From $ROOTSYS/tutorials/roostats/Zbi_Zgamma.C

// Demonstraite Z_Bi = Z_Gamma
// author: Kyle Cranmer & Wouter Verkerke
// date May 2010

#ifndef __CINT__
#include "RooGlobalFunc.h"
#include "RooRealVar.h"
#include "RooProdPdf.h"
#include "RooWorkspace.h"
#include "RooDataSet.h"
#include "TCanvas.h"
#include "TH1.h"

using namespace RooFit;
using namespace RooStats;

void Zbi_Zgamma() {

  // Make model for prototype on/off problem
  // Pois(x | s+b) * Pois(y | tau b )
  // for Z_Gamma, use uniform prior on b.
  RooWorkspace* w = new RooWorkspace("w",true);

  // construct the Bayesian-averaged model (eg. a projection pdf)
  // p'(x|s) = \int db p(x|s+b) * [ p(y|b) * prior(b) ]
  w->factory("PROJ::averagedModel(PROD::foo(px|b,py,prior_b),b)") ;

  // plot it, blue is averaged model, red is b known exactly
  RooPlot* frame = w->var("x")->frame() ;
  w->pdf("averagedModel")->plotOn(frame) ;
  w->pdf("px")->plotOn(frame,LineColor(kRed)) ;
  frame->Draw() ;

  // compare analytic calculation of Z_Bi
  // with the numerical RooFit implementation of Z_Gamma
  // for an example with x = 150, y = 100

  // numeric RooFit Z_Gamma
  RooAbsReal* cdf = w->pdf("averagedModel")->createCdf(*w->var("x"));
  cdf->getVal(); // get ugly print messages out of the way

  cout << "Hybrid p-value = " << cdf->getVal() << endl;
  cout << "Z_Gamma Significance  = " <<
    PValueToSignificance(1-cdf->getVal()) << endl;

  // analytic Z_Bi
  double Z_Bi = NumberCountingUtils::BinomialWithTauObsZ(150, 100, 1);
  std::cout << "Z_Bi significance estimation: " << Z_Bi << std::endl;

  // Hybrid p-value = 0.999058
  // Z_Gamma Significance  = 3.10804
  // Z_Bi significance estimation: 3.10804
