// @(#)root/roostats:$Id$
// Author: Kyle Cranmer, George Lewis 
 * Copyright (C) 1995-2008, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
 * All rights reserved.                                                  *
 *                                                                       *
 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *


#include "TH1.h"
#include "RooStats/HistFactory/Sample.h"
#include "RooStats/HistFactory/HistFactoryException.h"

//#include "TClass.h"

RooStats::HistFactory::Sample::Sample() : 
  fNormalizeByTheory(false), fStatErrorActivate(false), fhNominal(), fhCountingHist(0) { ; }

// copy constructor (important for python)
RooStats::HistFactory::Sample::Sample(const Sample& other) :
  fName(other.fName), fInputFile(other.fInputFile),
  fHistoName(other.fHistoName), fHistoPath(other.fHistoPath),


    if( other.fhCountingHist ) {
      SetValue( other.fhCountingHist->GetBinContent(1) );
      fhCountingHist = NULL;

RooStats::HistFactory::Sample::Sample(std::string SampName, std::string SampHistoName, std::string SampInputFile, std::string SampHistoPath) : 
  fName( SampName ),   fInputFile( SampInputFile), 
  fHistoName( SampHistoName ), fHistoPath( SampHistoPath ),
  fNormalizeByTheory(true), fStatErrorActivate(false), fhNominal(),
  fhCountingHist(0) { ; }

RooStats::HistFactory::Sample::Sample(std::string SampName) : 
  fName( SampName ),   fInputFile( "" ), 
  fHistoName( "" ), fHistoPath( "" ),
  fNormalizeByTheory(true), fStatErrorActivate(false),fhNominal(),
  fhCountingHist(0) { ; }

RooStats::HistFactory::Sample::~Sample() {
    delete fhCountingHist;

TH1* RooStats::HistFactory::Sample::GetHisto()  {
  TH1* histo = (TH1*) fhNominal.GetObject();
  return histo;

void RooStats::HistFactory::Sample::writeToFile( std::string OutputFileName, std::string DirName ) {

  TH1* histNominal = GetHisto();
  // Set the location of the data
  // in the output measurement
  fInputFile = OutputFileName;
  fHistoName = histNominal->GetName();
  fHistoPath = DirName;

  // Write this sample's StatError
  GetStatError().writeToFile( OutputFileName, DirName );

  // Must write all systematics that contain internal histograms
  // (This is not all systematics)
  for( unsigned int i = 0; i < GetHistoSysList().size(); ++i ) {
    GetHistoSysList().at(i).writeToFile( OutputFileName, DirName );
  for( unsigned int i = 0; i < GetHistoFactorList().size(); ++i ) {
    GetHistoFactorList().at(i).writeToFile( OutputFileName, DirName );
  for( unsigned int i = 0; i < GetShapeSysList().size(); ++i ) {
    GetShapeSysList().at(i).writeToFile( OutputFileName, DirName );
  for( unsigned int i = 0; i < GetShapeFactorList().size(); ++i ) {
    GetShapeFactorList().at(i).writeToFile( OutputFileName, DirName );



void RooStats::HistFactory::Sample::SetValue( Double_t val ) {

  // For use in a number counting measurement
  // Create a 1-bin histogram, 
  // fill it with this input value,
  // and set this Sample's histogram to that hist
  std::string SampleHistName = fName + "_hist";
  // Histogram has 1-bin (hard-coded)
    delete fhCountingHist;
  fhCountingHist = new TH1F( SampleHistName.c_str(), SampleHistName.c_str(), 1, 0, 1 );
  fhCountingHist->SetBinContent( 1, val );

  // Set the histogram of the internally held data
  // node of this channel to this newly created histogram
  SetHisto( fhCountingHist );


void RooStats::HistFactory::Sample::Print( std::ostream& stream ) {

  stream << "\t \t Name: " << fName
	 << "\t \t Channel: " << fChannelName
	 << "\t NormalizeByTheory: " << (fNormalizeByTheory ? "True" : "False")
	 << "\t StatErrorActivate: " << (fStatErrorActivate ? "True" : "False")
	 << std::endl;  

  stream << "\t \t \t \t " 
	 << "\t InputFile: " << fInputFile
	 << "\t HistName: " << fHistoName
	 << "\t HistoPath: " << fHistoPath
	 << "\t HistoAddress: " << GetHisto()
    // << "\t Type: " << GetHisto()->ClassName()
	 << std::endl;  

  if( fStatError.GetActivate() ) {
    stream << "\t \t \t StatError Activate: " << fStatError.GetActivate()
	   << "\t InputFile: " << fInputFile
	   << "\t HistName: " << fStatError.GetHistoName()
	   << "\t HistoPath: " << fStatError.GetHistoPath()
	   << "\t HistoAddress: " << fStatError.GetErrorHist()
         << std::endl;  

  stream<< " NormalizeByTheory: ";
  if(NormalizeByTheory)  stream << "True";
  else                   stream << "False";

  stream<< " StatErrorActivate: ";
  if(StatErrorActivate)  stream << "True";
  else                   stream << "False";


void RooStats::HistFactory::Sample::PrintXML( std::ofstream& xml ) {
  // Create the sample tag
  xml << "    <Sample Name=\"" << fName << "\" "
      << " HistoPath=\"" << fHistoPath << "\" "
      << " HistoName=\"" << fHistoName << "\" "
      << " InputFile=\"" << fInputFile << "\" "
      << " NormalizeByTheory=\"" << (fNormalizeByTheory ? std::string("True") : std::string("False"))  << "\" "
      << ">" << std::endl;

  // Print Stat Error (if necessary)
  fStatError.PrintXML( xml );
  if( fStatError.GetActivate() ) {
    xml << "      <StatError Activate=\"" << (fStatError.GetActivate() ? std::string("True") : std::string("False"))  << "\" "
	<< " InputFile=\"" << fStatError.GetInputFile() << "\" "
	<< " HistoName=\"" << fStatError.GetHistoName() << "\" "
	<< " HistoPath=\"" << fStatError.GetHistoPath() << "\" "
	<< " /> " << std::endl;

  // Now, print the systematics:
  for( unsigned int i = 0; i < fOverallSysList.size(); ++i ) {
    RooStats::HistFactory::OverallSys sys = fOverallSysList.at(i);
    xml << "      <OverallSys Name=\"" << sys.GetName() << "\" "
	<< " High=\"" << sys.GetHigh() << "\" "
	<< " Low=\""  << sys.GetLow()  << "\" "
	<< "  /> " << std::endl;
  for( unsigned int i = 0; i < fNormFactorList.size(); ++i ) {
    RooStats::HistFactory::NormFactor sys = fNormFactorList.at(i);
    xml << "      <NormFactor Name=\"" << sys.GetName() << "\" "
	<< " Val=\""   << sys.GetVal()   << "\" "
	<< " High=\""  << sys.GetHigh()  << "\" "
	<< " Low=\""   << sys.GetLow()   << "\" "
	<< " Const=\"" << (sys.GetConst() ? std::string("True") : std::string("False")) << "\" "
	<< "  /> " << std::endl;
  for( unsigned int i = 0; i < fHistoSysList.size(); ++i ) {
    RooStats::HistFactory::HistoSys sys = fHistoSysList.at(i);
    xml << "      <HistoSys Name=\"" << sys.GetName() << "\" "

	<< " InputFileLow=\""  << sys.GetInputFileLow()  << "\" "
	<< " HistoNameLow=\""  << sys.GetHistoNameLow()  << "\" "
	<< " HistoPathLow=\""  << sys.GetHistoPathLow()  << "\" "

	<< " InputFileHigh=\""  << sys.GetInputFileHigh()  << "\" "
	<< " HistoNameHigh=\""  << sys.GetHistoNameHigh()  << "\" "
	<< " HistoPathHigh=\""  << sys.GetHistoPathHigh()  << "\" "
	<< "  /> " << std::endl;
  for( unsigned int i = 0; i < fHistoFactorList.size(); ++i ) {
    RooStats::HistFactory::HistoFactor sys = fHistoFactorList.at(i);
    xml << "      <HistoFactor Name=\"" << sys.GetName() << "\" "

	<< " InputFileLow=\""  << sys.GetInputFileLow()  << "\" "
	<< " HistoNameLow=\""  << sys.GetHistoNameLow()  << "\" "
	<< " HistoPathLow=\""  << sys.GetHistoPathLow()  << "\" "

	<< " InputFileHigh=\""  << sys.GetInputFileHigh()  << "\" "
	<< " HistoNameHigh=\""  << sys.GetHistoNameHigh()  << "\" "
	<< " HistoPathHigh=\""  << sys.GetHistoPathHigh()  << "\" "
	<< "  /> " << std::endl;
  for( unsigned int i = 0; i < fShapeSysList.size(); ++i ) {
    RooStats::HistFactory::ShapeSys sys = fShapeSysList.at(i);
    xml << "      <ShapeSys Name=\"" << sys.GetName() << "\" "

	<< " InputFile=\""  << sys.GetInputFile()  << "\" "
	<< " HistoName=\""  << sys.GetHistoName()  << "\" "
	<< " HistoPath=\""  << sys.GetHistoPath()  << "\" "
	<< " ConstraintType=\"" << std::string(Constraint::Name(sys.GetConstraintType())) << "\" "
	<< "  /> " << std::endl;
  for( unsigned int i = 0; i < fShapeFactorList.size(); ++i ) {
    RooStats::HistFactory::ShapeFactor sys = fShapeFactorList.at(i);
    xml << "      <ShapeFactor Name=\"" << sys.GetName() << "\" "
	<< "  /> " << std::endl;

  // Finally, close the tag
  xml << "    </Sample>" << std::endl;


// Some helper functions
// (Not strictly necessary because
//  methods are publicly accessable)

void RooStats::HistFactory::Sample::ActivateStatError() {
  fStatError.Activate( true );
  fStatError.SetUseHisto( false );


void RooStats::HistFactory::Sample::ActivateStatError( std::string StatHistoName, std::string StatInputFile, std::string StatHistoPath ) {

  fStatError.Activate( true );
  fStatError.SetUseHisto( true );

  fStatError.SetInputFile( StatInputFile );
  fStatError.SetHistoName( StatHistoName );
  fStatError.SetHistoPath( StatHistoPath );


void RooStats::HistFactory::Sample::AddOverallSys( std::string SysName, Double_t SysLow, Double_t SysHigh ) {

  RooStats::HistFactory::OverallSys sys;
  sys.SetName( SysName );
  sys.SetLow( SysLow );
  sys.SetHigh( SysHigh );

  fOverallSysList.push_back( sys );


void RooStats::HistFactory::Sample::AddOverallSys( const OverallSys& Sys ) {

void RooStats::HistFactory::Sample::AddNormFactor( std::string SysName, Double_t SysVal, Double_t SysLow, Double_t SysHigh, bool SysConst ) {

  RooStats::HistFactory::NormFactor norm;

  norm.SetName( SysName );
  norm.SetVal( SysVal );
  norm.SetLow( SysLow );
  norm.SetHigh( SysHigh );
  norm.SetConst( SysConst );

  fNormFactorList.push_back( norm );


void RooStats::HistFactory::Sample::AddNormFactor( const NormFactor& Factor ) {
  fNormFactorList.push_back( Factor );

void RooStats::HistFactory::Sample::AddHistoSys( std::string SysName, 
std::string SysHistoNameLow,  std::string SysHistoFileLow,  std::string SysHistoPathLow,
						 std::string SysHistoNameHigh, std::string SysHistoFileHigh, std::string SysHistoPathHigh ) {

  RooStats::HistFactory::HistoSys sys;
  sys.SetName( SysName );
  sys.SetHistoNameLow( SysHistoNameLow );
  sys.SetHistoPathLow( SysHistoPathLow );
  sys.SetInputFileLow( SysHistoFileLow );

  sys.SetHistoNameHigh( SysHistoNameHigh );
  sys.SetHistoPathHigh( SysHistoPathHigh );
  sys.SetInputFileHigh( SysHistoFileHigh );

  fHistoSysList.push_back( sys );


void RooStats::HistFactory::Sample::AddHistoSys( const HistoSys& Sys ) {
  fHistoSysList.push_back( Sys );

void RooStats::HistFactory::Sample::AddHistoFactor( std::string SysName, std::string SysHistoNameLow,  std::string SysHistoFileLow,  std::string SysHistoPathLow,  
						    std::string SysHistoNameHigh, std::string SysHistoFileHigh, std::string SysHistoPathHigh ) {

  RooStats::HistFactory::HistoFactor factor;
  factor.SetName( SysName );

  factor.SetHistoNameLow( SysHistoNameLow );
  factor.SetHistoPathLow( SysHistoPathLow );
  factor.SetInputFileLow( SysHistoFileLow );

  factor.SetHistoNameHigh( SysHistoNameHigh );
  factor.SetHistoPathHigh( SysHistoPathHigh );
  factor.SetInputFileHigh( SysHistoFileHigh );

  fHistoFactorList.push_back( factor );


void RooStats::HistFactory::Sample::AddHistoFactor( const HistoFactor& Factor ) {

void RooStats::HistFactory::Sample::AddShapeFactor( std::string SysName ) {

  RooStats::HistFactory::ShapeFactor factor;
  factor.SetName( SysName );
  fShapeFactorList.push_back( factor );


void RooStats::HistFactory::Sample::AddShapeFactor( const ShapeFactor& Factor ) {

void RooStats::HistFactory::Sample::AddShapeSys( std::string SysName, Constraint::Type SysConstraintType, std::string SysHistoName, std::string SysHistoFile, std::string SysHistoPath ) {

  RooStats::HistFactory::ShapeSys sys;
  sys.SetName( SysName );
  sys.SetConstraintType( SysConstraintType );

  sys.SetHistoName( SysHistoName );
  sys.SetHistoPath( SysHistoPath );
  sys.SetInputFile( SysHistoFile );

  fShapeSysList.push_back( sys );


void RooStats::HistFactory::Sample::AddShapeSys( const ShapeSys& Sys ) {