fitNormSum.C: Tutorial for normalized sum of two functions
#include <TMath.h>
#include <TCanvas.h>
#include <TF1NormSum.h>
#include <TF1.h>
#include <TH1.h>
using namespace std;
void fitNormSum()
// Tutorial for normalized sum of two functions
// Here: a background exponential and a crystalball function
// Parameters can be set:
// I. with the TF1 object before adding the function (for 3) and 4))
// II. with the TF1NormSum object (first two are the coefficients, then the non constant parameters)
// III. with the TF1 object after adding the function
// Sum can be constructed by:
// 1) by a string containing the names of the functions and/or the coefficient in front
// 2) by a string containg formulas like expo, gaus...
// 3) by the list of functions and coefficients (which are 1 by default)
// 4) by a std::vector for functions and coefficients
const int nsig = 5.E4;
const int nbkg = 1.e6;
Int_t NEvents = nsig+nbkg;
Int_t NBins = 1e3;
double signal_mean = 3;
TF1 *f_cb = new TF1("MyCrystalBall","crystalball",-5.,5.);
TF1 *f_exp = new TF1("MyExponential","expo",-5.,5.);
// I.:
f_exp-> SetParameters(1.,-0.3);
f_cb -> SetParameters(1,signal_mean,0.3,2,1.5);
// CONSTRUCTION OF THE TF1NORMSUM OBJECT ........................................
// 1) :
TF1NormSum *fnorm_exp_cb = new TF1NormSum(f_cb,f_exp,nsig,nbkg);
// 4) :
TF1 * f_sum = new TF1("fsum", *fnorm_exp_cb, -5., 5., fnorm_exp_cb->GetNpar());
// III.:
f_sum->SetParameters( fnorm_exp_cb->GetParameters().data() );
for (int i = 2; i < f_sum->GetNpar(); ++i)
f_sum->SetParName(i,fnorm_exp_cb->GetParName(i) );
//GENERATE HISTOGRAM TO FIT ..............................................................
TStopwatch w;
TH1D *h_sum = new TH1D("h_ExpCB", "Exponential Bkg + CrystalBall function", NBins, -5., 5.);
for (int i=0; i<NEvents; i++)
h_sum -> Fill(f_sum -> GetRandom());
printf("Time to generate %d events: ",NEvents);
//TH1F *h_orig = new TH1F(*h_sum);
// need to scale histogram with width since we are fitting a density
h_sum -> Sumw2();
h_sum -> Scale(1., "width");
//fit - use Minuit2 if available
new TCanvas("Fit","Fit",800,1000);
// do a least-square fit of the spectrum
auto result = h_sum -> Fit("fsum","SQ");
h_sum -> Draw();
printf("Time to fit using ROOT TF1Normsum: ");
// test if parameters are fine
std::vector<double> pref = {nsig, nbkg, signal_mean};
for (unsigned int i = 0; i< pref.size(); ++i) {
if (!TMath::AreEqualAbs(pref[i], f_sum->GetParameter(i), f_sum->GetParError(i)*10.) )
Error("testFitNormSum","Difference found in fitted %s - difference is %g sigma",f_sum->GetParName(i), (f_sum->GetParameter(i)-pref[i])/f_sum->GetParError(i));