compiler:    %s-%s", gSystem->GetBuildArch(),
      TSlave *sl = (TSlave *)fActiveSlaves->First();
      if (sl) {
         TString sc;
         if (sl->GetSocket()->GetSecContext())
            Printf("Security context:         %s",
         Printf("Proofd protocol version:  %d", sl->GetSocket()->GetRemoteProtocol());
      } else {
         Printf("Security context:         Error - No connection");
         Printf("Proofd protocol version:  Error - No connection");
      Printf("Client protocol version:  %d", GetClientProtocol());
      Printf("Remote protocol version:  %d", GetRemoteProtocol());
      Printf("Log level:                %d", GetLogLevel());
      Printf("Session unique tag:       %s", IsValid() ? GetSessionTag() : "");
      Printf("Default data pool:        %s", IsValid() ? GetDataPoolUrl() : "");
      if (IsValid())
   } else {
      if (IsParallel())
         Printf("*** Master server %s (parallel mode, %d workers):",
                gProofServ->GetOrdinal(), GetParallel());
         Printf("*** Master server %s (sequential mode):",

      Printf("Master host name:           %s", gSystem->HostName());
      Printf("Port number:                %d", GetPort());
      if (strlen(gProofServ->GetGroup()) > 0) {
         Printf("User/Group:                 %s/%s", GetUser(), gProofServ->GetGroup());
      } else {
         Printf("User:                       %s", GetUser());
      TString ver;
      ver.Form("%s|%s", gROOT->GetVersion(), gROOT->GetGitCommit());
      if (gSystem->Getenv("ROOTVERSIONTAG"))
         ver.Form("%s|%s", gROOT->GetVersion(), gSystem->Getenv("ROOTVERSIONTAG"));
      Printf("ROOT version|rev|tag:       %s", ver.Data());
      Printf("Architecture-Compiler:      %s-%s", gSystem->GetBuildArch(),
      Printf("Protocol version:           %d", GetClientProtocol());
      Printf("Image name:                 %s", GetImage());
      Printf("Working directory:          %s", gSystem->WorkingDirectory());
      Printf("Config directory:           %s", GetConfDir());
      Printf("Config file:                %s", GetConfFile());
      Printf("Log level:                  %d", GetLogLevel());
      Printf("Number of workers:          %d", GetNumberOfSlaves());
      Printf("Number of active workers:   %d", GetNumberOfActiveSlaves());
      Printf("Number of unique workers:   %d", GetNumberOfUniqueSlaves());
      Printf("Number of inactive workers: %d", GetNumberOfInactiveSlaves());
      Printf("Number of bad workers:      %d", GetNumberOfBadSlaves());
      Printf("Total MB's processed:       %.2f", float(GetBytesRead())/(1024*1024));
      Printf("Total real time used (s):   %.3f", GetRealTime());
      Printf("Total CPU time used (s):    %.3f", GetCpuTime());
      if (TString(option).Contains("a", TString::kIgnoreCase) && GetNumberOfSlaves()) {
         Printf("List of workers:");
         TList masters;
         TIter nextslave(fSlaves);
         while (TSlave* sl = dynamic_cast<TSlave*>(nextslave())) {
            if (!sl->IsValid()) continue;

            if (sl->GetSlaveType() == TSlave::kSlave) {
            } else if (sl->GetSlaveType() == TSlave::kMaster) {
               TMessage mess(kPROOF_PRINT);
               if (sl->GetSocket()->Send(mess) == -1)
                  const_cast<TProof*>(this)->MarkBad(sl, "could not send kPROOF_PRINT request");
            } else {
               Error("Print", "TSlave is neither Master nor Worker");
         const_cast<TProof*>(this)->Collect(&masters, fCollectTimeout);

Int_t TProof::HandleOutputOptions(TString &opt, TString &target, Int_t action)
   // Extract from opt information about output handling settings.
   // The understood keywords are:
   //     of=<file>, outfile=<file>         output file location
   //     ds=<dsname>, dataset=<dsname>     dataset name ('of' and 'ds' are
   //                                       mutually exclusive,execution stops
   //                                       if both are found)
   //     sft[=<opt>], savetofile[=<opt>]   control saving to file
   // For 'mvf', the <opt> integer has the following meaning:
   //     <opt> = <how>*10 + <force>
   //             <force> = 0      save to file if memory threshold is reached
   //                              (the memory threshold is set by the cluster
   //                              admin); in case an output file is defined, the
   //                              files are merged at the end;
   //                       1      save results to file.
   //             <how> =   0      save at the end of the query
   //                       1      save results after each packet (to reduce the
   //                              loss in case of crash).
   // Setting 'ds' automatically sets 'mvf=1'; it is still possible to set 'mvf=11'
   // to save results after each packet.
   // The separator from the next option is either a ' ' or a ';'
   // All recognized settings are removed from the input string opt.
   // If action == 0, set up the output file accordingly, if action == 1 clean related
   // output file settings.
   // If the final target file is local then 'target' is set to the final local path
   // when action == 0 and used to retrieve the file with TFile::Cp when action == 1.
   // Output file settings are in the form
   //       <previous_option>of=name <next_option>
   //       <previous_option>outfile=name,...;<next_option>
   // The separator from the next option is either a ' ' or a ';'
   // Called interanally by TProof::Process.
   // Returns 0 on success, -1 on error.

   TString outfile, dsname, stfopt;
   if (action == 0) {
      TString tagf, tagd, tags, oo;
      Ssiz_t from = 0, iof = kNPOS, iod = kNPOS, ios = kNPOS;
      while (opt.Tokenize(oo, from, "[; ]")) {
         if (oo.BeginsWith("of=")) {
            tagf = "of=";
            iof = opt.Index(tagf);
         } else if (oo.BeginsWith("outfile=")) {
            tagf = "outfile=";
            iof = opt.Index(tagf);
         } else if (oo.BeginsWith("ds")) {
            tagd = "ds";
            iod = opt.Index(tagd);
         } else if (oo.BeginsWith("dataset")) {
            tagd = "dataset";
            iod = opt.Index(tagd);
         } else if (oo.BeginsWith("stf")) {
            tags = "stf";
            ios = opt.Index(tags);
         } else if (oo.BeginsWith("savetofile")) {
            tags = "savetofile";
            ios = opt.Index(tags);
      // Check consistency
      if (iof != kNPOS && iod != kNPOS) {
         Error("HandleOutputOptions", "options 'of'/'outfile' and 'ds'/'dataset' are incompatible!");
         return -1;

      // Check output file first
      if (iof != kNPOS) {
         from = iof + tagf.Length();
         if (!opt.Tokenize(outfile, from, "[; ]") || outfile.IsNull()) {
            Error("HandleOutputOptions", "could not extract output file settings string! (%s)", opt.Data());
            return -1;
         // For removal from original options string
         tagf += outfile;
      // Check dataset
      if (iod != kNPOS) {
         from = iod + tagd.Length();
         if (!opt.Tokenize(dsname, from, "[; ]"))
            if (gDebug > 0) Info("HandleOutputOptions", "no dataset name found: use default");
         // For removal from original options string
         tagd += dsname;
         // The name may be empty or beginning with a '='
         if (dsname.BeginsWith("=")) dsname.Replace(0, 1, "");
         if (dsname.Contains("|V")) {
            target = "ds|V";
            dsname.ReplaceAll("|V", "");
         if (dsname.IsNull()) dsname = "dataset_<qtag>";
      // Check stf
      if (ios != kNPOS) {
         from = ios + tags.Length();
         if (!opt.Tokenize(stfopt, from, "[; ]"))
            if (gDebug > 0) Info("HandleOutputOptions", "save-to-file not found: use defualt");
         // For removal from original options string
         tags += stfopt;
         // It must be digit
         if (!stfopt.IsNull()) {
            if (stfopt.BeginsWith("=")) stfopt.Replace(0,1,"");
            if (!stfopt.IsNull()) {
               if (!stfopt.IsDigit()) {
                  Error("HandleOutputOptions", "save-to-file option must be a digit! (%s)", stfopt.Data());
                  return -1;
            } else {
               // Default
               stfopt = "1";
         } else {
            // Default
            stfopt = "1";
      // Remove from original options string
      opt.ReplaceAll(tagf, "");
      opt.ReplaceAll(tagd, "");
      opt.ReplaceAll(tags, "");

   // Parse now
   if (action == 0) {
      // Output file
      if (!outfile.IsNull()) {
         if (!outfile.BeginsWith("master:")) {
            if (gSystem->AccessPathName(gSystem->DirName(outfile.Data()), kWritePermission)) {
                     "directory '%s' for the output file does not exists or is not writable:"
                     " saving to master", gSystem->DirName(outfile.Data()));
               outfile.Form("master:%s", gSystem->BaseName(outfile.Data()));
            } else {
               if (!IsLite()) {
                  // The target file is local, so we need to retrieve it
                  target = outfile;
                  if (!stfopt.IsNull()) {
                     outfile.Form("master:%s", gSystem->BaseName(target.Data()));
                  } else {
                     outfile = "";
         if (outfile.BeginsWith("master:")) {
            outfile.ReplaceAll("master:", "");
            if (outfile.IsNull() || !gSystem->IsAbsoluteFileName(outfile)) {
               // Get the master data dir
               TString ddir, emsg;
               if (!IsLite()) {
                  if (Exec("gProofServ->GetDataDir()", "0", kTRUE) == 0) {
                     TObjString *os = fMacroLog.GetLineWith("const char");
                     if (os) {
                        Ssiz_t fst =  os->GetString().First('\"');
                        Ssiz_t lst =  os->GetString().Last('\"');
                        ddir = os->GetString()(fst+1, lst-fst-1);
                     } else {
                        emsg = "could not find 'const char *' string in macro log! cannot continue";
                  } else {
                     emsg = "could not retrieve master data directory info! cannot continue";
                  if (!emsg.IsNull()) {
                     Error("HandleOutputOptions", "%s", emsg.Data());
                     return -1;
               if (!ddir.IsNull()) ddir += "/";
               if (outfile.IsNull()) {
                  outfile.Form("%s<file>", ddir.Data());
               } else {
                  outfile.Insert(0, TString::Format("%s", ddir.Data()));
         // Set the parameter
         if (!outfile.IsNull()) {
            if (!outfile.BeginsWith("of:")) outfile.Insert(0, "of:");
            SetParameter("PROOF_DefaultOutputOption", outfile.Data());
      // Dataset creation
      if (!dsname.IsNull()) {
         dsname.Insert(0, "ds:");
         // Set the parameter
         SetParameter("PROOF_DefaultOutputOption", dsname.Data());
         // Check the Save-To-File option
         if (!stfopt.IsNull()) {
            Int_t ostf = (Int_t) stfopt.Atoi();
            if (ostf%10 <= 0) {
               Warning("HandleOutputOptions", "Dataset required bu Save-To-File disabled: enabling!");
               stfopt.Form("%d", ostf+1);
         } else {
            // Minimal setting
            stfopt = "1";
      // Save-To-File options
      if (!stfopt.IsNull()) {
         // Set the parameter
         SetParameter("PROOF_SavePartialResults", (Int_t) stfopt.Atoi());
   } else {
      // Retrieve the file, if required
      if (GetOutputList()) {
         if (target == "ds|V") {
            // Find the dataset
            dsname = "";
            TIter nxo(GetOutputList());
            TObject *o = 0;
            while ((o = nxo())) {
               if (o->InheritsFrom(TFileCollection::Class())) {
                  dsname = o->GetName();
            if (!dsname.IsNull()) {
               TFileCollection *fc = GetDataSet(dsname);
               if (fc) {
               } else {
                  Warning("HandleOutputOptions", "could not retrieve TFileCollection for dataset '%s'", dsname.Data());
            } else {
               Warning("HandleOutputOptions", "dataset not found!");
         } else {
            Bool_t targetcopied = kFALSE;
            TProofOutputFile *pf = 0;
            if (!target.IsNull())
               pf = (TProofOutputFile *) GetOutputList()->FindObject(gSystem->BaseName(target.Data()));
            if (pf) {
               // Copy the file
               if (strcmp(TUrl(pf->GetOutputFileName(), kTRUE).GetUrl(),
                          TUrl(target, kTRUE).GetUrl())) {
                  if (TFile::Cp(pf->GetOutputFileName(), target)) {
                     Printf(" Output successfully copied to %s", target.Data());
                     targetcopied = kTRUE;
                  } else {
                     Warning("HandleOutputOptions", "problems copying output to %s", target.Data());
            TFile *fout = 0;
            TObject *o = 0;
            TIter nxo(GetOutputList());
            Bool_t swapcopied = kFALSE;
            while ((o = nxo())) {
               TProofOutputFile *pof = dynamic_cast<TProofOutputFile *>(o);
               if (pof) {
                  if (pof->TestBit(TProofOutputFile::kSwapFile) && !target.IsNull()) {
                     if (pof == pf && targetcopied) continue;
                     // Copy the file
                     if (strcmp(TUrl(pf->GetOutputFileName(), kTRUE).GetUrl(),
                                TUrl(target, kTRUE).GetUrl())) {
                        if (TFile::Cp(pof->GetOutputFileName(), target)) {
                           Printf(" Output successfully copied to %s", target.Data());
                           swapcopied = kTRUE;
                        } else {
                           Warning("HandleOutputOptions", "problems copying output to %s", target.Data());
                  } else if (pof->IsRetrieve()) {
                     // Retrieve this file to the local path indicated in the title
                     if (strcmp(TUrl(pf->GetOutputFileName(), kTRUE).GetUrl(),
                                TUrl(pof->GetTitle(), kTRUE).GetUrl())) {
                        if (TFile::Cp(pof->GetOutputFileName(), pof->GetTitle())) {
                           Printf(" Output successfully copied to %s", pof->GetTitle());
                        } else {
                                 "problems copying %s to %s", pof->GetOutputFileName(), pof->GetTitle());
            if (!target.IsNull() && !swapcopied) {
               if (!fout && !pf) {
                  fout = TFile::Open(target, "RECREATE");
                  if (!fout || (fout && fout->IsZombie())) {
                     Warning("HandleOutputOptions", "problems opening output file %s", target.Data());
               if (fout) {
                  while ((o = nxo())) {
                     TProofOutputFile *pof = dynamic_cast<TProofOutputFile *>(o);
                     if (!pof) {
                        // Write the object to the open output file
            // Clean-up
            if (fout) {
               Printf(" Output saved to %s", target.Data());
      // Remove the parameter
      // Remove the parameter
   // Done
   return 0;

void TProof::SetFeedback(TString &opt, TString &optfb, Int_t action)
   // Extract from opt in optfb information about wanted feedback settings.
   // Feedback are removed from the input string opt.
   // If action == 0, set up feedback accordingly, if action == 1 clean related
   // feedback settings (using info in optfb, if available, or reparsing opt).
   // Feedback requirements are in the form
   //       <previous_option>fb=name1,name2,name3,... <next_option>
   //       <previous_option>feedback=name1,name2,name3,...;<next_option>
   // The special name 'stats' triggers feedback about events and packets.
   // The separator from the next option is either a ' ' or a ';'.
   // Called interanally by TProof::Process.

   Ssiz_t from = 0;
   if (action == 0 || (action == 1 && optfb.IsNull())) {
      TString tag("fb=");
      Ssiz_t ifb = opt.Index(tag);
      if (ifb == kNPOS) {
         tag = "feedback=";
         ifb = opt.Index(tag);
      if (ifb == kNPOS) return;
      from = ifb + tag.Length();

      if (!opt.Tokenize(optfb, from, "[; ]") || optfb.IsNull()) {
         Warning("SetFeedback", "could not extract feedback string! Ignoring ...");
      // Remove from original options string
      tag += optfb;
      opt.ReplaceAll(tag, "");

   // Parse now
   TString nm, startdraw, stopdraw;
   from = 0;
   while (optfb.Tokenize(nm, from, ",")) {
      // Special name first
      if (nm == "stats") {
         if (action == 0) {
            startdraw.Form("gDirectory->Add(new TStatsFeedback((TProof *)%p))", this);
            SetParameter("PROOF_StatsHist", "");
         } else {
            stopdraw.Form("TObject *o = gDirectory->FindObject(\"%s\"); "
                          " if (o && strcmp(o->ClassName(), \"TStatsFeedback\")) "
                          " { gDirectory->Remove(o); delete o; }", GetSessionTag());
      } else {
         if (action == 0) {
            // Enable or
            startdraw.Form("gDirectory->Add(new TDrawFeedback((TProof *)%p))", this);
         } else {
            // ... or disable
            stopdraw.Form("TObject *o = gDirectory->FindObject(\"%s\"); "
                          " if (o && strcmp(o->ClassName(), \"TDrawFeedback\")) "
                          " { gDirectory->Remove(o); delete o; }", GetSessionTag());

Long64_t TProof::Process(TDSet *dset, const char *selector, Option_t *option,
                         Long64_t nentries, Long64_t first)
   // Process a data set (TDSet) using the specified selector (.C) file or
   // Tselector object
   // Entry- or event-lists should be set in the data set object using
   // TDSet::SetEntryList.
   // The return value is -1 in case of error and TSelector::GetStatus() in
   // in case of success.

   if (!IsValid() || !fPlayer) return -1;

   // Set PROOF to running state

   TString opt(option), optfb, outfile;
   // Enable feedback, if required
   if (opt.Contains("fb=") || opt.Contains("feedback=")) SetFeedback(opt, optfb, 0);
   // Define output file, either from 'opt' or the default one
   if (HandleOutputOptions(opt, outfile, 0) != 0) return -1;

   // Resolve query mode
   fSync = (GetQueryMode(opt) == kSync);

   if (fSync && (!IsIdle() || IsWaiting())) {
      // Already queued or processing queries: switch to asynchronous mode
      Info("Process", "session is in waiting or processing status: switch to asynchronous mode");
      fSync = kFALSE;
      opt += "ASYN";

   // Cleanup old temporary datasets
   if ((IsIdle() && !IsWaiting()) && fRunningDSets && fRunningDSets->GetSize() > 0) {

   // deactivate the default application interrupt handler
   // ctrl-c's will be forwarded to PROOF to stop the processing
   TSignalHandler *sh = 0;
   if (fSync) {
      if (gApplication)
         sh = gSystem->RemoveSignalHandler(gApplication->GetSignalHandler());

   // Make sure we get a fresh result

   // Make sure that the workers ready list is empty
   if (fWrksOutputReady) {

   Long64_t rv = -1;
   if (selector && strlen(selector)) {
      rv = fPlayer->Process(dset, selector, opt.Data(), nentries, first);
   } else if (fSelector) {
      rv = fPlayer->Process(dset, fSelector, opt.Data(), nentries, first);
   } else {
      Error("Process", "neither a selecrot file nor a selector object have"
                       " been specified: cannot process!");

   // Disable feedback, if required
   if (!optfb.IsNull()) SetFeedback(opt, optfb, 1);
   // Finalise output file settings (opt is ignored in here)
   if (HandleOutputOptions(opt, outfile, 1) != 0) return -1;

   // Retrieve status from the output list
   if (rv >= 0) {
      TParameter<Long64_t> *sst =
        (TParameter<Long64_t> *) fOutputList.FindObject("PROOF_SelectorStatus");
      if (sst) rv = sst->GetVal();

   if (fSync) {
      // reactivate the default application interrupt handler
      if (sh)
      // Save the performance info, if required
      if (!fPerfTree.IsNull()) {
         if (SavePerfTree() != 0) Error("Process", "saving performance info ...");
         // Must be re-enabled each time

   return rv;

Long64_t TProof::Process(TFileCollection *fc, const char *selector,
                         Option_t *option, Long64_t nentries, Long64_t first)
   // Process a data set (TFileCollection) using the specified selector (.C) file
   // or TSelector object.
   // The default tree is analyzed (i.e. the first one found). To specify another
   // tree, the default tree can be changed using TFileCollection::SetDefaultMetaData .
   // The return value is -1 in case of error and TSelector::GetStatus() in
   // in case of success.

   if (!IsValid() || !fPlayer) return -1;

   if (fProtocol < 17) {
      Info("Process", "server version < 5.18/00:"
                      " processing of TFileCollection not supported");
      return -1;

   // We include the TFileCollection to the input list and we create a
   // fake TDSet with infor about it
   TDSet *dset = new TDSet(TString::Format("TFileCollection:%s", fc->GetName()), 0, 0, "");

   Long64_t retval = -1;
   if (selector && strlen(selector)) {
      retval = Process(dset, selector, option, nentries, first);
   } else if (fSelector) {
      retval = Process(dset, fSelector, option, nentries, first);
   } else {
      Error("Process", "neither a selecrot file nor a selector object have"
                       " been specified: cannot process!");
   fPlayer->GetInputList()->Remove(fc); // To avoid problems in future

   // Cleanup
   if (IsLite() && !fSync) {
      if (!fRunningDSets) fRunningDSets = new TList;
   } else {
      delete dset;

   return retval;

Long64_t TProof::Process(const char *dsetname, const char *selector,
                         Option_t *option, Long64_t nentries,
                         Long64_t first, TObject *elist)
   // Process a dataset which is stored on the master with name 'dsetname'.
   // The syntax for dsetname is name[#[dir/]objname], e.g.
   //   "mydset"       analysis of the first tree in the top dir of the dataset
   //                  named "mydset"
   //   "mydset#T"     analysis tree "T" in the top dir of the dataset
   //                  named "mydset"
   //   "mydset#adir/T" analysis tree "T" in the dir "adir" of the dataset
   //                  named "mydset"
   //   "mydset#adir/" analysis of the first tree in the dir "adir" of the
   //                  dataset named "mydset"
   // The component 'name' in its more general form contains also the group and
   // user name following "/<group>/<user>/<dsname>". Each of these components
   // can contain one or more wildcards '*', in which case all the datasets matching
   // the expression are added together as a global dataset (wildcard support has
   // been added in version 5.27/02).
   // The last argument 'elist' specifies an entry- or event-list to be used as
   // event selection.
   // It is also possible (starting w/ version 5.27/02) to run on multiple datasets
   // at once in a more flexible way that the one provided by wildcarding. There
   // are three possibilities:
   //    1) specifying the dataset names separated by the OR operator '|', e.g.
   //          dsetname = "<dset1>|<dset2>|<dset3>|..."
   //       in this case the datasets are a seen as a global unique dataset
   //    2) specifying the dataset names separated by a ',' or a ' ', e.g.
   //          dsetname = "<dset1>,<dset2> <dset3>,..."
   //       in this case the datasets are processed one after the other and the
   //       selector is notified when switching dataset via a bit in the current
   //       processed element.
   //    3) giving the path of a textfile where the dataset names are specified
   //       on one or multiple lines; the lines found are joined as in 1), unless
   //       the filepath is followed by a ',' (i.e. p->Process("datasets.txt,",...)
   //       with the dataset names listed in 'datasets.txt') in which case they are
   //       treated as in 2); the file is open in raw mode with TFile::Open and
   //       therefore it cane be remote, e.g. on a Web server.
   // Each <dsetj> has the format specified above for the single dataset processing,
   // included wildcarding (the name of the tree and subdirectory must be same for
   // all the datasets).
   // In the case of multiple datasets, 'elist' is treated a global entry list.
   // It is possible to specify per-dataset entry lists using the syntax
   //   "mydset[#adir/[T]]?enl=entrylist"
   // or
   //   "mydset[#adir/[T]]<<entrylist"
   // Here 'entrylist' is a tag identifying, in the order :
   //   i. a named entry-list in the input list or in the input data list
   //  ii. a named entry-list in memory (in gDirectory)
   // iii. the path of a file containing the entry-list to be used
   // In the case ii) and iii) the entry-list object(s) is(are) added to the input
   // data list.
   // The return value is -1 in case of error and TSelector::GetStatus() in
   // in case of success.

   if (fProtocol < 13) {
      Info("Process", "processing 'by name' not supported by the server");
      return -1;

   TString dsname, fname(dsetname);
   // If the 'dsetname' corresponds to an existing and readable file we will try to
   // interpretate its content as names of datasets to be processed. One line can contain
   // more datasets, separated by ',' or '|'. By default the dataset lines will be added
   // (i.e. joined as in option '|'); if the file name ends with ',' the dataset lines are
   // joined with ','.
   const char *separator = (fname.EndsWith(",")) ? "," : "|";
   if (!strcmp(separator, ",") || fname.EndsWith("|")) fname.Remove(fname.Length()-1, 1);
   if (!(gSystem->AccessPathName(fname, kReadPermission))) {
      TUrl uf(fname, kTRUE);
      uf.SetOptions(TString::Format("%sfiletype=raw", uf.GetOptions()));
      TFile *f = TFile::Open(uf.GetUrl());
      if (f && !(f->IsZombie())) {
         const Int_t blen = 8192;
         char buf[blen];
         Long64_t rest = f->GetSize();
         while (rest > 0) {
            Long64_t len = (rest > blen - 1) ? blen - 1 : rest;
            if (f->ReadBuffer(buf, len)) {
               Error("Process", "problems reading from file '%s'", fname.Data());
               dsname = "";
            buf[len] = '\0';
            dsname += buf;
            rest -= len;
         // We fail if a failure occured
         if (rest > 0) return -1;
      } else {
         Error("Process", "could not open file '%s'", fname.Data());
         return -1;
   if (dsname.IsNull()) {
      dsname = dsetname;
   } else {
      // Remove trailing '\n'
      if (dsname.EndsWith("\n")) dsname.Remove(dsname.Length()-1, 1);
      // Replace all '\n' with the proper separator
      dsname.ReplaceAll("\n", separator);
      if (gDebug > 0) {
         Info("Process", "processing multi-dataset read from file '%s':", fname.Data());
         Info("Process", "  '%s'", dsname.Data());

   TString names(dsname), name, enl, newname;
   // If multi-dataset check if server supports it
   if (fProtocol < 28 && names.Index(TRegexp("[, |]")) != kNPOS) {
      Info("Process", "multi-dataset processing not supported by the server");
      return -1;

   TEntryList *el = 0;
   TString dsobj, dsdir;
   Int_t from = 0;
   while (names.Tokenize(name, from, "[, |]")) {

      newname = name;
      // Extract the specific entry-list, if any
      enl = "";
      Int_t ienl = name.Index("?enl=");
      if (ienl == kNPOS) {
         ienl = name.Index("<<");
         if (ienl != kNPOS) {
            ienl += strlen("<<");
      } else {
         ienl += strlen("?enl=");

      // Check the name syntax first
      TString obj, dir("/");
      Int_t idxc = newname.Index("#");
      if (idxc != kNPOS) {
         Int_t idxs = newname.Index("/", 1, idxc, TString::kExact);
         if (idxs != kNPOS) {
            obj = newname(idxs+1, newname.Length());
            dir = newname(idxc+1, newname.Length());
            dir.Remove(dir.Index("/") + 1);
         } else {
            obj = newname(idxc+1, newname.Length());
      } else if (newname.Index(":") != kNPOS && newname.Index("://") == kNPOS) {
         // protection against using ':' instead of '#'
         Error("Process", "bad name syntax (%s): please use"
                          " a '#' after the dataset name", name.Data());
         dsname.ReplaceAll(name, "");
      if (dsobj.IsNull() && dsdir.IsNull()) {
         // The first one specifies obj and dir
         dsobj = obj;
         dsdir = dir;
      } else if (obj != dsobj || dir != dsdir) {
         // Inconsistent specification: not supported
         Warning("Process", "'obj' or 'dir' specification not consistent w/ the first given: ignore");
      // Process the entry-list name, if any
      if (ienl != kNPOS) {
         // Get entrylist name or path
         enl = name(ienl, name.Length());
         el = 0;
         TObject *oel = 0;
         // If not in the input list ...
         TList *inpl = GetInputList();
         if (inpl && (oel = inpl->FindObject(enl))) el = dynamic_cast<TEntryList *>(oel);
         // ... check the heap
         if (!el && gDirectory && (oel = gDirectory->FindObject(enl))) {
            if ((el = dynamic_cast<TEntryList *>(oel))) {
               // Add to the input list (input data not available on master where
               // this info will be processed)
               if (fProtocol >= 28)
                  if (!(inpl->FindObject(el->GetName()))) AddInput(el);
         // If not in the heap, check a file, if any
         if (!el) {
            if (!gSystem->AccessPathName(enl)) {
               TFile *f = TFile::Open(enl);
               if (f && !(f->IsZombie()) && f->GetListOfKeys()) {
                  TIter nxk(f->GetListOfKeys());
                  TKey *k = 0;
                  while ((k = (TKey *) nxk())) {
                     if (!strcmp(k->GetClassName(), "TEntryList")) {
                        if (!el) {
                           if ((el = dynamic_cast<TEntryList *>(f->Get(k->GetName())))) {
                              // Add to the input list (input data not available on master where
                              // this info will be processed)
                              if (fProtocol >= 28) {
                                 if (!(inpl->FindObject(el->GetName()))) {
                                    el = (TEntryList *) el->Clone();
                              } else {
                                 el = (TEntryList *) el->Clone();
                        } else if (strcmp(el->GetName(), k->GetName())) {
                           Warning("Process", "multiple entry lists found in file '%s': the first one is taken;\n"
                                              "if this is not what you want, load first the content in memory"
                                              "and select it by name  ", enl.Data());
               } else {
                  Warning("Process","file '%s' cannot be open or is empty - ignoring", enl.Data());
         // Transmit the information
         if (fProtocol >= 28) {
            newname += "?enl=";
            if (el) {
               // An entry list object is avalaible in the input list: add its name
               newname += el->GetName();
            } else {
               // The entry list object was not found: send the name, the future entry list manager will
               // find it on the server side
               newname += enl;
      // Adjust the name for this dataset
      dsname.ReplaceAll(name, newname);

   // Create the dataset object
   TDSet *dset = new TDSet(dsname, dsobj, dsdir);
   // Set entry list
   if (el && fProtocol < 28) {
   } else {
   // Run
   Long64_t retval = -1;
   if (selector && strlen(selector)) {
      retval = Process(dset, selector, option, nentries, first);
   } else if (fSelector) {
      retval = Process(dset, fSelector, option, nentries, first);
   } else {
      Error("Process", "neither a selector file nor a selector object have"
                       " been specified: cannot process!");
   // Cleanup
   if (IsLite() && !fSync) {
      if (!fRunningDSets) fRunningDSets = new TList;
   } else {
      delete dset;

   return retval;

Long64_t TProof::Process(const char *selector, Long64_t n, Option_t *option)
   // Generic (non-data based) selector processing: the Process() method of the
   // specified selector (.C) or TSelector object is called 'n' times.
   // The return value is -1 in case of error and TSelector::GetStatus() in
   // in case of success.

   if (!IsValid()) return -1;

   if (fProtocol < 16) {
      Info("Process", "server version < 5.17/04: generic processing not supported");
      return -1;

   // Fake data set
   TDSet *dset = new TDSet;

   Long64_t retval = -1;
   if (selector && strlen(selector)) {
      retval = Process(dset, selector, option, n);
   } else if (fSelector) {
      retval = Process(dset, fSelector, option, n);
   } else {
      Error("Process", "neither a selector file nor a selector object have"
                       " been specified: cannot process!");

   // Cleanup
   if (IsLite() && !fSync) {
      if (!fRunningDSets) fRunningDSets = new TList;
   } else {
      delete dset;
   return retval;

Long64_t TProof::Process(TDSet *dset, TSelector *selector, Option_t *option,
                         Long64_t nentries, Long64_t first)
   // Process a data set (TDSet) using the specified selector object.
   // Entry- or event-lists should be set in the data set object using
   // TDSet::SetEntryList.
   // The return value is -1 in case of error and TSelector::GetStatus() in
   // in case of success.

   if (fProtocol < 34) {
      Error("Process", "server version < 5.33/02:"
                       "processing by object not supported");
      return -1;
   if (!selector) {
      Error("Process", "selector object undefined!");
      return -1;
   fSelector = selector;
   Long64_t rc = Process(dset, (const char*)0, option, nentries, first);
   fSelector = 0;
   // Done
   return rc;

Long64_t TProof::Process(TFileCollection *fc, TSelector *selector,
                         Option_t *option, Long64_t nentries, Long64_t first)
   // Process a data set (TFileCollection) using the specified selector object
   // The default tree is analyzed (i.e. the first one found). To specify another
   // tree, the default tree can be changed using TFileCollection::SetDefaultMetaData .
   // The return value is -1 in case of error and TSelector::GetStatus() in
   // in case of success.

   if (fProtocol < 34) {
      Error("Process", "server version < 5.33/02:"
                       "processing by object not supported");
      return -1;
   if (!selector) {
      Error("Process", "selector object undefined!");
      return -1;
   fSelector = selector;
   Long64_t rc = Process(fc, (const char*)0, option, nentries, first);
   fSelector = 0;
   // Done
   return rc;

Long64_t TProof::Process(const char *dsetname, TSelector *selector,
                         Option_t *option, Long64_t nentries,
                         Long64_t first, TObject *elist)
   // Process with name of dataset and TSelector object
   if (fProtocol < 34) {
      Error("Process", "server version < 5.33/02:"
                       "processing by object not supported");
      return -1;
   if (!selector) {
      Error("Process", "selector object undefined!");
      return -1;
   fSelector = selector;
   Long64_t rc = Process(dsetname, (const char*)0, option, nentries, first, elist);
   fSelector = 0;
   // Done
   return rc;

Long64_t TProof::Process(TSelector *selector, Long64_t n, Option_t *option)
   // Generic (non-data based) selector processing: the Process() method of the
   // specified selector is called 'n' times.
   // The return value is -1 in case of error and TSelector::GetStatus() in
   // in case of success.

   if (fProtocol < 34) {
      Error("Process", "server version < 5.33/02:"
                       "processing by object not supported");
      return -1;
   if (!selector) {
      Error("Process", "selector object undefined!");
      return -1;
   fSelector = selector;
   Long64_t rc = Process((const char*)0, n, option);
   fSelector = 0;
   // Done
   return rc;

Int_t TProof::GetQueryReference(Int_t qry, TString &ref)
   // Get reference for the qry-th query in fQueries (as
   // displayed by ShowQueries).

   ref = "";
   if (qry > 0) {
      if (!fQueries)
      if (fQueries) {
         TIter nxq(fQueries);
         TQueryResult *qr = 0;
         while ((qr = (TQueryResult *) nxq()))
            if (qr->GetSeqNum() == qry) {
               ref.Form("%s:%s", qr->GetTitle(), qr->GetName());
               return 0;
   return -1;

Long64_t TProof::Finalize(Int_t qry, Bool_t force)
   // Finalize the qry-th query in fQueries.
   // If force, force retrieval if the query is found in the local list
   // but has already been finalized (default kFALSE).
   // If query < 0, finalize current query.
   // Return 0 on success, -1 on error

   if (fPlayer) {
      if (qry > 0) {
         TString ref;
         if (GetQueryReference(qry, ref) == 0) {
            return Finalize(ref, force);
         } else {
            Info("Finalize", "query #%d not found", qry);
      } else {
         // The last query
         return Finalize("", force);
   return -1;

Long64_t TProof::Finalize(const char *ref, Bool_t force)
   // Finalize query with reference ref.
   // If force, force retrieval if the query is found in the local list
   // but has already been finalized (default kFALSE).
   // If ref = 0, finalize current query.
   // Return 0 on success, -1 on error

   if (fPlayer) {
      // Get the pointer to the query
      TQueryResult *qr = (ref && strlen(ref) > 0) ? fPlayer->GetQueryResult(ref)
                                                  : GetQueryResult();
      Bool_t retrieve = kFALSE;
      TString xref(ref);
      if (!qr) {
         if (!xref.IsNull()) {
            retrieve =  kTRUE;
      } else {
         if (qr->IsFinalized()) {
            if (force) {
               retrieve = kTRUE;
            } else {
               Info("Finalize","query already finalized:"
                     " use Finalize(<qry>,kTRUE) to force new retrieval");
               qr = 0;
         } else {
            retrieve = kTRUE;
            xref.Form("%s:%s", qr->GetTitle(), qr->GetName());
      if (retrieve) {
         qr = fPlayer->GetQueryResult(xref.Data());
      if (qr)
         return fPlayer->Finalize(qr);
   return -1;

Int_t TProof::Retrieve(Int_t qry, const char *path)
   // Send retrieve request for the qry-th query in fQueries.
   // If path is defined save it to path.

   if (qry > 0) {
      TString ref;
      if (GetQueryReference(qry, ref) == 0)
         return Retrieve(ref, path);
         Info("Retrieve", "query #%d not found", qry);
   } else {
      Info("Retrieve","positive argument required - do nothing");
   return -1;

Int_t TProof::Retrieve(const char *ref, const char *path)
   // Send retrieve request for the query specified by ref.
   // If path is defined save it to path.
   // Generic method working for all queries known by the server.

   if (ref) {
      TMessage m(kPROOF_RETRIEVE);
      m << TString(ref);
      Broadcast(m, kActive);
      Collect(kActive, fCollectTimeout);

      // Archive it locally, if required
      if (path) {

         // Get pointer to query
         TQueryResult *qr = fPlayer ? fPlayer->GetQueryResult(ref) : 0;

         if (qr) {

            TFile *farc = TFile::Open(path,"UPDATE");
            if (!farc || (farc && !(farc->IsOpen()))) {
               Info("Retrieve", "archive file cannot be open (%s)", path);
               return 0;

            // Update query status

            // Write to file


         } else {
            Info("Retrieve", "query not found after retrieve");
            return -1;

      return 0;
   return -1;

Int_t TProof::Remove(Int_t qry, Bool_t all)
   // Send remove request for the qry-th query in fQueries.

   if (qry > 0) {
      TString ref;
      if (GetQueryReference(qry, ref) == 0)
         return Remove(ref, all);
         Info("Remove", "query #%d not found", qry);
   } else {
      Info("Remove","positive argument required - do nothing");
   return -1;

Int_t TProof::Remove(const char *ref, Bool_t all)
   // Send remove request for the query specified by ref.
   // If all = TRUE remove also local copies of the query, if any.
   // Generic method working for all queries known by the server.
   // This method can be also used to reset the list of queries
   // waiting to be processed: for that purpose use ref == "cleanupqueue".

   if (all) {
      // Remove also local copies, if any
      if (fPlayer)

   if (IsLite()) return 0;

   if (ref) {
      TMessage m(kPROOF_REMOVE);
      m << TString(ref);
      Broadcast(m, kActive);
      Collect(kActive, fCollectTimeout);
      return 0;
   return -1;

Int_t TProof::Archive(Int_t qry, const char *path)
   // Send archive request for the qry-th query in fQueries.

   if (qry > 0) {
      TString ref;
      if (GetQueryReference(qry, ref) == 0)
         return Archive(ref, path);
         Info("Archive", "query #%d not found", qry);
   } else {
      Info("Archive","positive argument required - do nothing");
   return -1;

Int_t TProof::Archive(const char *ref, const char *path)
   // Send archive request for the query specified by ref.
   // Generic method working for all queries known by the server.
   // If ref == "Default", path is understood as a default path for
   // archiving.

   if (ref) {
      TMessage m(kPROOF_ARCHIVE);
      m << TString(ref) << TString(path);
      Broadcast(m, kActive);
      Collect(kActive, fCollectTimeout);
      return 0;
   return -1;

Int_t TProof::CleanupSession(const char *sessiontag)
   // Send cleanup request for the session specified by tag.

   if (sessiontag) {
      m << TString(sessiontag);
      Broadcast(m, kActive);
      Collect(kActive, fCollectTimeout);
      return 0;
   return -1;

void TProof::SetQueryMode(EQueryMode mode)
   // Change query running mode to the one specified by 'mode'.

   fQueryMode = mode;

   if (gDebug > 0)
      Info("SetQueryMode","query mode is set to: %s", fQueryMode == kSync ?
           "Sync" : "Async");

TProof::EQueryMode TProof::GetQueryMode(Option_t *mode) const
   // Find out the query mode based on the current setting and 'mode'.

   EQueryMode qmode = fQueryMode;

   if (mode && (strlen(mode) > 0)) {
      TString m(mode);
      if (m.Contains("ASYN")) {
         qmode = kAsync;
      } else if (m.Contains("SYNC")) {
         qmode = kSync;

   if (gDebug > 0)
      Info("GetQueryMode","query mode is set to: %s", qmode == kSync ?
           "Sync" : "Async");

   return qmode;

Long64_t TProof::DrawSelect(TDSet *dset, const char *varexp,
                            const char *selection, Option_t *option,
                            Long64_t nentries, Long64_t first)
   // Execute the specified drawing action on a data set (TDSet).
   // Event- or Entry-lists should be set in the data set object using
   // TDSet::SetEntryList.
   // Returns -1 in case of error or number of selected events otherwise.

   if (!IsValid() || !fPlayer) return -1;

   // Make sure that asynchronous processing is not active
   if (!IsIdle()) {
      Info("DrawSelect","not idle, asynchronous Draw not supported");
      return -1;
   TString opt(option);
   Int_t idx = opt.Index("ASYN", 0, TString::kIgnoreCase);
   if (idx != kNPOS)

   return fPlayer->DrawSelect(dset, varexp, selection, opt, nentries, first);

Long64_t TProof::DrawSelect(const char *dsetname, const char *varexp,
                            const char *selection, Option_t *option,
                            Long64_t nentries, Long64_t first, TObject *enl)
   // Execute the specified drawing action on a data set which is stored on the
   // master with name 'dsetname'.
   // The syntax for dsetname is name[#[dir/]objname], e.g.
   //   "mydset"       analysis of the first tree in the top dir of the dataset
   //                  named "mydset"
   //   "mydset#T"     analysis tree "T" in the top dir of the dataset
   //                  named "mydset"
   //   "mydset#adir/T" analysis tree "T" in the dir "adir" of the dataset
   //                  named "mydset"
   //   "mydset#adir/" analysis of the first tree in the dir "adir" of the
   //                  dataset named "mydset"
   // The last argument 'enl' specifies an entry- or event-list to be used as
   // event selection.
   // The return value is -1 in case of error and TSelector::GetStatus() in
   // in case of success.

   if (fProtocol < 13) {
      Info("Process", "processing 'by name' not supported by the server");
      return -1;

   TString name(dsetname);
   TString obj;
   TString dir = "/";
   Int_t idxc = name.Index("#");
   if (idxc != kNPOS) {
      Int_t idxs = name.Index("/", 1, idxc, TString::kExact);
      if (idxs != kNPOS) {
         obj = name(idxs+1, name.Length());
         dir = name(idxc+1, name.Length());
         dir.Remove(dir.Index("/") + 1);
      } else {
         obj = name(idxc+1, name.Length());
   } else if (name.Index(":") != kNPOS && name.Index("://") == kNPOS) {
      // protection against using ':' instead of '#'
      Error("DrawSelect", "bad name syntax (%s): please use"
                       " a '#' after the dataset name", dsetname);
      return -1;

   TDSet *dset = new TDSet(name, obj, dir);
   // Set entry-list, if required
   Long64_t retval = DrawSelect(dset, varexp, selection, option, nentries, first);
   delete dset;
   return retval;

void TProof::StopProcess(Bool_t abort, Int_t timeout)
   // Send STOPPROCESS message to master and workers.

      Info("StopProcess","enter %d", abort);

   if (!IsValid())

   // Flag that we have been stopped
   ERunStatus rst = abort ? TProof::kAborted : TProof::kStopped;

   if (fPlayer)
      fPlayer->StopProcess(abort, timeout);

   // Stop any blocking 'Collect' request; on masters we do this only if
   // aborting; when stopping, we still need to receive the results
   if (TestBit(TProof::kIsClient) || abort)

   if (fSlaves->GetSize() == 0)

   // Notify the remote counterpart
   TSlave *sl;
   TIter   next(fSlaves);
   while ((sl = (TSlave *)next()))
      if (sl->IsValid())
         // Ask slave to progate the stop/abort request
         sl->StopProcess(abort, timeout);

void TProof::DisableGoAsyn()
   // Signal to disable related switches


void TProof::GoAsynchronous()
   // Send GOASYNC message to the master.

   if (!IsValid()) return;

   if (GetRemoteProtocol() < 22) {
      Info("GoAsynchronous", "functionality not supported by the server - ignoring");

   if (fSync && !IsIdle()) {
      TMessage m(kPROOF_GOASYNC);
   } else {
      Info("GoAsynchronous", "either idle or already in asynchronous mode - ignoring");

void TProof::RecvLogFile(TSocket *s, Int_t size)
   // Receive the log file of the slave with socket s.

   const Int_t kMAXBUF = 16384;  //32768  //16384  //65536;
   char buf[kMAXBUF];

   // If macro saving is enabled prepare macro
   if (fSaveLogToMacro && fMacroLog.GetListOfLines()) {

   // Append messages to active logging unit
   Int_t fdout = -1;
   if (!fLogToWindowOnly) {
      fdout = (fRedirLog) ? fileno(fLogFileW) : fileno(stdout);
      if (fdout < 0) {
         Warning("RecvLogFile", "file descriptor for outputs undefined (%d):"
                 " will not log msgs", fdout);
      lseek(fdout, (off_t) 0, SEEK_END);

   Int_t  left, rec, r;
   Long_t filesize = 0;

   while (filesize < size) {
      left = Int_t(size - filesize);
      if (left >= kMAXBUF)
         left = kMAXBUF-1;
      rec = s->RecvRaw(&buf, left);
      filesize = (rec > 0) ? (filesize + rec) : filesize;
      if (!fLogToWindowOnly && !fSaveLogToMacro) {
         if (rec > 0) {

            char *p = buf;
            r = rec;
            while (r) {
               Int_t w;

               w = write(fdout, p, r);

               if (w < 0) {
                  SysError("RecvLogFile", "error writing to unit: %d", fdout);
               r -= w;
               p += w;
         } else if (rec < 0) {
            Error("RecvLogFile", "error during receiving log file");
      if (rec > 0) {
         buf[rec] = 0;
         EmitVA("LogMessage(const char*,Bool_t)", 2, buf, kFALSE);
         // If macro saving is enabled add to TMacro
         if (fSaveLogToMacro) fMacroLog.AddLine(buf);

   // If idle restore logs to main session window
   if (fRedirLog && IsIdle() && !TestBit(TProof::kIsMaster))
      fRedirLog = kFALSE;

void TProof::NotifyLogMsg(const char *msg, const char *sfx)
   // Notify locally 'msg' to the appropriate units (file, stdout, window)
   // If defined, 'sfx' is added after 'msg' (typically a line-feed);

   // Must have somenthing to notify
   Int_t len = 0;
   if (!msg || (len = strlen(msg)) <= 0)

   // Get suffix length if any
   Int_t lsfx = (sfx) ? strlen(sfx) : 0;

   // Append messages to active logging unit
   Int_t fdout = -1;
   if (!fLogToWindowOnly) {
      fdout = (fRedirLog) ? fileno(fLogFileW) : fileno(stdout);
      if (fdout < 0) {
         Warning("NotifyLogMsg", "file descriptor for outputs undefined (%d):"
                 " will not notify msgs", fdout);
      lseek(fdout, (off_t) 0, SEEK_END);

   if (!fLogToWindowOnly) {
      // Write to output unit (stdout or a log file)
      if (len > 0) {
         char *p = (char *)msg;
         Int_t r = len;
         while (r) {
            Int_t w = write(fdout, p, r);
            if (w < 0) {
               SysError("NotifyLogMsg", "error writing to unit: %d", fdout);
            r -= w;
            p += w;
         // Add a suffix, if requested
         if (lsfx > 0)
            if (write(fdout, sfx, lsfx) != lsfx)
               SysError("NotifyLogMsg", "error writing to unit: %d", fdout);
   if (len > 0) {
      // Publish the message to the separate window (if the latter is missing
      // the message will just get lost)
      EmitVA("LogMessage(const char*,Bool_t)", 2, msg, kFALSE);

   // If idle restore logs to main session window
   if (fRedirLog && IsIdle())
      fRedirLog = kFALSE;

void TProof::LogMessage(const char *msg, Bool_t all)
   // Log a message into the appropriate window by emitting a signal.

      Info("LogMessage","Enter ... %s, 'all: %s", msg ? msg : "",
           all ? "true" : "false");

   if (gROOT->IsBatch()) {
      PDB(kGlobal,1) Info("LogMessage","GUI not started - use TProof::ShowLog()");

   if (msg)
      EmitVA("LogMessage(const char*,Bool_t)", 2, msg, all);

   // Re-position at the beginning of the file, if requested.
   // This is used by the dialog when it re-opens the log window to
   // provide all the session messages
   if (all)
      lseek(fileno(fLogFileR), (off_t) 0, SEEK_SET);

   const Int_t kMAXBUF = 32768;
   char buf[kMAXBUF];
   Int_t len;
   do {
      while ((len = read(fileno(fLogFileR), buf, kMAXBUF-1)) < 0 &&
             TSystem::GetErrno() == EINTR)

      if (len < 0) {
         Error("LogMessage", "error reading log file");

      if (len > 0) {
         buf[len] = 0;
         EmitVA("LogMessage(const char*,Bool_t)", 2, buf, kFALSE);

   } while (len > 0);

Int_t TProof::SendGroupView()
   // Send to all active slaves servers the current slave group size
   // and their unique id. Returns number of active slaves.
   // Returns -1 in case of error.

   if (!IsValid()) return -1;
   if (TestBit(TProof::kIsClient)) return 0;
   if (!fSendGroupView) return 0;
   fSendGroupView = kFALSE;

   TIter   next(fActiveSlaves);
   TSlave *sl;

   int  bad = 0, cnt = 0, size = GetNumberOfActiveSlaves();
   char str[32];

   while ((sl = (TSlave *)next())) {
      snprintf(str, 32, "%d %d", cnt, size);
      if (sl->GetSocket()->Send(str, kPROOF_GROUPVIEW) == -1) {
         MarkBad(sl, "could not send kPROOF_GROUPVIEW message");
      } else

   // Send the group view again in case there was a change in the
   // group size due to a bad slave

   if (bad) SendGroupView();

   return GetNumberOfActiveSlaves();

Bool_t TProof::GetFileInCmd(const char *cmd, TString &fn)
   // Static method to extract the filename (if any) form a CINT command.
   // Returns kTRUE and the filename in 'fn'; returns kFALSE if not found or not
   // appliable.

   TString s = cmd;
   s = s.Strip(TString::kBoth);

   if (s.Length() > 0 &&
      (s.BeginsWith(".L") || s.BeginsWith(".x") || s.BeginsWith(".X"))) {
      TString file = s(2, s.Length());
      TString acm, arg, io;
      fn = gSystem->SplitAclicMode(file, acm, arg, io);
      if (!fn.IsNull())
         return kTRUE;

   // Not found
   return kFALSE;

Int_t TProof::Exec(const char *cmd, Bool_t plusMaster)
   // Send command to be executed on the PROOF master and/or slaves.
   // If plusMaster is kTRUE then exeucte on slaves and master too.
   // Command can be any legal command line command. Commands like
   // ".x file.C" or ".L file.C" will cause the file file.C to be send
   // to the PROOF cluster. Returns -1 in case of error, >=0 in case of
   // succes.

   return Exec(cmd, kActive, plusMaster);

Int_t TProof::Exec(const char *cmd, ESlaves list, Bool_t plusMaster)
   // Send command to be executed on the PROOF master and/or slaves.
   // Command can be any legal command line command. Commands like
   // ".x file.C" or ".L file.C" will cause the file file.C to be send
   // to the PROOF cluster. Returns -1 in case of error, >=0 in case of
   // succes.

   if (!IsValid()) return -1;

   TString s = cmd;
   s = s.Strip(TString::kBoth);

   if (!s.Length()) return 0;

   // check for macro file and make sure the file is available on all slaves
   TString filename;
   if (TProof::GetFileInCmd(s.Data(), filename)) {
      char *fn = gSystem->Which(TROOT::GetMacroPath(), filename, kReadPermission);
      if (fn) {
         if (GetNumberOfUniqueSlaves() > 0) {
            if (SendFile(fn, kAscii | kForward | kCpBin) < 0) {
               Error("Exec", "file %s could not be transfered", fn);
               delete [] fn;
               return -1;
         } else {
            TString scmd = s(0,3) + fn;
            Int_t n = SendCommand(scmd, list);
            delete [] fn;
            return n;
      } else {
         Error("Exec", "macro %s not found", filename.Data());
         return -1;
      delete [] fn;

   if (plusMaster) {
      if (IsLite()) {
      } else {
         Int_t res = SendCommand(cmd, list);
         if (res < 0)
            return res;
   return SendCommand(cmd, list);

Int_t TProof::Exec(const char *cmd, const char *ord, Bool_t logtomacro)
   // Send command to be executed on node of ordinal 'ord' (use "0" for master).
   // Command can be any legal command line command. Commands like
   // ".x file.C" or ".L file.C" will cause the file file.C to be send
   // to the PROOF cluster.
   // If logtomacro is TRUE the text result of the action is saved in the fMacroLog
   // TMacro, accessible via TMacro::GetMacroLog();
   // Returns -1 in case of error, >=0 in case of succes.

   if (!IsValid()) return -1;

   TString s = cmd;
   s = s.Strip(TString::kBoth);

   if (!s.Length()) return 0;

   Int_t res = 0;
   if (IsLite()) {
   } else {
      Bool_t oldRedirLog = fRedirLog;
      fRedirLog = kTRUE;
      // Deactivate all workers
      fRedirLog = kFALSE;
      // Reactivate the target ones, if needed
      if (strcmp(ord, "master") && strcmp(ord, "0")) ActivateWorker(ord);
      // Honour log-to-macro-saving settings
      Bool_t oldSaveLog = fSaveLogToMacro;
      fSaveLogToMacro = logtomacro;
      res = SendCommand(cmd, kActive);
      fSaveLogToMacro = oldSaveLog;
      fRedirLog = kTRUE;
      fRedirLog = oldRedirLog;
   // Done
   return res;

Int_t TProof::SendCommand(const char *cmd, ESlaves list)
   // Send command to be executed on the PROOF master and/or slaves.
   // Command can be any legal command line command, however commands
   // like ".x file.C" or ".L file.C" will not cause the file.C to be
   // transfered to the PROOF cluster. In that case use TProof::Exec().
   // Returns the status send by the remote server as part of the
   // kPROOF_LOGDONE message. Typically this is the return code of the
   // command on the remote side. Returns -1 in case of error.

   if (!IsValid()) return -1;

   Broadcast(cmd, kMESS_CINT, list);

   return fStatus;

TString TProof::Getenv(const char *env, const char *ord)
   // Get value of environment variable 'env' on node 'ord'

   // The command to be executed
   TString cmd = TString::Format("gSystem->Getenv(\"%s\")", env);
   if (Exec(cmd.Data(), ord, kTRUE) != 0) return TString("");
   // Get the line
   TObjString *os = fMacroLog.GetLineWith("const char");
   if (os) {
      TString info;
      Ssiz_t from = 0;
      os->GetString().Tokenize(info, from, "\"");
      os->GetString().Tokenize(info, from, "\"");
      if (gDebug > 0) Printf("%s: '%s'", env, info.Data());
      return info;
   return TString("");

Int_t TProof::GetRC(const char *rcenv, Int_t &env, const char *ord)
   // Get into 'env' the value of integer RC env variable 'rcenv' on node 'ord'

   // The command to be executed
   TString cmd = TString::Format("if (gEnv->Lookup(\"%s\")) { gEnv->GetValue(\"%s\",\"\"); }", rcenv, rcenv);
   // Exectute the command saving the logs to macro
   if (Exec(cmd.Data(), ord, kTRUE) != 0) return -1;
   // Get the line
   TObjString *os = fMacroLog.GetLineWith("const char");
   Int_t rc = -1;
   if (os) {
      Ssiz_t fst =  os->GetString().First('\"');
      Ssiz_t lst =  os->GetString().Last('\"');
      TString info = os->GetString()(fst+1, lst-fst-1);
      if (info.IsDigit()) {
         env = info.Atoi();
         rc = 0;
         if (gDebug > 0)
            Printf("%s: %d", rcenv, env);
   return rc;

Int_t TProof::GetRC(const char *rcenv, Double_t &env, const char *ord)
   // Get into 'env' the value of double RC env variable 'rcenv' on node 'ord'

   // The command to be executed
   TString cmd = TString::Format("if (gEnv->Lookup(\"%s\")) { gEnv->GetValue(\"%s\",\"\"); }", rcenv, rcenv);
   // Exectute the command saving the logs to macro
   if (Exec(cmd.Data(), ord, kTRUE) != 0) return -1;
   // Get the line
   TObjString *os = fMacroLog.GetLineWith("const char");
   Int_t rc = -1;
   if (os) {
      Ssiz_t fst =  os->GetString().First('\"');
      Ssiz_t lst =  os->GetString().Last('\"');
      TString info = os->GetString()(fst+1, lst-fst-1);
      if (info.IsFloat()) {
         env = info.Atof();
         rc = 0;
         if (gDebug > 0)
            Printf("%s: %f", rcenv, env);
   return rc;

Int_t TProof::GetRC(const char *rcenv, TString &env, const char *ord)
   // Get into 'env' the value of string RC env variable 'rcenv' on node 'ord'

   // The command to be executed
   TString cmd = TString::Format("if (gEnv->Lookup(\"%s\")) { gEnv->GetValue(\"%s\",\"\"); }", rcenv, rcenv);
   // Exectute the command saving the logs to macro
   if (Exec(cmd.Data(), ord, kTRUE) != 0) return -1;
   // Get the line
   TObjString *os = fMacroLog.GetLineWith("const char");
   Int_t rc = -1;
   if (os) {
      Ssiz_t fst =  os->GetString().First('\"');
      Ssiz_t lst =  os->GetString().Last('\"');
      env = os->GetString()(fst+1, lst-fst-1);
      rc = 0;
      if (gDebug > 0)
         Printf("%s: %s", rcenv, env.Data());
   return rc;

Int_t TProof::SendCurrentState(ESlaves list)
   // Transfer the current state of the master to the active slave servers.
   // The current state includes: the current working directory, etc.
   // Returns the number of active slaves. Returns -1 in case of error.

   if (!IsValid()) return -1;

   // Go to the new directory, reset the interpreter environment and
   // tell slave to delete all objects from its new current directory.
   Broadcast(gDirectory->GetPath(), kPROOF_RESET, list);

   return GetParallel();

Int_t TProof::SendInitialState()
   // Transfer the initial (i.e. current) state of the master to all
   // slave servers. Currently the initial state includes: log level.
   // Returns the number of active slaves. Returns -1 in case of error.

   if (!IsValid()) return -1;

   SetLogLevel(fLogLevel, gProofDebugMask);

   return GetNumberOfActiveSlaves();

Bool_t TProof::CheckFile(const char *file, TSlave *slave, Long_t modtime, Int_t cpopt)
   // Check if a file needs to be send to the slave. Use the following
   // algorithm:
   //   - check if file appears in file map
   //     - if yes, get file's modtime and check against time in map,
   //       if modtime not same get md5 and compare against md5 in map,
   //       if not same return kTRUE.
   //     - if no, get file's md5 and modtime and store in file map, ask
   //       slave if file exists with specific md5, if yes return kFALSE,
   //       if no return kTRUE.
   // The options 'cpopt' define if to copy things from cache to sandbox and what.
   // To retrieve from the cache the binaries associated with the file TProof::kCpBin
   // must be set in cpopt; the default is copy everything.
   // Returns kTRUE in case file needs to be send, returns kFALSE in case
   // file is already on remote node.

   Bool_t sendto = kFALSE;

   // create worker based filename
   TString sn = slave->GetName();
   sn += ":";
   sn += slave->GetOrdinal();
   sn += ":";
   sn += gSystem->BaseName(file);

   // check if file is in map
   FileMap_t::const_iterator it;
   if ((it = fFileMap.find(sn)) != fFileMap.end()) {
      // file in map
      MD5Mod_t md = (*it).second;
      if (md.fModtime != modtime) {
         TMD5 *md5 = TMD5::FileChecksum(file);
         if (md5) {
            if ((*md5) != md.fMD5) {
               sendto       = kTRUE;
               md.fMD5      = *md5;
               md.fModtime  = modtime;
               fFileMap[sn] = md;
               // When on the master, the master and/or slaves may share
               // their file systems and cache. Therefore always make a
               // check for the file. If the file already exists with the
               // expected md5 the kPROOF_CHECKFILE command will cause the
               // file to be copied from cache to slave sandbox.
               if (TestBit(TProof::kIsMaster)) {
                  sendto = kFALSE;
                  TMessage mess(kPROOF_CHECKFILE);
                  mess << TString(gSystem->BaseName(file)) << md.fMD5 << cpopt;

                  fCheckFileStatus = 0;
                  Collect(slave, fCollectTimeout, kPROOF_CHECKFILE);
                  sendto = (fCheckFileStatus == 0) ? kTRUE : kFALSE;
            delete md5;
         } else {
            Error("CheckFile", "could not calculate local MD5 check sum - dont send");
            return kFALSE;
   } else {
      // file not in map
      TMD5 *md5 = TMD5::FileChecksum(file);
      MD5Mod_t md;
      if (md5) {
         md.fMD5      = *md5;
         md.fModtime  = modtime;
         fFileMap[sn] = md;
         delete md5;
      } else {
         Error("CheckFile", "could not calculate local MD5 check sum - dont send");
         return kFALSE;
      TMessage mess(kPROOF_CHECKFILE);
      mess << TString(gSystem->BaseName(file)) << md.fMD5 << cpopt;

      fCheckFileStatus = 0;
      Collect(slave, fCollectTimeout, kPROOF_CHECKFILE);
      sendto = (fCheckFileStatus == 0) ? kTRUE : kFALSE;

   return sendto;

Int_t TProof::SendFile(const char *file, Int_t opt, const char *rfile, TSlave *wrk)
   // Send a file to master or slave servers. Returns number of slaves
   // the file was sent to, maybe 0 in case master and slaves have the same
   // file system image, -1 in case of error.
   // If defined, send to worker 'wrk' only.
   // If defined, the full path of the remote path will be rfile.
   // If rfile = "cache" the file is copied to the remote cache instead of the sandbox
   // (to copy to the cache on a different name use rfile = "cache:newname").
   // The mask 'opt' is an or of ESendFileOpt:
   //       kAscii  (0x0)      if set true ascii file transfer is used
   //       kBinary (0x1)      if set true binary file transfer is used
   //       kForce  (0x2)      if not set an attempt is done to find out
   //                          whether the file really needs to be downloaded
   //                          (a valid copy may already exist in the cache
   //                          from a previous run); the bit is set by
   //                          UploadPackage, since the check is done elsewhere.
   //       kForward (0x4)     if set, ask server to forward the file to slave
   //                          or submaster (meaningless for slave servers).
   //       kCpBin   (0x8)     Retrieve from the cache the binaries associated
   //                          with the file
   //       kCp      (0x10)    Retrieve the files from the cache

   if (!IsValid()) return -1;

   // Use the active slaves list ...
   TList *slaves = (rfile && !strcmp(rfile, "cache")) ? fUniqueSlaves : fActiveSlaves;
   // ... or the specified slave, if any
   if (wrk) {
      slaves = new TList();

   if (slaves->GetSize() == 0) return 0;

#ifndef R__WIN32
   Int_t fd = open(file, O_RDONLY);
   Int_t fd = open(file, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY);
   if (fd < 0) {
      SysError("SendFile", "cannot open file %s", file);
      return -1;

   // Get info about the file
   Long64_t size = -1;
   Long_t id, flags, modtime = 0;
   if (gSystem->GetPathInfo(file, &id, &size, &flags, &modtime) == 1) {
      Error("SendFile", "cannot stat file %s", file);
      return -1;
   if (size == 0) {
      Error("SendFile", "empty file %s", file);
      return -1;

   // Decode options
   Bool_t bin   = (opt & kBinary)  ? kTRUE : kFALSE;
   Bool_t force = (opt & kForce)   ? kTRUE : kFALSE;
   Bool_t fw    = (opt & kForward) ? kTRUE : kFALSE;

   // Copy options
   Int_t cpopt  = 0;
   if ((opt & kCp)) cpopt |= kCp;
   if ((opt & kCpBin)) cpopt |= (kCp | kCpBin);

   const Int_t kMAXBUF = 32768;  //16384  //65536;
   char buf[kMAXBUF];
   Int_t nsl = 0;

   TIter next(slaves);
   TSlave *sl;
   TString fnam(rfile);
   if (fnam == "cache") {
      fnam += TString::Format(":%s", gSystem->BaseName(file));
   } else if (fnam.IsNull()) {
      fnam = gSystem->BaseName(file);
   // List on which we will collect the results
   fStatus = 0;
   while ((sl = (TSlave *)next())) {
      if (!sl->IsValid())

      Bool_t sendto = force ? kTRUE : CheckFile(file, sl, modtime, cpopt);
      // Don't send the kPROOF_SENDFILE command to real slaves when sendto
      // is false. Masters might still need to send the file to newly added
      // slaves.
      PDB(kPackage,2) {
         const char *snd = (sl->fSlaveType == TSlave::kSlave && sendto) ? "" : "not";
         Info("SendFile", "%s sending file %s to: %s:%s (%d)", snd,
                    file, sl->GetName(), sl->GetOrdinal(), sendto);
      if (sl->fSlaveType == TSlave::kSlave && !sendto)
      // The value of 'size' is used as flag remotely, so we need to
      // reset it to 0 if we are not going to send the file
      Long64_t siz = sendto ? size : 0;
      snprintf(buf, kMAXBUF, "%s %d %lld %d", fnam.Data(), bin, siz, fw);
      if (sl->GetSocket()->Send(buf, kPROOF_SENDFILE) == -1) {
         MarkBad(sl, "could not send kPROOF_SENDFILE request");

      if (sendto) {

         lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET);

         Int_t len;
         do {
            while ((len = read(fd, buf, kMAXBUF)) < 0 && TSystem::GetErrno() == EINTR)

            if (len < 0) {
               SysError("SendFile", "error reading from file %s", file);
               Interrupt(kSoftInterrupt, kActive);
               return -1;

            if (len > 0 && sl->GetSocket()->SendRaw(buf, len) == -1) {
               SysError("SendFile", "error writing to slave %s:%s (now offline)",
                        sl->GetName(), sl->GetOrdinal());
               MarkBad(sl, "sendraw failure");
               sl = 0;

         } while (len > 0);

      // Wait for the operation to be done
      if (sl)
         Collect(sl, fCollectTimeout, kPROOF_SENDFILE);


   // Cleanup temporary list, if any
   if (slaves != fActiveSlaves && slaves != fUniqueSlaves)

   // We return failure is at least one unique worker failed
   return (fStatus != 0) ? -1 : nsl;

Int_t TProof::Echo(const TObject *obj)
   // Sends an object to master and workers and expect them to send back a
   // message with the output of its TObject::Print(). Returns -1 on error, the
   // number of workers that received the objects on success.

   if (!IsValid() || !obj) return -1;
   TMessage mess(kPROOF_ECHO);
   return Broadcast(mess);

Int_t TProof::Echo(const char *str)
   // Sends a string to master and workers and expect them to echo it back to
   // the client via a message. It is a special case of the generic Echo()
   // that works with TObjects. Returns -1 on error, the number of workers that
   // received the message on success.

   TObjString *os = new TObjString(str);
   Int_t rv = Echo(os);
   delete os;
   return rv;

Int_t TProof::SendObject(const TObject *obj, ESlaves list)
   // Send object to master or slave servers. Returns number of slaves object
   // was sent to, -1 in case of error.

   if (!IsValid() || !obj) return -1;

   TMessage mess(kMESS_OBJECT);

   return Broadcast(mess, list);

Int_t TProof::SendPrint(Option_t *option)
   // Send print command to master server. Returns number of slaves message
   // was sent to. Returns -1 in case of error.

   if (!IsValid()) return -1;

   Broadcast(option, kPROOF_PRINT, kActive);
   return Collect(kActive, fCollectTimeout);

void TProof::SetLogLevel(Int_t level, UInt_t mask)
   // Set server logging level.

   char str[32];
   fLogLevel        = level;
   gProofDebugLevel = level;
   gProofDebugMask  = (TProofDebug::EProofDebugMask) mask;
   snprintf(str, 32, "%d %u", level, mask);
   Broadcast(str, kPROOF_LOGLEVEL, kAll);

void TProof::SetRealTimeLog(Bool_t on)
   // Switch ON/OFF the real-time logging facility. When this option is
   // ON, log messages from processing are sent back as they come, instead of
   // being sent back at the end in one go. This may help debugging or monitoring
   // in some cases, but, depending on the amount of log, it may have significant
   // consequencies on the load over the network, so it must be used with care.

   if (IsValid()) {
      TMessage mess(kPROOF_REALTIMELOG);
      mess << on;
   } else {
      Warning("SetRealTimeLog","session is invalid - do nothing");

Int_t TProof::SetParallelSilent(Int_t nodes, Bool_t random)
   // Tell PROOF how many slaves to use in parallel. If random is TRUE a random
   // selection is done (if nodes is less than the available nodes).
   // Returns the number of parallel slaves. Returns -1 in case of error.

   if (!IsValid()) return -1;

   if (TestBit(TProof::kIsMaster)) {
      if (!fDynamicStartup) GoParallel(nodes, kFALSE, random);
      return SendCurrentState();
   } else {
      if (nodes < 0) {
         PDB(kGlobal,1) Info("SetParallelSilent", "request all nodes");
      } else {
         PDB(kGlobal,1) Info("SetParallelSilent", "request %d node%s", nodes,
                                                  nodes == 1 ? "" : "s");
      TMessage mess(kPROOF_PARALLEL);
      mess << nodes << random;
      Collect(kActive, fCollectTimeout);
      Int_t n = GetParallel();
      PDB(kGlobal,1) Info("SetParallelSilent", "got %d node%s", n, n == 1 ? "" : "s");
      return n;

Int_t TProof::SetParallel(Int_t nodes, Bool_t random)
   // Tell PROOF how many slaves to use in parallel. Returns the number of
   // parallel slaves. Returns -1 in case of error.

   // If delayed startup reset settings, if required
   if (fDynamicStartup && nodes < 0) {
      if (gSystem->Getenv("PROOF_NWORKERS")) gSystem->Unsetenv("PROOF_NWORKERS");

   Int_t n = SetParallelSilent(nodes, random);
   if (TestBit(TProof::kIsClient)) {
      if (n < 1) {
         Printf("PROOF set to sequential mode");
      } else {
         TString subfix = (n == 1) ? "" : "s";
         if (random)
            subfix += ", randomly selected";
         Printf("PROOF set to parallel mode (%d worker%s)", n, subfix.Data());
   } else if (fDynamicStartup && nodes >= 0) {
      if (gSystem->Getenv("PROOF_NWORKERS")) gSystem->Unsetenv("PROOF_NWORKERS");
      gSystem->Setenv("PROOF_NWORKERS", TString::Format("%d", nodes));
   return n;

Int_t TProof::GoMoreParallel(Int_t nWorkersToAdd)
   // Add nWorkersToAdd workers to current list of workers. This function is
   // works on the master only, and only when an analysis is ongoing. A message
   // is sent back to the client when we go "more" parallel.
   // Returns -1 on error, number of total (not added!) workers on success.

   if (!IsValid() || !IsMaster() || IsIdle()) {
      Error("GoMoreParallel", "Can't invoke here -- should not happen!");
      return -1;
   if (!gProofServ) {
      Error("GoMoreParallel", "No ProofServ available -- should not happen!");
      return -1;

   TSlave *sl = 0x0;
   TIter next( fSlaves );
   Int_t nAddedWorkers = 0;

   while (((nAddedWorkers < nWorkersToAdd) || (nWorkersToAdd == -1)) &&
          (( sl = dynamic_cast<TSlave *>( next() ) ))) {

      // If worker is of an invalid type, break everything: it should not happen!
      if ((sl->GetSlaveType() != TSlave::kSlave) &&
          (sl->GetSlaveType() != TSlave::kMaster)) {
         Error("GoMoreParallel", "TSlave is neither a Master nor a Slave: %s:%s",
            sl->GetName(), sl->GetOrdinal());

      // Skip current worker if it is not a good candidate
      if ((!sl->IsValid()) || (fBadSlaves->FindObject(sl)) ||
          (strcmp("IGNORE", sl->GetImage()) == 0)) {
         PDB(kGlobal, 2)
            Info("GoMoreParallel", "Worker %s:%s won't be considered",
               sl->GetName(), sl->GetOrdinal());

      // Worker is good but it is already active: skip it
      if (fActiveSlaves->FindObject(sl)) {
         Info("GoMoreParallel", "Worker %s:%s is already active: skipping",
            sl->GetName(), sl->GetOrdinal());

      // From here on: worker is a good candidate

      if (sl->GetSlaveType() == TSlave::kSlave) {
         PDB(kGlobal, 2)
            Info("GoMoreParallel", "Worker %s:%s marked as active!",
               sl->GetName(), sl->GetOrdinal());
      else {
         // Can't add masters dynamically: this should not happen!
         Error("GoMoreParallel", "Dynamic addition of master is not supported");

   } // end loop over all slaves

   // Get slave status (will set the slaves fWorkDir correctly)
   PDB(kGlobal, 3)
      Info("GoMoreParallel", "Will invoke AskStatistics() -- implies a Collect()");

   // Find active slaves with unique image
   PDB(kGlobal, 3)
      Info("GoMoreParallel", "Will invoke FindUniqueSlaves()");

   // Send new group-view to slaves
   PDB(kGlobal, 3)
      Info("GoMoreParallel", "Will invoke SendGroupView()");

   PDB(kGlobal, 3)
      Info("GoMoreParallel", "Will invoke GetParallel()");
   Int_t nTotalWorkers = GetParallel();

   // Notify the client that we've got more workers, and print info on
   // Master's log as well
   TString s;
   s.Form("PROOF just went more parallel (%d additional worker%s, %d worker%s total)",
      nAddedWorkers, (nAddedWorkers == 1) ? "" : "s",
      nTotalWorkers, (nTotalWorkers == 1) ? "" : "s");
   Info("GoMoreParallel", "%s", s.Data());

   return nTotalWorkers;

Int_t TProof::GoParallel(Int_t nodes, Bool_t attach, Bool_t random)
   // Go in parallel mode with at most "nodes" slaves. Since the fSlaves
   // list is sorted by slave performace the active list will contain first
   // the most performant nodes. Returns the number of active slaves.
   // If random is TRUE, and nodes is less than the number of available workers,
   // a random selection is done.
   // Returns -1 in case of error.

   if (!IsValid()) return -1;


   // Prepare the list of candidates first.
   // Algorithm depends on random option.
   TSlave *sl = 0;
   TList *wlst = new TList;
   TIter nxt(fSlaves);
   while ((sl = (TSlave *)nxt())) {
      if (sl->IsValid() && !fBadSlaves->FindObject(sl)) {
         if (strcmp("IGNORE", sl->GetImage()) == 0) continue;
         if ((sl->GetSlaveType() != TSlave::kSlave) &&
             (sl->GetSlaveType() != TSlave::kMaster)) {
            Error("GoParallel", "TSlave is neither Master nor Slave");
         // Good candidate
         // Set it inactive
   Int_t nwrks = (nodes < 0 || nodes > wlst->GetSize()) ? wlst->GetSize() : nodes;
   int cnt = 0;
   fEndMaster = TestBit(TProof::kIsMaster) ? kTRUE : kFALSE;
   while (cnt < nwrks) {
      // Random choice, if requested
      if (random) {
         Int_t iwrk = (Int_t) (gRandom->Rndm() * wlst->GetSize());
         sl = (TSlave *) wlst->At(iwrk);
      } else {
         // The first available
         sl = (TSlave *) wlst->First();
      if (!sl) {
         Error("GoParallel", "attaching to candidate!");
      // Remove from the list

      Int_t slavenodes = 0;
      if (sl->GetSlaveType() == TSlave::kSlave) {
         slavenodes = 1;
      } else if (sl->GetSlaveType() == TSlave::kMaster) {
         fEndMaster = kFALSE;
         TMessage mess(kPROOF_PARALLEL);
         if (!attach) {
            Int_t nn = (nodes < 0) ? -1 : nodes-cnt;
            mess << nn;
         } else {
            // To get the number of slaves
            mess << -1 << -1;
         if (sl->GetSocket()->Send(mess) == -1) {
            MarkBad(sl, "could not send kPROOF_PARALLEL or kPROOF_LOGFILE request");
            slavenodes = 0;
         } else {
            Collect(sl, fCollectTimeout);
            if (sl->IsValid()) {
               if (sl->GetParallel() > 0) {
                  slavenodes = sl->GetParallel();
               } else {
                  // Sequential mode: the master acts as a worker
                  slavenodes = 1;
            } else {
               MarkBad(sl, "collect failed after kPROOF_PARALLEL or kPROOF_LOGFILE request");
               slavenodes = 0;
      // 'slavenodes' may be different than 1 in multimaster setups
      cnt += slavenodes;

   // Cleanup list

   // Get slave status (will set the slaves fWorkDir correctly)

   // Find active slaves with unique image

   // Send new group-view to slaves
   if (!attach)

   Int_t n = GetParallel();

   if (TestBit(TProof::kIsClient)) {
      if (n < 1)
         printf("PROOF set to sequential mode\n");
         printf("PROOF set to parallel mode (%d worker%s)\n",
                n, n == 1 ? "" : "s");

   PDB(kGlobal,1) Info("GoParallel", "got %d node%s", n, n == 1 ? "" : "s");
   return n;

void TProof::ShowData()
   // List contents of the data directory in the sandbox.
   // This is the place where files produced by the client queries are kept

   if (!IsValid() || !fManager) return;

   // This is run via the manager
   fManager->Find("~/data", "-type f", "all");

void TProof::ClearData(UInt_t what, const char *dsname)
   // Remove files for the data directory.
   // The option 'what' can take the values:
   //     kPurge                 remove all files and directories under '~/data'
   //     kUnregistered          remove only files not in registered datasets (default)
   //     kDataset               remove files belonging to dataset 'dsname'
   // User is prompt for confirmation, unless kForceClear is ORed with the option

   if (!IsValid() || !fManager) return;

   // Check whether we need to prompt
   TString prompt, a("Y");
   Bool_t force = (what & kForceClear) ? kTRUE : kFALSE;
   Bool_t doask = (!force && IsTty()) ? kTRUE : kFALSE;

   // If all just send the request
   if ((what & TProof::kPurge)) {
      // Prompt, if requested
      if (doask && !Prompt("Do you really want to remove all data files")) return;
      if (fManager->Rm("~/data/*", "-rf", "all") < 0)
         Warning("ClearData", "problems purging data directory");
   } else if ((what & TProof::kDataset)) {
      // We must have got a name
      if (!dsname || strlen(dsname) <= 0) {
         Error("ClearData", "dataset name mandatory when removing a full dataset");
      // Check if the dataset is registered
      if (!ExistsDataSet(dsname)) {
         Error("ClearData", "dataset '%s' does not exists", dsname);
      // Get the file content
      TFileCollection *fc = GetDataSet(dsname);
      if (!fc) {
         Error("ClearData", "could not retrieve info about dataset '%s'", dsname);
      // Prompt, if requested
      TString pmpt = TString::Format("Do you really want to remove all data files"
                                     " of dataset '%s'", dsname);
      if (doask && !Prompt(pmpt.Data())) return;

      // Loop through the files
      Bool_t rmds = kTRUE;
      TIter nxf(fc->GetList());
      TFileInfo *fi = 0;
      Int_t rfiles = 0, nfiles = fc->GetList()->GetSize();
      while ((fi = (TFileInfo *) nxf())) {
         // Fill the host info
         TString host, file;
         // Take info from the current url
         if (!(fi->GetFirstUrl())) {
            Error("ClearData", "GetFirstUrl() returns NULL for '%s' - skipping",
         TUrl uf(*(fi->GetFirstUrl()));
         file = uf.GetFile();
         host = uf.GetHost();
         // Now search for any "file:" url
         Int_t nurl = fi->GetNUrls();
         TUrl *up = 0;
         while (nurl-- && fi->NextUrl()) {
            up = fi->GetCurrentUrl();
            if (!strcmp(up->GetProtocol(), "file")) {
               TString opt(up->GetOptions());
               if (opt.BeginsWith("node=")) {
                  file = up->GetFile();
         // Issue a remove request now
         if (fManager->Rm(file.Data(), "-f", host.Data()) != 0) {
            Error("ClearData", "problems removing '%s'", file.Data());
            // Some files not removed: keep the meta info about this dataset
            rmds = kFALSE;
         ClearDataProgress(rfiles, nfiles);
      fprintf(stderr, "\n");
      if (rmds) {
         // All files were removed successfully: remove also the dataset meta info
   } else if (what & TProof::kUnregistered) {

      // Get the existing files
      TString outtmp("ProofClearData_");
      FILE *ftmp = gSystem->TempFileName(outtmp);
      if (!ftmp) {
         Error("ClearData", "cannot create temp file for logs");
      RedirectHandle_t h;
      gSystem->RedirectOutput(outtmp.Data(), "w", &h);
      gSystem->RedirectOutput(0, 0, &h);
      // Parse the output file now
      std::ifstream in;
      if (!in.is_open()) {
         Error("ClearData", "could not open temp file for logs: %s", outtmp.Data());
      // Go through
      Int_t nfiles = 0;
      TMap *afmap = new TMap;
      TString line, host, file;
      Int_t from = 0;
      while (in.good()) {
         if (line.IsNull()) continue;
         while (line.EndsWith("\n")) { line.Strip(TString::kTrailing, '\n'); }
         from = 0;
         host = "";
         if (!line.Tokenize(host, from, "| ")) continue;
         file = "";
         if (!line.Tokenize(file, from, "| ")) continue;
         if (!host.IsNull() && !file.IsNull()) {
            TList *fl = (TList *) afmap->GetValue(host.Data());
            if (!fl) {
               fl = new TList();
               afmap->Add(new TObjString(host), fl);
            fl->Add(new TObjString(file));
               Info("ClearData", "added info for: h:%s, f:%s", host.Data(), file.Data());
         } else {
            Warning("ClearData", "found incomplete line: '%s'", line.Data());
      // Close and remove the file

      // Get registered data files
      TString sel = TString::Format("/%s/%s/", GetGroup(), GetUser());
      TMap *fcmap = GetDataSets(sel);
      if (!fcmap || (fcmap && fcmap->GetSize() <= 0)) {
         Warning("ClearData", "no dataset beloning to '%s'", sel.Data());

      // Go thorugh and prepare the lists per node
      TString opt;
      TObjString *os = 0;
      if (fcmap) {
         TIter nxfc(fcmap);
         while ((os = (TObjString *) nxfc())) {
            TFileCollection *fc = 0;
            if ((fc = (TFileCollection *) fcmap->GetValue(os))) {
               TFileInfo *fi = 0;
               TIter nxfi(fc->GetList());
               while ((fi = (TFileInfo *) nxfi())) {
                  // Get special "file:" url
                  Int_t nurl = fi->GetNUrls();
                  TUrl *up = 0;
                  while (nurl-- && fi->NextUrl()) {
                     up = fi->GetCurrentUrl();
                     if (!strcmp(up->GetProtocol(), "file")) {
                        opt = up->GetOptions();
                        if (opt.BeginsWith("node=")) {
                           file = up->GetFile();
                              Info("ClearData", "found: host: %s, file: %s", host.Data(), file.Data());
                           // Remove this from the full list, if there
                           TList *fl = (TList *) afmap->GetValue(host.Data());
                           if (fl) {
                              TObjString *fn = (TObjString *) fl->FindObject(file.Data());
                              if (fn) {
                              } else {
                                         "registered file '%s' not found in the full list!",
         // Clean up the the received map
         if (fcmap) fcmap->SetOwner(kTRUE);
      // List of the files to be removed
      Info("ClearData", "%d unregistered files to be removed:", nfiles);
      // Prompt, if requested
      TString pmpt = TString::Format("Do you really want to remove all %d"
                                     " unregistered data files", nfiles);
      if (doask && !Prompt(pmpt.Data())) return;

      // Remove one by one; we may implement a bloc remove in the future
      Int_t rfiles = 0;
      TIter nxls(afmap);
      while ((os = (TObjString *) nxls())) {
         TList *fl = 0;
         if ((fl = (TList *) afmap->GetValue(os))) {
            TIter nxf(fl);
            TObjString *fn = 0;
            while ((fn = (TObjString *) nxf())) {
               // Issue a remove request now
               if (fManager->Rm(fn->GetName(), "-f", os->GetName()) != 0) {
                  Error("ClearData", "problems removing '%s' on host '%s'",
                                     fn->GetName(), os->GetName());
               ClearDataProgress(rfiles, nfiles);
      fprintf(stderr, "\n");
      // Final cleanup

Bool_t TProof::Prompt(const char *p)
   // Prompt the question 'p' requiring an answer y,Y,n,N
   // Return kTRUE is the answer was y or Y, kFALSE in all other cases.

   TString pp(p);
   if (!pp.Contains("?")) pp += "?";
   if (!pp.Contains("[y/N]")) pp += " [y/N]";
   TString a = Getline(pp.Data());
   if (a != "\n" && a[0] != 'y' &&  a[0] != 'Y' &&  a[0] != 'n' &&  a[0] != 'N') {
      Printf("Please answer y, Y, n or N");
      // Unclear answer: assume negative
      return kFALSE;
   } else if (a == "\n" || a[0] == 'n' ||  a[0] == 'N') {
      // Explicitly Negative answer
      return kFALSE;
   // Explicitly Positive answer
   return kTRUE;

void TProof::ClearDataProgress(Int_t r, Int_t t)
   // Progress bar for clear data

   fprintf(stderr, "[TProof::ClearData] Total %5d files\t|", t);
   for (Int_t l = 0; l < 20; l++) {
      if (r > 0 && t > 0) {
         if (l < 20*r/t)
            fprintf(stderr, "=");
         else if (l == 20*r/t)
            fprintf(stderr, ">");
         else if (l > 20*r/t)
            fprintf(stderr, ".");
      } else
         fprintf(stderr, "=");
   fprintf(stderr, "| %.02f %%      \r", 100.0*(t ? (r/t) : 1));

void TProof::ShowCache(Bool_t all)
   // List contents of file cache. If all is true show all caches also on
   // slaves. If everything is ok all caches are to be the same.

   if (!IsValid()) return;

   TMessage mess(kPROOF_CACHE);
   mess << Int_t(kShowCache) << all;
   Broadcast(mess, kUnique);

   if (all) {
      TMessage mess2(kPROOF_CACHE);
      mess2 << Int_t(kShowSubCache) << all;
      Broadcast(mess2, fNonUniqueMasters);

      Collect(kAllUnique, fCollectTimeout);
   } else {
      Collect(kUnique, fCollectTimeout);

void TProof::ClearCache(const char *file)
   // Remove file from all file caches. If file is 0 or "" or "*", remove all
   // the files

   if (!IsValid()) return;

   TMessage mess(kPROOF_CACHE);
   mess << Int_t(kClearCache) << TString(file);
   Broadcast(mess, kUnique);

   TMessage mess2(kPROOF_CACHE);
   mess2 << Int_t(kClearSubCache) << TString(file);
   Broadcast(mess2, fNonUniqueMasters);


   // clear file map so files get send again to remote nodes

void TProof::SystemCmd(const char *cmd, Int_t fdout)
   // Exec system command 'cmd'. If fdout > -1, append the output to fdout.

   if (fdout < 0) {
      // Exec directly the command
   } else {
      // Exec via a pipe
      FILE *fin = gSystem->OpenPipe(cmd, "r");
      if (fin) {
         // Now we go
         char line[2048];
         while (fgets(line, 2048, fin)) {
            Int_t r = strlen(line);
            if (r > 0) {
               if (write(fdout, line, r) < 0) {
                            "errno %d writing to file descriptor %d",
                            TSystem::GetErrno(), fdout);
            } else {
               // Done

void TProof::ShowPackages(Bool_t all, Bool_t redirlog)
   // List contents of package directory. If all is true show all package
   // directories also on slaves. If everything is ok all package directories
   // should be the same. If redir is kTRUE the result is redirected to the log
   // file (option available for internal actions).

   if (!IsValid()) return;

   Bool_t oldredir = fRedirLog;
   if (redirlog) fRedirLog = kTRUE;

   // Active logging unit
   FILE *fout = (fRedirLog) ? fLogFileW : stdout;
   if (!fout) {
      Warning("ShowPackages", "file descriptor for outputs undefined (%p):"
              " will not log msgs", fout);
   lseek(fileno(fout), (off_t) 0, SEEK_END);

   if (TestBit(TProof::kIsClient)) {
      if (fGlobalPackageDirList && fGlobalPackageDirList->GetSize() > 0) {
         // Scan the list of global packages dirs
         TIter nxd(fGlobalPackageDirList);
         TNamed *nm = 0;
         while ((nm = (TNamed *)nxd())) {
            fprintf(fout, "*** Global Package cache %s client:%s ***\n",
                           nm->GetName(), nm->GetTitle());
            SystemCmd(TString::Format("%s %s", kLS, nm->GetTitle()), fileno(fout));
            fprintf(fout, "\n");
      fprintf(fout, "*** Package cache client:%s ***\n", fPackageDir.Data());
      SystemCmd(TString::Format("%s %s", kLS, fPackageDir.Data()), fileno(fout));
      fprintf(fout, "\n");

   // Nothing more to do if we are a Lite-session
   if (IsLite()) {
      fRedirLog = oldredir;

   TMessage mess(kPROOF_CACHE);
   mess << Int_t(kShowPackages) << all;
   Broadcast(mess, kUnique);

   if (all) {
      TMessage mess2(kPROOF_CACHE);
      mess2 << Int_t(kShowSubPackages) << all;
      Broadcast(mess2, fNonUniqueMasters);

      Collect(kAllUnique, fCollectTimeout);
   } else {
      Collect(kUnique, fCollectTimeout);
   // Restore logging option
   fRedirLog = oldredir;

void TProof::ShowEnabledPackages(Bool_t all)
   // List which packages are enabled. If all is true show enabled packages
   // for all active slaves. If everything is ok all active slaves should
   // have the same packages enabled.

   if (!IsValid()) return;

   if (TestBit(TProof::kIsClient)) {
      printf("*** Enabled packages on client on %s\n", gSystem->HostName());
      TIter next(fEnabledPackagesOnClient);
      while (TObjString *str = (TObjString*) next())
         printf("%s\n", str->GetName());

   // Nothing more to do if we are a Lite-session
   if (IsLite()) return;

   TMessage mess(kPROOF_CACHE);
   mess << Int_t(kShowEnabledPackages) << all;
   Collect(kActive, fCollectTimeout);

Int_t TProof::ClearPackages()
   // Remove all packages.
   // Returns 0 in case of success and -1 in case of error.

   if (!IsValid()) return -1;

   if (UnloadPackages() == -1)
      return -1;

   if (DisablePackages() == -1)
      return -1;

   return fStatus;

Int_t TProof::ClearPackage(const char *package)
   // Remove a specific package.
   // Returns 0 in case of success and -1 in case of error.

   if (!IsValid()) return -1;

   if (!package || !package[0]) {
      Error("ClearPackage", "need to specify a package name");
      return -1;

   // if name, erroneously, is a par pathname strip off .par and path
   TString pac = package;
   if (pac.EndsWith(".par"))
   pac = gSystem->BaseName(pac);

   if (UnloadPackage(pac) == -1)
      return -1;

   if (DisablePackage(pac) == -1)
      return -1;

   return fStatus;

Int_t TProof::DisablePackage(const char *package)
   // Remove a specific package.
   // Returns 0 in case of success and -1 in case of error.

   if (!IsValid()) return -1;

   if (!package || !package[0]) {
      Error("DisablePackage", "need to specify a package name");
      return -1;

   // if name, erroneously, is a par pathname strip off .par and path
   TString pac = package;
   if (pac.EndsWith(".par"))
   pac = gSystem->BaseName(pac);

   if (DisablePackageOnClient(pac) == -1)
      return -1;

   // Nothing more to do if we are a Lite-session
   if (IsLite()) return 0;

   Int_t st = -1;
   Bool_t done = kFALSE;
   if (fManager) {
      // Try to do it via XROOTD (new way)
      TString path;
      path.Form("~/packages/%s", package);
      if (fManager->Rm(path, "-rf", "all") != -1) {
         if (fManager->Rm(path, "-f", "all") != -1) {
            done = kTRUE;
            st = 0;
   if (!done) {
      // Try via TProofServ (old way)
      TMessage mess(kPROOF_CACHE);
      mess << Int_t(kDisablePackage) << pac;
      Broadcast(mess, kUnique);

      TMessage mess2(kPROOF_CACHE);
      mess2 << Int_t(kDisableSubPackage) << pac;
      Broadcast(mess2, fNonUniqueMasters);

      st = fStatus;

   // Done
   return st;

Int_t TProof::DisablePackageOnClient(const char *pack)
   // Remove a specific package 'pack' from the client.
   // Returns 0 in case of success and -1 in case of error.

   TString s;
   if (TestBit(TProof::kIsClient)) {
      // Remove the package directory and the par file locally
      s.Form("%s %s/%s", kRM, fPackageDir.Data(), pack);
      s.Form("%s %s/%s.par", kRM, fPackageDir.Data(), pack);
      s.Form("%s %s/%s/%s.par", kRM, fPackageDir.Data(), kPROOF_PackDownloadDir, pack);
      // Check the result
      s.Form("%s/%s/%s.par", fPackageDir.Data(), kPROOF_PackDownloadDir, pack);
      if (!gSystem->AccessPathName(s.Data()))
                 "unable to remove cached package PAR file for %s (%s)", pack, s.Data());
      s.Form("%s/%s.par", fPackageDir.Data(), pack);
      if (!gSystem->AccessPathName(s.Data()))
                 "unable to remove package PAR file for %s (%s)", pack, s.Data());
      s.Form("%s/%s", fPackageDir.Data(), pack);
      if (!gSystem->AccessPathName(s.Data()))
                 "unable to remove package directory for %s (%s)", pack, s.Data());

   return 0;

Int_t TProof::DisablePackages()
   // Remove all packages.
   // Returns 0 in case of success and -1 in case of error.

   if (!IsValid()) return -1;

   // remove all packages on client
   if (TestBit(TProof::kIsClient)) {
      gSystem->Exec(TString::Format("%s %s/*", kRM, fPackageDir.Data()));

   // Nothing more to do if we are a Lite-session
   if (IsLite()) return 0;

   Int_t st = -1;
   Bool_t done = kFALSE;
   if (fManager) {
      // Try to do it via XROOTD (new way)
      if (fManager->Rm("~/packages/*", "-rf", "all") != -1) {
         done = kTRUE;
         st = 0;
   if (!done) {

      TMessage mess(kPROOF_CACHE);
      mess << Int_t(kDisablePackages);
      Broadcast(mess, kUnique);

      TMessage mess2(kPROOF_CACHE);
      mess2 << Int_t(kDisableSubPackages);
      Broadcast(mess2, fNonUniqueMasters);

      st = fStatus;

   // Done
   return st;

Int_t TProof::BuildPackage(const char *package, EBuildPackageOpt opt, Int_t chkveropt)
   // Build specified package. Executes the PROOF-INF/BUILD.sh
   // script if it exists on all unique nodes. If opt is kBuildOnSlavesNoWait
   // then submit build command to slaves, but don't wait
   // for results. If opt is kCollectBuildResults then collect result
   // from slaves. To be used on the master.
   // If opt = kBuildAll (default) then submit and wait for results
   // (to be used on the client).
   // Returns 0 in case of success and -1 in case of error.

   if (!IsValid()) return -1;

   if (!package || !package[0]) {
      Error("BuildPackage", "need to specify a package name");
      return -1;

   // if name, erroneously, is a par pathname strip off .par and path
   TString pac = package;
   if (pac.EndsWith(".par"))
   pac = gSystem->BaseName(pac);

   Bool_t buildOnClient = kTRUE;
   if (opt == kDontBuildOnClient) {
      buildOnClient = kFALSE;
      opt = kBuildAll;
   // Prepare the local package
   TString pdir;
   Int_t st = 0;
   if (buildOnClient) {
      if (TestBit(TProof::kIsClient) && fPackageLock) fPackageLock->Lock();
      if ((st = BuildPackageOnClient(pac, 1, &pdir, chkveropt) != 0)) {
         if (TestBit(TProof::kIsClient) && fPackageLock) fPackageLock->Unlock();
         return -1;

   if (opt <= kBuildAll && (!IsLite() || !buildOnClient)) {
      TMessage mess(kPROOF_CACHE);
      mess << Int_t(kBuildPackage) << pac << chkveropt;
      Broadcast(mess, kUnique);

      TMessage mess2(kPROOF_CACHE);
      mess2 << Int_t(kBuildSubPackage) << pac << chkveropt;
      Broadcast(mess2, fNonUniqueMasters);

   if (opt >= kBuildAll) {
      // by first forwarding the build commands to the master and slaves
      // and only then building locally we build in parallel
      if (buildOnClient) {
         st = BuildPackageOnClient(pac, 2, &pdir, chkveropt);
         if (TestBit(TProof::kIsClient) && fPackageLock) fPackageLock->Unlock();

      fStatus = 0;
      if (!IsLite() || !buildOnClient)

      if (fStatus < 0 || st < 0)
         return -1;

   return 0;

Int_t TProof::BuildPackageOnClient(const char *pack, Int_t opt, TString *path, Int_t chkveropt)
   // Build specified package on the client. Executes the PROOF-INF/BUILD.sh
   // script if it exists on the client.
   // If opt == 0, both the preparation and building phases are run.
   // If opt == 1, only the preparation phase (asserting and, eventually, downloading
   //              of the package) is done; '*path' contains the full path to the
   //              package to be passed in the next call
   // If opt == 2, only the building phase is run using *path .
   // Returns 0 in case of success and -1 in case of error.
   // The code is equivalent to the one in TProofServ.cxx (TProof::kBuildPackage
   // case). Keep in sync in case of changes.

   TString downloaddir;
   downloaddir.Form("%s/%s", fPackageDir.Data(), kPROOF_PackDownloadDir);

   if (opt != 0 && !path) {
      Error("BuildPackageOnClient", "for opt=%d != 0 'patyh' must be defined", opt);
      return -1;

   if (TestBit(TProof::kIsClient)) {
      Int_t status = 0;
      TString pdir, ocwd;

      if (opt == 0 || opt == 1) {
         // Package path
         pdir.Form("%s/%s", fPackageDir.Data(), pack);
         if (gSystem->AccessPathName(pdir, kReadPermission) ||
            gSystem->AccessPathName(pdir + "/PROOF-INF", kReadPermission)) {
            pdir = "";
            // Is there a global package with this name?
            if (fGlobalPackageDirList && fGlobalPackageDirList->GetSize() > 0) {
               // Scan the list of global packages dirs
               TIter nxd(fGlobalPackageDirList);
               TNamed *nm = 0;
               while ((nm = (TNamed *)nxd())) {
                  pdir = Form("%s/%s", nm->GetTitle(), pack);
                  if (!gSystem->AccessPathName(pdir, kReadPermission) &&
                     !gSystem->AccessPathName(pdir + "/PROOF-INF", kReadPermission)) {
                     // Package found, stop searching
                  pdir = "";
         } else {
            // Check if the related PAR file still exists (private versions could have gone:
            // in such a case we should take the reference from the repository, by first cleaning
            // the existing directory)
            TString tpar(pdir);
            if (!tpar.EndsWith(".par")) tpar += ".par";
            Bool_t badPAR = kTRUE;
            FileStat_t stpar;
            if (gSystem->GetPathInfo(tpar, stpar) == 0) {
#ifndef WIN32
               char ctmp[1024];
               if (!R_ISLNK(stpar.fMode) || readlink(tpar.Data(), ctmp, 1024) > 0) {
                  // The file exists
                  badPAR = kFALSE;
               // The file exists
               badPAR = kFALSE;
            // Cleanup, if bad
            if (badPAR) {
               // Remove package directory
               gSystem->Exec(TString::Format("%s %s", kRM, pdir.Data()));
               // Remove link or bad file
               gSystem->Exec(TString::Format("%s %s", kRM, tpar.Data()));
               // Reset variable
               pdir = "";
         // Check if the package was downloaded from the master
         Bool_t wasDownloaded = kFALSE;
         TString dlpar;
         dlpar.Form("%s/%s", downloaddir.Data(), gSystem->BaseName(pack));
         if (!dlpar.EndsWith(".par")) dlpar += ".par";
         if (!pdir.IsNull()) {
            if (!gSystem->AccessPathName(dlpar, kFileExists))
               wasDownloaded = kTRUE;
         if (pdir.IsNull() || wasDownloaded) {
            // Try to download it
            if (DownloadPackage(pack, downloaddir) != 0) {
                     "PAR file '%s.par' not found and could not be downloaded", pack);
               return -1;
            } else {
               TMD5 *md5 = TMD5::FileChecksum(dlpar);
               if (UploadPackageOnClient(dlpar, kUntar, md5) == -1) {
                        "PAR file '%s.par' not found and could not be unpacked locally", pack);
                  delete md5;
                  return -1;
               delete md5;
               // The package is now linked from the default package dir
               pdir.Form("%s/%s", fPackageDir.Data(), pack);
         } else if (pdir.IsNull()) {
            Error("BuildPackageOnClient", "PAR file '%s.par' not found", pack);
            return -1;
         PDB(kPackage, 1)
            Info("BuildPackageOnClient", "package %s exists and has PROOF-INF directory", pack);
         // We are done if only prepare was requested
         if (opt == 1) {
            *path = pdir;
            return 0;

      if (opt == 0 || opt == 2) {
         if (opt == 2) pdir = path->Data();

         ocwd = gSystem->WorkingDirectory();

         // check for BUILD.sh and execute
         if (!gSystem->AccessPathName("PROOF-INF/BUILD.sh")) {

            // read version from file proofvers.txt, and if current version is
            // not the same do a "BUILD.sh clean"
            Bool_t goodver = kTRUE;
            Bool_t savever = kFALSE;
            TString v, r;
            FILE *f = fopen("PROOF-INF/proofvers.txt", "r");
            if (f) {
               if (chkveropt == kCheckROOT || chkveropt == kCheckSVN) {
                  if (v != gROOT->GetVersion()) goodver = kFALSE;
                  if (goodver && chkveropt == kCheckSVN)
                     if (r != gROOT->GetGitCommit()) goodver = kFALSE;
            if (!f || !goodver) {
               savever = kTRUE;
                  "%s: version change (current: %s:%s, build: %s:%s): cleaning ... ",
                  pack, gROOT->GetVersion(), gROOT->GetGitCommit(), v.Data(), r.Data());
               // Hard cleanup: go up the dir tree
               // remove package directory
               gSystem->Exec(TString::Format("%s %s", kRM, pdir.Data()));
               // find gunzip...
               char *gunzip = gSystem->Which(gSystem->Getenv("PATH"), kGUNZIP, kExecutePermission);
               if (gunzip) {
                  TString par = TString::Format("%s.par", pdir.Data());
                  // untar package
                  TString cmd(TString::Format(kUNTAR3, gunzip, par.Data()));
                  status = gSystem->Exec(cmd);
                  if ((status = gSystem->Exec(cmd))) {
                     Error("BuildPackageOnClient", "failure executing: %s", cmd.Data());
                  } else {
                     // Go down to the package directory
                  delete [] gunzip;
               } else {
                  Error("BuildPackageOnClient", "%s not found", kGUNZIP);
                  status = -1;

            if (gSystem->Exec("export ROOTPROOFCLIENT=\"1\" ; PROOF-INF/BUILD.sh")) {
               Error("BuildPackageOnClient", "building package %s on the client failed", pack);
               status = -1;

            if (savever && !status) {
               f = fopen("PROOF-INF/proofvers.txt", "w");
               if (f) {
                  fputs(gROOT->GetVersion(), f);
                  fputs(TString::Format("\n%s", gROOT->GetGitCommit()), f);
         } else {
            PDB(kPackage, 1)
                  "package %s exists but has no PROOF-INF/BUILD.sh script", pack);


         return status;
   return 0;

Int_t TProof::LoadPackage(const char *package, Bool_t notOnClient,
   TList *loadopts, TList *workers)
   // Load specified package. Executes the PROOF-INF/SETUP.C script
   // on all active nodes. If notOnClient = true, don't load package
   // on the client. The default is to load the package also on the client.
   // The argument 'loadopts' specify a list of objects to be passed to the SETUP.
   // The objects in the list must be streamable; the SETUP macro will be executed
   // like this: SETUP.C(loadopts).
   // Returns 0 in case of success and -1 in case of error.

   if (!IsValid()) return -1;

   if (!package || !package[0]) {
      Error("LoadPackage", "need to specify a package name");
      return -1;

   // if name, erroneously, is a par pathname strip off .par and path
   TString pac = package;
   if (pac.EndsWith(".par"))
   pac = gSystem->BaseName(pac);

   if (!notOnClient)
      if (LoadPackageOnClient(pac, loadopts) == -1)
         return -1;

   TMessage mess(kPROOF_CACHE);
   mess << Int_t(kLoadPackage) << pac;
   if (loadopts) mess << loadopts;

   // On the master, workers that fail are deactivated
   Bool_t deactivateOnFailure = (IsMaster()) ? kTRUE : kFALSE;

   if (workers) {
      PDB(kPackage, 3)
         Info("LoadPackage", "Sending load message to selected workers only");
      Broadcast(mess, workers);
      Collect(workers, -1, -1, deactivateOnFailure);
   else {
      Collect(kActive, -1, -1, deactivateOnFailure);

   return fStatus;

Int_t TProof::LoadPackageOnClient(const char *pack, TList *loadopts)
   // Load specified package in the client. Executes the PROOF-INF/SETUP.C
   // script on the client. Returns 0 in case of success and -1 in case of error.
   // The code is equivalent to the one in TProofServ.cxx (TProof::kLoadPackage
   // case). Keep in sync in case of changes.
   // The argument 'loadopts' specify a list of objects to be passed to the SETUP.
   // The objects in the list must be streamable; the SETUP macro will be executed
   // like this: SETUP.C(loadopts).
   // Returns 0 in case of success and -1 in case of error.

   if (TestBit(TProof::kIsClient)) {
      Int_t status = 0;
      TString pdir, ocwd;
      // If already loaded don't do it again
      if (fEnabledPackagesOnClient->FindObject(pack)) {
         Info("LoadPackageOnClient", "package %s already loaded", pack);
         return 0;

      // always follows BuildPackage so no need to check for PROOF-INF
      pdir.Form("%s/%s", fPackageDir.Data(), pack);

      if (gSystem->AccessPathName(pdir, kReadPermission)) {
         // Is there a global package with this name?
         if (fGlobalPackageDirList && fGlobalPackageDirList->GetSize() > 0) {
            // Scan the list of global packages dirs
            TIter nxd(fGlobalPackageDirList);
            TNamed *nm = 0;
            while ((nm = (TNamed *)nxd())) {
               pdir.Form("%s/%s", nm->GetTitle(), pack);
               if (!gSystem->AccessPathName(pdir, kReadPermission)) {
                  // Package found, stop searching
               pdir = "";
            if (pdir.Length() <= 0) {
               // Package not found
               Error("LoadPackageOnClient", "failure locating %s ...", pack);
               return -1;

      ocwd = gSystem->WorkingDirectory();

      // check for SETUP.C and execute
      if (!gSystem->AccessPathName("PROOF-INF/SETUP.C")) {

         // We need to change the name of the function to avoid problems when we load more packages
         TString setup;
         setup.Form("SETUP_%d_%x", gSystem->GetPid(), TString(pack).Hash());
         // setupfn.Form("%s/%s.C", gSystem->TempDirectory(), setup.Data());
         TMacro setupmc("PROOF-INF/SETUP.C");
         TObjString *setupline = setupmc.GetLineWith("SETUP(");
         if (setupline) {
            TString setupstring(setupline->GetString());
            setupstring.ReplaceAll("SETUP(", TString::Format("%s(", setup.Data()));
         } else {
            // Macro does not contain SETUP()
            Warning("LoadPackageOnClient", "macro '%s/PROOF-INF/SETUP.C' does not contain a SETUP()"
                                           " function", pack);

         if (!setupmc.Load()) {
            // Macro could not be loaded
            Error("LoadPackageOnClient", "macro '%s/PROOF-INF/SETUP.C' could not be loaded:"
                                         " cannot continue", pack);
            status = -1;
         } else {
            // Check the signature
            TFunction *fun = (TFunction *) gROOT->GetListOfGlobalFunctions()->FindObject(setup);
            if (!fun) {
               // Notify the upper level
               Error("LoadPackageOnClient", "function SETUP() not found in macro '%s/PROOF-INF/SETUP.C':"
                                            " cannot continue", pack);
               status = -1;
            } else {
               TMethodCall callEnv;
               // Check the number of arguments
               if (fun->GetNargs() == 0) {
                  // No arguments (basic signature)
                  // Warn that the argument (if any) if ignored
                  if (loadopts)
                     Warning("LoadPackageOnClient", "loaded SETUP() does not take any argument:"
                                                    " the specified TList object will be ignored");
               } else if (fun->GetNargs() == 1) {
                  TMethodArg *arg = (TMethodArg *) fun->GetListOfMethodArgs()->First();
                  if (arg) {
                     // Check argument type
                     TString argsig(arg->GetTitle());
                     if (argsig.BeginsWith("TList")) {
                        callEnv.SetParam((Long_t) loadopts);
                     } else if (argsig.BeginsWith("const char")) {
                        TObjString *os = loadopts ? dynamic_cast<TObjString *>(loadopts->First()) : 0;
                        if (os) {
                           callEnv.SetParam((Long_t) os->GetName());
                        } else {
                           if (loadopts && loadopts->First()) {
                              Warning("LoadPackageOnClient", "found object argument of type %s:"
                                                             " SETUP expects 'const char *': ignoring",
                           callEnv.SetParam((Long_t) 0);
                     } else {
                        // Notify the upper level
                        Error("LoadPackageOnClient", "unsupported SETUP signature: SETUP(%s)"
                                                     " cannot continue", arg->GetTitle());
                        status = -1;
                  } else {
                     // Notify the upper level
                     Error("LoadPackageOnClient", "cannot get information about the SETUP() argument:"
                                                  " cannot continue");
                     status = -1;
               } else if (fun->GetNargs() > 1) {
                  // Notify the upper level
                  Error("LoadPackageOnClient", "function SETUP() can have at most a 'TList *' argument:"
                                               " cannot continue");
                  status = -1;
               // Execute
               Long_t setuprc = (status == 0) ? 0 : -1;
               if (status == 0) {
                  if (setuprc < 0) status = -1;
      } else {
         PDB(kPackage, 1)
                 "package %s exists but has no PROOF-INF/SETUP.C script", pack);


      if (status == 0) {

         // Add package directory to list of include directories to be searched by ACliC
         gSystem->AddIncludePath(TString("-I") + pdir);

         // add package directory to list of include directories to be searched by CINT
         gROOT->ProcessLine(TString(".I ") + pdir);

         fEnabledPackagesOnClient->Add(new TObjString(pack));
         PDB(kPackage, 1)
            Info("LoadPackageOnClient", "package %s successfully loaded", pack);
      } else
         Error("LoadPackageOnClient", "loading package %s on client failed", pack);

      return status;
   return 0;

Int_t TProof::UnloadPackage(const char *package)
   // Unload specified package.
   // Returns 0 in case of success and -1 in case of error.

   if (!IsValid()) return -1;

   if (!package || !package[0]) {
      Error("UnloadPackage", "need to specify a package name");
      return -1;

   // if name, erroneously, is a par pathname strip off .par and path
   TString pac = package;
   if (pac.EndsWith(".par"))
   pac = gSystem->BaseName(pac);

   if (UnloadPackageOnClient(pac) == -1)
      return -1;

   // Nothing more to do if we are a Lite-session
   if (IsLite()) return 0;

   TMessage mess(kPROOF_CACHE);
   mess << Int_t(kUnloadPackage) << pac;

   return fStatus;

Int_t TProof::UnloadPackageOnClient(const char *package)
   // Unload a specific package on the client.
   // Returns 0 in case of success and -1 in case of error.
   // The code is equivalent to the one in TProofServ.cxx (TProof::UnloadPackage
   // case). Keep in sync in case of changes.

   if (TestBit(TProof::kIsClient)) {
      TObjString *pack = (TObjString *) fEnabledPackagesOnClient->FindObject(package);
      if (pack) {
         // Remove entry from include path
         TString aclicincpath = gSystem->GetIncludePath();
         TString cintincpath = gInterpreter->GetIncludePath();
         // remove interpreter part of gSystem->GetIncludePath()
         aclicincpath.Remove(aclicincpath.Length() - cintincpath.Length() - 1);
         // remove package's include path
         aclicincpath.ReplaceAll(TString(" -I") + package, "");

         //TODO reset interpreter include path

         // remove entry from enabled packages list

      // cleanup the link
      if (!gSystem->AccessPathName(package))
         if (gSystem->Unlink(package) != 0)
            Warning("UnloadPackageOnClient", "unable to remove symlink to %s", package);

      // delete entry
      delete pack;
   return 0;

Int_t TProof::UnloadPackages()
   // Unload all packages.
   // Returns 0 in case of success and -1 in case of error.

   if (!IsValid()) return -1;

   if (TestBit(TProof::kIsClient)) {
      // Iterate over packages on the client and remove each package
      TIter nextpackage(fEnabledPackagesOnClient);
      while (TObjString *objstr = dynamic_cast<TObjString*>(nextpackage()))
         if (UnloadPackageOnClient(objstr->String()) == -1 )
            return -1;

   // Nothing more to do if we are a Lite-session
   if (IsLite()) return 0;

   TMessage mess(kPROOF_CACHE);
   mess << Int_t(kUnloadPackages);

   return fStatus;

Int_t TProof::EnablePackage(const char *package, Bool_t notOnClient,
   TList *workers)
   // Enable specified package. Executes the PROOF-INF/BUILD.sh
   // script if it exists followed by the PROOF-INF/SETUP.C script.
   // In case notOnClient = true, don't enable the package on the client.
   // The default is to enable packages also on the client.
   // If specified, enables packages only on the specified workers.
   // Returns 0 in case of success and -1 in case of error.
   // Provided for backward compatibility.

   return EnablePackage(package, (TList *)0, notOnClient, workers);

Int_t TProof::EnablePackage(const char *package, const char *loadopts,
                            Bool_t notOnClient, TList *workers)
   // Enable specified package. Executes the PROOF-INF/BUILD.sh
   // script if it exists followed by the PROOF-INF/SETUP.C script.
   // In case notOnClient = true, don't enable the package on the client.
   // The default is to enable packages also on the client.
   // It is is possible to specify options for the loading step via 'loadopts';
   // the string will be passed passed as argument to SETUP.
   // Special option 'chkv=<o>' (or 'checkversion=<o>') can be used to control
   // plugin version checking during building: possible choices are:
   //     off         no check; failure may occur at loading
   //     on          check ROOT version [default]
   //     svn         check ROOT version and Git commit SHA1.
   // (Use ';', ' ' or '|' to separate 'chkv=<o>' from the rest.)
   // If specified, enables packages only on the specified workers.
   // Returns 0 in case of success and -1 in case of error.

   TList *optls = 0;
   if (loadopts && strlen(loadopts)) {
      if (fProtocol > 28) {
         TObjString *os = new TObjString(loadopts);
         // Filter out 'checkversion=off|on|svn' or 'chkv=...'
         os->String().ReplaceAll("checkversion=", "chkv=");
         Ssiz_t fcv = kNPOS, lcv = kNPOS;
         if ((fcv = os->String().Index("chkv=")) !=  kNPOS) {
            TRegexp re("[; |]");
            if ((lcv = os->String().Index(re, fcv)) == kNPOS) {
               lcv = os->String().Length();
            TString ocv = os->String()(fcv, lcv - fcv);
            Int_t cvopt = -1;
            if (ocv.EndsWith("=off") || ocv.EndsWith("=0"))
               cvopt = (Int_t) kDontCheck;
            else if (ocv.EndsWith("=on") || ocv.EndsWith("=1"))
               cvopt = (Int_t) kCheckROOT;
            else if (ocv.EndsWith("=svn") || ocv.EndsWith("=2"))
               cvopt = (Int_t) kCheckSVN;
               Warning("EnablePackage", "'checkversion' option unknown from argument: '%s' - ignored", ocv.Data());
            if (cvopt > -1) {
               if (gDebug > 0)
                  Info("EnablePackage", "setting check version option from argument: %d", cvopt);
               optls = new TList;
               optls->Add(new TParameter<Int_t>("PROOF_Package_CheckVersion", (Int_t) cvopt));
               // Remove the special option from; we leave a separator if there were two (one before and one after)
               if (lcv != kNPOS && fcv == 0) ocv += os->String()[lcv];
               if (fcv > 0 && os->String().Index(re, fcv - 1) == fcv - 1) os->String().Remove(fcv - 1, 1);
               os->String().ReplaceAll(ocv.Data(), "");
         if (!os->String().IsNull()) {
            if (!optls) optls = new TList;
            optls->Add(new TObjString(os->String().Data()));
         if (optls) optls->SetOwner(kTRUE);
      } else {
         // Notify
         Warning("EnablePackage", "remote server does not support options: ignoring the option string");
   // Run
   Int_t rc = EnablePackage(package, optls, notOnClient, workers);
   // Clean up
   // Done
   return rc;

Int_t TProof::EnablePackage(const char *package, TList *loadopts,
                            Bool_t notOnClient, TList *workers)
   // Enable specified package. Executes the PROOF-INF/BUILD.sh
   // script if it exists followed by the PROOF-INF/SETUP.C script.
   // In case notOnClient = true, don't enable the package on the client.
   // The default is to enable packages also on the client.
   // It is is possible to specify a list of objects to be passed to the SETUP
   // functions via 'loadopts'; the objects must be streamable.
   // Returns 0 in case of success and -1 in case of error.

   if (!IsValid()) return -1;

   if (!package || !package[0]) {
      Error("EnablePackage", "need to specify a package name");
      return -1;

   // if name, erroneously, is a par pathname strip off .par and path
   TString pac = package;
   if (pac.EndsWith(".par"))
   pac = gSystem->BaseName(pac);

   EBuildPackageOpt opt = kBuildAll;
   if (notOnClient)
      opt = kDontBuildOnClient;

   // Get check version option; user settings have priority
   Int_t chkveropt = kCheckROOT;
   TString ocv = gEnv->GetValue("Proof.Package.CheckVersion", "");
   if (!ocv.IsNull()) {
      if (ocv == "off" || ocv == "0")
         chkveropt = (Int_t) kDontCheck;
      else if (ocv == "on" || ocv == "1")
         chkveropt = (Int_t) kCheckROOT;
      else if (ocv == "svn" || ocv == "2")
         chkveropt = (Int_t) kCheckSVN;
         Warning("EnablePackage", "'checkversion' option unknown from rootrc: '%s' - ignored", ocv.Data());
   if (loadopts) {
      TParameter<Int_t> *pcv = (TParameter<Int_t> *) loadopts->FindObject("PROOF_Package_CheckVersion");
      if (pcv) {
         chkveropt = pcv->GetVal();
         delete pcv;
  if (gDebug > 0)
      Info("EnablePackage", "using check version option: %d", chkveropt);

   if (BuildPackage(pac, opt, chkveropt) == -1)
      return -1;

   TList *optls = (loadopts && loadopts->GetSize() > 0) ? loadopts : 0;
   if (optls && fProtocol <= 28) {
      Warning("EnablePackage", "remote server does not support options: ignoring the option list");
      optls = 0;

   if (LoadPackage(pac, notOnClient, optls, workers) == -1)
      return -1;

   return 0;

Int_t TProof::DownloadPackage(const char *pack, const char *dstdir)
   // Download a PROOF archive (PAR file) from the master package repository.
   // The PAR file is downloaded in the current directory or in the directory
   // specified by 'dstdir'. If a package with the same name already exists
   // at destination, a check on the MD5 sum is done and the user warned or
   // prompted for action, depending is the file is equal or different.
   // Returns 0 in case of success and -1 in case of error.

   if (!fManager || !(fManager->IsValid())) {
      Error("DownloadPackage", "the manager is undefined!");
      return -1;

   // Create the default source and destination paths
   TString parname(gSystem->BaseName(pack)), src, dst;
   if (!parname.EndsWith(".par")) parname += ".par";
   src.Form("packages/%s", parname.Data());
   if (!dstdir || strlen(dstdir) <= 0) {
      dst.Form("./%s", parname.Data());
   } else {
      // Check the destination directory
      FileStat_t st;
      if (gSystem->GetPathInfo(dstdir, st) != 0) {
         // Directory does not exit: create it
         if (gSystem->mkdir(dstdir, kTRUE) != 0) {
                  "could not create the destination directory '%s' (errno: %d)",
                   dstdir, TSystem::GetErrno());
            return -1;
      } else if (!R_ISDIR(st.fMode) && !R_ISLNK(st.fMode)) {
               "destination path '%s' exist but is not a directory!", dstdir);
         return -1;
      dst.Form("%s/%s", dstdir, parname.Data());

   // Make sure the source file exists
   FileStat_t stsrc;
   RedirectHandle_t rh;
   if (gSystem->RedirectOutput(fLogFileName, "a", &rh) != 0)
      Warning("DownloadPackage", "problems redirecting output to '%s'", fLogFileName.Data());
   Int_t rc = fManager->Stat(src, stsrc);
   if (gSystem->RedirectOutput(0, 0, &rh) != 0)
      Warning("DownloadPackage", "problems restoring output");
   if (rc != 0) {
      // Check if there is another possible source
      ShowPackages(kFALSE, kTRUE);
      TMacro *mp = GetLastLog();
      if (mp) {
         // Look for global directories
         Bool_t isGlobal = kFALSE;
         TIter nxl(mp->GetListOfLines());
         TObjString *os = 0;
         TString globaldir;
         while ((os = (TObjString *) nxl())) {
            TString s(os->GetName());
            if (s.Contains("*** Global Package cache")) {
               // Get the directory
               s.Remove(0, s.Last(':') + 1);
               s.Remove(s.Last(' '));
               globaldir = s;
               isGlobal = kTRUE;
            } else if (s.Contains("*** Package cache")) {
               isGlobal = kFALSE;
               globaldir = "";
            // Check for the package
            if (isGlobal && s.Contains(parname)) {
               src.Form("%s/%s", globaldir.Data(), parname.Data());
         // Cleanup
         delete mp;

   // Do it via the manager
   if (fManager->GetFile(src, dst, "silent") != 0) {
      Error("DownloadPackage", "problems downloading '%s' (src:%s, dst:%s)",
                                pack, src.Data(), dst.Data());
      return -1;
   } else {
      Info("DownloadPackage", "'%s' cross-checked against master repository (local path: %s)",
                                pack, dst.Data());
   // Done
   return 0;

Int_t TProof::UploadPackage(const char *pack, EUploadPackageOpt opt,
   TList *workers)
   // Upload a PROOF archive (PAR file). A PAR file is a compressed
   // tar file with one special additional directory, PROOF-INF
   // (blatantly copied from Java's jar format). It must have the extension
   // .par. A PAR file can be directly a binary or a source with a build
   // procedure. In the PROOF-INF directory there can be a build script:
   // BUILD.sh to be called to build the package, in case of a binary PAR
   // file don't specify a build script or make it a no-op. Then there is
   // SETUP.C which sets the right environment variables to use the package,
   // like LD_LIBRARY_PATH, etc.
   // The 'opt' allows to specify whether the .PAR should be just unpacked
   // in the existing dir (opt = kUntar, default) or a remove of the existing
   // directory should be executed (opt = kRemoveOld), so triggering a full
   // re-build. The option if effective only for PROOF protocol > 8 .
   // The lab 'dirlab' (e.g. 'G0') indicates that the package is to uploaded to
   // an alternative global directory for global usage. This may require special
   // privileges.
   // If download is kTRUE and the package is not found locally, then it is downloaded
   // from the master repository.
   // Returns 0 in case of success and -1 in case of error.

   if (!IsValid()) return -1;

   TString par(pack), base, name;
   if (par.EndsWith(".par")) {
      base = gSystem->BaseName(par);
      name = base(0, base.Length() - strlen(".par"));
   } else {
      name = gSystem->BaseName(par);
      base.Form("%s.par", name.Data());
      par += ".par";

   // Default location is the local working dir; then the package dir
   if (gSystem->AccessPathName(par, kReadPermission)) {
      TString tried = par;
      // Try the package dir
      par.Form("%s/%s", fPackageDir.Data(), base.Data());
      if (gSystem->AccessPathName(par, kReadPermission)) {
         // Is the package a global one
         if (fGlobalPackageDirList && fGlobalPackageDirList->GetSize() > 0) {
            // Scan the list of global packages dirs
            TIter nxd(fGlobalPackageDirList);
            TNamed *nm = 0;
            TString pdir;
            while ((nm = (TNamed *)nxd())) {
               pdir.Form("%s/%s", nm->GetTitle(), name.Data());
               if (!gSystem->AccessPathName(pdir, kReadPermission)) {
                  // Package found, stop searching
               pdir = "";
            if (pdir.Length() > 0) {
               // Package is in the global dirs
               if (gDebug > 0)
                  Info("UploadPackage", "global package found (%s): no upload needed",
               return 0;
         Error("UploadPackage", "PAR file '%s' not found; paths tried: %s, %s",
                                gSystem->BaseName(par), tried.Data(), par.Data());
         return -1;

   // Strategy:
   // On the client:
   // get md5 of package and check if it is different
   // from the one stored in the local package directory. If it is lock
   // the package directory and copy the package, unlock the directory.
   // On the masters:
   // get md5 of package and check if it is different from the
   // one stored on the remote node. If it is different lock the remote
   // package directory and use TFTP or SendFile to ftp the package to the
   // remote node, unlock the directory.

   TMD5 *md5 = TMD5::FileChecksum(par);

   if (TestBit(TProof::kIsClient)) {
      if (!md5 || (md5 && UploadPackageOnClient(par, opt, md5) == -1)) {
         if (md5) delete md5;
         return -1;

   // Nothing more to do if we are a Lite-session
   if (IsLite()) {
      delete md5;
      return 0;

   TString smsg;
   smsg.Form("+%s", base.Data());

   TMessage mess(kPROOF_CHECKFILE);
   mess << smsg << (*md5);
   TMessage mess2(kPROOF_CHECKFILE);
   smsg.Replace(0, 1, "-");
   mess2 << smsg << (*md5);
   TMessage mess3(kPROOF_CHECKFILE);
   smsg.Replace(0, 1, "=");
   mess3 << smsg << (*md5);

   delete md5;

   if (fProtocol > 8) {
      // Send also the option
      mess << (UInt_t) opt;
      mess2 << (UInt_t) opt;
      mess3 << (UInt_t) opt;

   // Loop over all slaves with unique fs image, or to a selected
   // list of workers, if specified
   if (!workers)
      workers = fUniqueSlaves;
   TIter next(workers);
   TSlave *sl = 0;
   while ((sl = (TSlave *) next())) {
      if (!sl->IsValid())


      fCheckFileStatus = 0;
      Collect(sl, fCollectTimeout, kPROOF_CHECKFILE);
      if (fCheckFileStatus == 0) {

         if (fProtocol > 5) {
            // remote directory is locked, upload file over the open channel
            smsg.Form("%s/%s/%s", sl->GetProofWorkDir(), kPROOF_PackDir, base.Data());
            if (SendFile(par, (kBinary | kForce | kCpBin | kForward), smsg.Data(), sl) < 0) {
               Error("UploadPackage", "%s: problems uploading file %s",
                                      sl->GetOrdinal(), par.Data());
               return -1;
         } else {
            // old servers receive it via TFTP
            TFTP ftp(TString("root://")+sl->GetName(), 1);
            if (!ftp.IsZombie()) {
               smsg.Form("%s/%s", sl->GetProofWorkDir(), kPROOF_PackDir);
               ftp.put(par, base.Data());

         // install package and unlock dir
         fCheckFileStatus = 0;
         Collect(sl, fCollectTimeout, kPROOF_CHECKFILE);
         if (fCheckFileStatus == 0) {
            Error("UploadPackage", "%s: unpacking of package %s failed",
                                   sl->GetOrdinal(), base.Data());
            return -1;

   // loop over all other master nodes
   TIter nextmaster(fNonUniqueMasters);
   TSlave *ma;
   while ((ma = (TSlave *) nextmaster())) {
      if (!ma->IsValid())


      fCheckFileStatus = 0;
      Collect(ma, fCollectTimeout, kPROOF_CHECKFILE);
      if (fCheckFileStatus == 0) {
         // error -> package should have been found
         Error("UploadPackage", "package %s did not exist on submaster %s",
               base.Data(), ma->GetOrdinal());
         return -1;

   return 0;

Int_t TProof::UploadPackageOnClient(const char *parpack, EUploadPackageOpt opt, TMD5 *md5)
   // Upload a package on the client in ~/.proof/packages.
   // The 'opt' allows to specify whether the .PAR should be just unpacked
   // in the existing dir (opt = kUntar, default) or a remove of the existing
   // directory should be executed (opt = kRemoveOld), thereby triggering a full
   // re-build. This option if effective only for PROOF protocol > 8.
   // Returns 0 in case of success and -1 in case of error.

   // Strategy:
   // get md5 of package and check if it is different
   // from the one stored in the local package directory. If it is lock
   // the package directory and copy the package, unlock the directory.

   Int_t status = 0;

   if (TestBit(TProof::kIsClient)) {
      // Make sure that 'par' is the real path and not a symlink
      TString par(parpack);
#ifndef WIN32
      char ctmp[4096];
      ssize_t sz = readlink(par.Data(), ctmp, 4096);
      if (sz >= 4096) sz = 4095;
      if (sz > 0) {
         ctmp[sz] = '\0';
         par = ctmp;
      } else if (TSystem::GetErrno() != EINVAL) {
                 "could not resolve the symbolik link '%s'", par.Data());
      // The fPackageDir directory exists (has been created in Init());
      // create symlink to the par file in the fPackageDir (needed by
      // master in case we run on the localhost)

      // Check if the requested PAR has been downloaded: if not, clean any
      // existing downloaded file with the same name: this is because now
      // the client has its own version of the package and should not check
      // the master repository anymore for updates
      TString downloadpath;
      downloadpath.Form("%s/%s/%s", fPackageDir.Data(),
                        kPROOF_PackDownloadDir, gSystem->BaseName(par));
      if (!gSystem->AccessPathName(downloadpath, kFileExists) && downloadpath != par) {
         if (gSystem->Unlink(downloadpath) != 0) {
                    "problems removing downloaded version of '%s' (%s):\n"
                    "may imply inconsistencies in subsequent updates",
                    gSystem->BaseName(par), downloadpath.Data());
      TString lpar;
      lpar.Form("%s/%s", fPackageDir.Data(), gSystem->BaseName(par));
      FileStat_t stat;
      Int_t st = gSystem->GetPathInfo(lpar, stat);
      // check if symlink, if so unlink, if not give error
      // NOTE: GetPathInfo() returns 1 in case of symlink that does not point to
      // existing file, but if fIsLink is true the symlink exists
      if (stat.fIsLink)
      else if (st == 0) {
         Error("UploadPackageOnClient", "cannot create symlink %s on client, "
               "another item with same name already exists",
         return -1;
      if (!gSystem->IsAbsoluteFileName(par)) {
         TString fpar = par;
         gSystem->Symlink(gSystem->PrependPathName(gSystem->WorkingDirectory(), fpar), lpar);
      } else
         gSystem->Symlink(par, lpar);
      // TODO: On Windows need to copy instead of symlink

      TString cmd;
      // Compare md5
      TString packnam = par(0, par.Length() - 4);  // strip off ".par"
      packnam = gSystem->BaseName(packnam);        // strip off path
      TString md5f = fPackageDir + "/" + packnam + "/PROOF-INF/md5.txt";
      TMD5 *md5local = TMD5::ReadChecksum(md5f);
      if (!md5local || (*md5) != (*md5local)) {
         // if not, unzip and untar package in package directory
         if ((opt & TProof::kRemoveOld)) {
            // remove any previous package directory with same name
            cmd.Form("%s %s/%s", kRM, fPackageDir.Data(), packnam.Data());
            if (gSystem->Exec(cmd.Data()))
               Error("UploadPackageOnClient", "failure executing: %s", cmd.Data());
         // find gunzip
         char *gunzip = gSystem->Which(gSystem->Getenv("PATH"), kGUNZIP,
         if (gunzip) {
            // untar package
            cmd.Form(kUNTAR2, gunzip, par.Data(), fPackageDir.Data());
            if (gSystem->Exec(cmd.Data()))
               Error("Uploadpackage", "failure executing: %s", cmd.Data());
            delete [] gunzip;
         } else
            Error("UploadPackageOnClient", "%s not found", kGUNZIP);

         // check that fPackageDir/packnam now exists
         if (gSystem->AccessPathName(fPackageDir + "/" + packnam, kWritePermission)) {
            // par file did not unpack itself in the expected directory, failure
                  "package %s did not unpack into %s/%s", par.Data(), fPackageDir.Data(),
            status = -1;
         } else {
            // store md5 in package/PROOF-INF/md5.txt
            TMD5::WriteChecksum(md5f, md5);
      delete md5local;
   return status;

Int_t TProof::Load(const char *macro, Bool_t notOnClient, Bool_t uniqueWorkers,
                   TList *wrks)
   // Load the specified macro on master, workers and, if notOnClient is
   // kFALSE, on the client. The macro file is uploaded if new or updated.
   // Additional files to be uploaded (or updated, if needed) can be specified
   // after a comma, e.g. "mymacro.C+,thisheader.h,thatheader.h".
   // If existing in the same directory, a header basename(macro).h or .hh, is also
   // uploaded.
   // The default is to load the macro also on the client; notOnClient can be used
   // to avoid loading on the client.
   // On masters, if uniqueWorkers is kTRUE, the macro is loaded on unique workers
   // only, and collection is not done; if uniqueWorkers is kFALSE, collection
   // from the previous request is done, and broadcasting + collection from the
   // other workers is done.
   // The wrks arg can be used on the master to limit the set of workers.
   // Returns 0 in case of success and -1 in case of error.

   if (!IsValid()) return -1;

   if (!macro || !macro[0]) {
      Error("Load", "need to specify a macro name");
      return -1;

   if (TestBit(TProof::kIsClient)) {
      if (wrks) {
         Error("Load", "the 'wrks' arg can be used only on the master");
         return -1;

      // Extract the file implementation name first
      TString addsname, implname = macro;
      Ssiz_t icom = implname.Index(",");
      if (icom != kNPOS) {
         addsname = implname(icom + 1, implname.Length());
      TString basemacro = gSystem->BaseName(implname), mainmacro(implname);
      TString bmsg(basemacro), acmode, args, io;
      implname = gSystem->SplitAclicMode(implname, acmode, args, io);

      // Macro names must have a standard format
      Int_t dot = implname.Last('.');
      if (dot == kNPOS) {
         Info("Load", "macro '%s' does not contain a '.': do nothing", macro);
         return -1;

      // Is there any associated header file
      Bool_t hasHeader = kTRUE;
      TString headname = implname;
      headname += ".h";
      if (gSystem->AccessPathName(headname, kReadPermission)) {
         TString h = headname;
         headname += ".hh";
         if (gSystem->AccessPathName(headname, kReadPermission)) {
            hasHeader = kFALSE;
            if (gDebug > 0)
               Info("Load", "no associated header file found: tried: %s %s",
                            h.Data(), headname.Data());

      // Is there any additional file ?
      TString addincs;
      TList addfiles;
      if (!addsname.IsNull()) {
         TString fn;
         Int_t from = 0;
         while (addsname.Tokenize(fn, from, ",")) {
            if (gSystem->AccessPathName(fn, kReadPermission)) {
               Error("Load", "additional file '%s' not found", fn.Data());
               return -1;
            // Create the additional include statement
            if (!notOnClient) {
               TString dirn(gSystem->DirName(fn));
               if (addincs.IsNull()) {
                  addincs.Form("-I%s", dirn.Data());
               } else if (!addincs.Contains(dirn)) {
                  addincs += TString::Format(" -I%s", dirn.Data());
            // Remember these files ...
            addfiles.Add(new TObjString(fn));

      // Send files now; the md5 check is run here; see SendFile for more
      // details.
      if (SendFile(implname, kAscii | kForward , "cache") == -1) {
         Error("Load", "problems sending implementation file %s", implname.Data());
         return -1;
      if (hasHeader)
         if (SendFile(headname, kAscii | kForward , "cache") == -1) {
            Error("Load", "problems sending header file %s", headname.Data());
            return -1;
      // Additional files
      if (addfiles.GetSize() > 0) {
         TIter nxfn(&addfiles);
         TObjString *os = 0;
         while ((os = (TObjString *) nxfn())) {
            // These files need to be available everywhere, cache and sandbox
            if (SendFile(os->GetName(), kAscii | kForward, "cache") == -1) {
               Error("Load", "problems sending additional file %s", os->GetName());
               return -1;
            // Add the base names to the message broadcasted
            bmsg += TString::Format(",%s", gSystem->BaseName(os->GetName()));

      // The files are now on the workers: now we send the loading request
      TMessage mess(kPROOF_CACHE);
      if (GetRemoteProtocol() < 34) {
         mess << Int_t(kLoadMacro) << basemacro;
         // This may be needed
      } else {
         mess << Int_t(kLoadMacro) << bmsg;
      Broadcast(mess, kActive);

      // Load locally, if required
      if (!notOnClient) {
         // Mofify the include path
         TString oldincs = gSystem->GetIncludePath();
         if (!addincs.IsNull()) gSystem->AddIncludePath(addincs);

         // By first forwarding the load command to the master and workers
         // and only then loading locally we load/build in parallel
         gROOT->ProcessLine(TString::Format(".L %s", mainmacro.Data()));

         // Restore include path
         if (!addincs.IsNull()) gSystem->SetIncludePath(oldincs);

         // Update the macro path
         TString mp(TROOT::GetMacroPath());
         TString np(gSystem->DirName(macro));
         if (!np.IsNull()) {
            np += ":";
            if (!mp.BeginsWith(np) && !mp.Contains(":"+np)) {
               Int_t ip = (mp.BeginsWith(".:")) ? 2 : 0;
               mp.Insert(ip, np);
               if (gDebug > 0)
                  Info("Load", "macro path set to '%s'", TROOT::GetMacroPath());

      // Wait for master and workers to be done

   } else {
      // On master

      // The files are now on the workers: now we send the loading request first
      // to the unique workers, so that the eventual compilation occurs only once.
      TString basemacro = gSystem->BaseName(macro);
      TMessage mess(kPROOF_CACHE);

      if (uniqueWorkers) {
         mess << Int_t(kLoadMacro) << basemacro;
         if (wrks)
            Broadcast(mess, wrks);
            Broadcast(mess, kUnique);
      } else {
         // Wait for the result of the previous sending

         // We then send a tuned loading request to the other workers
         TList others;
         TSlave *wrk = 0;
         TIter nxw(fActiveSlaves);
         while ((wrk = (TSlave *)nxw())) {
            if (!fUniqueSlaves->FindObject(wrk)) {

         // Do not force compilation, if it was requested
         Int_t ld = basemacro.Last('.');
         if (ld != kNPOS) {
            Int_t lpp = basemacro.Index("++", ld);
            if (lpp != kNPOS) basemacro.Replace(lpp, 2, "+");
         mess << Int_t(kLoadMacro) << basemacro;
         Broadcast(mess, &others);

      PDB(kGlobal, 1) Info("Load", "adding loaded macro: %s", macro);
      if (!fLoadedMacros) {
         fLoadedMacros = new TList();
      // if wrks is specified the macro should already be loaded on the master.
      if (!wrks)
         fLoadedMacros->Add(new TObjString(macro));

   // Done
   return 0;

Int_t TProof::AddDynamicPath(const char *libpath, Bool_t onClient, TList *wrks,
   Bool_t doCollect)
   // Add 'libpath' to the lib path search.
   // Multiple paths can be specified at once separating them with a comma or
   // a blank.
   // Return 0 on success, -1 otherwise

   if ((!libpath || !libpath[0])) {
      if (gDebug > 0)
         Info("AddDynamicPath", "list is empty - nothing to do");
      return 0;

   // Do it also on clients, if required
   if (onClient)
      HandleLibIncPath("lib", kTRUE, libpath);

   TMessage m(kPROOF_LIB_INC_PATH);
   m << TString("lib") << (Bool_t)kTRUE;

   // Add paths
   if (libpath && strlen(libpath))
      m << TString(libpath);
      m << TString("-");

   // Forward the request
   if (wrks) {
      Broadcast(m, wrks);
      if (doCollect)
         Collect(wrks, fCollectTimeout);
   else {
      Collect(kActive, fCollectTimeout);

   return 0;

Int_t TProof::AddIncludePath(const char *incpath, Bool_t onClient, TList *wrks,
   Bool_t doCollect)
   // Add 'incpath' to the inc path search.
   // Multiple paths can be specified at once separating them with a comma or
   // a blank.
   // Return 0 on success, -1 otherwise

   if ((!incpath || !incpath[0])) {
      if (gDebug > 0)
         Info("AddIncludePath", "list is empty - nothing to do");
      return 0;

   // Do it also on clients, if required
   if (onClient)
      HandleLibIncPath("inc", kTRUE, incpath);

   TMessage m(kPROOF_LIB_INC_PATH);
   m << TString("inc") << (Bool_t)kTRUE;

   // Add paths
   if (incpath && strlen(incpath))
      m << TString(incpath);
      m << TString("-");

   // Forward the request
   if (wrks) {
      Broadcast(m, wrks);
      if (doCollect)
         Collect(wrks, fCollectTimeout);
   else {
      Collect(kActive, fCollectTimeout);

   return 0;

Int_t TProof::RemoveDynamicPath(const char *libpath, Bool_t onClient)
   // Remove 'libpath' from the lib path search.
   // Multiple paths can be specified at once separating them with a comma or
   // a blank.
   // Return 0 on success, -1 otherwise

   if ((!libpath || !libpath[0])) {
      if (gDebug > 0)
         Info("RemoveDynamicPath", "list is empty - nothing to do");
      return 0;

   // Do it also on clients, if required
   if (onClient)
      HandleLibIncPath("lib", kFALSE, libpath);

   TMessage m(kPROOF_LIB_INC_PATH);
   m << TString("lib") <<(Bool_t)kFALSE;

   // Add paths
   if (libpath && strlen(libpath))
      m << TString(libpath);
      m << TString("-");

   // Forward the request
   Collect(kActive, fCollectTimeout);

   return 0;

Int_t TProof::RemoveIncludePath(const char *incpath, Bool_t onClient)
   // Remove 'incpath' from the inc path search.
   // Multiple paths can be specified at once separating them with a comma or
   // a blank.
   // Return 0 on success, -1 otherwise

   if ((!incpath || !incpath[0])) {
      if (gDebug > 0)
         Info("RemoveIncludePath", "list is empty - nothing to do");
      return 0;

   // Do it also on clients, if required
   if (onClient)
      HandleLibIncPath("in", kFALSE, incpath);

   TMessage m(kPROOF_LIB_INC_PATH);
   m << TString("inc") << (Bool_t)kFALSE;

   // Add paths
   if (incpath && strlen(incpath))
      m << TString(incpath);
      m << TString("-");

   // Forward the request
   Collect(kActive, fCollectTimeout);

   return 0;

void TProof::HandleLibIncPath(const char *what, Bool_t add, const char *dirs)
   // Handle lib, inc search paths modification request

   TString type(what);
   TString path(dirs);

   // Check type of action
   if ((type != "lib") && (type != "inc")) {
      Error("HandleLibIncPath","unknown action type: %s - protocol error?", type.Data());

   // Separators can be either commas or blanks
   path.ReplaceAll(","," ");

   // Decompose lists
   TObjArray *op = 0;
   if (path.Length() > 0 && path != "-") {
      if (!(op = path.Tokenize(" "))) {
         Warning("HandleLibIncPath","decomposing path %s", path.Data());

   if (add) {

      if (type == "lib") {

         // Add libs
         TIter nxl(op, kIterBackward);
         TObjString *lib = 0;
         while ((lib = (TObjString *) nxl())) {
            // Expand path
            TString xlib = lib->GetName();
            // Add to the dynamic lib search path if it exists and can be read
            if (!gSystem->AccessPathName(xlib, kReadPermission)) {
               TString newlibpath = gSystem->GetDynamicPath();
               // In the first position after the working dir
               Int_t pos = 0;
               if (newlibpath.BeginsWith(".:"))
                  pos = 2;
               if (newlibpath.Index(xlib) == kNPOS) {
                  newlibpath.Insert(pos,TString::Format("%s:", xlib.Data()));
            } else {
               if (gDebug > 0)
                       "libpath %s does not exist or cannot be read - not added", xlib.Data());

      } else {

         // Add incs
         TIter nxi(op);
         TObjString *inc = 0;
         while ((inc = (TObjString *) nxi())) {
            // Expand path
            TString xinc = inc->GetName();
            // Add to the dynamic lib search path if it exists and can be read
            if (!gSystem->AccessPathName(xinc, kReadPermission)) {
               TString curincpath = gSystem->GetIncludePath();
               if (curincpath.Index(xinc) == kNPOS)
                  gSystem->AddIncludePath(TString::Format("-I%s", xinc.Data()));
            } else
               if (gDebug > 0)
                        "incpath %s does not exist or cannot be read - not added", xinc.Data());

   } else {

      if (type == "lib") {

         // Remove libs
         TIter nxl(op);
         TObjString *lib = 0;
         while ((lib = (TObjString *) nxl())) {
            // Expand path
            TString xlib = lib->GetName();
            // Remove from the dynamic lib search path
            TString newlibpath = gSystem->GetDynamicPath();
            newlibpath.ReplaceAll(TString::Format("%s:", xlib.Data()),"");

      } else {

         // Remove incs
         TIter nxi(op);
         TObjString *inc = 0;
         while ((inc = (TObjString *) nxi())) {
            TString newincpath = gSystem->GetIncludePath();
            newincpath.ReplaceAll(TString::Format("-I%s", inc->GetName()),"");
            // Remove the interpreter path (added anyhow internally)

TList *TProof::GetListOfPackages()
   // Get from the master the list of names of the packages available.

   if (!IsValid())
      return (TList *)0;

   TMessage mess(kPROOF_CACHE);
   mess << Int_t(kListPackages);
   Collect(kActive, fCollectTimeout);

   return fAvailablePackages;

TList *TProof::GetListOfEnabledPackages()
   // Get from the master the list of names of the packages enabled.

   if (!IsValid())
      return (TList *)0;

   TMessage mess(kPROOF_CACHE);
   mess << Int_t(kListEnabledPackages);
   Collect(kActive, fCollectTimeout);

   return fEnabledPackages;

void TProof::PrintProgress(Long64_t total, Long64_t processed,
                           Float_t procTime, Long64_t bytesread)
   // Print a progress bar on stderr. Used in batch mode.

   if (fPrintProgress) {
      Bool_t redirlog = fRedirLog;
      fRedirLog = kFALSE;
      // Call the external function
      (*fPrintProgress)(total, processed, procTime, bytesread);
      fRedirLog = redirlog;

   fprintf(stderr, "[TProof::Progress] Total %lld events\t|", total);

   for (int l = 0; l < 20; l++) {
      if (total > 0) {
         if (l < 20*processed/total)
            fprintf(stderr, "=");
         else if (l == 20*processed/total)
            fprintf(stderr, ">");
         else if (l > 20*processed/total)
            fprintf(stderr, ".");
      } else
         fprintf(stderr, "=");
   Float_t evtrti = (procTime > 0. && processed > 0) ? processed / procTime : -1.;
   Float_t mbsrti = (procTime > 0. && bytesread > 0) ? bytesread / procTime : -1.;
   TString sunit("B/s");
   if (evtrti > 0.) {
      Float_t remainingTime = (total >= processed) ? (total - processed) / evtrti : -1;
      if (mbsrti > 0.) {
         const Float_t toK = 1024., toM = 1048576., toG = 1073741824.;
         if (mbsrti >= toG) {
            mbsrti /= toG;
            sunit = "GB/s";
         } else if (mbsrti >= toM) {
            mbsrti /= toM;
            sunit = "MB/s";
         } else if (mbsrti >= toK) {
            mbsrti /= toK;
            sunit = "kB/s";
         fprintf(stderr, "| %.02f %% [%.1f evts/s, %.1f %s, time left: %.1f s]\r",
                (total ? ((100.0*processed)/total) : 100.0), evtrti, mbsrti, sunit.Data(), remainingTime);
      } else {
         fprintf(stderr, "| %.02f %% [%.1f evts/s, time left: %.1f s]\r",
                (total ? ((100.0*processed)/total) : 100.0), evtrti, remainingTime);
   } else {
      fprintf(stderr, "| %.02f %%\r",
              (total ? ((100.0*processed)/total) : 100.0));
   if (processed >= total) {
      fprintf(stderr, "\n Query processing time: %.1f s\n", procTime);

void TProof::Progress(Long64_t total, Long64_t processed)
   // Get query progress information. Connect a slot to this signal
   // to track progress.

   if (fPrintProgress) {
      // Call the external function
      return (*fPrintProgress)(total, processed, -1., -1);

      Info("Progress","%2f (%lld/%lld)", 100.*processed/total, processed, total);

   if (gROOT->IsBatch()) {
      // Simple progress bar
      if (total > 0)
         PrintProgress(total, processed);
   } else {
      EmitVA("Progress(Long64_t,Long64_t)", 2, total, processed);

void TProof::Progress(Long64_t total, Long64_t processed, Long64_t bytesread,
                      Float_t initTime, Float_t procTime,
                      Float_t evtrti, Float_t mbrti)
   // Get query progress information. Connect a slot to this signal
   // to track progress.

      Info("Progress","%lld %lld %lld %f %f %f %f", total, processed, bytesread,
                                initTime, procTime, evtrti, mbrti);

   if (gROOT->IsBatch()) {
      // Simple progress bar
      if (total > 0)
         PrintProgress(total, processed, procTime, bytesread);
   } else {
             7, total, processed, bytesread, initTime, procTime, evtrti, mbrti);

void TProof::Progress(Long64_t total, Long64_t processed, Long64_t bytesread,
                      Float_t initTime, Float_t procTime,
                      Float_t evtrti, Float_t mbrti, Int_t actw, Int_t tses, Float_t eses)
   // Get query progress information. Connect a slot to this signal
   // to track progress.

      Info("Progress","%lld %lld %lld %f %f %f %f %d %f", total, processed, bytesread,
                                initTime, procTime, evtrti, mbrti, actw, eses);

   if (gROOT->IsBatch()) {
      // Simple progress bar
      if (total > 0)
         PrintProgress(total, processed, procTime, bytesread);
   } else {
             10, total, processed, bytesread, initTime, procTime, evtrti, mbrti, actw, tses, eses);

void TProof::Feedback(TList *objs)
   // Get list of feedback objects. Connect a slot to this signal
   // to monitor the feedback object.

      Info("Feedback","%d objects", objs->GetSize());
   PDB(kFeedback,1) {
      Info("Feedback","%d objects", objs->GetSize());

   Emit("Feedback(TList *objs)", (Long_t) objs);

void TProof::CloseProgressDialog()
   // Close progress dialog.

           "called: have progress dialog: %d", fProgressDialogStarted);

   // Nothing to do if not there
   if (!fProgressDialogStarted)


void TProof::ResetProgressDialog(const char *sel, Int_t sz, Long64_t fst,
                                 Long64_t ent)
   // Reset progress dialog.

      Info("ResetProgressDialog","(%s,%d,%lld,%lld)", sel, sz, fst, ent);

   EmitVA("ResetProgressDialog(const char*,Int_t,Long64_t,Long64_t)",
          4, sel, sz, fst, ent);

void TProof::StartupMessage(const char *msg, Bool_t st, Int_t done, Int_t total)
   // Send startup message.

      Info("StartupMessage","(%s,%d,%d,%d)", msg, st, done, total);

   EmitVA("StartupMessage(const char*,Bool_t,Int_t,Int_t)",
          4, msg, st, done, total);

void TProof::DataSetStatus(const char *msg, Bool_t st, Int_t done, Int_t total)
   // Send dataset preparation status.

      Info("DataSetStatus","(%s,%d,%d,%d)", msg, st, done, total);

   EmitVA("DataSetStatus(const char*,Bool_t,Int_t,Int_t)",
          4, msg, st, done, total);

void TProof::SendDataSetStatus(const char *action, UInt_t done,
                               UInt_t tot, Bool_t st)
   // Send or notify data set status

   if (IsLite()) {
      if (tot) {
         TString type = "files";
         Int_t frac = (Int_t) (done*100.)/tot;
         char msg[512] = {0};
         if (frac >= 100) {
            snprintf(msg, 512, "%s: OK (%d %s)                 \n",
                     action,tot, type.Data());
         } else {
            snprintf(msg, 512, "%s: %d out of %d (%d %%)\r",
                     action, done, tot, frac);
         if (fSync)
            fprintf(stderr,"%s", msg);
            NotifyLogMsg(msg, 0);

   if (TestBit(TProof::kIsMaster)) {
      TMessage mess(kPROOF_DATASET_STATUS);
      mess << TString(action) << tot << done << st;

void TProof::QueryResultReady(const char *ref)
   // Notify availability of a query result.

      Info("QueryResultReady","ref: %s", ref);

   Emit("QueryResultReady(const char*)",ref);

void TProof::ValidateDSet(TDSet *dset)
   // Validate a TDSet.

   if (dset->ElementsValid()) return;

   TList nodes;

   TList slholder;
   TList elemholder;

   // build nodelist with slaves and elements
   TIter nextSlave(GetListOfActiveSlaves());
   while (TSlave *sl = dynamic_cast<TSlave*>(nextSlave())) {
      TList *sllist = 0;
      TPair *p = dynamic_cast<TPair*>(nodes.FindObject(sl->GetName()));
      if (!p) {
         sllist = new TList;
         TList *elemlist = new TList;
         nodes.Add(new TPair(sllist, elemlist));
      } else {
         sllist = dynamic_cast<TList*>(p->Key());
      if (sllist) sllist->Add(sl);

   // add local elements to nodes
   TList nonLocal; // list of nonlocal elements
   // make two iterations - first add local elements - then distribute nonlocals
   for (Int_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
      Bool_t local = i>0?kFALSE:kTRUE;
      TIter nextElem(local ? dset->GetListOfElements() : &nonLocal);
      while (TDSetElement *elem = dynamic_cast<TDSetElement*>(nextElem())) {
         if (elem->GetValid()) continue;
         TPair *p = dynamic_cast<TPair*>(local?nodes.FindObject(TUrl(elem->GetFileName()).GetHost()):nodes.At(0));
         if (p) {
            TList *eli = dynamic_cast<TList*>(p->Value());
            TList *sli = dynamic_cast<TList*>(p->Key());
            if (eli && sli) {

               // order list by elements/slave
               TPair *p2 = p;
               Bool_t stop = kFALSE;
               while (!stop) {
                  TPair *p3 = dynamic_cast<TPair*>(nodes.After(p2->Key()));
                  if (p3) {
                     TList *p3v = dynamic_cast<TList*>(p3->Value());
                     TList *p3k = dynamic_cast<TList*>(p3->Key());
                     if (p3v && p3k) {
                        Int_t nelem = p3v->GetSize();
                        Int_t nsl = p3k->GetSize();
                        if (nelem*sli->GetSize() < eli->GetSize()*nsl) p2 = p3;
                        else stop = kTRUE;
                  } else {
                     stop = kTRUE;

               if (p2!=p) {
                  nodes.AddAfter(p2->Key(), p);
            } else {
               Warning("ValidateDSet", "invalid values from TPair! Protocol error?");

         } else {
            if (local) {
            } else {
               Warning("ValidateDSet", "no node to allocate TDSetElement to - ignoring");

   // send to slaves
   TList usedslaves;
   TIter nextNode(&nodes);
   SetDSet(dset); // set dset to be validated in Collect()
   while (TPair *node = dynamic_cast<TPair*>(nextNode())) {
      TList *slaves = dynamic_cast<TList*>(node->Key());
      TList *setelements = dynamic_cast<TList*>(node->Value());
      if (!slaves || !setelements) continue;
      // distribute elements over the slaves
      Int_t nslaves = slaves->GetSize();
      Int_t nelements = setelements->GetSize();
      for (Int_t i=0; i<nslaves; i++) {

         TDSet copyset(dset->GetType(), dset->GetObjName(),
         for (Int_t j = (i*nelements)/nslaves;
                    j < ((i+1)*nelements)/nslaves;
                    j++) {
            TDSetElement *elem =
            if (elem) {
               copyset.Add(elem->GetFileName(), elem->GetObjName(),
                           elem->GetDirectory(), elem->GetFirst(),
                           elem->GetNum(), elem->GetMsd());

         if (copyset.GetListOfElements()->GetSize()>0) {
            TMessage mesg(kPROOF_VALIDATE_DSET);
            mesg << &copyset;

            TSlave *sl = dynamic_cast<TSlave*>(slaves->At(i));
            if (sl) {
               PDB(kGlobal,1) Info("ValidateDSet",
                                 "Sending TDSet with %d elements to slave %s"
                                 " to be validated",

      Info("ValidateDSet","Calling Collect");

void TProof::AddInputData(TObject *obj, Bool_t push)
   // Add data objects that might be needed during the processing of
   // the selector (see Process()). This object can be very large, so they
   // are distributed in an optimized way using a dedicated file.
   // If push is TRUE the input data are sent over even if no apparent change
   // occured to the list.

   if (obj) {
      if (!fInputData) fInputData = new TList;
      if (!fInputData->FindObject(obj)) {
   if (push) SetBit(TProof::kNewInputData);

void TProof::ClearInputData(TObject *obj)
   // Remove obj form the input data list; if obj is null (default), clear the
   // input data info.

   if (!obj) {
      if (fInputData) {

      // Also remove any info about input data in the input list
      TObject *o = 0;
      TList *in = GetInputList();
      while ((o = GetInputList()->FindObject("PROOF_InputDataFile")))
      while ((o = GetInputList()->FindObject("PROOF_InputData")))

      // ... and reset the file
      fInputDataFile = "";

   } else if (fInputData) {
      Int_t sz = fInputData->GetSize();
      while (fInputData->FindObject(obj))
      // Flag for update, if anything changed
      if (sz != fInputData->GetSize())

void TProof::ClearInputData(const char *name)
   // Remove obj 'name' form the input data list;

   TObject *obj = (fInputData && name) ? fInputData->FindObject(name) : 0;
   if (obj) ClearInputData(obj);

void TProof::SetInputDataFile(const char *datafile)
   // Set the file to be used to optimally distribute the input data objects.
   // If the file exists the object in the file are added to those in the
   // fInputData list. If the file path is null, a default file will be created
   // at the moment of sending the processing request with the content of
   // the fInputData list. See also SendInputDataFile.

   if (datafile && strlen(datafile) > 0) {
      if (fInputDataFile != datafile && strcmp(datafile, kPROOF_InputDataFile))
      fInputDataFile = datafile;
   } else {
      if (!fInputDataFile.IsNull())
      fInputDataFile = "";
   // Make sure that the chosen file is readable
   if (fInputDataFile != kPROOF_InputDataFile && !fInputDataFile.IsNull() &&
      gSystem->AccessPathName(fInputDataFile, kReadPermission)) {
      fInputDataFile = "";

void TProof::SendInputDataFile()
   // Send the input data objects to the master; the objects are taken from the
   // dedicated list and / or the specified file.
   // If the fInputData is empty the specified file is sent over.
   // If there is no specified file, a file named "inputdata.root" is created locally
   // with the content of fInputData and sent over to the master.
   // If both fInputData and the specified file are not empty, a copy of the file
   // is made locally and augmented with the content of fInputData.

   // Prepare the file
   TString dataFile;

   // Send it, if not empty
   if (dataFile.Length() > 0) {

      Info("SendInputDataFile", "broadcasting %s", dataFile.Data());
      BroadcastFile(dataFile.Data(), kBinary, "cache", kActive);

      // Set the name in the input list
      TString t = TString::Format("cache:%s", gSystem->BaseName(dataFile));
      AddInput(new TNamed("PROOF_InputDataFile", t.Data()));

void TProof::PrepareInputDataFile(TString &dataFile)
   // Prepare the file with the input data objects to be sent the master; the
   // objects are taken from the dedicated list and / or the specified file.
   // If the fInputData is empty the specified file is sent over.
   // If there is no specified file, a file named "inputdata.root" is created locally
   // with the content of fInputData and sent over to the master.
   // If both fInputData and the specified file are not empty, a copy of the file
   // is made locally and augmented with the content of fInputData.

   // Save info about new data for usage in this call;
   Bool_t newdata = TestBit(TProof::kNewInputData) ? kTRUE : kFALSE;
   // Next time we need some change

   // Check the list
   Bool_t list_ok = (fInputData && fInputData->GetSize() > 0) ? kTRUE : kFALSE;
   // Check the file
   Bool_t file_ok = kFALSE;
   if (fInputDataFile != kPROOF_InputDataFile && !fInputDataFile.IsNull() &&
      !gSystem->AccessPathName(fInputDataFile, kReadPermission)) {
      // It must contain something
      TFile *f = TFile::Open(fInputDataFile);
      if (f && f->GetListOfKeys() && f->GetListOfKeys()->GetSize() > 0)
         file_ok = kTRUE;

   // Remove any info about input data in the input list
   TObject *o = 0;
   TList *in = GetInputList();
   while ((o = GetInputList()->FindObject("PROOF_InputDataFile")))
   while ((o = GetInputList()->FindObject("PROOF_InputData")))

   // We must have something to send
   dataFile = "";
   if (!list_ok && !file_ok) return;

   // Three cases:
   if (file_ok && !list_ok) {
      // Just send the file
      dataFile = fInputDataFile;
   } else if (!file_ok && list_ok) {
      fInputDataFile = kPROOF_InputDataFile;
      // Nothing to do, if no new data
      if (!newdata && !gSystem->AccessPathName(fInputDataFile)) return;
      // Create the file first
      TFile *f = TFile::Open(fInputDataFile, "RECREATE");
      if (f) {
         TIter next(fInputData);
         TObject *obj;
         while ((obj = next())) {
            obj->Write(0, TObject::kSingleKey, 0);
      } else {
         Error("PrepareInputDataFile", "could not (re-)create %s", fInputDataFile.Data());
      dataFile = fInputDataFile;
   } else if (file_ok && list_ok) {
      dataFile = kPROOF_InputDataFile;
      // Create the file if not existing or there are new data
      if (newdata || gSystem->AccessPathName(dataFile)) {
         // Cleanup previous file if obsolete
         if (!gSystem->AccessPathName(dataFile))
         if (dataFile != fInputDataFile) {
            // Make a local copy first
            if (gSystem->CopyFile(fInputDataFile, dataFile, kTRUE) != 0) {
               Error("PrepareInputDataFile", "could not make local copy of %s", fInputDataFile.Data());
         // Add the input data list
         TFile *f = TFile::Open(dataFile, "UPDATE");
         if (f) {
            TIter next(fInputData);
            TObject *obj = 0;
            while ((obj = next())) {
               obj->Write(0, TObject::kSingleKey, 0);
         } else {
            Error("PrepareInputDataFile", "could not open %s for updating", dataFile.Data());

   //  Done

void TProof::AddInput(TObject *obj)
   // Add objects that might be needed during the processing of
   // the selector (see Process()).

   if (fPlayer) fPlayer->AddInput(obj);

void TProof::ClearInput()
   // Clear input object list.

   if (fPlayer) fPlayer->ClearInput();

   // the system feedback list is always in the input list

TList *TProof::GetInputList()
   // Get input list.

   return (fPlayer ? fPlayer->GetInputList() : (TList *)0);

TObject *TProof::GetOutput(const char *name)
   // Get specified object that has been produced during the processing
   // (see Process()).

   if (TestBit(TProof::kIsMaster))
      // Can be called by MarkBad on the master before the player is initialized
      return (fPlayer) ? fPlayer->GetOutput(name) : (TObject *)0;

   // This checks also associated output files
   return (GetOutputList()) ? GetOutputList()->FindObject(name) : (TObject *)0;

TObject *TProof::GetOutput(const char *name, TList *out)
   // Find object 'name' in list 'out' or in the files specified in there

   TObject *o = 0;
   if (!name || (name && strlen(name) <= 0) ||
       !out || (out && out->GetSize() <= 0)) return o;
   if ((o = out->FindObject(name))) return o;

   // For the time being we always check for all the files; this may require
   // some caching
   TProofOutputFile *pf = 0;
   TIter nxo(out);
   while ((o = nxo())) {
      if ((pf = dynamic_cast<TProofOutputFile *> (o))) {
         TFile *f = 0;
         if (!(f = (TFile *) gROOT->GetListOfFiles()->FindObject(pf->GetOutputFileName()))) {
            TString fn = TString::Format("%s/%s", pf->GetDir(), pf->GetFileName());
            f = TFile::Open(fn.Data());
            if (!f || (f && f->IsZombie())) {
               ::Warning("TProof::GetOutput", "problems opening file %s", fn.Data());
         if (f && (o = f->Get(name))) return o;

   // Done, unsuccessfully
   return o;

TList *TProof::GetOutputList()
   // Get list with all object created during processing (see Process()).

   if (fOutputList.GetSize() > 0) return &fOutputList;
   if (fPlayer) {
      return &fOutputList;
   return (TList *)0;

void TProof::SetParameter(const char *par, const char *value)
   // Set input list parameter. If the parameter is already
   // set it will be set to the new value.

   if (!fPlayer) {
      Warning("SetParameter", "player undefined! Ignoring");

   TList *il = fPlayer->GetInputList();
   TObject *item = il->FindObject(par);
   if (item) {
      delete item;
   il->Add(new TNamed(par, value));

void TProof::SetParameter(const char *par, Int_t value)
   // Set an input list parameter.

   if (!fPlayer) {
      Warning("SetParameter", "player undefined! Ignoring");

   TList *il = fPlayer->GetInputList();
   TObject *item = il->FindObject(par);
   if (item) {
      delete item;
   il->Add(new TParameter<Int_t>(par, value));

void TProof::SetParameter(const char *par, Long_t value)
   // Set an input list parameter.

   if (!fPlayer) {
      Warning("SetParameter", "player undefined! Ignoring");

   TList *il = fPlayer->GetInputList();
   TObject *item = il->FindObject(par);
   if (item) {
      delete item;
   il->Add(new TParameter<Long_t>(par, value));

void TProof::SetParameter(const char *par, Long64_t value)
   // Set an input list parameter.

   if (!fPlayer) {
      Warning("SetParameter", "player undefined! Ignoring");

   TList *il = fPlayer->GetInputList();
   TObject *item = il->FindObject(par);
   if (item) {
      delete item;
   il->Add(new TParameter<Long64_t>(par, value));

void TProof::SetParameter(const char *par, Double_t value)
   // Set an input list parameter.

   if (!fPlayer) {
      Warning("SetParameter", "player undefined! Ignoring");

   TList *il = fPlayer->GetInputList();
   TObject *item = il->FindObject(par);
   if (item) {
      delete item;
   il->Add(new TParameter<Double_t>(par, value));

TObject *TProof::GetParameter(const char *par) const
   // Get specified parameter. A parameter set via SetParameter() is either
   // a TParameter or a TNamed or 0 in case par is not defined.

   if (!fPlayer) {
      Warning("GetParameter", "player undefined! Ignoring");
      return (TObject *)0;

   TList *il = fPlayer->GetInputList();
   return il->FindObject(par);

void TProof::DeleteParameters(const char *wildcard)
   // Delete the input list parameters specified by a wildcard (e.g. PROOF_*)
   // or exact name (e.g. PROOF_MaxSlavesPerNode).

   if (!fPlayer) return;

   if (!wildcard) wildcard = "";
   TRegexp re(wildcard, kTRUE);
   Int_t nch = strlen(wildcard);

   TList *il = fPlayer->GetInputList();
   if (il) {
      TObject *p = 0;
      TIter next(il);
      while ((p = next())) {
         TString s = p->GetName();
         if (nch && s != wildcard && s.Index(re) == kNPOS) continue;
         delete p;

void TProof::ShowParameters(const char *wildcard) const
   // Show the input list parameters specified by the wildcard.
   // Default is the special PROOF control parameters (PROOF_*).

   if (!fPlayer) return;

   if (!wildcard) wildcard = "";
   TRegexp re(wildcard, kTRUE);
   Int_t nch = strlen(wildcard);

   TList *il = fPlayer->GetInputList();
   TObject *p;
   TIter next(il);
   while ((p = next())) {
      TString s = p->GetName();
      if (nch && s != wildcard && s.Index(re) == kNPOS) continue;
      if (p->IsA() == TNamed::Class()) {
         Printf("%s\t\t\t%s", s.Data(), p->GetTitle());
      } else if (p->IsA() == TParameter<Long_t>::Class()) {
         Printf("%s\t\t\t%ld", s.Data(), dynamic_cast<TParameter<Long_t>*>(p)->GetVal());
      } else if (p->IsA() == TParameter<Long64_t>::Class()) {
         Printf("%s\t\t\t%lld", s.Data(), dynamic_cast<TParameter<Long64_t>*>(p)->GetVal());
      } else if (p->IsA() == TParameter<Double_t>::Class()) {
         Printf("%s\t\t\t%f", s.Data(), dynamic_cast<TParameter<Double_t>*>(p)->GetVal());
      } else {
         Printf("%s\t\t\t%s", s.Data(), p->GetTitle());

void TProof::AddFeedback(const char *name)
   // Add object to feedback list.

   PDB(kFeedback, 3)
      Info("AddFeedback", "Adding object \"%s\" to feedback", name);
   if (fFeedback->FindObject(name) == 0)
      fFeedback->Add(new TObjString(name));

void TProof::RemoveFeedback(const char *name)
   // Remove object from feedback list.

   TObject *obj = fFeedback->FindObject(name);
   if (obj != 0) {
      delete obj;

void TProof::ClearFeedback()
   // Clear feedback list.


void TProof::ShowFeedback() const
   // Show items in feedback list.

   if (fFeedback->GetSize() == 0) {
      Info("","no feedback requested");


TList *TProof::GetFeedbackList() const
   // Return feedback list.

   return fFeedback;

TTree *TProof::GetTreeHeader(TDSet *dset)
   // Creates a tree header (a tree with nonexisting files) object for
   // the DataSet.

   TList *l = GetListOfActiveSlaves();
   TSlave *sl = (TSlave*) l->First();
   if (sl == 0) {
      Error("GetTreeHeader", "No connection");
      return 0;

   TSocket *soc = sl->GetSocket();

   msg << dset;


   TMessage *reply;
   Int_t d = -1;
   if (fProtocol >= 20) {
      Collect(sl, fCollectTimeout, kPROOF_GETTREEHEADER);
      reply = (TMessage *) fRecvMessages->First();
   } else {
      d = soc->Recv(reply);
   if (!reply) {
      Error("GetTreeHeader", "Error getting a replay from the master.Result %d", (int) d);
      return 0;

   TString s1;
   TTree *t = 0;
   (*reply) >> s1;
   if (s1 == "Success")
      (*reply) >> t;

   PDB(kGlobal, 1) {
      if (t) {
         Info("GetTreeHeader", "%s, message size: %d, entries: %d",
                               s1.Data(), reply->BufferSize(), (int) t->GetMaxEntryLoop());
      } else {
         Info("GetTreeHeader", "tree header retrieval failed");
   delete reply;

   return t;

TDrawFeedback *TProof::CreateDrawFeedback()
   // Draw feedback creation proxy. When accessed via TProof avoids
   // link dependency on libProofPlayer.

   return (fPlayer ? fPlayer->CreateDrawFeedback(this) : (TDrawFeedback *)0);

void TProof::SetDrawFeedbackOption(TDrawFeedback *f, Option_t *opt)
   // Set draw feedback option.

   if (fPlayer) fPlayer->SetDrawFeedbackOption(f, opt);

void TProof::DeleteDrawFeedback(TDrawFeedback *f)
   // Delete draw feedback object.

   if (fPlayer) fPlayer->DeleteDrawFeedback(f);

TList *TProof::GetOutputNames()
   //   FIXME: to be written

   return 0;
   TList* slaves = fActiveSlaves;
   Broadcast(msg, slaves);
   TMonitor mon;
   TList* outputList = new TList();

   TIter    si(slaves);
   TSlave   *slave;
   while ((slave = (TSlave*)si.Next()) != 0) {
      PDB(kGlobal,4) Info("GetOutputNames","Socket added to monitor: %p (%s)",
          slave->GetSocket(), slave->GetName());
   ((TProof*)gProof)->fCurrentMonitor = &mon;

   while (mon.GetActive() != 0) {
      TSocket *sock = mon.Select();
      if (!sock) {
         Error("GetOutputList","TMonitor::.Select failed!");
      TMessage *reply;
      if (sock->Recv(reply) <= 0) {
         MarkBad(slave, "receive failed after kPROOF_GETOUTPUTLIST request");
//         Error("GetOutputList","Recv failed! for slave-%d (%s)",
//               slave->GetOrdinal(), slave->GetName());
      if (reply->What() != kPROOF_GETOUTPUTNAMES ) {
//         Error("GetOutputList","unexpected message %d from slawe-%d (%s)",  reply->What(),
//               slave->GetOrdinal(), slave->GetName());
         MarkBad(slave, "wrong reply to kPROOF_GETOUTPUTLIST request");
      TList* l;

      (*reply) >> l;
      TIter next(l);
      TNamed *n;
      while ( (n = dynamic_cast<TNamed*> (next())) ) {
         if (!outputList->FindObject(n->GetName()))
      delete reply;
   ((TProof*)gProof)->fCurrentMonitor = 0;

   return outputList;

void TProof::Browse(TBrowser *b)
   // Build the PROOF's structure in the browser.

   b->Add(fActiveSlaves, fActiveSlaves->Class(), "fActiveSlaves");
   b->Add(&fMaster, fMaster.Class(), "fMaster");
   b->Add(fFeedback, fFeedback->Class(), "fFeedback");
   b->Add(fChains, fChains->Class(), "fChains");

   if (fPlayer) {
      b->Add(fPlayer->GetInputList(), fPlayer->GetInputList()->Class(), "InputList");
      if (fPlayer->GetOutputList())
         b->Add(fPlayer->GetOutputList(), fPlayer->GetOutputList()->Class(), "OutputList");
      if (fPlayer->GetListOfResults())
               fPlayer->GetListOfResults()->Class(), "ListOfResults");

void TProof::SetPlayer(TVirtualProofPlayer *player)
   // Set a new PROOF player.

   if (fPlayer)
      delete fPlayer;
   fPlayer = player;

TVirtualProofPlayer *TProof::MakePlayer(const char *player, TSocket *s)
   // Construct a TProofPlayer object. The player string specifies which
   // player should be created: remote, slave, sm (supermaster) or base.
   // Default is remote. Socket is needed in case a slave player is created.

   if (!player)
      player = "remote";

   SetPlayer(TVirtualProofPlayer::Create(player, this, s));
   return GetPlayer();

void TProof::AddChain(TChain *chain)
   // Add chain to data set


void TProof::RemoveChain(TChain *chain)
   // Remove chain from data set


void TProof::GetLog(Int_t start, Int_t end)
   // Ask for remote logs in the range [start, end]. If start == -1 all the
   // messages not yet received are sent back.

   if (!IsValid() || TestBit(TProof::kIsMaster)) return;

   TMessage msg(kPROOF_LOGFILE);

   msg << start << end;

   Broadcast(msg, kActive);
   Collect(kActive, fCollectTimeout);

TMacro *TProof::GetLastLog()
   // Fill a TMacro with the log lines since the last reading (fLogFileR)
   // Return (TMacro *)0 if no line was logged.
   // The returned TMacro must be deleted by the caller.

   TMacro *maclog = 0;

   // Save present offset
   off_t nowlog = lseek(fileno(fLogFileR), (off_t) 0, SEEK_CUR);
   if (nowlog < 0) {
               "problem lseeking log file to current position (errno: %d)", TSystem::GetErrno());
      return maclog;

   // Get extremes
   off_t startlog = nowlog;
   off_t endlog = lseek(fileno(fLogFileR), (off_t) 0, SEEK_END);
   if (endlog < 0) {
               "problem lseeking log file to end position (errno: %d)", TSystem::GetErrno());
      return maclog;

   // Perhaps nothing to log
   UInt_t tolog = (UInt_t)(endlog - startlog);
   if (tolog <= 0) return maclog;

   // Set starting point
   if (lseek(fileno(fLogFileR), startlog, SEEK_SET) < 0) {
               "problem lseeking log file to start position (errno: %d)", TSystem::GetErrno());
      return maclog;

   // Create the output object
   maclog = new TMacro;

   // Now we go
   char line[2048];
   Int_t wanted = (tolog > sizeof(line)) ? sizeof(line) : tolog;
   while (fgets(line, wanted, fLogFileR)) {
      Int_t r = strlen(line);
      if (r > 0) {
         if (line[r-1] == '\n') line[r-1] = '\0';
      } else {
         // Done
      tolog -= r;
      wanted = (tolog > sizeof(line)) ? sizeof(line) : tolog;

   // Restore original pointer
   if (lseek(fileno(fLogFileR), nowlog, SEEK_SET) < 0) {
              "problem lseeking log file to original position (errno: %d)", TSystem::GetErrno());

   // Done
   return maclog;

void TProof::PutLog(TQueryResult *pq)
   // Display log of query pq into the log window frame

   if (!pq) return;

   TList *lines = pq->GetLogFile()->GetListOfLines();
   if (lines) {
      TIter nxl(lines);
      TObjString *l = 0;
      while ((l = (TObjString *)nxl()))
         EmitVA("LogMessage(const char*,Bool_t)", 2, l->GetName(), kFALSE);

void TProof::ShowLog(const char *queryref)
   // Display on screen the content of the temporary log file for query
   // in reference

   // Make sure we have all info (GetListOfQueries retrieves the
   // head info only)

   if (fPlayer) {
      if (queryref) {
         if (fPlayer->GetListOfResults()) {
            TIter nxq(fPlayer->GetListOfResults());
            TQueryResult *qr = 0;
            while ((qr = (TQueryResult *) nxq()))
               if (strstr(queryref, qr->GetTitle()) &&
                   strstr(queryref, qr->GetName()))
            if (qr) {


void TProof::ShowLog(Int_t qry)
   // Display on screen the content of the temporary log file.
   // If qry == -2 show messages from the last (current) query.
   // If qry == -1 all the messages not yet displayed are shown (default).
   // If qry == 0, all the messages in the file are shown.
   // If qry  > 0, only the messages related to query 'qry' are shown.
   // For qry != -1 the original file offset is restored at the end

   // Save present offset
   off_t nowlog = lseek(fileno(fLogFileR), (off_t) 0, SEEK_CUR);
   if (nowlog < 0) {
      SysError("ShowLog", "problem lseeking log file (errno: %d)", TSystem::GetErrno());

   // Get extremes
   off_t startlog = nowlog;
   off_t endlog = lseek(fileno(fLogFileR), (off_t) 0, SEEK_END);
   if (endlog < 0) {
      SysError("ShowLog", "problem lseeking log file (errno: %d)", TSystem::GetErrno());

   lseek(fileno(fLogFileR), nowlog, SEEK_SET);
   if (qry == 0) {
      startlog = 0;
      lseek(fileno(fLogFileR), (off_t) 0, SEEK_SET);
   } else if (qry != -1) {

      TQueryResult *pq = 0;
      if (qry == -2) {
         // Pickup the last one
         pq = (GetQueryResults()) ? ((TQueryResult *)(GetQueryResults()->Last())) : 0;
         if (!pq) {
            if (fQueries)
               pq = (TQueryResult *)(fQueries->Last());
      } else if (qry > 0) {
         TList *queries = GetQueryResults();
         if (queries) {
            TIter nxq(queries);
            while ((pq = (TQueryResult *)nxq()))
               if (qry == pq->GetSeqNum())
         if (!pq) {
            queries = GetListOfQueries();
            TIter nxq(queries);
            while ((pq = (TQueryResult *)nxq()))
               if (qry == pq->GetSeqNum())
      if (pq) {
      } else {
         if (gDebug > 0)
            Info("ShowLog","query %d not found in list", qry);
         qry = -1;

   // Number of bytes to log
   UInt_t tolog = (UInt_t)(endlog - startlog);

   // Perhaps nothing
   if (tolog <= 0)

   // Set starting point
   lseek(fileno(fLogFileR), startlog, SEEK_SET);

   // Now we go
   Int_t np = 0;
   char line[2048];
   Int_t wanted = (tolog > sizeof(line)) ? sizeof(line) : tolog;
   while (fgets(line, wanted, fLogFileR)) {

      Int_t r = strlen(line);
      if (!SendingLogToWindow()) {
         if (line[r-1] != '\n') line[r-1] = '\n';
         if (r > 0) {
            char *p = line;
            while (r) {
               Int_t w = write(fileno(stdout), p, r);
               if (w < 0) {
                  SysError("ShowLog", "error writing to stdout");
               r -= w;
               p += w;
         tolog -= strlen(line);

         // Ask if more is wanted
         if (!(np%10)) {
            const char *opt = Getline("More (y/n)? [y]");
            if (opt[0] == 'n')

         // We may be over
         if (tolog <= 0)

         // Update wanted bytes
         wanted = (tolog > sizeof(line)) ? sizeof(line) : tolog;
      } else {
         // Log to window
         if (line[r-1] == '\n') line[r-1] = 0;
         LogMessage(line, kFALSE);
   if (!SendingLogToWindow()) {
      // Avoid screwing up the prompt
      if (write(fileno(stdout), "\n", 1) != 1)
         SysError("ShowLog", "error writing to stdout");

   // Restore original pointer
   if (qry > -1)
      lseek(fileno(fLogFileR), nowlog, SEEK_SET);

void TProof::cd(Int_t id)
   // Set session with 'id' the default one. If 'id' is not found in the list,
   // the current session is set as default

   if (GetManager()) {
      TProofDesc *d = GetManager()->GetProofDesc(id);
      if (d) {
         if (d->GetProof()) {
            gProof = d->GetProof();

      // Id not found or undefined: set as default this session
      gProof = this;


void TProof::Detach(Option_t *opt)
   // Detach this instance to its proofserv.
   // If opt is 'S' or 's' the remote server is shutdown

   // Nothing to do if not in contact with proofserv
   if (!IsValid()) return;

   // Get worker and socket instances
   TSlave *sl = (TSlave *) fActiveSlaves->First();
   TSocket *s = 0;
   if (!sl || !(sl->IsValid()) || !(s = sl->GetSocket())) {
      Error("Detach","corrupted worker instance: wrk:%p, sock:%p", sl, s);

   Bool_t shutdown = (strchr(opt,'s') || strchr(opt,'S')) ? kTRUE : kFALSE;

   // If processing, try to stop processing first
   if (shutdown && !IsIdle()) {
      // Remove pending requests
      // Do not wait for ever, but al least 20 seconds
      Long_t timeout = gEnv->GetValue("Proof.ShutdownTimeout", 60);
      timeout = (timeout > 20) ? timeout : 20;
      // Send stop signal
      StopProcess(kFALSE, (Long_t) (timeout / 2));
      // Receive results
      Collect(kActive, timeout);

   // Avoid spurious messages: deactivate new inputs ...

   // ... and discard existing ones

   // Close session (we always close the connection)

   // Close the progress dialog, if any
   if (fProgressDialogStarted)

   // Update info in the table of our manager, if any
   if (GetManager() && GetManager()->QuerySessions("L")) {
      TIter nxd(GetManager()->QuerySessions("L"));
      TProofDesc *d = 0;
      while ((d = (TProofDesc *)nxd())) {
         if (d->GetProof() == this) {

   // Invalidate this instance
   fValid = kFALSE;


void TProof::SetAlias(const char *alias)
   // Set an alias for this session. If reconnection is supported, the alias
   // will be communicated to the remote coordinator so that it can be recovered
   // when reconnecting

   // Set it locally
   if (TestBit(TProof::kIsMaster))
      // Set the name at the same value

   // Nothing to do if not in contact with coordinator
   if (!IsValid()) return;

   if (!IsProofd() && TestBit(TProof::kIsClient)) {
      TSlave *sl = (TSlave *) fActiveSlaves->First();
      if (sl)


Int_t TProof::UploadDataSet(const char *, TList *, const char *, Int_t, TList *)
   // *** This function is deprecated and will disappear in future versions ***
   // *** It is just a wrapper around TFile::Cp.
   // *** Please use TProofMgr::UploadFiles.
   // Upload a set of files and save the list of files by name dataSetName.
   // The 'files' argument is a list of TFileInfo objects describing the files
   // as first url.
   // The mask 'opt' is a combination of EUploadOpt:
   //   kAppend             (0x1)   if set true files will be appended to
   //                               the dataset existing by given name
   //   kOverwriteDataSet   (0x2)   if dataset with given name exited it
   //                               would be overwritten
   //   kNoOverwriteDataSet (0x4)   do not overwirte if the dataset exists
   //   kOverwriteAllFiles  (0x8)   overwrite all files that may exist
   //   kOverwriteNoFiles   (0x10)  overwrite none
   //   kAskUser            (0x0)   ask user before overwriteng dataset/files
   // The default value is kAskUser.
   // The user will be asked to confirm overwriting dataset or files unless
   // specified opt provides the answer!
   // If kOverwriteNoFiles is set, then a pointer to TList must be passed as
   // skippedFiles argument. The function will add to this list TFileInfo
   // objects describing all files that existed on the cluster and were
   // not uploaded.
   // Communication Summary
   // Client                             Master
   //    |------------>DataSetName----------->|
   //    |<-------kMESS_OK/kMESS_NOTOK<-------| (Name OK/file exist)
   // (*)|-------> call RegisterDataSet ------->|
   // (*) - optional

   Printf(" *** WARNING: this function is obsolete: it has been replaced by TProofMgr::UploadFiles ***");

   return -1;

Int_t TProof::UploadDataSet(const char *, const char *, const char *, Int_t, TList *)
   // *** This function is deprecated and will disappear in future versions ***
   // *** It is just a wrapper around TFile::Cp.
   // *** Please use TProofMgr::UploadFiles.
   // Upload a set of files and save the list of files by name dataSetName.
   // The mask 'opt' is a combination of EUploadOpt:
   //   kAppend             (0x1)   if set true files will be appended to
   //                               the dataset existing by given name
   //   kOverwriteDataSet   (0x2)   if dataset with given name exited it
   //                               would be overwritten
   //   kNoOverwriteDataSet (0x4)   do not overwirte if the dataset exists
   //   kOverwriteAllFiles  (0x8)   overwrite all files that may exist
   //   kOverwriteNoFiles   (0x10)  overwrite none
   //   kAskUser            (0x0)   ask user before overwriteng dataset/files
   // The default value is kAskUser.
   // The user will be asked to confirm overwriting dataset or files unless
   // specified opt provides the answer!
   // If kOverwriteNoFiles is set, then a pointer to TList must be passed as
   // skippedFiles argument. The function will add to this list TFileInfo
   // objects describing all files that existed on the cluster and were
   // not uploaded.

   Printf(" *** WARNING: this function is obsolete: it has been replaced by TProofMgr::UploadFiles ***");

   return -1;

Int_t TProof::UploadDataSetFromFile(const char *, const char *, const char *, Int_t, TList *)
   // *** This function is deprecated and will disappear in future versions ***
   // *** It is just a wrapper around TFile::Cp.
   // *** Please use TProofMgr::UploadFiles.
   // Upload files listed in "file" to PROOF cluster.
   // Where file = name of file containing list of files and
   // dataset = dataset name and opt is a combination of EUploadOpt bits.
   // Each file description (line) can include wildcards.
   // Check TFileInfo compatibility

   Printf(" *** WARNING: this function is obsolete: it has been replaced by TProofMgr::UploadFiles ***");

    // Done
   return -1;

Bool_t TProof::RegisterDataSet(const char *dataSetName,
                               TFileCollection *dataSet, const char *optStr)
   // Register the 'dataSet' on the cluster under the current
   // user, group and the given 'dataSetName'.
   // If a dataset with the same name already exists the action fails unless 'opts'
   // contains 'O', in which case the old dataset is overwritten, or contains 'U',
   // in which case 'newDataSet' is added to the existing dataset (duplications are
   // ignored, if any).
   // If 'opts' contains 'V' the dataset files are also verified (if the dataset manager
   // is configured to allow so). By default the dataset is not verified.
   // If 'opts' contains 'T' the in the dataset object (status bits, meta,...)
   // is trusted, i.e. not reset (if the dataset manager is configured to allow so).
   // If 'opts' contains 'S' validation would be run serially (meaningful only if
   // validation is required).
   // Returns kTRUE on success.

   // Check TFileInfo compatibility
   if (fProtocol < 17) {
           "functionality not available: the server does not have dataset support");
      return kFALSE;

   if (!dataSetName || strlen(dataSetName) <= 0) {
      Info("RegisterDataSet", "specifying a dataset name is mandatory");
      return kFALSE;

   Bool_t parallelverify = kFALSE;
   TString sopt(optStr);
   if (sopt.Contains("V") && fProtocol >= 34 && !sopt.Contains("S")) {
      // We do verification in parallel later on; just register for now
      parallelverify = kTRUE;
      sopt.ReplaceAll("V", "");
   // This would screw up things remotely, make sure is not there
   sopt.ReplaceAll("S", "");

   TMessage mess(kPROOF_DATASETS);
   mess << Int_t(kRegisterDataSet);
   mess << TString(dataSetName);
   mess << sopt;

   Bool_t result = kTRUE;
   if (fStatus != 0) {
      Error("RegisterDataSet", "dataset was not saved");
      result = kFALSE;
      return result;

   // If old server or not verifying in parallel we are done
   if (!parallelverify) return result;

   // If we are here it means that we will verify in parallel
   sopt += "V";
   if (VerifyDataSet(dataSetName, sopt) < 0){
      Error("RegisterDataSet", "problems verifying dataset '%s'", dataSetName);
      return kFALSE;

   // We are done
   return kTRUE;

Int_t TProof::SetDataSetTreeName(const char *dataset, const char *treename)
   // Set/Change the name of the default tree. The tree name may contain
   // subdir specification in the form "subdir/name".
   // Returns 0 on success, -1 otherwise.

   // Check TFileInfo compatibility
   if (fProtocol < 23) {
      Info("SetDataSetTreeName", "functionality not supported by the server");
      return -1;

   if (!dataset || strlen(dataset) <= 0) {
      Info("SetDataSetTreeName", "specifying a dataset name is mandatory");
      return -1;

   if (!treename || strlen(treename) <= 0) {
      Info("SetDataSetTreeName", "specifying a tree name is mandatory");
      return -1;

   TUri uri(dataset);
   TString fragment(treename);
   if (!fragment.BeginsWith("/")) fragment.Insert(0, "/");

   TMessage mess(kPROOF_DATASETS);
   mess << Int_t(kSetDefaultTreeName);
   mess << uri.GetUri();

   if (fStatus != 0) {
      Error("SetDataSetTreeName", "some error occured: default tree name not changed");
      return -1;
   return 0;

TMap *TProof::GetDataSets(const char *uri, const char *optStr)
   // Lists all datasets that match given uri.
   // The 'optStr' can contain a comma-separated list of servers for which the
   // information is wanted. If ':lite:' (case insensitive) is specified in 'optStr'
   // only the global information in the TFileCollection is retrieved; useful to only
   // get the list of available datasets.

   if (fProtocol < 15) {
           "functionality not available: the server does not have dataset support");
      return 0;
   if (fProtocol < 31 && strstr(optStr, ":lite:"))
      Warning("GetDataSets", "'lite' option not supported by the server");

   TMessage mess(kPROOF_DATASETS);
   mess << Int_t(kGetDataSets);
   mess << TString(uri ? uri : "");
   mess << TString(optStr ? optStr : "");
   Collect(kActive, fCollectTimeout);

   TMap *dataSetMap = 0;
   if (fStatus != 0) {
      Error("GetDataSets", "error receiving datasets information");
   } else {
      // Look in the list
      TMessage *retMess = (TMessage *) fRecvMessages->First();
      if (retMess && retMess->What() == kMESS_OK) {
         if (!(dataSetMap = (TMap *)(retMess->ReadObject(TMap::Class()))))
            Error("GetDataSets", "error receiving datasets");
      } else
         Error("GetDataSets", "message not found or wrong type (%p)", retMess);

   return dataSetMap;

void TProof::ShowDataSets(const char *uri, const char* optStr)
   // Shows datasets in locations that match the uri.
   // By default shows the user's datasets and global ones

   if (fProtocol < 15) {
           "functionality not available: the server does not have dataset support");

   TMessage mess(kPROOF_DATASETS);
   mess << Int_t(kShowDataSets);
   mess << TString(uri ? uri : "");
   mess << TString(optStr ? optStr : "");

   Collect(kActive, fCollectTimeout);
   if (fStatus != 0)
      Error("ShowDataSets", "error receiving datasets information");

Bool_t TProof::ExistsDataSet(const char *dataset)
   // Returns kTRUE if 'dataset' exists, kFALSE otherwise

   if (fProtocol < 15) {
      Info("ExistsDataSet", "functionality not available: the server has an"
                            " incompatible version of TFileInfo");
      return kFALSE;

   if (!dataset || strlen(dataset) <= 0) {
      Error("ExistsDataSet", "dataset name missing");
      return kFALSE;

   TMessage msg(kPROOF_DATASETS);
   msg << Int_t(kCheckDataSetName) << TString(dataset);
   Collect(kActive, fCollectTimeout);
   if (fStatus == -1) {
      // The dataset exists
      return kTRUE;
   // The dataset does not exists
   return kFALSE;

void TProof::ClearDataSetCache(const char *dataset)
   // Clear the content of the dataset cache, if any (matching 'dataset', if defined).

   if (fProtocol < 28) {
      Info("ClearDataSetCache", "functionality not available on server");

   TMessage msg(kPROOF_DATASETS);
   msg << Int_t(kCache) << TString(dataset) << TString("clear");
   Collect(kActive, fCollectTimeout);
   // Done

void TProof::ShowDataSetCache(const char *dataset)
   // Display the content of the dataset cache, if any (matching 'dataset', if defined).

   if (fProtocol < 28) {
      Info("ShowDataSetCache", "functionality not available on server");

   TMessage msg(kPROOF_DATASETS);
   msg << Int_t(kCache) << TString(dataset) << TString("show");
   Collect(kActive, fCollectTimeout);
   // Done

TFileCollection *TProof::GetDataSet(const char *uri, const char *optStr)
   // Get a list of TFileInfo objects describing the files of the specified
   // dataset.
   // To get the short version (containing only the global meta information)
   // specify optStr = "S:" or optStr = "short:".
   // To get the sub-dataset of files located on a given server(s) specify
   // the list of servers (comma-separated) in the 'optStr' field.

   if (fProtocol < 15) {
      Info("GetDataSet", "functionality not available: the server has an"
                         " incompatible version of TFileInfo");
      return 0;

   if (!uri || strlen(uri) <= 0) {
      Info("GetDataSet", "specifying a dataset name is mandatory");
      return 0;

   TMessage nameMess(kPROOF_DATASETS);
   nameMess << Int_t(kGetDataSet);
   nameMess << TString(uri);
   nameMess << TString(optStr ? optStr: "");
   if (Broadcast(nameMess) < 0)
      Error("GetDataSet", "sending request failed");

   Collect(kActive, fCollectTimeout);
   TFileCollection *fileList = 0;
   if (fStatus != 0) {
      Error("GetDataSet", "error receiving datasets information");
   } else {
      // Look in the list
      TMessage *retMess = (TMessage *) fRecvMessages->First();
      if (retMess && retMess->What() == kMESS_OK) {
         if (!(fileList = (TFileCollection*)(retMess->ReadObject(TFileCollection::Class()))))
            Error("GetDataSet", "error reading list of files");
      } else
         Error("GetDataSet", "message not found or wrong type (%p)", retMess);

   return fileList;

void TProof::ShowDataSet(const char *uri, const char* opt)
   // display meta-info for given dataset usi

   TFileCollection *fileList = 0;
   if ((fileList = GetDataSet(uri))) {
      delete fileList;
   } else
      Warning("ShowDataSet","no such dataset: %s", uri);

Int_t TProof::RemoveDataSet(const char *uri, const char* optStr)
   // Remove the specified dataset from the PROOF cluster.
   // Files are not deleted.

   TMessage nameMess(kPROOF_DATASETS);
   nameMess << Int_t(kRemoveDataSet);
   nameMess << TString(uri?uri:"");
   nameMess << TString(optStr?optStr:"");
   if (Broadcast(nameMess) < 0)
      Error("RemoveDataSet", "sending request failed");
   Collect(kActive, fCollectTimeout);

   if (fStatus != 0)
      return -1;
      return 0;

TList* TProof::FindDataSets(const char* /*searchString*/, const char* /*optStr*/)
   // Find datasets, returns in a TList all found datasets.

   Error ("FindDataSets", "not yet implemented");
   return (TList *) 0;

Bool_t TProof::RequestStagingDataSet(const char *dataset)
   // Allows users to request staging of a particular dataset. Requests are
   // saved in a special dataset repository and must be honored by the endpoint.

   if (fProtocol < 35) {
         "functionality not supported by the server");
      return kFALSE;

   TMessage mess(kPROOF_DATASETS);
   mess << Int_t(kRequestStaging);
   mess << TString(dataset);

   if (fStatus != 0) {
      Error("RequestStagingDataSet", "staging request was unsuccessful");
      return kFALSE;

   return kTRUE;

Bool_t TProof::CancelStagingDataSet(const char *dataset)
   // Cancels a dataset staging request. Returns kTRUE on success, kFALSE on
   // failure. Dataset not found equals to a failure.

   if (fProtocol < 36) {
         "functionality not supported by the server");
      return kFALSE;

   TMessage mess(kPROOF_DATASETS);
   mess << Int_t(kCancelStaging);
   mess << TString(dataset);

   if (fStatus != 0) {
      Error("CancelStagingDataSet", "cancel staging request was unsuccessful");
      return kFALSE;

   return kTRUE;

TFileCollection *TProof::GetStagingStatusDataSet(const char *dataset)
   // Obtains a TFileCollection showing the staging status of the specified
   // dataset. A valid dataset manager and dataset staging requests repository
   // must be present on the endpoint.

   if (fProtocol < 35) {
         "functionality not supported by the server");
      return NULL;

   TMessage nameMess(kPROOF_DATASETS);
   nameMess << Int_t(kStagingStatus);
   nameMess << TString(dataset);
   if (Broadcast(nameMess) < 0) {
      Error("GetStagingStatusDataSet", "sending request failed");
      return NULL;

   Collect(kActive, fCollectTimeout);
   TFileCollection *fc = NULL;

   if (fStatus < 0) {
      Error("GetStagingStatusDataSet", "problem processing the request");
   else if (fStatus == 0) {
      TMessage *retMess = (TMessage *)fRecvMessages->First();
      if (retMess && (retMess->What() == kMESS_OK)) {
         fc = (TFileCollection *)(
           retMess->ReadObject(TFileCollection::Class()) );
         if (!fc)
            Error("GetStagingStatusDataSet", "error reading list of files");
      else {
            "response message not found or wrong type (%p)", retMess);
   //else {}

   return fc;

void TProof::ShowStagingStatusDataSet(const char *dataset, const char *opt)
   // Like GetStagingStatusDataSet, but displays results immediately.

   TFileCollection *fc = GetStagingStatusDataSet(dataset);
   if (fc) {
      delete fc;

Int_t TProof::VerifyDataSet(const char *uri, const char *optStr)
   // Verify if all files in the specified dataset are available.
   // Print a list and return the number of missing files.
   // Returns -1 in case of error.

   if (fProtocol < 15) {
      Info("VerifyDataSet", "functionality not available: the server has an"
                            " incompatible version of TFileInfo");
      return -1;

   // Sanity check
   if (!uri || (uri && strlen(uri) <= 0)) {
      Error("VerifyDataSet", "dataset name is is mandatory");
      return -1;

   Int_t nmissingfiles = 0;

   TString sopt(optStr);
   if (fProtocol < 34 || sopt.Contains("S")) {
      sopt.ReplaceAll("S", "");
      Info("VerifyDataSet", "Master-only verification");
      TMessage nameMess(kPROOF_DATASETS);
      nameMess << Int_t(kVerifyDataSet);
      nameMess << TString(uri ? uri : "");
      nameMess << sopt;

      Collect(kActive, fCollectTimeout);

      if (fStatus < 0) {
         Info("VerifyDataSet", "no such dataset %s", uri);
         return  -1;
      } else
         nmissingfiles = fStatus;
      return nmissingfiles;

   // Request for parallel verification: can only be done if we have workers
   if (!IsParallel() && !fDynamicStartup) {
      Error("VerifyDataSet", "PROOF is in sequential mode (no workers): cannot do parallel verification.");
      Error("VerifyDataSet", "Either start PROOF with some workers or force sequential adding 'S' as option.");
      return -1;

   // Do parallel verification
   return VerifyDataSetParallel(uri, optStr);

Int_t TProof::VerifyDataSetParallel(const char *uri, const char *optStr)
   // Internal function for parallel dataset verification used TProof::VerifyDataSet and
   // TProofLite::VerifyDataSet

   Int_t nmissingfiles = 0;

   // Let PROOF master prepare node-files map
   SetParameter("PROOF_FilesToProcess", Form("dataset:%s", uri));

   // Use TPacketizerFile
   TString oldpack;
   if (TProof::GetParameter(GetInputList(), "PROOF_Packetizer", oldpack) != 0) oldpack = "";
   SetParameter("PROOF_Packetizer", "TPacketizerFile");

   // Add dataset name
   SetParameter("PROOF_VerifyDataSet", uri);
   // Add options
   SetParameter("PROOF_VerifyDataSetOption", optStr);
   SetParameter("PROOF_SavePartialResults", (Int_t)0);
   Int_t oldifiip = -1;
   if (TProof::GetParameter(GetInputList(), "PROOF_IncludeFileInfoInPacket", oldifiip) != 0) oldifiip = -1;
   SetParameter("PROOF_IncludeFileInfoInPacket", (Int_t)1);

   // TO DO : figure out mss and stageoption
   const char* mss="";
   SetParameter("PROOF_MSS", mss);
   const char* stageoption="";
   SetParameter("PROOF_StageOption", stageoption);

   // Process verification in parallel
   Process("TSelVerifyDataSet", (Long64_t) 1);

   // Restore packetizer
   if (!oldpack.IsNull())
      SetParameter("PROOF_Packetizer", oldpack);

   // Delete or restore parameters
   if (oldifiip > -1) {
      SetParameter("PROOF_IncludeFileInfoInPacket", oldifiip);
   } else {

   // Merge outputs
   Int_t nopened = 0;
   Int_t ntouched = 0;
   Bool_t changed_ds = kFALSE;

   TIter nxtout(GetOutputList());
   TObject* obj;
   TList *lfiindout = new TList;
   while ((obj = nxtout())) {
      TList *l = dynamic_cast<TList *>(obj);
      if (l && TString(l->GetName()).BeginsWith("PROOF_ListFileInfos_")) {
         TIter nxt(l);
         TFileInfo *fiindout = 0;
         while ((fiindout = (TFileInfo*) nxt())) {
      // Add up number of disppeared files
      TParameter<Int_t>* pdisappeared = dynamic_cast<TParameter<Int_t>*>(obj);
      if ( pdisappeared && TString(pdisappeared->GetName()).BeginsWith("PROOF_NoFilesDisppeared_")) {
         nmissingfiles += pdisappeared->GetVal();
      TParameter<Int_t>* pnopened = dynamic_cast<TParameter<Int_t>*>(obj);
      if (pnopened && TString(pnopened->GetName()).BeginsWith("PROOF_NoFilesOpened_")) {
         nopened += pnopened->GetVal();
      TParameter<Int_t>* pntouched = dynamic_cast<TParameter<Int_t>*>(obj);
      if (pntouched && TString(pntouched->GetName()).BeginsWith("PROOF_NoFilesTouched_")) {
         ntouched += pntouched->GetVal();
      TParameter<Bool_t>* pchanged_ds = dynamic_cast<TParameter<Bool_t>*>(obj);
      if (pchanged_ds && TString(pchanged_ds->GetName()).BeginsWith("PROOF_DataSetChanged_")) {
         if (pchanged_ds->GetVal() == kTRUE) changed_ds = kTRUE;

   Info("VerifyDataSetParallel", "%s: changed? %d (# files opened = %d, # files touched = %d,"
                                 " # missing files = %d)",
                                 uri, changed_ds, nopened, ntouched, nmissingfiles);
   // Done
   return nmissingfiles;

TMap *TProof::GetDataSetQuota(const char* optStr)
   // returns a map of the quotas of all groups

   if (IsLite()) {
      Info("UploadDataSet", "Lite-session: functionality not implemented");
      return (TMap *)0;

   TMessage mess(kPROOF_DATASETS);
   mess << Int_t(kGetQuota);
   mess << TString(optStr?optStr:"");

   Collect(kActive, fCollectTimeout);
   TMap *groupQuotaMap = 0;
   if (fStatus < 0) {
      Info("GetDataSetQuota", "could not receive quota");
   } else {
      // Look in the list
      TMessage *retMess = (TMessage *) fRecvMessages->First();
      if (retMess && retMess->What() == kMESS_OK) {
         if (!(groupQuotaMap = (TMap*)(retMess->ReadObject(TMap::Class()))))
            Error("GetDataSetQuota", "error getting quotas");
      } else
         Error("GetDataSetQuota", "message not found or wrong type (%p)", retMess);

   return groupQuotaMap;

void TProof::ShowDataSetQuota(Option_t* opt)
   // shows the quota and usage of all groups
   // if opt contains "U" shows also distribution of usage on user-level

   if (fProtocol < 15) {
           "functionality not available: the server does not have dataset support");

   if (IsLite()) {
      Info("UploadDataSet", "Lite-session: functionality not implemented");

   TMessage mess(kPROOF_DATASETS);
   mess << Int_t(kShowQuota);
   mess << TString(opt?opt:"");

   if (fStatus != 0)
      Error("ShowDataSetQuota", "error receiving quota information");

void TProof::InterruptCurrentMonitor()
   // If in active in a monitor set ready state
   if (fCurrentMonitor)

Int_t TProof::ActivateWorker(const char *ord, Bool_t save)
   // Make sure that the worker identified by the ordinal number 'ord' is
   // in the active list. The request will be forwarded to the master
   // in direct contact with the worker. If needed, this master will move
   // the worker from the inactive to the active list and rebuild the list
   // of unique workers.
   // Use ord = "*" to activate all inactive workers.
   // The string 'ord' can also be a comma-separated list of ordinal numbers the
   // status of which will be modified at once.
   // Return <0 if something went wrong (-2 if at least one worker was not found)
   // or the number of workers with status change (on master; 0 on client).

   return ModifyWorkerLists(ord, kTRUE, save);

Int_t TProof::DeactivateWorker(const char *ord, Bool_t save)
   // Remove the worker identified by the ordinal number 'ord' from the
   // the active list. The request will be forwarded to the master
   // in direct contact with the worker. If needed, this master will move
   // the worker from the active to the inactive list and rebuild the list
   // of unique workers.
   // Use ord = "*" to deactivate all active workers.
   // The string 'ord' can also be a comma-separated list of ordinal numbers the
   // status of which will be modified at once.
   // Return <0 if something went wrong (-2 if at least one worker was not found)
   // or the number of workers with status change (on master; 0 on client).

   return ModifyWorkerLists(ord, kFALSE, save);

Int_t TProof::ModifyWorkerLists(const char *ord, Bool_t add, Bool_t save)
   // Modify the worker active/inactive list by making the worker identified by
   // the ordinal number 'ord' active (add == TRUE) or inactive (add == FALSE).
   // The string 'ord' can also be a comma-separated list of ordinal numbers the
   // status of which will be modified at once.
   // If needed, the request will be forwarded to the master in direct contact
   // with the worker. The end-master will move the worker from one list to the
   // other active and rebuild the list of unique active workers.
   // Use ord = "*" to deactivate all active workers.
   // If save is TRUE the current active list is saved before any modification is
   // done; re-running with ord = "restore" restores the saved list
   // Return <0 if something went wrong (-2 if at least one worker was not found)
   // or the number of workers with status change (on master; 0 on client).

   // Make sure the input make sense
   if (!ord || strlen(ord) <= 0) {
           "an ordinal number - e.g. \"0.4\" or \"*\" for all - is required as input");
      return -1;
   if (gDebug > 0)
      Info("ModifyWorkerLists", "ord: '%s' (add: %d, save: %d)", ord, add, save);

   if (IsEndMaster()) {
      if (!strcmp(ord, "restore")) {
         // We are asked to restore the previous settings
      } else {
         if (save) SaveActiveList();

   Bool_t allord = strcmp(ord, "*") ? kFALSE : kTRUE;

   // Check if this is for us
   if (TestBit(TProof::kIsMaster) && gProofServ) {
      if (!allord &&
         strncmp(ord, gProofServ->GetOrdinal(), strlen(gProofServ->GetOrdinal())))
         return 0;

   Bool_t fw = kTRUE;    // Whether to forward one step down
   Bool_t rs = kFALSE;   // Whether to rescan for unique workers

   // Appropriate list pointing
   TList *in = (add) ? fInactiveSlaves : fActiveSlaves;
   TList *out = (add) ? fActiveSlaves : fInactiveSlaves;

   Int_t nwc = 0;
   if (IsEndMaster()) {
      // Create the hash list of ordinal numbers
      THashList *ords = 0;
      if (!allord) {
         ords = new THashList();
         TString oo(ord), o;
         Int_t from = 0;
         while(oo.Tokenize(o, from, ","))
            if (o.BeginsWith(gProofServ->GetOrdinal())) ords->Add(new TObjString(o));
      // We do not need to send forward
      fw = kFALSE;
      // Look for the worker in the initial list
      TObject *os = 0;
      TSlave *wrk = 0;
      if (in->GetSize() > 0) {
         TIter nxw(in);
         while ((wrk = (TSlave *) nxw())) {
            os = 0;
            if (allord || (ords && (os = ords->FindObject(wrk->GetOrdinal())))) {
               // Add it to the final list
               if (!out->FindObject(wrk)) {
                  if (add)
               // Remove it from the initial list
               if (!add) {
               } else
               // Count
               // Nothing to forward (ord is unique)
               fw = kFALSE;
               // Rescan for unique workers (active list modified)
               rs = kTRUE;
               // We may be done, if not option 'all'
               if (!allord && ords) {
                  if (os) ords->Remove(os);
                  if (ords->GetSize() == 0) break;
      // If some worker not found, notify it if at the end
      if (!fw && ords && ords->GetSize() > 0) {
         TString oo;
         TIter nxo(ords);
         while ((os = nxo())) {
            TIter nxw(out);
            while ((wrk = (TSlave *) nxw()))
               if (!strcmp(os->GetName(), wrk->GetOrdinal())) break;
            if (!wrk) {
               if (!oo.IsNull()) oo += ",";
               oo += os->GetName();
         if (!oo.IsNull()) {
            Warning("ModifyWorkerLists", "worker(s) '%s' not found!", oo.Data());
            nwc = -2;
      // Cleanup hash list
      if (ords) {

   // Rescan for unique workers
   if (rs)

   // Forward the request one step down, if needed
   Int_t action = (add) ? (Int_t) kActivateWorker : (Int_t) kDeactivateWorker;
   if (fw) {
      if (fProtocol > 32) {
         TMessage mess(kPROOF_WORKERLISTS);
         mess << action << TString(ord);
         Collect(kActive, fCollectTimeout);
         if (fStatus != 0) {
            nwc = (fStatus < nwc) ? fStatus : nwc;
            if (fStatus == -2) {
               if (gDebug > 0)
                  Warning("ModifyWorkerLists", "request not completely full filled");
            } else {
               Error("ModifyWorkerLists", "request failed");
      } else {
         TString oo(ord), o;
         if (oo.Contains(","))
            Warning("ModifyWorkerLists", "block request not supported by server: splitting into pieces ...");
         Int_t from = 0;
         while(oo.Tokenize(o, from, ",")) {
            TMessage mess(kPROOF_WORKERLISTS);
            mess << action << o;
            Collect(kActive, fCollectTimeout);
   // Done
   return nwc;

void TProof::SaveActiveList()
   // Save current list of active workers

   if (!fActiveSlavesSaved.IsNull()) fActiveSlavesSaved = "";
   if (fInactiveSlaves->GetSize() == 0) {
      fActiveSlavesSaved = "*";
   } else {
      TIter nxw(fActiveSlaves);
      TSlave *wk = 0;
      while ((wk = (TSlave *)nxw())) { fActiveSlavesSaved += TString::Format("%s,", wk->GetOrdinal()); }

void TProof::RestoreActiveList()
   // Restore saved list of active workers

   // Clear the current active list
   DeactivateWorker("*", kFALSE);
   // Restore the previous active list
   if (!fActiveSlavesSaved.IsNull())
      ActivateWorker(fActiveSlavesSaved, kFALSE);

TProof *TProof::Open(const char *cluster, const char *conffile,
                                          const char *confdir, Int_t loglevel)
   // Start a PROOF session on a specific cluster. If cluster is 0 (the
   // default) then the PROOF Session Viewer GUI pops up and 0 is returned.
   // If cluster is "lite://" we start a PROOF-lite session.
   // If cluster is "" (empty string) then we connect to the cluster specified
   // by 'Proof.LocalDefault', defaulting to "lite://".
   // If cluster is "pod://" (case insensitive), then we connect to a PROOF cluster
   // managed by PROOF on Demand (PoD, http://pod.gsi.de ).
   // Via conffile a specific PROOF config file in the confir directory can be specified.
   // Use loglevel to set the default loging level for debugging.
   // The appropriate instance of TProofMgr is created, if not
   // yet existing. The instantiated TProof object is returned.
   // Use TProof::cd() to switch between PROOF sessions.
   // For more info on PROOF see the TProof ctor.

   const char *pn = "TProof::Open";

   // Make sure libProof and dependents are loaded and TProof can be created,
   // dependents are loaded via the information in the [system].rootmap file
   if (!cluster) {

      TPluginManager *pm = gROOT->GetPluginManager();
      if (!pm) {
         ::Error(pn, "plugin manager not found");
         return 0;

      if (gROOT->IsBatch()) {
         ::Error(pn, "we are in batch mode, cannot show PROOF Session Viewer");
         return 0;
      // start PROOF Session Viewer
      TPluginHandler *sv = pm->FindHandler("TSessionViewer", "");
      if (!sv) {
         ::Error(pn, "no plugin found for TSessionViewer");
         return 0;
      if (sv->LoadPlugin() == -1) {
         ::Error(pn, "plugin for TSessionViewer could not be loaded");
         return 0;
      return 0;

   } else {

      TString clst(cluster);

      // Check for PoD cluster
      if (PoDCheckUrl( &clst ) < 0) return 0;

      if (clst.BeginsWith("workers=")) clst.Insert(0, "lite:///?");
      if (clst.BeginsWith("tunnel=")) clst.Insert(0, "/?");

      // Parse input URL
      TUrl u(clst);

      // *** GG, 060711: this does not seem to work any more (at XrdClient level)
      // *** to be investigated (it is not really needed; static tunnels work).
      // Dynamic tunnel:
      // Parse any tunning info ("<cluster>/?tunnel=[<tunnel_host>:]tunnel_port)
      TString opts(u.GetOptions());
      if (!opts.IsNull()) {
         Int_t it = opts.Index("tunnel=");
         if (it != kNPOS) {
            TString sport = opts(it + strlen("tunnel="), opts.Length());
            TString host("");
            Int_t port = -1;
            Int_t ic = sport.Index(":");
            if (ic != kNPOS) {
               // Isolate the host
               host = sport(0, ic);
               sport.Remove(0, ic + 1);
            if (!sport.IsDigit()) {
               // Remove the non digit part
               TRegexp re("[^0-9]");
               Int_t ind = sport.Index(re);
               if (ind != kNPOS)
            // Set the port
            if (sport.IsDigit())
               port = sport.Atoi();
            if (port > 0) {
               // Set the relevant variables
               ::Info("TProof::Open","using tunnel at %s:%d", host.Data(), port);
               gEnv->SetValue("XNet.SOCKS4Host", host);
               gEnv->SetValue("XNet.SOCKS4Port", port);
            } else {
               // Warn parsing problems
                         "problems parsing tunnelling info from options: %s", opts.Data());

      // Find out if we are required to attach to a specific session
      Int_t locid = -1;
      Bool_t create = kFALSE;
      if (opts.Length() > 0) {
         if (opts.BeginsWith("N",TString::kIgnoreCase)) {
            create = kTRUE;
         } else if (opts.IsDigit()) {
            locid = opts.Atoi();

      // Attach-to or create the appropriate manager
      TProofMgr *mgr = TProofMgr::Create(u.GetUrl());

      TProof *proof = 0;
      if (mgr && mgr->IsValid()) {

         // If XProofd we always attempt an attach first (unless
         // explicitly not requested).
         Bool_t attach = (create || mgr->IsProofd() || mgr->IsLite()) ? kFALSE : kTRUE;
         if (attach) {
            TProofDesc *d = 0;
            if (locid < 0)
               // Get the list of sessions
               d = (TProofDesc *) mgr->QuerySessions("")->First();
               d = (TProofDesc *) mgr->GetProofDesc(locid);
            if (d) {
               proof = (TProof*) mgr->AttachSession(d);
               if (!proof || !proof->IsValid()) {
                  if (locid)
                     ::Error(pn, "new session could not be attached");

         // start the PROOF session
         if (!proof) {
            proof = (TProof*) mgr->CreateSession(conffile, confdir, loglevel);
            if (!proof || !proof->IsValid()) {
               ::Error(pn, "new session could not be created");
      return proof;

TProofMgr *TProof::Mgr(const char *url)
   // Get instance of the effective manager for 'url'
   // Return 0 on failure.

   if (!url)
      return (TProofMgr *)0;

   // Attach or create the relevant instance
   return TProofMgr::Create(url);

void TProof::Reset(const char *url, Bool_t hard)
   // Wrapper around TProofMgr::Reset(...).

   if (url) {
      TProofMgr *mgr = TProof::Mgr(url);
      if (mgr && mgr->IsValid())
                 "unable to initialize a valid manager instance");

const TList *TProof::GetEnvVars()
   // Get environemnt variables.

   return fgProofEnvList;

void TProof::AddEnvVar(const char *name, const char *value)
   // Add an variable to the list of environment variables passed to proofserv
   // on the master and slaves

   if (gDebug > 0) ::Info("TProof::AddEnvVar","%s=%s", name, value);

   if (fgProofEnvList == 0) {
      // initialize the list if needed
      fgProofEnvList = new TList;
   } else {
      // replace old entries with the same name
      TObject *o = fgProofEnvList->FindObject(name);
      if (o != 0) {
   fgProofEnvList->Add(new TNamed(name, value));

void TProof::DelEnvVar(const char *name)
   // Remove an variable from the list of environment variables passed to proofserv
   // on the master and slaves

   if (fgProofEnvList == 0) return;

   TObject *o = fgProofEnvList->FindObject(name);
   if (o != 0) {

void TProof::ResetEnvVars()
   // Clear the list of environment variables passed to proofserv
   // on the master and slaves

   if (fgProofEnvList == 0) return;


void TProof::SaveWorkerInfo()
   // Save information about the worker set in the file .workers in the working
   // dir. Called each time there is a change in the worker setup, e.g. by
   // TProof::MarkBad().

   // We must be masters
   if (TestBit(TProof::kIsClient))

   // We must have a server defined
   if (!gProofServ) {
      Error("SaveWorkerInfo","gProofServ undefined");

   // The relevant lists must be defined
   if (!fSlaves && !fBadSlaves) {
      Warning("SaveWorkerInfo","all relevant worker lists is undefined");

   // Create or truncate the file first
   TString fnwrk = TString::Format("%s/.workers",
   FILE *fwrk = fopen(fnwrk.Data(),"w");
   if (!fwrk) {
            "cannot open %s for writing (errno: %d)", fnwrk.Data(), errno);

   // Do we need to register an additional line for another log?
   TString addlogext;
   TString addLogTag;
   if (gSystem->Getenv("PROOF_ADDITIONALLOG")) {
      addlogext = gSystem->Getenv("PROOF_ADDITIONALLOG");
      TPMERegexp reLogTag("^__(.*)__\\.log");  // $
      if (reLogTag.Match(addlogext) == 2) {
         addLogTag = reLogTag[1];
      else {
         addLogTag = "+++";
      if (gDebug > 0)
         Info("SaveWorkerInfo", "request for additional line with ext: '%s'",  addlogext.Data());

   // Used to eliminate datetime and PID from workdir to obtain log file name
   TPMERegexp re("(.*?)-[0-9]+-[0-9]+$");

   // Loop over the list of workers (active is any worker not flagged as bad)
   TIter nxa(fSlaves);
   TSlave *wrk = 0;
   TString logfile;
   while ((wrk = (TSlave *) nxa())) {
      Int_t status = (fBadSlaves && fBadSlaves->FindObject(wrk)) ? 0 : 1;
      logfile = wrk->GetWorkDir();
      if (re.Match(logfile) == 2) logfile = re[1];
      else continue;  // invalid (should not happen)
      // Write out record for this worker
      fprintf(fwrk,"%s@%s:%d %d %s %s.log\n",
                   wrk->GetUser(), wrk->GetName(), wrk->GetPort(), status,
                   wrk->GetOrdinal(), logfile.Data());
      // Additional line, if required
      if (addlogext.Length() > 0) {
         fprintf(fwrk,"%s@%s:%d %d %s(%s) %s.%s\n",
                     wrk->GetUser(), wrk->GetName(), wrk->GetPort(), status,
                     wrk->GetOrdinal(), addLogTag.Data(), logfile.Data(), addlogext.Data());


   // Loop also over the list of bad workers (if they failed to startup they are not in
   // the overall list
   TIter nxb(fBadSlaves);
   while ((wrk = (TSlave *) nxb())) {
      logfile = wrk->GetWorkDir();
      if (re.Match(logfile) == 2) logfile = re[1];
      else continue;  // invalid (should not happen)
      if (!fSlaves->FindObject(wrk)) {
         // Write out record for this worker
         fprintf(fwrk,"%s@%s:%d 0 %s %s.log\n",
                     wrk->GetUser(), wrk->GetName(), wrk->GetPort(),
                     wrk->GetOrdinal(), logfile.Data());

   // Eventually loop over the list of gracefully terminated workers: we'll get
   // logfiles from those workers as well. They'll be shown with a special
   // status of "2"
   TIter nxt(fTerminatedSlaveInfos);
   TSlaveInfo *sli;
   while (( sli = (TSlaveInfo *)nxt() )) {
      logfile = sli->GetDataDir();
      if (re.Match(logfile) == 2) logfile = re[1];
      else continue;  // invalid (should not happen)
      fprintf(fwrk, "%s 2 %s %s.log\n",
              sli->GetName(), sli->GetOrdinal(), logfile.Data());
      // Additional line, if required
      if (addlogext.Length() > 0) {
         fprintf(fwrk, "%s 2 %s(%s) %s.%s\n",
                 sli->GetName(), sli->GetOrdinal(), addLogTag.Data(),
                 logfile.Data(), addlogext.Data());

   // Close file

   // We are done

Int_t TProof::GetParameter(TCollection *c, const char *par, TString &value)
   // Get the value from the specified parameter from the specified collection.
   // Returns -1 in case of error (i.e. list is 0, parameter does not exist
   // or value type does not match), 0 otherwise.

   TObject *obj = c ? c->FindObject(par) : (TObject *)0;
   if (obj) {
      TNamed *p = dynamic_cast<TNamed*>(obj);
      if (p) {
         value = p->GetTitle();
         return 0;
   return -1;


Int_t TProof::GetParameter(TCollection *c, const char *par, Int_t &value)
   // Get the value from the specified parameter from the specified collection.
   // Returns -1 in case of error (i.e. list is 0, parameter does not exist
   // or value type does not match), 0 otherwise.

   TObject *obj = c ? c->FindObject(par) : (TObject *)0;
   if (obj) {
      TParameter<Int_t> *p = dynamic_cast<TParameter<Int_t>*>(obj);
      if (p) {
         value = p->GetVal();
         return 0;
   return -1;

Int_t TProof::GetParameter(TCollection *c, const char *par, Long_t &value)
   // Get the value from the specified parameter from the specified collection.
   // Returns -1 in case of error (i.e. list is 0, parameter does not exist
   // or value type does not match), 0 otherwise.

   TObject *obj = c ? c->FindObject(par) : (TObject *)0;
   if (obj) {
      TParameter<Long_t> *p = dynamic_cast<TParameter<Long_t>*>(obj);
      if (p) {
         value = p->GetVal();
         return 0;
   return -1;

Int_t TProof::GetParameter(TCollection *c, const char *par, Long64_t &value)
   // Get the value from the specified parameter from the specified collection.
   // Returns -1 in case of error (i.e. list is 0, parameter does not exist
   // or value type does not match), 0 otherwise.

   TObject *obj = c ? c->FindObject(par) : (TObject *)0;
   if (obj) {
      TParameter<Long64_t> *p = dynamic_cast<TParameter<Long64_t>*>(obj);
      if (p) {
         value = p->GetVal();
         return 0;
   return -1;

Int_t TProof::GetParameter(TCollection *c, const char *par, Double_t &value)
   // Get the value from the specified parameter from the specified collection.
   // Returns -1 in case of error (i.e. list is 0, parameter does not exist
   // or value type does not match), 0 otherwise.

   TObject *obj = c ? c->FindObject(par) : (TObject *)0;
   if (obj) {
      TParameter<Double_t> *p = dynamic_cast<TParameter<Double_t>*>(obj);
      if (p) {
         value = p->GetVal();
         return 0;
   return -1;

Int_t TProof::AssertDataSet(TDSet *dset, TList *input,
                            TDataSetManager *mgr, TString &emsg)
   // Make sure that dataset is in the form to be processed. This may mean
   // retrieving the relevant info from the dataset manager or from the
   // attached input list.
   // Returns 0 on success, -1 on error

   emsg = "";

   // We must have something to process
   if (!dset || !input || !mgr) {
      emsg.Form("invalid inputs (%p, %p, %p)", dset, input, mgr);
      return -1;

   TList *datasets = new TList;
   TFileCollection *dataset = 0;
   TString lookupopt;
   TString dsname(dset->GetName());
   // The dataset maybe in the form of a TFileCollection in the input list
   if (dsname.BeginsWith("TFileCollection:")) {
      // Isolate the real name
      dsname.ReplaceAll("TFileCollection:", "");
      // Get the object
      dataset = (TFileCollection *) input->FindObject(dsname);
      if (!dataset) {
         emsg.Form("TFileCollection %s not found in input list", dset->GetName());
         return -1;
      // Remove from everywhere
      // Add it to the local list
      datasets->Add(new TPair(dataset, new TObjString("")));
      // Make sure we lookup everything (unless the client or the administrator
      // required something else)
      if (TProof::GetParameter(input, "PROOF_LookupOpt", lookupopt) != 0) {
         lookupopt = gEnv->GetValue("Proof.LookupOpt", "all");
         input->Add(new TNamed("PROOF_LookupOpt", lookupopt.Data()));

   // This is the name we parse for additional specifications, such directory
   // and object name; for multiple datasets we assume that the directory and
   // and object name are the same for all datasets
   TString dsnparse;
   // The received message included an empty dataset, with only the name
   // defined: assume that a dataset, stored on the PROOF master by that
   // name, should be processed.
   if (!dataset) {

      // First of all check if the full string (except the "entry list" part)
      // is the name of a single existing dataset: if it is, don't break it
      // into parts
      TString dsns( dsname.Data() ), enl;
      Ssiz_t eli = dsns.Index("?enl=");
      TFileCollection *fc;
      if (eli != kNPOS) {
         enl = dsns(eli+5, dsns.Length());
         dsns.Remove(eli, dsns.Length()-eli);

      // Check if the entry list is valid. If it has spaces, commas, or pipes,
      // it is not considered as valid and we revert to the "multiple datasets"
      // case
      Bool_t validEnl = ((enl.Index("|") == kNPOS) &&
        (enl.Index(",") == kNPOS) && (enl.Index(" ") == kNPOS));

      if (validEnl && (( fc = mgr->GetDataSet(dsns) ))) {

         // String corresponds to ONE dataset only

         TIter nxfi(fc->GetList());
         TFileInfo *fi;
         while (( fi = (TFileInfo *)nxfi() ))
         dataset = fc;
         dsnparse = dsns;  // without entry list

         // Adds the entry list (or empty string if not specified)
         datasets->Add( new TPair(dataset, new TObjString( enl.Data() )) );

      else {

         // String does NOT correspond to one dataset: check if many datasets
         // were specified instead

         dsns = dsname.Data();
         TString dsn1;
         Int_t from1 = 0;
         while (dsns.Tokenize(dsn1, from1, "[, ]")) {
            TString dsn2;
            Int_t from2 = 0;
            while (dsn1.Tokenize(dsn2, from2, "|")) {
               enl = "";
               Int_t ienl = dsn2.Index("?enl=");
               if (ienl != kNPOS) {
                  enl = dsn2(ienl + 5, dsn2.Length());
               if ((fc = mgr->GetDataSet(dsn2.Data()))) {
                  // Save dataset name in TFileInfo's title to use it in TDset
                  TIter nxfi(fc->GetList());
                  TFileInfo *fi;
                  while ((fi = (TFileInfo *) nxfi())) { fi->SetTitle(dsn2.Data()); }
                  dsnparse = dsn2;
                  if (!dataset) {
                     // This is our dataset
                     dataset = fc;
                  } else {
                     // Add it to the dataset
            // The dataset name(s) in the first element
            if (dataset) {
               if (dataset->GetList()->First())
                  ((TFileInfo *)(dataset->GetList()->First()))->SetTitle(dsn1.Data());
               // Add it to the local list
               datasets->Add(new TPair(dataset, new TObjString(enl.Data())));
            // Reset the pointer
            dataset = 0;


      // At this point the dataset(s) to be processed, if any, are found in the
      // "datasets" variable

      if (!datasets || datasets->GetSize() <= 0) {
         emsg.Form("no dataset(s) found on the master corresponding to: %s", dsname.Data());
         return -1;
      } else {
         // Make 'dataset' to point to the first one in the list
         if (!(dataset = (TFileCollection *) ((TPair *)(datasets->First()))->Key())) {
            emsg.Form("dataset pointer is null: corruption? - aborting");
            return -1;
      // Apply the lookup option requested by the client or the administartor
      // (by default we trust the information in the dataset)
      if (TProof::GetParameter(input, "PROOF_LookupOpt", lookupopt) != 0) {
         lookupopt = gEnv->GetValue("Proof.LookupOpt", "stagedOnly");
         input->Add(new TNamed("PROOF_LookupOpt", lookupopt.Data()));
   } else {
      // We were given a named, single, TFileCollection
      dsnparse = dsname;

   // Logic for the subdir/obj names: try first to see if the dataset name contains
   // some info; if not check the settings in the TDSet object itself; if still empty
   // check the default tree name / path in the TFileCollection object; if still empty
   // use the default as the flow will determine
   TString dsTree;
   // Get the [subdir/]tree, if any
   mgr->ParseUri(dsnparse.Data(), 0, 0, 0, &dsTree);
   if (dsTree.IsNull()) {
      // Use what we have in the original dataset; we need this to locate the
      // meta data information
      dsTree += dset->GetDirectory();
      dsTree += dset->GetObjName();
   if (!dsTree.IsNull() && dsTree != "/") {
      TString tree(dsTree);
      Int_t idx = tree.Index("/");
      if (idx != kNPOS) {
         TString dir = tree(0, idx+1);
         tree.Remove(0, idx);
   } else {
      // Use the default obj name from the TFileCollection
      dsTree = dataset->GetDefaultTreeName();

   // Pass dataset server mapping instructions, if any
   TList *srvmapsref = TDataSetManager::GetDataSetSrvMaps();
   TList *srvmapslist = srvmapsref;
   TString srvmaps;
   if (TProof::GetParameter(input, "PROOF_DataSetSrvMaps", srvmaps) == 0) {
      srvmapslist = TDataSetManager::ParseDataSetSrvMaps(srvmaps);
      if (gProofServ) {
         TString msg;
         if (srvmapsref && !srvmapslist) {
            msg.Form("+++ Info: dataset server mapping(s) DISABLED by user");
         } else if (srvmapsref && srvmapslist && srvmapslist != srvmapsref) {
            msg.Form("+++ Info: dataset server mapping(s) modified by user");
         } else if (!srvmapsref && srvmapslist) {
            msg.Form("+++ Info: dataset server mapping(s) added by user");

   // Flag multi-datasets
   if (datasets->GetSize() > 1) dset->SetBit(TDSet::kMultiDSet);
   // Loop over the list of datasets
   TList *listOfMissingFiles = new TList;
   TEntryList *entrylist = 0;
   TPair *pair = 0;
   TIter nxds(datasets);
   while ((pair = (TPair *) nxds())) {
      // File Collection
      dataset = (TFileCollection *) pair->Key();
      // Entry list, if any
      TEntryList *enl = 0;
      TObjString *os = (TObjString *) pair->Value();
      if (strlen(os->GetName())) {
         if (!(enl = dynamic_cast<TEntryList *>(input->FindObject(os->GetName())))) {
            if (gProofServ)
               gProofServ->SendAsynMessage(TString::Format("+++ Warning:"
                                           " entry list %s not found", os->GetName()));
         if (enl && (!(enl->GetLists()) || enl->GetLists()->GetSize() <= 0)) {
            if (gProofServ)
               gProofServ->SendAsynMessage(TString::Format("+++ Warning:"
                                           " no sub-lists in entry-list!"));
      TList *missingFiles = new TList;
      TSeqCollection* files = dataset->GetList();
      if (gDebug > 0) files->Print();
      Bool_t availableOnly = (lookupopt != "all") ? kTRUE : kFALSE;
      if (dset->TestBit(TDSet::kMultiDSet)) {
         TDSet *ds = new TDSet(dataset->GetName(), dset->GetObjName(), dset->GetDirectory());
         if (!ds->Add(files, dsTree, availableOnly, missingFiles)) {
            emsg.Form("error integrating dataset %s", dataset->GetName());
         // Add the TDSet object to the multi-dataset
         // Add entry list if any
         if (enl) ds->SetEntryList(enl);
      } else {
         if (!dset->Add(files, dsTree, availableOnly, missingFiles)) {
            emsg.Form("error integrating dataset %s", dataset->GetName());
         if (enl) entrylist = enl;
      if (missingFiles) {
         // The missing files objects have to be removed from the dataset
         // before delete.
         TIter next(missingFiles);
         TObject *file;
         while ((file = next())) {
   // Cleanup; we need to do this because pairs do no delete their content
   while ((pair = (TPair *) nxds())) {
      if (pair->Key()) delete pair->Key();
      if (pair->Value()) delete pair->Value();

   // Cleanup the server mapping list, if created by the user
   if (srvmapslist && srvmapslist != srvmapsref) {

   // Set the global entrylist, if required
   if (entrylist) dset->SetEntryList(entrylist);

   // Make sure it will be sent back merged with other similar lists created
   // during processing; this list will be transferred by the player to the
   // output list, once the latter has been created (see TProofPlayerRemote::Process)
   if (listOfMissingFiles && listOfMissingFiles->GetSize() > 0) {

   // Done
   return 0;

Int_t TProof::SaveInputData(TQueryResult *qr, const char *cachedir, TString &emsg)
   // Save input data file from 'cachedir' into the sandbox or create a the file
   // with input data objects

   TList *input = 0;

   // We must have got something to process
   if (!qr || !(input = qr->GetInputList()) ||
       !cachedir || strlen(cachedir) <= 0) return 0;

   // There must be some input data or input data file
   TNamed *data = (TNamed *) input->FindObject("PROOF_InputDataFile");
   TList *inputdata = (TList *) input->FindObject("PROOF_InputData");
   if (!data && !inputdata) return 0;
   // Default dstination filename
   if (!data)
      input->Add((data = new TNamed("PROOF_InputDataFile", kPROOF_InputDataFile)));

   TString dstname(data->GetTitle()), srcname;
   Bool_t fromcache = kFALSE;
   if (dstname.BeginsWith("cache:")) {
      fromcache = kTRUE;
      dstname.ReplaceAll("cache:", "");
      srcname.Form("%s/%s", cachedir, dstname.Data());
      if (gSystem->AccessPathName(srcname)) {
         emsg.Form("input data file not found in cache (%s)", srcname.Data());
         return -1;

   // If from cache, just move the cache file
   if (fromcache) {
      if (gSystem->CopyFile(srcname, dstname, kTRUE) != 0) {
         emsg.Form("problems copying %s to %s", srcname.Data(), dstname.Data());
         return -1;
   } else {
      // Create the file
      if (inputdata && inputdata->GetSize() > 0) {
         TFile *f = TFile::Open(dstname.Data(), "RECREATE");
         if (f) {
            delete f;
         } else {
            emsg.Form("could not create %s", dstname.Data());
            return -1;
      } else {
         emsg.Form("no input data!");
         return -1;
   ::Info("TProof::SaveInputData", "input data saved to %s", dstname.Data());

   // Save the file name and clean up the data list
   if (inputdata) {
      delete inputdata;

   // Done
   return 0;

Int_t TProof::SendInputData(TQueryResult *qr, TProof *p, TString &emsg)
   // Send the input data file to the workers

   TList *input = 0;

   // We must have got something to process
   if (!qr || !(input = qr->GetInputList())) return 0;

   // There must be some input data or input data file
   TNamed *inputdata = (TNamed *) input->FindObject("PROOF_InputDataFile");
   if (!inputdata) return 0;

   TString fname(inputdata->GetTitle());
   if (gSystem->AccessPathName(fname)) {
      emsg.Form("input data file not found in sandbox (%s)", fname.Data());
      return -1;

   // PROOF session must available
   if (!p || !p->IsValid()) {
      emsg.Form("TProof object undefined or invalid: protocol error!");
      return -1;

   // Send to unique workers and submasters
   p->BroadcastFile(fname, TProof::kBinary, "cache");

   // Done
   return 0;

Int_t TProof::GetInputData(TList *input, const char *cachedir, TString &emsg)
   // Get the input data from the file defined in the input list

   // We must have got something to process
   if (!input || !cachedir || strlen(cachedir) <= 0) return 0;

   // There must be some input data or input data file
   TNamed *inputdata = (TNamed *) input->FindObject("PROOF_InputDataFile");
   if (!inputdata) return 0;

   TString fname;
   fname.Form("%s/%s", cachedir, inputdata->GetTitle());
   if (gSystem->AccessPathName(fname)) {
      emsg.Form("input data file not found in cache (%s)", fname.Data());
      return -1;

   // List of added objects (for proper cleaning ...)
   TList *added = new TList;
   // Read the input data into the input list
   TFile *f = TFile::Open(fname.Data());
   if (f) {
      TList *keys = (TList *) f->GetListOfKeys();
      if (!keys) {
         emsg.Form("could not get list of object keys from file");
         return -1;
      TIter nxk(keys);
      TKey *k = 0;
      while ((k = (TKey *)nxk())) {
         TObject *o = f->Get(k->GetName());
         if (o) {
      // Add the file as last one
      if (added->GetSize() > 0) {
      } else {
         // Cleanup the file now
         delete f;
   } else {
      emsg.Form("could not open %s", fname.Data());
      return -1;

   // Done
   return 0;

void TProof::LogViewer(const char *url, Int_t idx)
   // Start the log viewer window usign the plugin manager

   if (!gROOT->IsBatch()) {
      // Get the handler, if not yet done
      if (!fgLogViewer) {
         if ((fgLogViewer =
            gROOT->GetPluginManager()->FindHandler("TProofProgressLog"))) {
            if (fgLogViewer->LoadPlugin() == -1) {
               fgLogViewer = 0;
               ::Error("TProof::LogViewer", "cannot load the relevant plug-in");
      if (fgLogViewer) {
         // Execute the plug-in
         TString u = (url && strlen(url) <= 0) ? "lite" : url;
         fgLogViewer->ExecPlugin(2, u.Data(), idx);
   } else {
      if (url && strlen(url) > 0) {
                "batch mode: use TProofLog *pl = TProof::Mgr(\"%s\")->GetSessionLogs(%d)", url, idx);
      } else if (url && strlen(url) <= 0) {
                "batch mode: use TProofLog *pl = TProof::Mgr(\"lite\")->GetSessionLogs(%d)", idx);
      } else {
                "batch mode: use TProofLog *pl = TProof::Mgr(\"<master>\")->GetSessionLogs(%d)", idx);
   // Done

void TProof::SetProgressDialog(Bool_t on)
   // Enable/Disable the graphic progress dialog.
   // By default the dialog is enabled

   if (on)

void TProof::ShowMissingFiles(TQueryResult *qr)
   // Show information about missing files during query described by 'qr' or the
   // last query if qr is null (default).
   // A short summary is printed in the end.

   TQueryResult *xqr = (qr) ? qr : GetQueryResult();
   if (!xqr) {
      Warning("ShowMissingFiles", "no (last) query found: do nothing");

   // Get the list, if any
   TList *missing = (xqr->GetOutputList()) ? (TList *) xqr->GetOutputList()->FindObject("MissingFiles") : 0;
   if (!missing) {
      Info("ShowMissingFiles", "no files missing in query %s:%s", xqr->GetTitle(), xqr->GetName());

   Int_t nmf = 0, ncf = 0;
   Long64_t msz = 0, mszzip = 0, mev = 0;
   // Scan the list
   TFileInfo *fi = 0;
   TIter nxf(missing);
   while ((fi = (TFileInfo *) nxf())) {
      char status = 'M';
      if (fi->TestBit(TFileInfo::kCorrupted)) {
         status = 'C';
      } else {
      TFileInfoMeta *im = fi->GetMetaData();
      if (im) {
         if (im->GetTotBytes() > 0) msz += im->GetTotBytes();
         if (im->GetZipBytes() > 0) mszzip += im->GetZipBytes();
         mev += im->GetEntries();
         Printf(" %d. (%c) %s %s %lld", ncf+nmf, status, fi->GetCurrentUrl()->GetUrl(), im->GetName(), im->GetEntries());
      } else {
         Printf(" %d. (%c) %s '' -1", ncf+nmf, status, fi->GetCurrentUrl()->GetUrl());

   // Final notification
   if (msz <= 0) msz = -1;
   if (mszzip <= 0) mszzip = -1;
   Double_t xf = (Double_t)mev / (mev + xqr->GetEntries()) ;
   if (msz > 0. || mszzip > 0.) {
      Printf(" +++ %d file(s) missing, %d corrupted, i.e. %lld unprocessed events -->"
             " about %.2f%% of the total (%lld bytes, %lld zipped)",
             nmf, ncf, mev, xf * 100., msz, mszzip);
   } else {
      Printf(" +++ %d file(s) missing, %d corrupted, i.e. %lld unprocessed events -->"
             " about %.2f%% of the total", nmf, ncf, mev, xf * 100.);

TFileCollection *TProof::GetMissingFiles(TQueryResult *qr)
   // Get a TFileCollection with the files missing in the query described by 'qr'
   // or the last query if qr is null (default).
   // Return a null pointer if none were found, for whatever reason.
   // The caller is responsible for the returned object.

   TFileCollection *fc = 0;

   TQueryResult *xqr = (qr) ? qr : GetQueryResult();
   if (!xqr) {
      Warning("GetMissingFiles", "no (last) query found: do nothing");
      return fc;

   // Get the list, if any
   TList *missing = (xqr->GetOutputList()) ? (TList *) xqr->GetOutputList()->FindObject("MissingFiles") : 0;
   if (!missing) {
      if (gDebug > 0)
         Info("ShowMissingFiles", "no files missing in query %s:%s", xqr->GetTitle(), xqr->GetName());
      return fc;

   // Create collection: name is <dsname>.m<j>, where 'j' is the first giving a non existing name
   TString fcname("unknown");
   TDSet *ds = (TDSet *) xqr->GetInputObject("TDSet");
   if (ds) {
      fcname.Form("%s.m0", ds->GetName());
      Int_t j = 1;
      while (gDirectory->FindObject(fcname) && j < 1000)
         fcname.Form("%s.m%d", ds->GetName(), j++);
   fc = new TFileCollection(fcname, "Missing Files");
   if (ds) fc->SetDefaultTreeName(ds->GetObjName());
   // Scan the list
   TFileInfo *fi = 0;
   TIter nxf(missing);
   while ((fi = (TFileInfo *) nxf())) {
      fc->Add((TFileInfo *) fi->Clone());
   // Done
   return fc;

void TProof::SetPerfTree(const char *pf, Bool_t withWrks)
   // Enable/Disable saving of the performance tree

   if (pf && strlen(pf) > 0) {
      fPerfTree = pf;
      SetParameter("PROOF_StatsHist", "");
      SetParameter("PROOF_StatsTrace", "");
      if (withWrks) SetParameter("PROOF_SlaveStatsTrace", "");
      Info("SetPerfTree", "saving of the performance tree enabled (%s)", fPerfTree.Data());
   } else {
      fPerfTree = "";
      Info("SetPerfTree", "saving of the performance tree disabled");

Int_t TProof::SavePerfTree(const char *pf, const char *ref)
   // Save performance information from TPerfStats to file 'pf'.
   // If 'ref' is defined, do it for query 'ref'.
   // Return 0 on sucecss, -1 in case of any error

   if (!IsValid()) {
      Error("SafePerfTree", "this TProof instance is invalid!");
      return -1;

   TList *outls = GetOutputList();
   TString sref;
   if (ref && strlen(ref) > 0) {
      if (!fPlayer) {
         Error("SafePerfTree", "requested to use query '%s' but player instance undefined!", ref);
         return -1;
      TQueryResult *qr = fPlayer->GetQueryResult(ref);
      if (!qr) {
         Error("SafePerfTree", "TQueryResult instance for query '%s' could not be retrieved", ref);
         return -1;
      outls = qr->GetOutputList();
      sref.Form(" for requested query '%s'", ref);
   if (!outls || (outls && outls->GetSize() <= 0)) {
      Error("SafePerfTree", "outputlist%s undefined or empty", sref.Data());
      return -1;

   TString fn = fPerfTree;
   if (pf && strlen(pf)) fn = pf;
   if (fn.IsNull()) fn = "perftree.root";

   TFile f(fn, "RECREATE");
   if (f.IsZombie()) {
      Error("SavePerfTree", "could not open file '%s' for writing", fn.Data());
   } else {
      TIter nxo(outls);
      TObject* obj = 0;
      while ((obj = nxo())) {
         TString objname(obj->GetName());
         if (objname.BeginsWith("PROOF_")) {
            // Must list the objects since other PROOF_ objects exist
            // besides timing objects
            if (objname == "PROOF_PerfStats" ||
                objname == "PROOF_PacketsHist" ||
                objname == "PROOF_EventsHist" ||
                objname == "PROOF_NodeHist" ||
                objname == "PROOF_LatencyHist" ||
                objname == "PROOF_ProcTimeHist" ||
                objname == "PROOF_CpuTimeHist")
   Info("SavePerfTree", "performance information%s saved in %s ...", sref.Data(), fn.Data());

   // Done
   return 0;