/* @(#)root/base:$Id$ */

 * Copyright (C) 1995-2014, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
 * All rights reserved.                                                  *
 *                                                                       *
 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *

#ifndef ROOT_Rtypes
#define ROOT_Rtypes

//                                                                      //
// Rtypes                                                               //
//                                                                      //
// Basic types used by ROOT; ClassDef macros.                           //
//                                                                      //

#ifndef ROOT_RtypesCore
#include "RtypesCore.h"
#ifndef ROOT_DllImport
#include "DllImport.h"
#ifndef ROOT_Rtypeinfo
#include "Rtypeinfo.h"

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "snprintf.h"   // part of stdio.h on systems that have it
#include "strlcpy.h"    // part of string.h on systems that have it
#include <atomic>

//---- forward declared class types --------------------------------------------

class TClass;
class TBuffer;
class TDirectory;
class TMemberInspector;
class TObject;
class TNamed;
class TCollection;
class TFileMergeInfo;
class TString;

//Moved from TSystem.
enum ESysConstants {
   kMAXSIGNALS       = 15,
   kMAXPATHLEN       = 8192,
   kBUFFERSIZE       = 8192,
   kItimerResolution = 10      // interval-timer resolution in ms

enum EColor { kWhite =0,   kBlack =1,   kGray=920,
              kRed   =632, kGreen =416, kBlue=600, kYellow=400, kMagenta=616, kCyan=432,
              kOrange=800, kSpring=820, kTeal=840, kAzure =860, kViolet =880, kPink=900 };

// There is several streamer concepts.
class TClassStreamer;   // Streamer functor for a class
class TMemberStreamer;  // Streamer functor for a data member
typedef void (*ClassStreamerFunc_t)(TBuffer&, void*);  // Streamer function for a class
typedef void (*ClassConvStreamerFunc_t)(TBuffer&, void*, const TClass*);  // Streamer function for a class with conversion.
typedef void (*MemberStreamerFunc_t)(TBuffer&, void*, Int_t); // Streamer function for a data member

// This class is used to implement proxy around collection classes.
class TVirtualCollectionProxy;

typedef void    (*VoidFuncPtr_t)();  //pointer to void function
typedef TClass* (*DictFuncPtr_t)();  //pointer to dictionary function
// NOTE: the previous name must be changed.

//---- constants ---------------------------------------------------------------

#ifndef NULL
#define NULL 0

#ifndef R__NULLPTR
#ifndef nullptr
#define nullptr 0

const Bool_t kTRUE  = true;
const Bool_t kFALSE = false;

const Int_t     kMaxUChar    = 256;
const Int_t     kMaxChar     = kMaxUChar >> 1;
const Int_t     kMinChar     = -kMaxChar - 1;

const Int_t     kMaxUShort   = 65534;
const Int_t     kMaxShort    = kMaxUShort >> 1;
const Int_t     kMinShort    = -kMaxShort - 1;

const UInt_t    kMaxUInt     = UInt_t(~0);
const Int_t     kMaxInt      = Int_t(kMaxUInt >> 1);
const Int_t     kMinInt      = -kMaxInt - 1;

const ULong_t   kMaxULong    = ULong_t(~0);
const Long_t    kMaxLong     = Long_t(kMaxULong >> 1);
const Long_t    kMinLong     = -kMaxLong - 1;

const ULong64_t kMaxULong64  = ULong64_t(~0LL);
const Long64_t  kMaxLong64   = Long64_t(kMaxULong64 >> 1);
const Long64_t  kMinLong64   = -kMaxLong64 - 1;

const size_t    kBitsPerByte = 8;
const Ssiz_t    kNPOS        = ~(Ssiz_t)0;

//--- bit manipulation ---------------------------------------------------------

#define BIT(n)       (1ULL << (n))
#define SETBIT(n,i)  ((n) |= BIT(i))
#define CLRBIT(n,i)  ((n) &= ~BIT(i))
#define TESTBIT(n,i) ((Bool_t)(((n) & BIT(i)) != 0))

//---- debug global ------------------------------------------------------------

R__EXTERN Int_t gDebug;

//---- ClassDef macros ---------------------------------------------------------

typedef void (*ShowMembersFunc_t)(const void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp, Bool_t isTransient);
class TVirtualIsAProxy;
typedef TClass *(*IsAGlobalFunc_t)(const TClass*, const void *obj);

// TBuffer.h declares and implements the following 2 operators
template <class Tmpl> TBuffer &operator>>(TBuffer &buf, Tmpl *&obj);
template <class Tmpl> TBuffer &operator<<(TBuffer &buf, const Tmpl *obj);

// This might get used if we implement setting a class version.
// template <class RootClass> Short_t GetClassVersion(RootClass *);

namespace ROOT {

   class TGenericClassInfo;
   typedef void *(*NewFunc_t)(void *);
   typedef void *(*NewArrFunc_t)(Long_t size, void *arena);
   typedef void  (*DelFunc_t)(void *);
   typedef void  (*DelArrFunc_t)(void *);
   typedef void  (*DesFunc_t)(void *);
   typedef void  (*DirAutoAdd_t)(void *, TDirectory *);
   typedef Long64_t (*MergeFunc_t)(void *, TCollection *, TFileMergeInfo *);
   typedef void  (*ResetAfterMergeFunc_t)(void *, TFileMergeInfo *);

   template <class RootClass> Short_t SetClassVersion(RootClass *);

   extern TClass *CreateClass(const char *cname, Version_t id,
                              const type_info &info, TVirtualIsAProxy *isa,
                              const char *dfil, const char *ifil,
                              Int_t dl, Int_t il);
   extern void AddClass(const char *cname, Version_t id, const type_info &info,
                        DictFuncPtr_t dict, Int_t pragmabits);
   extern void RemoveClass(const char *cname);
   extern void ResetClassVersion(TClass*, const char*, Short_t);
   extern void AddClassAlternate(const char *normName, const char *alternate);

   extern TNamed *RegisterClassTemplate(const char *name,
                                        const char *file, Int_t line);

   extern void Class_ShowMembers(TClass *cl, const void *obj, TMemberInspector&);

#if 0
   // This function is only implemented in the dictionary file.
   // The parameter is 'only' for overloading resolution.
   // Used to be a template <class T> TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const T*);
   template <class T> TGenericClassInfo *GetClassInfo(const T* t) {
      TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const T*);
      return CreateInitInstance(t);

   class TInitBehavior {
      // This class defines the interface for the class registration and
      // the TClass creation. To modify the default behavior, one would
      // inherit from this class and overload ROOT::DefineBehavior().
      // See TQObject.h and table/inc/Ttypes.h for examples.
      virtual ~TInitBehavior() { }
      virtual void Register(const char *cname, Version_t id, const type_info &info,
                            DictFuncPtr_t dict, Int_t pragmabits) const = 0;
      virtual void Unregister(const char *classname) const = 0;
      virtual TClass *CreateClass(const char *cname, Version_t id,
                                  const type_info &info, TVirtualIsAProxy *isa,
                                  const char *dfil, const char *ifil,
                                  Int_t dl, Int_t il) const = 0;

   class TDefaultInitBehavior : public TInitBehavior {
      virtual void Register(const char *cname, Version_t id, const type_info &info,
                            DictFuncPtr_t dict, Int_t pragmabits) const {
         ROOT::AddClass(cname, id, info, dict, pragmabits);
      virtual void Unregister(const char *classname) const {
      virtual TClass *CreateClass(const char *cname, Version_t id,
                                  const type_info &info, TVirtualIsAProxy *isa,
                                  const char *dfil, const char *ifil,
                                  Int_t dl, Int_t il) const {
         return ROOT::CreateClass(cname, id, info, isa, dfil, ifil, dl, il);

   const TInitBehavior *DefineBehavior(void * /*parent_type*/,
                                       void * /*actual_type*/);

} // End of namespace ROOT

// The macros below use TGenericClassInfo, so let's ensure it is included
#ifndef ROOT_TGenericClassInfo
#include "TGenericClassInfo.h"

typedef std::atomic<TClass*> atomic_TClass_ptr;

// Common part of ClassDef definition.
// DeclFileLine() is not part of it since CINT uses that as trigger for
// the class comment string.
#define _ClassDef_(name,id, virtual_keyword, overrd) \
private: \
   static atomic_TClass_ptr fgIsA; \
public: \
   static TClass *Class(); \
   static const char *Class_Name(); \
   static Version_t Class_Version() { return id; } \
   static TClass *Dictionary(); \
   virtual_keyword TClass *IsA() const overrd { return name::Class(); } \
   virtual_keyword void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector&insp) const overrd { ::ROOT::Class_ShowMembers(name::Class(), this, insp); } \
   virtual_keyword void Streamer(TBuffer&) overrd; \
   void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer&ClassDef_StreamerNVirtual_b) { name::Streamer(ClassDef_StreamerNVirtual_b); } \
   static const char *DeclFileName() { return __FILE__; } \
   static int ImplFileLine(); \
   static const char *ImplFileName();

#define ClassDef(name,id) \
   _ClassDef_(name,id,virtual,)   \
   static int DeclFileLine() { return __LINE__; }

#define ClassDefOverride(name,id) \
   _ClassDef_(name,id,,override)   \
   static int DeclFileLine() { return __LINE__; }

#define ClassDefNV(name,id) \
   _ClassDef_(name,id,,) \
   static int DeclFileLine() { return __LINE__; }

#define R__UseDummy(name) \
   class _NAME2_(name,_c) { public: _NAME2_(name,_c)() { if (name) { } } }

#define ClassImpUnique(name,key) \
   namespace ROOT { \
      TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const name*); \
      namespace { \
         static int _R__UNIQUE_(_NAME2_(R__dummyint,key)) = \
            GenerateInitInstance((name*)0x0)->SetImplFile(__FILE__, __LINE__); \
         R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(_NAME2_(R__dummyint,key))); \
      } \
#define ClassImp(name) ClassImpUnique(name,default)

// Macro for Namespace

#define NamespaceImpUnique(name,key) \
   namespace name { \
      namespace ROOT { \
         ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(); \
         namespace { \
            static int _R__UNIQUE_(_NAME2_(R__dummyint,key)) = \
               GenerateInitInstance()->SetImplFile(__FILE__, __LINE__); \
            R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(_NAME2_(R__dummyint,key))); \
         } \
      } \
#define NamespaceImp(name) NamespaceImpUnique(name,default)

//---- ClassDefT macros for templates with one template argument ---------------
// ClassDefT  corresponds to ClassDef
// ClassDefT2 goes in the same header as ClassDefT but must be
//            outside the class scope
// ClassImpT  corresponds to ClassImp

// This ClassDefT is stricly redundant and is kept only for
// backward compatibility.

#define ClassDefT(name,id) \
   _ClassDef_(name,id,virtual,) \
   static int DeclFileLine() { return __LINE__; }

#define ClassDefTNV(name,id) \
   _ClassDef_(name,id,virtual,) \
   static int DeclFileLine() { return __LINE__; }

#define ClassDefT2(name,Tmpl)

#define templateClassImpUnique(name,key) \
   namespace ROOT { \
      static TNamed *_R__UNIQUE_(_NAME2_(R__dummyholder,key)) = \
         ROOT::RegisterClassTemplate(_QUOTE_(name), __FILE__, __LINE__); \
      R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(_NAME2_(R__dummyholder,key))); \
#define templateClassImp(name) templateClassImpUnique(name,default)

#define ClassImpT(name,Tmpl) templateClassImp(name)

//---- ClassDefT macros for templates with two template arguments --------------
// ClassDef2T2 goes in the same header as ClassDefT but must be
//             outside the class scope
// ClassImp2T  corresponds to ClassImpT

#define ClassDef2T2(name,Tmpl1,Tmpl2)
#define ClassImp2T(name,Tmpl1,Tmpl2) templateClassImp(name)

//---- ClassDefT macros for templates with three template arguments ------------
// ClassDef3T2 goes in the same header as ClassDefT but must be
//             outside the class scope
// ClassImp3T  corresponds to ClassImpT

#define ClassDef3T2(name,Tmpl1,Tmpl2,Tmpl3)
#define ClassImp3T(name,Tmpl1,Tmpl2,Tmpl3) templateClassImp(name)

//---- Macro to set the class version of non instrumented classes --------------

#define RootClassVersion(name,VersionNumber) \
namespace ROOT { \
   TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const name*); \
   static Short_t _R__UNIQUE_(R__dummyVersionNumber) = \
           GenerateInitInstance((name*)0x0)->SetVersion(VersionNumber); \
   R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(R__dummyVersionNumber)); \

#define RootStreamer(name,STREAMER)                                  \
namespace ROOT {                                                     \
   TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const name*);             \
   static Short_t _R__UNIQUE_(R__dummyStreamer) =                    \
           GenerateInitInstance((name*)0x0)->SetStreamer(STREAMER);  \
   R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(R__dummyStreamer));                       \

//---- Macro to load a library into the interpreter --------------
// Call as R__LOAD_LIBRARY(libEvent)
// This macro intentionally does not take string as argument, to
// prevent compilation errors with complex diagnostics due to
//   TString BAD_DO_NOT_TRY = "lib";
#define _R_PragmaStr(x) _Pragma(#x)
#ifdef __CLING__
# define R__LOAD_LIBRARY(LIBRARY) _R_PragmaStr(cling load ( #LIBRARY ))
#elif defined(R__WIN32)
# define R__LOAD_LIBRARY(LIBRARY) _R_PragmaStr(comment(lib, #LIBRARY))
// No way to inform linker though preprocessor :-(
// We could even inform the user:
   _R_PragmaStr(message "Compiler cannot handle linking against " #LIBRARY \
                ". Use -L and -l instead.")
