// @(#)root/xml:$Id$
// Author: Sergey Linev  10.05.2004

 * Copyright (C) 1995-2004, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
 * All rights reserved.                                                  *
 *                                                                       *
 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *

#ifndef ROOT_TXMLSetup
#define ROOT_TXMLSetup

#ifndef ROOT_TObject
#include "TObject.h"
#ifndef ROOT_TString
#include "TString.h"

#ifdef Bool
#undef Bool
#ifdef True
#undef True
#ifdef False
#undef False

namespace xmlio {
   extern const char* Root;
   extern const char* Setup;
   extern const char* ClassVersion;
   extern const char* IOVersion;
   extern const char* OnlyVersion;
   extern const char* Ptr;
   extern const char* Ref;
   extern const char* Null;
   extern const char* IdBase;
   extern const char* Size;
   extern const char* Xmlobject;
   extern const char* Xmlkey;
   extern const char* Cycle;
   extern const char* XmlBlock;
   extern const char* Zip;
   extern const char* Object;
   extern const char* ObjClass;
   extern const char* Class;
   extern const char* Member;
   extern const char* Item;
   extern const char* Name;
   extern const char* Title;
   extern const char* CreateTm;
   extern const char* ModifyTm;
   extern const char* ObjectUUID;
   extern const char* Type;
   extern const char* Value;
   extern const char* v;
   extern const char* cnt;
   extern const char* True;
   extern const char* False;
   extern const char* SInfos;

   extern const char* Array;
   extern const char* Bool;
   extern const char* Char;
   extern const char* Short;
   extern const char* Int;
   extern const char* Long;
   extern const char* Long64;
   extern const char* Float;
   extern const char* Double;
   extern const char* UChar;
   extern const char* UShort;
   extern const char* UInt;
   extern const char* ULong;
   extern const char* ULong64;
   extern const char* String;
   extern const char* CharStar;

class TStreamerElement;

class TXMLSetup {
      enum EXMLLayout { kSpecialized = 2,
                        kGeneralized = 3 };

      TXMLSetup(const char* opt);
      TXMLSetup(const TXMLSetup& src);
      virtual ~TXMLSetup();

      TString        GetSetupAsString();

      void           PrintSetup();

      EXMLLayout     GetXmlLayout() const { return fXmlLayout; }
      Bool_t         IsStoreStreamerInfos() const { return fStoreStreamerInfos; }
      Bool_t         IsUseDtd() const { return fUseDtd; }
      Bool_t         IsUseNamespaces() const { return fUseNamespaces; }

      virtual void   SetXmlLayout(EXMLLayout layout) { fXmlLayout = layout; }
      virtual void   SetStoreStreamerInfos(Bool_t iConvert = kTRUE) { fStoreStreamerInfos = iConvert; }
      virtual void   SetUsedDtd(Bool_t use = kTRUE) { fUseDtd = use; }
      virtual void   SetUseNamespaces(Bool_t iUseNamespaces = kTRUE) { fUseNamespaces = iUseNamespaces; }

      const char*    XmlConvertClassName(const char* name);
      const char*    XmlClassNameSpaceRef(const TClass* cl);
      const char*    XmlGetElementName(const TStreamerElement* el);

      Int_t          GetNextRefCounter() { return fRefCounter++; }

      static TString DefaultXmlSetup();
      static void    SetNameSpaceBase(const char* namespacebase);


      TClass*        XmlDefineClass(const char* xmlClassName);
      const char*    GetElItemName(TStreamerElement* el);

      Bool_t         IsValidXmlSetup(const char* setupstr);
      Bool_t         ReadSetupFromStr(const char* setupstr);

      Int_t          AtoI(const char* sbuf, Int_t def = 0, const char* errinfo = 0);

      EXMLLayout     fXmlLayout;
      Bool_t         fStoreStreamerInfos;
      Bool_t         fUseDtd;
      Bool_t         fUseNamespaces;

      Int_t          fRefCounter;      //!  counter , used to build id of xml references

      TString        fStrBuf;          //!  buffer, used in XmlDefineClass() function

      static TString fgNameSpaceBase;

   ClassDef(TXMLSetup,1) //settings to be stored in XML files
