th2polyEurope.C: This tutorial illustrates how to create an histogram with polygonal | Histograms | th2polyUSA.C: This tutorial illustrates how to create an histogram with polygonal |
//This tutorial illustrates how to create an histogram with hexagonal //bins (TH2Poly), fill it and draw it using GL. // //Author: Olivier Couet void th2polyHoneycomb(){ gStyle->SetCanvasPreferGL(true); TH2Poly *hc = new TH2Poly(); hc->Honeycomb(0,0,.1,25,25); gStyle->SetPalette(1); TRandom ran; for (int i = 0; i<30000; i++) { hc->Fill(ran.Gaus(2.,1), ran.Gaus(2.,1)); } hc->Draw("gllego"); }