#include <iomanip>
#include <vector>
#include <cstdlib>
#include "TMatrixD.h"
#include "TVector.h"
#include "TMath.h"
#include "TObjString.h"
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TKey.h"
#include "TH1.h"
#include "TClass.h"
#include "Riostream.h"
#include "TMVA/ClassifierFactory.h"
#include "TMVA/MethodLikelihood.h"
#include "TMVA/Tools.h"
#include "TMVA/Ranking.h"
TMVA::MethodLikelihood::MethodLikelihood( const TString& jobName,
const TString& methodTitle,
DataSetInfo& theData,
const TString& theOption,
TDirectory* theTargetDir ) :
TMVA::MethodBase( jobName, Types::kLikelihood, methodTitle, theData, theOption, theTargetDir ),
fEpsilon ( 1.e3 * DBL_MIN ),
fTransformLikelihoodOutput( kFALSE ),
fDropVariable ( 0 ),
fHistSig ( 0 ),
fHistBgd ( 0 ),
fHistSig_smooth( 0 ),
fHistBgd_smooth( 0 ),
fDefaultPDFLik ( 0 ),
fPDFSig ( 0 ),
fPDFBgd ( 0 ),
fNsmooth ( 2 ),
fNsmoothVarS ( 0 ),
fNsmoothVarB ( 0 ),
fAverageEvtPerBin( 0 ),
fAverageEvtPerBinVarS (0),
fAverageEvtPerBinVarB (0),
fKDEfineFactor ( 0 ),
TMVA::MethodLikelihood::MethodLikelihood( DataSetInfo& theData,
const TString& theWeightFile,
TDirectory* theTargetDir ) :
TMVA::MethodBase( Types::kLikelihood, theData, theWeightFile, theTargetDir ),
fEpsilon ( 1.e3 * DBL_MIN ),
fTransformLikelihoodOutput( kFALSE ),
fDropVariable ( 0 ),
fHistSig ( 0 ),
fHistBgd ( 0 ),
fHistSig_smooth( 0 ),
fHistBgd_smooth( 0 ),
fDefaultPDFLik ( 0 ),
fPDFSig ( 0 ),
fPDFBgd ( 0 ),
fNsmooth ( 2 ),
fNsmoothVarS ( 0 ),
fNsmoothVarB ( 0 ),
fAverageEvtPerBin( 0 ),
fAverageEvtPerBinVarS (0),
fAverageEvtPerBinVarB (0),
fKDEfineFactor ( 0 ),
TMVA::MethodLikelihood::~MethodLikelihood( void )
if (NULL != fDefaultPDFLik) delete fDefaultPDFLik;
if (NULL != fHistSig) delete fHistSig;
if (NULL != fHistBgd) delete fHistBgd;
if (NULL != fHistSig_smooth) delete fHistSig_smooth;
if (NULL != fHistBgd_smooth) delete fHistBgd_smooth;
for (UInt_t ivar=0; ivar<GetNvar(); ivar++) {
if ((*fPDFSig)[ivar] !=0) delete (*fPDFSig)[ivar];
if ((*fPDFBgd)[ivar] !=0) delete (*fPDFBgd)[ivar];
if (NULL != fPDFSig) delete fPDFSig;
if (NULL != fPDFBgd) delete fPDFBgd;
Bool_t TMVA::MethodLikelihood::HasAnalysisType( Types::EAnalysisType type,
UInt_t numberClasses, UInt_t )
if (type == Types::kClassification && numberClasses == 2) return kTRUE;
return kFALSE;
void TMVA::MethodLikelihood::Init( void )
fDropVariable = -1;
fHistSig = new std::vector<TH1*> ( GetNvar(), (TH1*)0 );
fHistBgd = new std::vector<TH1*> ( GetNvar(), (TH1*)0 );
fHistSig_smooth = new std::vector<TH1*> ( GetNvar(), (TH1*)0 );
fHistBgd_smooth = new std::vector<TH1*> ( GetNvar(), (TH1*)0 );
fPDFSig = new std::vector<TMVA::PDF*>( GetNvar(), (TMVA::PDF*)0 );
fPDFBgd = new std::vector<TMVA::PDF*>( GetNvar(), (TMVA::PDF*)0 );
void TMVA::MethodLikelihood::DeclareOptions()
DeclareOptionRef( fTransformLikelihoodOutput = kFALSE, "TransformOutput",
"Transform likelihood output by inverse sigmoid function" );
TString updatedOptions = GetOptions();
fDefaultPDFLik = new PDF( TString(GetName()) + " PDF", updatedOptions );
updatedOptions = fDefaultPDFLik->GetOptions();
for (UInt_t ivar = 0; ivar< DataInfo().GetNVariables(); ivar++) {
(*fPDFSig)[ivar] = new PDF( Form("%s PDF Sig[%d]", GetName(), ivar), updatedOptions,
Form("Sig[%d]",ivar), fDefaultPDFLik );
updatedOptions = (*fPDFSig)[ivar]->GetOptions();
(*fPDFBgd)[ivar] = new PDF( Form("%s PDF Bkg[%d]", GetName(), ivar), updatedOptions,
Form("Bkg[%d]",ivar), fDefaultPDFLik );
updatedOptions = (*fPDFBgd)[ivar]->GetOptions();
SetOptions( updatedOptions );
void TMVA::MethodLikelihood::DeclareCompatibilityOptions()
DeclareOptionRef( fNsmooth = 1, "NSmooth",
"Number of smoothing iterations for the input histograms");
DeclareOptionRef( fAverageEvtPerBin = 50, "NAvEvtPerBin",
"Average number of events per PDF bin");
DeclareOptionRef( fKDEfineFactor =1. , "KDEFineFactor",
"Fine tuning factor for Adaptive KDE: Factor to multyply the width of the kernel");
DeclareOptionRef( fBorderMethodString = "None", "KDEborder",
"Border effects treatment (1=no treatment , 2=kernel renormalization, 3=sample mirroring)" );
DeclareOptionRef( fKDEiterString = "Nonadaptive", "KDEiter",
"Number of iterations (1=non-adaptive, 2=adaptive)" );
DeclareOptionRef( fKDEtypeString = "Gauss", "KDEtype",
"KDE kernel type (1=Gauss)" );
fAverageEvtPerBinVarS = new Int_t[GetNvar()];
fAverageEvtPerBinVarB = new Int_t[GetNvar()];
fNsmoothVarS = new Int_t[GetNvar()];
fNsmoothVarB = new Int_t[GetNvar()];
fInterpolateString = new TString[GetNvar()];
for(UInt_t i=0; i<GetNvar(); ++i) {
fAverageEvtPerBinVarS[i] = fAverageEvtPerBinVarB[i] = 0;
fNsmoothVarS[i] = fNsmoothVarB[i] = 0;
fInterpolateString[i] = "";
DeclareOptionRef( fAverageEvtPerBinVarS, GetNvar(), "NAvEvtPerBinSig",
"Average num of events per PDF bin and variable (signal)");
DeclareOptionRef( fAverageEvtPerBinVarB, GetNvar(), "NAvEvtPerBinBkg",
"Average num of events per PDF bin and variable (background)");
DeclareOptionRef(fNsmoothVarS, GetNvar(), "NSmoothSig",
"Number of smoothing iterations for the input histograms");
DeclareOptionRef(fNsmoothVarB, GetNvar(), "NSmoothBkg",
"Number of smoothing iterations for the input histograms");
DeclareOptionRef(fInterpolateString, GetNvar(), "PDFInterpol", "Method of interpolating reference histograms (e.g. Spline2 or KDE)");
void TMVA::MethodLikelihood::ProcessOptions()
SetSignalReferenceCut( TransformLikelihoodOutput( 0.5, 0.5 ) );
for (UInt_t ivar = 0; ivar< DataInfo().GetNVariables(); ivar++) {
void TMVA::MethodLikelihood::Train( void )
UInt_t nvar=GetNvar();
std::vector<Double_t> xmin(nvar), xmax(nvar);
for (UInt_t ivar=0; ivar<nvar; ivar++) {xmin[ivar]=1e30; xmax[ivar]=-1e30;}
UInt_t nevents=Data()->GetNEvents();
for (UInt_t ievt=0; ievt<nevents; ievt++) {
const Event* origEv = Data()->GetEvent(ievt);
if (IgnoreEventsWithNegWeightsInTraining() && origEv->GetWeight()<=0) continue;
for (int cls=0;cls<2;cls++){
const Event* ev = GetTransformationHandler().Transform( origEv );
for (UInt_t ivar=0; ivar<nvar; ivar++) {
Float_t value = ev->GetValue(ivar);
if (value < xmin[ivar]) xmin[ivar] = value;
if (value > xmax[ivar]) xmax[ivar] = value;
for (UInt_t ivar=0; ivar<GetNvar(); ivar++) {
TString var = (*fInputVars)[ivar];
if (DataInfo().GetVariableInfo(ivar).GetVarType() == 'I') {
Int_t ixmin = TMath::Nint( xmin[ivar] );
Int_t ixmax = TMath::Nint( xmax[ivar] );
Int_t nbins = ixmax - ixmin;
(*fHistSig)[ivar] = new TH1F( var + "_sig", var + " signal training", nbins, ixmin, ixmax );
(*fHistBgd)[ivar] = new TH1F( var + "_bgd", var + " background training", nbins, ixmin, ixmax );
} else {
UInt_t minNEvt = TMath::Min(Data()->GetNEvtSigTrain(),Data()->GetNEvtBkgdTrain());
Int_t nbinsS = (*fPDFSig)[ivar]->GetHistNBins( minNEvt );
Int_t nbinsB = (*fPDFBgd)[ivar]->GetHistNBins( minNEvt );
(*fHistSig)[ivar] = new TH1F( Form("%s_sig",var.Data()),
Form("%s signal training",var.Data()), nbinsS, xmin[ivar], xmax[ivar] );
(*fHistBgd)[ivar] = new TH1F( Form("%s_bgd",var.Data()),
Form("%s background training",var.Data()), nbinsB, xmin[ivar], xmax[ivar] );
Log() << kINFO << "Filling reference histograms" << Endl;
for (Int_t ievt=0; ievt<Data()->GetNEvents(); ievt++) {
const Event* origEv = Data()->GetEvent(ievt);
if (IgnoreEventsWithNegWeightsInTraining() && origEv->GetWeight()<=0) continue;
GetTransformationHandler().SetTransformationReferenceClass( origEv->GetClass() );
const Event* ev = GetTransformationHandler().Transform( origEv );
Float_t weight = ev->GetWeight();
for (UInt_t ivar=0; ivar<GetNvar(); ivar++) {
Double_t value = ev->GetValue(ivar);
if (value >= xmax[ivar]) value = xmax[ivar] - 1.0e-10;
else if (value < xmin[ivar]) value = xmin[ivar] + 1.0e-10;
if (value >=(*fHistSig)[ivar]->GetXaxis()->GetXmax() ||
value <(*fHistSig)[ivar]->GetXaxis()->GetXmin()){
<<"error in filling likelihood reference histograms var="
<< ", xmin="<<(*fHistSig)[ivar]->GetXaxis()->GetXmin()
<< ", value="<<value
<< ", xmax="<<(*fHistSig)[ivar]->GetXaxis()->GetXmax()
<< Endl;
if (DataInfo().IsSignal(ev)) (*fHistSig)[ivar]->Fill( value, weight );
else (*fHistBgd)[ivar]->Fill( value, weight );
Log() << kINFO << "Building PDF out of reference histograms" << Endl;
for (UInt_t ivar=0; ivar<GetNvar(); ivar++) {
(*fPDFSig)[ivar]->BuildPDF( (*fHistSig)[ivar] );
(*fPDFBgd)[ivar]->BuildPDF( (*fHistBgd)[ivar] );
(*fPDFSig)[ivar]->ValidatePDF( (*fHistSig)[ivar] );
(*fPDFBgd)[ivar]->ValidatePDF( (*fHistBgd)[ivar] );
if ((*fPDFSig)[ivar]->GetSmoothedHist() != 0) (*fHistSig_smooth)[ivar] = (*fPDFSig)[ivar]->GetSmoothedHist();
if ((*fPDFBgd)[ivar]->GetSmoothedHist() != 0) (*fHistBgd_smooth)[ivar] = (*fPDFBgd)[ivar]->GetSmoothedHist();
Double_t TMVA::MethodLikelihood::GetMvaValue( Double_t* err, Double_t* errUpper )
UInt_t ivar;
NoErrorCalc(err, errUpper);
TVector vs( GetNvar() );
TVector vb( GetNvar() );
GetTransformationHandler().SetTransformationReferenceClass( fSignalClass );
const Event* ev = GetEvent();
for (ivar=0; ivar<GetNvar(); ivar++) vs(ivar) = ev->GetValue(ivar);
GetTransformationHandler().SetTransformationReferenceClass( fBackgroundClass );
ev = GetEvent();
for (ivar=0; ivar<GetNvar(); ivar++) vb(ivar) = ev->GetValue(ivar);
Double_t ps(1), pb(1), p(0);
for (ivar=0; ivar<GetNvar(); ivar++) {
if ((Int_t)ivar == fDropVariable) continue;
Double_t x[2] = { vs(ivar), vb(ivar) };
for (UInt_t itype=0; itype < 2; itype++) {
if (x[itype] >= (*fPDFSig)[ivar]->GetXmax()) x[itype] = (*fPDFSig)[ivar]->GetXmax() - 1.0e-10;
else if (x[itype] < (*fPDFSig)[ivar]->GetXmin()) x[itype] = (*fPDFSig)[ivar]->GetXmin();
PDF* pdf = (itype == 0) ? (*fPDFSig)[ivar] : (*fPDFBgd)[ivar];
if (pdf == 0) Log() << kFATAL << "<GetMvaValue> Reference histograms don't exist" << Endl;
TH1* hist = pdf->GetPDFHist();
Int_t bin = hist->FindBin(x[itype]);
if ((*fPDFSig)[ivar]->GetInterpolMethod() == TMVA::PDF::kSpline0 ||
DataInfo().GetVariableInfo(ivar).GetVarType() == 'N') {
p = TMath::Max( hist->GetBinContent(bin), fEpsilon );
} else {
Int_t nextbin = bin;
if ((x[itype] > hist->GetBinCenter(bin) && bin != hist->GetNbinsX()) || bin == 1)
Double_t dx = hist->GetBinCenter(bin) - hist->GetBinCenter(nextbin);
Double_t dy = hist->GetBinContent(bin) - hist->GetBinContent(nextbin);
Double_t like = hist->GetBinContent(bin) + (x[itype] - hist->GetBinCenter(bin)) * dy/dx;
p = TMath::Max( like, fEpsilon );
if (itype == 0) ps *= p;
else pb *= p;
return TransformLikelihoodOutput( ps, pb );
Double_t TMVA::MethodLikelihood::TransformLikelihoodOutput( Double_t ps, Double_t pb ) const
if (ps < fEpsilon) ps = fEpsilon;
if (pb < fEpsilon) pb = fEpsilon;
Double_t r = ps/(ps + pb);
if (r >= 1.0) r = 1. - 1.e-15;
if (fTransformLikelihoodOutput) {
if (r <= 0.0) r = fEpsilon;
else if (r >= 1.0) r = 1. - 1.e-15;
Double_t tau = 15.0;
r = - TMath::Log(1.0/r - 1.0)/tau;
return r;
void TMVA::MethodLikelihood::WriteOptionsToStream( std::ostream& o, const TString& prefix ) const
Configurable::WriteOptionsToStream( o, prefix);
if (fDefaultPDFLik != 0) {
o << prefix << std::endl << prefix << "#Default Likelihood PDF Options:" << std::endl << prefix << std::endl;
fDefaultPDFLik->WriteOptionsToStream( o, prefix );
for (UInt_t ivar = 0; ivar < fPDFSig->size(); ivar++) {
if ((*fPDFSig)[ivar] != 0) {
o << prefix << std::endl << prefix << Form("#Signal[%d] Likelihood PDF Options:",ivar) << std::endl << prefix << std::endl;
(*fPDFSig)[ivar]->WriteOptionsToStream( o, prefix );
if ((*fPDFBgd)[ivar] != 0) {
o << prefix << std::endl << prefix << "#Background[%d] Likelihood PDF Options:" << std::endl << prefix << std::endl;
(*fPDFBgd)[ivar]->WriteOptionsToStream( o, prefix );
void TMVA::MethodLikelihood::AddWeightsXMLTo( void* parent ) const
void* wght = gTools().AddChild(parent, "Weights");
gTools().AddAttr(wght, "NVariables", GetNvar());
gTools().AddAttr(wght, "NClasses", 2);
void* pdfwrap;
for (UInt_t ivar=0; ivar<GetNvar(); ivar++) {
if ( (*fPDFSig)[ivar]==0 || (*fPDFBgd)[ivar]==0 )
Log() << kFATAL << "Reference histograms for variable " << ivar
<< " don't exist, can't write it to weight file" << Endl;
pdfwrap = gTools().AddChild(wght, "PDFDescriptor");
gTools().AddAttr(pdfwrap, "VarIndex", ivar);
gTools().AddAttr(pdfwrap, "ClassIndex", 0);
pdfwrap = gTools().AddChild(wght, "PDFDescriptor");
gTools().AddAttr(pdfwrap, "VarIndex", ivar);
gTools().AddAttr(pdfwrap, "ClassIndex", 1);
const TMVA::Ranking* TMVA::MethodLikelihood::CreateRanking()
if (fRanking) delete fRanking;
fRanking = new Ranking( GetName(), "Delta Separation" );
Double_t sepRef = -1, sep = -1;
for (Int_t ivar=-1; ivar<(Int_t)GetNvar(); ivar++) {
fDropVariable = ivar;
TString nameS = Form( "rS_%i", ivar+1 );
TString nameB = Form( "rB_%i", ivar+1 );
TH1* rS = new TH1F( nameS, nameS, 80, 0, 1 );
TH1* rB = new TH1F( nameB, nameB, 80, 0, 1 );
for (Int_t ievt=0; ievt<Data()->GetNTrainingEvents(); ievt++) {
const Event* origEv = Data()->GetEvent(ievt);
GetTransformationHandler().SetTransformationReferenceClass( origEv->GetClass() );
const Event* ev = GetTransformationHandler().Transform(Data()->GetEvent(ievt));
Double_t lk = this->GetMvaValue();
Double_t w = ev->GetWeight();
if (DataInfo().IsSignal(ev)) rS->Fill( lk, w );
else rB->Fill( lk, w );
sep = TMVA::gTools().GetSeparation( rS, rB );
if (ivar == -1) sepRef = sep;
sep = sepRef - sep;
delete rS;
delete rB;
if (ivar >= 0) fRanking->AddRank( Rank( DataInfo().GetVariableInfo(ivar).GetInternalName(), sep ) );
fDropVariable = -1;
return fRanking;
void TMVA::MethodLikelihood::WriteWeightsToStream( TFile& ) const
TString pname = "PDF_";
for (UInt_t ivar=0; ivar<GetNvar(); ivar++){
(*fPDFSig)[ivar]->Write( pname + GetInputVar( ivar ) + "_S" );
(*fPDFBgd)[ivar]->Write( pname + GetInputVar( ivar ) + "_B" );
void TMVA::MethodLikelihood::ReadWeightsFromXML(void* wghtnode)
TString pname = "PDF_";
Bool_t addDirStatus = TH1::AddDirectoryStatus();
UInt_t nvars=0;
gTools().ReadAttr(wghtnode, "NVariables",nvars);
void* descnode = gTools().GetChild(wghtnode);
for (UInt_t ivar=0; ivar<nvars; ivar++){
void* pdfnode = gTools().GetChild(descnode);
Log() << kINFO << "Reading signal and background PDF for variable: " << GetInputVar( ivar ) << Endl;
if ((*fPDFSig)[ivar] !=0) delete (*fPDFSig)[ivar];
if ((*fPDFBgd)[ivar] !=0) delete (*fPDFBgd)[ivar];
(*fPDFSig)[ivar] = new PDF( GetInputVar( ivar ) + " PDF Sig" );
(*fPDFBgd)[ivar] = new PDF( GetInputVar( ivar ) + " PDF Bkg" );
(*fPDFSig)[ivar]->SetReadingVersion( GetTrainingTMVAVersionCode() );
(*fPDFBgd)[ivar]->SetReadingVersion( GetTrainingTMVAVersionCode() );
descnode = gTools().GetNextChild(descnode);
pdfnode = gTools().GetChild(descnode);
descnode = gTools().GetNextChild(descnode);
void TMVA::MethodLikelihood::ReadWeightsFromStream( std::istream & istr )
TString pname = "PDF_";
Bool_t addDirStatus = TH1::AddDirectoryStatus();
for (UInt_t ivar=0; ivar<GetNvar(); ivar++){
Log() << kINFO << "Reading signal and background PDF for variable: " << GetInputVar( ivar ) << Endl;
if ((*fPDFSig)[ivar] !=0) delete (*fPDFSig)[ivar];
if ((*fPDFBgd)[ivar] !=0) delete (*fPDFBgd)[ivar];
(*fPDFSig)[ivar] = new PDF(GetInputVar( ivar ) + " PDF Sig" );
(*fPDFBgd)[ivar] = new PDF(GetInputVar( ivar ) + " PDF Bkg");
(*fPDFSig)[ivar]->SetReadingVersion( GetTrainingTMVAVersionCode() );
(*fPDFBgd)[ivar]->SetReadingVersion( GetTrainingTMVAVersionCode() );
istr >> *(*fPDFSig)[ivar];
istr >> *(*fPDFBgd)[ivar];
void TMVA::MethodLikelihood::ReadWeightsFromStream( TFile& rf )
TString pname = "PDF_";
Bool_t addDirStatus = TH1::AddDirectoryStatus();
for (UInt_t ivar=0; ivar<GetNvar(); ivar++){
(*fPDFSig)[ivar] = (TMVA::PDF*)rf.Get( Form( "PDF_%s_S", GetInputVar( ivar ).Data() ) );
(*fPDFBgd)[ivar] = (TMVA::PDF*)rf.Get( Form( "PDF_%s_B", GetInputVar( ivar ).Data() ) );
void TMVA::MethodLikelihood::WriteMonitoringHistosToFile( void ) const
Log() << kINFO << "Write monitoring histograms to file: " << BaseDir()->GetPath() << Endl;
for (UInt_t ivar=0; ivar<GetNvar(); ivar++) {
if ((*fHistSig_smooth)[ivar] != 0) (*fHistSig_smooth)[ivar]->Write();
if ((*fHistBgd_smooth)[ivar] != 0) (*fHistBgd_smooth)[ivar]->Write();
if ((*fPDFSig)[ivar]->GetNSmoothHist() != 0) (*fPDFSig)[ivar]->GetNSmoothHist()->Write();
if ((*fPDFBgd)[ivar]->GetNSmoothHist() != 0) (*fPDFBgd)[ivar]->GetNSmoothHist()->Write();
Float_t xmin=((*fPDFSig)[ivar]->GetPDFHist()->GetXaxis())->GetXmin();
Float_t xmax=((*fPDFSig)[ivar]->GetPDFHist()->GetXaxis())->GetXmax();
TH1F* mm = new TH1F( (*fInputVars)[ivar]+"_additional_check",
(*fInputVars)[ivar]+"_additional_check", 15000, xmin, xmax );
Double_t intBin = (xmax-xmin)/15000;
for (Int_t bin=0; bin < 15000; bin++) {
Double_t x = (bin + 0.5)*intBin + xmin;
mm->SetBinContent(bin+1 ,(*fPDFSig)[ivar]->GetVal(x));
TH1* h[2] = { (*fHistSig)[ivar], (*fHistBgd)[ivar] };
for (UInt_t i=0; i<2; i++) {
TH1* hclone = (TH1F*)h[i]->Clone( TString(h[i]->GetName()) + "_nice" );
hclone->SetName ( TString(h[i]->GetName()) + "_nice" );
hclone->SetTitle( TString(h[i]->GetTitle()) + "" );
if (hclone->GetNbinsX() > 100) {
Int_t resFactor = 5;
hclone->Rebin( resFactor );
hclone->Scale( 1.0/resFactor );
void TMVA::MethodLikelihood::MakeClassSpecificHeader( std::ostream& fout, const TString& ) const
fout << "#include <math.h>" << std::endl;
fout << "#include <cstdlib>" << std::endl;
void TMVA::MethodLikelihood::MakeClassSpecific( std::ostream& fout, const TString& className ) const
Int_t dp = fout.precision();
fout << " double fEpsilon;" << std::endl;
Int_t * nbin = new Int_t[GetNvar()];
Int_t nbinMax=-1;
for (UInt_t ivar=0; ivar<GetNvar(); ivar++) {
if (nbin[ivar] > nbinMax) nbinMax=nbin[ivar];
fout << " static float fRefS[][" << nbinMax << "]; "
<< "// signal reference vector [nvars][max_nbins]" << std::endl;
fout << " static float fRefB[][" << nbinMax << "]; "
<< "// backgr reference vector [nvars][max_nbins]" << std::endl << std::endl;
fout << "// if a variable has its PDF encoded as a spline0 --> treat it like an Integer valued one" <<std::endl;
fout << " bool fHasDiscretPDF[" << GetNvar() <<"]; "<< std::endl;
fout << " int fNbin[" << GetNvar() << "]; "
<< "// number of bins (discrete variables may have less bins)" << std::endl;
fout << " double fHistMin[" << GetNvar() << "]; " << std::endl;
fout << " double fHistMax[" << GetNvar() << "]; " << std::endl;
fout << " double TransformLikelihoodOutput( double, double ) const;" << std::endl;
fout << "};" << std::endl;
fout << "" << std::endl;
fout << "inline void " << className << "::Initialize() " << std::endl;
fout << "{" << std::endl;
fout << " fEpsilon = " << fEpsilon << ";" << std::endl;
for (UInt_t ivar=0; ivar<GetNvar(); ivar++) {
fout << " fNbin[" << ivar << "] = " << (*fPDFSig)[ivar]->GetPDFHist()->GetNbinsX() << ";" << std::endl;
fout << " fHistMin[" << ivar << "] = " << (*fPDFSig)[ivar]->GetPDFHist()->GetXaxis()->GetXmin() << ";" << std::endl;
fout << " fHistMax[" << ivar << "] = " << (*fPDFSig)[ivar]->GetPDFHist()->GetXaxis()->GetXmax() << ";" << std::endl;
if ((((*fPDFSig)[ivar]->GetPDFHist()->GetNbinsX() != nbin[ivar] ||
(*fPDFBgd)[ivar]->GetPDFHist()->GetNbinsX() != nbin[ivar])
) ||
(*fPDFSig)[ivar]->GetPDFHist()->GetNbinsX() != (*fPDFBgd)[ivar]->GetPDFHist()->GetNbinsX()) {
Log() << kFATAL << "<MakeClassSpecific> Mismatch in binning of variable "
<< "\"" << GetOriginalVarName(ivar) << "\" of type: \'" << DataInfo().GetVariableInfo(ivar).GetVarType()
<< "\' : "
<< "nxS = " << (*fPDFSig)[ivar]->GetPDFHist()->GetNbinsX() << ", "
<< "nxB = " << (*fPDFBgd)[ivar]->GetPDFHist()->GetNbinsX()
<< " while we expect " << nbin[ivar]
<< Endl;
for (UInt_t ivar=0; ivar<GetNvar(); ivar++){
if ((*fPDFSig)[ivar]->GetInterpolMethod() == TMVA::PDF::kSpline0)
fout << " fHasDiscretPDF[" << ivar <<"] = true; " << std::endl;
fout << " fHasDiscretPDF[" << ivar <<"] = false; " << std::endl;
fout << "}" << std::endl << std::endl;
fout << "inline double " << className
<< "::GetMvaValue__( const std::vector<double>& inputValues ) const" << std::endl;
fout << "{" << std::endl;
fout << " double ps(1), pb(1);" << std::endl;
fout << " std::vector<double> inputValuesSig = inputValues;" << std::endl;
fout << " std::vector<double> inputValuesBgd = inputValues;" << std::endl;
if (GetTransformationHandler().GetTransformationList().GetSize() != 0) {
fout << " Transform(inputValuesSig,0);" << std::endl;
fout << " Transform(inputValuesBgd,1);" << std::endl;
fout << " for (size_t ivar = 0; ivar < GetNvar(); ivar++) {" << std::endl;
fout << std::endl;
fout << " // dummy at present... will be used for variable transforms" << std::endl;
fout << " double x[2] = { inputValuesSig[ivar], inputValuesBgd[ivar] };" << std::endl;
fout << std::endl;
fout << " for (int itype=0; itype < 2; itype++) {" << std::endl;
fout << std::endl;
fout << " // interpolate linearly between adjacent bins" << std::endl;
fout << " // this is not useful for discrete variables (or forced Spline0)" << std::endl;
fout << " int bin = int((x[itype] - fHistMin[ivar])/(fHistMax[ivar] - fHistMin[ivar])*fNbin[ivar]) + 0;" << std::endl;
fout << std::endl;
fout << " // since the test data sample is in general different from the training sample" << std::endl;
fout << " // it can happen that the min/max of the training sample are trespassed --> correct this" << std::endl;
fout << " if (bin < 0) {" << std::endl;
fout << " bin = 0;" << std::endl;
fout << " x[itype] = fHistMin[ivar];" << std::endl;
fout << " }" << std::endl;
fout << " else if (bin >= fNbin[ivar]) {" << std::endl;
fout << " bin = fNbin[ivar]-1;" << std::endl;
fout << " x[itype] = fHistMax[ivar];" << std::endl;
fout << " }" << std::endl;
fout << std::endl;
fout << " // find corresponding histogram from cached indices" << std::endl;
fout << " float ref = (itype == 0) ? fRefS[ivar][bin] : fRefB[ivar][bin];" << std::endl;
fout << std::endl;
fout << " // sanity check" << std::endl;
fout << " if (ref < 0) {" << std::endl;
fout << " std::cout << \"Fatal error in " << className
<< ": bin entry < 0 ==> abort\" << std::endl;" << std::endl;
fout << " std::exit(1);" << std::endl;
fout << " }" << std::endl;
fout << std::endl;
fout << " double p = ref;" << std::endl;
fout << std::endl;
fout << " if (GetType(ivar) != 'I' && !fHasDiscretPDF[ivar]) {" << std::endl;
fout << " float bincenter = (bin + 0.5)/fNbin[ivar]*(fHistMax[ivar] - fHistMin[ivar]) + fHistMin[ivar];" << std::endl;
fout << " int nextbin = bin;" << std::endl;
fout << " if ((x[itype] > bincenter && bin != fNbin[ivar]-1) || bin == 0) " << std::endl;
fout << " nextbin++;" << std::endl;
fout << " else" << std::endl;
fout << " nextbin--; " << std::endl;
fout << std::endl;
fout << " double refnext = (itype == 0) ? fRefS[ivar][nextbin] : fRefB[ivar][nextbin];" << std::endl;
fout << " float nextbincenter = (nextbin + 0.5)/fNbin[ivar]*(fHistMax[ivar] - fHistMin[ivar]) + fHistMin[ivar];" << std::endl;
fout << std::endl;
fout << " double dx = bincenter - nextbincenter;" << std::endl;
fout << " double dy = ref - refnext;" << std::endl;
fout << " p += (x[itype] - bincenter) * dy/dx;" << std::endl;
fout << " }" << std::endl;
fout << std::endl;
fout << " if (p < fEpsilon) p = fEpsilon; // avoid zero response" << std::endl;
fout << std::endl;
fout << " if (itype == 0) ps *= p;" << std::endl;
fout << " else pb *= p;" << std::endl;
fout << " } " << std::endl;
fout << " } " << std::endl;
fout << std::endl;
fout << " // the likelihood ratio (transform it ?)" << std::endl;
fout << " return TransformLikelihoodOutput( ps, pb ); " << std::endl;
fout << "}" << std::endl << std::endl;
fout << "inline double " << className << "::TransformLikelihoodOutput( double ps, double pb ) const" << std::endl;
fout << "{" << std::endl;
fout << " // returns transformed or non-transformed output" << std::endl;
fout << " if (ps < fEpsilon) ps = fEpsilon;" << std::endl;
fout << " if (pb < fEpsilon) pb = fEpsilon;" << std::endl;
fout << " double r = ps/(ps + pb);" << std::endl;
fout << " if (r >= 1.0) r = 1. - 1.e-15;" << std::endl;
fout << std::endl;
fout << " if (" << (fTransformLikelihoodOutput ? "true" : "false") << ") {" << std::endl;
fout << " // inverse Fermi function" << std::endl;
fout << std::endl;
fout << " // sanity check" << std::endl;
fout << " if (r <= 0.0) r = fEpsilon;" << std::endl;
fout << " else if (r >= 1.0) r = 1. - 1.e-15;" << std::endl;
fout << std::endl;
fout << " double tau = 15.0;" << std::endl;
fout << " r = - log(1.0/r - 1.0)/tau;" << std::endl;
fout << " }" << std::endl;
fout << std::endl;
fout << " return r;" << std::endl;
fout << "}" << std::endl;
fout << std::endl;
fout << "// Clean up" << std::endl;
fout << "inline void " << className << "::Clear() " << std::endl;
fout << "{" << std::endl;
fout << " // nothing to clear" << std::endl;
fout << "}" << std::endl << std::endl;
fout << "// signal map" << std::endl;
fout << "float " << className << "::fRefS[][" << nbinMax << "] = " << std::endl;
fout << "{ " << std::endl;
for (UInt_t ivar=0; ivar<GetNvar(); ivar++) {
fout << " { ";
for (Int_t ibin=1; ibin<=nbinMax; ibin++) {
if (ibin-1 < nbin[ivar])
fout << (*fPDFSig)[ivar]->GetPDFHist()->GetBinContent(ibin);
fout << -1;
if (ibin < nbinMax) fout << ", ";
fout << " }, " << std::endl;
fout << "}; " << std::endl;
fout << std::endl;
fout << "// background map" << std::endl;
fout << "float " << className << "::fRefB[][" << nbinMax << "] = " << std::endl;
fout << "{ " << std::endl;
for (UInt_t ivar=0; ivar<GetNvar(); ivar++) {
fout << " { ";
fout << std::setprecision(8);
for (Int_t ibin=1; ibin<=nbinMax; ibin++) {
if (ibin-1 < nbin[ivar])
fout << (*fPDFBgd)[ivar]->GetPDFHist()->GetBinContent(ibin);
fout << -1;
if (ibin < nbinMax) fout << ", ";
fout << " }, " << std::endl;
fout << "}; " << std::endl;
fout << std::endl;
fout << std::setprecision(dp);
delete[] nbin;
void TMVA::MethodLikelihood::GetHelpMessage() const
Log() << Endl;
Log() << gTools().Color("bold") << "--- Short description:" << gTools().Color("reset") << Endl;
Log() << Endl;
Log() << "The maximum-likelihood classifier models the data with probability " << Endl;
Log() << "density functions (PDF) reproducing the signal and background" << Endl;
Log() << "distributions of the input variables. Correlations among the " << Endl;
Log() << "variables are ignored." << Endl;
Log() << Endl;
Log() << gTools().Color("bold") << "--- Performance optimisation:" << gTools().Color("reset") << Endl;
Log() << Endl;
Log() << "Required for good performance are decorrelated input variables" << Endl;
Log() << "(PCA transformation via the option \"VarTransform=Decorrelate\"" << Endl;
Log() << "may be tried). Irreducible non-linear correlations may be reduced" << Endl;
Log() << "by precombining strongly correlated input variables, or by simply" << Endl;
Log() << "removing one of the variables." << Endl;
Log() << Endl;
Log() << gTools().Color("bold") << "--- Performance tuning via configuration options:" << gTools().Color("reset") << Endl;
Log() << Endl;
Log() << "High fidelity PDF estimates are mandatory, i.e., sufficient training " << Endl;
Log() << "statistics is required to populate the tails of the distributions" << Endl;
Log() << "It would be a surprise if the default Spline or KDE kernel parameters" << Endl;
Log() << "provide a satisfying fit to the data. The user is advised to properly" << Endl;
Log() << "tune the events per bin and smooth options in the spline cases" << Endl;
Log() << "individually per variable. If the KDE kernel is used, the adaptive" << Endl;
Log() << "Gaussian kernel may lead to artefacts, so please always also try" << Endl;
Log() << "the non-adaptive one." << Endl;
Log() << "" << Endl;
Log() << "All tuning parameters must be adjusted individually for each input" << Endl;
Log() << "variable!" << Endl;
MethodLikelihood.cxx:1000 MethodLikelihood.cxx:1001 MethodLikelihood.cxx:1002 MethodLikelihood.cxx:1003