// @(#)root/xml:$Id$
// Author: Sergey Linev, Rene Brun  10.05.2004

 * Copyright (C) 1995-2004, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
 * All rights reserved.                                                  *
 *                                                                       *
 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *

// Class for xml code generation
// It should be used for generation of xml steramers, which could be used outside root
// environment. This means, that with help of such streamers user can read and write
// objects from/to xml file, which later can be accepted by ROOT.
// At the moment supported only classes, which are not inherited from TObject
// and which not contains any TObject members.
// To generate xml code:
// 1. ROOT library with required classes should be created.
//    In general, without such library non of user objects can be stored and
//    retrived from any ROOT file
// 2. Generate xml streamers by root script like:
//    void generate() {
//      gSystem->Load("libRXML.so");   // load ROOT xml library
//      gSystem->Load("libuser.so");   // load user ROOT library
//      TList lst;
//      lst.Add(TClass::GetClass("TUserClass1"));
//      lst.Add(TClass::GetClass("TUserClass2"));
//      ...
//      TXMLPlayer player;
//      player.ProduceCode(&lst, "streamers");    // create xml streamers
//    }
//  3. Copy "streamers.h", "streamers.cxx", "TXmlFile.h", "TXmlFile.cxx" files
//     to user project and compile them. TXmlFile class implementation can be taken
//     from http://www-linux.gsi.de/~linev/xmlfile.tar.gz
// TXMLPlayer class generates one function per class, which called class streamer.
// Name of such function for class TExample will be TExample_streamer.
// Following data members for streamed classes are supported:
//  - simple data types (int, double, float)
//  - array of simple types (int[5], double[5][6])
//  - dynamic array of simple types (int* with comment field // [fSize])
//  - const char*
//  - object of any nonROOT class
//  - pointer on object
//  - array of objects
//  - array of pointers on objects
//  - stl string
//  - stl vector, list, deque, set, multiset, map, multimap
//  - allowed arguments for stl containers are: simple data types, string, object, pointer on object
//  Any other data member can not be (yet) read from xml file and write to xml file.
// If data member of class is private or protected, it can not be accessed via
// member name. Two alternative way is supported. First, if for class member fValue
// exists function GetValue(), it will be used to get value from the class, and if
// exists SetValue(), it will be used to set apropriate data member. Names of setter
// and getter methods can be specified in comments filed like:
//     int  fValue;   // *OPTION={GetMethod="GetV";SetMethod="SetV"}
// If getter or setter methods does not available, address to data member will be
// calculated as predefined offeset to object start address. In that case generated code
// should be used only on the same platform (OS + compiler), where it was generated.
// Generated streamers resolve inheritance tree for given class. This allows to have
// array (or vector) of object pointers on some basic class, while objects of derived
// class(es) are used.
// To access data from xml files, user should use TXmlFile class, which is different from
// ROOT TXMLFile, but provides very similar functionality. For example, to read
// object from xml file:
//        TXmlFile file("test.xml");             // open xml file
//        file.ls();                             // show list of keys in file
//        TExample* ex1 = (TExample*) file.Get("ex1", TExample_streamer); // get object
//        file.Close();
// To write object to file:
//        TXmlFile outfile("test2.xml", "recreate");    // create xml file
//        TExample* ex1 = new TExample;
//        outfile.Write(ex1, "ex1", TExample_streamer);   // write object to file
//        outfile.Close();
// Complete example for generating and using of external xml streamers can be taken from
// http://www-linux.gsi.de/~linev/xmlreader.tar.gz
// Any bug reports and requests for additional functionality are welcome.
// Sergey Linev, S.Linev@gsi.de

#include "TXMLPlayer.h"

#include "Riostream.h"
#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TClass.h"
#include "TVirtualStreamerInfo.h"
#include "TStreamerElement.h"
#include "TObjArray.h"
#include "TObjString.h"
#include "TDataMember.h"
#include "TMethod.h"
#include "TDataType.h"
#include "TMethodCall.h"
#include "TFunction.h"
#include "TVirtualCollectionProxy.h"
#include "TClassEdit.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>

const char* tab1 = "   ";
const char* tab2 = "      ";
const char* tab3 = "         ";
const char* tab4 = "            ";

const char* names_xmlfileclass = "TXmlFile";


TXMLPlayer::TXMLPlayer() : TObject()
   // default constructor

   // destructor of TXMLPlayer object

TString TXMLPlayer::GetStreamerName(TClass* cl)
   // returns streamer function name for given class

   if (cl==0) return "";
   TString res = cl->GetName();
   res += "_streamer";
   return res;

Bool_t TXMLPlayer::ProduceCode(TList* cllist, const char* filename)
   // Produce streamers for provide class list
   // TList should include list of classes, for which code should be generated.
   // filename specify name of file (without extension), where streamers should be
   // created. Function produces two files: header file and source file.
   // For instance, if filename is "streamers", files "streamers.h" and "streamers.cxx"
   // will be created.

   if ((cllist==0) || (filename==0)) return kFALSE;

   std::ofstream fh(TString(filename)+".h");
   std::ofstream fs(TString(filename)+".cxx");

   fh << "// generated header file" << std::endl << std::endl;
   fh << "#ifndef " << filename << "_h" << std::endl;
   fh << "#define " << filename << "_h" << std::endl << std::endl;

   fh << "#include \"" << names_xmlfileclass << ".h\"" << std::endl << std::endl;

   fs << "// generated source file" << std::endl << std::endl;
   fs << "#include \"" << filename << ".h\"" << std::endl << std::endl;

   // produce appropriate include for all classes

   TObjArray inclfiles;
   TIter iter(cllist);
   TClass* cl = 0;
   while ((cl = (TClass*) iter()) != 0) {
      if (inclfiles.FindObject(cl->GetDeclFileName())==0) {
         fs << "#include \"" << cl->GetDeclFileName() << "\"" << std::endl;
         inclfiles.Add(new TNamed(cl->GetDeclFileName(),""));

   fh << std::endl;
   fs << std::endl;

   // produce streamers declarations and implementations


   while ((cl = (TClass*) iter()) != 0) {

      fh << "extern void* " << GetStreamerName(cl) << "("
         << names_xmlfileclass << " &buf, void* ptr = 0, bool checktypes = true);" << std::endl << std::endl;

      ProduceStreamerSource(fs, cl, cllist);

   fh << "#endif" << std::endl << std::endl;
   fs << std::endl << std::endl;

   return kTRUE;

TString TXMLPlayer::GetMemberTypeName(TDataMember* member)
   // returns name of simple data type for given data member

   if (member==0) return "int";

   if (member->IsBasic())
   switch (member->GetDataType()->GetType()) {
      case kChar_t:     return "char";
      case kShort_t:    return "short";
      case kInt_t:      return "int";
      case kLong_t:     return "long";
      case kLong64_t:   return "long long";
      case kFloat16_t:
      case kFloat_t:    return "float";
      case kDouble32_t:
      case kDouble_t:   return "double";
      case kUChar_t:    {
         char first = member->GetDataType()->GetTypeName()[0];
         if ((first=='B') || (first=='b')) return "bool";
         return "unsigned char";
      case kBool_t:     return "bool";
      case kUShort_t:   return "unsigned short";
      case kUInt_t:     return "unsigned int";
      case kULong_t:    return "unsigned long";
      case kULong64_t:  return "unsigned long long";

   if (member->IsEnum()) return "int";

   return member->GetTypeName();

TString TXMLPlayer::GetBasicTypeName(TStreamerElement* el)
   // return simple data types for given TStreamerElement object

   if (el->GetType() == TVirtualStreamerInfo::kCounter) return "int";

   switch (el->GetType() % 20) {
      case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kChar:     return "char";
      case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kShort:    return "short";
      case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kInt:      return "int";
      case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kLong:     return "long";
      case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kLong64:   return "long long";
      case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kFloat16:
      case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kFloat:    return "float";
      case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kDouble32:
      case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kDouble:   return "double";
      case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kUChar: {
         char first = el->GetTypeNameBasic()[0];
         if ((first=='B') || (first=='b')) return "bool";
         return "unsigned char";
      case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kBool:     return "bool";
      case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kUShort:   return "unsigned short";
      case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kUInt:     return "unsigned int";
      case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kULong:    return "unsigned long";
      case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kULong64:  return "unsigned long long";
   return "int";

TString TXMLPlayer::GetBasicTypeReaderMethodName(Int_t type, const char* realname)
   // return functions name to read simple data type from xml file

   if (type == TVirtualStreamerInfo::kCounter) return "ReadInt";

   switch (type % 20) {
      case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kChar:     return "ReadChar";
      case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kShort:    return "ReadShort";
      case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kInt:      return "ReadInt";
      case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kLong:     return "ReadLong";
      case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kLong64:   return "ReadLong64";
      case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kFloat16:
      case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kFloat:    return "ReadFloat";
      case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kDouble32:
      case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kDouble:   return "ReadDouble";
      case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kUChar: {
         Bool_t isbool = false;
         if (realname!=0)
            isbool = (TString(realname).Index("bool",0, TString::kIgnoreCase)>=0);
         if (isbool) return "ReadBool";
         return "ReadUChar";
      case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kBool:     return "ReadBool";
      case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kUShort:   return "ReadUShort";
      case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kUInt:     return "ReadUInt";
      case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kULong:    return "ReadULong";
      case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kULong64:  return "ReadULong64";
   return "ReadValue";

const char* TXMLPlayer::ElementGetter(TClass* cl, const char* membername, int specials)
   // produce code to access member of given class.
   // Parameter specials has following meaning:
   //    0 - nothing special
   //    1 - cast to data type
   //    2 - produce pointer on given member
   //    3 - skip casting when produce pointer by buf.P() function

   TClass* membercl = cl ? cl->GetBaseDataMember(membername) : 0;
   TDataMember* member = membercl ? membercl->GetDataMember(membername) : 0;
   TMethodCall* mgetter = member ? member->GetterMethod(0) : 0;

   if ((mgetter!=0) && (mgetter->GetMethod()->Property() & kIsPublic)) {
      fGetterName = "obj->";
      fGetterName += mgetter->GetMethodName();
      fGetterName += "()";
   } else
   if ((member==0) || ((member->Property() & kIsPublic) != 0)) {
      fGetterName = "obj->";
      fGetterName += membername;
   } else {
      fGetterName = "";
      Bool_t deref = (member->GetArrayDim()==0) && (specials!=2);
      if (deref) fGetterName += "*(";
      if (specials!=3) {
         fGetterName += "(";
         if (member->Property() & kIsConstant) fGetterName += "const ";
         fGetterName += GetMemberTypeName(member);
         if (member->IsaPointer()) fGetterName+="*";
         fGetterName += "*) ";
      fGetterName += "buf.P(obj,";
      fGetterName += member->GetOffset();
      fGetterName += ")";
      if (deref) fGetterName += ")";
      specials = 0;

   if ((specials==1) && (member!=0)) {
      TString cast = "(";
      cast += GetMemberTypeName(member);
      if (member->IsaPointer() || (member->GetArrayDim()>0)) cast += "*";
      cast += ") ";
      cast += fGetterName;
      fGetterName = cast;

   if ((specials==2) && (member!=0)) {
      TString buf = "&(";
      buf += fGetterName;
      buf += ")";
      fGetterName = buf;

   return fGetterName.Data();

const char* TXMLPlayer::ElementSetter(TClass* cl, const char* membername, char* endch)
   // Produce code to set value to given data member.
   // endch should be output after value is specified.


   TClass* membercl = cl ? cl->GetBaseDataMember(membername) : 0;
   TDataMember* member = membercl ? membercl->GetDataMember(membername) : 0;
   TMethodCall* msetter = member ? member->SetterMethod(cl) : 0;

   if ((msetter!=0) && (msetter->GetMethod()->Property() & kIsPublic)) {
      fSetterName = "obj->";
      fSetterName += msetter->GetMethodName();
      fSetterName += "(";
   } else
   if ((member==0) || (member->Property() & kIsPublic) != 0) {
      fSetterName = "obj->";
      fSetterName += membername;
      fSetterName += " = ";
   } else {
      fSetterName = "";
      if (member->GetArrayDim()==0) fSetterName += "*";
      fSetterName += "((";
      if (member->Property() & kIsConstant) fSetterName += "const ";
      fSetterName += GetMemberTypeName(member);
      if (member->IsaPointer()) fSetterName += "*";
      fSetterName += "*) buf.P(obj,";
      fSetterName += member->GetOffset();
      fSetterName += ")) = ";
   return fSetterName.Data();

void TXMLPlayer::ProduceStreamerSource(std::ostream& fs, TClass* cl, TList* cllist)
   // Produce source code of streamer function for specified class

   if (cl==0) return;
   TVirtualStreamerInfo* info = cl->GetStreamerInfo();
   TObjArray* elements = info->GetElements();
   if (elements==0) return;

   fs << "//__________________________________________________________________________" << std::endl;
   fs << "void* " << GetStreamerName(cl) << "("
         << names_xmlfileclass << " &buf, void* ptr, bool checktypes)" << std::endl;
   fs << "{" << std::endl;
   fs << tab1 << cl->GetName() << " *obj = (" << cl->GetName() << "*) ptr;" << std::endl;

   fs << tab1 << "if (buf.IsReading()) { " << std::endl;

   TIter iter(cllist);
   TClass* c1 = 0;
   Bool_t firstchild = true;

   while ((c1 = (TClass*) iter()) != 0) {
      if (c1==cl) continue;
      if (c1->GetListOfBases()->FindObject(cl->GetName())==0) continue;
      if (firstchild) {
         fs << tab2 << "if (checktypes) {" << std::endl;
         fs << tab3 << "void* ";
         firstchild = false;
      } else
         fs << tab3;
      fs << "res = " << GetStreamerName(c1)
         << "(buf, dynamic_cast<" << c1->GetName() << "*>(obj));" << std::endl;
      fs << tab3 << "if (res) return dynamic_cast<" << cl->GetName()
         << "*>(("<< c1->GetName() << " *) res);" << std::endl;
   if (!firstchild) fs << tab2 << "}" << std::endl;

   fs << tab2 << "if (!buf.CheckClassNode(\"" << cl->GetName() << "\", "
              << info->GetClassVersion() << ")) return 0;" << std::endl;

   fs << tab2 << "if (obj==0) obj = new " << cl->GetName() << ";" << std::endl;

   int n;
   for (n=0;n<=elements->GetLast();n++) {

      TStreamerElement* el = dynamic_cast<TStreamerElement*> (elements->At(n));
      if (el==0) continue;

      Int_t typ = el->GetType();

      switch (typ) {
         // basic types
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kBool:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kChar:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kShort:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kInt:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kLong:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kLong64:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kFloat:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kFloat16:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kDouble:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kUChar:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kUShort:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kUInt:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kULong:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kULong64:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kDouble32:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kCounter: {
            char endch[5];
            fs << tab2 << ElementSetter(cl, el->GetName(), endch);
            fs << "buf." << GetBasicTypeReaderMethodName(el->GetType(), 0)
               << "(\"" << el->GetName() << "\")" << endch << ";" << std::endl;

         // array of basic types like bool[10]
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kOffsetL + TVirtualStreamerInfo::kBool:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kOffsetL + TVirtualStreamerInfo::kChar:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kOffsetL + TVirtualStreamerInfo::kShort:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kOffsetL + TVirtualStreamerInfo::kInt:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kOffsetL + TVirtualStreamerInfo::kLong:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kOffsetL + TVirtualStreamerInfo::kLong64:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kOffsetL + TVirtualStreamerInfo::kFloat:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kOffsetL + TVirtualStreamerInfo::kFloat16:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kOffsetL + TVirtualStreamerInfo::kDouble:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kOffsetL + TVirtualStreamerInfo::kUChar:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kOffsetL + TVirtualStreamerInfo::kUShort:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kOffsetL + TVirtualStreamerInfo::kUInt:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kOffsetL + TVirtualStreamerInfo::kULong:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kOffsetL + TVirtualStreamerInfo::kULong64:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kOffsetL + TVirtualStreamerInfo::kDouble32: {
            fs << tab2 << "buf.ReadArray("
                       << ElementGetter(cl, el->GetName(), (el->GetArrayDim()>1) ? 1 : 0);
            fs         << ", " << el->GetArrayLength()
                       << ", \"" << el->GetName() << "\");" << std::endl;

         // array of basic types like bool[n]
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kOffsetP + TVirtualStreamerInfo::kBool:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kOffsetP + TVirtualStreamerInfo::kChar:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kOffsetP + TVirtualStreamerInfo::kShort:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kOffsetP + TVirtualStreamerInfo::kInt:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kOffsetP + TVirtualStreamerInfo::kLong:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kOffsetP + TVirtualStreamerInfo::kLong64:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kOffsetP + TVirtualStreamerInfo::kFloat:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kOffsetP + TVirtualStreamerInfo::kFloat16:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kOffsetP + TVirtualStreamerInfo::kDouble:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kOffsetP + TVirtualStreamerInfo::kUChar:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kOffsetP + TVirtualStreamerInfo::kUShort:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kOffsetP + TVirtualStreamerInfo::kUInt:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kOffsetP + TVirtualStreamerInfo::kULong:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kOffsetP + TVirtualStreamerInfo::kULong64:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kOffsetP + TVirtualStreamerInfo::kDouble32: {
            TStreamerBasicPointer* elp = dynamic_cast<TStreamerBasicPointer*> (el);
            if (elp==0) {
               std::cout << "fatal error with TStreamerBasicPointer" << std::endl;
            char endch[5];

            fs << tab2 << ElementSetter(cl, el->GetName(), endch);
            fs         << "buf.ReadArray(" << ElementGetter(cl, el->GetName());
            fs         << ", " << ElementGetter(cl, elp->GetCountName());
            fs         << ", \"" << el->GetName() << "\", true)" << endch << ";" << std::endl;

         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kCharStar: {
            char endch[5];
            fs << tab2 << ElementSetter(cl, el->GetName(), endch);
            fs         << "buf.ReadCharStar(" << ElementGetter(cl, el->GetName());
            fs         << ", \"" << el->GetName() << "\")" << endch << ";" << std::endl;

         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kBase: {
            fs << tab2 << GetStreamerName(el->GetClassPointer())
               << "(buf, dynamic_cast<" << el->GetClassPointer()->GetName()
               << "*>(obj), false);" << std::endl;

         // Class*   Class not derived from TObject and with comment field //->
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kAnyp:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kAnyp    + TVirtualStreamerInfo::kOffsetL: {
            if (el->GetArrayLength()>0) {
               fs << tab2 << "buf.ReadObjectArr(" << ElementGetter(cl, el->GetName());
               fs         << ", " << el->GetArrayLength() << ", -1"
                          << ", \"" << el->GetName() << "\", "
                          << GetStreamerName(el->GetClassPointer()) << ");" << std::endl;
            } else {
               fs << tab2 << "buf.ReadObject(" << ElementGetter(cl, el->GetName());
               fs         << ", \"" << el->GetName() << "\", "
                          << GetStreamerName(el->GetClassPointer()) << ");" << std::endl;

         // Class*   Class not derived from TObject and no comment
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kAnyP:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kAnyP + TVirtualStreamerInfo::kOffsetL: {
            if (el->GetArrayLength()>0) {
               fs << tab2 << "for (int n=0;n<" << el->GetArrayLength() << ";n++) "
                          << "delete (" << ElementGetter(cl, el->GetName()) << ")[n];" << std::endl;
               fs << tab2 << "buf.ReadObjectPtrArr((void**) " << ElementGetter(cl, el->GetName(), 3);
               fs         << ", " << el->GetArrayLength()
                          << ", \"" << el->GetName() << "\", "
                          << GetStreamerName(el->GetClassPointer()) << ");" << std::endl;
            } else {
               char endch[5];

               fs << tab2 << "delete " << ElementGetter(cl, el->GetName()) << ";" << std::endl;
               fs << tab2 << ElementSetter(cl, el->GetName(), endch);
               fs         << "(" << el->GetClassPointer()->GetName()
                          << "*) buf.ReadObjectPtr(\"" << el->GetName() << "\", "
                          << GetStreamerName(el->GetClassPointer())
                          << ")" <<endch << ";" << std::endl;

         // Class  NOT derived from TObject
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kAny: {
            fs << tab2 << "buf.ReadObject(" << ElementGetter(cl, el->GetName(), 2);
            fs         << ", \"" << el->GetName() << "\", "
                       << GetStreamerName(el->GetClassPointer()) << ");" << std::endl;

         // Class  NOT derived from TObject, array
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kAny + TVirtualStreamerInfo::kOffsetL: {
            fs << tab2 << "buf.ReadObjectArr(" << ElementGetter(cl, el->GetName());
            fs         << ", " << el->GetArrayLength()
                       << ", sizeof(" << el->GetClassPointer()->GetName()
                       << "), \"" << el->GetName() << "\", "
                       << GetStreamerName(el->GetClassPointer()) << ");" << std::endl;

         // container with no virtual table (stl) and no comment
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kSTLp:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kSTL:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kSTLp + TVirtualStreamerInfo::kOffsetL:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kSTL + TVirtualStreamerInfo::kOffsetL: {
            TStreamerSTL* elstl = dynamic_cast<TStreamerSTL*> (el);
            if (elstl==0) break; // to make skip

            if (ProduceSTLstreamer(fs, cl, elstl, false)) continue;

            fs << tab2 << "// STL type = " << elstl->GetSTLtype() << std::endl;
      fs << tab2 << "buf.SkipMember(\"" << el->GetName()
         << "\");   // sinfo type " << el->GetType()
         << " of class " << el->GetClassPointer()->GetName()
         << " not supported" << std::endl;

   fs << tab2 << "buf.EndClassNode();" << std::endl;

   fs << tab1 << "} else {" << std::endl;

   // generation of writing part of class streamer

   fs << tab2 << "if (obj==0) return 0;" << std::endl;

   firstchild = true;
   while ((c1 = (TClass*) iter()) != 0) {
      if (c1==cl) continue;
      if (c1->GetListOfBases()->FindObject(cl->GetName())==0) continue;
      if (firstchild) {
         firstchild = false;
         fs << tab2 << "if (checktypes) {" << std::endl;
      fs << tab3 << "if (dynamic_cast<" << c1->GetName() << "*>(obj))" << std::endl;
      fs << tab4 << "return " << GetStreamerName(c1) << "(buf, dynamic_cast<" << c1->GetName() << "*>(obj));" << std::endl;
   if (!firstchild) fs << tab2 << "}" << std::endl;

   fs << tab2 << "buf.StartClassNode(\"" << cl->GetName() << "\", "
              << info->GetClassVersion() << ");" << std::endl;

   for (n=0;n<=elements->GetLast();n++) {

      TStreamerElement* el = dynamic_cast<TStreamerElement*> (elements->At(n));
      if (el==0) continue;

      Int_t typ = el->GetType();

      switch (typ) {
         // write basic types
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kBool:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kChar:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kShort:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kInt:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kLong:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kLong64:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kFloat:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kFloat16:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kDouble:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kUChar:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kUShort:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kUInt:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kULong:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kULong64:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kDouble32:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kCounter: {
            fs << tab2 << "buf.WriteValue(";
            if (typ==TVirtualStreamerInfo::kUChar)
               fs <<"(unsigned char) " << ElementGetter(cl, el->GetName());
               fs << ElementGetter(cl, el->GetName());
            fs << ", \"" << el->GetName() << "\");" << std::endl;

         // array of basic types
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kOffsetL + TVirtualStreamerInfo::kBool:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kOffsetL + TVirtualStreamerInfo::kChar:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kOffsetL + TVirtualStreamerInfo::kShort:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kOffsetL + TVirtualStreamerInfo::kInt:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kOffsetL + TVirtualStreamerInfo::kLong:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kOffsetL + TVirtualStreamerInfo::kLong64:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kOffsetL + TVirtualStreamerInfo::kFloat:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kOffsetL + TVirtualStreamerInfo::kFloat16:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kOffsetL + TVirtualStreamerInfo::kDouble:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kOffsetL + TVirtualStreamerInfo::kUChar:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kOffsetL + TVirtualStreamerInfo::kUShort:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kOffsetL + TVirtualStreamerInfo::kUInt:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kOffsetL + TVirtualStreamerInfo::kULong:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kOffsetL + TVirtualStreamerInfo::kULong64:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kOffsetL + TVirtualStreamerInfo::kDouble32: {
            fs << tab2 << "buf.WriteArray("
                       << ElementGetter(cl, el->GetName(), (el->GetArrayDim()>1) ? 1 : 0);
            fs         << ", " << el->GetArrayLength()
                       << ", \"" << el->GetName() << "\");" << std::endl;

         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kOffsetP + TVirtualStreamerInfo::kBool:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kOffsetP + TVirtualStreamerInfo::kChar:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kOffsetP + TVirtualStreamerInfo::kShort:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kOffsetP + TVirtualStreamerInfo::kInt:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kOffsetP + TVirtualStreamerInfo::kLong:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kOffsetP + TVirtualStreamerInfo::kLong64:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kOffsetP + TVirtualStreamerInfo::kFloat:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kOffsetP + TVirtualStreamerInfo::kFloat16:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kOffsetP + TVirtualStreamerInfo::kDouble:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kOffsetP + TVirtualStreamerInfo::kUChar:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kOffsetP + TVirtualStreamerInfo::kUShort:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kOffsetP + TVirtualStreamerInfo::kUInt:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kOffsetP + TVirtualStreamerInfo::kULong:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kOffsetP + TVirtualStreamerInfo::kULong64:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kOffsetP + TVirtualStreamerInfo::kDouble32: {
            TStreamerBasicPointer* elp = dynamic_cast<TStreamerBasicPointer*> (el);
            if (elp==0) {
               std::cout << "fatal error with TStreamerBasicPointer" << std::endl;
            fs << tab2 << "buf.WriteArray(" << ElementGetter(cl, el->GetName());
            fs         << ", " << ElementGetter(cl, elp->GetCountName())
                       << ", \"" << el->GetName() << "\", true);" << std::endl;

         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kCharStar: {
            fs << tab2 << "buf.WriteCharStar(" << ElementGetter(cl, el->GetName())
                       << ", \"" << el->GetName() << "\");" << std::endl;

         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kBase: {
            fs << tab2 << GetStreamerName(el->GetClassPointer())
               << "(buf, dynamic_cast<" << el->GetClassPointer()->GetName()
               << "*>(obj), false);" << std::endl;

         // Class*   Class not derived from TObject and with comment field //->
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kAnyp:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kAnyp    + TVirtualStreamerInfo::kOffsetL: {
            if (el->GetArrayLength()>0) {
               fs << tab2 << "buf.WriteObjectArr(" << ElementGetter(cl, el->GetName());
               fs         << ", " << el->GetArrayLength() << ", -1"
                          << ", \"" << el->GetName() << "\", "
                          << GetStreamerName(el->GetClassPointer()) << ");" << std::endl;
            } else {
               fs << tab2 << "buf.WriteObject(" << ElementGetter(cl, el->GetName());
               fs         << ", \"" << el->GetName() << "\", "
                          << GetStreamerName(el->GetClassPointer()) << ");" << std::endl;

         // Class*   Class not derived from TObject and no comment
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kAnyP:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kAnyP + TVirtualStreamerInfo::kOffsetL: {
            if (el->GetArrayLength()>0) {
               fs << tab2 << "buf.WriteObjectPtrArr((void**) " << ElementGetter(cl, el->GetName(), 3);
               fs         << ", " << el->GetArrayLength()
                          << ", \"" << el->GetName() << "\", "
                          << GetStreamerName(el->GetClassPointer()) << ");" << std::endl;
            } else {
               fs << tab2 << "buf.WriteObjectPtr(" << ElementGetter(cl, el->GetName());
               fs         << ", \"" << el->GetName() << "\", "
                          << GetStreamerName(el->GetClassPointer()) << ");" << std::endl;

         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kAny: {    // Class  NOT derived from TObject
            fs << tab2 << "buf.WriteObject(" << ElementGetter(cl, el->GetName(), 2);
            fs         << ", \"" << el->GetName() << "\", "
                       << GetStreamerName(el->GetClassPointer()) << ");" << std::endl;

         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kAny    + TVirtualStreamerInfo::kOffsetL: {
            fs << tab2 << "buf.WriteObjectArr(" << ElementGetter(cl, el->GetName());
            fs         << ", " << el->GetArrayLength()
                       << ", sizeof(" << el->GetClassPointer()->GetName()
                       << "), \"" << el->GetName() << "\", "
                       << GetStreamerName(el->GetClassPointer()) << ");" << std::endl;

         // container with no virtual table (stl) and no comment
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kSTLp + TVirtualStreamerInfo::kOffsetL:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kSTL + TVirtualStreamerInfo::kOffsetL:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kSTLp:
         case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kSTL: {
            TStreamerSTL* elstl = dynamic_cast<TStreamerSTL*> (el);
            if (elstl==0) break; // to make skip

            if (ProduceSTLstreamer(fs, cl, elstl, true)) continue;
            fs << tab2 << "// STL type = " << elstl->GetSTLtype() << std::endl;

      fs << tab2 << "buf.MakeEmptyMember(\"" << el->GetName()
                 << "\");   // sinfo type " << el->GetType()
                 << " of class " << el->GetClassPointer()->GetName()
                 << " not supported" << std::endl;

   fs << tab2 << "buf.EndClassNode();" << std::endl;

   fs << tab1 << "}" << std::endl;
   fs << tab1 << "return obj;" << std::endl;
   fs << "}" << std::endl << std::endl;

void TXMLPlayer::ReadSTLarg(std::ostream& fs,
                            TString& argname,
                            int argtyp,
                            Bool_t isargptr,
                            TClass* argcl,
                            TString& tname,
                            TString& ifcond)
   // Produce code to read argument of stl container from xml file

   switch(argtyp) {
      case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kBool:
      case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kChar:
      case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kShort:
      case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kInt:
      case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kLong:
      case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kLong64:
      case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kFloat:
      case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kFloat16:
      case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kDouble:
      case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kUChar:
      case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kUShort:
      case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kUInt:
      case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kULong:
      case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kULong64:
      case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kDouble32:
      case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kCounter: {
         fs << tname << " " << argname << " = buf."
            << GetBasicTypeReaderMethodName(argtyp, tname.Data()) << "(0);" << std::endl;

      case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kObject: {
         fs << tname << (isargptr ? " ": " *") << argname << " = "
            << "(" << argcl->GetName() << "*)"
            << "buf.ReadObjectPtr(0, "
            << GetStreamerName(argcl) << ");" << std::endl;
         if (!isargptr) {
            if (ifcond.Length()>0) ifcond+=" && ";
            ifcond += argname;
            TString buf = "*";
            buf += argname;
            argname = buf;

      case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kSTLstring: {
         fs << "string *" << argname << " = "
            << "buf.ReadSTLstring();" << std::endl;
         if (!isargptr) {
            if (ifcond.Length()>0) ifcond+=" && ";
            ifcond += argname;
            TString buf = "*";
            buf += argname;
            argname = buf;

         fs << "/* argument " << argname << " not supported */";

void TXMLPlayer::WriteSTLarg(std::ostream& fs, const char* accname, int argtyp, Bool_t isargptr, TClass* argcl)
   // Produce code to write argument of stl container to xml file

   switch(argtyp) {
      case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kBool:
      case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kChar:
      case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kShort:
      case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kInt:
      case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kLong:
      case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kLong64:
      case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kFloat:
      case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kFloat16:
      case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kDouble:
      case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kUChar:
      case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kUShort:
      case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kUInt:
      case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kULong:
      case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kULong64:
      case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kDouble32:
      case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kCounter: {
         fs << "buf.WriteValue(" << accname << ", 0);" << std::endl;

      case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kObject: {
         fs << "buf.WriteObjectPtr(";
         if (isargptr)
            fs << accname;
            fs << "&(" << accname << ")";
         fs << ", 0, " <<  GetStreamerName(argcl) << ");" << std::endl;

      case TVirtualStreamerInfo::kSTLstring: {
         fs << "buf.WriteSTLstring(";
         if (isargptr)
            fs << accname;
            fs << "&(" << accname << ")";
         fs << ");" << std::endl;

         fs << "/* argument not supported */" << std::endl;

Bool_t TXMLPlayer::ProduceSTLstreamer(std::ostream& fs, TClass* cl, TStreamerSTL* el, Bool_t isWriting)
   // Produce code of xml streamer for data member of stl type

   if ((cl==0) || (el==0)) return false;

   TClass* contcl = el->GetClassPointer();

   Bool_t isstr = (el->GetSTLtype() == ROOT::kSTLstring);
   Bool_t isptr = el->IsaPointer();
   Bool_t isarr = (el->GetArrayLength()>0);
   Bool_t isparent = (strcmp(el->GetName(), contcl->GetName())==0);

   int stltyp = -1;
   int narg = 0;
   int argtype[2];
   Bool_t isargptr[2];
   TClass* argcl[2];
   TString argtname[2];

   if (!isstr && TClassEdit::IsSTLCont(contcl->GetName())) {
         std::string shortTypeName =
            TClassEdit::ShortType(contcl->GetName(), TClassEdit::kDropStlDefault);
         int nestedLoc = 0;
         std::vector<std::string> splitName;
         TClassEdit::GetSplit(shortTypeName.c_str(), splitName, nestedLoc);

         stltyp = TClassEdit::STLKind(splitName[0].c_str());
         switch (stltyp) {
            case ROOT::kSTLvector   : narg = 1; break;
            case ROOT::kSTLlist     : narg = 1; break;
            case ROOT::kSTLdeque    : narg = 1; break;
            case ROOT::kSTLmap      : narg = 2; break;
            case ROOT::kSTLmultimap : narg = 2; break;
            case ROOT::kSTLset      : narg = 1; break;
            case ROOT::kSTLmultiset : narg = 1; break;
            default: return false;

         for(int n=0;n<narg;n++) {
            argtype[n] = -1;
            isargptr[n] = false;
            argcl[n] = 0;
            argtname[n] = "";

            TString buf = splitName[n+1];

            argtname[n] = buf;

            // nested STL containers not yet supported
            if (TClassEdit::IsSTLCont(buf.Data())) return false;

            int pstar = buf.Index("*");

            if (pstar>0) {
               isargptr[n] = true;
               while ((pstar>0) && (buf[pstar]==' ')) pstar--;
            } else
               isargptr[n] = false;

            if (buf.Index("const ")==0) {
               while ((buf.Length()>0) && (buf[0]==' ')) buf.Remove(0,1);

            TDataType *dt = (TDataType*)gROOT->GetListOfTypes()->FindObject(buf);
            if (dt) argtype[n] = dt->GetType(); else
            if (buf=="string")
               argtype[n] = TVirtualStreamerInfo::kSTLstring;
            else {
               argcl[n] = TClass::GetClass(buf);
               if (argcl[n]!=0) argtype[n]=TVirtualStreamerInfo::kObject;
            if (argtype[n]<0) stltyp = -1;
         } // for narg

      if (stltyp<0) return false;

   Bool_t akaarrayaccess = (narg==1) && (argtype[0]<20);

   char tabs[30], tabs2[30];

   if (isWriting) {

      fs << tab2 << "if (buf.StartSTLnode(\""
                 << fXmlSetup.XmlGetElementName(el) << "\")) {" << std::endl;

      fs << tab3 << contcl->GetName() << " ";

      TString accname;
      if (isptr) {
         if (isarr) { fs << "**cont"; accname = "(*cont)->"; }
            else { fs << "*cont"; accname = "cont->"; }
      } else
      if (isarr) { fs << "*cont"; accname = "cont->"; }
         else { fs << "&cont"; accname = "cont."; }

      fs << " = ";

      if (isparent)
         fs << "*dynamic_cast<" << contcl->GetName() << "*>(obj);" << std::endl;
         fs << ElementGetter(cl, el->GetName()) << ";" << std::endl;

      if (isarr && el->GetArrayLength()) {
         strlcpy(tabs, tab4, sizeof(tabs));
         fs << tab3 << "for(int n=0;n<" << el->GetArrayLength() << ";n++) {" << std::endl;
      } else
         strlcpy(tabs, tab3, sizeof(tabs));

      strlcpy(tabs2, tabs, sizeof(tabs2));

      if (isptr) {
         strlcat(tabs2, tab1, sizeof(tabs2));
         fs << tabs << "if (" << (isarr ? "*cont" : "cont") << "==0) {" << std::endl;
         fs << tabs2 << "buf.WriteSTLsize(0" << (isstr ? ",true);" : ");") << std::endl;
         fs << tabs << "} else {" << std::endl;

      fs << tabs2 << "buf.WriteSTLsize(" << accname
                  << (isstr ? "length(), true);" : "size());") << std::endl;

      if (isstr) {
         fs << tabs2 << "buf.WriteSTLstringData(" << accname << "c_str());" << std::endl;
      } else {
         if (akaarrayaccess) {
            fs << tabs2 << argtname[0] << "* arr = new " << argtname[0]
                                       << "[" << accname << "size()];" << std::endl;
            fs << tabs2 << "int k = 0;" << std::endl;

         fs << tabs2 << contcl->GetName() << "::const_iterator iter;" << std::endl;
         fs << tabs2 << "for (iter = " << accname << "begin(); iter != "
                    << accname << "end(); iter++)";
         if (akaarrayaccess) {
            fs << std::endl << tabs2 << tab1 << "arr[k++] = *iter;" << std::endl;
            fs << tabs2 << "buf.WriteArray(arr, " << accname << "size(), 0, false);" << std::endl;
            fs << tabs2 << "delete[] arr;" << std::endl;
         } else
         if (narg==1) {
            fs << std::endl << tabs2 << tab1;
            WriteSTLarg(fs, "*iter", argtype[0], isargptr[0], argcl[0]);
         } else
         if (narg==2) {
            fs << " {" << std::endl;
            fs << tabs2 << tab1;
            WriteSTLarg(fs, "iter->first", argtype[0], isargptr[0], argcl[0]);
            fs << tabs2 << tab1;
            WriteSTLarg(fs, "iter->second", argtype[1], isargptr[1], argcl[1]);
            fs << tabs2 << "}" << std::endl;
      } // if (isstr)

      if (isptr) fs << tabs << "}" << std::endl;

      if (isarr && el->GetArrayLength()) {
         if (isptr)
            fs << tabs << "cont++;" << std::endl;
            fs << tabs << "(void*) cont = (char*) cont + sizeof(" << contcl->GetName() << ");" << std::endl;
         fs << tab3 << "}" << std::endl;

      fs << tab3 << "buf.EndSTLnode();" << std::endl;
      fs << tab2 << "}" << std::endl;

   } else {

      fs << tab2 << "if (buf.VerifySTLnode(\""
                 << fXmlSetup.XmlGetElementName(el) << "\")) {" << std::endl;

      fs << tab3 << contcl->GetName() << " ";
      TString accname, accptr;
      if (isptr) {
         if (isarr) { fs << "**cont"; accname = "(*cont)->"; accptr = "*cont"; }
            else { fs << "*cont"; accname = "cont->"; accptr = "cont"; }
      } else
      if (isarr) { fs << "*cont"; accname = "cont->"; }
         else { fs << "&cont"; accname = "cont."; }

      fs << " = ";

      if (isparent)
         fs << "*dynamic_cast<" << contcl->GetName() << "*>(obj);" << std::endl;
         fs << ElementGetter(cl, el->GetName()) << ";" << std::endl;

      if (isarr && el->GetArrayLength()) {
         strlcpy(tabs, tab4, sizeof(tabs));
         fs << tab3 << "for(int n=0;n<" << el->GetArrayLength() << ";n++) {" << std::endl;
      } else
         strlcpy(tabs, tab3, sizeof(tabs));

      fs << tabs << "int size = buf.ReadSTLsize(" << (isstr ? "true);" : ");") << std::endl;

      if (isptr) {
         fs << tabs << "delete " << accptr << ";" << std::endl;
         fs << tabs << "if (size==0) " << accptr << " = 0;" << std::endl;
         fs << tabs << "        else " << accptr << " = new " << contcl->GetName() << ";" << std::endl;
         if (!isarr) {
            char endch[5];
            fs << tabs << ElementSetter(cl, el->GetName(), endch);
            fs         << "cont" << endch << ";" << std::endl;
      } else {
         fs << tabs << accname << (isstr ? "erase();" : "clear();") << std::endl;

      if (isstr) {
         fs << tabs << "if (size>0) " << accname << "assign(buf.ReadSTLstringData(size));" << std::endl;
      } else {
         if (akaarrayaccess) {
            fs << tabs << argtname[0] << "* arr = new " << argtname[0] << "[size];" << std::endl;
            fs << tabs << "buf.ReadArray(arr, size, 0, false);" << std::endl;

         fs << tabs << "for(int k=0;k<size;k++)";

         if (akaarrayaccess) {
            fs << std::endl << tabs << tab1 << accname;
            if ((stltyp==ROOT::kSTLset) || (stltyp==ROOT::kSTLmultiset))
               fs << "insert"; else fs << "push_back";
            fs << "(arr[k]);" << std::endl;
            fs << tabs << "delete[] arr;" << std::endl;
         } else
         if (narg==1) {
            TString arg1("arg"), ifcond;
            fs << " {" << std::endl << tabs << tab1;
            ReadSTLarg(fs, arg1, argtype[0], isargptr[0], argcl[0], argtname[0], ifcond);
            fs << tabs << tab1;
            if (ifcond.Length()>0) fs << "if (" << ifcond << ") ";
            fs << accname;
            if ((stltyp==ROOT::kSTLset) || (stltyp==ROOT::kSTLmultiset))
               fs << "insert";
               fs << "push_back";
            fs << "(" << arg1 << ");" << std::endl;
            fs << tabs << "}" << std::endl;
         } else
         if (narg==2) {
            TString arg1("arg1"), arg2("arg2"), ifcond;
            fs << " {" << std::endl << tabs << tab1;
            ReadSTLarg(fs, arg1, argtype[0], isargptr[0], argcl[0], argtname[0], ifcond);
            fs << tabs << tab1;
            ReadSTLarg(fs, arg2, argtype[1], isargptr[1], argcl[1], argtname[1], ifcond);
            fs << tabs << tab1;
            if (ifcond.Length()>0) fs << "if (" << ifcond << ") ";
            fs << accname << "insert(make_pair("
               << arg1 << ", " << arg2 << "));" << std::endl;
            fs << tabs << "}" << std::endl;

      if (isarr && el->GetArrayLength()) {
         if (isptr) fs << tabs << "cont++;" << std::endl;
         else fs << tabs << "(void*) cont = (char*) cont + sizeof(" << contcl->GetName() << ");" << std::endl;
         fs << tab3 << "}" << std::endl;

      fs << tab3 << "buf.EndSTLnode();" << std::endl;
      fs << tab2 << "}" << std::endl;
   return true;