Re: setting axis titles

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Thu Jan 06 2000 - 08:32:32 MET

Hi Selim,
When drawing several histograms in the same pad, the range is defined
by the axis parameters of the first drawn histogram and the axis titles
shown are the ones of this first histogram. Any changes to the axis
of the other histograms cannot be reflected to the picture.

If this is not your problem, please send me a working macro and compiled
code that reproduces this problem.

I also assume you are using the version 2.23

Rene Brun

Selim Issever wrote:
> Dear all,
> I seem to make something really stupid. I want to set the x- and y-axis title
> of the most recent drawn histogram automatically; so I dont know the explicit
> histogram name. This is my approach:
> ===== a macro ========================================
> {
>   if (gPad) {
>     TList   *list = gPad->GetListOfPrimitives();
>     TObject *obj  = list->First();
>     while(obj) {
>       int cmpval = strncmp("TH", obj->ClassName(), 2);
>       if( !cmpval ) {
>         TH1 *hey = (TH1 *) obj;
>         hey->SetXTitle("aaa");
>         hey->SetYTitle("bbb");
>       }
>       obj = list->After(obj);
>     }
>   }
> }
> ===== end a macro ====================================
> for some odd reasons the macro implementation works, but as soon as I copy the
> above snippet into a function and compile it with my root application it
> doesnt work:
> in my linkdef I've added the line:
> #pragma link C++ function afunc;
> ===== afunc ==========================================
> void afunc() {
>   if (gPad) {
>     TList   *list = gPad->GetListOfPrimitives();
>     TObject *obj  = list->First();
>     while(obj) {
>       int cmpval = strncmp("TH", obj->ClassName(), 2);
>       if( !cmpval ) {
>         TH1 *hey = (TH1 *) obj;
>         hey->SetXTitle("aaaaa");
>         hey->SetYTitle("bbbbb");
>       }
>       obj = list->After(obj);
>     }
>   }
> }
> =============================================================
> at the x axis nothing is displayed, at the y axis the string "aaaaa" is
> displayed,..
> I seem to miss something,.. does anybody know, where the problem is?
> Thanks for your time!
> Cheers,
> Selim
> --
> Selim Issever | Tel: 040 8998-2843    +- "Unser Oertchen ist viel ----
> DESY-F15      | Fax: 040 8998-4033    +- aelter als euer Scheiss-Marl.
> Notkestr. 85  | +-------  Diplomand ------------
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